English Studies

English Studies

English Studies


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G R A D U A T E D E G R E E P R O G R A M M E : E N G L I S H S T U D I E S<br />

Course title<br />

Course code<br />

Second Language Acquisition<br />

HZE610<br />

Type of course Lecture + Seminar / Advisory hours<br />

Core course<br />

Level of course Intermediate level course<br />

Year of study First Semester One<br />

ECTS<br />

4 ECTS credits<br />

(Number of Contact hours (30 lectures + 10 seminars + 5 advisory hours) = 1.13 credits.<br />

credits allocated) Student study time (86 hours) = 2.87 credits.<br />

Name of lecturer Prof. Dr Sanja Čurković Kalebić<br />

Danijela Šegedin, assistant<br />

Learning Understanding and critical consideration of theories of second language<br />

outcomes and acquisition.<br />

competences The knowledge of the factors that influence the process of second language<br />

acquisition.<br />

Insight into second language acquisition research.<br />

Prerequisites Defined by the Faculty Statute.<br />

Course contents The role of the first language in second language acquisition, learner<br />

interlanguage, variability in interlanguage, individual learner differences<br />

(personal factors, attitudes to the teacher and course materials, individual<br />

learning techniques, the effects of age, aptitude, cognitive style,<br />

motivation), the role of input and interaction in the process of second<br />

language acquisition, learner strategies, communication strategies, linguistic<br />

universals and second language acquisition, language transfer, the role of<br />

formal instruction in second language acquisition, theories of second<br />

language acquisition.<br />

Recommended Ellis, R. (1985). Understanding Second Language Acquisition. Oxford:<br />

reading<br />

Oxford University Press.<br />

Lightbown, P.M., Spada, N. (1999). How Languages are Learned. Revised<br />

edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.<br />

Supplementary Doughty, C.J., Long, M. (eds.) (2003). The Handbook of Second Language<br />

reading<br />

Acquisition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.<br />

Ellis, R. (2008). The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Second<br />

Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Selected chapters).<br />

Skehan, P. (1998). A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning. Oxford:<br />

Oxford University Press.<br />

Selected articles from journals: Applied Linguistics and <strong>Studies</strong> in Second<br />

Language Acquisition.<br />

Teaching The lectures are mostly in a dialogical form, student participation is<br />

methods encouraged.<br />

In seminars students work in groups, pairs or individually.<br />

Assessment<br />

methods<br />

Written exam.<br />


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