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Econometrics Journal (2004), volume 7, pp. 341–365.<br />

<strong>Test<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> <strong>regressions</strong><br />


∗ Department of Economics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,<br />

Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong<br />

E-mail: <strong>in</strong>choi@ust.hk<br />

† Department of Mathematics and Statistics, P.O. Box 54 (Union<strong>in</strong>katu 37),<br />

FIN-00014 University of Hels<strong>in</strong>ki, F<strong>in</strong>land<br />

E-mail: pentti.saikkonen@hels<strong>in</strong>ki.fi<br />

Received: November 2003<br />

Summary This paper develops statistical tests that can be used to test <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong><br />

co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> regression models. These tests extend previous similar tests<br />

by consider<strong>in</strong>g I(1) regressors <strong>in</strong>stead of stationary or mix<strong>in</strong>g regressors and they also allow<br />

for more general <strong>transition</strong> mechanisms than <strong>in</strong> previous studies. As is typical <strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g<br />

<strong>regressions</strong>, the regressors and errors of the model can be serially and contemporaneously<br />

correlated. In order to allow for this feature, an endogeneity correction based on a leads-and-lags<br />

approach is employed. The proposed tests are very simple to use because ord<strong>in</strong>ary least squares<br />

techniques and standard chi-square limit<strong>in</strong>g distributions apply. Simulation experiments<br />

<strong>in</strong>dicate that the tests have reasonable f<strong>in</strong>ite sample properties. Empirical applications to a<br />

U.K. money demand function illustrate the practical usefulness of the tests.<br />

Keywords: L<strong>in</strong>earity test, Co<strong>in</strong>tegration, Smooth <strong>transition</strong> regression, Money demand.<br />


S<strong>in</strong>ce its <strong>in</strong>troduction <strong>in</strong> the 1980s, the theory of co<strong>in</strong>tegration has undergone considerable<br />

development and become a central part of modern time series econometrics. Various econometric<br />

and statistical methods have been developed for the analysis of co<strong>in</strong>tegrated time series and<br />

many of them are now rout<strong>in</strong>ely applied <strong>in</strong> empirical studies. However, most of the methods<br />

presently available assume that the co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g relations are l<strong>in</strong>ear, which accord<strong>in</strong>g to economic<br />

theory, need not be the case. For <strong>in</strong>stance, economic theories for money demand do not require<br />

the money demand function be l<strong>in</strong>ear (see, e.g. Baumol 1952; Tob<strong>in</strong> 1956; Baba et al. 1992),<br />

although <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> has been assumed <strong>in</strong> most empirical studies. Be<strong>in</strong>g able to <strong>in</strong>vestigate the<br />

possibility of a non-l<strong>in</strong>ear co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g relation is therefore of <strong>in</strong>terest, especially if an estimated<br />

l<strong>in</strong>ear co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g relation is found to be far from that predicted by economic theory.<br />

The purpose of this paper is to develop test procedures that can be used to test the <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> of<br />

a co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g relation <strong>in</strong> the context of a non-l<strong>in</strong>ear co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> regression<br />

(STR) model. Our test procedures are based on the approach previously used for stationary<br />

C○ Royal Economic Society 2004. Published by Blackwell Publish<strong>in</strong>g Ltd, 9600 Gars<strong>in</strong>gton Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Ma<strong>in</strong><br />

Street, Malden, MA, 02148, USA.

342 In Choi and Pentti Saikkonen<br />

models by Luukkonen et al. (1988) and Granger and Teräsvirta (1993) amongst others (for further<br />

references, see Teräsvirta (1998) and van Dijk et al. (2002)). An advantage of this approach is<br />

that the result<strong>in</strong>g tests are very simple to use. Computations can be carried out by ord<strong>in</strong>ary least<br />

squares (OLS) and a standard chi-square criterion can be used to obta<strong>in</strong> asymptotically valid<br />

tests.<br />

Although our tests have the same basis as previous <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> tests developed for STR models,<br />

the fact that we are work<strong>in</strong>g with a co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g regression br<strong>in</strong>gs about notable new features<br />

to the test<strong>in</strong>g problem. Because of the co<strong>in</strong>tegration, we have to relax previous assumptions of<br />

stationary or mix<strong>in</strong>g regressors and allow for nonstationary I(1) regressors. Unlike <strong>in</strong> the previous<br />

literature, we will not assume that the regressors are exogenous <strong>in</strong> any sense. Instead, we follow<br />

the common practice <strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>regressions</strong> and permit both serial and contemporaneous<br />

correlations between the regressors and the error term of the model. In order to allow for this<br />

feature, we use the leads-and-lags approach proposed by Saikkonen (1991), Phillips and Loretan<br />

(1991) and Stock and Watson (1993) for l<strong>in</strong>ear co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>regressions</strong> and Saikkonen and<br />

Choi (2004) for somewhat more general co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g STR <strong>regressions</strong> than those considered<br />

<strong>in</strong> this paper. As with co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>regressions</strong> <strong>in</strong> general, the error term of our model can be<br />

serially correlated. A further po<strong>in</strong>t that makes our model more general than previous stationary<br />

STR models is that it may conta<strong>in</strong> several <strong>transition</strong> functions and more than a s<strong>in</strong>gle <strong>transition</strong><br />

variable.<br />

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 <strong>in</strong>troduces the model, hypotheses<br />

and assumptions. Section 3 develops the <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> tests. Section 4 extends the tests of Section<br />

3 to a more general model. Section 5 reports simulation results of the f<strong>in</strong>ite sample properties<br />

of the developed tests. Section 6 applies the tests to a U.K. money demand function. Section 7<br />

concludes.<br />


Consider the co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g STR model<br />

yt = µ + νg(zst) + α ′ xt + β ′ xt g (zst) + ut, t = 1, 2,...,T , (1)<br />

where xt = [x 1t, ..., xpt] ′ is a p-dimensional I(1) process, ut is a zero-mean stationary error term,<br />

and<br />

zst = γ (xst − c), γ = 0, s ∈{1,...,p}. (2)<br />

Furthermore, g(zst) is a <strong>smooth</strong>, real-valued <strong>transition</strong> function of the process xst and the scalar<br />

parameters γ and c. Of the other parameters of the model, µ and ν are scalars and α and β are<br />

p × 1 vectors. In model (1), there is a s<strong>in</strong>gle non-l<strong>in</strong>ear component g(zst) that is affected by the<br />

s<strong>in</strong>gle <strong>transition</strong> variable xst. It is straightforward to extend <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> tests for this model to a model<br />

with multiple <strong>transition</strong> functions and <strong>transition</strong> variables. We will consider the extension after<br />

the tests for model (1) are fully developed.<br />

Model (1) is a non-l<strong>in</strong>ear extension of Engle and Granger’s (1987) l<strong>in</strong>ear co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g<br />

regression. This model could be extended further by <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g additional I(1) regressors that<br />

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<strong>Test<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> <strong>regressions</strong> 343<br />

are not affected by the <strong>transition</strong> functions. For simplicity, this extension is not made explicit <strong>in</strong><br />

this paper. 1 The non-l<strong>in</strong>ear nature of the model is determ<strong>in</strong>ed by the <strong>transition</strong> function g(zst). 2<br />

We are <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> test<strong>in</strong>g the null hypothesis that model (1) reduces to a conventional l<strong>in</strong>ear<br />

co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g regression. Thus, the null hypothesis of <strong>in</strong>terest is<br />

H0 : ν = 0 and β = 0. (3)<br />

The alternative simply states that the null hypothesis is not true.<br />

STR models have been used to describe economic relations that change <strong>smooth</strong>ly depend<strong>in</strong>g<br />

on the location of some economic variables. In model (1), an appropriate choice of the <strong>transition</strong><br />

function g(zst) allows the relationship between xt and yt to change depend<strong>in</strong>g on where xst are<br />

located relative to the parameter c. The <strong>smooth</strong>ness of the change is determ<strong>in</strong>ed by the parameter<br />

γ . Examples will be given later. Further examples and discussions on the STR model can be found<br />

<strong>in</strong> Granger and Teräsvirta (1993), Teräsvirta (1998) and van Dijk et al. (2002), although these<br />

authors do not explicitly consider the case of I(1) processes.<br />

As for the <strong>transition</strong> function g(z), we assume<br />

Assumption 1.<br />

(i) g(0) = 0.<br />

(ii) The function g(zst) is three times differentiable <strong>in</strong> an open ball <strong>in</strong> R with centre 0 and<br />

radius r(r > 0).<br />

= 0.<br />

(iii) ∂g(z)<br />

∂z |z=0<br />

(iv) ∂3 g(z)<br />

∂z 3 |z=0<br />

= 0.<br />

The most commonly used <strong>transition</strong> functions satisfy Assumption 1, as illustrated by the<br />

follow<strong>in</strong>g example and the examples given <strong>in</strong> the aforementioned references. More examples will<br />

be given when model (1) is generalized.<br />

Example 1. (One <strong>transition</strong> function, one <strong>transition</strong> variable and two regimes)<br />

1<br />

g (zst) =<br />

, γ > 0.<br />

1 + e 2<br />

In this example, the <strong>transition</strong> function is a logistic function that makes the regression coefficient<br />

for xt vary <strong>smooth</strong>ly between α − 1<br />

1<br />

β and α + 2 2β. When the value of the regressor x1t is<br />

sufficiently far below the value of the parameter c the regression coefficient takes a value close to<br />

α − 1<br />

2β; and when the value of the regressor xt <strong>in</strong>creases and exceeds the value of the parameter<br />

c the value of the regression coefficient changes and approaches α + 1<br />

β. The <strong>in</strong>tercept term<br />

2<br />

undergoes similar changes.<br />

−γ (xst−c) − 1<br />

1 When there are additional I(1) variables, we add the variables <strong>in</strong> levels and their differences <strong>in</strong> leads-and-lags to the<br />

auxiliary regression models on which our test statistics are based (see, e.g. equations (12), (14), (18) and (20)). Asymptotic<br />

distributions of our tests are not affected by this.<br />

2 Variables other than x 1t , ..., xpt may enter the <strong>transition</strong> function. Extend<strong>in</strong>g our tests to this case is straightforward. In<br />

addition, differences of the regressors may be considered as <strong>transition</strong> variables zit. But then, the endogeneity correction<br />

of this paper does not work.<br />

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344 In Choi and Pentti Saikkonen<br />

We will now discuss assumptions required for model (1). As already mentioned, we assume<br />

Assumption 2.<br />

xt = xt−1 + vt, t = 1, 2,..., (4)<br />

where vt is a zero-mean stationary process and the <strong>in</strong>itial value x0 may be any random vector<br />

with the property Ex 04 < ∞.<br />

Moreover, it will be convenient to assume that the (p + 1) -dimensional process wt = [ut v ′ t ]′<br />

satisfies the follow<strong>in</strong>g assumption employed by Hansen (1992) <strong>in</strong> a somewhat weaker form.<br />

Assumption 3. For some r > 4, wt = [ut v ′ t ]′ is a stationary, zero-mean, strong mix<strong>in</strong>g sequence<br />

with mix<strong>in</strong>g coefficients of size −4r/(r − 4) and Ewt r < ∞.<br />

Assumption 3 is fairly general. It covers a variety of weakly dependent processes and implies<br />

that an <strong>in</strong>variance pr<strong>in</strong>ciple applies to partial sums formed of the process wt (see Hansen 1992<br />

the proof of Theorem 3.1). It also permits the co<strong>in</strong>tegrated system def<strong>in</strong>ed by (1) and (4) to<br />

have non-l<strong>in</strong>ear short-run dynamics, which is convenient when the co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g regression is<br />

non-l<strong>in</strong>ear.<br />

As discussed <strong>in</strong> Saikkonen and Choi (2004), Assumption 3 implies that the process wt has a<br />

cont<strong>in</strong>uous spectral density matrix f ww(λ) that we assume to satisfy.<br />

Assumption 4. The spectral density matrix f ww(λ) is bounded away from zero or the matrix<br />

f ww(λ) − εI p+1 is positive semi-def<strong>in</strong>ite for some ε>0.<br />

Assumption 4 specialized to the case λ = 0 implies that the components of the I(1) process xt<br />

are not co<strong>in</strong>tegrated. Conformably to the partition of the process wt, we write f ww(λ) = [fab(λ)]<br />

where a, b ∈ {u, v}. The long-run covariance matrix of the process wt is def<strong>in</strong>ed by = 2π f ww(0)<br />

and partitioned conformably with the other partitions as<br />

<br />

2 ωu ωuv<br />

=<br />

.<br />

ωvu vv<br />

Model (1) and subsequent discussions assume no drifts <strong>in</strong> the I(1) regressors. In some<br />

applications this may be restrictive and therefore we need to consider a model that allows for<br />

this feature. For this, we assume Assumption 5 <strong>in</strong>stead of Assumption 2.<br />

Assumption 5. Assumption 2 holds with xt generated by<br />

xt = µx + xt−1 + vt, t = 1, 2,..., (5)<br />

where µx = 0.<br />

Assumption 5 implies that the generat<strong>in</strong>g mechanism of the regressors can be written as<br />

xt = x0 + µxt +<br />

t<br />

v j, t = 1, 2,..., (6)<br />

j=1<br />

where the determ<strong>in</strong>istic time trend does not vanish. Its presence implies that it is reasonable to<br />

modify the def<strong>in</strong>ition of the <strong>transition</strong> variables zst. If the previous def<strong>in</strong>ition <strong>in</strong> (2) is used <strong>in</strong> the<br />

case of the logistic <strong>transition</strong> function, for example, the existence of the time trend implies that<br />

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<strong>Test<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> <strong>regressions</strong> 345<br />

the <strong>transition</strong> function tends to decrease or <strong>in</strong>crease monotonically as the sample size grows. A<br />

more reasonable specification for the <strong>transition</strong> variables therefore appears to be<br />

zst = γ (xst − µsxt − c), γ = 0, (7)<br />

where µsx is the sth component of the vector µx. Thus, we assume that detrended regressors<br />

are used as <strong>transition</strong> variables. Except this the <strong>transition</strong> mechanism is similar to that assumed<br />

before.<br />


This section develops tests for the <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> hypothesis (3) aga<strong>in</strong>st the general co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g STR<br />

model (1). We consider the cases of both no drift and drift <strong>in</strong> regressors. This test<strong>in</strong>g problem is<br />

non-standard because the nuisance parameters γ and c are not identified under the null hypothesis.<br />

This can be seen from equation (1) because, under the null hypothesis, the <strong>transition</strong> functions<br />

g(zst) and, consequently, the parameters γ and c can take any values without any effect on the<br />

model specification.<br />

There has recently been a great <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g test procedures when a nuisance parameter<br />

is not identified under the null hypothesis and significant progress has been made by Andrews<br />

(1993), Andrews and Ploberger (1994) and Hansen (1996). However, <strong>in</strong>stead of follow<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

approach of these authors, we proceed as <strong>in</strong> Luukkonen et al. (1988) and obta<strong>in</strong> very simple tests by<br />

replac<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>transition</strong> functions g(zst) with Taylor series approximations. This approach, which<br />

leads to standard tests, has recently been used by several authors (see Granger and Teräsvirta<br />

1993; Teräsvirta 1998; van Dijk et al. 2002, and the references there<strong>in</strong>). However, as po<strong>in</strong>ted out<br />

<strong>in</strong> the Introduction, there are important differences between our model and those employed by<br />

previous authors.<br />

As was done <strong>in</strong> Luukkonen et al. (1988), we consider two tests referred to as the first-order<br />

and third-order test. Both of these tests are similar to Lagrange Multiplier (LM) tests <strong>in</strong> that<br />

they require estimat<strong>in</strong>g the model only under the null hypothesis of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>. The simplicity of<br />

these tests stems from this fact because OLS can be used for parameter estimation under the null<br />

hypothesis.<br />

3.1. First-order test<br />

Suppose that on prior grounds the regressors can be assumed to satisfy Assumption 2 and,<br />

consequently, that the <strong>transition</strong> variables are given by (2). The first-order Taylor series approximation<br />

of the function g(zst) around the orig<strong>in</strong> is given by<br />

g(zst) ≈ bγ (xst − c), (8)<br />

where b = ∂g(z)<br />

∂z |z=0 . Substitut<strong>in</strong>g this approximation for g(zst) <strong>in</strong> model (1) yields<br />

yt = µ + νbγ (xst − c) + α ′ xt + β ′ xtbγ (xst − c) + ηt<br />

p<br />

θkxktxst + ηt, (9)<br />

= φ + ρ ′ xt +<br />

k=1<br />

where the parameters φ (scalar), ρ = [ρ 1, ..., ρ p] ′ and θ k (scalar) are def<strong>in</strong>ed implicitly.<br />

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346 In Choi and Pentti Saikkonen<br />

The error term ηt <strong>in</strong> model (9) is the sum of ut <strong>in</strong> model (1) and the approximation error.<br />

Under the null hypothesis (3), the approximation error vanishes and, consequently, ηt = ut. The<br />

idea is to test the orig<strong>in</strong>al null hypothesis (3) by test<strong>in</strong>g the null hypothesis<br />

H ′ 0 : θk = 0(k = 1,...,p) (10)<br />

<strong>in</strong> the auxiliary regression model (9).<br />

In order to motivate our test procedure, suppose that the error term ut <strong>in</strong> model (1) is Gaussian<br />

white noise and that the regressor vector xt is strictly exogenous. Then, <strong>in</strong>stead of the null<br />

hypothesis (3), the <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> of the STR model (1) can be tested by test<strong>in</strong>g the null hypothesis<br />

H ′′<br />

0 : γ = 0. Under this null hypothesis the nuisance parameters ν and β are not identified. However,<br />

a test can be obta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the same way as <strong>in</strong> Granger and Teräsvirta (1993, pp. 71–72). The first step<br />

is to derive an LM test for the null hypothesis H ′′<br />

0 by assum<strong>in</strong>g that the values of the unidentified<br />

nuisance parameters ν and β are fixed. This yields a test statistic that depends on the values<br />

given for the unidentified nuisance parameters. A standard approach <strong>in</strong> a case like this is to take<br />

the supremum of the obta<strong>in</strong>ed test statistic over the values of the nuisance parameters. It is easy<br />

to see that the test statistics obta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> this way is exactly the same as that obta<strong>in</strong>ed by us<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the standard LM test for test<strong>in</strong>g the null hypothesis (10) <strong>in</strong> the auxiliary regression model (9)<br />

(cf. Granger and Teräsvirta (1993, pp. 71–72)). Thus, <strong>in</strong> this special case the auxiliary regression<br />

model (9) and the related null hypothesis (10) can be used to obta<strong>in</strong> a ‘supLM’ test for the orig<strong>in</strong>al<br />

test<strong>in</strong>g problem.<br />

Motivated by the above discussion, we consider the LM test for the null hypothesis (10) <strong>in</strong><br />

the auxiliary regression model (9) even <strong>in</strong> the general case where the simplified assumptions used<br />

above are not satisfied. However, an endogeneity correction is needed because the regressors are<br />

allowed to be correlated with error term. Our endogeneity correction is based on the leads-andlags<br />

approach recently studied by Saikkonen and Choi (2004) <strong>in</strong> the context of a co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g<br />

STR regression model more general than (1). Under Assumptions 3 and 4, we can express the<br />

error term ut <strong>in</strong> (1) as<br />

∞<br />

ut = π ′ jvt− j + et, (11)<br />

j=−∞<br />

where et is a zero-mean stationary process such that Eetv ′ t− j<br />

∞<br />

j=−∞<br />

π j < ∞<br />

= 0 for all j = 0, ±1, ..., and<br />

(see Saikkonen 1991; Saikkonen and Choi 2004). Expressions for the spectral density function<br />

and long-run variance of the process et can be obta<strong>in</strong>ed from the well-known formulas fee(λ) =<br />

fuu(λ) − f uv(λ) f −1<br />

vv (λ) f vu(λ) and ω2 e = ω2 −1<br />

u − ωuv vv ωvu, respectively.<br />

Now, recall that the error term ηt <strong>in</strong> (9) is the sum of ut and the approximation error due to<br />

the use of the Taylor series approximation (8). Us<strong>in</strong>g equations (4) and (11), we can thus write<br />

the auxiliary regression model (9) as<br />

yt = φ + ρ ′ xt +<br />

p<br />

θkxktxst +<br />

k=1<br />

= φ + ρ ′ xt + ζ ′ nt +<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

π ′ j xt− j + ηKt<br />

π ′ j xt− j + ηKt, t = K + 1,...,T − K , (12)<br />

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<strong>Test<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> <strong>regressions</strong> 347<br />

where signifies the difference operator, ζ = [θ 1, ..., θ p] ′ , nt = [x 1t xst, ..., xptxst] ′ , and the<br />

error term ηKt is the sum of the above-mentioned Taylor series approximation error and<br />

et + <br />

| j|>K<br />

π ′ j vt− j<br />

def<br />

= eKt.<br />

The augmented auxiliary regression model (12) will be used to test the null hypothesis (10) or,<br />

equivalently, ζ = 0. In order to elim<strong>in</strong>ate errors caused by truncat<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ite sum <strong>in</strong> (11), we<br />

have to consider asymptotics <strong>in</strong> which the <strong>in</strong>teger K tends to <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ity with T at a suitable rate. To<br />

this end, we follow Saikkonen (1991) and Saikkonen and Choi (2004) and assume the follow<strong>in</strong>g:<br />

Assumption 6. K = o(T 3 1/2 ) and T | j|>K π j →0 as T →∞.<br />

Let M be the moment matrix for the auxiliary regression model (12) and (M −1 )nn the block<br />

of the matrix M−1 correspond<strong>in</strong>g to nt. Then the LM test for the null hypothesis (10) is def<strong>in</strong>ed<br />

as<br />

T1 = ˆζ ′ ˜ω 2 e (M−1 −1 )nn ˆζ,<br />

where ˆζ is the OLS estimator of ζ <strong>in</strong> (12) and ˜ω 2 e is a standard long-run variance estimator based<br />

on the residuals of the correspond<strong>in</strong>g restricted OLS estimation. In other words, ˜ω 2 e is obta<strong>in</strong>ed<br />

from ũt = yt − ˜φ − ˜ρ ′ xt − K j=−K ˜π ′ jxt− j where ˜φ, ˜ρ and ˜π j are the OLS estimators of the<br />

coefficients φ, ρ and π j, respectively, <strong>in</strong> the auxiliary regression model (12) constra<strong>in</strong>ed by<br />

ζ = 0.<br />

S<strong>in</strong>ce the null hypothesis implies that ηKt = eKt <strong>in</strong> (12) the limit<strong>in</strong>g null distribution of test<br />

statistic T1 can be <strong>in</strong>ferred from the results of Saikkonen and Choi (2004), which apply when<br />

Assumptions 2, 3, 4 and 6 are satisfied. To demonstrate this, note that Saikkonen and Choi (2004)<br />

study a non-l<strong>in</strong>ear co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g regression model that conta<strong>in</strong>s model (12) (with ηKt = eKt) asa<br />

special case. The asymptotic results obta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> that paper were based on the so-called triangular<br />

array asymptotics. However, when the non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> is def<strong>in</strong>ed by a homogeneous function, as is<br />

the case <strong>in</strong> (12), the same results are obta<strong>in</strong>ed when conventional asymptotics is applied <strong>in</strong>stead of<br />

the triangular array asymptotics. Therefore, the results of Saikkonen and Choi (2004) apply <strong>in</strong> the<br />

present context and imply that T ˆζ has a mixture normal limit<strong>in</strong>g distribution with (conditional)<br />

variance–covariance matrix given by the weak limit of ˜ω 2 e ((M/T 2 ) −1 )nn. Standard methods used<br />

to construct the consistent long-run variance estimator ˜ω 2 e (e.g. Andrews 1991) also work. These<br />

facts imply that, under the null hypothesis, ˜ω 2 e (M−1 −1/2 )nn ˆζ has a standard normal limit<strong>in</strong>g<br />

distribution and, consequently,<br />

T1<br />

d<br />

−→ χ 2 (p) as T →∞.<br />

Thus, we have shown that a standard chi-square criterion can be used to construct an asymptotic<br />

test for the <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> hypothesis. For this result and other similar results reported below, note that<br />

the assumption of a stationary error term ut is crucial. Methods for test<strong>in</strong>g this assumption are<br />

not yet available.<br />

The above test is based on the assumption that there are no drifts <strong>in</strong> the regressors. Now suppose<br />

that this assumption is not appropriate so that Assumption 5 and equation (7) are assumed <strong>in</strong>stead<br />

of Assumption 2 and equation (2), respectively. The <strong>transition</strong> variables def<strong>in</strong>ed by equation<br />

(7) conta<strong>in</strong> the unknown drift parameter µx, which has to be replaced by an estimator to make<br />

the situation similar to that above. One possibility is to estimate µx by the sample mean of<br />

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348 In Choi and Pentti Saikkonen<br />

xt(t = 2, ..., T ) (see equation (5)). Another possibility is to use the OLS estimator <strong>in</strong> a l<strong>in</strong>ear<br />

regression of xt on constant and t (see equation (6)). We adopt the former approach and denote<br />

this estimator by ˆµx and its ith component by ˆµix.<br />

The arguments used to obta<strong>in</strong> the auxiliary regression model (12) can be repeated with xst<br />

replaced by xst − t ˆµsx. This yields the auxiliary regression model<br />

yt = φ + ρ ′ xt + ζ ′ ˆnt +<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

π ′ j xt− j + ηKt, t = K + 1,...,T − K , (13)<br />

where ˆnt = [(x1t − t ˆµ1x)(xst − t ˆµsx),...,(x pt − t ˆµpx)(xst − t ˆµsx)] ′ and the notation for the<br />

error term is the same as <strong>in</strong> (12) because the two error terms are identical under the assumed<br />

null hypothesis. In (13), xt conta<strong>in</strong>s both determ<strong>in</strong>istic and stochastic trends that need to be<br />

separated for our test. This can be done by us<strong>in</strong>g the model augmented by a time trend<br />

yt = φ + τt + ρ ′ xt + ζ ′ K<br />

ˆnt + π ′ jxt− j + ηKt, t = K + 1,...,T − K . (14)<br />

j=−K<br />

If model (13) is used, the moment matrix is s<strong>in</strong>gular <strong>in</strong> the limit that is expected to br<strong>in</strong>g lower<br />

power of the tests <strong>in</strong>troduced below. Indeed, unreported simulation results confirm serious loss<br />

of power <strong>in</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ite samples when (13) is used.<br />

Instead of T1 we now have the test statistic<br />

−1 ˆζµ,<br />

T1µ = ˆζ ′ 2<br />

µ ˜ω eµ (M −1 ) ˆn ˆn<br />

where ˆζµ is the OLS estimator of ζ <strong>in</strong> (14), (M −1 ) ˆn ˆn is def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the same way as (M −1 )nn except<br />

that ˆnt is used <strong>in</strong> place of nt, and ˜ω 2 eµ is a long run variance estimator obta<strong>in</strong>ed from the OLS<br />

residuals of (14). When Assumptions 3–6 are satisfied the limit<strong>in</strong>g null distribution of test statistic<br />

T1µ is the same as that of T1, that is,<br />

T1µ<br />

d<br />

−→ χ 2 (p) as T →∞. (15)<br />

This result can be justified as follows. First, note that, by equation (6), model (14) can be<br />

transformed to<br />

yt = φ † + τ † t + ρ ′<br />

<br />

t<br />

v j<br />

+ ζ ′ ˆnt +<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

j=1<br />

π ′ j xt− j + ηKt, t = K + 1,...,T − K , (16)<br />

where φ † = φ + ρ ′ x 0 and τ † = ρ ′ µx. By the property of l<strong>in</strong>ear projection, this transformation<br />

leaves the OLS estimator of the parameter ζ <strong>in</strong> (14) and our <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> test <strong>in</strong>variant. Thus, the<br />

limit<strong>in</strong>g distribution of test statistic T1µ can be derived by us<strong>in</strong>g this (<strong>in</strong>feasible) model <strong>in</strong>stead<br />

of (14). Let Bv(r)(0 ≤ r ≤ 1) be a p-dimensional Brownian motion. By standard arguments we<br />

have T 1/2 ( ˆµx − µx) d → Bv (1) and<br />

T −1/2 x[Tr] − ˆµx[Tr] = T −1/2<br />

[Tr]<br />

v j − T 1/2 ( ˆµx − µx) [Tr]<br />

T + T −1/2 x0<br />

d<br />

→ ¯Bv (r) ,<br />

j=1<br />

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<strong>Test<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> <strong>regressions</strong> 349<br />

where ¯Bv (r) = Bv (r) − rBv (1) is a Brownian bridge. This result implies that the weak limit<br />

of T −1/2 ˆn[Tr] differs from that obta<strong>in</strong>ed for T −1/2n[Tr] only <strong>in</strong> that it is def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> terms of<br />

the Brownian bridge ¯Bv (r) <strong>in</strong>stead of the Brownian motion Bv(r). Second, the presence of the<br />

l<strong>in</strong>ear time trend regressor <strong>in</strong> model (16) does not change the fact that the regressors there<strong>in</strong><br />

are asymptotically <strong>in</strong>dependent of the regression errors. Therefore, ˜ω 2 e (M−1 −1/2 ) ˆζµ ˆn ˆn has a<br />

standard normal limit<strong>in</strong>g distribution which gives result (15).<br />

3.2. Third-order test<br />

In equations (9) and (12), the parameters θ k are not functions of the parameter ν, which only<br />

affects the parameters φ and ρ. Because the parameter ν cannot be separated from φ and ρ, test<br />

statistic T1 may have low power when the value of ν is large and the elements of β take small<br />

absolute values. To remedy this problem, we follow Luukkonen et al. (1988) and consider a test<br />

based on the third-order Taylor series approximation of g(zst).<br />

Assum<strong>in</strong>g that the <strong>transition</strong> variables are given by (2), the third-order Taylor series<br />

approximation of the function g(zst) around the orig<strong>in</strong> can be written as<br />

g(zst) ≈ bγ (xst − c) + dγ 2 (xst − c) 2 + hγ 3 (xst − c) 3 , (17)<br />

where b, d and h are constants determ<strong>in</strong>ed by partial derivatives of g(zst) at the orig<strong>in</strong>. 3 Because<br />

the motivation for us<strong>in</strong>g the third-order approximation is to improve the power of test statistic T1<br />

under ν = 0, we use the approximate relation (17) only for the <strong>transition</strong> of the <strong>in</strong>tercept term and<br />

cont<strong>in</strong>ue to use the relation (8) for the <strong>transition</strong> <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>g the regressors. The result<strong>in</strong>g auxiliary<br />

regression model that corresponds to model (12) is then<br />

yt = µ + ν bγ (xst − c) + dγ 2 (xst − c) 2 + hγ 3 (xst − c) 3<br />

+ α ′ xt + β ′ xtbγ (xst − c) +<br />

= ψ + ξ ′ xt +<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

p<br />

ϕkxktxst + λx 3 st +<br />

k=1<br />

= ψ + ξ ′ xt + ς ′ ht +<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

π ′ j xt− j + η ∗ Kt<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

π ′ j xt− j + η ∗ Kt<br />

π ′ jxt− j + η ∗ Kt , t = K + 1,...,T − K . (18)<br />

Here ς = [ϕ 1, ..., ϕ p, λ] ′ and ht = [x 1t xst, ..., xptxst, x 3 st ]′ . Moreover, the p × 1 parameter vector<br />

ξ and the scalar parameters ϕ k, λ and ψ are def<strong>in</strong>ed implicitly.<br />

Instead of the orig<strong>in</strong>al null hypothesis (3), the idea is now to test the null hypothesis<br />

H ′′′<br />

0<br />

: ς = 0 (19)<br />

<strong>in</strong> the auxiliary regression model (18) us<strong>in</strong>g the LM test. In order to <strong>in</strong>troduce the test statistic,<br />

let ¯M be the moment matrix for the auxiliary regression model (18) and ( ¯M −1 )hh the block of the<br />

matrix ¯M −1 correspond<strong>in</strong>g to ht. Furthermore, let ˆς be the OLS estimator of ς <strong>in</strong> (18) and ˜ω 2 e a<br />

3 The second-order derivative of the logistic <strong>transition</strong> function <strong>in</strong> Example 1 takes the value zero at the orig<strong>in</strong> but this<br />

may not be the case for all other <strong>transition</strong> functions (cf. Example 3 <strong>in</strong> Section 4).<br />

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350 In Choi and Pentti Saikkonen<br />

standard long-run variance estimator based on the residuals of the correspond<strong>in</strong>g OLS estimation<br />

constra<strong>in</strong>ed by ς = 0. Then our test statistic is def<strong>in</strong>ed as<br />

T2 = ˆς ′ ˜ω 2 e ( ¯M −1 −1 )hh ˆς.<br />

In the same way as <strong>in</strong> the case of test statistic T1, we can use the results of Saikkonen and Choi<br />

(2004) to show that, when Assumptions 2, 3, 4 and 6 hold, the limit<strong>in</strong>g null distribution of test<br />

statistic T2 is given by<br />

T2<br />

d<br />

−→ χ 2 (p + 1) as T →∞.<br />

Thus, compared to the limit<strong>in</strong>g distribution of test statistic T1, the number of degrees of freedom<br />

has <strong>in</strong>creased by the number of additional restrictions <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the auxiliary null hypothesis.<br />

Arguments similar to those <strong>in</strong> the previous section can be used to modify the above test to<br />

allow for drifts <strong>in</strong> the regressors. Thus, suppose that Assumption 2 and equation (2) are replaced<br />

by Assumption 5 and equation (7), respectively. Instead of the auxiliary regression model (18)<br />

we then base our test on<br />

yt = ψ + τt + ξ ′ xt + ς ′ ˆht +<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

π ′ jxt− j + η ∗ Kt , t = K + 1,...,T − K , (20)<br />

where ˆht is def<strong>in</strong>ed by replac<strong>in</strong>g xst <strong>in</strong> the def<strong>in</strong>ition of ht with xst − t ˆµsx. <strong>Test<strong>in</strong>g</strong> null hypothesis<br />

(19) <strong>in</strong> this auxiliary regression model leads to test statistic<br />

T2µ = ˆς ′ 2<br />

µ ˜ω eµ ( ¯M −1 −1 ) ˆh ˆh ˆςµ,<br />

where ˆςµ is the OLS estimator of ς <strong>in</strong> (20), ( ¯M −1 ) ˆh ˆh is an analog of ¯M −1 )hh based on ˆht <strong>in</strong>stead<br />

of ht, and ˜ω 2 eµ is a long run variance estimator obta<strong>in</strong>ed from the OLS residuals of (20) with the<br />

constra<strong>in</strong>t ζ = 0. In the same way as <strong>in</strong> the previous section we can show that, when Assumptions<br />

3–6 are satisfied, the limit<strong>in</strong>g null distribution of test statistic T2µ is the same as that of test statistic<br />

T2.<br />

If it is a priori known that the coefficients for regressors are not subject to <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong><br />

(i.e. β = 0), our test can be based on the regression equation<br />

yt = µ + ν bγ (xst − c) + dγ 2 (xst − c) 2 + hγ 3 (xst − c) 3<br />

+ α ′ xt +<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

π ′ j xt− j + η ∗ Kt<br />

= ψ + ξ ′ xt + ϕx 2 st + λx 3 st +<br />

= ψ + ξ ′ xt + ς ′ ht +<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

π ′ j xt− j + η ∗ Kt<br />

π ′ jxt− j + η ∗ Kt , t = K + 1,...,T − K , (21)<br />

where ς = [ϕ, λ] ′ and ht = [x 2 st , x 3 st ]′ . The test for the null hypothesis ς = 0, denoted by T3, is<br />

similarly def<strong>in</strong>ed and<br />

T3<br />

d<br />

−→ χ 2 (2) as T →∞.<br />

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<strong>Test<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> <strong>regressions</strong> 351<br />

This test may have higher power than T2 when β = 0. In some cases (e.g. Example 1), d = 0 and<br />

the auxiliary regression model reduces to<br />

yt = ψ + ξ ′ xt + λx 3 st +<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

In this case, T3 tests the null hypothesis λ = 0 and<br />

T3<br />

π ′ jxt− j + η ∗ Kt , t = K + 1,...,T − K .<br />

d<br />

−→ χ 2 (1) as T →∞.<br />

When regressors conta<strong>in</strong> drifts, we add a l<strong>in</strong>ear time trend <strong>in</strong> model (21) and use the detrended<br />

regressor xst − t ˆµsx <strong>in</strong>stead of xst. The result<strong>in</strong>g test will be denoted by T3µ.<br />


The test procedures developed <strong>in</strong> the previous section can straightforwardly be extended to the<br />

co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g STR model<br />

yt = µ +<br />

q<br />

ν j g j(z jt) + α ′ xt +<br />

j=1<br />

q<br />

j=1<br />

β ′ j xt g j<br />

where the components of the vector z jt = [z j1t,...,z jmj t] ′ are given by<br />

<br />

z jt + ut, t = 1, 2,...,T , (22)<br />

z jit = γ ji(xit − c ji),γji = 0, i = 1,...,m j, (23)<br />

and gj(zjt) is a <strong>smooth</strong>, real-valued <strong>transition</strong> function of the process xt and the scalar parameters<br />

γ j1, ..., γ jmj , c j1, ..., cjm j . In equations (22) and (23), parameter q denotes the number of<br />

<strong>transition</strong> functions and mj the number of <strong>transition</strong> variables for the <strong>transition</strong> function gj(·).<br />

Otherwise the notation is the same as <strong>in</strong> model (1).<br />

In model (22) different forms of <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong>s may occur depend<strong>in</strong>g on more than a<br />

s<strong>in</strong>gle component of the vector xt. The counterpart of the <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> hypothesis (3) is now<br />

H0 : ν j = 0 and β j = 0 for all j = 1,...,q.<br />

The alternative aga<strong>in</strong> states that the null hypothesis is not true.<br />

Model (1) with the logistic <strong>transition</strong> function def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> Example 1 is an obvious special case<br />

of model (22). More general cases are provided by the follow<strong>in</strong>g examples.<br />

Example 2. (Two <strong>transition</strong> functions, one <strong>transition</strong> variable for each <strong>transition</strong> function and<br />

three regimes; p = 1, q = 2, m 1 = m 2 = 1)<br />

g1 (z1t) =<br />

g2 (z2t) =<br />

1<br />

1 + e −γ11(x1t −c11)<br />

1<br />

1 + e −γ21(x1t −c21)<br />

− 1<br />

2 , γ11 > 0<br />

− 1<br />

2 , γ21 > 0.<br />

If we here assume that c21 > c11, then the coefficient for x1t changes slowly from α1 − 1<br />

2β11 − 1<br />

2β21 via α1 + 1<br />

2β11 − 1<br />

2β21 to α1 + 1<br />

2β11 + 1<br />

2β21 for <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g values of x1t. Thus, there are basically<br />

three data regimes <strong>in</strong> this example. A similar <strong>in</strong>terpretation applies when c11 > c21.<br />

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352 In Choi and Pentti Saikkonen<br />

Example 3. (One <strong>transition</strong> function, two <strong>transition</strong> variables and two regimes; p = 2, q = 1,<br />

m 1 = 2)<br />

g1 (z1t) =<br />

1<br />

1 + e −γ11(x1t −c11) ×<br />

1<br />

1 + e −γ12(x2t −c12)<br />

− 1<br />

4 , γ11 > 0, γ12 > 0.<br />

This example differs from the previous ones <strong>in</strong> that there are two <strong>transition</strong> variables x1t and<br />

x2t. Only when the values of both x1t and x2t are greater than c11 and c12, respectively, does the<br />

coefficient vector of xt become α + 3<br />

4β1. Otherwise, it is α − 1<br />

4β1. So there are two data regimes<br />

characterized by x1t and x2t.<br />

Example 4. (One <strong>transition</strong> function, two <strong>transition</strong> variables and three regimes; p = 2, q = 1,<br />

m 1 = 2)<br />

1<br />

g1 (z1t) =<br />

1 + e−γ11(x1t −c11) −<br />

1<br />

1 + e−γ12(x2t −c12) , γ11 > 0,γ12 > 0.<br />

There are three data regimes <strong>in</strong> this example. When the values of both x1t and x2t are either large<br />

or small simultaneously, the <strong>transition</strong> function takes the value 0. Otherwise, it takes the value<br />

either 1 or −1.<br />

In place of Assumption 1 we now have to use a similar assumption that allows for the fact<br />

that the argument of the function g is a vector. Specifically, we assume:<br />

Assumption 7.<br />

(i) gj(0) = 0 for all j.<br />

(ii) For all j, the function gj(zj) is three times differentiable <strong>in</strong> an open ball <strong>in</strong> Rm j with centre<br />

0 and radius rj(rj > 0).<br />

(iii) For all j, ∂g j (z j )<br />

= 0 for at least one i.<br />

∂z ji |z=0<br />

∂<br />

(iv) For all j,<br />

3g j (z j )<br />

= 0 for at least one (i, k, l).<br />

∂z ji∂z jk∂z jl |z=0<br />

It is straightforward to check that the <strong>transition</strong> functions of Examples 2–4 satisfy this<br />

assumption.<br />

In the present context, the first-order Taylor series approximation (8) is replaced by g j(z j) ≈<br />

m j<br />

i=1 b jiγ ji(xit − c ji) where b ji = ∂g j (z)<br />

. Follow<strong>in</strong>g the development <strong>in</strong> Section 3.1 it can be<br />

∂z ji |z=0<br />

seen here that the counterpart of the auxiliary regression model (12) is<br />

yt = φ + ρ ′ xt +<br />

p<br />

k=i<br />

m<br />

θkixktxit +<br />

i=1<br />

= φ + ρ ′ xt + ζ ′ n t +<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

π ′ j xt− j + ηKt<br />

π ′ j xt− j + ηKt, t = K + 1,...,T − K , (24)<br />

where ζ = [θ11,...,θpm] ′ , nt = [x 2 1t ,...,x ptxmt] ′ and m = max{m 1, ..., mq}. The null hypothesis<br />

tested <strong>in</strong> this auxiliary regression model is H ′ 0 : ζ = 0. Analogously to test statistic T1 one<br />

obta<strong>in</strong>s<br />

T 1 = ˆζ ′ 2<br />

˜ω e (M −1 −1 )nn ˆζ ,<br />

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<strong>Test<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> <strong>regressions</strong> 353<br />

where the notation differs from that used <strong>in</strong> test statistic T1 only <strong>in</strong> that the auxiliary regression<br />

model (24) is used <strong>in</strong>stead of (12). Arguments similar to those used for test statistic T1 show that,<br />

under the null hypothesis,<br />

d<br />

T 1 −→ χ 2<br />

<br />

(2p − m + 1)m<br />

as T →∞.<br />

2<br />

This result applies when Assumptions 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 hold.<br />

If Assumption 5 is used <strong>in</strong>stead of Assumption 2 the regressor nt <strong>in</strong> the auxiliary regression<br />

model (24) is replaced by ˆn t = [(x1t − t ˆµ1x) 2 ,...,(x pt − t ˆµpx)(xmt − t ˆµmx)] ′ and a time trend is<br />

added to the regressor set. The result<strong>in</strong>g test statistic T 1µ , with the same limit<strong>in</strong>g null distribution<br />

as T 1 , is obta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> an obvious way.<br />

The third-order test procedure of Section 3.2 can readily be extended to the present context.<br />

The relevant Taylor series approximation is<br />

m<br />

j<br />

m<br />

j m<br />

j<br />

g j(z j) ≈ b jiγ ji(xit − c ji) + d jkiγ jiγ jk(xit − c ji)(xkt − c jk)<br />

i=1<br />

k=i<br />

i=1<br />

m<br />

j m<br />

j m<br />

j<br />

+<br />

h jlkiγ jiγ jkγ jl(xit − c ji)(xkt − c jk)(xlt − c jl).<br />

l=k<br />

k=i<br />

i=1<br />

Because the motivation is to improve the power of test statistic T 1 under ν j = 0 we aga<strong>in</strong> use<br />

the third-order approximation only for the <strong>transition</strong> of the <strong>in</strong>tercept term and cont<strong>in</strong>ue to use<br />

the first-order approximation for the <strong>transition</strong> <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>g the regressors. Insert<strong>in</strong>g the preced<strong>in</strong>g<br />

approximation <strong>in</strong>to model (22) and comb<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g terms <strong>in</strong> the result<strong>in</strong>g auxiliary regression model<br />

yields<br />

yt = ψ + ξ ′ xt +<br />

p<br />

k=i<br />

m<br />

ϕikxktxit +<br />

i=1<br />

= ψ + ξ ′ xt + ς ′ h t +<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

m<br />

l=k<br />

m<br />

k=i<br />

m<br />

λlkixitxktxlt +<br />

i=1<br />

K<br />

j=−K<br />

π ′ j xt− j + η ∗ Kt<br />

π ′ jxt− j + η ∗ Kt , t = K + 1,...,T − K , (25)<br />

where ς = [ϕ11,...,ϕmp,λ111, ...,λmmm] ′ , ht = [x 2 1t ,...,x ptxmt, x 3 1t ,...,x 3 mt ]′ hypothesis to be tested is H<br />

and the null<br />

′′′<br />

0 : ς = 0. The test statistic becomes<br />

T 2 = ˆς ′ ˜ω 2 e (M−1 −1 )hh ˆς,<br />

where the notation is as before except for be<strong>in</strong>g def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> terms of the auxiliary regression model<br />

(25). Under the conditions used for test statistic T 1 ,<br />

d<br />

T 2 −→ χ 2<br />

<br />

(2p − m + 1)m<br />

+<br />

2<br />

m(m + 1)(m + 2)<br />

<br />

6<br />

as T →∞.<br />

If Assumption 5 is used <strong>in</strong>stead of Assumption 2 the auxiliary regression model (25) is<br />

augmented by add<strong>in</strong>g a time trend to the regressor set and the regressor ht is replaced by ˆh t<br />

def<strong>in</strong>ed by replac<strong>in</strong>g xit <strong>in</strong> the def<strong>in</strong>ition of ht by xit − t ˆµix. The result<strong>in</strong>g test statistic T 2µ has<br />

the same limit<strong>in</strong>g null distribution as T 2 .<br />

Extension of the simplified third-order test T3 of Section 3.2, denoted by T 3 , should be based<br />

on the same model as for T 2 unless the second-order derivatives djki are zero for all i, j and k,<br />

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354 In Choi and Pentti Saikkonen<br />

and has the same limit<strong>in</strong>g distribution as T 2 . In this case, T 3 is no different from T 2 .Ifthe<br />

second-order derivatives are zero for all i, j and k, the second-order terms <strong>in</strong> model (25) vanish<br />

(i.e. ς = [λ111,...,λmmm] ′ ) and the limit<strong>in</strong>g distribution of T 3 will be χ 2 ( m(m+1)(m+2)<br />

). Extension<br />

6<br />

of T 3 to regressors with drifts can be made as described previously.<br />

We close this section with a remark that is relevant to all the tests we have developed. Because<br />

the auxiliary regression models used to obta<strong>in</strong> our tests can be considered as approximations of<br />

not only the enterta<strong>in</strong>ed STR models but also of other non-l<strong>in</strong>ear models, a rejection of the null<br />

hypothesis by any of these tests may be due to various non-l<strong>in</strong>earities. Therefore, a rejection of the<br />

<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> hypothesis need not imply that the enterta<strong>in</strong>ed STR model is the correct or appropriate<br />

alternative. To put this <strong>in</strong> another way, our tests can also be seen as general tests aga<strong>in</strong>st non-l<strong>in</strong>ear<br />

co<strong>in</strong>tegration. Of course the previous similar tests obta<strong>in</strong>ed for stationary models are not different<br />

<strong>in</strong> this respect.<br />


This section reports simulation results for the empirical size and power of the <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> tests studied<br />

<strong>in</strong> previous sections. When the tests for regressors with drifts were used, µx was estimated by the<br />

sample mean of xt. We considered three data-generat<strong>in</strong>g processes. The first one is the logistic<br />

STR model with one <strong>transition</strong> function, one <strong>transition</strong> variable and two regimes. That is, data<br />

were generated by<br />

yt = µ + νg(zt) + αxt + βxt g (zt) + ut;<br />

1<br />

g (zt) =<br />

1 + e−γ (xt<br />

1<br />

−<br />

−c) 2 ;<br />

<br />

<br />

xt<br />

ω ω<br />

= εt + Bεt−1; B = ;<br />

ut<br />

0 ω<br />

<br />

1 0.5<br />

εt ∼ iidN 0,<br />

.<br />

0.5 1<br />

(26)<br />

In this data generation, the coefficient for xt moves slowly between α − 1<br />

2β1 and α + 1<br />

2β1 and<br />

the <strong>in</strong>tercept term shows similar movements. In addition, the regressor xt and the error term ut<br />

are serially and contemporaneously correlated. The degree of correlation is controlled by the<br />

parameter ω. Larger values of ω imply that the regressors and errors are more correlated both<br />

serially and contemporaneously. Also, {xt} were generated such that c is located between the 15th<br />

and 85th percentiles of {xt}. The purpose of this scheme is to make the data-generat<strong>in</strong>g process<br />

non-l<strong>in</strong>ear under the alternative of non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> without any exception. The parameter values for<br />

the experiment us<strong>in</strong>g (26) are (ν, β) = (0, 0), (0, 0.5), (0.5, 0), (0.5, 0.5), µ = α = c = 0 and<br />

γ = 1. 4 The parameter values (ν, β) = (0, 0) correspond to the null of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>, and the rest to the<br />

alternative of non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>. We tried two sample sizes T = 100 and T = 200; and the numbers<br />

of leads and lags (K) used were 1, 2 and 3. Nom<strong>in</strong>al size was set at 5% and 5,000 iterations<br />

were performed to calculate the empirical size and power of test statistics T1, T2, T3, T1µ, T2µ and<br />

T3µ. The results are reported <strong>in</strong> Tables 1 and 3. The added product terms for T1, T2 and T3 are<br />

x2 t ,(x2t , x3t ) and x3t , respectively. Correspond<strong>in</strong>g detrended terms were used for T1µ, T2µ and T3µ.<br />

4In a previous version of this paper, we also considered the cases γ = 5, ∞. S<strong>in</strong>ce these provide similar results, we do<br />

not report them here.<br />

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<strong>Test<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> <strong>regressions</strong> 355<br />

Table 1. Empirical size and power of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> tests.<br />

One <strong>transition</strong> function, one <strong>transition</strong> variable, two regimes and no drift.<br />

T1 T2 T3<br />

ω T (ν, β) K = 1 K = 2 K = 3 K = 1 K = 2 K = 3 K = 1 K = 2 K = 3<br />

0.2 100 (0.0, 0.0) 0.064 0.071 0.076 0.072 0.076 0.083 0.067 0.076 0.080<br />

(0.0, 0.5) 0.853 0.844 0.835 0.867 0.855 0.852 0.355 0.366 0.370<br />

(0.5, 0.0) 0.120 0.125 0.128 0.118 0.122 0.131 0.116 0.124 0.124<br />

(0.5, 0.5) 0.836 0.830 0.824 0.859 0.854 0.842 0.358 0.367 0.373<br />

200 (0.0, 0.0) 0.057 0.061 0.062 0.058 0.060 0.064 0.061 0.061 0.060<br />

(0.0, 0.5) 0.968 0.967 0.967 0.988 0.985 0.984 0.558 0.563 0.559<br />

(0.5, 0.0) 0.176 0.176 0.176 0.167 0.176 0.174 0.213 0.218 0.217<br />

(0.5, 0.5) 0.957 0.955 0.955 0.977 0.976 0.976 0.529 0.535 0.537<br />

0.5 100 (0.0, 0.0) 0.070 0.078 0.082 0.074 0.080 0.085 0.071 0.073 0.080<br />

(0.0, 0.5) 0.889 0.888 0.886 0.916 0.912 0.910 0.404 0.413 0.417<br />

(0.5, 0.0) 0.116 0.119 0.122 0.107 0.122 0.124 0.119 0.145 0.134<br />

(0.5, 0.5) 0.880 0.876 0.874 0.904 0.906 0.898 0.393 0.402 0.409<br />

200 (0.0, 0.0) 0.060 0.062 0.066 0.062 0.062 0.064 0.064 0.067 0.067<br />

(0.0, 0.5) 0.984 0.983 0.983 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.589 0.587 0.593<br />

(0.5, 0.0) 0.162 0.163 0.166 0.154 0.166 0.159 0.158 0.185 0.168<br />

(0.5, 0.5) 0.972 0.972 0.973 0.986 0.987 0.987 0.572 0.573 0.581<br />

Notes:<br />

(i) Data were generated by (26).<br />

(ii) The parameter values (ν, β) = (0, 0) correspond to the null of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>, and the rest to the alternative of non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>.<br />

(iii) Larger ω implies that the regressors and errors are more correlated both serially and contemporaneously.<br />

(iv) The number of iterations is 5000, and the nom<strong>in</strong>al size 5%.<br />

(v) The long-run variance was estimated us<strong>in</strong>g Andrews’ (1991) methods with an AR(4) approximation for the prefilter.<br />

The second data generation we considered is the three-regime, logistic <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong><br />

model with one <strong>transition</strong> variable and two <strong>transition</strong> functions.<br />

yt = µ +<br />

2<br />

ν j g j(z jt) + αxt +<br />

j=1<br />

2<br />

β j xt g j<br />

j=1<br />

<br />

z jt + ut;<br />

1<br />

g1 (z1t) =<br />

1 + e−γ11(xt 1<br />

−<br />

−c11) 2 ; g2<br />

1<br />

(z2t) =<br />

1 + e−γ21(xt −c21)<br />

<br />

<br />

xt<br />

ω ω<br />

= εt + Bεt−1; B = ;<br />

ut<br />

0 ω<br />

<br />

1 0.5<br />

εt ∼ iidN 0,<br />

0.5 1<br />

− 1<br />

2 ;<br />

<br />

. (27)<br />

When c21 > c11, the coefficient for xt changes slowly from α − 1<br />

2 β1 − 1<br />

2 β2 via α + 1<br />

2 β1 − 1<br />

2 β2 to<br />

α + 1<br />

2 β1 + 1<br />

2 β2 for <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g values of xt. The coefficient for the <strong>in</strong>tercept term changes similarly.<br />

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356 In Choi and Pentti Saikkonen<br />

Table 2. Empirical size and power of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> tests.<br />

Two <strong>transition</strong> functions, one <strong>transition</strong> variable for each <strong>transition</strong> function, three regimes and no drift.<br />

T 1 T 2 T 3<br />

ω T (ν 1, ν 2, β 1, β 2) K = 1 K = 2 K = 3 K = 1 K = 2 K = 3 K = 1 K = 2 K = 3<br />

0.2 100 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.062 0.066 0.071 0.067 0.071 0.081 0.068 0.070 0.074<br />

(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.982 0.984 0.984 0.971 0.967 0.972 0.890 0.897 0.904<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.144 0.151 0.156 0.144 0.157 0.159 0.146 0.151 0.154<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.975 0.977 0.978 0.963 0.964 0.968 0.861 0.867 0.871<br />

200 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.063 0.066 0.067 0.062 0.060 0.062 0.058 0.058 0.061<br />

(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.985 0.985 0.986 0.982 0.982 0.982 0.823 0.824 0.831<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.306 0.303 0.305 0.380 0.390 0.379 0.231 0.233 0.229<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.978 0.977 0.978 0.983 0.984 0.984 0.794 0.797 0.804<br />

0.5 100 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.074 0.078 0.087 0.075 0.083 0.092 0.069 0.075 0.081<br />

(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.983 0.982 0.982 0.982 0.978 0.979 0.827 0.825 0.836<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.170 0.201 0.191 0.138 0.142 0.140<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.967 0.966 0.966 0.984 0.979 0.980 0.792 0.788 0.800<br />

200 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.059 0.062 0.065 0.059 0.058 0.058 0.060 0.062 0.065<br />

(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.993 0.993 0.992 0.996 0.995 0.995 0.746 0.740 0.748<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.327 0.325 0.322 0.395 0.448 0.417 0.233 0.249 0.237<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.983 0.982 0.983 0.995 0.996 0.995 0.696 0.697 0.705<br />

Notes:<br />

(i) Data were generated by (27).<br />

(ii) The parameter values (ν 1, ν 2, β 1, β 2) = (0, 0, 0, 0) correspond to the null of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>, and the rest to the alternative<br />

of non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>.<br />

(iii) Larger ω implies that the regressors and errors are more correlated both serially and contemporaneously.<br />

(iv) The number of iterations is 5000, and the nom<strong>in</strong>al size 5%.<br />

(v) The long-run variance was estimated us<strong>in</strong>g Andrews’ (1991) methods with an AR(4) approximation for the prefilter.<br />

As for the data-generat<strong>in</strong>g process (26), the regressor and error are serially and contemporaneously<br />

correlated <strong>in</strong> (27). Also, {xt} were generated such that c11 is greater than the 15th percentile of<br />

{xt} and c21 less than the 85th percentile of {xt}. Thus, the data-generat<strong>in</strong>g process (27) is always<br />

non-l<strong>in</strong>ear under the alternative of non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>. We set µ = α = c11 = 0, c21 = 10, and considered<br />

(ν 1, ν 2, β 1, β 2) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0)<br />

and (γ 11, γ 21) = (1, 1). 5 The null hypothesis of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> corresponds to (ν 1, ν 2, β 1, β 2) =<br />

(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0). The employed sample sizes, numbers of leads and lags, nom<strong>in</strong>al size and<br />

number of iterations are the same as for Table 1. The results for the data-generat<strong>in</strong>g process (27)<br />

are reported <strong>in</strong> Tables 2 and 4. The added product terms for T 1 , T 2 and T 3 are x2 t ,(x2t , x3t ) and<br />

x3 t , respectively, and those for T 1µ , T 2µ and T 3µ are correspond<strong>in</strong>g detrended terms.<br />

5 In a previous version of this paper, we also considered the cases (γ 11, γ 21) = (5, 5), (∞, ∞). S<strong>in</strong>ce these provide<br />

similar results, we do not report them here.<br />

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<strong>Test<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> <strong>regressions</strong> 357<br />

Table 3. Empirical size and power of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> tests.<br />

One <strong>transition</strong> function, two <strong>transition</strong> variables, two regimes and no drift.<br />

T 1<br />

ω T (ν, β 1, β 2) K = 1 K = 2 K = 3 K = 1 K = 2 K = 3<br />

0.2 100 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.109 0.130 0.157 0.141 0.174 0.227<br />

(0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.778 0.802 0.829 0.372 0.394 0.427<br />

(0.5, 0.0, 0.0) 0.134 0.154 0.180 0.158 0.191 0.234<br />

(0.5, 0.5, 1.0) 0.764 0.796 0.821 0.374 0.392 0.427<br />

200 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.070 0.076 0.081 0.074 0.083 0.090<br />

(0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.833 0.835 0.849 0.479 0.481 0.499<br />

(0.5, 0.0, 0.0) 0.136 0.147 0.153 0.119 0.135 0.144<br />

(0.5, 0.5, 1.0) 0.826 0.835 0.849 0.480 0.485 0.494<br />

0.5 100 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.101 0.126 0.163 0.125 0.153 0.199<br />

(0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.824 0.834 0.857 0.443 0.449 0.486<br />

(0.5, 0.0, 0.0) 0.131 0.148 0.190 0.128 0.164 0.209<br />

(0.5, 0.5, 1.0) 0.818 0.830 0.850 0.441 0.470 0.489<br />

200 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.073 0.074 0.086 0.073 0.081 0.092<br />

(0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.894 0.892 0.897 0.575 0.552 0.568<br />

(0.5, 0.0, 0.0) 0.131 0.135 0.147 0.111 0.132 0.144<br />

(0.5, 0.5, 1.0) 0.879 0.876 0.882 0.547 0.536 0.551<br />

Notes:<br />

(i) Data were generated by (28).<br />

(ii) T 2 and T 3 are the same for this data-generat<strong>in</strong>g process.<br />

(iii) The parameter values (ν, β 1, β 2) = (0, 0, 0) correspond to the null of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>, and the rest to the alternative of<br />

non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>.<br />

(iv) Larger ω implies that the regressors and errors are more correlated both serially and contemporaneously.<br />

(v) The number of iterations is 5000, and the nom<strong>in</strong>al size 5%.<br />

(vi) The long-run variance was estimated us<strong>in</strong>g Andrews’ (1991) methods with an AR(4) approximation for the prefilter.<br />

The third data-generat<strong>in</strong>g process we considered is<br />

C○ Royal Economic Society 2004<br />

yt = µ + νg1(z1t) +<br />

2<br />

α j x jt +<br />

j=1<br />

2<br />

β j x jtg1 (z1t) + ut;<br />

1<br />

g1 (z1t) =<br />

1 + e−γ11(x1t −c11) ×<br />

1<br />

1 + e−γ12(x2t 1<br />

−<br />

−c12) 4 ;<br />

⎡ ⎤<br />

<br />

ω ω ω<br />

xt<br />

⎢ ⎥<br />

= εt + Bεt−1; B = ⎣ 0 ω ω⎦<br />

;<br />

ut<br />

0 0 ω<br />

⎛ ⎡<br />

1<br />

⎜ ⎢<br />

εt ∼ iidN ⎝0, ⎣ 0.5<br />

0.5<br />

1<br />

⎤⎞<br />

0.5<br />

⎥⎟<br />

0.5 ⎦⎠<br />

. (28)<br />

0.5 0.5 1<br />

j=1<br />

T 2

358 In Choi and Pentti Saikkonen<br />

In this data generation, there are two regressors and two <strong>transition</strong> variables. Only when the values<br />

of both x1t and x2t are greater than c11 and c12, respectively, the coefficient vector of xjt becomes<br />

α j + 3<br />

4β j. Otherwise, it is α j − 1<br />

4β j. So there are two data regimes characterized by x1t and x2t.<br />

Also, {x 1t} and {x 2t} were generated such that c11 is greater than the maximum of the 15th<br />

percentiles of {x 1t} and {x 2t} and c12 less than the m<strong>in</strong>imum of the 85th percentiles of {x 1t}<br />

and {x 2t}. Wesetµ = α1 = α2 = c11 = 0, c12 = 10, and considered (ν, β 1, β 2) = (0.0, 0.0,<br />

0.0), (0.0, 0.5, 1.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 0.5, 1.0) and (γ 11, γ 12) = (1, 1). The null hypothesis<br />

of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> corresponds to (ν, β 1, β 2) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). The employed sample sizes, numbers of<br />

leads and lags, nom<strong>in</strong>al size and number of iterations are the same as for Table 1. The results for<br />

the data-generat<strong>in</strong>g process (28) are reported <strong>in</strong> Tables 3 and 6. The added product terms for T 1<br />

and T 2 are (x 2 1t , x 1t x 2t, x 2 2t ) and (x 2 1t , x 1t x 2t, x 2 2t , x 3 1t , x 2 1t x 2t, x 1t x 2 2t , x 3 2t ), respectively, and those<br />

for T 1µ and T 2µ are correspond<strong>in</strong>g detrended terms. For the data-generat<strong>in</strong>g process (28), T 3 and<br />

T 3µ are the same as T 2 and T 3µ , respectively, because the second derivatives of the <strong>transition</strong><br />

function are not identically zero at the orig<strong>in</strong>.<br />

We may summarize the simulation results <strong>in</strong> Tables 1–3 as follows:<br />

The tests keep the nom<strong>in</strong>al size reasonably well except <strong>in</strong> Table 3. Size distortions <strong>in</strong> Table 3<br />

seem to result from more product terms <strong>in</strong> the auxiliary regression model than <strong>in</strong> Tables 1<br />

and 2. Compar<strong>in</strong>g the test statistics, T2 (T 2 ) tends to reject more frequently than T1 (T 1 ) and<br />

T3 (T 2 ) under the null hypothesis. This is because T2 (T 2 ) has more product terms <strong>in</strong> the<br />

auxiliary regression model. Moreover, the rejection frequencies of the tests tend to <strong>in</strong>crease<br />

under the null hypothesis when the serial and contemporaneous correlations <strong>in</strong>crease. As<br />

the sample size grows, the empirical size of the tests improves.<br />

The power of the tests improves as the sample size becomes larger.<br />

The T3(T 3 ) test was designed <strong>in</strong> the hope that it has higher power when only the <strong>in</strong>tercept<br />

term is subject to <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong>s. But even <strong>in</strong> this case, it does not show superior power.<br />

When the regression coefficients are subject to non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>, it shows significantly lower<br />

power than the rest.<br />

T2(T 2 ) tends to reject more frequently than T1(T 1 ) under the alternative hypothesis.<br />

However, consider<strong>in</strong>g the tendency of T2(T 2 ) to reject more often under the null hypothesis,<br />

no one of the tests seems to dom<strong>in</strong>ate the other.<br />

When only the <strong>in</strong>tercept term is subject to non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>, T2(T 2 ) does not show any noticeably<br />

higher power than T1(T 1 ) though it was designed to deal with the <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong>s <strong>in</strong> the<br />

<strong>in</strong>tercept term.<br />

The empirical size and power of the tests are not affected significantly by the choice of the<br />

value of K.<br />

The simulation results for T1µ(T 1µ ), T2µ(T 1µ ) and T3µ(T 3µ ) (tests for the case of drift)<br />

reported <strong>in</strong> Tables 4–6 can essentially be summarized <strong>in</strong> the same manner as for the T1(T 1 ), T2(T 1 )<br />

and T3(T 3 ) tests. The only notable differences are:<br />

The tests tend to overreject relative to the tests without a l<strong>in</strong>ear time trend, but the size<br />

properties improve as the sample size grows. Obviously, the overrejection of the tests stems<br />

from the <strong>in</strong>clusion of a l<strong>in</strong>ear time trend term <strong>in</strong> the regression model and the detrend<strong>in</strong>g<br />

of the <strong>transition</strong> variables.<br />

The power of the tests are lower than that <strong>in</strong> Tables 1–3.<br />

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<strong>Test<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> <strong>regressions</strong> 359<br />

Table 4. Empirical size and power of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> tests.<br />

One <strong>transition</strong> function, one <strong>transition</strong> variable, two regimes and drift.<br />

T1µ T2µ T3µ<br />

ω T (ν, β) K = 1 K = 2 K = 3 K = 1 K = 2 K = 3 K = 1 K = 2 K = 3<br />

0.2 100 (0.0, 0.0) 0.081 0.084 0.091 0.087 0.099 0.105 0.082 0.088 0.096<br />

(0.0, 0.5) 0.662 0.666 0.671 0.617 0.625 0.627 0.658 0.665 0.667<br />

(0.5, 0.0) 0.113 0.119 0.125 0.114 0.127 0.133 0.108 0.117 0.l21<br />

(0.5, 0.5) 0.651 0.659 0.663 0.612 0.623 0.638 0.641 0.641 0.644<br />

200 (0.0, 0.0) 0.068 0.073 0.073 0.062 0.067 0.067 0.063 0.062 0.065<br />

(0.0, 0.5) 0.800 0.803 0.804 0.761 0.766 0.769 0.805 0.805 0.806<br />

(0.5, 0.0) 0.115 0.114 0.118 0.114 0.116 0.118 0.115 0.114 0.118<br />

(0.5, 0.5) 0.794 0.795 0.798 0.752 0.757 0.765 0.789 0.792 0.795<br />

0.5 100 (0.0, 0.0) 0.089 0.096 0.107 0.098 0.102 0.116 0.082 0.087 0.095<br />

(0.0, 0.5) 0.704 0.708 0.712 0.659 0.669 0.680 0.716 0.720 0.723<br />

(0.5, 0.0) 0.103 0.109 0.117 0.107 0.117 0.129 0.106 0.112 0.121<br />

(0.5, 0.5) 0.707 0.711 0.715 0.672 0.684 0.694 0.700 0.706 0.711<br />

200 (0.0, 0.0) 0.061 0.065 0.067 0.067 0.069 0.075 0.070 0.074 0.076<br />

(0.0, 0.5) 0.808 0.811 0.815 0.769 0.775 0.778 0.815 0.816 0.818<br />

(0.5, 0.0) 0.121 0.122 0.126 0.114 0.120 0.120 0.116 0.116 0.121<br />

(0.5, 0.5) 0.799 0.801 0.805 0.748 0.755 0.762 0.809 0.812 0.815<br />

Note: Data were generated as for Table 1, and the same methods as for Table 1 were used except that a l<strong>in</strong>ear time trend<br />

term is added to the regression model and that detrended regressors are used for the <strong>transition</strong> function.<br />

In order to improve the size properties of the tests, one may use critical values from the<br />

F-distribution 6 whose degrees of freedom are the number of product terms and the sample size<br />

m<strong>in</strong>us the number of regressors. For this approximation to work, the test statistics should be<br />

multiplied by the number of product terms <strong>in</strong> the auxiliary regression models. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to some<br />

simulation, this may or may not improve the size properties of the tests us<strong>in</strong>g the critical values<br />

from the chi-square distribution. When there are many product terms, us<strong>in</strong>g the F-distribution<br />

tends to slightly improve the size properties of the tests. Detailed results are not reported here to<br />

save space.<br />


Estimation of a money demand function has been an important research topic <strong>in</strong> macroeconomics<br />

s<strong>in</strong>ce the late 1950s. More recently, methods for nonstationary time series have been applied<br />

to the money demand function and stable co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g relations of the relevant variables have<br />

statistically been confirmed. A partial list of related studies <strong>in</strong>cludes Baba et al. (1992), Hendry<br />

and Ericsson (1991a,b), Ericsson (1998), Ericsson et al. (1998), Hoffman and Rasche (1991),<br />

6 One of the referees k<strong>in</strong>dly suggested this idea.<br />

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360 In Choi and Pentti Saikkonen<br />

Table 5. Empirical size and power of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> tests.<br />

Two <strong>transition</strong> functions, one <strong>transition</strong> variable for each <strong>transition</strong> function, three regimes and drift.<br />

T 1µ T 2µ T 3µ<br />

ω T (ν 1, ν 2, β 1, β 2) K = 1 K = 2 K = 3 K = 1 K = 2 K = 3 K = 1 K = 2 K = 3<br />

0.2 100 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.090 0.095 0.094 0.096 0.105 0.113 0.092 0.103 0.109<br />

(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.675 0.707 0.736 0.521 0.561 0.616 0.442 0.474 0.503<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.129 0.134 0.139 0.133 0.146 0.155 0.111 0.118 0.122<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.649 0.684 0.715 0.501 0.539 0.587 0.427 0.456 0.492<br />

200 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.576 0.060 0.063 0.066 0.064 0.068 0.063 0.065 0.066<br />

(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.725 0.736 0.750 0.621 0.636 0.653 0.539 0.553 0.568<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.198 0.203 0.199 0.215 0.220 0.222 0.179 0.185 0.183<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.725 0.737 0.748 0.630 0.638 0.656 0.529 0.536 0.549<br />

0.5 100 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.089 0.093 0.097 0.091 0.103 0.112 0.089 0.094 0.098<br />

(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.733 0.752 0.769 0.615 0.642 0.674 0.551 0.563 0.580<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.139 0.144 0.150 0.136 0.165 0.168 0.133 0.143 0.151<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.729 0.745 0.764 0.623 0.646 0.675 0.532 0.549 0.573<br />

200 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.061 0.066 0.068 0.071 0.067 0.074 0.059 0.061 0.065<br />

(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.798 0.799 0.805 0.717 0.719 0.734 0.603 0.604 0.613<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.207 0.208 0.213 0.234 0.258 0.251 0.191 0.200 0.201<br />

(0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.786 0.789 0.794 0.706 0.710 0.720 0.592 0.600 0.605<br />

Note: Data were generated as for Table 2, and the same methods as for Table 2 were used except that a l<strong>in</strong>ear time trend<br />

term is added to the regression model and that detrended regressors are used for the <strong>transition</strong> function.<br />

Hoffman et al. (1995), Lütkepohl et al. (1999), Stock and Watson (1993) and Teräsvirta and<br />

Eliasson (2001). Among these, Ericsson et al. (1998), Lütkepohl et al. (1999) and Teräsvirta and<br />

Eliasson (2001) use non-l<strong>in</strong>ear models for their empirical results. Ericsson et al. (1998) employ a<br />

non-l<strong>in</strong>ear specification for the error correction term <strong>in</strong> their error-correction equation for the U.K.<br />

money demand, and the latter two articles use the STR model for the differences of the German<br />

and U.K. M1, respectively. The error correction terms <strong>in</strong> Ericsson et al. (1998), Lütkepohl et<br />

al. (1999) and Teräsvirta and Eliasson (2001) assume l<strong>in</strong>ear long-run relation between money<br />

and other variables that is based on economic theories for money demand (e.g. Baba et al. 1992;<br />

Baumol (1952) and Tob<strong>in</strong> (1956)). Thus, non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong> these studies is related only to short-run<br />

dynamics.<br />

Money is demanded for transactions motive. Hold<strong>in</strong>g money enables us to <strong>smooth</strong> out the<br />

differences between <strong>in</strong>come and expenditure stream. In a modern economy, money is also<br />

demanded as an asset that avoids the volatility of stock and bond markets. The classical long-run<br />

money demand function, build<strong>in</strong>g on these motives for hold<strong>in</strong>g money, can be written as<br />

M d /P = f (Y , R,P), (29)<br />

where M d denotes the nom<strong>in</strong>al money demand, P the price level, Y the real <strong>in</strong>come, R a vector of<br />

rates of return on assets outside money and on money itself and P the <strong>in</strong>flation rate. The rate of<br />

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<strong>Test<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> <strong>regressions</strong> 361<br />

Table 6. Empirical size and power of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> tests.<br />

One <strong>transition</strong> function, two <strong>transition</strong> variables, two regimes and drift.<br />

T 1µ<br />

ω T (ν, β 1, β 2) K = 1 K = 2 K = 3 K = 1 K = 2 K = 3<br />

0.2 100 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.142 0.170 0.211 0.199 0.246 0.303<br />

(0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.486 0.541 0.608 0.230 0.258 0.313<br />

(0.5, 0.0, 0.0) 0.160 0.186 0.221 0.209 0.248 0.302<br />

(0.5, 0.5, 1.0) 0.498 0.546 0.615 0.232 0.269 0.315<br />

200 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.076 0.086 0.092 0.096 0.103 0.114<br />

(0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.587 0.603 0.624 0.330 0.337 0.360<br />

(0.5, 0.0, 0.0) 0.127 0.130 0.137 0.111 0.125 0.137<br />

(0.5, 0.5, 1.0) 0.581 0.602 0.627 0.326 0.344 0.367<br />

0.5 100 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.132 0.162 0.194 0.179 0.210 0.268<br />

(0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.603 0.645 0.688 0.317 0.349 0.404<br />

(0.5, 0.0, 0.0) 0.147 0.171 0.215 0.167 0.204 0.265<br />

(0.5, 0.5, 1.0) 0.592 0.639 0.679 0.317 0.356 0.410<br />

200 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0.081 0.091 0.101 0.093 0.097 0.119<br />

(0.0, 0.5, 1.0) 0.669 0.682 0.701 0.408 0.413 0.435<br />

(0.5, 0.0, 0.0) 0.117 0.118 0.134 0.100 0.111 0.127<br />

(0.5, 0.5,1.0) 0.681 0.691 0.715 0.418 0.420 0.442<br />

Note: Data were generated as for Table 3, and the same methods as for Table 3 were used except that a l<strong>in</strong>ear time trend<br />

term is added to the regression model and that detrended regressors are used for the <strong>transition</strong> function.<br />

return on assets outside money signifies the opportunity cost of hold<strong>in</strong>g money rather than other<br />

f<strong>in</strong>ancial assets. The <strong>in</strong>flation rate is also the opportunity cost of hold<strong>in</strong>g money <strong>in</strong>stead of goods.<br />

It is normally expected that<br />

∂ f<br />

∂Y<br />

> 0;<br />

∂ f<br />

< 0;<br />

∂ Rout ∂ f<br />

> 0;<br />

∂ Rown ∂ f<br />

∂P<br />

where R out and R own denote the rates of return on assets outside money and on money itself,<br />

respectively. In the empirical literature of money demand, M1, GDP deflator, real GDP (or total<br />

f<strong>in</strong>al expenditure) and <strong>in</strong>flation rate (log difference of GDP deflator) have usually been used for<br />

M d , P, Y and P. For the vector of <strong>in</strong>terest rates R, rates of return on long term bonds and deposit<br />

rate have been used. Baba et al. (1992) conta<strong>in</strong> more detailed discussion on the choice of <strong>in</strong>terest<br />

rates for the money demand function.<br />

Economic theories for money demand do not necessarily require the long-run money demand<br />

function (29) be l<strong>in</strong>ear, though theories imply<strong>in</strong>g STR-like behaviour of the money demand<br />

function do not exists either accord<strong>in</strong>g to our knowledge. There are a couple of reasons that the<br />

money demand function may show STR-like behaviour. First, it is well known that many cyclical<br />

variables show an asymmetric behaviour over various phases of the bus<strong>in</strong>ess cycle (e.g. Neftci,<br />

1984). Thus, the money demand function may display STR-like behaviour depend<strong>in</strong>g on real<br />

<strong>in</strong>come and <strong>in</strong>flation rate that show cyclical movements over the phases of the bus<strong>in</strong>ess cycle.<br />

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< 0,<br />

T 2µ

362 In Choi and Pentti Saikkonen<br />

Second, if the nom<strong>in</strong>al deposit <strong>in</strong>terest rate is so low (as <strong>in</strong> current Japan), the opportunity cost of<br />

hold<strong>in</strong>g money is so close to zero that the public may change their money hold<strong>in</strong>gs without any<br />

change <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>terest rate. In other words, money demand may be less responsive to the deposit<br />

rate when it is low than when it is high.<br />

In empirical analyses, however, l<strong>in</strong>ear specifications have been used for the long-run money<br />

demand equation, and possibilities of non-l<strong>in</strong>ear specifications of the long-run money demand<br />

have not been explored. As a first step towards non-l<strong>in</strong>ear modell<strong>in</strong>g of the long-run money<br />

demand function, this section tests the null of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> for the U.K. money demand function us<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the tests developed <strong>in</strong> Sections 3 and 4.<br />

In this paper, we focus on the U.K. quarterly data from 1982:Q3 to 1998:Q4. All the data were<br />

taken from International F<strong>in</strong>ancial Statistics. For money, we used seasonally adjusted M4 which<br />

comprises notes and co<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> circulation outside the Bank of England, plus non-bank private sector<br />

sterl<strong>in</strong>g deposits held with U.K. bank<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>stitutions. Seasonally adjusted GDP and GDP deflator<br />

(1995 = 100) were used for nom<strong>in</strong>al <strong>in</strong>come and aggregate price, respectively. The log difference<br />

of the GDP deflator was used as <strong>in</strong>flation rate. As a rate of return on money, the deposit rate<br />

(per cent per annum) for <strong>in</strong>stant access sav<strong>in</strong>gs accounts was used. The 91-day Treasury bill rate<br />

(per cent per annum) was used for the rate of return on assets outside of money. Five variables—<br />

real money, real GDP, the Treasury bill rate, the deposit rate and the <strong>in</strong>flation rate—were used for<br />

our <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> tests. Applications of the Dickey–Fuller test us<strong>in</strong>g Ng and Perron’s (1995) sequential<br />

lag selection method <strong>in</strong>dicate that the null of a unit root cannot be rejected at conventional levels<br />

for any of these variables. We took natural logs of the real money and real GDP. Natural logs<br />

are not taken of the <strong>in</strong>terest rates when structural <strong>regressions</strong> are fit <strong>in</strong> most previous studies (e.g.<br />

Stock and Watson, 1993). But co<strong>in</strong>tegration tests are applied to the natural logs of the <strong>in</strong>terest<br />

rates <strong>in</strong> some other studies (e.g. Hoffman and Rasche, 1991). Thus, we considered both types of<br />

the <strong>in</strong>terest rates <strong>in</strong> this study.<br />

The U.K. real GDP dur<strong>in</strong>g the sample period shows upward trend which may <strong>in</strong>dicate the<br />

presence of the determ<strong>in</strong>istic l<strong>in</strong>ear trend. Detrend<strong>in</strong>g the log of real GDP us<strong>in</strong>g the sample<br />

mean of the difference of the log GDP elim<strong>in</strong>ates the upward trend. These imply that it is more<br />

appropriate to use the auxiliary model (14) for our <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> tests and that the detrended real GDP<br />

needs to be used as a <strong>transition</strong> variable.<br />

In Table 7, we report the test results. Transition variables <strong>in</strong> Table 7 imply the variables<br />

appear<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the <strong>transition</strong> function. We assume that all the regression coefficients <strong>in</strong> the money<br />

demand function are subjected to <strong>transition</strong>s under the alternative. To calculate the T1µ(T 1µ ) test,<br />

the real money was regressed on the real GDP, Treasury bill rate, deposit rate, <strong>in</strong>flation rate, leads<br />

and lags of these variables, and the products of the <strong>transition</strong> variables and the regressors. For<br />

example, regressors used for the T1µ test <strong>in</strong> the first row of part (1) of Table 7 are the real GDP,<br />

Treasury bill rate, deposit rate, <strong>in</strong>flation rate, leads and lags of these variables and the products<br />

of the detrended real GDP (<strong>transition</strong> variable) and the four variables <strong>in</strong> level. For the T2µ test,<br />

the detrended real GDP to the third power was additionally used as a regressor <strong>in</strong> the auxiliary<br />

regression model.<br />

Part (1) of Table 7 reports the results when no logs were taken of the <strong>in</strong>terest rates. When<br />

the detrended log real GDP, Treasury bill rate and deposit rate are used as <strong>transition</strong> variables<br />

<strong>in</strong>dividually, the null of <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> is rejected at some lags. Because the detrended log real GDP and<br />

deposit rate as <strong>transition</strong> variables show stronger evidence than the Treasury bill rate <strong>in</strong> terms of<br />

frequency of rejections <strong>in</strong> the table, we tested the null us<strong>in</strong>g the two variables jo<strong>in</strong>tly as <strong>transition</strong><br />

variables. The result shows that the T 1µ test rejects the null at lag 3. The detrended real GDP and<br />

Treasury bill rate as jo<strong>in</strong>t <strong>transition</strong> variables do not provide any rejection of the null. This aga<strong>in</strong><br />

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<strong>Test<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> <strong>regressions</strong> 363<br />

Table 7. L<strong>in</strong>earity test results for the U.K. money demand function (1982:Q3–1998:Q4).<br />

T1µ (T 1µ ) T2µ (T 2µ )<br />

Transition variables K = 1 K = 2 K = 3 K = 1 K = 2 K = 3<br />

(1) No log taken of the <strong>in</strong>terest rates<br />

Detrended rgdp 4.87 7.98 12.28∗ 6.18 10.55 14.71∗ TB 4.74 6.22 10.26∗ 5.79 8.53 13.21<br />

DR 6.77 9.64∗ 13.13∗ 6.93 9.80 13.15∗ <strong>in</strong>fl 1.82 2.48 5.44 2.64 3.96 7.80<br />

Detrended rgdp, TB 6.16 9.36 14.39 7.48 12.37 19.01<br />

Detrended rgdp, DR 8.37 12.62 16.30∗ 9.24 15.77 20.86<br />

(2) Log taken of the <strong>in</strong>terest rates<br />

Detrended rgdp 10.53∗ 17.86∗∗ 30.19∗∗ 11.57 19.83∗∗ 34.34∗∗ tb 7.13 5.87 8.27 7.51 7.06 20.17<br />

dr 10.99∗ 11.14∗ 13.57∗∗ 11.01 11.25 ∗ 17.21∗∗ <strong>in</strong>fl 5.23 7.39 12.35∗ 6.30 9.25 16.36∗∗ Detrended rgdp, dr 15.93 ∗ 21.53 ∗∗ 37.16 ∗∗ 16.82 27.14 ∗∗ 60.00 ∗∗<br />

Detrended rgdp, <strong>in</strong>fl 10.80 19.58 34.20 ∗∗ 13.66 23.08 46.65 ∗∗<br />

Notes:<br />

(i) rgdp: natural log of real GDP, TB: 91-day Treasury bill rate, DR: deposit rate, <strong>in</strong>fr: <strong>in</strong>flation rate (log difference of<br />

GDP), tb: natural log of TB, dr: natural log of DR.<br />

(ii) Transition variables imply the variables appear<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the <strong>transition</strong> function gj(·).<br />

(iii) The long-run variance was estimated us<strong>in</strong>g Andrews’ (1991) methods with an AR(4) approximation for the prefilter.<br />

(iv) K denote the number of backward and forward lags <strong>in</strong> the auxiliary regression model.<br />

(v) ( ∗ ): significant at the 5% level; ( ∗∗ ): significant at the 1% level.<br />

(vi) When there is one <strong>transition</strong> variable, T1µ and T2µ have the asymptotic chi-square distributions with degrees of<br />

freedom four and five, respectively. When there are two <strong>transition</strong> variables, T1µ and T2µ have the asymptotic chi-square<br />

distributions with degrees of freedom 8 and 12, respectively.<br />

<strong>in</strong>dicates that the evidence of non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong>duced by the Treasury bill rate is not too strong. 7<br />

When the <strong>in</strong>flation rate is used as a <strong>transition</strong> variable, there is no statistically significant evidence<br />

of non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>. The results <strong>in</strong> part (1) <strong>in</strong>dicate that the detrended real GDP and deposit rate are<br />

important candidates for <strong>transition</strong> variables <strong>in</strong> modell<strong>in</strong>g the STR-type money demand function.<br />

Part (2) of Table 7 conta<strong>in</strong>s the results of us<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>terest rates taken log of, and shows<br />

more evidence of non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>. When the detrended GDP and deposit rate are used as <strong>transition</strong><br />

variables either <strong>in</strong>dividually or jo<strong>in</strong>tly, we f<strong>in</strong>d strong evidence of non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>. The Treasury bill<br />

rate as a <strong>transition</strong> variable does not provide any statistically significant evidence of non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>,<br />

but the <strong>in</strong>flation rate does at some lags. Furthermore, the <strong>in</strong>flation rate and the detrended real GDP<br />

as jo<strong>in</strong>t <strong>transition</strong> variables do provide some evidence for non-<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong>. 8 Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the results<br />

<strong>in</strong> part (2), the detrended GDP, deposit rate and <strong>in</strong>flation rate should be considered as <strong>transition</strong><br />

variables when modell<strong>in</strong>g the long-run money demand function us<strong>in</strong>g the STR model.<br />

7 The test results us<strong>in</strong>g the Treasury bill and deposit rates jo<strong>in</strong>tly as <strong>transition</strong> variables could not be produced because<br />

the data matrix <strong>in</strong> the auxiliary regression model became almost s<strong>in</strong>gular.<br />

8 Though it may be useful to obta<strong>in</strong> the test results us<strong>in</strong>g the deposit and <strong>in</strong>flation rates jo<strong>in</strong>tly as <strong>transition</strong> variables, we<br />

could not produce them because the data matrix <strong>in</strong> the auxiliary regression model ran <strong>in</strong>to the difficulty of s<strong>in</strong>gularity.<br />

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364 In Choi and Pentti Saikkonen<br />

The results <strong>in</strong> Table 7 <strong>in</strong>dicate that the detrended GDP, deposit rate and <strong>in</strong>flation rate are<br />

candidates for <strong>transition</strong> variables. Formal estimation of various <strong>smooth</strong> <strong>transition</strong> models needs<br />

to be performed <strong>in</strong> order to f<strong>in</strong>d which variables, <strong>in</strong>dividually or jo<strong>in</strong>tly, produce the best <strong>smooth</strong><br />

<strong>transition</strong> modell<strong>in</strong>g of the U.K. money demand function. The results <strong>in</strong> Table 7 provide rationale<br />

for pursu<strong>in</strong>g the non-l<strong>in</strong>ear modell<strong>in</strong>g, but a separate paper seems to be required to study the issue<br />

<strong>in</strong> depth.<br />


We have developed tests that can be used to test <strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong> <strong>in</strong> a general co<strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g STR model<br />

with I(1) regressors. The regressors and errors of the model are allowed to be serially and<br />

contemporaneously correlated. In order to allow for this feature, an endogeneity correction based<br />

on a leads-and-lags approach is employed. The model’s <strong>transition</strong> mechanism is assumed to<br />

be more general than previously. The application of the proposed tests is simple because OLS<br />

techniques and standard chi-square limit<strong>in</strong>g distributions apply. Simulation experiments <strong>in</strong>dicate<br />

that the tests have reasonable f<strong>in</strong>ite sample properties. In empirical applications evidence of non<strong>l<strong>in</strong>earity</strong><br />

<strong>in</strong> the U.K. money demand function is found especially when the detrended real GDP<br />

and deposit rate are used as <strong>transition</strong> variables.<br />


Pentti Saikkonen thanks the Academy of F<strong>in</strong>land and the Yrjö Johnson Foundation for f<strong>in</strong>ancial support.<br />


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