Investment climate - FiFo Ost

Investment climate - FiFo Ost

Investment climate - FiFo Ost


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Aral Sea<br />

Turkmenistan<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

Uzbekistan<br />

Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile<br />

Contents<br />

page<br />

Foreword 1<br />

Introduction 2<br />

Map of Turkmenistan 3<br />

Economic summary 4<br />

Selected economic indicators 5<br />

<strong>Investment</strong> <strong>climate</strong> 6<br />

Foreign direct investment 6<br />

<strong>Investment</strong> policy and incentives 6<br />

Privatisation and restructuring 8<br />

Markets and trade 9<br />

Taxation and social expenditure 9<br />

Major sectors of the economy 10<br />

Oil and gas 10<br />

Case study: Dragon Oil 11<br />

Agriculture and agribusiness 13<br />

Energy 14<br />

Telecommunications 14<br />

Transport 14<br />

Financial sector 17<br />

Banking sector 17<br />

Non-bank financial institutions 18<br />

EBRD activities in Turkmenistan 19<br />

This document was drafted by the EBRD Country Promotion Programme<br />

team assisted by Bank staff and the Turkmen authorities. It was<br />

prepared with information available up to March 2001, derived principally<br />

from the EBRD, the IMF, the World Bank, Reuters, BISNIS, and Turkmen<br />

government agencies. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy.<br />

However, no responsibility is accepted for the contents of this document.<br />

ISSN 1470-3963

Foreword<br />

Thank you for your interest in this publication, prepared in<br />

cooperation with the EBRD. It aims to provide information for<br />

potential investors who are interested in supporting enterprises<br />

in the non-state sector of the economy and private business<br />

about opportunities for long-term investments in certain sectors<br />

of Turkmenistan's economy.<br />

The future of the Turkmen economy is linked with the<br />

continuation of market reforms in the country, its greater<br />

openness and active entry into the international community.<br />

Under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan a<br />

national programme has been prepared, the Strategy for Social-<br />

Economic Reforms for the period up to 2010. This is a global<br />

plan for the transformation of Turkmenistan into a developed<br />

state, for which all the essential conditions exist. It involves a<br />

qualitative reform of all aspects of life: a thorough renewal of<br />

technological provisions and of economic relations, changes<br />

in the composition and nature of labour and of material and<br />

spiritual living conditions.<br />

The main element of the national economic model consists<br />

in creating a developed, socially oriented market economy -<br />

with strong state macroeconomic regulation. The ultimate<br />

aim is to attain the level of developed countries with a rich<br />

resource provision.<br />

The economic reform currently being conducted in Turkmenistan<br />

is aimed at strengthening economic independence, and at<br />

achieving stable development in all sectors of the economy<br />

and especially the non-state sector of the economy.<br />

Turkmenistan is actively implementing the processes of<br />

privatisation and demonopolisation of enterprises. At the<br />

beginning of 2001, about 2,000 state-owned objects were<br />

transferred to the non-state sector, and many enterprises were<br />

transformed into joint stock companies. Turkmenistan is on the<br />

way towards major economic reforms, and there is still much to<br />

be done to bring them into being. The effectiveness of economic<br />

reforms directly depends on the volume of investments made<br />

by international financial institutions, notably the EBRD. Credits<br />

extended by the EBRD and the TACIS programme are being fully<br />

and actively used towards the development of small and<br />

medium-sized businesses in Turkmenistan.<br />

Aral Sea<br />

Turkmenistan<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

Uzbekistan<br />

In addition, we wish to note that this profile on the investment<br />

<strong>climate</strong> of Turkmenistan does not mention all the successes<br />

that have been achieved, especially in the agricultural, textile<br />

and chemical sectors. We would wish the world community to<br />

have a clear impression of our country's economy.<br />

Finally we would like to note that this profile will give potential<br />

investors the chance to take a new look at Turkmenistan's<br />

economic potential and to evaluate the opportunities it offers<br />

in terms of investment.<br />

Seyitbay Kandymov<br />

Chairman of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan<br />

EBRD Governor for Turkmenistan<br />

Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile 1

Turkmenistan has taken an individual path towards transition, and favours a gradual and cautious approach. It places<br />

emphasis on social stability as a necessary condition for economic growth, and therefore prefers not to apply dramatic reform<br />

measures. The government’s 10-year development plan issued in 2000 emphasises state-led investment to build Turkmenistan<br />

into a modern economy, fuelled by energy production and cotton processing. Renewed gas exports have supported a vigorous<br />

output recovery since 1999 but doubts over the sustainability of Turkmenistan’s economic course remain.<br />

Turkmenistan achieved record double digit growth rates in 1999<br />

and 2000, on the back of resumed gas exports to Russia and<br />

Ukraine, as well as a series of good cotton and wheat harvests.<br />

The country reacted to the Russian crisis by reintroducing<br />

exchange controls, which remain in place and are a cause of<br />

significant economic distortions and imbalances.<br />

Transition years<br />

Aral Sea<br />

Turkmenistan<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

Uzbekistan<br />

The years following independence in 1991 were characterised<br />

by a sharp fall in GDP. Between 1992 and 1996 real GDP fell<br />

by a cumulative 50 per cent. Turkmenistan was unable to<br />

benefit from rising energy prices due to the inability of several<br />

CIS countries to pay for their gas imports and, as a result,<br />

payment arrears mounted and gas output declined. The<br />

suspension of gas exports to Ukraine in 1997 due to<br />

payment problems contributed to a further 11 per cent<br />

decline in GDP that year.<br />

However, since 1997, there has been a steady economic<br />

improvement. For the first time since independence, real GDP<br />

has increased for three consecutive years. These increases<br />

were due mainly to improved cotton and wheat harvests and<br />

to rising gas and oil production. Continuing growth in 2000<br />

resulted in part from increased gas exports to Russia. In late<br />

1999, Turkmenistan signed a deal with Russia for the sale of<br />

20 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas to Moscow, which was<br />

later increased to 30 bcm. Turkmenistan also has an<br />

agreement to supply 30 bcm of gas to Ukraine this year,<br />

although the challenge to diversify gas transit and access<br />

more creditworthy customers remains.<br />

After the break-up of the Soviet Union, prices rose sharply in<br />

Turkmenistan. Since 1995, Turkmenistan has progressively<br />

reduced inflation rates to an official 8 per cent in 2000.<br />

This is partly the result of using foreign exchange intervention<br />

to sterilise the expansionary impact of state directed credits.<br />

However, prices controls remain on a number of key<br />

commodities, which combined with other administrative<br />

restrictions help to keep official inflation in check, despite<br />

much larger unofficial estimates.<br />

2 Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile<br />

Introduction<br />

Gradual pace of reform<br />

Compared to most of the CIS countries, economic reforms<br />

have been implemented very slowly in Turkmenistan. The state<br />

remains the dominant player in the economy. In addition to<br />

the fact that some price controls are still in place, foreign<br />

exchange is rationed and the parallel exchange rate is three<br />

times the official rate.<br />

Privatisation of small enterprises has been implemented<br />

but there is still scope for selling off medium and large<br />

scale companies. In the short term, the foreign exchange<br />

restrictions are the main weakness in Turkmenistan’s<br />

investment <strong>climate</strong>. Increased gas export revenues should<br />

provide the room for unification.<br />

Given its resource base, Turkmenistan has good long-term<br />

potential for development. Realisation of this potential would<br />

be boosted by further foreign investments.<br />

Political regime and international relations<br />

The President is the main decision-maker for the country’s<br />

economic, social and political choices. Political life is<br />

dominated by a single party, the Democratic Party of<br />

Turkmenistan. In the international arena, Turkmenistan pursues<br />

an active policy of neutrality, which means no alignment with<br />

any political or military alliances or blocs and a commitment<br />

to remain neutral in any conflict between states. The policy<br />

of neutrality has been the backbone of Turkmen foreign policy<br />

and was devised by President Niyazov.<br />

Together with Iran, Turkmenistan is the only other country that<br />

first advocated a joint use of the Caspian Sea resources and<br />

opposed the delimitation of the sea along sectoral lines,<br />

which would give each littoral country its own sea sector<br />

together with the right to explore the seabed resources and<br />

minerals. However, Turkmenistan’s position is shifting.<br />

Turkmenistan has particular differences with Azerbaijan<br />

over the division of the Caspian Sea, claiming that a part<br />

of the sea, known in Turkmenistan as Serdar, belongs to<br />

Turkmenistan and that Azerbaijan is conducting exploration

C A S P I A N S E A<br />

Karabogazkol<br />

Gulf<br />

Turkmenbashi<br />

Etrek<br />

Balkanabat<br />

to Tehran<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

Bereket<br />

Serdar<br />

This map has been prepared exclusively for the convenience of<br />

readers. The denominations used and the boundaries shown on this<br />

map do not imply any judgement on the legal status of any territory<br />

or any endorsement of such boundaries.<br />

4844 IP01 Turkmenistan map<br />

LAKE<br />


Islamic Republic of Iran<br />

Kunja-<br />

Urgench<br />


✈ ASHGABAT<br />

works there illegally. However, Russia’s changing attitude<br />

towards the division of the Caspian Sea resources to accept<br />

delimitation rather than the principle of common use is likely<br />

to affect an overall outcome. A recent initiative by President<br />

Niyazov to convene a presidential summit of the five littoral<br />

states was endorsed by Azerbaijan and Russia. The summit<br />

will take place in spring 2001.<br />

In February 2001, Turkmenistan agreed to export 10 bcm of<br />

gas to Russia this year, at a price of US$ 40 per 1,000 cubic<br />

metres, in addition to 30 bcm of gas sales to Ukraine agreed<br />

in October 2000. To reduce the vulnerability of its economy to<br />

non-payment or transit disruptions, Turkmenistan is exploring<br />

options for alternative gas pipelines. One option would be to<br />

Dashoguz<br />

Darvaza<br />

Seytli<br />

Tedzhen<br />

MARY<br />

Serakhs<br />

Serkhetabat<br />

R . A m u D a r y a<br />


R . M u r g a b<br />

Uzbekistan<br />

Bukhara<br />

Beshkyzyl<br />

Atamurat<br />

Yelkui<br />


to Samarkand<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Introduction<br />

Scale<br />

km<br />

0 40 80 120 160 200<br />

Qarshi<br />

build a trans-Caspian pipeline under the Caspian Sea to Turkey,<br />

although disagreements over the terms have put this plan on<br />

hold. Another option consists of an already existing small<br />

pipeline to Iran, whose capacity could be increased once a<br />

pipeline between Iran and Turkey is completed so that Turkmen<br />

gas could be exported to the lucrative Turkish market. However,<br />

a recent gas find in Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz exploration area in<br />

the Caspian Sea creates competition for Turkmen gas exports<br />

as Azerbaijan is also keen to export gas to Turkey. There are<br />

further options for exporting Turkmen gas through Afghanistan<br />

to Pakistan or through Central Asia to China although the<br />

political situation surrounding these plans is even more<br />

complicated. Turkmenistan will need a carefully crafted foreign<br />

economic policy to secure its future economic prospects.<br />

Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile 3

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

-5<br />

-10<br />

-15<br />

Aral Sea<br />

Turkmenistan<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

Uzbekistan<br />

-20<br />

’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01<br />

est proj.<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

GDP<br />

% change<br />

0<br />

’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01<br />

est. proj.<br />

0<br />

-200<br />

-400<br />

-600<br />

-800<br />

Consumer prices<br />

Annual average, % change<br />

-1000<br />

’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01<br />

est. proj.<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

Current account<br />

US$ millions<br />

Total FDI<br />

US$ millions, cash receipts, net<br />

0<br />

’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01<br />

est. proj.<br />

Source: EBRD, February 2001<br />

4 Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile<br />

Economic summary<br />

Turkmenistan recorded a GDP growth rate of 17.6 per cent in 2000, surpassing the high rate<br />

achieved in 1999. Strong gains in economic growth were a result of resumed gas exports<br />

after a few years of interruption of gas supplies to Ukraine and Russia. It is predicted that<br />

growth could be further accelerated if the country would give momentum to its economic<br />

reforms including the development of the private sector and the unification of the dual<br />

exchange rate. In the absence of alternative pipeline routes, the country remains highly<br />

dependent on the conclusion of gas export agreements with Russia and Ukraine.<br />

GDP growth<br />

According to EBRD, estimated GDP growth in 2000 was 17.6 per cent, following a rate of 16 per<br />

cent in 1999. An increase in industrial output and gas exports helped GDP to maintain this pace of<br />

growth. According to some independent projections, the growth rate for 2001 may fall to 7 per cent<br />

due to limited prospects for further rapid increases in gas production, as well as to Turkmenistan’s<br />

gradual approach to economic reform and commitment to social security and stability, which does<br />

not allow for higher growth rates. However, according to government sources, thanks to existing<br />

contracts to supply 50 billion cubic metres of gas to Russia, Ukraine and Iran, and to ongoing<br />

negotiations to increase the supply this year, a higher rate of growth is expected in 2001.<br />

Inflation<br />

The year-end annual increase in consumer prices in 2000 reached 8 per cent according to official<br />

data, down from 21.2 per cent in 1999. The doubling of wages in December 1999 and bonus<br />

payments made during April 2000 have negatively affected inflation. The moderate nature of the<br />

country’s monetary policy and the dual exchange rate system are likely to add to a significant<br />

increase in the end-year annual inflation rate in 2001. However, as the money supply doubled and<br />

the parallel market exchange rate fell by 40 per cent during the year, the inflation rate is believed<br />

to be higher.<br />

Current account<br />

According to EBRD estimates, the current account deficit declined to US$ 60 million in 2000,<br />

compared to US$ 527 million in 1999, and reserves increased to an estimated US$ 1.7 billion<br />

due to additional foreign loan disbursals under existing agreements. External balances improved<br />

substantially in 2000 because of a good cotton harvest in 1999 and increased gas exports. The<br />

current account deficit is projected to rise to about US$ 150 million again in 2001,as imports<br />

and foreign interest payments increase. According to government statistics, after four years<br />

in deficit the current account recorded a surplus of US$ 385.32 million in 2000, and is<br />

projected to record a surplus in 2001 as well.<br />

Foreign Direct <strong>Investment</strong> and privatisation<br />

According to EBRD preliminary estimates, net FDI was around US$ 100 million, compared to US$ 89<br />

million in 1999. The oil and gas sector received the biggest portion of FDI in 2000. Total net FDI is<br />

expected to increase to US$ 150 million in 2001, with further investments in oil and gas.<br />

Privatisation has been slow, with only around half of all eligible small scale firms privatised. In<br />

addition, the government considers a number of enterprises in the utilities and oil and gas sectors<br />

to be of strategic importance, which further limits the potential for a privatisation programme and

for inflows of foreign investment. Pending reorganisation of the privatisation unit in the<br />

Ministry of Finance, privatisation ground to a virtual halt in 2000, with only 11 units sold.<br />

Government balance<br />

EBRD figures estimate that the government balance was even in 2000 at 0 per cent of GDP, down<br />

from a surplus of 0.9 per cent of GDP in 1999. Government spending accounted for 26 per cent of<br />

GDP, up from 19.6 per cent in 1999. The balance is expected to deteriorate in 2001 to a projected<br />

-3 per cent of GDP.<br />

Exchange rate<br />

Turkmenistan’s currency, the manat (TMM), is not freely convertible. The official exchange rate is<br />

overvalued and the manat trades at a 400 per cent premium on the parallel market. The black<br />

market exchange rate fell in 2000 by 46 per cent of the end-1999 level. The annual average<br />

exchange rate in 2000, which refers to a weighted average between the official exchange rate<br />

(60 per cent weight) and the commercial rate (40 per cent weight), given as the buying rate offered<br />

at commercial banks, was TMM 10,333 to the US dollar, although the official rate was almost half<br />

this amount. With the exception of a brief period in 1998, when the official and parallel market<br />

rates were unified, Turkmenistan has operated with dual exchange rates since the introduction<br />

of the manat in 1993.<br />

Relations with the IMF<br />

The IMF has regularly advised the Turkmen government on macroeconomic policies. However, there<br />

is currently no financial arrangement in place between Turkmenistan and the IMF, and the Fund<br />

has scaled down its presence in Turkmenistan because of differences over economic policy<br />

management. The basic IMF recommendations have focused on currency convertibility, speedy<br />

privatisation, and establishing the necessary legal framework to support these policies.<br />

Selected economic indicators<br />

1<br />

0<br />

-1<br />

-2<br />

-3<br />

-4<br />

14000<br />

12000<br />

10000<br />

Economic summary<br />

General government<br />

balance<br />

% of GDP<br />

-5<br />

’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01<br />

est. proj.<br />

8000<br />

6000<br />

4000<br />

2000<br />

Exchange rate<br />

Annual average, manats per US$<br />

0<br />

’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01<br />

est. proj.<br />

Source: EBRD, February 2001<br />

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001<br />

est. proj.<br />

GDP (% change in real terms)<br />

Consumer prices<br />

-10.0 -17.3 -7.2 -6.7 -11.3 5.0 16.0 17.0 3.0<br />

(annual average % change) 3,102 1,748 1,005 992 83.7 16.8 24.2 9.1 36.4<br />

Current account (in US$ millions) 776 84 24 2 -580 -935 -527 -60 -150<br />

General government balance (% of GDP) -4.1 -2.3 -2.6 0.3 0.0 -2.7 0.9 0.0 -3.0<br />

Trade balance (in US$ millions)<br />

Total FDI<br />

1,100 485 441 304 -231 -523 -166 550 500<br />

(in US$ millions, cash receipts, net) 79 103 233 108 108 62 89 100 150<br />

External debt stock (US$ millions)<br />

Exchange rate (annual average,<br />

na 418 550 668 1,356 1,750 2,050 2,400 2,400<br />

manats per US$)* na 42 240 3,546 4,627 5,500 9,159 10,333 13,782<br />

Gross reserves, excluding gold<br />

(end-year, US$ millions) 818 927 1,165 1,172 1,285 1,379 1,514 1,704 1,454<br />

* Turkmenistan has had dual exchange rates for most months after the introduction of the manat in November 1993.<br />

The series refers to a weighted average between the official exchange rate (60% weight) and the commercial rate (40% weight),<br />

given as the buying rate offered at commercial banks.<br />

Source: EBRD, February 2001<br />

Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile 5

Aral Sea<br />

Turkmenistan<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

Uzbekistan<br />

Turkmenistan’s investment <strong>climate</strong> has not had the benefit of extensive market-oriented reforms. Additionally, price and<br />

currency controls remain in place, and privatisation has made little progress. The country has entrepreneurial potential,<br />

but the necessary framework to support it has not yet emerged properly.<br />

Foreign direct investment<br />

Total FDI<br />

US$ millions, cash receipts, net<br />

Estimated total net FDI in<br />

250<br />

2000 amounted to US$ 100<br />

million, up from US$ 89<br />

200<br />

million in 1999. The biggest 150<br />

single sector that attracted<br />

most investment is oil and<br />

100<br />

gas. Foreign investment in oil<br />

50<br />

and gas exploration and<br />

0<br />

’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01<br />

production has picked up over<br />

the past decade, reaching a<br />

Source: EBRD, February 2001<br />

est. proj.<br />

cumulative total of US$ 500 million by 2000. As new PSA<br />

contracts are concluded this amount could increase in the<br />

future. After a failed tender process in 1998, Turkmenistan is<br />

now conducting direct negotiations for a total of 16 offshore<br />

blocks in its sector of the Caspian Sea. Among other sectors<br />

that have attracted foreign investment and could offer<br />

potential, given a more favourable business <strong>climate</strong>, are cotton<br />

and textiles. In 2000, privatisation progressed slowly. However,<br />

the country’s most attractive assets, such as energy utilities<br />

and the telecoms company, which could have the potential to<br />

bring in FDI, are not on offer.<br />

In the past year Turkmenistan focused on upgrading of the<br />

Turkmenbashi refinery and large construction projects requiring<br />

huge capital investment. Although most of these projects are<br />

related to public buildings, one example in infrastructure is the<br />

repair of the Karakum canal, which is used to irrigate a large<br />

area of agricultural land. Another project to construct a water<br />

reservoir in the Karakum desert was initiated in 2000. The<br />

project is planned to be finished by 2010 and will cost around<br />

US$ 5-6 billion. Given that most public utilities are essentially<br />

free of charge, large infrastructure investments will be mostly<br />

financed from foreign sovereign borrowing and energy-related<br />

budget surpluses.<br />

<strong>Investment</strong> policy and incentives<br />

The government recognises that foreign investment is crucial<br />

for the economy and is taking action to prepare the necessary<br />

legislative framework to attract it. Existing foreign investment<br />

6 Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile<br />

<strong>Investment</strong> <strong>climate</strong><br />

legislation includes provisions for the government’s role<br />

in attracting and coordinating foreign investment activity.<br />

The Law on Foreign <strong>Investment</strong>, amended in 1993, provides<br />

the legal framework for foreign investment, including protection.<br />

An investor must own an average of at least 20 per cent of the<br />

capital in a company throughout the calendar year to be<br />

protected by the Law on Foreign <strong>Investment</strong>.<br />

The Law guarantees that foreign investments are not subject<br />

to nationalisation or requisition, and that foreign properties<br />

may only be subject to confiscation through referral to a court<br />

in cases where the foreign investor has acted illegally.<br />

The Law on Ownership adopted in 1993 states that the right to<br />

ownership of all forms of property is recognised and protected<br />

by the state. The law defines three categories of private<br />

ownership: physical persons, legal persons and mixed private<br />

ownership based on incorporation of properties belonging to<br />

physical and legal persons. Foreign citizens have the right to<br />

own any property except for land. They may be allotted a plot<br />

of land for use but without the right of ownership. A Law on<br />

Distribution of Land for Private Ownership, passed at the end<br />

of 1996, allows foreign citizens to lease but not to own land.<br />

Turkmen citizens are eligible to own up to 50 hectares of land<br />

but they cannot sell, exchange or transfer it.<br />

In 1993, Turkmenistan also introduced a Law on Foreign<br />

Concessions. Under this law, foreign concessions are granted<br />

for onshore and offshore areas containing natural resources,<br />

and for investment in industrial enterprises that explore,<br />

develop, extract and use natural resources. Concessions<br />

lasting from five to 40 years are granted on a competitive<br />

basis. Since the passage of a new Law on Hydrocarbon<br />

Resources in March 1997, the government has granted<br />

concessions to several multinational energy companies to<br />

participate in the development of Turkmenistan’s oil and gas<br />

reserves through production sharing and joint venture<br />

agreements. The government has a preference for PSAs,<br />

although the new law also allows for joint ventures.<br />

For example, Dragon Oil, which inherited a joint venture, the<br />

Larmag-Cheleken JV, had to renegotiate its status into a PSA.<br />

The law also recognises international law as a means of<br />

dispute settlement.

Turkmenistan’s economy depends to a significant extent<br />

on the oil and gas sector. The authorities recognise the<br />

need to make contingency plans in case gas exports remain<br />

constrained by limited export outlets and pipelines. One pillar<br />

of this approach has been to attract foreign direct investment<br />

to the oil and gas sector. PSA legislation has been passed<br />

and the energy sector has been restructured following the<br />

formation of Turkmenneft and Turkmengas, respectively the<br />

state oil and gas companies. (See Major Sectors of the<br />

economy: Oil and gas below.) The new PSA legislation creates<br />

the basis for an internationally accepted and transparent legal<br />

structure, which improves prospects for foreign investment.<br />

It introduces international accounting standards into the<br />

energy sector. PSAs are also drawn up individually.<br />

The government has also identified some “priority areas”<br />

to attract foreign investment. Apart from oil and gas,<br />

telecommunications, transportation, industry, irrigation,<br />

agricultural investments and textiles are other priority areas.<br />

The government grants investors in these sectors extra<br />

advantages such as credits guaranteed by Vnesheconombank,<br />

the state bank for foreign economic relations.<br />

The government has also simplified tax legislation to alleviate<br />

the burden on small enterprises for all kind of investments.<br />

Investors who hold more than 30 per cent of hard currency<br />

shares in an enterprise’s capital fund are exempt from<br />

dividend tax. Enterprises are not required to pay the profit tax<br />

until the investors have received a full return on their original<br />

investment. Those who reinvest their profits are exempted<br />

from tax payments on the reinvestment capital. Customs<br />

duties are not charged on foreign investors’ imported property<br />

if it is designed for production purposes or considered to be<br />

part of an enterprise’s capital fund.<br />

The Law on Foreign <strong>Investment</strong> guarantees the protection of<br />

intellectual property. Turkmenistan has also signed the World<br />

Intellectual Property Organisation’s (WIPO) Paris Convention,<br />

and is a member of Eurasian Patent Organisation that was<br />

created as part of the WIPO for the CIS countries. The 1993<br />

Patent Law regulates trademarks in the industrial sector. The<br />

Patent Agency provides state policy for protection of industrial<br />

property rights. Furthermore, a company holding a patent in<br />

Turkmenistan is given favourable tax status provided that the<br />

innovation, once licensed, is used in the company’s own<br />

production. Effective March 1999, a new Copyright Law was<br />

enacted as part of Turkmenistan’s Civil Code.<br />

Challenges for the investment <strong>climate</strong><br />

<strong>Investment</strong> <strong>climate</strong><br />

Attracting foreign investors to non-oil and gas sectors will<br />

depend on improvements in the investment <strong>climate</strong>, which<br />

requires adjustments to macroeconomic policy. The fact<br />

that the economy is tightly controlled and that most foreign<br />

investors have to rely on good relations with top officials to<br />

ensure that their projects receive appropriate government<br />

attention impedes possible investments.<br />

Other deterrents cited by foreign investors are:<br />

• the need for approval of foreign investments by the State<br />

Agency for Foreign <strong>Investment</strong> (SAFI);<br />

• a lack of technical and financial experience in managing<br />

international tenders;<br />

• limited action to privatise medium and large enterprises;<br />

• no foundations for a competitive environment;<br />

• tight restrictions on access to and detention of hard<br />

currencies;<br />

• restrictions on foreign ownership of Turkmen joint stock<br />

companies; and<br />

• excessive involvement of administrative bodies in<br />

commercial transactions.<br />

New laws and amendments to existing ones are required, as the<br />

current legal regime governing foreign investment is inconsistent,<br />

ambiguous and inadequate. The definition of foreign investment<br />

does not include other key foreign investors in the Turkmen<br />

economy such as lenders, lessors, suppliers, and joint ventures<br />

with less than 20 per cent foreign participation. Therefore,<br />

guarantees and benefits extended under existing foreign<br />

investment legislation cover only a limited set of foreign<br />

investors. The implementation and judicial reliability of certain<br />

laws concerning foreign investment remain to be tested. The<br />

legislation provides no direction to the proper enforcement<br />

authority. Decisions made by international arbitration panels<br />

are not generally binding or enforceable in Turkmenistan.<br />

Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile 7

Introduction<br />

<strong>Investment</strong> <strong>climate</strong><br />

Free Economic Zones<br />

There are 10 free economic zones. However, only one of them,<br />

located at Ashgabat International airport, is operational and actively<br />

conducting business. This modern airport provides the opportunity<br />

to develop growing transit business and services.<br />

The other free economic zones are located at Mary-Bayramali,<br />

Okarem-Cheleken, Turkmenabat-Seidi, Bakharden-Serdar, Dashoguz<br />

Airport, Ashgabat-Anau, Ashgabat-Bezmein, Serakhs, and Guneshli<br />

Turkmenistan near Anau.<br />

In theory, the Law on Economic Zones for Free Entrepreneurship<br />

determines the legal regime for conducting business in these<br />

zones. It guarantees the rights of both foreign and domestic<br />

investors, forbids nationalisation of enterprises and<br />

discrimination against foreign investors, and provides<br />

guarantees to foreign investors for repatriating after-tax profits<br />

and exporting production. Enterprises are permitted to set prices<br />

freely for all goods and services within the free economic zones.<br />

All enterprises are exempt from profit taxes for the first three years<br />

of profitable operation. Enterprises with foreign investment greater<br />

than 30 per cent of initial capital will be charged a 50 per cent<br />

profit tax rate during the next 10 years. Profits reinvested in<br />

export-oriented and technically advanced enterprises are<br />

exempt from taxation.<br />

The law also ensures a favourable customs regime within the free<br />

economic zones. Goods and properties imported into or exported<br />

from the zones are exempted from customs duties except for goods<br />

of foreign origin exported from these zones. Although customs<br />

duties have not been introduced for legal entities, excise taxes<br />

for certain goods are charged.<br />

Most of the free economic zones are not fully operational. The<br />

lack of government financial support, inadequate infrastructure<br />

services and the obstacles hindering the development of a private<br />

sector are the main reasons for the weak performance of the free<br />

economic zones.<br />

State Agency for Foreign <strong>Investment</strong> (SAFI)<br />

SAFI is the main government agency responsible for foreign<br />

investment procedures. Among its tasks are to:<br />

• scrutinise all foreign investment proposals;<br />

• assess the feasibility of the project and its likely economic<br />

impact before a company can register and begin operations;<br />

• approve the project;<br />

8 Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile<br />

• remove the companies that are not in compliance with the<br />

Turkmen laws from the Single State Register of Enterprise and<br />

Organisation (SSREO);<br />

• coordinate the government’s foreign borrowing programme;<br />

• assess foreign currency credits which the relevant government<br />

ministries and agencies may have available; and<br />

• approve the allocation of credits before making any commitments<br />

in order to make sure it goes to so-called “priority projects.”<br />

State Agency for Foreign <strong>Investment</strong> (SAFI)<br />

53 Azadli Street, 744000 Ashgabat<br />

Tel: (+993-12) 35 02 31 or 35 03 18<br />

Fax: (+993-12) 35 04 13<br />

Privatisation and restructuring<br />

Since 1997, when the first wave of small-scale privatisation came to<br />

an end, Turkmenistan has managed to sell only some 200 companies<br />

from over 2,000 of the original list of 4,300 privatisable objects still<br />

remaining in state hands. It is one of the few countries in the region<br />

where small-scale privatisation has not yet been completed. However,<br />

the country prefers to take a gradual approach. Privatisation of<br />

medium-sized and large enterprises is now under way and despite<br />

slow progress in 2000, the government expects it to pick up pace in<br />

2001 and the years to come.<br />

The government has made several attempts in recent years to<br />

accelerate the process of medium-scale privatisation. From the total<br />

list of 280 companies, a pilot list of 18 enterprises was drawn up in<br />

1999. By mid-2000, however, privatisation was completed for only six<br />

of these companies. In most cases, shares were distributed among<br />

the workforce, the management and key suppliers to the plant<br />

(particularly in food processing). In June 2000, the government<br />

announced an upcoming tender for 32 medium-sized companies,<br />

but in the end only 11 units were sold during the whole year.<br />

According to official figures, the private sector accounts for about<br />

25 per cent of industrial output. All large enterprises are under state<br />

control. The pilot programme to privatise 18 large companies<br />

brought few tangible results as corporatisation plans have often<br />

faced resistance from stakeholders in the ministries and from<br />

enterprise directors.<br />

As most valuable assets in the energy and textiles sectors remain<br />

under state control and are not offered for sale yet, no substantial<br />

income from privatisation should be expected. However, a model for<br />

the reorganisation of the oil and gas sector has been prepared and<br />

partly implemented. Restructuring involved spinning off non-core<br />

activities and setting up separate oil and gas companies.<br />

(See Major Sectors of the Economy: Oil and gas below.)

Markets and trade<br />

Turkmenistan maintains a significant number of non-tariff barriers<br />

to trade. Among them is the trade contract and investment project<br />

registration requirement. A presidential decree issued in 1999<br />

introduced a 5 per cent customs duty for goods imported to<br />

Turkmenistan by individuals. Duties are not charged on goods that<br />

have been exported previously from Turkmenistan, declared at a<br />

customs point and re-imported into the country. There are excise<br />

duties on a limited number of exported goods such as wool, leather,<br />

and some chemicals. A large number of items imported to<br />

Turkmenistan are subject to 10 to 100 per cent excise duties.<br />

The Foreign Exchange Regulation Law determines the general<br />

principles of foreign exchange operations, the authority of state<br />

bodies in foreign exchange regulation, and the rights of residents<br />

and non-residents regarding foreign exchange ownership and usage.<br />

According to this law, non-residents may freely convert the national<br />

currency, the manat, to hard currency without limitations or<br />

unreasonable delays, provided the amount converted is to pay for<br />

transactions made with Turkmen residents. The law also permits<br />

non-residents to repatriate capital goods previously imported into<br />

Turkmenistan, provided such goods were declared to customs upon<br />

entry. In practice, however, due to the shortage of hard currency,<br />

the Central Bank provides commercial banks with limited amounts<br />

of foreign exchange to convert cash and non-cash manat sums.<br />

Not all requests for manat convertibility are serviced in a timely<br />

manner and in full, which results in delays in receiving hard<br />

currency incomes and impedes doing business.<br />

There are strict rules about currency exchange operations.<br />

The Central Bank allows commercial banks to sell non-cash foreign<br />

exchange at the official exchange rate to legal entities that are<br />

resident in Turkmenistan only for certain purposes. One such<br />

purpose is to repatriate foreign investments and profits, providing<br />

an investment project is registered with the SAFI and the Chief<br />

State Tax Inspectorate (CSTI).<br />

Turkmenistan is not a member of any free trade arrangements<br />

or of the CIS Customs Union.<br />

Taxation and social expenditure<br />

<strong>Investment</strong> <strong>climate</strong><br />

According to the Profit Tax Law, foreign investors with a permanent<br />

establishment in Turkmenistan must pay a 25 per cent profit tax,<br />

a 15 per cent tax on income from dividends, interest, copyrights,<br />

licences, leases, royalties, and other income earned in any sector<br />

of the economy, and a 6 per cent tax on income from international<br />

cargo transport. Foreign entities that do not have permanent<br />

establishments in Turkmenistan are subject to withholding tax at<br />

a rate of 15 per cent on most types of income including dividends,<br />

interest, royalties, rents and services provided to Turkmen<br />

companies. Investors in the oil and gas sector must pay a 25 per<br />

cent profit tax plus a negotiable royalty sum.<br />

The Value Added Tax (VAT) Law requires foreign and domestic<br />

enterprises to pay a 20 per cent tax on the volume of goods and<br />

services produced and/or sold in Turkmenistan. For imported<br />

goods and services, the VAT is charged on the basis of the<br />

difference between a trade contract price and the value.<br />

Foreign entities must pay a property tax of 1 per cent of the<br />

average value of assets. From 1 October 2000, social insurance<br />

fund contributions are charged at a rate of 20 per cent of the<br />

local payroll and should be remitted to the Tax Inspectorate on<br />

the day salaries are paid to local employees. Salaries paid to<br />

expatriate employees are exempt if the source of their payment<br />

is outside the country.<br />

Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile 9

The Turkmen economy relies largely on oil and gas, and agriculture, particularly cotton production. With new agreements and<br />

sales of gas in 2000, export revenues and the general state of the economy have improved, contributing to a higher rate of<br />

GDP growth (17 per cent). Cotton-related industries such as textiles offer good investment opportunities. An increased number<br />

of gas sale agreements is likely to motivate further investments in the oil and gas sector and related industries. Infrastructure<br />

investments, particularly in transportation, are under way and will have a regional impact, with improved road and rail links<br />

between Ashgabat, other regions and neighbouring countries.<br />

Oil and gas<br />

Aral Sea<br />

Turkmenistan<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

Uzbekistan<br />

Turkmenistan has proven natural gas reserves of three trillion<br />

cubic metres, making it the fourth largest producer in the<br />

world. It also borders the Caspian Sea, which contains<br />

substantial oil and gas reserves, but needs pipeline routes<br />

to export its oil and gas.<br />

In 2000, Turkmenistan produced 7.1 million tonnes of oil and<br />

about 38 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas. The country aims<br />

to produce 10 million tonnes of oil and 75 bcm of gas per<br />

year. The gas production target is based on the calculation of<br />

30 bcm of gas exports to Russia, 30 bcm to Ukraine, 5 bcm to<br />

Iran and 10 bcm for domestic needs. The oil and gas sector<br />

makes up one-fifth of GDP, and its share may rise in the future<br />

with possible increased findings and sales. The recent gas<br />

deal with Russia is a case in point. In late 1999 Ashgabat<br />

signed an agreement with Moscow for the sale of 20 bcm of<br />

natural gas, which will increase to 50 bcm by 2004. However,<br />

the deal for the continuation of gas delivery to Russia in 2001<br />

was put on hold due to disagreements over the price. Finally,<br />

in February 2001 the two sides reached an agreement for<br />

10 bcm of Turkmen gas to be sold to Russia in 2001 at a<br />

price of US$ 40 per 1,000 cubic metres. Turkmenistan is also<br />

conducting gas sale negotiations with Ukraine, and in October<br />

2000 signed an agreement for the sale of 35 million cubic<br />

metres of Turkmen gas in 2000-01. Under this deal, 5 million<br />

cubic metres of gas was supplied by the end of 2000 at a<br />

price of US$ 38 per 1,000 cubic metres, to be paid for 40 per<br />

cent in currency and 60 per cent in goods and investment<br />

projects. The price will go up to US$ 40 in 2001 and will be<br />

paid on a 50-50 basis in goods and investment projects.<br />

Renewed gas exports will ease foreign exchange shortages.<br />

Foreign investment in oil exploration and production had<br />

reached a cumulative total of US$ 500 million by 2000.<br />

The introduction of production sharing agreement (PSA)<br />

legislation and international accounting standards are<br />

encouraging signs for foreign investment. Direct negotiations over<br />

a total of 16 offshore blocks in the country’s Caspian sector are<br />

under way. The Turkmen government prefers to hold direct talks<br />

10 Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile<br />

Major sectors of the economy<br />

with interested companies. Monument Oil (UK), recently acquired<br />

by Lasmo Oil, made a deal in 1998 to explore the offshore Burun<br />

field in western Turkmenistan and to swap oil with Iran. The<br />

Burun field currently has a capacity of 10,000 barrels per day<br />

(bpd) and is situated in the Nebit Dag (Balkanabat) concession,<br />

which is estimated to have a much greater capacity. UAE-based<br />

Dragon Oil operates in the offshore Block 2 area and produces<br />

about 7,500 bpd. In July 1998, Monument signed two PSAs with<br />

Mobil (US) and state oil company Turkmenneft for an onshore<br />

concession in Garashsyzlyk. Turkmenneft will be responsible for<br />

production in and development of existing mature fields covered<br />

by the agreement area. The second PSA covers reserves under<br />

the Kotor Tepe and Barsa Gelmes fields. Mobil is the operator,<br />

holding a 52.4 per cent interest. Mobil and Monument together<br />

plan to invest US$ 100 million to conduct seismic surveys and<br />

drill wells. If a suitable export route becomes available, all these<br />

fields could yield substantial increases in oil and gas production<br />

by 2006-07.<br />

Turkmenistan is continuing to harmonise its regulatory framework<br />

to make it easier for foreign companies to operate within a legally<br />

consistent environment. Activities handled by the Ministry of Oil<br />

and Gas were unbundled into five state-owned companies.<br />

Turkmenneft carries out oil production. Turkmengeologia<br />

is responsible for exploration, while oil and gas construction is<br />

the responsibility of Turkmenneftgazstroi. Turkmenneftegas is in<br />

charge of gas exports. Turkmengas deals with gas production.<br />

Uncertainty about the future of the Trans-Caspian pipeline<br />

project centres mainly on disagreement over the terms, including<br />

gas sale prices. The project proposes to build a pipeline to<br />

carry Turkmen gas to Turkey via Azerbaijan, running under the<br />

Caspian Sea and across Georgia (see pipeline map, page 12).<br />

It involves a consortium led by PSG International, a global<br />

pipeline development company jointly owned by GE Capital<br />

Structured Finance Group (US) and Bechtel Enterprises (US).<br />

Royal Dutch/Shell (UK-Netherlands) is also a member of<br />

the consortium. PSG International signed a US$ 2.5 billion<br />

agreement with Turkmenistan to lead the development of the<br />

Continued on page 13

Dragon Oil<br />

The Dragon Oil project in the Caspian<br />

Sea is an excellent example of an<br />

international co-operative venture in oil<br />

exploitation, which in effect provides<br />

something for everyone. This is the first<br />

international offshore project that the<br />

EBRD has been involved with in<br />

Turkmenistan and has been a difficult<br />

project to structure. Together with<br />

investors from Ireland and the Middle<br />

East, the EBRD has provided project<br />

financing totalling US$ 75 million, part<br />

of which will be syndicated to other<br />

commercial banks. The total project<br />

cost is estimated at US$ 520 million.<br />

Dragon Oil’s main asset is its share<br />

in the Cheleken Production Sharing<br />

Agreement (PSA) for Block II located in<br />

the Turkmen zone of the Caspian Sea.<br />

Dragon Oil plc, an Irish registered oil<br />

and gas producer, is 70 per cent owned<br />

by Emirates National Oil Company<br />

(ENOC) of Dubai, United Arab Emirates<br />

(UAE). ENOC operates one of the most<br />

modern refineries in the Arabian Gulf,<br />

owns a network of retail petrol stations<br />

throughout the UAE and is the main<br />

supplier of jet fuel at Dubai airport.<br />

Dragon Oil itself is providing technical<br />

and management expertise, while<br />

ENOC will be able to offset its crude<br />

oil purchase with its own production.<br />

Through Turkmenneft, the national oil<br />

company, the Turkmenistan government<br />

will benefit from royalties and a share<br />

of production. The production can either<br />

be refined locally or exported to<br />

international markets.<br />

Although PSAs are common enough in<br />

the oil industry across the world, the<br />

application of the appropriate legislation<br />

is untested and remains a major transitional<br />

challenge for the contractors and<br />

the authorities. The borrower, Dragon<br />

Oil (Turkmenistan), a counterpart to the<br />

PSA, is 100 per cent owned by Dragon<br />

Oil plc. The EBRD has also signed a<br />

direct agreement with the Competent<br />

Body for the Development of<br />

Hydrocarbon Reserves, stipulating the<br />

role of the bank in this project.<br />

In 1999 the EBRD agreed to go ahead<br />

with a financing package of US$ 75<br />

million for the commercial development<br />

of the Cheleken PSA concession. The<br />

loan came into effect in 2000 and the<br />

first disbursement was made at yearend.<br />

The investment is consistent with<br />

the Bank’s Natural Resources Policy to<br />

“support independent oil companies<br />

that provide an important contribution<br />

to production volumes in the present<br />

development phase.”<br />

The EBRD’s loan is in two tranches.<br />

The first US$ 60 million is being made<br />

to Dragon Oil (Turkmenistan) Ltd., and<br />

the second tranche of the facility, up to<br />

US$ 15 million, will be in the form of a<br />

syndicated loan through a consortium of<br />

international banks. This will be the first<br />

time that the EBRD has attempted to<br />

mobilise a new source of commercial<br />

credit for a Central Asian country.<br />

Cheleken PSA’s main reserves lie in two<br />

fields – Lam and Zhdanov. The concession<br />

area covers 950 square kilometres<br />

with total remaining proven reserves in<br />

the two fields estimated at around 122<br />

million barrels, and total proven plus<br />

probable reserves estimated at around<br />

600 million barrels. The production from<br />

Case study<br />

proved and probable reserves is<br />

expected to peak at around 80,000<br />

barrels per day.<br />

The two fields are located in shallow<br />

water, in depths of between 20-30<br />

metres and are drilled to between<br />

1,400 and 4,000 metres. Much of<br />

the oil extraction infrastructure for<br />

the fields was completed during<br />

Soviet times, but only 12 out of the<br />

61 platforms are currently producing.<br />

The EBRD funding is being used to<br />

finance the rehabilitation of the field<br />

including new drilling, upgrading of<br />

onshore and offshore facilities,<br />

and development of crude oil<br />

transportation infrastructure. The<br />

Soviet-built platforms and flow lines<br />

need substantial refurbishment to<br />

prevent environmental and safety<br />

problems. The latter consideration<br />

is a significant factor, as the EBRD’s<br />

presence will ensure that a<br />

satisfactory environmental action plan<br />

is implemented with the introduction<br />

of advanced technology and standards.<br />

An environmental action plan has been<br />

developed in partnership with the<br />

government and in consultation with<br />

the public to minimise damage from<br />

any oil spill that may occur.<br />

This is the EBRD’s first investment<br />

in the Turkmen oil industry with the<br />

aim not only of boosting oil production<br />

and exports but also of bringing in new<br />

business practices, technologies, and<br />

environmental standards so as to<br />

enhance the overall oil and gas<br />

industry in the country.<br />

Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile 11

Map of existing and proposed oil and gas pipelines<br />


Black Sea<br />

Ankara<br />

TURKEY<br />

Novorossiysk<br />

Samsun<br />

Çeyhan<br />

12<br />

Tikhoretsk<br />

12 Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile<br />

Dzhubga<br />

SYRIA<br />

Existing pipeline<br />

Proposed pipeline<br />

Active (2000) gasline proposal<br />

Pipeline under construction<br />

CPC Caspian Pipeline Consortium<br />

Supsa<br />

3<br />

11<br />



CPC<br />

Izobilnoye<br />

2<br />

Erzerum<br />

5<br />

1<br />

Midyat<br />



1. Baku-Novorossiysk existing pipeline primarily used by SOCAR.<br />

2. Baku-Supsa “Early Oil” existing pipeline used by the Azerbaijan<br />

International Operating Company (AIOC).<br />

3. Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) route agreed by the governments<br />

of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey and endorsed by the government<br />

of the USA; financing yet to be agreed.<br />

4. Baku-Iran route, possible Azerbaijan option studied by TotalFinaElf.<br />

5. Atyrau-Novorossiysk route now under construction.<br />

6. Atyrau-Samara-Druzhba existing line; Kazakhstan would like<br />

capacity increased.<br />

7. Kazakhstan-China route, under study by China National<br />

Petroleum Corporation.<br />

10<br />


IRAQ<br />

14<br />

Tabriz<br />

Caspian<br />


4<br />

IRAN<br />

Sea<br />

This map has been prepared exclusively for the<br />

convenience of readers. The denomination used<br />

and the boundaries shown on this map do not<br />

imply any judgment on the legal status of any<br />

territory or any endorsement of such boundaries.<br />

4924 IP01 Pipelines map<br />

Aktau<br />

Baku<br />

Tehran<br />

Qom<br />

Isfahan<br />

To Samara and the Druzhba system<br />

6<br />

Tengiz<br />

9<br />

Atyrau<br />

8,9<br />

Uzen<br />

Korpedzhe<br />


13<br />

Kurt-Kui<br />

8<br />

7<br />

To China<br />


10<br />

Aral<br />

Sea<br />

Bovrideshik<br />

Khivinskaya<br />


0 Miles 250<br />

0 Km 400<br />

8. Tengiz/Uzen-Kharg route, proposed by TotalFinaElf.<br />

9. Trans-Caspian Oil proposed route (extension to BTC).<br />

10. Azerbaijan-Turkey gas pipeline under consideration by<br />

the Shah Deniz consortium.<br />

11. Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline (extension to Azerbaijan –<br />

Turkey gas pipeline).<br />

12. Blue Stream Russia-Turkey gas line; under construction.<br />

13. KKK gas line, Turkmenistan’s only route to by-pass Russia.<br />

14. Tabriz-Erzurum gas line; Iranian section complete, Turkish<br />

section under construction.<br />

Source: EBRD, East European Energy

pipeline project and conclude agreements with other prospective<br />

consortium members. Bechtel was to provide engineering,<br />

procurement, and construction services, and GE Capital Finance<br />

Group was to arrange the financing. However, PSG has since<br />

reduced its presence in Turkmenistan, citing delayed procedures<br />

and uncertainties over the gas sale deal, and Royal Dutch/Shell<br />

(UK-Netherlands) has taken over the role of consortium leader.<br />

There are various other pipeline proposals to export Turkmen<br />

gas via Iran and Turkey to Europe. Talks are also under way on<br />

the sale of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Pakistan. President<br />

Niyazov has invited Pakistani companies to participate in the<br />

construction of a liquefied natural gas plant and in a project<br />

to modernise the Seidi oil refinery in eastern Turkmenistan.<br />

Downstream activities<br />

Most oil for domestic consumption is processed at the<br />

Turkmenbashi refinery on the Caspian Sea, which is being<br />

upgraded at a cost of about US$ 1 billion including a US$ 400<br />

million polypropylene plant, one of the largest single investments<br />

in the country. The first stage of the project foresees increasing<br />

production to 6 million tonnes a year. It is also hoped to produce<br />

200,000 tonnes of polymers a year.<br />

Turkmenistan has another refinery at Seidi, Turkmenabat, which<br />

is also being upgraded as it has been operating under capacity.<br />

Current production from the two refineries is about 240,000<br />

barrels a day. The country plans to increase refining capacity<br />

at Seidi refinery to 3-3.5 million tonnes per year by 2003.<br />

According to the National Institute of State Statistics and<br />

Information, oil refining production grew by 8 per cent in the<br />

first nine months of 2000, compared to the same period in<br />

1999. There was also a 19 per cent increase in production<br />

in the chemical and petrochemical industries.<br />

Agriculture and agribusiness<br />

Turkmenistan is a wheat and major cotton producer. According<br />

to official statistics, the grain harvest in 2000 amounted<br />

to 1.7 million tonnes, above the target grain harvest of 1.6<br />

million tonnes, but due to a severe drought in Central Asia<br />

in 2000 the actual figure is believed to be below that target.<br />

The government is aiming in the long term at self-sufficiency in<br />

grain, which is about 1.5 million tonnes per year, although the<br />

targeted production level for 2001 has been set at 2 million<br />

tonnes. A Programme for the Development of the Agro-<br />

Industrial complex is a key element in the Strategy for Socioeconomic<br />

Transformation for 2010. The government is also<br />

planning to build more mills and import agricultural equipment.<br />

Major sectors of the economy<br />

There is substantial purchase of agricultural equipment such<br />

as tractors particularly from Belarus to increase production<br />

and quality, and farmers are being encouraged to switch to<br />

mechanised methods.<br />

Production of cotton, regarded as “white gold,” is an essential<br />

agricultural activity. Of a government target of 1.3 million<br />

tonnes of raw cotton, 1.03 million tonnes was harvested in<br />

2000, according to official statistics. Unofficially, the harvest<br />

is estimated at less than 1 million tonnes due to drought. The<br />

government aims to increase annual cotton output to 3 million<br />

tonnes a year by 2010. The targeted production level for 2001<br />

is 1.8-2 million tonnes.<br />

Given quality cotton supplies, the government has been<br />

developing a domestic textiles industry that offers potential for<br />

foreign investment. One of the main foreign companies involved<br />

is Chalik Holding (Turkey), which is a partner in the EBRD’s Gap<br />

Turkmen Jeans Project as well as in a number of other projects<br />

with the Ministry of Textiles including the US$ 168 million<br />

Ashgabattekstil plant. In the last nine years Turkish companies<br />

have invested more than US$ 500 million in various cotton<br />

processing plants and textile mills in Turkmenistan.<br />

Turkmenistan produces quality cotton fibre and clothing<br />

products in textile complexes equipped with modern machinery.<br />

The country aims to increase the number of modern production<br />

facilities to 20 in the coming years, which would bring raw<br />

cotton processing capacity to 3.2 million tonnes a year.<br />

Land reform and ownership<br />

Agricultural reforms in Turkmenistan have progressed very<br />

unevenly. Nevertheless, Turkmenistan has taken a lead in the<br />

region in reforming land tenure systems with the 1997 decree<br />

on land privatisation. Former collective farm land has been<br />

parcelled into individual plots, the majority of which are leased<br />

out to individual households or small groups. According to a<br />

World Bank survey, only 16 per cent of land in Turkmenistan<br />

remains in joint use.<br />

Turkmenistan has launched a gigantic project to build a huge<br />

artificial lake of up to 4,000 square kilometres in size in the<br />

Karakum desert. The aim is to help develop 10,000 hectares of<br />

land in the desert and meet water needs for 50 years. However,<br />

some environmentalists have commented that in the long term<br />

the lake could have negative environmental implications.<br />

Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile 13

Introduction<br />

Major sectors of the economy<br />

Energy<br />

There are substantial investment plans in this sector totalling<br />

US$ 2.2 million, about US$ 2 million of which is expected to<br />

come from foreign sources. Energy production will be increased<br />

and the surplus will be exported. In October 2000,<br />

Turkmenistan agreed to sell 300 million kWh of electricity<br />

to Turkey in 2001. Turkmenistan aims to generate 4,193<br />

megawatts (MW) per year by 2010, up from the present level<br />

of 2,652 MW. As part of the plan to increase foreign revenues,<br />

new export transmission networks to Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and<br />

other Central Asian countries will be built. The extension of a<br />

new export transmission line from Belek, running through Kum-<br />

Dag, Madau and Erek to the Iranian border was completed in<br />

1999 to export electricity to Turkey.<br />

There are also plans to build four new thermal power stations<br />

at Etrek, Dashoguz, Mary and Lebap. However, lack of reforms<br />

in the energy sector hinders the involvement of IFIs, preventing<br />

further investments and therefore development. Power, like gas<br />

and water, remains free of charge for most households and is<br />

hugely subsidised for industrial customers. The most valuable<br />

assets in the energy sector are excluded from privatisation.<br />

Telecommunications<br />

This sector offers a wide range of opportunities for investors and<br />

is one of the least developed in the region. There are plans to<br />

increase the number of telephone subscribers and also upgrade<br />

all communication systems, for which the country has adopted<br />

a strategy for the first 10 years of the millennium. Telephone<br />

exchange systems in particular need to be upgraded. Some<br />

foreign companies such as Siemens (Germany), Alcatel (France),<br />

and Barash (US) have in the past been offered contracts to<br />

modernise old analogue equipment and to introduce cellular and<br />

paging systems. German companies have installed more than 20<br />

digital exchanges in recent years, increasing fixed line phones by<br />

110,000. The country is also connected to some CIS countries<br />

via satellite channels. Siemens and Alcatel are installing a mobile<br />

telephone network with 7,000 lines and are upgrading part of the<br />

fixed telephone network in Ashgabat at a cost of US$ 1 million.<br />

State-owned monopoly Turkmentelecom provides local public<br />

telephone services and also Internet access. MCI (US) won<br />

a contract in 1997 to provide Internet access, which became<br />

available in 1998. It provided 15 digital channels for e-mail and<br />

Internet services and also installed a direct link with the US.<br />

However, in late 2000 the government annulled the licences<br />

of existing private Internet providers.<br />

14 Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile<br />

Transport<br />

Turkmenistan is not as geographically isolated as some other<br />

Central Asian countries because of its access to the Caspian<br />

Sea and the Volga-Don canal. In 1996, the most recent year for<br />

which data are available, Turkmenistan had 24,000 kilometres<br />

of road and 2,187 kilometres of railway track. The transport<br />

sector is in dire need of investment. However, various road, rail<br />

and air projects are being carried out. A US$ 34 million World<br />

Bank project to upgrade the public transport systems in<br />

Ashgabat, Dashoguz and Mary is under way. In 1999 President<br />

Niyazov launched a 1,000-day programme to build new roads<br />

and railways and upgrade existing ones to increase freight and<br />

haulage capacity by 50 per cent.<br />

However, a more rigorous economic evaluation of some of the<br />

proposed projects is needed if Turkmenistan is to avoid costly<br />

investments that divert scarce resources away from less<br />

ambitious projects with higher rates of return.<br />

Road<br />

The government is conducting a number of major road renewal<br />

projects at state expense, except for a stretch of the Ashgabat-<br />

Mary road which is being financed by the Islamic Development<br />

Bank (IDB). In view of the poor condition of existing roads, all<br />

the rehabilitation projects involve building new roads from<br />

scratch.<br />

Construction of a 600-kilometre road between Ashgabat and<br />

Dashoguz started in spring 2000. This major project will<br />

improve the existing road between the capital and the north of<br />

the country, which needs extensive upgrading. Another project,<br />

under the umbrella of the EU’s TRACECA programme (see<br />

opposite page), involves upgrading of the 350-kilometre road<br />

between Ashgabat and Mary, the country’s second most<br />

developed region. Construction firm Mensel (Turkey) is to<br />

carry out the work once the financing is guaranteed. The<br />

IDB is financing one stretch of this road.<br />

Rehabilitation of the road running 600 kilometres from<br />

Ashgabat to Turkmenbashi port will improve the existing link<br />

between the capital city and the oil-producing western region.<br />

The project has been under way since mid-1999.<br />

Rail<br />

A new 203-kilometre railway line (Turkmenabat-Atamurat)<br />

along the Amu Darya River opened in 1999, with a capacity<br />

of 4 million tonnes of freight and 650,000 passengers a year.<br />

A railway link with Iran was opened in 1996. Modernisation<br />

Continued on page 16

TRACECA stands for the Transport<br />

Corridor Europe Caucasus Asia, the<br />

EU-sponsored umbrella programme to<br />

coordinate the development of east-west<br />

transit routes. The transport corridor<br />

runs from Europe across the Black Sea,<br />

through the Caucasus and the Caspian<br />

Sea to Central Asia, and links up with<br />

the EU’s Trans European Networks<br />

(TENs), which cover the transport system<br />

for EU countries, and its Pan-European<br />

Transport Corridors, which cover the<br />

rest of Europe.<br />

Under the TRACECA programme,<br />

in 1998 the relevant countries signed<br />

a multilateral agreement on transport<br />

(“MLA”), which aims to help develop<br />

economic relations, trade and transport<br />

communications in the region, ensure<br />

access to world markets by road, rail<br />

and sea, ensure safety and<br />

environmental protection, harmonise<br />

transport policy and legal structures,<br />

and create equal conditions for<br />

competition in transport operations.<br />

Signatory states are: Caucasus and<br />

Central Asian countries, Moldova,<br />

Ukraine, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria.<br />

TRACECA’s work includes: financing<br />

technical assistance for transport<br />

infrastructure, legal and regulatory<br />

issues and management training;<br />

cooperation with IFIs on major<br />

infrastructure projects; and fostering<br />

and coordinating regional cooperation<br />

in transport.<br />

There are two supporting structures,<br />

the Intergovernmental Commission at<br />

the ministerial level, and the Permanent<br />

Secretariat, based in Baku. The<br />

Intergovernmental Commission, including<br />

heads of government and transport<br />

ministers identified priorities such as<br />

harmonising tariff liberalisation and<br />

simplifying customs and border<br />

procedures. All the participants<br />

recognise the importance to regional<br />

Major sectors of the economy<br />

TRACECA: The Great Silk Road Revival<br />

Sofia<br />

Israel<br />

Bulgaria<br />

Turkey<br />

Jordan<br />

Romania<br />

Turkey<br />

Ukraine<br />

Moldova<br />

Kiev<br />

VarnaSupsa<br />

Poti<br />

Ankara<br />

Bucharest<br />

Burgas<br />

Istanbul<br />

Chisinau<br />

Odessa<br />

B lac k Se a<br />

LebanonBaghdad<br />

Damascus<br />

Saudi Arabia<br />

Constantza<br />

Syria<br />

Iraq<br />

Batumi<br />

D n i e p e r<br />

Novorossiysk<br />

Yerevan<br />

Georgia Tbilisi<br />

Armenia Azerbaijan Baku<br />

Teheran<br />

Moscow<br />

V o lga - D o n C a n a l<br />

Caspian<br />

S e a<br />

V o l g a<br />

Turkmenbashi<br />

I s l a m i c R e p u bli c o f I r a n<br />

Aktau<br />

R u s s i a n F e d e r a t i o n<br />

Aktobe<br />

Turkmenistan<br />

Uzbekistan<br />

Ashgabat<br />

A ral<br />

S e a<br />

A m u D a r y a<br />

S<br />

y r<br />

D a r y a<br />

Samarkand<br />

development of reviving the ancient<br />

“Silk Road” through mutual cooperation.<br />

Three priority programmes established<br />

for 2001 are harmonisation of frontier<br />

procedures, establishment of a common<br />

legal basis for transit haulage, and<br />

elaboration of a common policy for<br />

transit duties. These are to be financed<br />

through EU technical assistance funding.<br />

A major TRACECA project is the<br />

upgrading of the container services<br />

between Turkmenbashi port and Baku<br />

port in Azerbaijan. The two ports occupy<br />

key strategic positions on the transport<br />

route across the Caspian Sea and are<br />

regarded as potential bottlenecks in<br />

the flow of container traffic along the<br />

TRACECA corridor. The project aims to<br />

improve container handling facilities at<br />

the two ports, maintain and improve<br />

vessels linking them and assist in<br />

restructuring the management of the<br />

ports and shipping lines.<br />

Astana<br />

K a z a k h s t a n<br />

Tashkent<br />

Tajikistan<br />

Sea<br />

Road<br />

Rail<br />

This map has been prepared exclusively for the<br />

convenience of readers. The denominations used<br />

and the boundaries shown on this map do not<br />

imply any judgement on the legal status of any<br />

territory or any endorsement of such boundaries.<br />

Bishkek<br />

Kyrgyzstan<br />

4849 IP01 Traceca map<br />

Almaty<br />

Kabul<br />

A f g h a n i s t a n<br />

Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile 15

Introduction<br />

Major sectors of the economy<br />

work is under way at Ashgabat locomotive depot. Financing<br />

is being provided by the Japanese Overseas Economic<br />

Cooperation Fund. Dai Nippon and Itochu, both Japanese, won<br />

a tender worth US$ 37.5 million to modernise rail links. Among<br />

a series of infrastructure projects begun in early 2000 is the<br />

construction of a railway line between Ashgabat in the south<br />

and Dashoguz in the north, to be completed by 2006.<br />

Air<br />

An additional runway was opened at Ashgabat airport in 2000.<br />

Access to passenger terminals has been made easier.<br />

Balkanabat Airport is to have a new runway. Thomson (France),<br />

which equipped Ashgabat airport, is also installing air traffic<br />

control systems at Turkmenbashi and Turkmenabat airports.<br />

There are also several projects to upgrade facilities at other<br />

regional airports to improve domestic air services. The national<br />

airline, Turkmen Hava Yollari, has announced plans to replace its<br />

entire fleet with Boeing aircraft. The airline will also receive three<br />

Boeing 717s in 2001 as part of a deal signed in July 2000.<br />

Sea ports<br />

Modernisation of Turkmenbashi port is to be accelerated. The<br />

port is an important gateway for the entire Central Asian region.<br />

The EBRD has provided a loan of € 32.23 million towards a<br />

total project cost of € 48.95 million (under the TRACECA<br />

umbrella – see above) and is helping restructure management<br />

systems. Turkey’s STFA has won a US$ 40 million tender to<br />

upgrade the passenger ferry and dry bulk cargo terminals.<br />

Development of a regional transportation system<br />

Turkmenistan is affected by the interdependent structure of Central<br />

Asia’s transport networks. Any disruption to cross-border transport<br />

services can have a damaging effect on trade and travel. Therefore,<br />

development of a regional transportation system is of priority among<br />

the Central Asian states, who need to focus on upgrading their<br />

transport networks to increase trade with each other and with other<br />

neighbours such as China, Iran, Turkey and Pakistan. Economic links<br />

between the Central Asian countries are hampered by the awkward<br />

legacy of the Soviet-era transport system. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,<br />

Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan need to adapt a transport<br />

network that was in place when the five former Soviet republics were<br />

oriented exclusively toward Russia.<br />

There were no rail or pipeline connections to the south as all<br />

transport links led north to Russia or through the Caucasus.<br />

16 Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile<br />

The fact that transport networks in Iran, Pakistan and Turkey have<br />

also long been oriented to the south towards ports on the Indian<br />

Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, rather than towards Central Asia,<br />

has further complicated the situation. Such physical difficulties<br />

stand in the way of a rapid expansion of intra-regional trade and<br />

the development of new outlets for Central Asian trade on world<br />

markets. This physical structure and the northern orientation of the<br />

transport infrastructure is influencing post-independence trade flows.<br />

Oil and gas exports from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, for<br />

example, continue to flow to the CIS, despite some disadvantages.<br />

The most urgent area for reorientation is the rail network, which was<br />

the most important part of the old Soviet transport system. The<br />

Central Asian republics are linked to one another and to the rest<br />

of the FSU by a few key routes, which do not always take republic<br />

borders into account. The railway from Osh, the second largest city<br />

in Kyrgyzstan, to Bishkek passes through Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and<br />

Kazakhstan before re-entering Kyrgyzstan just before Bishkek.<br />

However, railroads, like pipelines, are expensive to build, and<br />

networks are only being modified slowly. To give another example,<br />

Turkmenistan is limited by a pipeline network that runs through<br />

Russia, leaving it dependent on former Soviet customers who have<br />

often failed to pay their bills for gas. Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan<br />

have also had disputes over unpaid rail transit bills, leading to<br />

closure of common borders. For lack of alternative routes, Kazakh<br />

oil is transported through a Russian pipeline company. A large<br />

proportion of oil from the Tengiz field is shipped by train to the Baltic<br />

ports or across the Caspian Sea by barge and then by train to Black<br />

Sea ports as the only, expensive alternative.<br />

The poor condition of roads is another problem for increasing trade<br />

volumes. The least limited mode of transport and least bound by<br />

history is air, but it is expensive. Although the aviation networks<br />

are still dominated by intra-CIS flights, the national airlines have<br />

established some international routes and are making steady<br />

progress in this respect.<br />

In order to tackle these problems, more investment and cooperation<br />

are needed in the maintenance and upgrading of roads, railroads,<br />

and pipelines before the existing system comes close to collapse.<br />

Improving the roads will yield the most immediate benefits. The<br />

Lugovoye (Kazakhstan) via Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) to Balykchy<br />

(Kyrgyzstan) railway route and the Andijan (Uzbekistan) via Osh<br />

(Kyrgyzstan) to Irkeshtam (Kyrgyzstan) road route have been singled<br />

out as priority projects by the relevant governments. They have<br />

agreed to set up working groups to coordinate the implementation<br />

of each project and help resolve any issues involved.

Financial sector<br />

Aral Sea<br />

Turkmenistan<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

Uzbekistan<br />

The financial sector is largely controlled by the government. Financial intermediation to the private sector is limited, with most<br />

bank lending to the state sector under government direction. Some progress in developing banks for SME lending has been<br />

made with the support of the EBRD. Capital markets have yet to be established.<br />

Banking sector<br />

The banking sector remains small and access to finance is<br />

limited. The sector still bears the characteristics of the old<br />

Soviet system, and continues to be controlled from above.<br />

More than 95 per cent of credit still goes to the state sector,<br />

while the availability of financial intermediation to the private<br />

sector is minimal. Most lending is provided by state-owned<br />

banks under the direction of the government and goes<br />

to favoured sectors such as oil and gas and agriculture.<br />

Development of commercial banking, including small private<br />

banks, has been constrained by the country’s macroeconomic<br />

environment, lack of private sector development and, most<br />

importantly, excessive government involvement in the economy.<br />

There are 12 commercial banks. Five are state-owned,<br />

including Turkmen Vnesheconombank (which deals with foreign<br />

trade and is the channel through which the state borrows<br />

abroad), Sberbank (the Savings Bank and recipient of most<br />

household desposits), Turkmenistan Bank, Investbank and<br />

Daykhanbank (which finances the agricultural sector). Three<br />

of the 12 are joint-stock commercial banks – Senagat Bank,<br />

Garashsyzlyk Bank (a merger of Gaz Bank and Ashgabat Bank),<br />

and the International Bank for Reconstruction, Development<br />

and Promotion of Entrepreneurship of Turkmenistan. A fourth<br />

joint-stock commercial bank, Obabank, was liquidated in<br />

September 2000. Two others are joint banks with foreign<br />

participation and the remaining two are branches of foreign<br />

banks operating in Turkmenistan. Most banks engage in<br />

financing a specific economic sector or selected public<br />

enterprises. Daykhanbank has retained its agricultural focus<br />

since absorbing the Co-op Bank.<br />

According to the Central Bank of Turkmenistan, personal bank<br />

deposits in local and foreign currencies increased by 53.5 per<br />

cent in the first half of 2000. However, total bank deposits are<br />

no more than 6 per cent of GDP and the majority are held by<br />

enterprises. The five state commercial banks account for<br />

around 80 per cent of total assets and deposits in the banking<br />

system. Most loans are to state enterprises. The term structure<br />

is heavily weighted towards short-term instruments. Any existing<br />

long-term loans are state directed credits, mostly at preferential<br />

interest rates. Average interest rates are 3.2-20 per cent on<br />

local currency deposits and 5.2-35 per cent on local currency<br />

loans, depending on maturity, type of borrower and type of<br />

lending institution. The equivalent figures for foreign exchange<br />

transactions are 5-21 and 5-13 per cent. Total reported net<br />

domestic bank assets do not exceed 20 per cent of GDP.<br />

Four of the largest banks now prepare their accounts according<br />

to International Accounting Standards (IAS) and are providing<br />

SME credits under an EBRD credit line with around US$ 5<br />

million disbursed. Under the agreement with the EBRD, the<br />

banks will need to meet traditional financial criteria such as<br />

capital adequacy, liquidity and maximum exposure, based on<br />

IAS audit figures.<br />

The Central Bank has issued new minimum capital<br />

requirements of US$ 5 million at the official exchange rate for<br />

all private banks, and US$ 10 million for the three largest state<br />

banks. It has also drawn up a timetable for each individual<br />

bank to meet the requirements. The Central Bank plans to<br />

introduce IAS accounting for all banks in 2001. Although<br />

banking supervision is weak, the Central Bank is making an<br />

effort to improve monitoring procedures and the enforcement<br />

of capital requirements. The Central Bank gained relative<br />

autonomy in 1997 as part of an attempt at stabilisation.<br />

However, political appointments have prevented it from fully<br />

exercising this autonomy.<br />

Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile 17

Introduction<br />

Financial sector<br />

Foreign involvement in the banking sector<br />

A number of foreign banks are cooperating with the Central Bank<br />

and others on training and financing activities. The Central Bank<br />

sends Turkmen bankers to Pakistan for international banking<br />

courses organised by the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) in<br />

Karachi. The NBP has a branch in Turkmenistan providing various<br />

banking services including checking accounts, foreign currency<br />

conversion, letters of credit and interest-bearing foreign exchange<br />

accounts. The course aims to teach Turkmen bankers modern<br />

banking techniques and equip them with skills to mobilise financial<br />

resources derived from oil and natural gas towards developing the<br />

country’s agricultural base.<br />

The Turkmen-Turkish Joint Stock Commercial Bank, founded in 1993<br />

by Turkey’s state-owned Ziraat Bank and the Turkmen state-owned<br />

Daykhanbank, deals with foreign exchange auctions through<br />

Daykhanbank. The bank has correspondent relations with such large<br />

American banks as Chase Manhattan, Citibank and Bank of America<br />

through Ziraat Bank’s branches in Turkey.<br />

In October 2000 Deutsche Bank (Germany) extended a cooperation<br />

agreement, initially signed in 1996, with Turkmenistan. Under the<br />

agreement signed by the German bank, which has a branch in<br />

Ashgabat, and the Turkmen President, a preliminary credit<br />

agreement will be signed to finance a number of investment projects<br />

in the oil and gas sector, including financing of imported equipment<br />

and services. The agreement envisages allocating credits to<br />

Turkmen Vnesheconombank to finance medium-term commercial<br />

deals, as well as training Turkmen bankers in project financing and<br />

bank auditing. Deutsche Bank will also open a credit line to<br />

Turkmenistan for short and long-term commercial transactions<br />

and provide consultancy on certain projects.<br />

Russia’s joint stock Rossiysky Kredit Bank has a branch in<br />

Turkmenistan, which opened in 1995. The bank provides consulting<br />

services on foreign exchange operations, the stock market,<br />

legislation, and taxation and customs regulations, and represents<br />

Turkmen clients’ interests in Russia and the region. It also provides<br />

worldwide money transfers.<br />

18 Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile<br />

In January 2000, President Niyazov set up a new bank, the<br />

President Bank, with US$ 10 million in starting capital to<br />

provide low-interest loans primarily to SMEs. However, only one<br />

loan had been approved by mid-2000, and funding and staffing<br />

of the bank remained unclear. In June 2000, the President<br />

banned citizens living in Turkmenistan from holding foreign bank<br />

accounts and obliged them to transfer money held in foreign<br />

accounts to Turkmen banks within three months.<br />

As the existing trade and foreign exchange controls distort all<br />

economic and banking sector activities, developing an efficient<br />

banking system in Turkmenistan requires major changes,<br />

including liberalisation of the exchange system, introduction<br />

of an independent Central Bank with a focus on effective<br />

supervision, and also further private sector development.<br />

Non-bank financial institutions<br />

There are no non-bank financial institutions in Turkmenistan<br />

apart from the State Insurance Company, which exercises an<br />

absolute monopoly over the limited insurance sector. A number<br />

of banks have started developing leasing activities although<br />

they commit, for the time being, no more than a tiny share of<br />

bank assets. The Central Asian American Enterprise Fund is<br />

the only private venture capital fund active in the country.<br />

There is no stock exchange or capital market in operation,<br />

despite long-standing plans to establish both. A state securities<br />

market established in 1994 has handled small issues of nontradable<br />

treasury bills which provide domestic financing for the<br />

budget, but have no effect on monetary policy.

EBRD activities<br />

in Turkmenistan<br />

Aral Sea<br />

Turkmenistan<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

Uzbekistan<br />

As at 31 December 2000, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) had signed five projects in<br />

Turkmenistan, totalling € 165.1 million: a credit line for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); a loan and equity<br />

investment to expand the textile plant created by the Gap Turkmen joint venture; a loan for the development of offshore<br />

hydrocarbon fields; financing for the reconstruction of Turkmenbashi Port; and a further equity investment in Gap Turkmen.<br />

In addition, 29 technical cooperation projects in Turkmenistan<br />

have been completed or approved. The majority of these have<br />

involved studies for infrastructure projects. The EBRD is also<br />

focusing on private investment financing, especially in cases<br />

where it would contribute to key areas of reform, such as the<br />

modernisation of agriculture and oil and gas production.<br />

Overview of EBRD activities and key objectives<br />

Turkmenistan is rich in energy resources and has considerable<br />

export potential in this sector. However, placing all expectations<br />

on energy carries considerable risk. The EBRD’s overriding<br />

medium-term objective, therefore, is to realise Turkmenistan’s<br />

energy export potential to the fullest extent, while diversifying<br />

its economy and promoting non-energy exports with a view to<br />

achieving sustained economic growth and higher living<br />

standards.<br />

At the same time, the EBRD aims to assist in bringing about<br />

policy change and institution-building in Turkmenistan in<br />

conjunction with projects that address critical infrastructure<br />

bottlenecks. The Bank is also maintaining a dialogue with<br />

the country to encourage transition towards economic and<br />

democratic reform, working closely with other international<br />

organisations.<br />

With this in mind, the EBRD intends to concentrate its activities<br />

for the immediate term on the development of the local private<br />

sector and the attraction of foreign private investment.<br />

Development of SMEs<br />

The EBRD is giving priority to the intensive implementation<br />

of a € 34.25 million export-oriented credit line which came into<br />

effect in April 1996 and is intended to encourage small and<br />

medium-sized business development. Modelled on other credit<br />

lines pioneered by the Bank in recent years, it provides hardcurrency<br />

term financing through four selected participating<br />

banks, which on-lend to enterprises in the private sector.<br />

This was not only the first substantial EBRD project in<br />

Turkmenistan, but also the first investment project in the<br />

country by an international financial institution. The Bank<br />

expects to accelerate disbursement of the credit line now that<br />

the private sector is developing.<br />

Private sector development<br />

Special emphasis is now being placed on making further<br />

progress with joint-venture projects, in particular for the textile,<br />

agribusiness, transport, and oil and gas industries. A textiles<br />

project was developed by the EBRD in 1996 with a Turkish<br />

sponsor. This involved the expansion of a recently built denim<br />

weaving plant into a vertically integrated textile company.<br />

The EBRD’s total investment in the project amounts to<br />

€ 34.15 million in debt and equity out of a total project<br />

cost of € 111.57 million.<br />

This is the first private foreign investment joint venture in<br />

Turkmenistan, and the government has used it as a<br />

demonstration project for introducing a wide variety of new<br />

procedures. The EBRD is keen to continue assisting potential<br />

foreign investors to develop project proposals.<br />

Critical infrastructure<br />

Turkmenbashi port<br />

With grant funds from the US government, a phased development<br />

plan for the upgrading of the dry cargo terminal at Turkmenbashi<br />

port was prepared. This study became the basis for EBRD<br />

financing of the reconstruction of the passenger ferry and dry<br />

bulk and general cargo terminals. The project also aims to<br />

improve the legal and operational environment in which the port<br />

operates and to help the Turkmen Sea Administration enhance its<br />

organisational structure and become a commercially oriented<br />

entity. The Bank has provided a loan of € 32.23 million towards<br />

a total project cost of € 48.95 million. This project will have great<br />

significance for a much wider area than Turkmenistan alone.<br />

Oil and gas<br />

The EBRD is encouraging foreign oil companies interested in<br />

establishing a long-term presence in Turkmenistan. This will<br />

result in the introduction of modern technologies and Western<br />

management practices, and make it possible to test alternative<br />

routes for exporting oil by sea, rail and road.<br />

Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile 19

Introduction<br />

EBRD activities in Turkmenistan<br />

A loan facility of € 64.4 million to Dragon Oil in the Cheleken<br />

PSA concession has been signed to support the commercial<br />

development of hydrocarbon reserves in the Turkmen sector of<br />

the Caspian Sea. An associated technical cooperation project<br />

will assist Turkmenistan in preparing a National Oil Spill<br />

Contingency Plan (NOSP).<br />

In the gas industry, the EBRD has carried out a technical<br />

cooperation study for the preparation of a Gas Resource<br />

Development Strategy for Turkmenistan.<br />

Agriculture<br />

In line with government priorities to increase agricultural<br />

diversification, while maintaining a strong cotton sector, the<br />

EBRD is contributing to the attraction of private investments<br />

in processing locally available raw materials. Other areas of<br />

interest are wholesale, packaging, input production, machinery<br />

services and equipment.<br />

20 Turkmenistan <strong>Investment</strong> Profile<br />

Contact names<br />

David Hexter<br />

Business Group Director for Russia and Central Asia<br />

Tel: +44 20 7338 6197<br />

Fax: +44 20 7338 7590<br />

Kazuhiko Koguchi<br />

Country Director for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan<br />

EBRD Resident Office<br />

International Financial Centre, 4th Floor<br />

1 Turab Tula Street<br />

700003 Tashkent<br />

Uzbekistan<br />

Tel: +998 71 120 62 79<br />

Fax: +998 71 144 21 65<br />

Jaap Sprey<br />

Head of Resident Office<br />

95 Azadi Street<br />

744000 Ashghabat<br />

Turkmenistan<br />

Tel: +993 12 51 22 63<br />

Fax: +993 12 51 03 18<br />

Signed projects as at 31 December 2000 (in € million, exchange rate as at 31 December 2000)<br />

Name Brief description Total project cost EBRD finance Type of financing<br />

Private<br />

Export-oriented credit line Credit line for SMEs 34.25 34.25 Loan<br />

GAP Turkmen Expansion of existing textile company 18.81 Loan<br />

95.46 11.94 Equity<br />

GAP Turkmen 2 Further equity investment 16.12 3.4 Equity<br />

Dragon Oil Commercial development of<br />

State<br />

off-shore hydrocarbon fields 558.78 64.47 Loan<br />

Turkmenbashi Port Development Upgrading of port 48.95 32.23 Loan<br />

Total signed 753.56 165.1<br />

of which private 81%<br />

of which public 19%

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