Etudes par pays volume 2, PDF, 346 p., 1,4 Mo - Femise

Etudes par pays volume 2, PDF, 346 p., 1,4 Mo - Femise Etudes par pays volume 2, PDF, 346 p., 1,4 Mo - Femise


11873_02 Study D2: Poverty, Informal Sector, Health and Labour - Data show positive relationships between the housing conditions and percapita income levels, that’s why there is a correlation between the housing conditions index and poverty status, however the housing index for the non-poor represents 1.3 times that of the poor for objective poverty and only 1.02 times for subjective poverty. - The overall average Living Standard Index in 2002 has reached 28.55. As with most social indicators, there are urban/rural biases in favor of urban areas. - Male headed households have higher living standards than female headed households, and households with a head of lower education levels have lower living standards, and the same applies if the household head is unemployed or out of labor force. - Poor households, whether objectively or subjectively, have lower living standards than the non-poor do. However, households with unmet needs or those who are unsatisfied with their lives have a lower index, indicating that people rightly rank themselves as satisfied or not according to their living conditions and not only on their income. - Although both the non-traditional government programs and nongovernment sector’s role are expanding their poverty alleviation role in Egypt, certain government policies continue to impede such efforts and underpin the perpetuation of poverty across generations, such as centralization, lack of coordination, spread of corruption and weak institutional capacities. FONDAZIONE CENSIS 6

11873_02 Study D2: Poverty, Informal Sector, Health and Labour 4. CRIME 4.1. Definitions In general, “crime” refers to committing an act that is prohibited by law. The Egyptian penal code comprises many crimes, too many to be exhaustively covered in this section and hence only the main crimes 20 will be presented. 1. Intentional homicide: is death deliberately inflicted on a person by another person. 2. Non-intentional homicide is death not deliberately inflicted on a person by another person and is the result of the latter person’s negligence, recklessness or indifference towards rules and regulations. It could have been avoided if the perpetrator had had the caution of a regular person. That includes the crime of manslaughter, but unlike the definition provided by the United Nations, it also includes traffic accidents that result in the death of persons. 3. Assault: is the physical attack against the body of another person. 4. Rape: is forcing sexual intercourse on a female without valid consent. Egyptian law makes a distinction between sexual assault and actual penetration and the penalty for each differs. 5. Theft is the removal of property without the property owner’s consent. “Theft” then comprises different crimes depending on the circumstances of the crime: 20 The crimes mentioned here are those reported in the periodic United Nations Surveys of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems. The definitions provided pertain to the Egyptian Judicial System. Whenever the definitions coincide in meaning, the wording provided by the United Nations will be used. Other crimes are also added at the end. FONDAZIONE CENSIS 7

11873_02 Study D2: Poverty, Informal Sector, Health and Labour<br />

- Data show positive relationships between the housing conditions and percapita<br />

income levels, that’s why there is a correlation between the<br />

housing conditions index and poverty status, however the housing index<br />

for the non-poor represents 1.3 times that of the poor for objective<br />

poverty and only 1.02 times for subjective poverty.<br />

- The overall average Living Standard Index in 2002 has reached 28.55. As<br />

with most social indicators, there are urban/rural biases in favor of urban<br />

areas.<br />

- Male headed households have higher living standards than female headed<br />

households, and households with a head of lower education levels have<br />

lower living standards, and the same applies if the household head is<br />

unemployed or out of labor force.<br />

- Poor households, whether objectively or subjectively, have lower living<br />

standards than the non-poor do. However, households with unmet needs<br />

or those who are unsatisfied with their lives have a lower index,<br />

indicating that people rightly rank themselves as satisfied or not<br />

according to their living conditions and not only on their income.<br />

- Although both the non-traditional government programs and nongovernment<br />

sector’s role are expanding their poverty alleviation role in<br />

Egypt, certain government policies continue to impede such efforts and<br />

underpin the perpetuation of poverty across generations, such as<br />

centralization, lack of coordination, spread of corruption and weak<br />

institutional capacities.<br />



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