Donabate Urban Centre Strategy Fingal County Council

Donabate Urban Centre Strategy Fingal County Council

Donabate Urban Centre Strategy Fingal County Council


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10.0 Key Site Design and Development Briefs<br />

10.0 Key Site Design and Development Briefs<br />

KEY AREA 4 (east of railway line)<br />


VISION To encourage mixed use development which contributes to the overall character of the town core on this key site adjoining the train station.<br />

Area Character Type High Density Mixed Use Development Area<br />

Gross Area (excluding roads) 1.64ha<br />

Uses • Apartments, Duplexes, Penthouses over ground floor Retail and Commercial Uses<br />

• Offices<br />

• Transport Interchange<br />

Maximum Dwellings per Hectare 54 units per hectare<br />

Maximum Total Dwelling Units 90 units approximately<br />

Population Potential* 252<br />

Minimum Affordable/Social Dwelling Up to 20%<br />

Minimum Non Residential Development 7500m2<br />

Maximum Building Height 3 storeys<br />

Maximum Landmark Building Height 4 storeys<br />

Public Open Space Minimum 2500m2 in the form of a civic plaza, planted green verges and grassed areas.<br />

Private Open Space All dwellings to have access to private balconies/terraces and roofgarden<br />

Car Parking Provided over 2 basement levels and surface car parking. Approximate capacity of basement car park: 350 spaces<br />

(Current capacity: 145 marked spaces, 5 disabled spaces and 18 unmarked spaces)<br />

Apartments: 1-2 spaces per dwelling<br />

Offices: 1 space per 25m2 gross floor area<br />

Restaurant/Cafe: 1 space per 5m2 dining area<br />

Having regard to the close proximity of the Train Station a reduction of the car parking development plan standards may be considered subject to consultation<br />

with <strong>Fingal</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Transportation Department.<br />

Roof Style • A variety of roof profiles should be promoted at this location<br />

• Avoid the use of modern box eaves with deep projecting fascias and projecting barge boards<br />

Wall and Roof Finishes • The minimum solid is to comprise of 40% of the facade. The maximum void or glazed area is expressed as 60% of the facade<br />

• Wall materials to consider include stone, brick, render, metal and wood<br />

• Roof materials to consider include slate, photovoltaics, green roof and metal sheeting<br />

Building Setback Predominantly modest set backs to main arterial route (8 metres)<br />

*Average household size in <strong>Fingal</strong> is 2.8 (CSO 2006)<br />

Indicative building forms and materials<br />

<strong>Donabate</strong> <strong>Urban</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong> 62

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