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Hines, J.R. (1995). Forbidden Payment: Foreign Bribery and American Business after 1977, National<br />

Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, No. 5266, Cambridge MA.<br />

HSBC (2004). Israel: Business profile, Second Edition, London, United Kingdom.<br />

Hummels, D. and Levinsohn, J. (1995). Monopolistic Competition and International Trade:<br />

Reconsidering the Evidence, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110, 799-836.<br />

Islam, A. (2004). Economic Growth and Corruption Evidence from Panel Data, in: Bangladesh<br />

Journal of Political Economy, 21 (2); pp. 185-198.<br />

Jasiecki K., M. Moleda-Zdziech, and U. Kurczewska. (2000). Lobbing. Sztuka skutecznego<br />

wywierania wplywu (Lobbing. The Art of Effective Influence) Dom Wydawniczy ABC,<br />

Krakow.<br />

Johnson, S, D Kaufman, J. McMillan and C. Woodruff (2000). Why do firms hide? Bribes and<br />

unofficial activity after communism, Journal of Public Economics, 76: 495-520.<br />

Johnson, S., D. Kaufman, and P. Zoido-Lobaton (1998). Regulatory Discretion and the Unofficial<br />

Economy, in: American Economic Review, 88 (2); pp. 387-392.<br />

Kaufman D., A. Kraay, and M. Mastruzzi (2006). Governance Matters V: Governance Indicators for<br />

1996-2005. World Bank Policy Research, September.<br />

Kaufman, D. (1997). Corruption: The Facts, Foreign Policy, Summer, pp. 114-130.<br />

Kierzkowski H., Okolski M., Wellisz S. (eds.). (1993). Stabilization and Structural Adjustment In<br />

Poland. Routledge, London.<br />

Knack, S. (2006). Measuring Corruption in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: A Critique of the<br />

Cross-Country Indicators. World Bank Policy Research Department Working Paper 3968.<br />

Knack, S. and Keefer, P. (1995). Institutions and Economic Performance: Cross-Country Test Using<br />

Alternative Institutional Measures, in: Economics and Politics, 7 (3); pp. 207-227.<br />

Kunicova, J. (2005). Are Presidential Systems More Susceptible to Political Corruption?, Mimeo,<br />

Department of Political Science, Yale University, New Haven CT.<br />

Kunicova, J. and Rose-Ackerman, S. (2005). Electoral Rules and Constitutional Structures as<br />

Constraints on Corruption, British Journal of Political Science, forthcoming.<br />

Kurtz, Marcus, and Andrew Shrank (2006). Growth and Governance: Models, Measures, and<br />

Mechanism. Journal of Politics 69(2).<br />

Kutan, A. and Douglas, T. (2006). Does Corruption Hurt Economic Development? Evidence From<br />

Middle Eastern, North African and Latin American Countries, Working Paper.<br />

Lambsdorff, J. (1998). An Empirical Investigation of Bribery in International Trade, in: European<br />

Journal of Development Research, 10 (1); pp. 40-59.<br />

Lambsdorff, Johann Graf (2003). How Corruption Affects Persistent Capital Flows, in: Economics of<br />

Governance, 4 (3); pp. 229-243.<br />

Lambsdorff, Johann Graf (2005). Consequences and Causes of Corruption –What do We Know from a<br />

Cross-Section of Countries? PassauerDiskussionspapiere, Nr. V-34-05<br />


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