Etudes par pays volume 2, PDF, 346 p., 1,4 Mo - Femise

Etudes par pays volume 2, PDF, 346 p., 1,4 Mo - Femise Etudes par pays volume 2, PDF, 346 p., 1,4 Mo - Femise


Table :7 İmport-Export Values (million dolar) Export(Fob) İmport(Cif) Foreign Trade Balance Export/ımport 1990 12.959 22.302 -9.343 30.581 1991 13.593 21.047 -7.454 64.6 1992 14.715 22.871 -8.156 64.3 1993 15.345 29.428 -14.080 52.1 1994 18.106 23.270 -5.164 77.8 1995 21.636 35.709 -14.073 60.6 1996 23.224 43.627 -20.403 53.2 1997 26.261 48.559 -22.298 54.1 1998 26.973 45.992 -18.949 58.7 1999 26.588 39.773 -13.185 66.8 2000 27.775 54.012 -26.237 51.4 2001 31.340 39.748 -8.408 78.8 2002 35.753 51.203 -15.450 69.8 DİE 2001, T.C. Maliye Bakanlığı, 1996 Yıllık Ekonomik Rapor. (State Statistical Institute 2001 and Ministry of Fiunance Report)

11873_2002 Study D2: Poverty, Informal Sector, Health and Labour 1.3. Geography and territorial characteristics Geography and territorial patterns of Turkey composite of geographical surface, geographical distribution of population, principle Natural Resources, climate characteristics and environmental Issues. Geographical Surface The Republic of Turkey spans two continents. The seas which surround the country on three sides are the Black Sea, the Aegean and the Mediterranean. Turkey has borders with Georgia, Armenia, Nakhicevan (Azerbaidjan) and Iran to the east, Bulgaria, and Greece to the west and Iraq and Syria to the south. Turkey has an area of 814,578 km square. 3% of the area of Turkey is located in Thrace in Europe, and the remaining 97%, which is referred to as Anatolia, is located in Asia. The legth of the land borders of the country is 2,875 km. and the length of the coastline is 8,333 km. Turkey has a width of app. 550 km. and a length of app. 1,500 km. Turkey has seven geographical regions: The Black Sea, the Marmara, the Aegean, the Mediterranean, the Central, East and Southeast Anatolia Regions. The Regions are not definiteve demarcations, but markers of gradually changing geographical and climatic features. Principle Natural Resources Turkey has large and varied mineral deposits and resources.Turkey holds 28th place in terms of total production among 132 countries in the world who are involved in mining activities and 10th place in terms of the type of minerals produced. Today 53 different metals and minerals are being produced in the mining sector. While the public sector predominates in the production of mineral fuels ano metallic ores, the private sector has concentrated on industrial minerals. FONDAZIONE CENSIS 302

11873_2002 Study D2: Poverty, Informal Sector, Health and Labour<br />

1.3. Geography and territorial characteristics<br />

Geography and territorial patterns of Turkey composite of geographical<br />

surface, geographical distribution of population, principle Natural<br />

Resources, climate characteristics and environmental Issues.<br />

Geographical Surface<br />

The Republic of Turkey spans two continents. The seas which surround the<br />

country on three sides are the Black Sea, the Aegean and the Mediterranean.<br />

Turkey has borders with Georgia, Armenia, Nakhicevan (Azerbaidjan) and<br />

Iran to the east, Bulgaria, and Greece to the west and Iraq and Syria to the<br />

south.<br />

Turkey has an area of 814,578 km square. 3% of the area of Turkey is<br />

located in Thrace in Europe, and the remaining 97%, which is referred to as<br />

Anatolia, is located in Asia. The legth of the land borders of the country is<br />

2,875 km. and the length of the coastline is 8,333 km. Turkey has a width of<br />

app. 550 km. and a length of app. 1,500 km.<br />

Turkey has seven geographical regions: The Black Sea, the Marmara, the<br />

Aegean, the Mediterranean, the Central, East and Southeast Anatolia<br />

Regions. The Regions are not definiteve demarcations, but markers of<br />

gradually changing geographical and climatic features.<br />

Principle Natural Resources<br />

Turkey has large and varied mineral deposits and resources.Turkey holds<br />

28th place in terms of total production among 132 countries in the world<br />

who are involved in mining activities and 10th place in terms of the type of<br />

minerals produced. Today 53 different metals and minerals are being<br />

produced in the mining sector.<br />

While the public sector predominates in the production of mineral fuels ano<br />

metallic ores, the private sector has concentrated on industrial minerals.<br />



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