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PHILIP'S DREAM. 21<br />

"Philip shall come and shall see that which hath<br />

"come upon thee , be strong, and fear not, neither<br />

"be thou afraid of him." Thus did he blacken the<br />

heart of Olympias by the might of his sorcery.<br />

Then^ Nectanebus took a swift bird,'' and mutter-<br />

ed over it certain charms^ and names [of gods]"*, Nectanebus<br />

and he ordered it to fly betwixt heaven and earth, dream to<br />

and in one day and one night it traversed many^*"''*"'<br />

lands, and countries, and seas, and it came to<br />

Philip by night and stopped [there]. And it came<br />

to pass at that very hour and on that very night<br />

that Philip saw a marvellous dream, for being moved<br />

and stirred by the bird, he saw as it were one<br />

of the gods of the earth, who was exceedingly<br />

beautiful in form, and who had upon his head<br />

a horn, and whose head and beard were shaven,<br />

come to queen Olympias and sleep with her. And<br />

the god said to her, "Behold thou hast conceived<br />

"of me a child, who will protect thee and who will<br />

"avenge thee on Philip."^ [And when Philip awoke<br />

he sent straightway for an interpreter of dreams and<br />

told him what he had seen. And he said], "I,<br />

"Philip, saw the womb of the queen, but it was<br />

' See Pseudo-Callisthenes, Bk. i, chap. 8 (Miiller, p. 8,<br />

Meusel, p. 710). ^ Gr. lepaKa TTeXdxiov.<br />

3 ^fi't '•<br />

altered into j^A'Th = + Read flJ?ift'^'> : ?<br />

s Some words having the following meaning have probably<br />

dropped out of the text. In the Greek the whole dream is<br />

described without a break, and it is only when the touch<br />

of the bird's wings has awakened him that he seeks to find<br />

out the meaning of the dream.

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