English Studies

English Studies

English Studies


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G R A D U A T E D E G R E E P R O G R A M M E : E N G L I S H S T U D I E S<br />

reading knjiga.<br />

2. Klafki, W. & dr. (1992). Didaktičke teorije. Zagreb: Educa.<br />

3. Kyriacou, C. (1995). Temeljna nastavna umijeća. Zagreb:<br />

Supplementary<br />

reading<br />

Teaching<br />

methods<br />

Assessment<br />

methods<br />

Language of<br />

instruction<br />

Quality<br />

assurance<br />

methods<br />

Educa.<br />

Glasser, W. (1994). Kvalitetna škola. Zagreb: Educa.<br />

Jelavić, F. (1998). Didaktika. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.<br />

March, J.C. (1994). Kurikulum. Zagreb: Educa.<br />

Matijević, M. (2001). Alternativne škole. Zagreb: Tipex.<br />

Matijević, M. (2004). Ocjenjivanje u osnovnoj školi. Zagreb: Tipex.<br />

Milat, J. (1995). Pripremanje za nastavu – metodički priručnik. Zagreb:<br />

Hrvatska zajednica tehničke kulture.<br />

Poljak, V. (1991). Didaktika. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.<br />

Rodek, S. (1986). Kompjutor i suvremena nastavna tehnologija. Zagreb:<br />

Školske novine.<br />

Walford, G. (1992). Privatne škole. Zagreb: Educa.<br />

Lectures, seminars and advisory hours. Seminars are organized as active<br />

student workshops during which didactic themes are studied and discussed.<br />

After having regularly attended the lectures and after having presented their<br />

seminar papers, candidates take written and/or oral exam. Final grade<br />

reflects the student's understanding of the concepts dealt with in the course<br />

as well as his/her ability to consider critically one title from supplementary<br />

reading list.<br />

Croatian and German.<br />

Student feedback via questionnaires and surveys.<br />

Lecturers responsible for the same subject area collaborate closely and<br />

monitor each other’s work.<br />

Course title Psychology of education<br />

Course code HZX003<br />

Type of course Lecture + Seminar / / Advisory hours<br />

Level of course Basic level course<br />

Year of study First Semester Two<br />

ECTS<br />

(Number of<br />

credits allocated)<br />

Name of<br />

lecturer<br />

Learning<br />

outcomes and<br />

competences<br />

5 ECTS<br />

Contact hours (30 lectures + 30 seminars/advisory hours) = 1.5 ECTS<br />

Student study time (105 hours) = 3.5 ECTS<br />

Dr. Goran Kardum, assistant professor<br />

Dr. Davor Hren<br />

After the completion of the course, the student is expected to have gained<br />

the knowledge of elementary psychological concepts and to better<br />

understand one’s behaviour as well as the behaviour of the others. S/he is<br />

also expected to know basic principle of learning and to recognize learners<br />

with special needs.<br />

Prerequisites Completed requirements for enrolling in graduate study (teacher education).<br />

Prerequisites defined by the Faculty Statute.<br />


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