Etudes par pays volume 2, PDF, 346 p., 1,4 Mo - Femise

Etudes par pays volume 2, PDF, 346 p., 1,4 Mo - Femise Etudes par pays volume 2, PDF, 346 p., 1,4 Mo - Femise


11873_2002 Study D2: Poverty, Informal Sector, Health and Labour Population below income poverty line ($2 per day): 10.3 Long-term unemployment (as % of labour force):2.5 Table 3: Poverty Indecise 1994 2001 FONDAZIONE CENSIS Number of Head Indecies Yoksulluk Açığı Endeksi Sen Index Average Poor income(TL) Poverty Trashhold (TL) Gini coefficient Nutrition Poverty 0,07 0,37 0,039 490993 782899 0,31 Basic Needs Poverty 0,33 0,46 0,218 818137 1520386 0,34 Income Poverty 0,18 0,69 0,144 446219 1461220 0,22 Nutrition Poverty 0,08 0,25 0,048 27000000 36090420 0,31 Basic Needs Poverty 0,41 0,45 0,260 47500000 86198920 0,33 Income Poverty 0,18 0,73 0,140 23900000 86939760 0,24 Soruce: SIS, 1994 and Authros’ calculations from 2001 household Labor Survey Income distribution for all categories worsened under the criteria mentioned above for years 1994 and 2001. While the Gini Coefficient for whole Turkey was 0.46 in 1994, Gini Coefficient in 2001 increased to 0.49. if the Gini coefficient for the poor is investigated we see an equity in income distribution among the poor. However, this equity tends to worsen with the economic crises experienced in recent years. 323

11873_2002 Study D2: Poverty, Informal Sector, Health and Labour Table 4: Expenditure Distribution for the Poor Household (%) Second 20th Third 20th Fourth 20th First 20th percentile percentile percentile percentile Fifth 20th percentile 1994 2001 1994 2001 1994 2001 1994 2001 1994 2001 Health 3,65 4,68 3,37 2,25 2,75 1,83 1,92 2,08 2,02 2,64 Education 0,31 0,18 0,11 0,07 0,26 0,09 0,25 0,23 0,23 0,21 Others 96,04 95,13 96,52 97,69 96,98 98,09 97,83 97,70 97,75 97,15 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Sorce: SIS, 1994 and Authros’ calculations from 2001 household Labor Survey It can be easily seen form Table 4 that there is a great diffusion in human capital after economic crises. The share for education in total income is the highest in the fifth 20 th percentile. However, this share is not even equal to 1% in total. The share of education for all 20 th percentile worsened from 1994 to 2001. This shows the greatness of the problem that the Turkish economy facing and the stickiness, and intergenerational distribution of the poverty. FONDAZIONE CENSIS 324

11873_2002 Study D2: Poverty, Informal Sector, Health and Labour<br />

Table 4: Expenditure Distribution for the Poor Household (%)<br />

Second 20th Third 20th Fourth 20th<br />

First 20th percentile percentile percentile percentile Fifth 20th percentile<br />

1994 2001 1994 2001 1994 2001 1994 2001 1994 2001<br />

Health 3,65 4,68 3,37 2,25 2,75 1,83 1,92 2,08 2,02 2,64<br />

Education 0,31 0,18 0,11 0,07 0,26 0,09 0,25 0,23 0,23 0,21<br />

Others 96,04 95,13 96,52 97,69 96,98 98,09 97,83 97,70 97,75 97,15<br />

Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100<br />

Sorce: SIS, 1994 and Authros’ calculations from 2001 household Labor Survey<br />

It can be easily seen form Table 4 that there is a great diffusion in human<br />

capital after economic crises. The share for education in total income is the<br />

highest in the fifth 20 th percentile. However, this share is not even equal to<br />

1% in total. The share of education for all 20 th percentile worsened from<br />

1994 to 2001. This shows the greatness of the problem that the Turkish<br />

economy facing and the stickiness, and intergenerational distribution of the<br />

poverty.<br />



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