Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council

Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council

Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council


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Central Street [see Plan and Cross Sections]<br />


● Central Street shall be the main 24 hour public pedestrian thoroughfare<br />

linking all public spaces, from Cultural Square, Pavilions Place, Metro<br />

Plaza, to ‘Upper Street’ within the Barrysparks development area.<br />

DESIGN<br />

● The width of the street shall be 12-14m.<br />

● The retail street shall have a continuous façade height between 12 and 15m.<br />

● This street shall be covered by a glazed canopy shelter structure.<br />

● Building façades above the retail street shall be set back to create a stepped<br />

profile to the street to allow the glazed canopy to bear onto the roof at this point.<br />

● Building height, orientation and width of the street shall ensure daylight and<br />

sunlight within the street, while minimising overshadowing.<br />

● Appropriate mechanisms/environmental controls shall be developed in<br />

order to ensure that a suitable environment at street level is maintained<br />

having regard to the sheltered nature of the street and the need to interface<br />

with the existing shopping centre. The environmental controls shall be<br />

attractively designed and doors shall not be utilised to enclose the street.<br />

● Materials and finishes to the street shall be designed to reflect the<br />

character of an external street.<br />

USES<br />

● Active ground floor uses shall be required.<br />

● Foyers and entrances to larger office buildings shall be facilitated along<br />

Central Street.<br />

● Main circulation routes connecting all levels shall be located off Central Street<br />

and shall not interfere with the free flow of people along this pedestrian street.<br />

● Uses over the retail street shall form part of street façades creating points<br />

of focal interest and passive supervision of the street. The location of<br />

residential/office units above shall be coordinated to ensure daylight/<br />

sunlight to the street and minimise overshadowing.<br />

● Retail units shall occupy maximum 2 floors (taken at +1 street level) with<br />

residential and office units above.<br />

● Landscaped courtyards may be visible providing opportunity for the<br />

landscaping to become part of the street character.<br />

The Rise [see Plan and Cross Sections]<br />


● The Rise shall be the main 24 hour public thoroughfare linking Malahide<br />

Road to Metro Plaza over the R132 and connecting to the Barrysparks<br />

development area. This street shall cater for cyclists and public transport.<br />

● The Rise shall be designed as a sloping street with a bridge over the R132<br />

with a gradient of less that 1:20 (subject to confirmation of detailed traffic<br />

engineering design).<br />

DESIGN<br />

● The width of The Rise street will be 12-14m (width subject to engineering<br />

requirements for bus access).<br />

● The street shall have a continuous façade height of between 12 and 15m.<br />

S W O R D S M A S T E R P L A N<br />

● This street shall be covered by a ‘shelter structure’. The shelter structure<br />

shall not be sealed off at either end by an enclosing element ensuring<br />

continued permeability and accessibility within this area.<br />

● Street façade extends above parapet height as a series of intermittent<br />

gables and landscape elements.<br />

● Building height, orientation and width of the street shall ensure daylight and<br />

sunlight within the street, while minimishing overshadowing.<br />

● Materials and finishes to the street shall be designed to reflect the<br />

character of an external street capable of taking vehicular traffic.<br />

USES<br />

● Active ground floor uses shall be required.<br />

● Foyers and entrances to larger office buildings shall be facilitated.<br />

● The Rise shall facilitate pedestrian, cyclist and public transport access from<br />

Malahide Road to the R132 and into the Barrysparks development area.<br />

● Uses over the retail street shall form part of street façades creating points<br />

of focal interest and passive supervision of the street. The location of<br />

residential/office units above shall be co-orindated to ensure daylight/sunlight<br />

to the street and minimise overshadowing.<br />

● Landscaped courtyards will be made visible, providing opportunity for the<br />

landscaping to become part of the street character.<br />

Shop Street and Mall Street [see Plan and Cross Sections]<br />


● Shop Street shall link the primary streets of Central Street and The Rise and<br />

will have restricted accessibility (minimum 18hr).<br />

● Shop Street shall be a pedestrian only street.<br />

DESIGN<br />

● The width of Shop Street shall be 10-12m.<br />

● The street shall have a continuous façade of 13 to 15m height.<br />

● The street shall be covered by a shelter structure.<br />

● Building façades above the retail street shall be set back to create a<br />

stepped profile to street.<br />

● Building height, orientation and width of the street shall ensure daylight and<br />

sunlight within the street, while minimising overshadowing.<br />

● Materials and finishes to the street shall be designed to have the character<br />

of external street.<br />

USES<br />

● Active ground floor uses shall be required.<br />

● Main circulation cores connecting all levels and residential entrances shall<br />

be accommodated along Shop Street.<br />

● Uses over the retail street shall form part of street façades creating points<br />

of focal interest and passive supervision of the street. The location of<br />

residential/office units above shall be co-orindated to ensure daylight/sunlight<br />

to the street and minimise overshadowing.<br />

Side Street [see Plan and Cross Sections]<br />

Three streets identified on the plan are given the generic name ‘Side Street’. The<br />

guidance hereunder refers to the basic parameters governing the design of each<br />

of these streets.<br />

6 7<br />


● Side Street is a small scale public route linking primary streets with north<br />

and south edges. Side Street shall have 24hr accessibility and shall be<br />

primarily pedestrian and catering cyclists.<br />

DESIGN<br />

● The width of Side Street shall be 8-10m.<br />

● The profile of the street shall have a continuous façade, while street parapet<br />

heights may vary but shall be smaller in scale than primary streets, circa.9-15m.<br />

● This type of street shall be open (unsheltered).<br />

● Building height, orientation and width shall ensure daylight and sunlight<br />

within the street while minimising overshadowing.<br />

● Materials and finishes shall be designed to reflect the use as an external street.<br />

USES<br />

● Active ground floor uses incorporating small scale retail service uses and<br />

‘own door’ suites shall be accommodated.<br />

● Residential entrances, casual recreation and specialist uses shall be<br />

accommodated.<br />

● Uses over the retail street shall form part of street façades creating points<br />

of focal interest and passive supervision of the street. The location of<br />

residential/office units above shall be co-orindated to ensure daylight/sunlight<br />

to the street and minimise overshadowing.<br />

South Street [see Plan and Sections]<br />


● South Street shall be a residential street, mediating between the suburban<br />

scale of Carlton Court and the urban scale of the Town Centre.<br />

● South Street shall be a public street with 24 hour accessibility which will cater<br />

for pedestrians, cyclists, taxi and vehicular traffic. This street shall not be covered.<br />

DESIGN<br />

● The width of South Street shall be 13m.<br />

● The profile of the street and height of buildings shall be constrained by the<br />

need to create an edge treatment which responds to existing scale and<br />

character of the existing adjoining and permitted residential development<br />

within Carlton Court.<br />

● The heights and layout of buildings will be restricted within parameters set<br />

out in Edges Conditions: Southern Edge.<br />

● A minimum 3m wide continuous densely planted tree screen and landscaped<br />

corridor shall be provided at the edge with Carlton Court residential<br />

development (see Edge Conditions: Southern Edge). The layout of buildings will<br />

provide opportunity for integrating tree planting into streetscape creating a<br />

green corridor while creating a softer landscape edge to existing Carlton Court.<br />

● The residential street shall act as an active edge and screen to the retail<br />

development behind.<br />

● The residential units shall be 1, 2 and 3 storey and shall reflect the scale<br />

and form of existing and permitted neighbouring housing.<br />

USES<br />

● A mix of own door unit types shall be provided, with provision for community<br />

facilities, such as a crèche.

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