PDF, GB, 139 p., 796 Ko - Femise

PDF, GB, 139 p., 796 Ko - Femise PDF, GB, 139 p., 796 Ko - Femise


Yi (partner) 1.159 1.212 1.481 1.001 1.224 [129.22]*** [42.88]*** [9.52]*** [4.97]*** [5.89]*** Yj (reporting) 0.64 0.752 0.805 -0.358 -0.526 [38.94]*** [13.61]*** [2.92]*** [1.11] [1.63] K/Li (partner) 0.626 0.412 -0.194 0.217 0.027 [37.50]*** [9.41]*** [1.33] [1.13] [0.14] K/Lj (reporting) -0.056 0.283 1.368 1.983 1.853 [1.95]* [3.75]*** [6.40]*** [8.43]*** [7.73]*** DISTANCEij -0.877 -0.903 -0.806 -0.832 [43.27]*** [12.97]*** [18.56]*** [20.29]*** COLONYij 0.576 0.749 0.301 0.244 [8.99]*** [1.87]* [3.87]*** [3.16]*** COLONIZERij 1.07 0.596 0.675 0.829 [16.59]*** [3.32]*** [9.89]*** [12.38]*** ARABICij 0.342 0.585 0.86 0.702 [7.21]*** [3.91]*** [12.29]*** [10.19]*** TURKISHij -1.373 -1.178 -1.742 -1.376 [4.02]*** [0.69] [4.92]*** [4.18]*** CONTIGUITYij 0.248 -0.264 0.788 0.81 [1.89]* [0.69] [5.44]*** [5.67]*** Constant -33.943 -38.985 -57.958 -19.727 -19.07 [62.78]*** [23.65]*** [9.36]*** [2.68]*** [2.56]** Observations 18577 18577 18577 18577 16390 R-squared 0.64 0.63 0.08 0.74 0.75 F test: time dum. 17.49 254.07 4.49 2.31 2.81 Prob > F 0 0 0 0 0 Notes: - ***, **, * significant at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels of statistical significance, respectively. In all the cases our estimation results demonstrate that the EU-Association Agreements significantly contributed to the increase in bilateral imports of the MPCs from the EU member states. The evidence obtained for bilateral trade agreements concluded in the late 1990s between the members of the Agadir group is, however, mixed. While the simple OLS estimates suggest that all bilateral agreements concluded between the Agadir group member states significantly increased their bilateral imports, this evidence is not robust when panel data estimation techniques are employed. The estimates obtained for sub-regional plurilateral trade agreements in the MENA region: the AMU and the ACC are not robust with respect to the estimation method and suggest that once panel data estimation techniques are used, these agreements were not effective in stimulating bilateral imports of the MPCs. In contrast to these, the agreements concluded with the EFTA countries seem to have exerted a significant impact on bilateral imports of the MPCs, although the estimated magnitudes of this impact vary across the estimation methods. The estimation results obtained for particular bilateral agreements with Central and Eastern European countries concluded by Israel and Turkey are country specific and not 55

obust, while the dummy variable for the bilateral agreement concluded between Israel and Turkey remains positive and statistically significant across all model specifications. Similarly, estimation results obtained for bilateral agreements concluded by particular MPCswith other Arab countries are country specific and not robust. Finally, the agreements concluded with particular member states of the NAFTA: Canada, Mexico and the US are also not robust. Summing up, the assembled empirical evidence demonstrates that trade liberalization with the West European countries, including both the EU as well as EFTA countries, has been effective in increasing the bilateral imports of the MPCs, while the results obtained for other agreements are country specific and their simple generalization is not possible. The estimation results for bilateral exports of the MPCs obtained using different estimation techniques are reported in Table 3. The particular columns of this table are the direct counterparts of the columns in Table 2. Similar to the case of bilateral imports, the baseline estimates obtained using the traditional OLS method on the pooled dataset with individual time effects are presented in column (1), while their robustness is tested in columns (2)-(5) using panel data estimation techniques. 56

obust, while the dummy variable for the bilateral agreement concluded between Israel and<br />

Turkey remains positive and statistically significant across all model specifications. Similarly,<br />

estimation results obtained for bilateral agreements concluded by particular MPCswith other<br />

Arab countries are country specific and not robust.<br />

Finally, the agreements concluded with particular member states of the NAFTA:<br />

Canada, Mexico and the US are also not robust. Summing up, the assembled empirical<br />

evidence demonstrates that trade liberalization with the West European countries, including<br />

both the EU as well as EFTA countries, has been effective in increasing the bilateral imports<br />

of the MPCs, while the results obtained for other agreements are country specific and their<br />

simple generalization is not possible.<br />

The estimation results for bilateral exports of the MPCs obtained using different<br />

estimation techniques are reported in Table 3. The particular columns of this table are the<br />

direct counterparts of the columns in Table 2. Similar to the case of bilateral imports, the<br />

baseline estimates obtained using the traditional OLS method on the pooled dataset with<br />

individual time effects are presented in column (1), while their robustness is tested in columns<br />

(2)-(5) using panel data estimation techniques.<br />


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