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"swelled out, and it seemed as if it was about to<br />

"burst, and it was heavy; and there was upon it<br />

"the seal [p. ii] of a golden ring, [upon one' side<br />

Descrip- "of which had been engraved] the sun, and a head<br />

drlm, ' ° "of a lion and a spear on the other. ' And again<br />

"I saw a bird flying above my head, and then I<br />

"awoke from my dream; now what do these things<br />

"indicate.'^" And the interpreter of dreams said<br />

'<br />

The augur "unto him, "What thou hast seen in thy dream<br />

'<br />

' "is true. ,,. Now inasmuch as thou hast seen the<br />

"womb of a woman which was great [with child]<br />

"and which was sealed, [this sheweth that the woman]<br />

"had been given in marriage and that man had<br />

"known her; and moreover the seal is a safeguard.^<br />

"And that the woman hath conceived is mani-<br />

"^ "fest, because no man taketh care to protect the<br />

"empty vessel of the potter. Inasmuch as it is<br />

"gold with which she is sealed, [the seed] is not<br />

"that of a foreigner, but of Egypt. ^ Moreover, as<br />

"concerning her conception, it hath not been caused<br />

' The text here seems to be corrupt; the Gr. has UTrevoriffe<br />

be Tf|V 9U01V auxfji; NeiXiJba pipXiu KatappoiTTTeiv aurov Kai<br />

ffqppaYiCeiv baKTuXiui XPuffw ev XiGuj YXuqprjv exovTi KecpaXr)v<br />

XeovTog, rjXiou Kpaiog xai bopdnov (Meusel, p. 711) and<br />

rjv 5e 6 baKiuXioi; xpucoO? exuuv XiGov, Kai ev xuj XiGuj<br />

eKTUTTLU|ua iiXiou Ktti KeqpaXi'iv XeovTOi; Kai bopdnov (Miiller,<br />

p. 8). ^ Read b'h9"li\'¥±U- '•<br />

3 Read hof'Tr ? * Read K^h^^- :<br />

5 The translator has missed the point about the papyrus<br />

mentioned in the Greek nepi be to Kaxappdnxeiv pupXiiu,<br />

oiiba)ioO pOpXci; fevvaxai ei |ir| ev AiYunxaj- AiYUTTxia ouv<br />

1] (TTTopd xuYXavei (Miiller, p. g,<br />

col. i).

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