English Studies

English Studies

English Studies


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G R A D U A T E D E G R E E P R O G R A M M E : E N G L I S H S T U D I E S<br />

Recommended<br />

reading<br />

Supplementary<br />

reading<br />

Teaching<br />

methods<br />

Assessment<br />

methods<br />

Language of<br />

instruction<br />

Quality<br />

assurance<br />

methods<br />

Media in learning and teaching: selection, function, and classification.<br />

Auditory, visual, and audio-visual media in education. Multimedia approach<br />

to education. New information and communication media.<br />

Theory of media effect: Traditional approach. Uses and Gratification<br />

Approach to media, Interactional approach, Latent consequence approach.<br />

Košir, M. et al.. (1999). Život s medijima - priručnik o medijskom<br />

odgoju za roditelje, nastavnike i učitelje. Zagreb: Doron.<br />

Rodek, S. (1992). Istraživački trendovi u području primjene medija -<br />

različiti pristupi i teorije. U Istraživanja odgoja i obrazovanja, 9,<br />

Zagreb: Institut za pedagogijska istraživanja.<br />

Trowler, P. (2002). Komunikacija i mediji. U Haralambos, M. &<br />

Holborn, M. (Eds.). Sociologija – teme i perspektive. Zagreb:<br />

Golden marketing.<br />

Craggs, C. E. (1992). Media Education in the Primary School. London -<br />

New York: Routledge.<br />

Dichanz, H. i Kolb, G. (1979). Unterrichtstheorie und Medienpraxis.<br />

Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag.<br />

Masterman, L. (1994). Media Education in 1990's in Europe. A Teachers<br />

Guide, Strassbourg: Council of Europe Press.<br />

Postman, N. (1994). Das Verschwinden der Kindheit. Frankfurt/Mein:<br />

Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag.<br />

Rodek, S. (1986). Kompjutor i suvremena nastavna tehnologija. Zagreb:<br />

NIRO Školske novine.<br />

Rodek, S. (1988). Nove informacijske tehnologije - izazov odgoju i<br />

obrazovanju. Odgoj i obrazovanje na pragu 21. st. Zagreb: PKZ i Savez<br />

pedagoških društava Hrvatske.<br />

Lectures, seminars, advisory hours. Students are expected to carry out an<br />

independent research mini-project on media issues, either of their own<br />

choice or as agreed and arranged with the lecturer.<br />

Seminars are organized as workshops with an emphasis on the students’<br />

active participation.<br />

Upon the completion of the course the students take an oral examination,<br />

where their competence is evaluated through an interview. The completed<br />

project quality is also subject to evaluation, as are the results thereby<br />

obtained.<br />

Croatian and German language.<br />

Student evaluation via questionnaires.<br />

Lecturers responsible for the same subject area collaborate closely and<br />

monitor each other’s work.<br />


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