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European Commission, (2003), Green Paper: On the Future of Rules of Origin in<br />

Preferential Trade Agreements - Brussels, December.<br />

European Commission, (2004), Green Paper: The Future of Rules of Origin in<br />

Preferential Trade Agreements - A summary report of the results of the<br />

consultation process, Brussels, August.<br />

Falvey, R. and Reed, G. (1998), Economic Effects of Rules of Origin,<br />

Welwirschaftliches Archiv, 134, .2, pp.209-229.<br />

Falvey, R. and G. Reed (2002), Rules of Origin as Commercial Policy Instruments,<br />

International Economic Review, 43, 393-407.<br />

Frankel, J.A. (1997), Regional Trading Blocs in the World Economic System,<br />

Institute for International Economics.<br />

Gasiorek, M, and Stevens, C (2006), Creating Development Friendly Rules of<br />

Origin, report prepared for the Netherlands Ministry for Development<br />

Cooperation.<br />

Gasiorek, M. et.al. (2002), Study on the economic impact of extending the pan-<br />

European system of cumulation of origin to the Mediterranean partners’ part of<br />

the Barcelona process, Report prepared for the European Commission.<br />

Grossman, G. and E. Helpman, (1995), The Politics of Free Trade Agreements,<br />

American Economic Review, September, pp. 667-690<br />

Helpman, E. and P. Krugman (1985), Market Structure and Foreign Trade:<br />

Increasing Returns, Imperfect Competition, and the International Economy, MIT<br />

Press, Cambridge, MA and London.<br />

Herin, J (1986) Rules of Origin and Differences between Tariff Levels in EFTA<br />

and the EC, EFTA Occasional Paper no.13.<br />

Hoekman, B, (1993), Rules of Origin for Goods and Services, Journal of World<br />

Trade, Vol.27, No.4, pp.81-99.<br />

Hummels, D. (1999). ‘Towards a geography of trade costs’, Purdue University,<br />

manuscript.<br />

Inama, S. and Jachia, L. (2000), Assessing market access preferences for<br />

Mediterranean countries on the EU market for industrial goods, Working Paper<br />

N° 2013, ERF.<br />

Ju, J. and K. Krishna, (2005), Firm Behavior and Market Access in a Free Trade<br />

Area with Rules of Origin, Canadian Journal of Economics, 38, 1, pp. 290-308.<br />

Ju, J. and Krishna, K. (1996), Market access and welfare effects of Free Trade<br />

Areas without rules of origin, NBER Working Paper N° 5480.<br />

Krishna, K. and M. Itoh (1988), Content protection and oligopolistic interactions,<br />

Review of Economic Studies, 55, 1, pp.107–125.<br />

Krishna, K. and A. Krueger (1995), Implementing Free Trade Areas: rules of<br />

origin and hidden protection, NBER Working Paper 4983.<br />

Krishna, K (2005), Understanding Rules of Origin, NBER Working paper, no.<br />

11149.<br />


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