English Studies

English Studies

English Studies


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G R A D U A T E D E G R E E P R O G R A M M E : E N G L I S H S T U D I E S<br />

Supplementary<br />

reading<br />

Teaching<br />

methods<br />

Assessment<br />

methods<br />

Language of<br />

instruction<br />

Quality<br />

assurance<br />

methods<br />

Course title<br />

Course code<br />

Type of course<br />

Level of course<br />

Year of study<br />

ECTS<br />

/Number of<br />

credits allocated/<br />

Pilić, Š. (1999). Nastava sociologije obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj. Napredak,<br />

140, 4, 481-487.<br />

Pilić, Š. (1999). Tko su prijatelji nastavnika. Školski vjesnik, 48, 1, 3-21.<br />

Pilić, Š., Stankov, S. (1998). Računalne tehnologije i nastavnici:<br />

komparativna analiza Hrvatske i SAD. Informatologia, 31, 1-2, 53-56.<br />

Vujević, M. (1991). Uvod u sociologiju obrazovanja. Zagreb: Informator.<br />

Ballantine, J. H. (1993). The sociology of education. Englewood Cliffs:<br />

Prentice-Hall.<br />

Cacouault, M., Oeuvrard, F. (1995). Sociologie de l'education. Paris:<br />

Editions La Decouverte.<br />

Marinković, R., Karajić, N. (2004). (Eds.). Budućnost i uloga<br />

nastavnika/Future and the role of teachers. Zagreb: PMF/Faculty of<br />

science.<br />

Pilić, Š. (2002). The Education of Teachers in a Post-Socialist Society: the<br />

Case of Croatia. In Sultana, R. G. (Ed.). Teacher Education in the Euro-<br />

Mediterranean Region. (pp. 51-68). New York, Washington, Baltimore,<br />

Bern, Frankfurt an Main, Berlin, Brussels, Vienna, Oxford: Peter Lang<br />

Publishing.<br />

Pilić, Š., Lovrić, J. (2000). Profesori biologije i kemije: sociodemografska<br />

obilježja i proces školovanja. Školski vjesnik, 49, 1, 21-33.<br />

Plačko, Lj. (1990). Religija i odgoj. Zagreb: Školske novine.<br />

Šooš, E. (1987). Demokratizacija obrazovanja. Zagreb: Školske novine.<br />

Štulhofer, A. (1992). Mitologija obrazovnih šansi. Theleme, 38, 2, 61-72.<br />

Lectures, seminars, research, the Internet, advisory hours, tutorials.<br />

Continuous monitoring of students’ progress, writing essays on selected<br />

(optional) topics, competence test, and oral examination.<br />

Croatian language<br />

Student evaluation, analysis of examination results (pass rate), results of<br />

long-term monitoring, exchange of experience within the School of<br />

Humanities as well as with other faculties and departments.<br />

Teacher sociology<br />

HZX007<br />

Lecture + Seminar / Advisory hours<br />

Specialised level course<br />

Second Semester Three<br />

3 ECTS<br />

Contact hours (15 lectures + 15 seminars/advisory hours) = 0.75 ECTS<br />

Student study time (67.5 hours) = 2.25 ECTS<br />


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