Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council

Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council

Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council


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● Local feeder bus services to be developed that will extend the effective<br />

catchment area of the Metro. The delivery of a QBC from west <strong>Swords</strong> into<br />

Main Street and the <strong>Swords</strong> Metro Stop (via The Rise) is an important<br />

element of proposed improvements to the bus network.<br />

● In addition to the bus lay-by proposed at grade adjacent to the Stops, at the<br />

<strong>Swords</strong> Stop bus interchange facilities shall also be provided at the Plaza level.<br />

● The bus stops in Metro Quarter will be located to provide convenient<br />

interchange with Metro-North. The character will place a large emphasis on<br />

amenity and public realm. It is not envisaged that the bus interchange will<br />

be a bus terminal.<br />

DESIGN<br />

● The bridge over the R132 will be level to allow for buses to stop and pick up<br />

passengers arriving by metro.<br />

● The bus stops will be set down only. There will be no terminus provided at<br />

this location. Road engineering should discourage buses from stopping for<br />

prolonged periods of time.<br />

● Adequate shelter will be provided for passengers waiting on buses. These<br />

shelter facilities should not adversely interrupt the flow of pedestrians<br />

moving along this bridge.<br />

● Interchange facilities are to be designed in such a way as to make way<br />

finding between bus and metro as well as between transport modes and the<br />

Town Centre a priority.<br />

● Adequate signage, bus route information and digital waiting time displays to<br />

be provided.<br />

● The Metro plaza/podium and the vehicular conduit under the R132 should<br />

ideally be constructed by the time Metro North is commissioned, having<br />

regard to practical constraints associated with Metro North construction.<br />

● Independent of arrival of Metro North these elements of infrastructure will<br />

be required when development east of R132 takes place.<br />

● The completed plaza and bus-only route should be construsted in tandem<br />

with Barrysparks development to ensure links east and west.<br />

7.4.4 R132 AND METRO SETTING<br />


● The existing landscaped/parkway character of the R132 is to be maintained.<br />

● This area will provide 24 hour access to adjoining areas. It will be distinguished<br />

from all other stretches of the R132 as being part of the Metro Quarter and a<br />

gateway to <strong>Swords</strong>.<br />

● The space will include a uniform landscape treatment to both sides of the<br />

road tying into the Metro Quarter as a whole.<br />

● The development lands adjacent the Metro Stop require a dedicated<br />

vehicular access system. The major impact on the Metro Quarter is the<br />

addition of twin vehicle access/egress ramps on either side of the R132 and<br />

their associated slip roads.<br />

DESIGN<br />

● Both Pavilions and Barrysparks development façades shall have active/<br />

transparent frontage at R132 level around the Metro Plaza. In all other areas<br />

S W O R D S M A S T E R P L A N<br />

the landscape will be brought up the plinth to continue the landscaped setting.<br />

● The public realm at the R132 level will be naturally lit. Crossing points at the<br />

upper level are required however the creation of an “undercroft” situation will,<br />

as far as possible, be avoided.<br />

● Bus stops on each side of the R132 will provide adequate shelter and seating<br />

and allow for an easy transition to other transport modes.<br />

● An uninterrupted cycle route will be provided running alongside the footpath.<br />

● A landscape strip of minimum 13.5 metres (including footpath and cycle<br />

lane) will separate the R132 from the façades of the adjoining developments.<br />

The parkway condition of the R132 will become more formalised in the Metro<br />

Quarter to reflect its civic role.<br />

● Vehicle access ramps will, as far as practically possible, be hidden within<br />

landscape strips.<br />

● Appropriately scaled landscape and built form is envisaged to mitigate the<br />

impact of the infrastructure and avoid a highway or functional road<br />

engineering logic creating a place inhospitable to pedestrians.<br />

Specific Local Objectives:<br />

● Metro Plaza will be directly accessible to all public transport modes.<br />

● Building façades should be set back a minimum of 13.5 metres<br />

from the R132 to achieve a meaningful parkway condition.<br />

● Vehicle access ramps to be hidden, as far as possible, within<br />

landscape strips.<br />

● All buildings addressing the Plaza must provide direct active<br />

frontage to the plaza.<br />

● Plinth condition along R132 will carry landscape up the building<br />

façades as far as Metro Plaza height (+7.5m).<br />

● Semi mature trees, 10m in height when planted, will be used along<br />

the R132 to create an immediate continuity of the parkway condition.<br />

● Arcade treatment will be provided along plaza level until arrival of plaza.<br />

● Metro Plaza and Platform will be protected from adverse effects of<br />

noise and wind.<br />

● Adequate shelter is to be provided on the Metro Platform.<br />

8 3<br />

7.5 Land Use<br />

The Metro Quarter will provide opportunity for active and recreational uses as well<br />

as public gatherings, about a major public space. The land use mix within this area<br />

will reflect the civic importance of the space as a major transport interchange.<br />

Furthermore, there will be opportunity for extended hours of use and activity.<br />


The main land use in this area is a multimodal transport interchange at the<br />

<strong>Swords</strong> Metro Stop location. This will form the focus of an integrated public<br />

transport system for the town as a whole, involving the establishment of a network<br />

of safe and efficient pedestrian, cycle and bus routes all connecting to the Metro.<br />

RETAIL<br />

Retail frontages with frequent access points will be provided along the east and<br />

west side Metro Quarter at R132 level and Plaza level to provide active frontage.<br />

Non retail services (including cafes, sandwich bars etc) are required to act as<br />

key focal points of attraction. These may be in the form of small kiosk type<br />

buildings or be part of the active frontage adjoining the metro quarter.<br />


It is envisaged that there will be significant office development around the Metro<br />

Quarter. Lobbies fronting the Metro Quarter will be active in nature and promote<br />

evening activity. The integration of high density employment generating uses<br />

adjoining the metro is in support of sustainable development.<br />


Parking will be primarily located underground within the Pavilions and<br />

Barrysparks schemes.<br />

Specific Local Objectives:<br />

● Metro Quarter will provide for fully accessible interaction between<br />

all forms of public transport.<br />

● All buildings addressing the Metro Plaza must provide direct active<br />

frontage to the Plaza and well designed frontage onto the R132 and<br />

Metro Platform.<br />

● Shopfront signage shall integrate with the character of the Metro<br />

Plaza and promote the formation of a legible urban environment<br />

● Parking shall be primarily located below ground level.<br />

● Office development will be facilitated within Metro Quarter area.<br />

Offices must provide generous active lobbies to Metro Plaza and<br />

onto R132 level as appropriate.

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