CONTENTS - Central Public Works Department

CONTENTS - Central Public Works Department

CONTENTS - Central Public Works Department


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SECTION 34<br />

(5) Normally, working hours of an employee should not exceed 9 hours a day. The working day shall<br />

be so arranged that inclusive of interval of rest, if any, it shall not spread over more than 12 hours<br />

a day.<br />

(6) When a worker is made to work for more than 9 hours on any day or for more than 48 hours in any<br />

week, he shall be paid overtime for the extra hours put in by him at double the ordinary rate.<br />

34.4 Responsibilities of field officers<br />

(1) In order to ensure regular payment of wages to the labour by the contractor, the Fair Wages<br />

clause 19B (d) provides that the Executive Engineer or the Sub-Divisional Officer concerned shall<br />

have the right to deduct from the money due to the contractor any sum required or estimated to be<br />

required for making good the loss suffered by the workers, non-payment of wages or of deductions<br />

from his or their wages which are not justified by the terms of the contract, or non-observance of<br />

the Labour Regulations. In view of this provision and other provisions of Fair Wage clause as<br />

embodied in the agreement, it is incumbent upon the Executive Engineer and the Sub-Divisional<br />

Officer to see that the labour employed by the contractor is paid regularly, and that no arrears are<br />

allowed to accumulate on this account. For this purpose, they should see that the returns that are<br />

prescribed are duly submitted by the contractor, and they should scrutinize them with a view to<br />

see that the contractor is duly fulfilling the conditions of the contract.<br />

(2) In case an Executive Engineer finds it difficult to take action on the advice tendered by the Labour<br />

Officer under Contractor’s Labour Regulations for any reason, the matter should be immediately<br />

reported to the Superintending Engineer concerned and directions obtained from him.<br />

(3) Security Deposit of the work shall not be refunded till the contractor produces a clearance certificate<br />

from the Labour Officer. As soon as the work is virtually complete, the contractor shall apply for<br />

the clearance certificate to the Labour Officer under intimation to the Engineer-in-charge. The<br />

Engineer-in-charge, on receipt of the said communication, shall write to the Labour Officer to<br />

intimate if any complaint is pending against the contractor in respect of the work. If no complaint is<br />

pending on record till after 3 months after completion of the work, and/or no communication is<br />

received from the Labour Officer to this effect till 6 months after the date of completion, it will be<br />

deemed to have received the clearance certificate and the Security Deposit will be released, if<br />

otherwise due.<br />

34.5 Responsibilities of contractor<br />

(1) The contractor shall comply with all the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Contract<br />

Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and rules framed there under, and other labour laws<br />

affecting contract labour that may be brought into force time to time.<br />

(2) It shall be the duty of the contractor to ensure the disbursement of the wages in the presence of<br />

the Junior Engineer or any other authorized representative of the Engineer-in-charge, who will be<br />

required to be present at the place and time of disbursement of wages by the contractor to his<br />

workmen.<br />

(3) The contractor shall obtain from the Junior Engineer or any other authorized representative of the<br />

Engineer-in-charge, as the case may be, a certificate under his signature at the end of the entry in<br />

the prescribed ‘Register of Wages’, or the ‘Wage-cum-Muster Roll’, as the case may be, in the<br />

following form:<br />

“Certified that the amount shown in column no. ............... has been paid to the workman concerned<br />

in my presence on ............... at ...............”<br />

34.6 Deductions to be made from contractor’s bills<br />

(1) The Labour Officer, or other persons authorized as aforesaid, shall submit a report of result of his<br />

investigation or enquiry to the Executive Engineer concerned indicating the extent, if any, to which<br />


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