Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council

Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council

Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council


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10.6 Heights Strategy Diagram<br />

A diagram has been produced that sets out appropriate height ranges for the<br />

various character areas in the town. The heights on the diagram are shown in<br />

storey height ranges. This unit of measure has been adopted for ease of<br />

comprehension rather than using dimensions in metres. Storey heights are taken<br />

as residential floor to floor levels of around 3m with commercial buildings at an<br />

assumed 5m approximate floor to floor level. Allowance should be made for roof<br />

forms rising and set back above these storey heights: Typically these heights are<br />

in the region of 3m for housing and 4-5m for non residential uses, dependant on<br />

the building type and form.<br />

Objectives<br />

● To ensure development sites adjoining established residential areas<br />

provide adequate set backs, landscape tree screening barriers and<br />

building height limits to protect existing residential amenity.<br />

● To ensure that the height and massing of any new development does<br />

not adversely affect any conservation area or protected<br />

monument/structure including proscribed vistas and views.<br />

● To ensure that all development does not have detrimental effects on<br />

local microclimate, within or adjoining the development site, by<br />

either inhibiting sunlight/daylight penetration or down draughts off<br />

taller elements.<br />

● To provide a limited number of strategically sited taller buildings on<br />

selected key development sites that will contribute positively to the<br />

current and future identity of <strong>Swords</strong> as a town.<br />

● To provide higher density and increased height buildings around the<br />

proposed Metro stops to take advantage of the arrival of Metro<br />

North and the need to create a compact and sustainable form to an<br />

expanded <strong>Swords</strong>.<br />

● To plan height in relation to a cohesive urban structure and<br />

respecting typical street width to height ratios of 1:1<br />

● To retain and enhance the advantages that the height of the existing<br />

landscape of mature trees has in mitigating scale changes between<br />

different sites and building forms.<br />

● To use height sensitively in building a distinctive skyline for the town,<br />

so forming a key component of the identity of the ‘emerging green<br />

city of <strong>Swords</strong>’.<br />

10.7 Summary<br />

In summary the <strong>Masterplan</strong>’s building heights strategy is based on established<br />

urban design principles: Respect for the identity and character of the receiving<br />

context, achieving sustainable densities in new developments, locating taller<br />

buildings in appropriate locations within the <strong>Masterplan</strong> area and creating<br />

attractive and pleasant open spaces and a quality public realm.<br />

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S W O R D S M A S T E R P L A N<br />

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