Scaling Up the Fight Against Rural Poverty - FIDAfrique

Scaling Up the Fight Against Rural Poverty - FIDAfrique

Scaling Up the Fight Against Rural Poverty - FIDAfrique


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Chapter 4<br />

<strong>Scaling</strong> <strong>Up</strong> in IFAD’s Operational Management<br />

We now turn to a review of <strong>the</strong> institutional tools with which IFAD manages its operational activities.<br />

Our aim is to assess how <strong>the</strong>y support IFAD’s engagement in scaling up its successful interventions.<br />

This is <strong>the</strong> heart of <strong>the</strong> scaling up review, since our principal purpose is to illuminate what o<strong>the</strong>rwise is<br />

often a black box of internal management approaches and procedures in donor organizations. As in <strong>the</strong><br />

previous chapter, our assessment is based on <strong>the</strong> review of relevant documentation and on interviews<br />

with IFAD managers and staff. Many of <strong>the</strong> documents which we draw on are in <strong>the</strong> public domain<br />

and easily accessible on <strong>the</strong> IFAD website (www.ifad.org). This transparency is very helpful as it<br />

allows external review and accountability.<br />

In this chapter we first look at how scaling up is treated in IFAD’s operational strategy and policy<br />

documents. We <strong>the</strong>n review IFAD’s approach to its country programming, project management,<br />

portfolio review, quality enhancement and project monitoring. We close <strong>the</strong> chapter with a set of<br />

conclusions.<br />

A. <strong>Scaling</strong> up in IFAD’s operational strategy and policy documents<br />

In recent years IFAD has prepared many strategy documents and policy papers. An active program of<br />

evaluation by IFAD’s Office of Evaluation provides feedback and lessons for <strong>the</strong> Executive Board and<br />

for management on how its strategies and policies are implemented. We have reviewed <strong>the</strong> 24 most<br />

relevant guidance documents and evaluations to assess how scaling up is approached. The remainder<br />

of this section summarizes out main findings.<br />

Since 2002, <strong>the</strong> focus on scaling up has increased and become more fully articulated, especially in <strong>the</strong><br />

strategy documents and in <strong>the</strong> evaluation documents. However, in no document is <strong>the</strong>re a detailed<br />

treatment of scaling up as a separate strategic goal or an exploration of <strong>the</strong> scaling up process for<br />

IFAD to follow. <strong>Scaling</strong> up is treated in close conjunction with innovation and learning, constituting a<br />

common triad of “innovation, learning and scaling up”. Innovation is usually given a much more<br />

detailed and intensive focus in <strong>the</strong> strategy and policy statements than scaling up.<br />

IFAD’s policy documents and its operational guidelines have very few references and provide little<br />

guidance on scaling up. This is unfortunate, since <strong>the</strong>y represent a key link between strategy and<br />

operational practice. Since guidelines for COSOPs and COSOP reviews also have addressed <strong>the</strong><br />

scaling up agenda only in a limited way (see next section), we conclude that key operational guidance<br />

documents currently do not provide IFAD’s staff with much direction on how to implement <strong>the</strong><br />

institution’s broad strategy on scaling up.<br />

Evaluation documents (including <strong>the</strong> Portfolio Reviews) have tended to focus more explicitly on<br />

scaling up than policy statements and guidelines. But performance ratings for evaluations are treated<br />

jointly for innovation and scaling up. The Evaluation Manual offers no guidance for <strong>the</strong> evaluation of<br />

specific steps in <strong>the</strong> scaling up process. The evaluation of innovation and scaling up concludes that <strong>the</strong><br />

innovation and scaling up should in future be rated separately in evaluations and calls for <strong>the</strong><br />

development of scaling up process guidance. (IFAD Independent Office of Evaluation 2010)<br />

B. Country Program Strategies – <strong>the</strong> COSOPs<br />

IFAD’s Country Strategy Opportunities Programs (COSOPs) are frameworks for making strategic<br />

choices about IFAD operations in a country, identifying opportunities for IFAD financing, and for<br />


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