Etudes par pays volume 2, PDF, 346 p., 1,4 Mo - Femise

Etudes par pays volume 2, PDF, 346 p., 1,4 Mo - Femise Etudes par pays volume 2, PDF, 346 p., 1,4 Mo - Femise


11873_2002 Study D2: Poverty, Informal Sector, Health and Labour Table 10 indicates that the rate of underweight children has decreased, immunization rate for some illnesses has increased, and the use of contraceptives has increased. In addition to above given data there is a resarch conducted by Osman Gazi University in 2002 (Aksam Newspaper, August 12, 2002). - In Turkey, 20.2% of the population is not covered by the social security - 2.7% of all babies die for several reasons. - 25% of all drugs wasted. - Import of drugs 10 times more than that of export. - Only 1.2% of people give blood.. - Annual drug expenditure is 2.5 billion and annual drug consumption per person is $38. - The rate of people who has no healthy water is 26.5%. - One third of 27 million children cannot receive appropriate nutritions. Even though this research gives a pecimistic view, the official numbers show an increase in health quality in Turkey. However, some people in Turkey still cannot receive health protection, while some people are not happy with their protection. Unfortunately, in most cases a health service covering every part of Turkey cannot be given as it is planned. Especially, data for rural and urban areas and data for east and west differ a lot. For that reason, we cannot mention a standard health quality all over the country. There are more than one reason for this. The reasons can be summarized as follow (Ministry of Health, YKP, Special Council for Health, 2001, pp:4). The whole authority in the health services belongs to the Ministry of Health in Turkey. For that reason, it is widely open to political misuse. Decisions are made according to political views of the government and thus, a long run policies sometimes may not be possible to implement. Projections do not imply the actual data in most cases due to political decisions. The coordination cannot be reached among critical institutions for public health. These institutions become a political arena for the parties in power, and FONDAZIONE CENSIS 315

11873_2002 Study D2: Poverty, Informal Sector, Health and Labour expected coordination and services cannot be provided to the public. Some problems experienced in Turkey regarding health services are following: - Health sector cannot be organized adequately due to spread structure of institutions. The main reasons for this disorganization can be stated as follow: misuse of human resources, political views, erroneous definitions of duties, and lack of inspections in health sector. Another reason for disorganization is that lack of information due to problems in the flow of information among institutions. - The share of health in GDP is not enough. Lack of building, resoruces and other tools used in health servises are them main reasons of hardship in health. İn other words, most of the problems in health sector is due to financial problems. Turkey is one of candidate countries for full membership to the European Union. As analyzed from this point of view, Turkey has not yet reached to the level of EU countries (Isik, 2001, pp: 106-107). However, efforts in this area is notable in last five years. In addition to that, health institutions belong to NGO in last years has increased. Also, people who have no health securities, if they are eligible, can get health services free of charge from the Ministry of Health. According to 2001 data 1.3 million people receive free health services in Turkey. But after the parlamentary elections last year Turkey has now a “one party government”. It seems that some of the notorious problems in the health sector are going to be solved. Reorganization of the sector is already underway. Health Reform activities can be summarized as : the initiation of the application of General Health Insurence as soon as possible; to separate the service supplier from the financing organization; to give autonomy to hospitals to help them provide high quality and efficient services; to adopt the Family Medicine model in primary health services; to help the Ministry of Health acquire a new structure and to harmonize Turkish health regulations with EU norms. The information and statistics in Turkey is collected and stored by the Ministry of Health and State Institute for Statistics. The web addresses of these institutions are: - T.R. Ministry of Health: FONDAZIONE CENSIS 316

11873_2002 Study D2: Poverty, Informal Sector, Health and Labour<br />

Table 10 indicates that the rate of underweight children has decreased,<br />

immunization rate for some illnesses has increased, and the use of<br />

contraceptives has increased.<br />

In addition to above given data there is a resarch conducted by Osman Gazi<br />

University in 2002 (Aksam Newspaper, August 12, 2002).<br />

- In Turkey, 20.2% of the population is not covered by the social security<br />

- 2.7% of all babies die for several reasons.<br />

- 25% of all drugs wasted.<br />

- Import of drugs 10 times more than that of export.<br />

- Only 1.2% of people give blood..<br />

- Annual drug expenditure is 2.5 billion and annual drug consumption per<br />

person is $38.<br />

- The rate of people who has no healthy water is 26.5%.<br />

- One third of 27 million children cannot receive appropriate nutritions.<br />

Even though this research gives a pecimistic view, the official numbers<br />

show an increase in health quality in Turkey. However, some people in<br />

Turkey still cannot receive health protection, while some people are not<br />

happy with their protection. Unfortunately, in most cases a health service<br />

covering every <strong>par</strong>t of Turkey cannot be given as it is planned. Especially,<br />

data for rural and urban areas and data for east and west differ a lot. For that<br />

reason, we cannot mention a standard health quality all over the country.<br />

There are more than one reason for this. The reasons can be summarized as<br />

follow (Ministry of Health, YKP, Special Council for Health, 2001, pp:4).<br />

The whole authority in the health services belongs to the Ministry of Health<br />

in Turkey. For that reason, it is widely open to political misuse. Decisions<br />

are made according to political views of the government and thus, a long<br />

run policies sometimes may not be possible to implement. Projections do<br />

not imply the actual data in most cases due to political decisions. The<br />

coordination cannot be reached among critical institutions for public health.<br />

These institutions become a political arena for the <strong>par</strong>ties in power, and<br />



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