Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council

Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council

Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council


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S W O R D S M A S T E R P L A N<br />

Urban Design Principle Issue Urban Design Guidelines<br />

Legibility This character area contains some very legible features: <strong>Swords</strong><br />

Ensure that key landmarks such as the protected structures along North Street remain dominant within the streetscape. Consider opportunities<br />

Castle, the historic street shape of North Street and the historic<br />

to enhance on-street parking provision along North Street. Consider the introduction of a coherent signage strategy across the town to improve<br />

buildings which line them.<br />

legibility.<br />

Connections + Routes North Street is the key direct north-south route through <strong>Swords</strong> and The environment within North Street should be made conducive to pedestrians and on-street car parking. Pedestrian crossings should be<br />

will be a direct route to the proposed Estuary Metro Stop. Pedestrian protected and enhanced, and on-street car parking should be improved upon. The existing access way to <strong>Swords</strong> Town Park to the northern end<br />

footpaths and the quality of the public realm within this area are<br />

generally poor. At certain parts along North Street illegal parking on<br />

the footpaths are evident.<br />

of North Street should be environmentally improved to provide an attractive gateway to the park.<br />

Parking On-street parking is an important convenience for visitors to the<br />

Consider carefully parking provision in the character area and explore the potential for additional public parking as part of new developments to<br />

North Street area, although it creates some problems in terms of<br />

safety issues. There are no significant off-street car parks in the<br />

area, which increases pressure on neighboring residential streets.<br />

the western edge of North Street. The existing on-street parking within the North Street area should be protected and bays clearly delineated.<br />

Safety and Security The existing access way to <strong>Swords</strong> Town Park to the northern<br />

Improve lighting levels along key pedestrian footpaths leading to <strong>Swords</strong> Town Park to the west of North Street. Consider the potential of utilizing<br />

western end of North Street is poorly lit and lacking in natural<br />

the long rear gardens west of North Street to front development onto <strong>Swords</strong> Town Park and therefore improve natural surveillance. The<br />

surveillance.<br />

principles of ‘Safer Places: the planning system and crime prevention’ by the ODPM should be incorporated as part of any new development.<br />

Please refer to Appendix 2.0 of this document.<br />

Protected Structures Unlike the eastern edge of North Street the western edge of contains<br />

no protected structures. However buildings of interest exist such as the<br />

terrace of two storey residential buildings to the north western end.<br />

Protect the existing architectural character of the street.<br />

Development Block<br />

Size<br />

The block dimensions to the west of North Street are large in<br />

comparison to the retail/commercial core of Main Street.<br />

Promote new block structures which should include flexibility and variation in size and shape to promote the distinctive organic nature of the town.<br />

Urban Grain The majority of North Street to the west has a loose urban grain due Opportunities to reinforce a fine urban grain should be explored west of North Street particularly where there are breaks in the building line and<br />

to the prevalence of large format garages. To the northern and<br />

gap sites. A building width of between 10m-15m should be promoted to the western edge of North Street. New development can address this grain<br />

southern end the existing residential terrace and recent infill<br />

development respectively provides a fine urban grain.<br />

through facade design with variations in the façade composition to echo the historical grain pattern.<br />

Quality of Building<br />

Frontage<br />

To the west of North Street some buildings possess frontages of a<br />

negative quality.<br />

Buildings should provide a high quality frontage directly to the street along North Street to provide good enclosure and enhance the public realm.<br />

Landmark pavilion-type buildings providing views and access to the town park will also be facilitated along North Street west.<br />

Building Orientation Along North Street to the west the significant building set backs from New development, especially to the west of North Street should maintain strong continuity of building frontage along North Street. To the<br />

the large format garages present an inactive frontage to the public<br />

realm. To the backlands west of North Street, rear gardens and high<br />

walls present an unattractive inactive frontage to the Town Park.<br />

backlands, opportunities to front buildings onto <strong>Swords</strong> Town Park should be promoted to increase safety and security in the area.<br />

Building Height and<br />

Massing<br />

Architectural<br />

Features<br />

The northern end of North Street is predominantly 2 storeys in scale.<br />

However to the southern end of North Street with recent infill<br />

developments heights of three storeys exist.<br />

The older properties to the northern edge of North Street as well as<br />

the recent infill development to the south of the street have a vertical<br />

emphasis to their character, with good solid to void ratios and<br />

architectural features of merit.<br />

Between two and three storeys is appropriate to the west of North Street, so long as they do not adversely impact upon existing residential<br />

amenity.<br />

Ensure the following in new developments to respect the existing character of North Street West:<br />

Building Proportion<br />

• A high solid to void ratio in all new buildings.<br />

• Vertical window forms should be promoted to enhance the vertical emphasis.<br />

Roofs and Chimneys<br />

• Roofs should always span the shortest plan dimension to avoid excessively large roof spans.<br />

• Roof pitches should generally be between 30°-35°.<br />

• Lean-to roofs should be of equal or lower pitch than the main roof.<br />

• Flat roofs and other roof profiles should be promoted at North Street West.<br />

• Promote the use of a gable and hipped roof styles to reflect the prevailing roof profile.<br />

• Discourage the use of gambrel/mansard or bonnet type roof profiles.<br />

• Retain existing chimneys, even if not in use, and new chimneys and repairs should match the traditional details.<br />

• Avoid the standard modern box eaves with deep projecting fascia, flat soffit and projecting barge boards.<br />

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