PDF, GB, 139 p., 796 Ko - Femise

PDF, GB, 139 p., 796 Ko - Femise PDF, GB, 139 p., 796 Ko - Femise


ti xi xi ei = γ + δI + εi 1+ t m m i i i xi where, ti is the tariff, ei is the elasticity of import demand, is the inverse penetration ratio, I m is the industry organization dummy, εi and μ i are error terms. This is the same equation, as the equation (6) in the case of Poland. However, the proxies used for industry organization are different for Israel: (i) the concentration index (proxied by the ratio of sales of the four largest establishments to total sales of the industry), (ii) export intensity, (iii) intra-industry trade index and (iv) investment-labour ratio. We set the I dummy to one whenever the variable in question exceeded the average across industries. We used the Grubel-Lloyd index of intraindustry trade as industries seeking protection, with lower intra-industry trade, will find their task harder if they have to counter not only consumer dissatisfaction, but also producers who purchase their goods as intermediates (Marvel and Ray, 1983). The model was estimated by OLS, for the years 1995, 1999 and 2002-2003. Two types of duties were considered: effectively applied tariffs and MFN tariffs. For any product, effectively applied duty considers the preferential tariff if there is any, otherwise it takes the MFN applied tariff 55 . In case of year 1995, tariffs applied in 1993 were used as a proxy for tariffs applied in 1995. The data on production, investment, labour and concentration come from the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics. The relevant data was converted to US dollars according to the average annual exchange rate and then deflated by overall PPI using 2000 as a base year. The trade data is taken from COMTRADE. The elasticity of import demand for all sectors is set to -1 56 . The final dataset includes 58 NACE rev. 1.1 3 digit sectors. In Table 1 below we present the results of regression for effectively applied tariffs. The results of the estimation for the MFN tariffs are similar and we present them in Table 2. 55 This definition and the tariffs data come from The World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) database. 56 The data on import demand elasticities were unavailable for Israel. The study often used in the literature is Shiells, Stern and Deardorff (1986). However, since not only it provides elasticities for a different economy and period but also uses SITC 3-digit classification, we have decided to set the elasticity of import demand for all sectors at -1. 99 i

Table 1 Estimation results for Israeli effectively applied duties Periods X/M I*X/M(concentration) Obs. alpha_l Beta Beta=1 p-val All -0.00117 [1.87]* 0.00088 [1.24] 232 1.33 0.99912 1.53 0.22 1995 -0.00233 [1.73]* 0.00239 [1.78]* 58 0.97 0.99761 3.18 0.08 1999 -0.00194 [1.58] -0.00006 [0.03] 58 -31.37 1.00006 0.00 0.97 2002 -0.00073 [0.57] -0.00159 [0.71] 58 -0.46 1.00159 0.50 0.48 2003 -0.00148 [1.72]* -0.00044 [0.21] 58 -3.35 1.00044 0.04 0.83 Periods X/M I*X/M(exp. intensity) Obs. alpha_l Beta Beta=1 p-val All -0.00036 [1.09] 0.00123 [2.76]*** 232 0.29 0.99877 7.62 0.01 1995 0.00004 [0.84] 0.00117 [3.01]*** 58 -0.04 0.99883 9.08 0.00 1999 -0.00212 [1.10] 0.00230 [1.40] 58 0.92 0.99770 1.95 0.17 2002 -0.00347 [1.23] 0.00350 [1.37] 58 0.99 0.99650 1.87 0.18 2003 -0.00233 [0.94] 0.00268 [1.21] 58 0.87 0.99733 1.46 0.23 Periods X/M I*X/M(intra industry trade) Obs. alpha_l Beta Beta=1 p-val All -0.00139 [3.33]*** 0.00128 [2.88]*** 232 1.08 0.99872 8.28 0.00 1995 0.00190 [1.88]* -0.00188 [1.85]* 58 1.01 1.00188 3.44 0.07 1999 -0.00199 [3.45]*** -0.00057 [0.28] 58 -3.48 1.00057 0.08 0.78 2002 -0.00217 [2.51]** 0.00093 [0.37] 58 2.34 0.99907 0.14 0.71 2003 -0.00361 [3.87]*** 0.00368 [2.97]*** 58 0.98 0.99632 8.88 0.00 Periods X/M I*X/M(invest/L) Obs. alpha_l Beta Beta=1 p-val All 0.00038 [1.15] -0.00073 [1.48] 232 0.51 1.00073 2.18 0.14 1995 0.00011 [0.11] -0.00004 [0.04] 58 2.47 1.00004 0.00 0.97 1999 -0.00024 [0.31] -0.00217 [0.97] 58 -0.11 1.00218 0.94 0.34 2002 -0.00003 [0.05] -0.00401 [1.41] 58 -0.01 1.00402 1.96 0.17 2003 -0.00008 [0.18] -0.00509 [1.78]* 58 -0.02 1.00511 3.14 0.08 Robust t statistics in brackets * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1% The Grossman-Helpman model hardly finds support in the data in the cases in which industry organization is proxied by concentration and investment-labour ratio. The estimated parameters usually have incorrect signs and are statistically insignificant. The signs of the parameter estimates are correct only for export intensity and for intra-industry trade in most of the cases. However, the last specification gives unsatisfactory results as far as other tests as concerned. Therefore we focus only on export intensity specification of lobbies organization, where the results are at least in part consistent with the theoretical model. The hypothesis requiring γ + δ > 0 , is supported in all of the cases for the export intensity specification. The estimated parameters are of expected signs, however the parameters are statistically significant only in case of the total panel and in year 1995. Considering the structural parameters ( α L and β ) of the Grossman-Helpman model, they are almost always within the [0,1] for the export intensity variable. In addition, the null hypothesis that β =1 is 100

Table 1 Estimation results for Israeli effectively applied duties<br />

Periods X/M I*X/M(concentration) Obs. alpha_l Beta Beta=1 p-val<br />

All -0.00117 [1.87]* 0.00088 [1.24] 232 1.33 0.99912 1.53 0.22<br />

1995 -0.00233 [1.73]* 0.00239 [1.78]* 58 0.97 0.99761 3.18 0.08<br />

1999 -0.00194 [1.58] -0.00006 [0.03] 58 -31.37 1.00006 0.00 0.97<br />

2002 -0.00073 [0.57] -0.00159 [0.71] 58 -0.46 1.00159 0.50 0.48<br />

2003 -0.00148 [1.72]* -0.00044 [0.21] 58 -3.35 1.00044 0.04 0.83<br />

Periods X/M I*X/M(exp. intensity) Obs. alpha_l Beta Beta=1 p-val<br />

All -0.00036 [1.09] 0.00123 [2.76]*** 232 0.29 0.99877 7.62 0.01<br />

1995 0.00004 [0.84] 0.00117 [3.01]*** 58 -0.04 0.99883 9.08 0.00<br />

1999 -0.00212 [1.10] 0.00230 [1.40] 58 0.92 0.99770 1.95 0.17<br />

2002 -0.00347 [1.23] 0.00350 [1.37] 58 0.99 0.99650 1.87 0.18<br />

2003 -0.00233 [0.94] 0.00268 [1.21] 58 0.87 0.99733 1.46 0.23<br />

Periods X/M I*X/M(intra industry trade) Obs. alpha_l Beta Beta=1 p-val<br />

All -0.00<strong>139</strong> [3.33]*** 0.00128 [2.88]*** 232 1.08 0.99872 8.28 0.00<br />

1995 0.00190 [1.88]* -0.00188 [1.85]* 58 1.01 1.00188 3.44 0.07<br />

1999 -0.00199 [3.45]*** -0.00057 [0.28] 58 -3.48 1.00057 0.08 0.78<br />

2002 -0.00217 [2.51]** 0.00093 [0.37] 58 2.34 0.99907 0.14 0.71<br />

2003 -0.00361 [3.87]*** 0.00368 [2.97]*** 58 0.98 0.99632 8.88 0.00<br />

Periods X/M I*X/M(invest/L) Obs. alpha_l Beta Beta=1 p-val<br />

All 0.00038 [1.15] -0.00073 [1.48] 232 0.51 1.00073 2.18 0.14<br />

1995 0.00011 [0.11] -0.00004 [0.04] 58 2.47 1.00004 0.00 0.97<br />

1999 -0.00024 [0.31] -0.00217 [0.97] 58 -0.11 1.00218 0.94 0.34<br />

2002 -0.00003 [0.05] -0.00401 [1.41] 58 -0.01 1.00402 1.96 0.17<br />

2003 -0.00008 [0.18] -0.00509 [1.78]* 58 -0.02 1.00511 3.14 0.08<br />

Robust t statistics in brackets<br />

* significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%<br />

The Grossman-Helpman model hardly finds support in the data in the cases in which industry<br />

organization is proxied by concentration and investment-labour ratio. The estimated<br />

parameters usually have incorrect signs and are statistically insignificant. The signs of the<br />

parameter estimates are correct only for export intensity and for intra-industry trade in most of<br />

the cases. However, the last specification gives unsatisfactory results as far as other tests as<br />

concerned. Therefore we focus only on export intensity specification of lobbies organization,<br />

where the results are at least in part consistent with the theoretical model.<br />

The hypothesis requiring γ + δ > 0 , is supported in all of the cases for the export intensity<br />

specification. The estimated parameters are of expected signs, however the parameters are<br />

statistically significant only in case of the total panel and in year 1995. Considering the<br />

structural parameters ( α L and β ) of the Grossman-Helpman model, they are almost always<br />

within the [0,1] for the export intensity variable. In addition, the null hypothesis that β =1 is<br />


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