Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council

Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council

Swords Masterplan - Fingal County Council


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include the site boundary treatment, the new landscape edge to the R132, the<br />

avenues and streetscapes with arcades and walkways traversing and linking the<br />

indoor and outdoor spaces of the development. Urban squares, roof gardens and<br />

a civic park provides open spaces of varying sizes along the pedestrian axis<br />

connecting the southern end of the site with the new Metro Stop.<br />

The landscape strategy in relation to the Barrysparks boundary areas is as follows:<br />

All existing vegetation is to be retained where appropriate unless it is assessed<br />

and shown to be unsafe, diseased or of no long term amenity value. This<br />

established vegetation forms an important source of food and shelter for fauna<br />

and is indispensable for maintaining flora and fauna density.<br />

● Existing Vegetation<br />

The existing vegetation pattern is to be enhanced where suitable and new<br />

planting to consist of predominantly existing/native species to retain the<br />

local landscape identity and sense of place, its character and distinctiveness<br />

wherever possible. It will thus remain as a predominantly linear landscape,<br />

with elements of varying width.<br />

● Views and Vistas<br />

Opportunities for views in and out of the site may be desirable locally and<br />

the boundary planting will be either low or non existent to allow interesting<br />

or attractive views of the surrounding area. Conversely, the width may<br />

increase and a high content of evergreen species be introduced to maximise<br />

all year screening and minimise nuisances such as views to loading or<br />

storage areas, car parking etc.<br />

● New planting<br />

The aspect of new planting facing the development gives the opportunity to<br />

improve the environment by increasing soft landscaping areas, species<br />

diversity and improve the reproductive capacity of an ecosystem.<br />

The quantity of soft landscaping will decrease when moving from the site<br />

boundary towards the more urban areas. The civic park will be an exception. At<br />

roof level the landscape impact is high due to the extent of proposed green roofs.<br />

S W O R D S M A S T E R P L A N<br />

The landscape strategy in relation to the Barrysparks development area is as follows:<br />

● Avenues (north-south)<br />

The north-south aligned avenues are lined with rows of trees on both sides<br />

creating visually strong, formal and linear elements of a simple and striking<br />

architectural appearance appropriate for the speed of traffic. The tree<br />

species is limited to one or maximum two species for coherency and<br />

continuity creating a strong identity throughout the site. The row of trees<br />

will be interrupted by site accesses and visibility splays etc., and where<br />

unobstructed views are desired.<br />

A band of low ground cover in the verge separates the combined foot/cycle<br />

path from vehicular traffic thus providing a safer and more attractive<br />

experience when using the road network. An intermittent band of low<br />

ornamental planting or low hedging beneath the avenue trees will allow<br />

pedestrian movement between footpaths and pedestrian access points<br />

along building façades etc.<br />

● Streets (mainly east-west and including the north-south central<br />

pedestrian axis)<br />

These streets experience a higher volume of pedestrians and give fewer<br />

opportunities for soft landscaping. Therefore a carefully selected palette of<br />

high quality paving materials and street furniture will be chosen to ensure<br />

continuity, visual calmness and coherency throughout. Preference will be<br />

given to sustainable materials.<br />

Selected streets allow limited access for cars and/or buses facilitating<br />

access to these parts and spaces at all times.<br />

The streets form an essential part of the extensive pedestrian and cyclist<br />

network which will help to successfully integrate the development with the<br />

surroundings and encourage an influx of people to the outdoor and indoor<br />

amenities.<br />

● Main Square<br />

Main Square is the largest open hard landscaped space and will be used as<br />

a central meeting and resting place. It may also be used for seasonal<br />

events like Christmas fairs, skating rink, farmers market or similar.<br />

● Civic Park<br />

As part of the infrastructure contract a large open public space will be<br />

constructed. It is located south of the MC Zone Lands around the central<br />

axis of the development.<br />

The existing streams are to be retained wherever possible as open<br />

watercourses in accordance with SUDS principles and form part of the over<br />

ground attenuation ponds. They will add character and diversity to the<br />

character of the civic park.<br />

An extensive pedestrian and cyclist network links the civic park to surrounding<br />

developments, residential areas, Metro North and <strong>Swords</strong> city centre.<br />

● Green Roofs<br />

The proposal for large scale units adjacent to Metro North maximise the<br />

opportunity for green roof technology promoting long-term sustainability.<br />

They form an essential part of the SUDS designs and add ecological,<br />

aesthetic and amenity advantages in addition to reducing the volume of<br />

runoff and attenuating peak flows.<br />

Consideration will be given to the climate and potentially harsh exposed<br />

growing conditions. Hardy plant species will be selected.<br />

The types of green roofs range from intensive to extensive with no access to<br />

extensive areas.<br />

9 7<br />



● Artwork – A series of artwork and bespoke urban elements, such as<br />

seating, lighting and paving patterns will be used at appropriate locations.<br />

● Lighting – Lighting shall be used as an integral design element while also<br />

acting as a functional safety installation.<br />

● Uncluttered and Uninterrupted – Provision of an unfussy floor plane that<br />

responds to the street type requirements, while at the same time providing<br />

seating and relaxation/ outdoor dining functions. In this manner, patterns of<br />

usage are considered and catered for.<br />

● Vista and Termination – Consideration will be given to the provision of a<br />

green terminus in the form of tree nodes and views to green areas to the<br />

boundary.<br />


● The continuation of a uniform quality paving material shall provide an<br />

apparent extension and integration of the future development into the existing<br />

urban fabric. A key factor for the integration of the development shall be the<br />

similarity/matching of the external and internal landscape element.<br />

A selection of lighting shall form a continuous appearance around the<br />

boundary of the site, while also marking the primary street connections.<br />

Specimen Tree selection: The continuity of tree form and appearance shall<br />

provide a legible boundary along the R132. Tree selection at the Metro<br />

Quarter will be more urban in character (see section 7.0 Metro Quarter).<br />


● To achieve the appearance of a balanced and proportional landscape<br />

treatment to the roof terrace levels, it is critical that there is a sufficient<br />

layering of planted material and build-up to allow for the installation of<br />

large tree species and associated planting.<br />

● To achieve the build-up and planting depth for the upper realm, landscape<br />

is carefully coordinated with the engineering requirements to take into<br />

consideration the loading, drainage and irrigation issues. The availability of<br />

an interstitial layer at below the residential levels allows for the<br />

development of a much more dynamic and proportioned landscape<br />

treatment than a standard ‘loaded’ roof terrace.<br />

● The residential roof plan will allow the opportunity for a sequence of<br />

interconnected spaces. It is intended that these landscaped areas are visible<br />

from street level and add to the character and animation of the streetscape.<br />

● A selection of spatial requirements is included within the confines of the<br />

upper realm levels. Semi public play area, barbeque and outdoor eating<br />

areas, green space and shelter/screen planting are combined to create an<br />

animated living environment.

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