English Studies

English Studies

English Studies


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G R A D U A T E D E G R E E P R O G R A M M E : E N G L I S H S T U D I E S<br />

choices, orientations and systems. The student improves skills in the logical<br />

analysis.<br />

Prerequisites Competences and skills acquired upon the completion of the first year<br />

graduate study programme (teacher education). Prerequisites defined by the<br />

Faculty Statute.<br />

Course contents<br />

Recommended<br />

reading<br />

The course covers the following units: (a) the relations between contemporary<br />

philosophy and educational theory, (b) anthropological basis of education and the<br />

idea of natural development in contemporary philosophy of education, Unit (a)<br />

covers main schools in contemporary philosophy, and reveals how the<br />

understanding of basic notions («man», «language», «and knowledge») shapes<br />

contemporary educational theories. Topic (a) comprises four thematic circles. The<br />

first covers «phenomenological» orientation in philosophy (historicism,<br />

existentialism, hermeneutics) and hermeneutical orientation in educational theory.<br />

The second thematic circle covers «analytical» schools in philosophy (neopositivism,<br />

critical rationalism) and empirical orientation in the educational theory.<br />

The third thematic circle covers critical theory and critical orientation in educational<br />

theory. The fourth thematic block examines roots of post-modern philosophy<br />

(psychoanalysis, structuralism), and discusses the reception of post-modern<br />

philosophy in educational theory. Unit (b) gives short introduction to educational<br />

anthropology covering: anthropological basis of education and educational import<br />

of the notion of natural development.<br />

Student must read (a) one introductory text in philosophy, (b) one text discussing<br />

relations between philosophy and educational theory, (c) one original text<br />

pertaining to philosophy of education and, if the student has no prior education in<br />

informal logic, (d) one introductory text in informal logic.<br />

(a) Introduction to philosophy<br />

Anzenbacher, A. (1992). Filozofija: uvod u filozofiju. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.<br />

Warburton, N. (1999). Filozofija: osnove. Zagreb: Kruzak.<br />

(b) Correlation between philosophy and education science<br />

Gudjons, H. (1994). Pedagogija: temeljna znanja. Zagreb: Educa.<br />

König, E. i Zedler, P. (2001). Teorije znanosti o odgoju. Zagreb:<br />

Educa.<br />

Lenzen, D. (2002). Vodič za studij znanosti o odgoju - što može, što<br />

želi. Zagreb: Educa.<br />

(c) Research in the philosophy of education<br />

Bereiter, C. (2002). Education and Mind in the Knowledge Age.<br />

Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.<br />

Bruner, J. (2000). Kultura obrazovanja. Zagreb: Educa.<br />

Čehok, I. (Ed.). (1997). Filozofija odgoja: izbor tekstova hrvatskih<br />

pisaca. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.<br />

(d) Basics of logic and logic in education<br />

Kovač, S. (2004). Logika. Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada.<br />


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