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Table 5 Estimation results using model 2 as first stage (EU tariff) Periods X/M I*X/M(concentration) Obs. alpha_l beta Beta=1 p-val All -0.00003 [3.02]*** -0.00002 [0.87] 349 -1.56 1.00002 0.75 0.39 1996 -0.00002 [1.76]* -0.00005 [1.08] 88 -0.47 1.00005 1.16 0.28 1997 -0.00002 [1.17] 0.00000 [0.03] 88 17.00 1.00000 0.00 0.97 1998 -0.00002 [1.51] 0.00000 [0.07] 87 12.59 1.00000 0.00 0.94 1999 -0.00002 [1.09] -0.00001 [0.31] 86 -2.54 1.00001 0.10 0.76 Periods X/M I*X/M(exp. intensity) Obs. alpha_l beta Beta=1 p-val All -0.00001 [1.89]* -0.00004 [2.56]** 349 -0.36 1.00004 6.53 0.01 1996 -0.00001 [0.76] -0.00006 [2.74]*** 88 -0.14 1.00006 7.48 0.01 1997 0.00000 [0.34] -0.00005 [1.57] 88 -0.09 1.00005 2.48 0.12 1998 -0.00001 [1.02] -0.00003 [1.23] 87 -0.34 1.00003 1.51 0.22 1999 -0.00001 [0.78] -0.00002 [1.02] 86 -0.28 1.00002 1.04 0.31 Periods X/M I*X/M(subsidies) Obs. alpha_l beta Beta=1 p-val All -0.00003 [3.77]*** 0.00003 [1.70]* 349 1.18 0.99997 2.89 0.09 1996 -0.00003 [2.25]** 0.00003 [0.98] 88 1.00 0.99997 0.97 0.33 1997 -0.00002 [1.36] 0.00004 [0.65] 88 0.55 0.99996 0.42 0.52 1998 -0.00002 [1.82]* 0.00003 [2.17]** 87 0.76 0.99997 4.70 0.03 1999 -0.00002 [1.73]* 0.00003 [2.07]** 86 0.73 0.99997 4.26 0.04 Periods X/M I*X/M(K/L) Obs. alpha_l beta Beta=1 p-val All -0.00001 [1.61] -0.00005 [3.59]*** 349 -0.24 1.00005 12.89 0.00 1996 -0.00002 [1.68]* -0.00002 [0.77] 88 -0.92 1.00002 0.59 0.45 1997 0.00000 [0.11] -0.00006 [2.04]** 88 -0.02 1.00006 4.17 0.04 1998 0.00000 [0.67] -0.00005 [2.52]** 87 -0.09 1.00005 6.34 0.01 1999 0.00000 [0.96] -0.00005 [2.91]*** 86 0.02 1.00005 8.46 0.00 Robust t statistics in brackets * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1% 87

Testing Grossman-Helpman model for Israel In this part of the chapter we made an attempt to test empirically the Grossman-Helpman model for Israel. We applied almost the same specification as was used for Poland in the previous part, however, the limited availability of the data caused some serious econometric problems, resulting in the poor performance of the model. We start with some stylized facts on Israel’s trade policy. Afterwards we present the results of estimation of Grossman- Helpman model. Some stylized facts on Israel's trade policy Since 1991 Israel has moved slowly but steadily towards a very open trade regime. Endeavours in this direction include, among others, increased transparency of its tariff system. Unilateral tariff liberalization to be operated since then through 1998 was meant to bring maximum MFN tariff rates for most products to a range of 8-12 percent over a period of six years. All major political parties accepted a gradual liberalization of trade policy in order to increase the efficiency of the regulated economy in which the level of public expenditure was unusually high for a developed country. The plan required thus a gradual reduction of tariffs, when as a first step tariffs replaced NTBs (Non-Tariff Barriers) like licenses and quotas. The reduction process was postponed to 2000 for the textile industry, but market forces proved to be very strong, so that beginning in 2000 most of Israel’s textile plants closed down and moved their production to neighbouring countries such as Jordan and Egypt. Since 1998-2000, Israel has continued to implement trade liberalization reforms, albeit at a somewhat slower pace than in the previous six-year period. The average applied MFN tariff has fallen from 10.8% in 2000 to 8.9% in 2005, with a maximum rate of 560% on fresh or dried dates (!), and high tariff dispersion as the coefficient of variation reaches 2.8. About 48.5% of all tariff lines now carry the zero rate, up from 45.1% in 2000 (WTO 2006). Other frequent tariff rates are 12% (2,094 lines), 10% (614 lines), and 8% (603 lines). Some 46.4% of the tariff lines carry duties between zero (excluded) and 15% (included). 88

Table 5 Estimation results using model 2 as first stage (EU tariff)<br />

Periods X/M I*X/M(concentration) Obs. alpha_l beta Beta=1 p-val<br />

All -0.00003 [3.02]*** -0.00002 [0.87] 349 -1.56 1.00002 0.75 0.39<br />

1996 -0.00002 [1.76]* -0.00005 [1.08] 88 -0.47 1.00005 1.16 0.28<br />

1997 -0.00002 [1.17] 0.00000 [0.03] 88 17.00 1.00000 0.00 0.97<br />

1998 -0.00002 [1.51] 0.00000 [0.07] 87 12.59 1.00000 0.00 0.94<br />

1999 -0.00002 [1.09] -0.00001 [0.31] 86 -2.54 1.00001 0.10 0.76<br />

Periods X/M I*X/M(exp. intensity) Obs. alpha_l beta Beta=1 p-val<br />

All -0.00001 [1.89]* -0.00004 [2.56]** 349 -0.36 1.00004 6.53 0.01<br />

1996 -0.00001 [0.76] -0.00006 [2.74]*** 88 -0.14 1.00006 7.48 0.01<br />

1997 0.00000 [0.34] -0.00005 [1.57] 88 -0.09 1.00005 2.48 0.12<br />

1998 -0.00001 [1.02] -0.00003 [1.23] 87 -0.34 1.00003 1.51 0.22<br />

1999 -0.00001 [0.78] -0.00002 [1.02] 86 -0.28 1.00002 1.04 0.31<br />

Periods X/M I*X/M(subsidies) Obs. alpha_l beta Beta=1 p-val<br />

All -0.00003 [3.77]*** 0.00003 [1.70]* 349 1.18 0.99997 2.89 0.09<br />

1996 -0.00003 [2.25]** 0.00003 [0.98] 88 1.00 0.99997 0.97 0.33<br />

1997 -0.00002 [1.36] 0.00004 [0.65] 88 0.55 0.99996 0.42 0.52<br />

1998 -0.00002 [1.82]* 0.00003 [2.17]** 87 0.76 0.99997 4.70 0.03<br />

1999 -0.00002 [1.73]* 0.00003 [2.07]** 86 0.73 0.99997 4.26 0.04<br />

Periods X/M I*X/M(K/L) Obs. alpha_l beta Beta=1 p-val<br />

All -0.00001 [1.61] -0.00005 [3.59]*** 349 -0.24 1.00005 12.89 0.00<br />

1996 -0.00002 [1.68]* -0.00002 [0.77] 88 -0.92 1.00002 0.59 0.45<br />

1997 0.00000 [0.11] -0.00006 [2.04]** 88 -0.02 1.00006 4.17 0.04<br />

1998 0.00000 [0.67] -0.00005 [2.52]** 87 -0.09 1.00005 6.34 0.01<br />

1999 0.00000 [0.96] -0.00005 [2.91]*** 86 0.02 1.00005 8.46 0.00<br />

Robust t statistics in brackets<br />

* significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%<br />


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