Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council

Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council

Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council


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S W O R D S M A S T E R P L A N<br />

Urban Design Principle Issue Urban Design Guidelines<br />

Land Uses North Street contains a range of uses including commercial, retail<br />

and community uses. A site design and development brief is required<br />

to be prepared for this area.<br />

Protect and enhance a mixed use typology in accordance with a future site design and development brief.<br />

Topography The character area’s flat topography potentially will heighten the<br />

Buildings here should fit in with the existing townscape which brings out <strong>Swords</strong> local topography. Consider the impact of buildings on sightlines<br />

significance of landmark buildings within the area.<br />

and views within this character area.<br />

Views n/a<br />

n/a<br />

Public Open Space The River Ward with some mature tree stands skirts the western<br />

edge of the block.<br />

Potential opportunities to create new public spaces along the River Ward should be explored at the western edge of the block.<br />

Legibility This southern edge of the block consists of a landmark building<br />

Ensure that any key landmark building proposed within this block remains dominant within the streetscape. Consider the introduction of a<br />

which assists in the areas legibility.<br />

coherent signage strategy within this area and also across the town to improve legibility.<br />

Connections The block is located along the direct route to the proposed Estuary<br />

The pedestrian environment within this block should be made conducive to pedestrians and on-street car parking. Pedestrian crossings should be<br />

Metro Stop. Pedestrian footpaths and the quality of the public realm<br />

within this area are generally poor.<br />

protected and enhanced, and on-street car parking should be improved upon.<br />

Parking There are no significant off-street car parks in the area.<br />

Consider carefully parking provision in the character area and explore the potential for additional public parking as part of new developments.<br />

Safety and Security To the western and northern edge of the block there exists areas of Encourage where possible low boundary walls/hedging to ensure optimum surveillance of the public realm. Buildings should front onto the public<br />

high walls and inactive frontages to the public realm.<br />

realm to encourage ‘eyes on the street’. The principles of ‘Safer Places: the planning system and crime prevention’ by the ODPM should be<br />

incorporated as part of any new development. Please refer to Appendix 2.0 of this document.<br />

Protected Structures The area contains no protected or historically significant buildings.<br />

n/a<br />

Development Block<br />

Size<br />

The block layout is typically organic in form and layout.<br />

Promote new block structures which should include flexibility and variation in size and shape to promote the distinctive organic nature of the town.<br />

Urban Grain This area has an inconsistent loose urban grain which detracts from<br />

the overall legibility of the area.<br />

Opportunities to reinforce the urban grain should be explored particularly where there are breaks in the building line and gap sites.<br />

Quality of Building<br />

Frontage<br />

To the north and east of the area there are buildings where the<br />

frontage is of a negative quality.<br />

Buildings should provide a high quality frontage directly to the street to provide good enclosure and enhance the public realm.<br />

Building Orientation To the south of the block buildings maintain a strong continuity of<br />

active frontage to the street.<br />

New development to the east, west and north of the block should maintain strong continuity of building frontage along the street.<br />

Building Height and<br />

Massing<br />

The massing of the 4 storey commercial block at the northern end of<br />

North Street dominates the street.<br />

A consistent height of up to five storeys is appropriate at this location. There is also potential for a landmark building within this gateway area with<br />

heights exceeding the recommended five stories. This landmark building should retain an appropriate slenderness ratio of between 1:3 and 1:4. At<br />

the planning application stage proposals for a landmark building within this area should be subject to a visual impact assessment in an effort to<br />

ensure that the integrity of the area is not compromised.<br />

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