InstructIon MAnuAL - Fedec

InstructIon MAnuAL - Fedec

InstructIon MAnuAL - Fedec


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01<br />

dEMAIn LE CIRQuE<br />

New pieces of apparatus for circus artists<br />

A collaboration that makes reciprocal sense<br />

An ExAMpLE oF A coLLABorAtIon BEtWEEn<br />

tWo InstItutEs oF hIGhEr ArtIstIc EDucAtIon:<br />

thE EcoLE supérIEurE DEs Arts Du cIrQuE<br />

(BELGIuM) AnD EcoLE nAtIonALE supérIEurE<br />

DEs Arts VIsuELs LA cAMBrE<br />

after the first collaboration between eSac and la cambre<br />

(which in 2010 led to defining a new graphic identity for<br />

the institute of higher artistic education in circus arts),<br />

the two institutes chose to continue these pedagogic and<br />

artistic collaborations through a research project on new<br />

circus apparatus.<br />

if such collaborations are proof of the favourable environment<br />

provided by the Brussels region in terms of<br />

an artistic melting pot, they also have the advantage of<br />

promoting quality in artistic teaching in Belgium, allowing<br />

the sharing of knowledge and to engage in debates for<br />

students. an enriching experience that Gérard Fasoli, the<br />

eSac director and caroline mierop, la cambre’s director<br />

wished to enhance.<br />

the industrial Design option department in la cambre<br />

has worked with some students and teachers at eSac to<br />

deal, first of all, with movement and space management.<br />

contemporary circus equipment was then reinterpreted<br />

creatively, with the idea of going beyond the constraints of<br />

space and of the body within it.<br />

Gérard Fasoli was invited to present the project to la cambre<br />

students in november 2010. research and prototypes<br />

have been supervised by la cambre’s professors, especially<br />

marion Beernaerts (workshop leader) and Giampiero<br />

adelmo Pitisci. Students from the two institutes met up on<br />

several occasions and then went on to create smaller working<br />

groups to pursue a specific research project related to<br />

cyr wheel and ladder techniques.<br />

52 CYR WHEEL © FeDec 2011

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