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<strong>BEFORE</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong><strong>ENV</strong>IRONMENT</strong> <strong>COURT</strong><br />

To: The Registrar<br />

Environment Court<br />

PO Box 5027<br />

DX:SX11154<br />

Wellington<br />

<strong>ENV</strong> <strong>2012</strong>-<br />

<strong>IN</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MATTER</strong> of the Resource Management<br />

Act 1991<br />

AND<br />

<strong>IN</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MATTER</strong> of an appeal pursuant to clause<br />

14(1) of the First Schedule of<br />

the Act<br />



Appellant<br />


Respondent<br />

_______________________________________________________<br />

NOTICE OF APPEAL TO <strong><strong>ENV</strong>IRONMENT</strong> <strong>COURT</strong><br />


Clause 14(1) of First Schedule, Resource Management Act 1991<br />

Federated Farmers of New Zealand<br />

_______________________________________________________<br />

Federated Farmers of New Zealand, appeal against a decision of Ruapehu District Council on the<br />

following plan change:<br />

Ruapehu District Plan<br />

Federated Farmers of New Zealand made a submission on that plan change.<br />

Federated Farmers of New Zealand is not a trade competitor for the purposes of section 308D of the<br />

Resource Management Act 1991.<br />

Federated Farmers received notice of the decision on 14 December 2011.<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 1

The decision was made by Ruapehu District Council.<br />

The decision that Federated Farmers of New Zealand is appealing is:<br />

Summary of the decision specific provision or matter<br />

Definition: Factory Farming and Animal Boarding Facility<br />

Submission 284.3<br />

Buffer Zone: Issue RU2.4 and associated policy stream, Rule RU3.2.3, Rule SU3.2.1.3 and RU3.5<br />

Assessment Criteria<br />

Submission 284.13<br />

Riparian Management: RP2.4 Public Access<br />

Submission 284.27<br />

Rural Zone: RU3.3.1 Front Yard<br />

Submission 284.44<br />

Rural Zone: RU3.3.3 Density<br />

Submission: 284.45<br />

Rural Zone: RU 3.3.5 Noise<br />

Submission 284.46<br />

Rural Zone: RU3.4.6 Extraction Activities<br />

Submission 284.49 and 284.50<br />

Rural Zone: RU3.4.13 Airport Activities<br />

Submission 284.57 and 284.58<br />

Road Transport: Vehicle Access Separation TI3.3.2<br />

Submission 284.59<br />

Hazardous Substances: HS3.2.1 List of Permitted Activities<br />

Submission 284.67<br />

Summary of reasons for the appeal<br />

Definition: Factory Farming and Animal Boarding Facility<br />

Submission 284.3<br />

Council decision was to accept this submission in part.<br />

Federated Farmers is concerned that the definition of factory farming includes outdoor enclosures<br />

which could also include paddocks. Federated Farmers believes that farming in paddocks is not<br />

factory farming and therefore the definition could inhibit normal farming practices.<br />

Relief sought<br />

That the definition be replaced with the definition we provided in our submission:<br />

Includes any agricultural production which results in the creation of living matter and which is carried<br />

out primarily within buildings, including but not limited to such activities as intensive poultry farming<br />

(excluding low density free range poultry or the keeping of fewer than 20 birds), boarding kennels<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 2

and catteries, rabbit or fitch farming, intensive pig farming or mushroom production. For the purpose<br />

of this Plan ‘factory farming’ excludes horticulture.<br />

Intensive pig farming means the keeping, breeding or rearing for any purpose of more than five pigs<br />

that have been weaned, or more than two sows, where the predominant productive processes are<br />

carried out within buildings or closely fenced outdoor runs where the stocking density precludes the<br />

maintenance of pasture or ground cover but excludes non-intensive pig farming.<br />

Intensive poultry farming means the keeping, rearing or breeding of 20 or more poultry, whether in<br />

relation to the production of poultry for human consumption or in relation to egg production, where<br />

the predominant productive processes are carried out primarily within buildings and includes freerange<br />

poultry farming activities, but excludes low density free-range poultry.<br />

Low density free range poultry means the keeping, rearing or breeding of poultry (whether for the<br />

purpose of raising poultry for human consumption or for egg production) where:<br />

a) birds have permanent access to open air runs;<br />

b) permanent vegetation cover exists on the land where birds are permitted to range;<br />

c) the stocking rate of the runs to which the birds have access does not exceed 1.5 per square metre;<br />

and<br />

d) the stocking rate of any permanent weatherproof shelter to which birds have access does not<br />

exceed 5 birds per square metre of deep litter floor space or 10 birds per square metre of<br />

slatted floor space or 13 birds per square metre on framed perches.<br />

Non-intensive pig farming means the keeping, breeding or rearing for any purpose, of pigs on pasture<br />

(but including areas used for access to shelter) at a stocking density that sustains the maintenance of<br />

pasture or ground cover.<br />

Buffer Zone: Issue RU2.4 and associated policy stream, Rule RU3.2.3, Rule SU3.2.1.3 and RU3.5<br />

Assessment Criteria<br />

Submission 284.13<br />

Council decision was to reject this submission.<br />

Federated Farmers believes that the buffer zone is a blunt tool to achieve ensure consultation with<br />

the Department of Conservation when development is occurring. Federated Farmers and the<br />

Department of Conservation undertook pre-hearing discussions and came to an agreed viewpoint<br />

which was presented at the hearing but ignored by Council. Federated Farmers believes that the<br />

Department of Conservation was comfortable that our shared position would allow them the level of<br />

comfort they required to ensure they were consulted regarding development which could affect<br />

important conservation estate.<br />

Relief sought<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 3

That all buffer zone provisions are removed but that assessment criteria for Restricted Discretionary,<br />

Discretionary and Non-Complying Activities remains for industrial activity, exploration activity,<br />

extraction activity, prospecting activity, transfer station activity and subdivision activity to ensure<br />

that potential impacts upon the identified conservation land are considered. This would involve<br />

amendments as follows:<br />

RURAL<br />

RU3.2.3 Discretionary Activities<br />

The following activities are Discretionary Activities.<br />

(g) Development within 500m of identified Conservation Land<br />

Any of the following activities (excluding rural activities, or residential activities located<br />

on a building platform approved as part of a subdivision consent under Rule SU3.2.1.3<br />

of this District Plan) listed within:<br />

(iii) Rule RU3.2.1’Permitted Activities’<br />

(iv) Rule RU3.2.2 ‘Controlled Activities’;<br />

(i) Industrial Activity<br />

(ii) Exploration Activity<br />

(iii) Extraction Activity<br />

(iv) Prospecting Activity<br />

(v) Transfer Station Activity<br />

that are located within 500m of the following areas:<br />

Otamarautara Stream Scenic Reserve<br />

Pukepoto Ecological Area<br />

Erua Forest Sanctuary<br />

Waimarino Scientific Reserve<br />

Tongariro National Park<br />

Pokaka Scenic Reserve<br />

Rangataua No.2 Conservation Area<br />

Mangamingi Stream Conservation Area<br />

Tongariro Conservation Area<br />

Rangataua Conservation Area<br />

Erua Conservation Area<br />

Pureora Forest Park (and public conservation land contiguous with the Park)<br />

Advice Note:<br />

These areas are shown on the District Plan Maps, with a 500m buffer around them.<br />

DOC will be considered an affected party for any application submitted. It is<br />

recommended that evidence of consultation with DOC is provided with any such<br />

application under the above rule.<br />


RU3.5.1 Restricted Discretionary, Discretionary and Non-Complying Activities<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 4

Restricted Discretionary Activities will be assessed only in respect of the Relevant Assessment Criteria<br />

applicable to the Conditions with which the activity was unable to comply. Discretionary and Non-<br />

Complying Activities will be assessed against, but not limited to, the assessment criteria below.<br />

(d) Development affecting Adjoining identified Conservation Land<br />

• Otamarautara Stream Scenic Reserve<br />

• Pukepoto Ecological Area<br />

• Erua Forest Sanctuary<br />

• Waimarino Scientific Reserve<br />

• Tongariro National Park<br />

• Pokaka Scenic Reserve<br />

• Rangataua No.2 Conservation Area<br />

• Mangamingi Stream Conservation Area<br />

• Tongariro Conservation Area<br />

• Rangataua Conservation Area<br />

• Erua Conservation Area<br />

• Pureora Forest Park (and public conservation land contiguous with the Park)<br />

(referred to in RU3.2.3(fg) (applies to industrial activity, exploration activity, extraction activity,<br />

prospecting activity, transfer station activity and subdivision activity)<br />

(i) Whether any development adjoining these areas, has been designed in a manner that will<br />

not detract from the valued characteristics of the area (including but not limited to the design<br />

and location of dwellings or structures, orientation and layout of subdivisions, and any<br />

covenants and consent notices proposed as part of a subdivision).<br />

(ii) Whether a landscape mitigation plan has been provided to ensure the adverse visual effects<br />

of the proposal when viewed from these identified areas, are avoided or mitigated to minor<br />

levels.<br />

(iii) The impact of the development, and subsequent use, on biodiversity values. Specific<br />

consideration will be given to measures proposed to ensure pest plant and animal species are<br />

not introduced into Conservation Land as a result of the development, along with measures to<br />

ensure that stormwater and wastewater do not affect water quality.<br />

(iv) Whether the Department of Conservation has been consulted with regarding the<br />

development, and the outcome of that consultation.<br />

Subdivision<br />

SU3.2.1.3 Non-Complying Activities<br />

The following activities are Non-Complying Activities:<br />

(d) Any subdivision with a complying building platform within 500 metres of Tongariro<br />

National Park. the following areas:<br />

Otamarautara Stream Scenic Reserve<br />

Pukepoto Ecological Area<br />

Erua Forest Sanctuary<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 5

Waimarino Scientific Reserve<br />

Tongariro National Park<br />

Pokaka Scenic Reserve<br />

Rangataua No.2 Conservation Area<br />

Mangamingi Stream Conservation Area<br />

Tongariro Conservation Area<br />

Rangataua Conservation Area<br />

Erua Conservation Area<br />

Pureora Forest Park (and public conservation land contiguous with<br />

the Park)<br />

Advice Note:<br />

These areas are Tongariro National Park is shown on the District Plan Maps, with a<br />

500m buffer around it them.<br />

DOC will be considered an affected party for any application submitted under the above<br />

rule. It is recommended that evidence of consultation with DOC is provided with any<br />

such application.<br />

Relevant Objectives and Policies - RU2.4.2(a) and RU2.4.3(a)<br />

Riparian Management: RP2.4 Public Access<br />

Submission 284.27<br />

Council decision was to reject the submission.<br />

Federated Farmers has concerns with Issue RP2.4. In some instances public access can actually be<br />

detrimental to the natural character and ecological wellbeing of the water body. Further, there is no<br />

legal requirement for public access to areas of significant value on privately owned land. Access<br />

must be negotiated with the landowner and there must be no presumption of public access.<br />

Considering the significant costs associated with maintenance it is inappropriate to facilitate public<br />

access without a robust cost benefit analyse.<br />

Also, in many cases paper roads already provide public access water bodies.<br />

Relief sought<br />

That Issue RP 2.4 be amended as follows:<br />

(a) Facilitate public access where a demand exists to and along waterways in a manner that<br />

protects their natural character and the property rights of adjoining landowners and where<br />

paper roads do not already provide said demand. (or words to that effect)<br />

Rural Zone: RU3.3.1 Front Yard<br />

Submission 284.44<br />

Council decision was to reject the submission<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 6

Federated Farmers is concerned that by not allowing farm sheds and structures to be located next to<br />

the road it will negatively impact farming operations. Often it is difficult, if not impossible to get<br />

stock trucks or other delivery / pick up vehicles into a property. It is therefore important that farm<br />

sheds be located directly next to the road so that farmers may have their stock transported. Further<br />

to this, appropriate building sites are often limited in rural hill country and the best sites are likely to<br />

be located next to the road where the most favourable topography exists.<br />

Relief sought<br />

That RU3.3.1 (a) and (b) be amended as follows:<br />

(a) For sites of 3000m² in area or greater, all buildings, shall be setback a minimum of 10 metres<br />

from the front boundary adjoining a local road or collector road. Farm sheds are exempt from Front<br />

Yard restrictions.<br />

(b) For sites of 3000m² in area or greater, all buildings, shall be setback a minimum of 30 metres<br />

from the front boundary adjoining any road other than a local road or collector road. Farm sheds are<br />

exempt from Front Yard restrictions.<br />

Rural Zone: RU3.3.3 Density<br />

Submission: 284.45<br />

Council decision was to reject the submission<br />

Much of the rural hill country is limited in appropriate building sites and therefore it is necessary to<br />

to concentrate dwellings where the topography is most suitable.<br />

Federated Farmers believes that having one dwelling per 50 hectares over 100 hectares is<br />

appropriate when the adverse effects are no greater than having two dwellings on a 100 hectare<br />

site.<br />

Relief sought<br />

That RU3.3.3 (d) be amended as follows:<br />

(d) Not more than two dwellings shall be erected on any one site with an area of less than 100<br />

hectares and no more than four one dwelling shall be erected for every 50ha (or part thereof) on any<br />

one site with an area of 100 hectares or more.<br />

Rural Zone: RU 3.3.5 Noise<br />

Submission 284.46<br />

Council decision was to reject the submission<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 7

Federated Farmers supported the exemptions list of example “normal seasonal rural activities” but<br />

believe it should be extended to also include milking, feeding out, top dressing, calf and lamb<br />

weaning and fertiliser application, all of which have the potential to create noise but are normal<br />

rural activities which should be expected in the rural zone.<br />

Relief sought<br />

That RU3.3.5(a) be amended as follows:<br />

(iii) Normal seasonal rural activities such as harvesting, or haymaking, milking, feeding out, calf<br />

weaning, and lamb weaning and fertiliser application including top dressing may exceed the noise<br />

control rule.<br />

Road Transport: Vehicle Access Separation TI3.3.2<br />

Submission 284.59<br />

Council decision was to reject the submission.<br />

Federated Farmers believes it is unfair to apply minimum vehicle access separation distances to<br />

paddocks. Paddocks are usually not designed for regular access and are not always placed where it is<br />

possible or appropriate to create an access which meets the minimum vehicle access separation.<br />

Relief sought<br />

Insert TI 3.3.2 (c)<br />

These rules do not apply to accesses used infrequently such as to farm paddocks (or words to that<br />

effect).<br />

Hazardous Substances: HS3.2.1 List of Permitted Activities<br />

Submission 284.67<br />

Council decision was to reject the submission.<br />

Federated Farmers is very concerned that HS3.2.1 does not allow for the normal fertiliser and<br />

agrichemical storage for typical farming operations.<br />

An example of a fertilizer which would be captured by the HSNO subclasses 6.3B and 6.4A of<br />

Appendix 3 is urea. Urea is extremely common and has been safely used as a nitrogen fertilizer for<br />

generations, however under the proposed Plan its storage in typical farm quantities would be a<br />

discretionary activity.<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 8

Federated Farmers is of the opinion that where a New Zealand Standards approved Code of Practice<br />

has been developed and where compliance can be demonstrated that fertiliser and agrichemical<br />

storage should be a permitted activity. In regard to the use, storage and disposal of agriculture<br />

chemicals the NZS 8409:2004 has been developed for the agrichemical users and developed to meet<br />

the requirements of both the HSNO and RMA. This would provide a valid alternative for landowners<br />

to demonstrate compliance with the District Plan.<br />

Further to this, we submit that it is inappropriate to try and quantify an appropriate storage limit for<br />

farms as circumstances vary greatly. What is more important than the amount of hazardous<br />

substance being stored is that the substance is being stored and used appropriately. This is why<br />

compliance with NZS8409:2004 would be more suitable than a storage limit.<br />

Relief sought<br />

That HS3.2.1 Permitted Activities be amended as follows:<br />

The following activities are Permitted Activities provided they comply with the General Conditions<br />

outlined in section HS3.3.<br />

(d) Agrichemical use, storage and disposal where these activities are carried out in accordance with<br />

NZS8409:2004 Management of Agrichemicals (or words to this effect)<br />

I attach the following documents to this notice:<br />

(a) a copy of my submission (Appendix A)<br />

(b) a copy of the relevant decision (or part of the decision) (Appendix B)<br />

(c) any other documents necessary for an adequate understanding of the appeal<br />

(d) a list of names and addresses of persons to be served with a copy of this notice (Appendix C)<br />

Address for service of appellant:<br />

Kelly Martyn<br />

Regional Policy Advisor<br />

Federated Farmers of New Zealand<br />

PO Box 422<br />

New Plymouth<br />

____________________________________<br />

Kelly Martyn<br />

for Federated Farmers of New Zealand<br />

DATE: 17 February <strong>2012</strong><br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 9

Telephone: (06) 757 3425<br />

Fax: (06) 757 3424<br />

Email: kmartyn@fedfarm.org.nz<br />

Advice to recipients of copy of notice of appeal<br />

How to become party to proceedings<br />

You may become a party to the appeal if you made a submission on the matter of this appeal; and<br />

you lodge a notice of your wish to be a party to the proceedings (in form 33) with the Environment<br />

Court within 15 working days after the period for lodging a notice of appeal ends.<br />

You may apply to the Environment Court under section 281 of the Resource Management Act 1991<br />

for a waiver of the above timing requirements (see form 38).<br />

How to obtain copies of documents relating to the appeal<br />

The copy of this notice served on you does not attach a copy of the appellant’s submission or the<br />

decision (or part of the decision) appealed. These documents may be obtained, on request, from the<br />

appellant.<br />

The copy of this notice served on you does not attach a copy of any other documents necessary for<br />

the adequate understanding of the appeal (of which there were none), or a list of names and<br />

addresses of persons to be served with a copy of this notice. These documents may be obtained, on<br />

request, from the appellant.<br />

Advice<br />

If you have any questions about this notice, contact the Environment Court Unit of the Department<br />

for Courts in Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch.<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 10

Persons to be served with a copy of this notice:<br />

Kate Dahm<br />

Ruapehu District Council<br />

Private Bag 1001<br />

TAUMARUNUI 3946<br />

kate.dahm@ruapehudc.govt.nz<br />

Ashley Cole<br />

Murumuru Farms Limited<br />

Ruatiti<br />

RAETIHI 4696<br />

ash.ash@xtra.co.nz<br />

Horticulture New Zealand<br />

Chris Keenan - Manager - Resource Management and Environment<br />

PO Box 10232<br />

The Terrace<br />

WELL<strong>IN</strong>GTON 6143<br />

chris.keenan@hortnz.co.nz<br />

Ernslaw One Ltd<br />

Richard Heikell<br />

PO Box 2042<br />

GISBORNE 4040<br />

Richard.heikell@ernslaw.co.nz<br />

NZ Forest Managers Ltd<br />

Jackie Egan<br />

PO Box 304<br />

TURANGI 3353<br />

jackie@nzfm.co.nz<br />

Hancock Forest Management (NZ) Ltd<br />

Sally Strang<br />

PO Box 648<br />

Braeside Avenue<br />

TOKOROA 3444<br />

Sstrang@hnrg.com<br />

David Holland<br />

PO Box 10003<br />

Bayfair<br />

TAURANGA 3152<br />

djeholland@gmail.com<br />

New Zealand Fire Service Commission<br />

C/- Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd: ATTN: Alexandra Rielly<br />

PO Box 3942<br />

WELL<strong>IN</strong>GTON 6011<br />

Appendix C<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 11

NZ Transport Agency (NZTA)<br />

ATTN: Jeff Mitchell-Anyon<br />

PO Box 345<br />

WANGANUI 4540<br />

Jeff.Mitchell-Anyon@nzta.govt.nz<br />

Genesis Energy<br />

Jeremy Stevenson-Wright<br />

PO Box 10568<br />

The Terrace<br />

WELL<strong>IN</strong>GTON 6143<br />

Craig.mckibbin@mitchellpartnerships.co.nz<br />

Tukia Group Ltd<br />

C/- NZ Forest Managers Ltd - ATTN: John Hura<br />

PO Box 304<br />

TURANGI 3353<br />

john@nzfm.co.nz<br />

Winstone Pulp International<br />

Susan Bramley<br />

PO Box 48<br />

OHAKUNE 4660<br />

susan.bramley@wpi-international.co.nz<br />

Rural Community Group<br />

P John Chuman<br />

1125 Erua Road<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3984<br />

johnaterua@hotmail.com<br />

P John Chuman<br />

1125 Erua Road<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3984<br />

johnaterua@hotmail.com<br />

Velma Siemonek<br />

PO Box 32<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3948<br />

d.v.siemonek.erua@hotmail.com<br />

Donald Leslie Siemonek<br />

PO Box 32<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3948<br />

d.v.siemonek.erua@hotmail.com<br />

Bryan Finnerty<br />

Erua Lodge & The Crossing Backpackers<br />

PO Box 35<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3948<br />

bryan@erualodge.co.nz<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 12

Miriam Gillingham<br />

Erua Lodge & The Crossing Backpackers<br />

PO Box 35<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3948<br />

miriam@erualodge.co.nz<br />

Adventure Headquarters<br />

Paul Ratlidge<br />

PO Box 94<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3948<br />

info@adventurehq.co.nz<br />

Property Rights in New Zealand Inc<br />

C/- D Coles, Chairman<br />

4545 Highway 22<br />

RD2<br />

HUNTLY 3772<br />

donald.p.coles@gmail.com<br />

Robert & Shona Forbes<br />

PO Box 7<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3948<br />

royturner.ski@xtra.co.nz<br />

National Park Community Board<br />

Chairperson Shona Forbes<br />

C/- Ruapehu District Council<br />

Private Bag 1001<br />

TAUMARUNUI 3946<br />

royturner.ski@xtra.co.nz<br />

David Griffiths<br />

PO Box 24<br />

TURANGI 3353<br />

griffsjd@yahoo.com<br />

Alan & Julie Whale<br />

C/- Aimee Barwick<br />

65 Parr Terrace<br />

Castor Bay<br />

North Shore<br />

AUCKLAND 0620<br />

lambrown@woosh.co.nz<br />

Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board<br />

C/- Sean te Heuheu<br />

PO Box 87<br />

TURANGI 3353<br />

sean@tuwharetoa.co.nz<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 13

Murray Horn<br />

PO Box 849<br />

NEW PLYMOUTH 4615<br />

m.j.h@bigpond.net.au<br />

Kathleen Murdoch<br />

203 Miro Street<br />

MANUNUI 3924<br />

katydid1165@gmail.com<br />

WM & CE O'Donnell<br />

Treadwell Gordon<br />

PO Box 4084<br />

WANGANUI 4541<br />

Winston Oliver<br />

Ruatiti Airstrip Committee<br />

29 Makino Road<br />

RD6<br />

RAETIHI 4696<br />

Steve Fahey & Joss Richardson<br />

C/- Cheal Consultants - ATTN: Ella Bacher<br />

PO Box 165<br />

TAUPO 3351<br />

ellab@cheal.co.nz<br />

Ian Shaw<br />

C/- Cheal Consultants - ATTN: Ella Bacher<br />

PO Box 165<br />

TAUPO 3330<br />

ellab@cheal.co.nz<br />

Michael Plowman<br />

RD2<br />

OWHANGO 3990<br />

s.plowman@xtra.co.nz<br />

Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board<br />

C/- Sean te Heuheu<br />

PO Box 87<br />

TURANGI 3353<br />

sean@tuwharetoa.co.nz<br />

The Department of Conservation<br />

Nicola Etheridge<br />

Private Bag<br />

TURANGI 3353<br />

netheridge@doc.govt.nz<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 14

Sharon Adams<br />

RD1<br />

OWHANGO 3989<br />

ss.adams@xtra.co.nz<br />

SE Williams<br />

2264 State Highway 4<br />

RD1<br />

OWHANGO 3989<br />

williams2007@xtra.co.nz<br />

Angela Fergusson<br />

32 Falkner Park<br />

TAUMARUNUI 3920<br />

Andrew Harland<br />

CMB 98<br />

OWHANGO 3990<br />

andrewharland@actrix.co.nz<br />

Jeremy Stubbs<br />

C/- PO Box 364<br />

TAUMARUNUI 3946<br />

jeremy@peakca.co.nz<br />

Earl Rutherford & Brenda Solon<br />

39A Townsend Road<br />

Mirimar<br />

WELL<strong>IN</strong>GTON 6022<br />

Frank Taylor<br />

54 Goldfinch Street<br />

OHAKUNE 4625<br />

Vivien L Pohl<br />

58 Norton Park Avenue<br />

LOWER HUTT 5011<br />

p.pohl@orcon.net.nz<br />

JM Duff<br />

27 Onge Street<br />

OWHANGO 3990<br />

judithduff@orcon.net.nz<br />

Elizabeth Ellicock<br />

15 Lairdvale Road<br />

TAUMARUNUI 3920<br />

CRS & LA Lagocki<br />

243 Taupo Road<br />

TAUMARUNUI 3920<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 15

Farina Brady<br />

PO Box 147<br />

OHAKUNE 4660<br />

farinabrady@gmail.com<br />

Donald Borck<br />

RD4<br />

Taringamotu<br />

TAUMARUNUI 3994<br />

Christina Borck<br />

RD4<br />

Taringamotu<br />

TAUMARUNUI 3994<br />

Chevington Trust<br />

Terry Jones<br />

25 Rowan Road<br />

Epsom<br />

AUCKLAND 1023<br />

terry@uccl.co.nz<br />

Annette Eileen Mason<br />

PO Box 90094<br />

Victoria Street West<br />

AUCKLAND 1142<br />

Tania Taylor<br />

PO Box 76<br />

OHAKUNE 4660<br />

tarnzz@hotmail.com<br />

Denise Blair<br />

496 Waikaka Road<br />

MATIERE 3995<br />

AR & AC Aanensen<br />

50 Harvey Street<br />

TAUPO 3330<br />

Bryan M McAnnalley<br />

RD2<br />

OWHANGO 3990<br />

Rodney Blackburn<br />

73 Fisher Road<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3948<br />

rodneydaniel76@hotmail.com<br />

DJ Blackburn<br />

73 Fisher Road<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3948<br />

starlet01@msn.com<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 16

SR Blackburn<br />

73 Fisher Road<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3948<br />

srb011@msn.com<br />

Miriam Gillingham<br />

Erua Lodge & The Crossing Backpackers<br />

PO Box 35<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3948<br />

miriam@erualodge.co.nz<br />

CC & NM Gebbie Ltd<br />

Chris Gebbie<br />

1-7 Millar Street<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3948<br />

chrisgebbie@xtra.co.nz<br />

Ruapehu Property.com Ltd<br />

Chris Gebbie<br />

1-7 Millar Street<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3948<br />

chrisgebbie@xtra.co.nz<br />

Hakan Svensson<br />

PO Box 43<br />

NATIONAL PARK 3948<br />

mountainheights@xtra.co.nz<br />

David Brown<br />

C/- Aimee Barwick<br />

65 Parr Terrace<br />

Castor Bay<br />

North Shore<br />

AUCKLAND 0620<br />

lambrown@woosh.co.nz<br />

Federated Farmers appeal to the Ruapehu District Plan 17

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