English Studies

English Studies

English Studies


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G R A D U A T E D E G R E E P R O G R A M M E : E N G L I S H S T U D I E S<br />

Prerequisites<br />

Course contents<br />

Recommended<br />

reading<br />

Supplementary<br />

reading<br />

Teaching<br />

methods<br />

Assessment<br />

methods<br />

Language of<br />

instruction<br />

Quality<br />

assurance<br />

methods<br />

Completion of the first semester of graduate studies.<br />

Here are some of the themes covered: origin of language; language<br />

universals; language and cognition; how language exists in the speech<br />

community; the acquisition of language; is language innate or learned; what<br />

is the relationship of language and thought; how is language a guide to<br />

reality; are we prisoners of our language; how do we learn about things in<br />

the world, where and how words acquire their meanings; what is the<br />

relationship of language and thought; nominalism, mentalism and platonism<br />

in the philosophy of language and linguistics.<br />

Aitchison, J. (1987). Words in the Mind: An Introduction to the Mental<br />

Lexicon. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.<br />

Chomsky, N. (1976). Reflections on Language. London: Temple Smith.<br />

Downes, W. (1984). Language and Society. London: Fontana Paperbacks.<br />

Pinker, S. (1994). The Language Instinct. London: Penguin Books.<br />

Bickerton, D. (1990). Language and Species. Chicago: University of<br />

Chicago Press.<br />

Jutronić, D. Lingvistika i filozofija. (1991). Zagreb, Hrvatsko filozofsko<br />

društvo.<br />

Katz, J. (Ed.) (1985). The Philosophy of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford<br />

University Press.<br />

Devitt and Sterelny. (1999). Language and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of<br />

Language. Cambridge: MIT Press.<br />

1. Lectures (traditional with student-participation encouraged, asking<br />

questions for clarification).<br />

2. Seminars (each student writes a seminar paper which is then presented in<br />

the classroom. Work group or work in pairs is possible depending on the<br />

assigned task)<br />

3. Close readings of some selected passages.<br />

1. Active participation in the classroom discussion; an oral presentation of<br />

the seminar work.<br />

2. Written and oral exam at the end of the course.<br />

<strong>English</strong>.<br />

Student feedback via questionnaires.<br />

Course title Literary Cinema<br />

Course code<br />

Type of course<br />

Level of course<br />

HZE807<br />

Seminar / Advisory hours<br />

Elective Course<br />

Specialised level course<br />


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