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HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS • LIST 156<br />

<strong>NEW</strong> <strong>PUBLICATIONS</strong><br />

<strong>JAPANESE</strong> <strong>PHOTOGRAPHY</strong><br />

<strong>TANG</strong> ARCHAEOLOGY<br />


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N EW & R E C E N T P U B L I C AT I O N S / 3<br />

J A PA N E S E PHOTO G R A PHY / 6<br />

TA N G A RC H A E O LOGY / 14<br />

F RO M O U R S TO C K / 23<br />

S U B J E C T I N D E X / 64<br />

T E R M S<br />

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The front cover reproduces work from Xu Bing’s Square Word Calligraphy project<br />

including a logo he kindly wrote for Hanshan Tang. Inquiries welcome.

LIST 156 – 3 – <strong>NEW</strong> & RECENT <strong>PUBLICATIONS</strong><br />

<strong>NEW</strong> & RECENT <strong>PUBLICATIONS</strong><br />

1 Amelie Gallery: CHEN QI 1963 — THE MAKING OF WATER. Chen Qi Solo Show. 陳琦. Beijing, 2009. 72<br />

pp. Illustrated throughout. 20x29 cm. Wrappers. £20.00<br />

Catalogue of a stunning exhibition at Amelie Gallery located in the 798 Art District in Beijing. Chen Qi’s black-and-white prints of<br />

water are extremely powerful, having great depth and a distinct Zen presence. The water series has been collected by, amongst others,<br />

the Victoria & Albert Museum. Illustrated throughout and with a detailed dual text in Chinese and English on the prints, their production<br />

and critical appreciation.<br />

2 Beijing Capital Museum: ZAOQI ZHONGGUO: ZHONGHUA WENMING QIYUAN. Early China: The<br />

Formative Period of Chinese Civilization. 早期中國 :中華文明起源. Beijing, 2009. 174 pp. Numerous text<br />

colour plates and illustrations. 29x23 cm. Wrappers. £55.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Capital Museum in Beijing exploring early Chinese civilization and culture from 3500 BC to 1400<br />

BC. 212 artefacts from 23 museums and institutions throughout China were loaned which give a fine overview of the development and<br />

cultural accomplishments during this era. Introduction, list of contents and brief headings to sections in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />


BAOGAO. Research Report of the Protection of Capital Museum’s Textile Collection.<br />

首都博物館館藏紡織品保護研究報告. Beijing, 2009. 163 pp. Numerous colour and b/w text illustrations. 29x22<br />

cm. Wrappers. £40.00<br />

A report on the methods used, problems encountered and results obtained during the programme of conservation undertaken on the<br />

textile collection held in the Capital Museum in Beijing. Fine textiles are illustrated. One page introduction in English. Main text in<br />

Chinese.<br />

4 Bordignon, Laura: THE GOLDEN AGE OF <strong>JAPANESE</strong> OKIMONO. The Dr. A. M. Kanter Collection.<br />

Woodbridge, 2010. 302 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. Numerous colour text plates. 30x23 cm. Cloth.<br />

£45.00<br />

A comprehensive study of Meiji period Japanese okimono based in the Kanter collection. Shows over 150 ivory carvings, bronzes and<br />

shibayama objects. All signatures shown. Contains an archive listing of Japanese artists active during this period.<br />

5 Fen Jicai ed: MIANSHAN SHEN FO ZAOXIANG SHANGPIN. (Masterpieces of Buddhist Sculpture: The<br />

Deities and Buddhas at Mianshan). 綿山神佛造像上品 。 馮驥才 主編. Beijing, 2009. 331 pp. Full page colour<br />

plates throughout. One foldout. 38x27 cm. Decorative cloth. £250.00<br />

An excellent work showing, in high-quality colour plates, the fine and beautiful Ming dynasty wood, clay and stucco painted Buddhist<br />

sculptures held in the Mianshan temple complex located in central Shanxi province in China. The large majority of the sculptures date<br />

from the Zhengde reign of the Ming dynasty (c.1516-1520) with very few later (Qing) additions. An important group. Illustrated<br />

throughout. Text in Chinese.<br />


Chinese Woodblock New Year Prints: Prints Held in Russian Collections). 中國木板年畫集成:俄羅斯藏品卷 。<br />

馮驥才 主編. Beijing, 2009. 549 pp. Full page colour illustrations throughout. 31x24 cm. Wrappers. £170.00<br />

Illustrated throughout, this large work (part of a series) shows Chinese woodblock prints held in Russian collections ranging from the<br />

Hermitage in St. Petersburg to the Irkutsk Museum and Kazan University Museum. Many hundreds of examples of prints dating from<br />

the late Qing dynasty onwards are shown, the large majority not previously published. An excellent visual survey. Text in Chinese.<br />

7 Feng Jicai: ZHONGGUO MUBAN NIANHUA JICHENG: GAOMI JUAN. (A Collection of Chinese<br />

Woodblock New Year Prints: Prints from Gaomi). 中國木板年畫集成:高密卷 。 馮驥才 主編. Beijing, 2009.<br />

343 pp. Full page colour & b/w illustrations throughout. 31x24 cm. Wrappers. £125.00<br />

In a series on centres of production of traditional Chinese new year prints, this copiously-illustrated work shows woodblock prints from<br />

the little-known Gaomi tradition, the Gaomi area being located in the east of China’s Shandong province. Hundreds of varied examples<br />

of prints dating from the late Qing dynasty through to the 1950s are shown. An excellent visual survey. Text in Chinese.<br />

8 Gugong Museum ed: GUGONG SHUHUA GUAN: DI LIU BIAN. The Calligraphy and Painting Gallery of the<br />

Palace Museum Part VI. 故宮書畫館 第六編. Beijing, 2009. 215 pp. Colour plates throughout. B/w text<br />

illustrations. 4 colour foldouts. 29x22 cm. Wrappers. £60.00<br />

Catalogue of the sixth part of an extensive and ongoing series of exhibitions held in the Wuyingdian exhibition hall in the Forbidden<br />

City in Beijing showing highlights of Chinese painting and calligraphy from the Gugong Museum collection, from the earliest examples<br />

through to the early 20th century. This selection continues the high standards of the previous exhibitions, showing a further 64<br />

wonderful works, the first 10 dating from the Jin to the Yuan, the remainder Ming and Qing. Many seldom-exhibited. All paintings illustrated<br />

and described. Forewords and list of plates with good descriptions in English. Also an eight page essay in English: Zeng:<br />

Brushwork of Inestimable Worth.<br />


along Han and Dan Rivers: Collection of Cultural Relics Unearthed in Hubei Reservoir Area of South-North Water<br />

Diversion Project. 漢丹集萃:南水北調工程湖北庫區出土文物圖集. Beijing, 2009. 246 pp. Colour plates<br />

throughout. 30x21 cm. Boards. £80.00<br />

Shows a very fine selection of excavated material, primarily impressive ancient bronzes, together with ancient jades and pottery and<br />

a couple of examples of later material. The numerous bronzes date from the Spring and Autumn Period through to the Eastern Han,<br />

with the majority dating from the Warring States. Illustrated throughout. Captions in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

10 Kaminski, G. & Schiff: AODILI HUAJIA XIFU HUAZHUAN. Vicissitude of Old Shanghai. 奧地利畫家畫傳.<br />

Shanghai, 2003. 174 pp. Colour and b/w illustrations throughout. 23x17 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Appears to be a Chinese translation of a work published in Austria under the title ‘Der Blick Durch Die Drachenhaut: Frederich<br />

Schiff: Maler driei Kontinente’. Depicts the delightful work of Frederich Schiff, the irreverent, humorous and risqué illustrator of life<br />

in Shanghai in the 1930s and 1940s. Contains illustrations of his known works such as ‘Maskee’ and ‘Shanghai’ together with much<br />

little-known material. Illustrated throughout. Text in Chinese except for captions that appear on illustrations. Out-of-print.

<strong>NEW</strong> & RECENT <strong>PUBLICATIONS</strong> – 4 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

11 Kuhn, Dieter: THE AGE OF CONFUCIAN RULE. The Song Transformation of China. Harvard, 2009. 356 pp.<br />

B/w illustrations. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £26.00<br />

Over a thousand years ago, the Song dynasty emerged as the most advanced civilization on earth. This concise history explores why<br />

the inventiveness of this era has been compared with the Renaissance in Europe, which in many ways the Song transformation surpassed.<br />

Especially good on material culture and the history of technology.<br />

12 Lai Peng?: DUNHUANG SHIKU ZAOXIANG SIXIANG YANJIU. A Study of the Thoughts in the Images in<br />

Mogao Caves at Dunhuang. 敦煌石窟造像思想研究 。 賴鵬口 著. Beijing, 2009. 3, 343 pp. Numerous colour<br />

and b/w text illustrations. 26x18 cm. Wrappers. £45.00<br />

Detailed discussion of the religious meaning and significance of murals at Dunhuang. Fifteen page summary of contents in English.<br />

Main text in Chinese.<br />

13 Lally, J. J. & Co: CHINESE CERAMICS IN BLACK AND WHITE. New York, 2010. 78 pp. 37 full page colour<br />

plates. 28x21 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

Lally’s Spring 2010 exhibition shows 37 examples of black and white Chinese ceramics dating from the Neolithic through to the early<br />

Qing dynasty with a strong showing of Tang and Song material. All exhibits illustrated in full page colour and described in detail.<br />


SIECLE. French and Swiss armorials on Chinese export porcelain of the 18th century. Brussels, 2009. 365 pp.<br />

Colour text plates throughout. 25x28 cm. Cloth. £100.00<br />

A survey of 18th century Chinese export porcelain emblazoned with 268 different coats-of-arms of French and Swiss families. All illustrated<br />

in colour and discussed. Much interesting detail on the families who commissioned the services. The pieces come from the<br />

author’s and numerous private collections. The majority not previously published. Introductions by Nicole Hervouet and Angela<br />

Howard. Dual texts in French and English.<br />


Volume 2: Mainland Mirrors: Europe, Japan, China, South Asia, and the Islands. Cambridge, 2009. 928 pp. 25 b/w<br />

illustrations. 10 maps. 23x15 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

A detailed study seeking to integrate Southeast Asia into world history. Volume 1 also available.<br />

16 Ma Weidu ed: BAIHE QIANHE WANHE. The Art of Chinese Box. 百盒 千合 萬和 。 馬未都 編著. Beijing,<br />

2009. 192; 190 pp. Colour plates throughout. 2 vols. 28x22 cm. Wrappers. £55.00<br />

From the collection of the privately-owned Guanfu Museum in Beijing, a very fine selection of Chinese boxes in various media. The<br />

first volume is entirely comprised of small ceramic containers and lidded cosmetic holders dating from the Tang through to the Jin dynasties<br />

with a large number of Tang and Song examples. A smaller amount of Ming and Qing pieces. The second volume shows boxes<br />

in other media — some metal and much lacquer and wood — many pieces being inlaid with mother-of-pearl and some with hardstone<br />

inlay. All illustrated in full page colour plates and briefly described. In Chinese.<br />

17 Ma Weidu ed: ZUOJU DE WENMING. The Culture of Chinese Seat. 坐具的文明 。 馬未都 編著. Beijing,<br />

2009. 190 pp. Colour plates throughout. 28x22 cm. Wrappers. £35.00<br />

Shows Ming and Qing dynasty chairs, seats and stools held in the collection of the Guanfu Museum in Beijing. Divided into sections<br />

by type of wood — zitan, huanghuali, red wood, jichimu and various others. A very fine selection with much previously-unpublished<br />

material. All illustrated in full page colour plates and described in Chinese.<br />

18 McCausland, Shane & Ling Lizhong: TELLING IMAGES OF CHINA. Narrative and Figure Paintings, 15th-20th<br />

Century, from the Shanghai Museum. London, 2010. 159 pp. Colour plates throughout, many full page. 28x24 cm.<br />

Wrappers. £25.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin showing 38 fine Ming and Qing dynasty examples of figure painting<br />

from the Shanghai Museum. Good and lengthy introductory essays followed by detailed descriptions and illustration of the exhibits.<br />

19 Moss, Hugh, Graham, V. and Ka Bo Tsang: A TREASURY OF CHINESE SNUFF BOTTLES VOLUME 7.<br />

The Mary and George Bloch Collection : Volume 7: Organic, Metal and Mixed Media. Hong Kong, 2008. 631 pp.<br />

896 colour plates. 2 vols. 36x26 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £200.00<br />

This seventh part in the series to publish the entire Bloch collection of over 1,400 bottles shows snuff bottles made of organic materials<br />

together with those made of metal and mixed materials. Of particular focus and interest is an updated discussion and assessment<br />

of Shunzhi bottles signed Cheng Rongzhang and also examines snuff bottles produced in Japan between 1854 and the 1930s. All bottles<br />

illustrated in colour, the majority in multiple views and exhaustively described and discussed.<br />


(Report on the 1992-1995 Archaeological Excavations of the Bohai Kingdom Graveyard at the Hongzun Fishery<br />

near Ning’an). 寧安虹鱒魚場:1992-1995年度渤海墓地考古發掘報告. Beijing, 2009. 29, 621 pp. text plus 212<br />

pp. colour plates. Numerous b/w text drawings including a number of foldouts. 2 vols. 29x22 cm. Boards.<br />

£130.00<br />

Ning’an is located in China’s Heilongjiang province with this large graveyard site positioned by the banks of a river on its outskirts.<br />

The site has yielded the most complex tomb structures and the largest number of artefacts from any Bohai kingdom grave complex.<br />

The Bohai kingdom was a Korean kingdom that flourished at the time of the Tang dynasty. Of most note amongst the excavated artefacts<br />

were large numbers of small metal objects, small examples of jewellery and beads and extensive amounts of everyday objects. A<br />

large and very detailed report. Two page English summary. Main text in Chinese.<br />


Excavation of No. 2 Terracotta Warriors Pit in the Qinshihuang Mausoleum Precinct (Part One)).<br />

秦始皇陵二號兵馬俑坑發掘報告 (第一分冊). Beijing, 2009. 315 pp. text plus 72 pp. colour plates. Numerous<br />

b/w text drawings. 2 foldouts. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

Detailed report on the preliminary investigations and excavations of the No. 2 warriors pit in the 1990s. Primarily focusses on the structure<br />

of the pit and its condition. At this stage the finds mostly comprised small metal objects and coinage. Six page detailed abstract<br />

in English. Main text in Chinese.

LIST 156 – 5 – <strong>NEW</strong> & RECENT <strong>PUBLICATIONS</strong><br />


MING QING LIUYI CI. Traces of the Trade: Chinese Export Porcelain Donated by<br />

Henk. B. Nieuwenhuys. 海帆留蹤 : 荷蘭倪漢克捐贈明清留易瓷. Shanghai, 2009.<br />

205 pp. Colour plates throughout, many full page. 31x24 cm. Paper. £50.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Shanghai Museum showing the recent donation of 97 fine examples<br />

of Ming and Qing period blue-and-white Chinese export porcelain (and one Japanese example),<br />

collected over three generations by the Nieuwenhuys family. The pieces date from the Tianqi period<br />

onwards and the large majority are from the Kangxi reign. The collection thus focuses on the period<br />

from 1600-1725 and gives a fine impression of the types of Chinese export porcelain that reached the<br />

Netherlands at that time. Many of the pieces are illustrated in multiple views and are fully described.<br />

Introductory essays accompany. Dual texts in Chinese and English.<br />

23 Suzhou Museum ed: SUZHOU BOWUGUAN CANG GONGYI PIN. Handicraft Works Collected by Suzhou<br />

Museum. 蘇州博物館藏工藝品. Beijing, 2009. 211 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards. £55.00<br />

A very fine selection of Chinese art objects held in the collection of the Suzhou Museum in China. Shows jades, bamboo and wood,<br />

ivory and rhinoceros horn, lacquer, silks and a couple of clay sculptures. The works are predominantly Qing. Approximately 200 objects<br />

are shown, the majority previously unpublished. Introductions, list of contents and captions in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

24 University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong: LUHUO TUNQING: JIAJING JI WANLI<br />

GUANYAO CIQI. The Fame of Flame: Imperial Wares of the Jiajing and Wanli Periods. 爐火純青 :<br />

嘉靖及萬歷官窯瓷器. Hong Kong, 2009. 352 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x21 cm. Boards. £60.00<br />

Catalogue of an excellent exhibition showing over 120 fine examples of late Ming imperial wares from the Museum’s collection, together<br />

with loans from private collections in Hong Kong. All pieces from the Jiajing and Wanli reigns and the exhibits demonstrate<br />

the technical innovations and refinements during these two reigns, particularly with regard to ceramics with polychrome (wucai) decoration.<br />

The exhibition also explores the Jiajing emperor’s infatuation with Daoism as manifested by the numerous Daoist motifs that<br />

decorated the ceramics of his reign. All exhibits shown in colour and well-described. Dual texts in Chinese and English.<br />

25 Wang Jiapeng ed: FANHUA LOU. The Fanhua Pavilion. 梵華樓 。 王家鵬 主編. Beijing, 2009. 1414 pp. Colour<br />

plates throughout each volume. A number of foldouts. A total of over 1400 colour plates and 149 b/w text and<br />

architectural drawings. 4 vols. 31x25 cm. Cloth. £275.00<br />

Marvellous four-volume publication on this highly important Tibetan Buddhist pavilion located in the Ningshou Gong palace of the<br />

Forbidden City. The Ningshou Gong (Palace of Tranquil Longevity) was built as the retirement complex for the Qianlong emperor who<br />

was fascinated by Tibetan Buddhism. Thus, the Fanhua Pavilion was personally used by the Qianlong emperor in his latter years. This<br />

work is an exhaustive visual reference on the Tibetan Buddhist paintings, murals, decoration, ritual objects, religious items, architecture<br />

and, most importantly, the bronze Buddhist statuary (many with gilt and with Qianlong marks) held within the pavilion. Fine<br />

colour plates throughout of all the objects. A total of 1263 objects are illustrated, a number being shown in multiple views. The statues<br />

are all shown in full page (or near full page) colour plates with many being shown larger than life. Four page introduction in English.<br />

Main text in Chinese.<br />

26 Wang Jinhua ed: DAZU SHIKE BAOHU. Dazu Grottos Conservation. 大足石刻保護 。 王金華 主編. Beijing,<br />

2009. 225 pp. text plus 31 pp. colour plates. B/w text illustrations. 29x21 cm. Boards. £40.00<br />

A survey of this sculptural cave complex in China’s Sichuan province, its current condition and measures taken for its conservation<br />

and preservation. A good amount of technical detail. In Chinese.<br />


Yang’s Painting of the Ritual of the Parading of Prisoners Following the Pacification of the Western Regions).<br />

五台山入藏:徐揚畫平定西域獻俘禮圖. Beijing, 2009. 101 pp. Numerous full page colour plates and text plates.<br />

One foldout. 38x27 cm. Boards. £130.00<br />

A study of the important handscroll painted by the court painter, Xu Yang, in 1760, following the Qianlong Emperor’s important victories<br />

in the west of China against rebellious tribes. The painting is held in a private collection in China. This very long handscroll<br />

depicts the scene of preparation prior to the parading of prisoners in the area between the Daqing Men and Wu Men gates of the Forbidden<br />

City. It shows in great detail the officials of the court, soldiers, their court costumes and associated paraphernalia together with<br />

many other scenes of court life and associated events, daily life and festivity, architecture etc. In addition to being a superb example<br />

of Qing dynasty court art, the painting is also an important historical document. The high quality full page colour plates show the handscroll<br />

in sections and a foldout gives an impression of the scroll in its entirety. Imperial seals on the painting are also reproduced. Accompanying<br />

text in Chinese.<br />

28 Yang Xiaoneng et al: TRACING THE PAST, DRAWING THE FUTURE. Master Ink Painters in Twentieth-<br />

Century China. Milan, 2009. 440 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x24 cm. Boards. £55.00<br />

A large and fine work produced to accompany an exhibition at Stanford University with 110 loans from the Zhejiang Provincial Museum,<br />

the Hangzhou History Museum and the Pan Tianshou Memorial Museum. Examines the beautiful and innovative work of four<br />

key artists of the early 20th century, Qi Baishi, Wu Changshuo, Huang Binhong and Pan Tianshou. Illuminates the context in which<br />

they worked and highlights their individual ideas and achievements. All paintings illustrated in colour and fully described. Seals<br />

shown. Scholarly introductory essays accompany.<br />

29 Zhejiang Museum ed: CI YUAN XIE CUI. (Treasures from the Source of Ceramics). 瓷源擷粹. Zhejiang Sheng<br />

Bowuguan Diancang Daxi. Hangzhou, 2009. 207 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 1 foldout. 28x21 cm.<br />

Wrappers. £45.00<br />

Illustrates highlights of the superb collection of early Chinese ceramics in the collection of the Zhejiang Provincial Museum in<br />

Hangzhou, the pieces dating from the Western Zhou through to the Qing, but with much of the material dating from the Eastern Jin<br />

through to the Song. The objects shown come from sites in Zhejiang province and the work is divided into sections showing the products<br />

of various kilns, including Longquan. Illustrated throughout. In Chinese.<br />

30 Zhejiang Museum ed: FANG CUN QIAN KUN. (The Universe of Small Squares). 方寸乾坤. Zhejiang Sheng<br />

Bowuguan Diancang Daxi. Hangzhou, 2009. 207 pp. Full page colour plates. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £45.00<br />

Illustrates highlights of the extensive collection of seals in the Zhejiang Museum in Hangzhou. Hundreds of seals shown, together with<br />

seal impressions. Objects date from the Warring States through to the early 20th century. Illustrated throughout. Text in Chinese.

<strong>NEW</strong> & RECENT <strong>PUBLICATIONS</strong> – 6 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

31 Zhejiang Museum ed: HAN MO QING FEN. (The Pure Fragrance of Brush and Ink). 翰墨清芬. Zhejiang Sheng<br />

Bowuguan Diancang Daxi. Hangzhou, 2009. 207 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. A number of foldouts.<br />

28x21 cm. Wrappers. £45.00<br />

Illustrates treasures of calligraphy from the very fine collection in the Zhejiang Museum in Hangzhou. Includes works by famous<br />

painters and calligraphers and some lesser-known calligraphers. Illustrated throughout. Text in Chinese.<br />

32 Zhejiang Museum ed: JU ZHEN HUI BAO. (A Luxurious Gathering of Treasures). 聚珍薈寶. Zhejiang Sheng<br />

Bowuguan Diancang Daxi. Hangzhou, 2009. 207 pp. Full page colour plates. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £45.00<br />

Illustrates highlights of the superb collection of the Zhejiang Museum in Hangzhou ranging from Ming ceramics and inkstones to<br />

early gold and silver and much excavated material. Illustrated throughout. In Chinese.<br />

33 Zhejiang Museum ed: QUAN LIN JIAN YING. (The Zhejiang Museum Collection of Money and Coinage).<br />

泉林剪影. Zhejiang Sheng Bowuguan Diancang Daxi. Hangzhou, 2009. 257 pp. Full page colour plates throughout.<br />

28x21 cm. Wrappers. £45.00<br />

A comprehensive overview of the collection of money and coinage in the Zhejiang Museum in Hangzhou. From early spade-shaped<br />

coins through Song dynasty gold and silver ingots to republican silver dollars. Also includes a large selection of mostly late Qing and<br />

republican period paper notes. Illustrated throughout. Text in Chinese.<br />

34 Zhejiang Museum ed: YUE DI FAN JIN. (Metal from the Soil of Zhejiang). 越地范金. Zhejiang Sheng Bowuguan<br />

Diancang Daxi. Hangzhou, 2009. 207 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £45.00<br />

Illustrates highlights of the excellent collection of bronzes and mirrors in the Zhejiang Museum in Hangzhou ranging from archaic<br />

bronzes of many shapes and forms, bronze weaponry through to a large selection of mirrors. Illustrated throughout in colour. Text in<br />

Chinese.<br />

35 ZHEJIANG YUE MU. (Yue Kingdom Tombs in Zhejiang Province). 浙江越墓. Beijing, 2009. vi, 230 pp. Colour<br />

and b/w text plates and b/w drawings throughout. Two foldous. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

A survey of five large Yue kingdom tombs located in China’s Zhejiang province. The Yue kingdom flourished at the time of the Eastern<br />

Zhou dynasty. The excavations yielded many interesting and important artefacts including jewellery, bi discs, pottery and pottery objects<br />

in the shape of bronze bells, chimes and rhinoceros horns. A valuable work for increasing understanding of this little-known<br />

kingdom and its culture. Illustrated throughout. Text in Chinese.<br />

<strong>JAPANESE</strong> <strong>PHOTOGRAPHY</strong><br />


明治天皇御大葬西簿御寫真集. Tokyo, 1911. Title page, list of contents and 16 full page b/w photographs. 19x26<br />

cm. Black silk-covered boards. Stitched Japanese-style. £400.00<br />

Rare photograph album of historical and documentary importance showing various stages, of the procession, ritual items used and<br />

various participants in the funeral procession of the Meiji Emperor in 1911. Comprises a title page in Japanese, a list of the 16 photographs<br />

in English and then 16 original full page black-and-white photographs mounted on card, one per page. The 16 photographs<br />

as follows:<br />

1. Drums. 2. White and Yellow Banners. 3. Halberds. 4. The Imperial Funeral Cart. 5. Members of the Imperial Diet. 6. Officers of<br />

Army and Navy and Civil Officials. 7. Guard of Honour from the British Warships. 8. The Funeral Pavilion at Aoyama. 9. Advance<br />

Guard of Police Inspectors and Prince Iwakura. 10. Bows and Quivers. 11. Banners of the Sun and Moon. 12. The imperial Bier Carried<br />

by Men of Yase Village. 13. HIH Prince Kwanin, Representative of His Majesty. 14. HIH Prince Fushimi, President of the Imperial<br />

Funeral Commission. 15. Group of Princes of the Blood. 16. Military and Naval Guards.<br />

In fine condition. Very rare.<br />

37 ART AND ARTIFICE. Japanese Photographs of the Meiji Era. Boston, 2004. 96 pp. 136 illustrations, 96 in colour.<br />

25x20 cm. Paper. £14.00<br />

A brief, elegant introduction to Meiji-era photographs and to the world in which they flourished, with three essays on the social function<br />

of the images, on transpacific travel at the turn of the century, and on the personal stories of those who collected the photographs.<br />

38 Asahi Shimbum ed: A CENTURY OF JAPAN IN PHOTOGRAPHS. Tokyo, 1985. 245; 246 pp. B/w<br />

photographic illustrations throughout both volumes. 2 vols. 15x11 cm. Wrappers. £25.00<br />

Small but copiously-illustrated two volume work illustrating the history and development of Japan from the mid-19th century through<br />

to the 1950s. As a result, the work is also a good survey of Japanese photography during these hundred years. In Japanese.<br />

39 Batchelor, Rev. John: SEA-GIRT YEZO. Glimpses at Missionary Work in North Japan. London, 1902. vii, 120<br />

pp. Frontispiece and numerous b/w photographs and b/w engravings from photographs. Some illustrations full<br />

page. 19x16 cm. Decorative green cloth with gilt. £125.00<br />

Batchelor was an English missionary who spent many years in Japan and is best-known for his work amongst the Ainu people and his<br />

writings on their language and culture. This work was written for young people and is largely autobiographical, describing his work<br />

in Japan up to that point. Includes material on the Ainu. The green cloth cover has a pleasing gilt image of an Ainu fisherman in his<br />

boat offshore. A good copy with the occasional mark.<br />

40 Beaton, Cecil: <strong>JAPANESE</strong>. London, 1959. xl, 132 pp. 132 pp. b/w photographs. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £200.00<br />

Cecil Beaton’s photographic study of the Japanese. Fine black and white photograph and a very rare item. Good copy with dustjacket.<br />

41 Bennett, Terry: EARLY <strong>JAPANESE</strong> IMAGES. London, 1995. Over 140 images reproduced, 40 in colour. 27x20<br />

cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

The story of early Western photographers in Japan, giving a historical overview of the years 1853-1912. An invaluable index that for<br />

the first time identifies the photographers of over 1,200 early photographs taken in Japan.<br />

42 Bennett, Terry: OLD <strong>JAPANESE</strong> PHOTOGRAPHS. Collectors’ Data Guide. London, 2006. 308 pp. Numerous<br />

b/w photographs and illustrations. 26x18 cm. Cloth. £65.00<br />

A useful and practical reference guide to the history of photography in Japan from its beginnings until 1912. Identifies over 4000 photographs<br />

by studio, indexes and provides information on photographers, studios and publishers, reproduces 19th century periodical

<strong>JAPANESE</strong> <strong>PHOTOGRAPHY</strong> – 8 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

The photographs are held as pages in a booklet interleaved with blank pages and would appear to comprise a stock book for examination<br />

by purchasers from which to compile souvenir albums.<br />

In very fine condition. A delightful and rare collection of views of Nagasaki in the late 19th century.<br />

52 Cortazzi, Hugh and Bennett, Terry: JAPAN. Caught in Time. Reading, 1994. 160 pp. 124 colour photographs.<br />

26x22 cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

Photographs from the collection of Russian geographer Alexander Grigoryev by photographic pioneer von Stillfried, dating from<br />

1877-1885, mostly published for the first time. With accompanying text by the authors.<br />

53 Delank, C. & March, P: THE ADVENTURE OF <strong>JAPANESE</strong> <strong>PHOTOGRAPHY</strong> 1860-1890. Heidelberg, 2002.<br />

144 pp. 120 colour illustrations. 30x24 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

In 1863 the photographer Felice Beato travelled to Japan and opened a studio in Yokohama. Among his pupils were Kimbei Kusakabe<br />

and Raimund von Stillfried-Rathenicz, whose photographs are here also illustrated. The volume also collects photographs that have<br />

so far been considered anonymous.<br />

54 Esmein, Suzanne: HUGUES KRAFFT AU JAPON DE MEIJI. Photographies d’une Voyage, 1882-1883.<br />

Collections Savoir: Cultures. Langres, 2003. 110 pp. 57 b/w photographs. Bibliography. 21x15 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

Well-edited and commented introduction to a remarkable collection of photographs made my a wealthy young adventurous visitor to<br />

Meiji Japan. In French.<br />

55 Eunson, Roby: 100 YEARS. The Amazing Development of Japan since 1860. Rutland, 1965. 192 pp. B/w<br />

photographic illustrations throughout. 30x22 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £20.00<br />

An illustrated photographic tour of a century of history and development of Japan since its opening to the West. Copiously illustrated.<br />

56 Fieger, Erwin: JAPAN. Sunrise-Islands. Dusseldorf, 1971. 160 pp. colour plates. 31x43 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

Big coffee table book of photographs by Erwin Fieger on modern (1970’s) Japan, with dramatically coloured photos of traditional subjects,<br />

such as geishas, and new ones, such as young demonstrators facing riot police. Increasingly, a period piece.<br />

57 Fieger, Erwin and Bowers, Faubion: JAPAN. Islands of the Rising Sun. New York, n.d. 160 colour plates plus<br />

commentary. 31x46 cm. Cloth. Front endpaper creased and frayed. £35.00<br />

Big coffee table book of photographs by Erwin Fieger and text by Faubion Bowers, on modern (1970’s) Japan, with dramatically<br />

coloured photos of traditional subjects, such as geishas, and new ones, such as young demonstrators facing riot police.<br />


REIGN. Tokyo, 1986. 209 pp. 17 pp. colour photographic illustrations and numerous b/w photographic illustrations<br />

throughout. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

Traces the founding and development of Japanese photography from its origins in the Bakumatsu period through to the mid 1940s. Hundreds<br />

of illustrations. A good visual reference. In Japanese.<br />

59 Gunma Prefectural Museum of History: SHIMA KAKOKU AND SHIMA RYU. Husband and Wife Photographers<br />

of the Bakumatsu Era. N.p., 2007. 128 pp. Colour and b/w plates throughout. 26x18 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition showing the work of these pioneers of Japanese photography, active at the end of the Bakumatsu period.<br />

In addition to rare examples of their black-and-white photographs, includes paintings by Shima Ryu and other exhibits associated with<br />

their work and life. In Japanese.<br />

60 Haga Toru & Okabe Masayuki: SHASHIN DE MIRU EDO TOKYO. (Edo and Tokyo Seen in Photographs).<br />

Tokyo, 1992. 128 pp. Numerous illustrations, many in colour. 22x17 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

The old capital of Edo (present-day Tokyo) in old photographs, some hand-painted. In many cases, today’s view of the same spot is illustrated.<br />

Text in Japanese.<br />

61 Hazlitt, Gooden & Fox: THE J. W. HENDERSON COLLECTION OF <strong>JAPANESE</strong> PHOTOGRAPHS<br />

FORMED 1864-76. New York, 2000. 40 pp. Numerous photographic illustrations. 29x21 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Dealer’s catalogue of an exhibition of an early collection of Japanese photography. A total of 75 items, all illustrated and described.<br />

Includes a good amount of work by Felice Beato.<br />

62 Hoerner, Ludwig: EINE FOTOREISE DURCH DAS ALTE JAPAN. (A Photographic Journey through Old<br />

Japan). Dortmund, 1987. 174 pp. 67 full page b/w photographic illustrations. 12x17 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

A pleasing collection of black-and-white and sepia photographs of the sights, scenery, street life and people of Japan taken in the last<br />

couple of decades of the 19th century. Each photograph accompanied by a description of the scene. Introductory text. In German.<br />

63 Imperial Japanese Government Railways ed: AN OFFICIAL GUIDE TO EASTERN ASIA 3: NORTH-<br />

EASTERN JAPAN. Trans-Continental Connections Between Europe and Asia. Tokyo, 1914. x, 488 pp. 24 (of<br />

25) maps, mostly folding, numerous illustrations. 16x11 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

The frontispiece map of Japan torn out. Thus sold as a reading copy only and priced accordingly.<br />

64 Iwasaki Yoshiro: MEIJI NO YOKOHAMA & TOKYO — SHASHIN SHU. Photography Collection of Meiji<br />

Period Yokohama and Tokyo. Tokyo, 1989. 200, 24 pp. Numerous plates and illustrations. Bibliography. 31x23 cm.<br />

Cloth. £90.00<br />

A collection of photographs from 1864-1911 illustrating life and customs in Yokohama and Tokyo. Included at back of book is brief biographies<br />

of the various photographers. An interesting documentation.<br />

65 JAPAN MISSIONARY PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM. N.p. n.d. (1891/2.) 25 original b/w photographs (of which 10<br />

full page). An additional 13 loose photographs of varying sizes and pp. 113-128 of The Church Missionary Gleaner<br />

Aug. 1892. 30x25 cm. Half leather. Wear to edges and spine. £1,500.00<br />

Interesting photograph album showing Japanese people and scenes together with full page images of gatherings of western Christian<br />

missionaries and Japanese converts. Four of the photographs are mounted two to a page, making a panorama of a bay and small town.<br />

A number of the photographs have captions beneath identifying the scene or place. Some of the loose photographs have inscriptions<br />

on the back. Of most interest are the eight full page photographs showing large groups of western missionaries, missionaries and their<br />

wives and group images of Japanese converts. Accompanying the album are a number of pages from the August 1892 issue of The

LIST 156 – 9 – <strong>JAPANESE</strong> <strong>PHOTOGRAPHY</strong><br />

Church Missionary Gleaner. Reproduced within is one of the full page photographs in this album which states it to show ‘Members of<br />

the Third Synod of the Japanese Church’ which was held in Osaka in 1891. The legend below the image in the Gleaner identifies many<br />

of the individuals, the leading lights of the Christian missionary movement in Japan at the time. It is to be assumed that the other seven<br />

full page group photographs also show participants in this Third Synod. One of these photographs is accompanied by a piece of paper<br />

identifying many of the sitters. The album presumably compiled by a missionary resident in Japan at the time. Provides documentary<br />

visual evidence of the Christian missionary movement in Japan at the end of the 19th century. Rare.<br />

66 JAPAN PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM. N.p. n.d. (1890s). 35 hand-coloured photographs (of which one a three-panel<br />

foldout) mounted in album. 27x32 cm. Boards. Leather spine with much wear. £1,400.00<br />

Souvenir album of 35 hand-coloured photographs of Japan dating from the 1890s. Each photograph measures c.20x26cm. The photographs<br />

have the following titles — either hand-written below the image or produced on the image margin.<br />

Kyoto from Yaame Hotel; Sacred Cherry Tree Gion Temple Kyoto; Street Scene Kyoto; Kyumizo Temple Kyoto; Tea House; Cherry<br />

Dance Kyoto (Three panel foldout showing Japanese women kneeling, playing instruments or standing holding fans as part of the<br />

dance). The foldout is captioned at the bottom of the image as follows: The ‘Miyako-Odori Dancing in Kioto, Which Is Peculiar in<br />

Japan, Is Opened for about a Month Every Year, the Dancers and Musicians are Most Famous Dancing and Singing Girls in Kioto,<br />

The Photos Show Their Charming Figures as They Were Taken in the Same Manner’; 17. Japanese Picnic at Kioto Maple Place; Buddhist<br />

Procession; Interior of House; Entrance to Yaame Hotel Kyoto; Peony Show; 4. Budish Temple Chionin-Kioto; Approach to<br />

Chionin Temple Kyoto; Entrance Gate Chionin Temple; Shrine Chionin Temple; Lake Biwa; Katsugawa Rapids; Katsugawa Rapids;<br />

Pine Tree in Shape of a Boat. Kunka Kuji Palace; Kunka Kuji palace Kyoto; Saki and Pipes; Bamboo Avenue; Lake Biwa. Village of<br />

Otsu; The Pine Tree of Karasaki; One Hundred Children (dated 1894); Deer Park Nara; Nara (Temple Gate in a forest); Nara (Path<br />

amongst pine trees); Nikko; Cryptomeria Forest Nikko; Kegon-no-taki (a waterfall); Statues of Armida (Buddhas) Kamman-ga-fuchi,<br />

Nikko; Mausoleum of Ieyasu; Lacquer Brige Nikko; Kirifuri-no-taki (Nikko (a waterfall).<br />

The photographs in good to fine condition, the very occasional small mark. Some grubbiness and marks on the surrounding papers.<br />

The album has a much-worn spine and the covers are a sateen-covered cardboard, the original leather or lacquer covers appear to<br />

have been either removed or were never affixed.<br />

67 JAPAN PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM. N.p. n.d. (1890s). 26 hand-coloured photographs mounted in album. 27x36<br />

cm. Boards. Leather spine with wear. £750.00<br />

Souvenir album of 26 hand-coloured photographs of Japan dating from the 1890s. Each photograph measures 21x27cm. The photographs<br />

have the following content and titles:<br />

Miyazima, Aki (view of cherry blossoms, temple building and pagoda). B17 Kamakura (tree-lined avenue leading to temple). A413<br />

(no title), shows 3 Japanese ladies in kimonos crossing a bridge over a stream. B811 View of Inland Sea. A69 Japanis Room. B277<br />

Ikuta Temple, Kobe. B808 View of Matsushima. A229 Cherry Blossoms Park. A384 (no title) Shows 3 Japanese ladies in kimonos with<br />

parasols in a garden setting. 511 Daibutu Kamakura (The Great Buddha). 6 Bamboo-Yard, Kioto. ?? Hashiyama Hozugawa, Kioto.<br />

B156 View of Enoshima. A338 (no title) Shows two Japanese ladies in a garden building with chrysanthemums. A66 Japanis Room.<br />

A29 Fishing. Untitled and unnumbered, shows small temple buildings amidst pines. A41 Vegetables-Seller. 77 Dotonbori Osaka. A226<br />

Cherry-Blossoms Park. Title unclear, shows two ladies in traditional dress strolling through a garden. 251. Onomichi, Bingo (View of<br />

bay, boats and small town). A231 Cherry-Blossoms Park. B820 View of Inland Sea. Title unclear, view of buildings of small village<br />

with river and hills beyond. B16. Kamakura. B4. Castle of Nagoya.<br />

The photographs in fine condition, the very occasional small mark. The album has a worn leather spine with gilt. The covers are plain<br />

cardboard, the leather covers appear to have been removed.<br />

68 JAPAN PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM WITH LACQUER COVERS. N.p. n.d. (1890s). 53 hand-coloured and blackand-white<br />

photographs mounted in album. 27x32 cm. Lacquer boards. Leather spine, detaching and with much<br />

wear. £1,800.00<br />

Souvenir album of 53 photographs, the majority hand-coloured, a few black-and-white, of Japan dating from the 1890s. The last three<br />

black-and-white photographs, of a similar size, show scenes in Canada. Each photograph measures c.20x26cm. Eight of the Japanese<br />

photographs are untitled showing: a waterfall, a boat, Nagasaki harbour, Mt. Fuji, a rickshaw, and 3 showing Japanese girls.<br />

The remainder have the following titles produced on the image margin.<br />

Entrance to Nagasaki Harbour. Entrance to Nagasaki Harbour (different view). Harbour, Nagasaki. Entrance to Shinto Temple, Nagasaki.<br />

100-Steps Temple Osuwa. Osuwa Temple, nagasaki. Cherry Blossom Osuwa Park. Road to Mogi (Tagami). Road to Mogi<br />

(Tagami) (different view). Road to Mogi (near a bamboo grove). Road to Mogi, Bamboo Garden. 80 Harbour, Mogi. Main Street Nagasaki.<br />

145 Harbour Mogi. 143 Shimonoseki Choshu (Harbour Scene). 142 Shimonoseki Choshu (View of the Bay). B72 Matsushima,<br />

Inland Sea (Three View in Japan) Part I. 82B Inland Sea. A428 Inland Sea to Bingo. A426 Inland Sea at Bingo (different view). No. 408<br />

Fujikawa. 9?? Fuji from Oh?ma. No.182B. Mississipi-bay, Yokohama. No.146B Yokohama. No.103 Yokohama. 74B Street of Yokohama.<br />

1006 Main St of Yokohama. 310 Creek Side Yokohama. No.339 Yokohama. A715 Yomeimon Gate at Nikko. 715 Yomeimon Gate at Nikko.<br />

760 Horimono at Nikko. 750 Sacred Bridge at Niki. 745 Imaichi Road Nikko. 1117 Yumoto. 1119 Yudaki Falls at Yumoto. No.111B Chiuzenji<br />

Lake. No.129B Chiuzenji Lake (different view). No.290 Bridge (Made from a Tree) Near Chusenji. 1113 Rinzu Falls at Chuzenji.<br />

1016 Rice Planting. Following are three black-and-white photographs taken in Canada. 1250 Stoney Creek Bridge, Selkirks. 629 Glacier<br />

Hotel and Glacier, Selkirks. Untitled photograph of railway, forest and mountain in Canada. The last photograph of a Japanese<br />

scene: Shiwomi-Saki, Mogi.<br />

The photographs generally in good to fine condition, the very occasional small mark and occasional grubbiness on the surrounding<br />

paper.<br />

The album has black lacquer covers painted with a dull gilt cherry tree showing a section of trunk, branches, leaves and blossoms.<br />

Appliquéd in bone, mother-of-pearl and metal are birds, leaves and chrysanthemum flowers. The covers somewhat loose. Leather<br />

spine worn and is detaching.<br />

69 Japan Photographers Association: A CENTURY OF <strong>JAPANESE</strong> <strong>PHOTOGRAPHY</strong> 1840-1946. New York, 1980.<br />

385 pp. 514 illustrations. Introduction by John W. Dower. 23x30 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £65.00<br />

Photographs capture the samurai world of the late Tokugawa era & the changing world of the subsequent Meiji, Taisho & early Showa<br />

periods. A treasury of early photographs.<br />

70 Kanagawa Museum of History: PORTRAITS OF THE IMPERIAL FAMILY. An Album of the Meiji Imperial<br />

Household. Kanagawa, 2001. 145 pp. 165 colour and 180 b/w plates. 30x21 cm. Paper. £40.00<br />

A fascinating exhibition of photographs, prints and posters that show the Meiji Imperial household in set family poses, the Emperor<br />

reviewing troops, vignette prints and portraits of the Imperial family etc. With some extraordinary images. Text in Japanese.

<strong>JAPANESE</strong> <strong>PHOTOGRAPHY</strong> – 10 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

71 Kumamoto Prefectural Museum: 130 YEARS OF TOMISHIGE PHOTO STUDIO. Kumamoto, 1993. 208 pp.<br />

Colour and b/w photographs throughout. 30x22 cm. Paper. £75.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition that commemorates 130 years of the founding of the Tomishige Photo Studio. The exhibition provides a fascinating<br />

insight into the workings of the studio by showing cameras and other equipment, customer’s lists, receipts and letters in addition<br />

to a wide selection of photographs produced by the Studio including landscapes, portraiture, group photographs, castles and<br />

various official buildings. List of plates and captions in English. Main text in Japanese.<br />

72 Lal, Chaman: SECRETS OF JAPAN. Through Indian Eyes. Tokyo, 1935. xiv, 228 pp. 48 b/w photographic<br />

illustrations. 23x16 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

An account by an Indian journalist of Japan in the 1930s. Illustrated with photographs giving an interesting insight into the rise of<br />

Japan as a modern power.<br />

73 Manthorpe, Victoria, ed: TRAVELS IN THE LAND OF THE GODS (1898-1907). The Japan Diaries of Richard<br />

Gordon Smith. New York, 1986. 224 pp. Illustrated throughout (many in colour). 27x20 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

This book is a lavish re-creation of the original travel diaries of Richard Gordon Smith, an Edwardian Englishman who arrived in Japan<br />

in 1898 and stayed for ten years, recording his impressions in these diaries. Victoria Manthorpe sets the scene in a concise introduction.<br />

74 Minato Ward Folklore Museum: FOREIGN LEGATIONS IN EDO. Materials Compiled to Commemorate the<br />

150th Anniversary of the Opening of Japan. 2004. 207 pp. 112 pp. colour and b/w plates. 30x21 cm. Paper.<br />

£35.00<br />

Catalogue of an interesting exhibition showing photographs, ukiyo-e and illustrations from books and newspapers that look at the foreign<br />

legations present in Japan during the Meiji period. Illustrated throughout. Introduction, list of contents and captions in English.<br />

Main text in Japanese.<br />

75 NARA KEN. (The District of Nara). Kyoto, 1928. 2 pp. list of contents and 64 full page b/w plates with<br />

accompanying leaf of text. 27x35 cm. Silk-covered boards with marks. Wear to spine. £300.00<br />

Fine album of black-and-white photographic plates showing the temple architecture of the Nara region. Arranged chronologically from<br />

the Nara period through to the Edo. A total of 36 plates. This is followed by a section with 17 plates on other sites in and around Nara.<br />

A final section comprising 11 plates shows the scenery around Nara and pictures of natural beauty. Each is accompanied by an explanatory<br />

leaf of text in Japanese. There is no English. The explanatory leaf of text to plate 4 is missing. A couple of tears to one or<br />

two other leaves of text. The original silk ties are missing and have been replaced with simple string. The silk-covered boards are<br />

somewhat grubby and faded but internally the work is generally fine with the occasional spot of foxing.<br />

76 NIHON REKISHI SHASHINCHO. (Historical Photographs of Japan). Tokyo, 1915. 266 pp. B/w photographs<br />

throughout, many full page. A few in colour. 21x29 cm. Boards. £450.00<br />

Updated printing of a work first published in 1911, showing then-current events in Japan up to, and including 1913. Photographs include<br />

a volcanic eruption, funeral of a prince, reception of foreign dignitaries, Japanese officials in western dress, events and scenes<br />

following the death of the Meiji emperor, demonstrations, ceremonies, exhibitions and much more besides. A very focussed photographic<br />

view of many aspects of life in Japan at the beginning of the Taisho reign. Captions in English. Main text in Japanese. Slightly<br />

shaky in binding and some foxing, but generally fine. Rare.<br />

77 NIHON SHASHI ZENSHU 1: SHASHIN NO MAKUAKE. The Complete History of Japanese Photography 1.<br />

The Origins of Japanese Photography. Nihon Shashi Zenshu. Tokyo, 1985. 179 pp. B/w photographs throughout,<br />

a few in colour. 1 foldout. 31x22 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £60.00<br />

The first volume of a 12 volume series. This volume is one of the most interesting, covering Japanese photography from its origins in<br />

the 1850s through to the end of the Meiji period in the early 20th century. Illustrated throughout with 238 rare examples of early<br />

Japanese photography from Japanese collections. Two page English introduction. The list of plates gives the photographers’ names<br />

in English. Main text in Japanese. Out-of-print. A good visual reference.<br />

78 Ogawa, K: SIGHTS AND SCENES IN FAIR JAPAN. Tokyo, n.d. (c.1917). Title page, 2 full page maps and 50<br />

full page collotype plates, of which 48 hand-coloured. 26x37 cm. Embroidered silk. Stitched. £300.00<br />

A compilation of 50 sights and scenes of Japan ranging from views of Tokyo to tranquil rural scenes, Japanese theatre and geisha admiring<br />

chrysanthemums. Unusually, compared to other copies we have handled, 48 of the 50 plates are hand-coloured and all are quite<br />

beautiful. In other copies previously handled, there are only 16 hand-coloured plates. Apart from the title page which has the title in<br />

both English and Japanese, the captions to the plates are in English only, making us think that this work was produced as a high-quality<br />

souvenir for western tourists. By the renowned Japanese photographer, K. Ogawa, and one of his most pleasing works. The plates<br />

are contained within silk-covered boards with an embroidered landscape scene showing travellers in the foreground and Mount Fuji<br />

in the distance. The silk to the boards is browned but retains colour. Wear to the edges of the silk boards and some marks to the covers.<br />

The covers are somewhat fragile and in danger of detaching. Loss to silk at top of spine. Occasional marks inside, mostly not affecting<br />

the plates. A hand-written inscription ‘In Tokyo’ is on the otherwise blank page facing plate 1. Generally, however, a decent<br />

copy of a delightful and rare work. Priced accordingly.<br />


SEVEN RONIN. by K. Ogawa, Photographer, Tokyo, Japan, in Collotype. With Descriptive Text by James<br />

Murdoch, M.A.. Tokyo, 1892. 2, 52 pp. text plus 17 full page hand-coloured collotype plates (one unnumbered).<br />

38x27 cm. Stitched. Japanese-style with decorative covers. £950.00<br />

Extremely rare variant of an otherwise rare work with hand-coloured collotypes by Ogawa and accompanied by descriptive text by<br />

James Murdoch. The work depicts and relates important scenes and events from the famous Japanese story of the Forty-Seven Ronin.<br />

Each plate is accompanied (preceded) by text describing the image and its relation to the story. There are a total of 17 full page collotype<br />

plates (of which one unnumbered), here delicately hand-coloured. Ogawa was assisted in the taking of the majority of the plates<br />

by the Japanese photographer, Kajima Seibei. We have previously seen a copy of this work that had black-and-white collotype plates<br />

and the only other references we can find to this publication also indicate that the plates are black-and-white. Thus, we assume that<br />

this copy was one of a very few where the plates were hand-coloured, perhaps for presentation purposes. There are a couple of other<br />

slight differences to the black-and-white edition. The decorative lithographic printed thick paper covers have a more complex printed<br />

pattern than the black-and-white edition and there is no title sticker (as found on the black-and-white version with the full title as per<br />

above) attached to the front cover, reinforcing our view that this was a presentation copy. The work is in excellent condition with just<br />

minor wear to the edges of the covers and spines. The first time we have handled this work.

LIST 156 – 11 – <strong>JAPANESE</strong> <strong>PHOTOGRAPHY</strong><br />

80 Ogawa, K. and Crizuka, Mataro (comp.): THE CHARMING VIEWS IN THE LAND OF THE RISING SUN.<br />

Tokyo, 1904. 7 pp. introductory text, folding map and 174 b/w plates each with an accompanying page of descriptive<br />

text. 35x26 cm. Embroidered silk covered boards. Stitched. Japanese style. £750.00<br />

Introductory text by Crizuka, photographic illustrations by Ogawa. The work was produced, it seems, to promote tourism in Japan<br />

through the railway companies of Japan and the scenic areas and sights whence their networks reached. The descriptive text for each<br />

scene cites the railway company which operates to that particular place. Includes a number of views of Korea. The seven pages of introductory<br />

text discusses the railway companies, their development and operations. Text in English. An excellent copy of a rare work.<br />

81 Okamura, Meikichi: REVIVED OLD JAPAN IN THE MEIJI ERA. N.p., 1983. 102 pp. 176 b/w photographic<br />

illustrations. A couple of b/w text illustrations. 25x18 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

Depicts Japanese landscape and customs from 1870 to 1890 as shown in interesting old photographs from the collection of Mr. Meikichi<br />

Okamura. Illustrated throughout. Short introduction and brief captions in English. Main text in Japanese.<br />

82 Osam, Hiraki et al: JAPAN: A SELF PORTRAIT. Paris, 2004. 216 pp. 150 duotone plates. 31x26 cm. Cloth.<br />

£40.00<br />

A photographic portrait of Japan from 1945 to the mid 1960s by eleven of its most talented photographers. Apart from Osam, there<br />

are textual contributions by Takeuchi Keiichi and Alain Sayag.<br />

83 Ozawa, Tsuyoshi: SHASHIN DE MIRU BAKUMATSU-MEIJI. (Late Edo and Meiji Seen in Photographs).<br />

Tokyo, 1990. 255 pp. Numerous illustrations, some in colour. 26x21 cm. Paper. £50.00<br />

The end of the Edo and the Meiji periods in old photographs, some hand painted. An interesting documentation.<br />

84 Pettee, James H: MR. ISHII AND HIS ORPHANAGE. A Japanese Apostle of Faith and His Asylum at Okayama.<br />

Okayama, 1894. v, 58 pp. text plus 19 full page b/w photographic illustrations hors texte. 14x18 cm. Paper. Stitched.<br />

Japanese-style. £180.00<br />

Very rare work detailing and illustrating the work of the Japanese Christian, Juji Ishii, and his work with orphaned children at the end<br />

of the 19th century. Interesting insight into Christian missionary work in Japan during the Meiji period. Of particular note are the photographic<br />

illustrations, many being collages of two/three images per full page illustration. These were done by one S. Okayama of Kyoto<br />

and it is unusual to be able to specifically associate the work of a named photographer in such works. Text in English.<br />


The Most Complete Artistic Production — With 40 Excellent Pictures of the Earthquake and Fire, Comprising<br />

Scenes in Tokyo and Yokohama. 東京橫濱大震災寶況寫真帖. N.p., n.d. 20 pp. b/w photographic illustrations, 2<br />

per page. 25x17 cm. Paper. Stitched. Japanese-style. £85.00<br />

Rare photographic survey of the Great Earthquake of 1923 which devastated the city of Tokyo and surroundings. Focuses on the damage<br />

done in Tokyo and Yokohama. Brings home the extent of the damage. A total of 40 b/w photographic illustrations — two per page<br />

— with captions in both Japanese and English.<br />

86 PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE TOSHOGU SHRINE, NIKKO. Nikko, 1934. 70 pp. 32 pp. colour plates. Map.<br />

19x27 cm. Decorative wrappers. Stitched. £85.00<br />

32 pages of full-colour plates showing buildings and the beautiful scenery around the Toshogu Shrine in Nikko, Japan. Accompanying<br />

pages of explanatory text are in both Japanese and English<br />

87 Ponting, H. G: FUJI SAN. Photographed by H. G. Ponting. Tokyo, 1905. 2 pp. introductory text in English and<br />

Japanese and 25 full page b/w photographic plates, of which one folding. 25x37 cm. Decorative paper. Stitched.<br />

Japanese style. £350.00<br />

Contains 25 beautiful full page black-and-white photographic views of Mount Fuji, including a couple of photographs taken from the<br />

summit. The photographs taken by Herbert Ponting. Published by K. Ogawa. Delightful front cover with illustration of a monk (?) gazing<br />

at Mount Fuji. Dual texts in Japanese and English. Minor tear to top of front cover and remnants of small removed sticker. Otherwise<br />

in fine condition. Very rare.<br />

88 Ponting, Herbert G: IN LOTUS-LAND JAPAN. London, 1922. New and revised edition. xii, 306 pp. 8 colour &<br />

80 b/w plates. 25x19 cm. Blue gilt decorative cloth. £150.00<br />

Based on 3 years of travel in Japan, Ponting was primarily interested in photographing scenes of the country and people. The blackand-white<br />

photographs and colour plates are all very attractive. Author’s dedication and signature. A very good copy of a lovely book.<br />

89 POSTCARD ALBUM OF JAPAN. Over 200 colour and b/w postcards. 31x26 cm. Album £850.00<br />

Contains over 200 postcards (the large majority in colour) showing a large variety of places, scenery and people in Japan dating<br />

mostly from the early 20th century. A fine collection.<br />

90 Random, Michel at al: JAPAN. New York, 1986. 287 pp. Colour and b/w plates throughout. 30x25 cm. Cloth.<br />

£20.00<br />

A photo-essay on Japan and its culture, with extensive text. In English.<br />

91 Rijksuniversiteit Leiden: HERINNERINGEN AAN JAPAN 1850-1870. Fotos en Fotoalbums in Nederlands Bezit.<br />

Leiden, 1987. 234 pp. 194 pp. b/w photographs, 38 pp. text. 26x21 cm. Paper. £28.00<br />

Fascinating photographs of old Japan in Dutch collections. In Dutch only.<br />


KAMERA 1844-1920. (Wilhelm Burger: World Traveller and Explorer and His Camera 1844-1920). Wien, 1984.<br />

192 pp. B/w photographic illustrations throughout. 30x24 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

Catalogues and illustrated the work of the early photographer Wilhelm Burger. Of most interest here are his early photographs of<br />

Southeast Asia and, in particular, numerous early photographs of Japanese scenes, sights and people. In German.<br />

93 Rousmaniere, Nicole Coolidge and Mikiko Hirayama ed: REFLECTING TRUTH. Japanese Photography in the<br />

Nineteenth Century. Leiden, 2004. 112 pp. 55 b/w plates. Paper. £27.50<br />

Based on proceedings for a conference held at the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Culture, the essays here provide<br />

an excellent illustrated introduction to the origins and early practice of photography in Japan.

<strong>JAPANESE</strong> <strong>PHOTOGRAPHY</strong> – 12 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />


(Late 19th Century Japanese Souvenir Photograph Albums). N.p., 1996. 16 pp. 13 colour and b/w illustrations.<br />

24x18 cm. Paper. £10.00<br />

A useful article on the subject. Reprint from the Bulletin de l’Association Franco-japonaise. In French.<br />

95 Seitz, D: SURFACE JAPAN. Short Notes of a Swift Survey. New York, 1911. 158 pp. text and 20 tipped-in colour<br />

photogravure plates. Marginal b/w sketches. 29x22 cm. Decorative boards. Cloth back. £225.00<br />

A very pleasing work, the chief glory of which are 20 tipped-in colour photogravure plates showing various Japanese scenes and people.<br />

The work is further enhanced by a large number of small black-and-white marginal sketches in the manner of Hokusai. The book<br />

describes a journey around Japan in the early 20th century and its production has a distinct period feel. With some wear to the edges<br />

and corners. A few marks but generally very clean. Rare.<br />

96 SHASHINSHU YOMIGAERU BAKUMATSU. (A Collection of Photographs from the Bakumatsu Period).<br />

Tokyo, 1986. 239 pp. B/w photographs throughout. 26x21 cm. Paper. £60.00<br />

Very interesting collection of early photography of Japan taken during the Bakumatsu period prior to the Meiji restoration. Includes<br />

pictures of Nagasaki, Edo (Tokyo), Ainu, westerners, architectures and scenes of daily life. All text in Japanese.<br />

97 Shimada Kinsuke: LYRICISM IN KYOTO. Kyo no Jojo. Tokyo, 1981. vi, 127 pp. 90 colour illustrations, 2 maps<br />

of old Kyoto, plus two separate photographs. 38x27 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £55.00<br />

Aspects of Kyoto are highlighted in this splendid book of photography. Includes two prefaces in English, one by the famous haiku poet,<br />

Seisensui Ogiwara. Two extra photographs are enclosed, which may be ‘framed for hanging on a wall’. ORIGINALLY: £100.<br />


Shashin Geijutsu Photography Art: The 5 Flaneuse in Tokyo 1921-24. Shoto, 1998. 191 pp. 178 b/w plates. 28x22<br />

cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

Highlights early attempts by five Taisho era photographers to create photographic images with Impressionist qualities. Beautiful sepia<br />

photography. 19 pages English text and 8 pages captions in English. Recommended.<br />

99 SHOWA TAIREI SHASINCHO. (A Photographic Record of the Coronation Ceremonies of the Showa Emperor).<br />

昭和大禮寫真帖. Tokyo, 1930. 5 pp. caption list, 8 pp. plans and 125 pp. full page b/w plates. 38x28 cm. Cloth,<br />

cloth case. £750.00<br />

Fascinating photographic documentary record of the coronation ceremonies of the Showa Emperor, better known as Emperor Hirohito.<br />

The 125 pages of black-and-white photographs (mostly one full page photograph per leaf) show a multitude of scenes and subjects,<br />

ranging from imperial processions, ritual and religious ceremonies to gatherings of priests and officials, banquets, interiors of<br />

temples and palaces, imperial screens and ritual objects. The Emperor himself features in many of the photographs. The inner hinge<br />

of the front cover of the album is just starting to split due to the weight of the work. Otherwise a very fine and clean copy. Contained<br />

in the original worn wraparound cloth case. Again in fine condition, the only fault being the strap of one toggle has detached from the<br />

toggle itself. Text in Japanese. Rare.<br />

100 Sierra de la Calle, Blas: JAPON: FOTOGRAFIA S. XIX. (Japan: 19th Century Photographs). Museo Oriental.<br />

Valladolid: Catalog IV. Valladolid, 2001. 722 pp. Colour reproductions throughout. 24x17 cm. Paper. £55.00<br />

Catalogues the fine collection of 670 19th century Japanese photographs in the collection of the Museo Oriental, Valladolid. Divided<br />

into sections by various places in Japan and subject matter. Well-documented and illustrated. In addition to the photographs, there are<br />

over 100 prints with related images to the photographs. A valuable reference on the subject. Text in Spanish.<br />

101 Siga Prefectural Office ed: BEAUTIES OF OMI. Otsu, 1928. 28 b/w photographs, some tipped-in. One foldout.<br />

32x23 cm. Cloth. £65.00<br />

A pleasing and rare photographic souvenir of the province of Omi, showing lake and mountain scenery, historic sites and the town of<br />

Otsu. Dual text in English and Japanese.<br />

102 Skinner, Tina and Mary L. Martin: GEISHA: WOMEN OF JAPAN’S FLOWER AND WILLOW WORLD.<br />

Atglen, 2005. 238 pp. 582 colour and b/w plates. Glossary, bibliography. 32x24 cm. Cloth. £39.95<br />

The most comprehensive assembly of historic geisha images ever compiled as a book. Drawn chiefly from postcards and photographs,<br />

often hand-tinted, dating from 1900 through 1940.<br />

103 Taketoshi, Iwai ed: KYOKO MINKA FU. (Vernacular Architecture in the Kyoto Area). Kyoto. 1931 & 1934. 26<br />

pp. text & 55 loose b/w plates; 56 pp. text & 100 loose b/w plates. 2 vols. 32x24 cm. Decorative cloth. £650.00<br />

A fine two-volume work on the local architecture of the Kyoto area. The first part was issued in 1931 and its sequel in 1934. The first<br />

part has 110 black-and-white collotype photographs on 55 plates. The large sequel has 200 black-and-white photographs on 100<br />

plates. The plates in each part are accompanied by an explanatory text booklet and are in two portfolios. A wide range of houses, exterior<br />

views and domestic interiors plus some street shots are shown on the clear collotypes. Text in Japanese. Now very rare.<br />

104 Taki, Shodo: JAPAN TODAY. A Pictorial Guide. Tokyo, 1950. 371 pp. mainly ills. 26x18 cm. Stitched. £40.00<br />

Published by the Society for Japanese Cultural Information and made primarily for the consumption of the Occupation forces.<br />

105 Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography: THE ADVENT OF <strong>PHOTOGRAPHY</strong> IN JAPAN. Tokyo, 1997.<br />

183 pp. 228 illustrations, mostly in colour. Text in Japanese and English. 30x23 cm. Paper. £70.00<br />

Catalogue of an extensive exhibition that was also on show at Hakodate Museum of Art. 3 sections: on the period from 1646 to the introduction<br />

of photography in Japan, the mid-19th century, and the works of Shimooka Renjo, Shima Kakoku and Yokoyama Matsusaburo,<br />

until c. 1878.<br />

106 Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography: <strong>JAPANESE</strong> <strong>PHOTOGRAPHY</strong> — FORM IN/OUT. Part 1: From<br />

Its Introduction to 1945. Tokyo, 1996. 142 pp. 63 plates, some in colour. 21x15 cm. Paper. £40.00<br />

Small catalogue of the Museum’s regular exhibition. Text in Japanese and English. Photographers’ biography in Japanese only.<br />

107 Tourist Board of Kyoto comp: PHOTOGRAPHIC KYOTO. Kyoto, 1951. 6, 95 pp. B/w photographs throughout.<br />

21x15 cm. Boards. Front cover detaching. £35.00<br />

A photographic guide to Kyoto published in the early 1950s with a period feel to the numerous black-and-white photographs. In English<br />

and Japanese.

LIST 156 – 13 – <strong>JAPANESE</strong> <strong>PHOTOGRAPHY</strong><br />

108 Tsuchiya, C. J. ed: A GUIDE ON HAKONE. With Thermal Springs in That Locality. Kanagawa Ken, 1909. 2 pp.<br />

adverts, 1 pp. preface, 2, 33 pp. 13x10 cm. Decorative cloth. £35.00<br />

6th edition of this delightful and rare little guide to the Hakone locality in Japan.<br />

109 Tucker, Anne Wilkes et al: THE HISTORY OF <strong>JAPANESE</strong> <strong>PHOTOGRAPHY</strong>. 2003. 405 pp. 356 colour<br />

illustrations. 31x25 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

A comprehensive history of Japanese photography from the 1850s onwards. A detailed text and copiously-illustrated with colour and<br />

black-and-white plates. A useful reference.<br />

110 Underwood & Underwood: JAPAN THROUGH THE STEREOSCOPE. Arlington, n.d. (1904.) 100 cards, each<br />

mounted with 2 black-and-white stereoscopic photographs, (one of which hand-coloured). English text on back.<br />

18x9 cm. Cloth case. £2,650.00<br />

A very rare complete set of stereoscope photographs taken by the well-known American firm of photographers, Underwood & Underwood.<br />

The majority of the photographs bear the date 1904, a couple state 1896. Each pair of photographs is mounted on a card,<br />

numbered 1-100, and there is a full descriptive text in English of the depicted scene on the back of each card which also has the title<br />

of the scene on the back in English, French and other languages. Captions under the photographs in English. The photographs are in<br />

a cloth case that resembles two books. The subject matter is highly varied from views of ships in dock at Yokohama, street scenes, temples,<br />

gardens, castles, scenic views and much more. Full list of photographs as below. The photographs and the cards are in fine condition,<br />

the cloth case has some wear to its edges. The cloth case has the title in German ‘Japan durch das Stereoskop’ embossed in gilt<br />

but, other than captions in German on the back of the cards, English is the dominant language. Such complete sets are hardly ever<br />

seen.<br />

List of Slides:<br />

1. Greetings for Newcomers on Pacific Mail, Yokohama. 2. Picturesque Shops, Batsumati Street, Yokohama. 3. Sisters and Brothers<br />

in the Land of the Rising Sun, Yokohama. 4. Schoolhouse and Grounds. 5. Riding to Daijingu Temple. 6. Japanese Blacksmith at His<br />

Forge, Yokohama. 7. Fishing Boats Coming Home. 8. Peasants Cutting Millet near Yokohama. 9. Farmers with Bamboo Rakes. 10. Mississippi<br />

Bay near Yokohama. 11. Great Bronze Buddha, Kawakura. 12. Waterfall at Yumoto (Hakone). 13. Pilgrim Beggars Beating<br />

Gongs near Lake Kawaguchi. 14. Snowcapped Fuji. 15. Glorious Fuji through Pines. 16. Pilgrims Ascending Fujiyama. 17. Peering<br />

into Fujiyama’s Crater. 18. Looking out from Fujiyama over Lake Yamanaka. 19. Priests in Ikegami Temple in Omori, Japan. 20. Looking<br />

West from Nihonbashi. 21. Burden Bearers of Japan — Street Scene in Tokyo. 22. Under Cherry Blossoms in Shiba Park. 23. Martial<br />

Arts — Schoolboys in Ueno Park. 24. Home of Count Okuma in Tokyo. 25. Interior of Count Okuma’s House. 26. Count Okuma.<br />

27. Dwarf Pines and Maples in Count Okuma’s Greenhouse. 28. Charming Geishas Serving a Meal in Tokyo. 29. Asakusa Street.<br />

30. Worshippers in front of Asakusa Temple. 31. Watching a Free Show on Theatre Street. 32. Flower Lovers under the Wisteria from<br />

Round Bridge Kameido. 33. Worshippers at Kameido Temple, Tokyo. 34. The Main Gateway to Shinto Temple, Kameido. 35. Stairs up<br />

Mount Haruna at Ikao. 36. Children Playing — Karuizawa. 37. Asama- yama — Japan’s Largest Active Volcano. 38. Sudden Volcanic<br />

Explosion from Asama-yama. 39. Sculptures of Yomei-mon, Buddhist Temple of Yakushi, Nikko. 40. A Row of Images of the God of Light<br />

on the Bank of the Daiya River. 41. Stairway to Tomb of Shogun Ieyasu, Nikko. 42. Avenue of Noble Oryptomerias (trees), Nikko,<br />

Japan. 43. Setting Sun, Lake Chuzenji. 44. Japanese Lady in a Yama-kago. Going over the Daiya River near Nikko. 45. Rock Arch Island<br />

in Matsushima Bay. 46. Fisherman with Fishing Net. Matsushima Bay. 47. Peasant Housewife Weaving. 48. Wayfarers Resting<br />

under the Pines at Suzukawa. 49. Moated Castle at Nagoya. 50. Girl Sleeping on Futon. 51. Looking East from Miidera Temple.<br />

52. Midsummer Traffic, Kyoto. 53. Shijo Bridge, Kyoto. 54. Drooping Wisteria over Kyoto. 55. Bronze Bull Kitano Tenjin Temple,<br />

Kyoto. 56. Pine Tree Shaped into a Boat, Kyoto. 57. Morning Greetings in Kinkakuji Gardens. 58. Women Pilgrims Omuro Gosho<br />

Monastery near Kyoto. 59. Family Picnic Omuro Gosho, Kyoto. 60. Largest Buddhist Temple in Japan, Kyoto. 61. Under Sacred Torii,<br />

Temple of Inari, Kyoto. 62. Fortune Teller, Inari Temple, Kyoto. 63. A Gay Shinto Procession, Kyoto. Carrying Sacred Objects. 64.<br />

Yasaka Pagoda, Kyoto. 65. Famous Avenue near Kiyomizu, Kyoto. 66. Great Bell of Chiyon-in Temple, Kyoto. 67. Potter, Kinkosan,<br />

Kyoto. 68. Awata Kilns, Kinkosan, Kyoto. 69. Cloisonné Workers, Kyoto. 70. Gardens at Home of Mr. Namikawa, Kyoto. 71. Pretty<br />

Factory Girls Decorating Cheap Pottery, Kyoto. 72. Buddhist Cemetery in Kyoto. 73. Hozu Rapids on the Katsura River. 74. Rice Planting<br />

at Uji. 75. Transplanting Rice. 76. Picking Tea at Uji. 77. Counting Old Stone Lanterns, Nara. 78. Feeding Sacred Deer, Kasuga<br />

Temple, Nara. 79. Tennoji Temple, Osaka. 80. Osaka from the Tennoji Pagoda. 81. Dotombori or Theatre Street, Osaka. 82. Feudal<br />

Castle, Osaka. 83. Stone Lanterns at Sumiyoshi, Osaka. 84. Sacred Lotus Flowers, Osaka. 85. Funeral Procession of a Rich Buddhist,<br />

Osaka. 86. Looking Out over Kobe from Suwa-yama. 87. Street Performer, Kobe. 88. The Inland Sea from the Harima Shore. 89. Fishing<br />

Village of Obatake. 90. Inside a Hotel near Hiroshima. 91. Sacred Torii Rising from the Sea, Miyajima. 92. Farmers Wives Heading<br />

Barley near Iwakuni. 93. Five Arch Bridge over the Nishi Kigawa at Iwakuni. 94. Flailing Barley beside a Fishing Beach Looking<br />

towards Oshima. 95. Crossing the Lake on Stepping Stones, Suizenji Park, Kumamoto. 96. Looking towards Kumamoto across Rice<br />

Fields. 97. Watching an Eruption of Steam and Mud, Aso-San Volcano. 98. Sulphorous Vapours from the Crater’s Depths at Aso-san.<br />

99. Fortified Hills above Port of Nagasaki. 100. Coaling the Pacific Mail SS Siberia at the Fortified Naval Station of Nagasaki.<br />

111 Winkel, Margarita: SOUVENIRS FROM JAPAN. Japanese Photography at the Turn of the Century. London,<br />

1991. 160 pp. 70 colour, 106 duotones, and 9 b/w plates. 22x25 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

An excellent work giving a broad sweep of the state of Japanese photography at the beginning of the 20th century. A wide range of<br />

subject matter from scenery to people are illustrated.<br />

112 Worswick, Clark ed: JAPAN. Photographs 1854-1905. London, 1980. 151 pp. 110 photographs, 16 in colour. 24x29<br />

cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

The author has selected the photographs from hundreds of albums of the day and has written an accompanying text. A good overview<br />

of early Japanese photography.<br />

113 Yokohama Kaiko Shiryo Kan ed: MEIJI NO NIHON — YOKOHAMA SHASHIN NO SEKAI. (Japan of the<br />

Meiji Period — The World of Yokohama Photography). Yokohama, 1990. viii, 247 pp. 726 illustrations in colour.<br />

30x23 cm. Cloth. £70.00<br />

A profusely illustrated history of early Japanese photography. First part shows topographical views, and the later part is people and<br />

customs. Contains many hitherto unpublished photographs.<br />

114 Yoshinaga Masayuki: BOSOZOKU. London, 2002. 90 pp. in concertina. 120 colour plates. 20x28 cm. Cloth.<br />

£29.95<br />

Japan’s leading maverick photographer reveals a unique vision of the notorious Japanese bike gangs. Yoshinaga is a leading fashion<br />

and reportage photographer.

<strong>TANG</strong> ARCHAEOLOGY – 14 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

<strong>TANG</strong> ARCHAEOLOGY<br />

115 Academia Sinica: <strong>TANG</strong> CHANG’AN DAMING GONG. Ta Ming Kung of the T’ang Capital Ch’ang An.<br />

Kaoguxue Zhuankan, IV:11. Beijing, 1959. 62 pp. Chinese, 2 pp. Russian, 2 pp. English. 76 plates, map, numerous<br />

text-figures. 27x19 cm. Quarter-cloth. £80.00<br />

Report on the excavations of the vast seventh-century palace Daming Gong of the Tang dynasty. Accompanied by numerous plans and<br />

diagrams. RBS 5:396. A rare report.<br />

116 Baoji Shi Kaogu Gongzuo Dui: LONGXIAN YUANZITOU. Yuanzitou Site at Longxian. 隴縣原子頭. Beijing,<br />

2005. 34, 310 pp. text plus 32 pp. colour and 48 pp. colour plates 27x19 cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

Excavation report on the Yuanzitou site near the city of Baoji in Shaanxi. The site contained important remains from the Yangshao culture<br />

but of equal interest and importance were finds from Tang dynasty tombs on the site which included silver templates for papercuts<br />

and silver decorative plaques showing Caucasian hunters in nomad-style clothing. Four page English abstract. In Chinese.<br />

117 BISHANG DANQING: SHAANXI CHUTU BIHUA JI. (A Compendium of Murals Excavated in Shaanxi<br />

Province). 壁上丹青:陝西出土壁畫集. Beijing, 2009. xv, 12, 409 pp. c. 400 pp. full page colour plates. A number<br />

of b/w text drawings. 2 vols. 29x22 cm. Boards. £145.00<br />

Large two-volume work illustrated throughout with fine full page colour plates of murals from tombs throughout China’s Shaanxi<br />

province. The work is arranged chronologically from the Qin to the Tang with the majority of murals illustrated being from the Han<br />

and Tang dynasties. Introductory essay and introduction to each tomb whose murals are shown. In Chinese.<br />

118 Chen Yongzhi ed: NEIMENGGU CHUTU WADANG. (Eave Tiles Ecavated in Inner Mongolia).<br />

內蒙古出土瓦當 。 陳永志 主編. Beijing, 2003. 9, 296 pp. 46 pp. colour plates and numerous pp. b/w rubbings<br />

of designs from eave tiles. B/w text illustrations. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

An interesting selection of eave tiles and their design dating from the Warring States to the Tang and excavated in Inner Mongolia. Illustrated<br />

throughout. In Chinese.<br />

119 Doar, Bruce & Susan Dewar ed: CHINA ARCHAEOLOGY AND ART DIGEST 1:4. Hong Kong, 1997. iv, 218<br />

pp. Text illustrations. Indexes. 26x18 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Covering the period Oct-Dec 1996, this issue has articles on Foreign Deities in Wei-Tang Woven Silks by Zhao Feng, and A Preliminary<br />

Study of the Silk Textiles Excavated at Dulan. In addition are all the useful reviews etc. of Chinese journals.<br />

120 China Institute of America: BUDDHIST SCULPTURE FROM CHINA. Selections from the Xi’an Beilin<br />

Museum, Fifth through Ninth Centuries. New York, 2007. 155 pp. Numerous colour plates and b/w illustrations.<br />

28x22 cm. Paper. £40.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the China Institute in New York showing 66 very fine examples of Buddhist sculpture from the collection<br />

of the Xi’an Beilin Museum — the Forest of Steles. The exhibits date from the Northern Wei through to the Tang dynasty and include<br />

much excavated material, including recent finds in 2003 of Northern Zhou sculpture. All exhibits illustrated and very well-described<br />

in much detail.<br />

121 Cooke, Bill: IMPERIAL CHINA: THE ART OF THE HORSE IN CHINESE HISTORY. Prospect, 2001. 180<br />

pp. 164 colour illus. 30x22 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

A superb selection of artefacts relating to the horse in Chinese art drawn from museum collections in Shaanxi province, China. Includes<br />

bronze fittings, chariots, swords, gold ornaments, tomb figurines from the Tang Yuan and Ming. With useful essays.<br />

122 Eskenazi Ltd: <strong>TANG</strong>. London, 1987. 85 pp. 41 pieces illustrated in colour. Glossary, bibliography. 30x21 cm.<br />

Paper. £55.00<br />

Sumptuous catalogue to an exhibition of gold and silver, bronze, stone and ceramics, all dating from the Tang period. Includes an introduction<br />

by William Watson: Tang Style.<br />


Famensi Digong Zhenbao. Shaanxi Zhenshi Wenwu Congshu 2. Xi’an, 1989. 136 pp. 61 colour plates. 26x23 cm.<br />

Paper. £25.00<br />

Popular account of the spectacular finds of gold and silver objects dating from the Tang period. Text in Chinese and English.<br />

124 Fan Yingfeng: SILU HUREN WAILAIFENG — <strong>TANG</strong>DAI HUYONG ZHAN. Exotic Flavor of the Foreigners<br />

on the Silk Road — Terracotta Hu Man of the Tang Dynasty. 絲路胡人外來風 — 唐代胡俑展 。 樊英峰 主編.<br />

Beijing, 2008. 207 pp. Colour plates throughout. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £50.00<br />

Very good work exploring the depiction of foreigners in Chinese tomb figurines dating from the Tang dynasty. The term ‘Hu’ in the title<br />

is an old Chinese word for foreigner. The foreigners depicted are of Central Asian origin and came to China as a result of Silk Road<br />

trade. Full page colour plates throughout showing numerous fine examples. Essays accompany. An excellent visual reference. Near<br />

dual text in Chinese and English including captions to plates.<br />

125 FO SHELI WUZHONG BAO TA. The Precious Quintuple Dagoba (Five Precious Buddhist Pagoda-Style Relics).<br />

佛舍利五重寶塔. Beijing, 2008. 281 pp. Numerous full page colour plates, colour text plates, b/w text drawings.<br />

2 foldouts. 30x22 cm. Boards. £80.00<br />

A detailed survey of a stunning Chinese Buddhist stone pagoda with carved and painted decoration and with accompanying stone<br />

guardians. The pagoda is about 175 cm in height and contains within four smaller pagodas, made respectively of iron, bronze, silvergilt<br />

and stone. This amazing Buddhist object was taken abroad at an early unspecified date and returned to China in 2007. The large<br />

outer pagoda and the four contained within appear to have been made at various times ranging from the Tang through to the Northern<br />

Song dynasties. All five pagodas are here illustrated in full and in exhaustive close-up detail in fine colour plates. Text in Chinese.<br />

126 GAOLING ZHANGBO QIN HAN <strong>TANG</strong> MU. (The Qin Han and Tang Tombs at Zhangbo in Gaoling County).<br />

高陵張卜秦漢唐墓. Xi’an, 2004. 7, 142 pp. text plus 48 pp. b/w plates. Numerous b/w text drawings. 26x19 cm.<br />

Boards. £40.00<br />

Zhangbo is located in China’s Shaanxi province. This reports surveys a number of tombs found in the area dating from the Qin, Han<br />

and Tang dynasties. Four page abstract in English. main text in Chinese.

LIST 156 – 15 – <strong>TANG</strong> ARCHAEOLOGY<br />

127 Gong Guoqiang: SUI <strong>TANG</strong> CHANG’AN CHENG FO SI YANJIU. (Research into Buddhist Temples in<br />

Chang’an during the Sui and Tang Dynasties). 隋唐長安城佛寺研究 。 龔國強 著. Beijing, 2006. 1, 4, 8, 293 pp.<br />

A few b/w text illustrations. 2 foldouts. 20x14 cm. Wrappers. £25.00<br />

Detailed study of the Buddhist temples that flourished in China’s ancient capital during the Sui and Tang dynasties, their religious life<br />

and influence. In Chinese.<br />

128 Gongyi Municipal Office for Preservation of Ancient Monuments: HUANGYE <strong>TANG</strong> SANCAI YAO. Threecolour<br />

Glazed Pottery Kilns of the Tang Dynasty at Huangye. 黃冶唐三彩窯. Beijing, 2000. xviii, 81 pp. text plus<br />

74 pp. colour and 34 pp. b/w plates. 29x22 cm. Boards. £45.00<br />

An interesting report of finds of Tang sancai (tricolour) wares at the Huangye kiln in Henan province. Very well-illustrated with numerous<br />

pieces (bowls, small figurines, tripods, animals, shards, moulds) in many different forms. Text in Chinese only.<br />

129 Gugong Museum: DIAO SHI RU SHENG: GUGONG CANG SUI <strong>TANG</strong> TAOYONG. (Carved and Clothed<br />

as if Alive: Sui and Tang Dynasty Tomb Figurines in the Collection of the Gugong Museum). 雕飾如生 :<br />

故宮藏隋唐陶俑. Beijing, 2006. 174 pp. Colour plates throughout. 31x23 cm. Wrappers. £50.00<br />

Excellent work on the collection of Sui and Tang tomb figurines in the collection of the Gugong Museum in Beijing. 120 examples are<br />

shown in full page colour plates, ranging from horses and courtesans to dancers, camels, acrobats and a few non-Chinese figures. A<br />

good visual reference. Text in Chinese.<br />

130 Gugong Museum: ZHENG ZHENDUO JUANXIAN DAJIA. (Zheng Zhenduo’s Gift to the Nation).<br />

鄭振鐸捐獻大家 : (上卷)鄭振鐸捐獻陶俑選、 (下卷)鄭振鐸文博文選. Beijing, 2005. 262; 2, 124 pp.<br />

199 pp. colour plates. 2 vols. 33x26 cm. Cloth. £150.00<br />

An excellent high-quality catalogue of the Zheng Zhenduo donation to the Gugong Museum in Beijing of 211 fine examples of Chinese<br />

tomb figurines dating from the Han to the Tang from early and mid 20th century archaeological excavations. The figurines are wellillustrated<br />

in large colour plates. A second volume provides a selection Zheng’s related writings. (Titles of the two collections are<br />

given here in characters.) All text in Chinese.<br />

131 Han Sheng ed: FAMEN SI WENWU TUSHI. Famen Temple. 法門寺文物圖師. Beijing, 2009. 475 pp. Full page<br />

colour plates throughout. 31x23 cm. Cloth. £125.00<br />

Excellent visual record showing the fabulous Tang dynasty treasures found in the underground crypt at Famen Temple in China’s<br />

Shaanxi province. Gold and silver Buddhist relics, statuary, textiles and ceramics, all illustrated in fine full page colour plates. In Chinese.<br />

132 He Wu ed: GU MINGQI JIANSHANG TULU. (The Appreciation of Ancient Tomb Figurines). Beijing, 1996. 217<br />

pp. B/w illustrations throughout. 37x26 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

A selection of tomb figurines and objects dating from the Han to the Tang. The illustrations of awful quality. In Chinese only.<br />

133 Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology et al. ed: HUANGYE YAO KAOGU XIN FAXIAN.<br />

The New Archaeological Discovery at Huangye Kiln Site. 黃冶窯考古發現. Zhengzhou, 2005. 185 pp. 159 pp.<br />

colour plates. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £55.00<br />

Excavation report on the Huangye Kiln site in Gongyi in China’s Henan province. The fine colour plates show 147 excavated examples<br />

of Tang sancai and wares with various colour glazes. Includes a seven page essay: The Excavation and Preliminary Study of<br />

Tang Tricolour-Glaze Kiln Site at Huangye in Gongyi. Dual text in Chinese and English including captions.<br />

134 Hiraoka Takeo; Yang Lisan trans: CHANG’AN YU LUOYANG. (Chang’an and Luoyang). 長安 與 洛陽<br />

(地圖) 。 平岡 武夫 著;楊勵三 譯. Xi’an, 1957. 86 pp. text. 30 folding maps. 25x18 cm. Paper booklet, and<br />

loose sheets, in cloth case. £150.00<br />

Folding maps and descriptions of the Tang period cities of Chang’an and Luoyang. With much detail showing streets, palaces, gardens.<br />

A scarce work. In Chinese.<br />

135 Hong Kong Museum of Art: TREASURES OF CHANG’AN. Capital of the Silk Road. 長安瑰寶 ‥ 絲路之都.<br />

Hong Kong, 1993. 270 pp. Over 100 colour plates. 27x21 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Hong Kong Museum of Art showing many fine works of art and artefacts produced in the ancient capital<br />

of Chang’an during the Han and Tang periods and excavated in the last few decades. Objects loaned by Chinese museums. Text<br />

in English and Chinese.<br />

136 Hubei Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics ed: CHANGJIANG SANXIA GONGCHENG WENWU BAOHU<br />

XIANGMU BAOGAO YIZHONG DI YI HAO: ZIGUI MIAOPING. Reports on the Cultural Relics<br />

Conservation in the Three Gorges Dam Project B (site report) Vol. 1: The Miaoping Site in Zigui, Hubei.<br />

長江三峽工程文物保護項目報告 : 乙種第一號 : 秭歸廟坪. Beijing, 2003. xiv, 324 pp. text plus 4 pp. colour<br />

and 87 pp. b/w plates. B/w text illustrations, 1 foldout. 30x21 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

Archaeological report on the Miaoping site in Zigui county, Hubei. The strata at the site can be divided into six periods: Neolithic, Zhou<br />

and Han, Six Dynasties, Tang-Song and Ming. An interesting report with much detail on a site that has had continual occupation for<br />

thousands of years. One page English abstract. Main text in Chinese.<br />

137 Institute of Archaeology, Shaanxi Province: <strong>TANG</strong>DAI HUANGPU TONGCHUAN. Excavation of a Tang Kilnsite<br />

at Huangpu in Tongchuan Shaanxi. Beijing, 1992. 14, 539 pp. text volume with over 280 text illustrations. 184<br />

plates, 40 in colour. 2 vols. 36x27 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

Report of excavations of workshops making Tang tri-coloured glazed pottery, three kilns for firing the same, eight workshops for making<br />

porcelain, five kilns, etc. plus tens of thousands of sherds. With a ten-page English résumé.<br />


<strong>TANG</strong> BIMU HUA JUAN. Charm and Brilliance: An Appraisal of the National Treasures in the Shaanxi Provincial<br />

Museum: Tang Dynasty Tomb Frescoes. 神韻與輝煌 : 陝西歷史博物館國寶鑒賞 : 唐墓壁畫卷 。 冀東山<br />

主編. Xi’an, 2006. 241 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x21 cm. Wrappers. £40.00<br />

Shows and discusses the finest examples of murals and frescoes from Tang dynasty tombs in the collection of the Shaanxi Provincial<br />

Museum in Xi’an. A total of 145 examples are illustrated in colour and discussed. Foreword, preface, list of plates and title description<br />

of each object in English. Main text in Chinese.

<strong>TANG</strong> ARCHAEOLOGY – 16 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />


TAOYONG JUAN. Charm and Brilliance: An Appraisal of the National Treasures in the Shaanxi Provincial<br />

Museum: The Pottery Figures. 神韻與輝煌 : 陝西歷史博物館國寶鑒賞 : 陶俑卷 。 冀東山 主編. Xi’an,<br />

2006. 181 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x21 cm. Wrappers. £40.00<br />

Shows and discusses the finest examples of pottery figurines from tombs in the collection of the Shaanxi Provincial Museum in Xi’an.<br />

The objects date from the Han to the Tang. A total of 121 examples are illustrated in colour and discussed. Foreword, preface, list of<br />

plates and title description of each object in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />


QINGTONGQI JUAN. Charm and Brilliance: An Appraisal of the National Treasures in the Shaanxi Provincial<br />

Museum: The Bronzes. 神韻與輝煌 : 陝西歷史博物館國寶鑒賞 : 青銅器卷 。 冀東山 主編. Xi’an, 2006.<br />

225 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x21 cm. Wrappers. £45.00<br />

Shows and discusses the finest bronzes and gilt-bronzes in the collection of the Shaanxi Provincial Museum in Xi’an. A total of 108<br />

examples are illustrated in colour and discussed. The material illustrated dates from the Shang to the Tang and comes from tombs in<br />

Shaanxi. Foreword, preface, list of plates and title description of each object in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

141 JIANGXI YUSHAN DUKOU WUZHOU YAOZHI. Wuzhou Kiln Remains in Dukou, Yushan County, Jiangxi<br />

Province. 江西玉山瀆口婺州窯址. Beijing, 2008. 4, 14, 189, 104 pp. 104 pp colour plates and numerous b/w<br />

drawings. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

The Wuzhou kiln in China’s Jiangxi province was active during the Tang and Song dynasties producing wares with greenish and brown<br />

glazes. This is a detailed report on the excavation of the kilns and shows hundreds of examples of these wares found at the site. Three<br />

page English abstract. Main text in Chinese.<br />

142 Lally, J. J. & Co: ANCIENT CHINA. Jades, Bronzes & Ceramics. New York, 1999. 68 pp. 32 colour plates. A few<br />

text drawings. 28x21 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Spring ’99 exhibition showing an extraordinary collection of Chinese jade from the Neolithic to the Song, with Neolithic ritual objects,<br />

archaic jade pendants and Song dynasty jade animals. Also features archaic bronze vessels from the Shang to the Han and ceramics<br />

from the Han to the Tang. A fine assembly of 42 objects.<br />

143 Lam, Timothy See-Yiu: <strong>TANG</strong> CERAMICS. Changsha Kilns. Hong Kong, 1990. 368 pp. 228 plates, 97 in colour,<br />

504 illustrations. 28x21 cm. Cloth. £150.00<br />

A detailed study of the ceramics ware from the Changsha kilns in Hunan Province, manufactured during the Tang period (AD 618-<br />

907).<br />

144 Li Baijing: <strong>TANG</strong>FENG JIANZHU YINGZAO. (A Study of Tang Style Architecture). 唐風建築營造 。 李百進<br />

編著. Beijing, 2007. 48 pp. Colour plates. 742 pp. B/w illustrations and architectural drawings throughout. 29x22<br />

cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

A detailed and focussed work on Chinese architecture of the Tang dynasty with much illustration and architectural drawing. Also assesses<br />

the influence of the Tang dynasty style on other architecture in China and Japan. In Chinese.<br />

145 Li Enwei et al. ed: XINGTAI LIANGKU YIZHI. (Remains Found at the Granary at Xingtai). 邢台糧庫遺址 。<br />

李恩瑋 等 主編. Beijing, 2005. xii, 334 pp. text plus 4 pp. colour and 20 pp. b/w plates. Numerous b/w text<br />

drawings. 1 foldout. 26x19 cm. Boards. £35.00<br />

Archaeological report on the finds found at the construction site of a granary in Xingtai in China’s Hebei province. The richest finds<br />

dated from the Shang and the Tang dynasties and included some fine quality Tang ceramics indicating the importance of Xingtai as a<br />

ceramic production centre at the time. Two page English abstract. Main text in Chinese.<br />

146 Li Song: CHANG’AN YISHU YU ZONGJIAO WENMING. Arts and Religious Civilization of Chang’an.<br />

長安藝術與宗教文明。李淞 著. Beijing, 2002. 3, 14, 535 pp. B/w illustrations and numerous drawings<br />

throughout. 23x17 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

Mainly discusses, in some detail, the artistic and religious life in Xi’an (then Chang’an, the ancient capital of China) during the Northern<br />

Wei and the Tang dynasty. In Chinese.<br />

147 Li Xingming: <strong>TANG</strong>DAI MUSHI BIHUA YANJIU. A Study of Tang Tomb Murals. 唐代墓室壁畫研究 。<br />

李星明 著. Xi’an, 2005. 428 pp. Numerous colour, b/w illustrations and b/w text drawings. 28x21 cm.<br />

Wrappers. £50.00<br />

A comprehensive monograph on Tang dynasty tomb murals with extensive detail and illustration. In three main sections. Part One provides<br />

a chronological dating of murals and groups murals by region. Part Two explores the composition and content of Tang tomb murals.<br />

Part Three examines murals in the context of the history of Tang dynasty painting. Text in Chinese.<br />

148 Lin Yeqiang ed: BAOYUN YINGXIANG: CHENGXUN <strong>TANG</strong> CANG JIN. Celestial Creations: Art of the<br />

Chinese Goldsmith: The Cheng Xun Tang Collection. 寶蘊迎祥 : 承訓堂藏金 。 林業強 主編. Hong Kong,<br />

2007. 704 pp. Colour plates throughout. 2 vols. 29x21 cm. Wrappers. £160.00<br />

Large two-volume catalogue of an exhibition held at the Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong providing an excellent<br />

survey of early Chinese gold dating from the Shang through to the Yuan dynasties. All the exhibits come from the Hong Kong-held Cheng<br />

Xun Tang collection. Divided into sections: Shang-Warring States (36 pieces); Han-Northern and Southern Dynasties (42); Sui-Tang<br />

(25); Song (33); Liao and Jin (21); Yuan (39). All pieces illustrated in colour and described. Near dual texts in Chinese and English.<br />

149 Liu Yonghua: ZHONGGUO GUDAI CHE YU MAJU. (Ancient Chinese Carriages and Horse Fittings).<br />

中國古代車輿馬具 。 劉永華 著. Shanghai, 2002. vi, 201 pp. Colour illustrations, b/w illustrations and text<br />

drawings throughout. 37x26 cm. Paper. £55.00<br />

An examination and study of ancient Chinese carriages and the trappings and fittings of the horses and other animals that drew them.<br />

Discusses the origins of carriages and then traces their development chronologically from the pre-Qin period through to the Tang dynasty.<br />

Draws on excavated material and sites from pre-Qin horse burial pits to murals and figurines in Tang tombs. The illustrations<br />

are primarily detailed colour drawings showing reconstructions of the carriages and horses and the fittings. There are also detailed<br />

and accurate drawings of relics as discovered in situ in pits and tombs plus numerous black-and-white drawings of various individual<br />

fittings and artefacts. An excellent contribution to the subject. Slight bumps to covers, otherwise fine. Now out-of-print. In Chinese.

LIST 156 – 17 – <strong>TANG</strong> ARCHAEOLOGY<br />

150 Liu Yunhui ed: BEIZHOU SUI<strong>TANG</strong> JINGJI YUQI. (Jades Unearthed from the Capitals of the Northern Zhou,<br />

Sui and Tang Dynasties). 北周隋唐京畿玉器 。 劉雲輝 編者. Chongqing, 2000. 135 pp. Colour plates throughout.<br />

28x21 cm. Paper. £70.00<br />

Shows approximately 100 beautiful jade objects dating from the Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties unearthed in and around the<br />

capital cities of these dynasties. Jades shown include ritual objects, jewellery, hairpins, belt plaques etc. Caption list and introduction<br />

(The Noble Prospect of Tang Jades) in English, otherwise a comprehensive Chinese text .<br />

151 Lu Junmao & Zhang Guozhu ed: XI’AN GU CIPIAN. Fragmentary Ceramics of Ancient Xi’an. 西安古瓷片 。<br />

盧均茂、 張國柱 編著. Xi’an, 2003. 128 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

A study of Chinese ceramic sherds excavated in the Xi’an area. The sherds date from the Tang through to the Qing dynasties and come<br />

from various kilns. A wide variety of sherds are illustrated in colour and briefly described in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

152 Luo Xizhe ed: <strong>TANG</strong> HUAQING GONG. The Site of the Tang Imperial Garden Huaqing Gong. 唐華清宮 。<br />

駱希哲 編著. Beijing, 1998. 52, 623 pp. text and 16 pp. colour and 192 pp. b/w plates. 27x20 cm. Cloth. £55.00<br />

Extensive archaeological report of the excavations and findings at the site of the Tang imperial garden Huaqinggong, located 30 km<br />

east of Xi’an at the northern foot of Mount Lishan in an area of hot springs. Finds included artefacts from the Neolithic period to the<br />

Tang (embossed bricks, tile-ends etc.), enclosing walls, remains of palace buildings and other garden structures, imperial baths for<br />

use by various members of the Tang court. Copiously-illustrated. 9 page English and 7 page Japanese abstracts, otherwise Chinese<br />

only.<br />

153 LUOYANG GU YU TUPU. (Ancient Jades from Luoyang). 洛陽古玉圖譜. Luoyang, 2004. 148 pp. Colour plates<br />

throughout. 28x21 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

Well-illustrated work on jades excavated from sites in the Luoyang area. 145 examples are shown dating from the Xia through to the<br />

Tang dynasty. The vast majority of the material is early. In Chinese.<br />

154 Michaelson, Carol: GILDED DRAGONS. Buried Treasures from China’s Golden Ages. London, 1999. 160 pp.<br />

175 colour and 15 line drawings. 26x22 cm. Paper. £15.00<br />

Concentrating on the Tang dynasty, and illustrated with the most recent archaeological finds, this important British Museum exhibition<br />

displayed ritual objects of gold and silver, including wonderful items from the well-known Famensi Temple discoveries. Detailed<br />

captions and an illustrated historical introduction.<br />

155 National Museum of History: HENAN SHENG YUN TAI GUWU TULU. (An Illustrated Catalogue of Artefacts<br />

from Henan Province Taken to Taiwan). 河南省運臺古物圖錄. Taibei, 1999. 160 pp. Colour plates. 30x22 cm.<br />

Paper. £45.00<br />

A collaborative work between the Henan Museum and the National Museum of History in Taibei detailing and depicting the 38 crates<br />

of artefacts from Henan province that were taken to Taiwan in 1949 by the Nationalists. The artefacts included Xinzheng bronzes,<br />

jades, Tang sancai tomb statuary, objects from the Yinxu excavations, textiles etc. The work is most interesting in apparently being a<br />

first effort to collate these artefacts. Lists of the artefacts are given and a good number of major pieces illustrated in colour. In Chinese.<br />

156 National Museum of History: <strong>TANG</strong> SANCAI TEZHAN TULU. The Special Exhibition of Tang Tri colour.<br />

唐三彩特展圖錄. Taibei, 1998. 172 pp. 122 pp. colour plates. 29x21 cm. Paper. £49.00<br />

Catalogue of a fine exhibition of Tang sancai wares — tomb figurines and ceramics — from the Museum’s collection which, prior to<br />

1949, comprised part of the Henan Museum holdings. Preface and captions in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

157 National Museum of History ed: HENAN GUDAI CIYAO. The Ancient Kilns of Henan Province. 河南古代瓷窯.<br />

Taibei, 2002. 287 pp. Colour plates and illustrations throughout. 30x22 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

A useful work on the kilns of Henan and their products, dating from the Tang, Northern Song, Jin and Yuan dynasties. The pictures<br />

and text have been provided by the Cultural Relics and Archaeological Institute of Henan province. Numerous illustrations throughout<br />

in colour of sherds and reconstructed pieces of tricolour, Ru, Jun, sgraffito, celadons and other wares. One page introduction in<br />

English. All main texts in Chinese. Of much use for collectors and researchers into early Chinese ceramics.<br />

158 Niu Lin & Ren Zhizhong ed: YUNNAN GUBEI JINGXUAN. (A Selection of Fine Rubbings from Yunnan).<br />

雲南古碑精選 。 牛霖、 任治忠 主編. Kunming, 2007. 12, 250 pp. B/w illustrations throughout. 38x27 cm.<br />

Cloth. £60.00<br />

A large selection of rubbings of inscriptions from archaeological and historical sites in China’s Yunnan province. The earliest inscriptions<br />

date from the Han, Tang, Song and Yuan. The majority date from the Ming onwards. Of much use and importance for the<br />

study of the culture of this historically fascinating province. In Chinese.<br />

159 Osaka Municipal Museum: ZUI TO NO BIJUTSU. (Arts of the Sui and Tang Periods). Exhibitions of Chinese Art<br />

3. Osaka, 1976. 84 pp. 54 plates with numerous illustrations. 26x18 cm. Paper. £10.00<br />

A broad selection of objects dating from the Sui and Tang Dynasties period exhibited at the Osaka Municipal Museum. From numerous<br />

public collections in Japan. In Japanese only.<br />

160 Qinghai Sheng Wenwu Kaogu Yanjiusuo et al ed: DULAN TUFAN MU. Tibetan Tombs at Dulan Qinghai.<br />

都蘭吐蕃墓. Beijing, 2005. viii, 171 pp. text plus 40 pp. colour plates. Numerous b/w text drawings. 27x19 cm.<br />

Boards. £40.00<br />

Report on the excavation of four large and middle-scale Tibetan tombs at Dulan in Qinghai in 1999. The tombs date from the middle<br />

of the 8th century A.D. Of most interest amongst the finds were fragments of Tang-style fabrics and silks. Also small gold objects.<br />

Three page English abstract, otherwise Chinese text only.<br />

161 Rastelli, Sabrina ed: CHINA AT THE COURT OF THE EMPERORS. Unknown Masterpieces from Han<br />

Tradition to Tang Elegance (25-907). Milan, 2008. 317 pp. Colour plates throughout. 24x28 cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Palazzo Strozzi in Florence and then at the Museo di Antichita in Turin showing nearly 200 masterpieces<br />

of Chinese art from 32 museums in Shaanxi, Henan, Gansu and Jiangsu provinces, many never exhibited before in the West.<br />

The exhibition examined the period from the Eastern Han dynasty through to the Tang dynasty, during which Chinese civilization underwent<br />

radical transformation culminating in the rise of the Tang dynasty where the synthesis of foreign and indigenous elements created<br />

a dynamic cosmopolitan civilization. Contributions by eminent scholars.

<strong>TANG</strong> ARCHAEOLOGY – 18 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

162 RUYUAN ZEQIAOSHAN LIUCHAO SUI <strong>TANG</strong> MU. Burials of the Six Dynasties and the Sui and Tang<br />

Dynasties at Zeqiaoshan, Ruyuan. 乳源澤橋山六朝隋唐墓. Beijing, 2006. 11, 255 pp. text plus 126 pp. colour<br />

plates. Numerous b/w text drawings. 3 foldouts. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

The Zeqiaoshan cemetery is located in Ruyuan county in China’s Guangdong province. Discovered in 1984, the site was excavated in<br />

2000 and 85 burials dating from the Six Dynasties, Sui and Tang were found. The main finds were numerous fine ceramics, in particular,<br />

early celadons, numerous examples of which are here illustrated. Three page English abstract. Main text in Chinese.<br />

163 Shaanxi Archaeological Overseas Exhibit: DAILY LIFE OF ARISTOCRATS IN <strong>TANG</strong> CHINA. Wuhua Tianbao<br />

— Tangdai Guizu de Wuzhi Shenghuo. Hong Kong, 1993. 125 pp. Colour plates and illustrations, b/w illustrations<br />

and several text-figs. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition of 70 Tang period artefacts excavated in Shaanxi Province. Illustrated are a variety of objects, many never<br />

published before. Includes sculpture, gold and silver, ceramics, bronze mirrors, tomb figurines 20 page list of exhibits in English, some<br />

with brief descriptions and accompanied by black-and-white illustrations. Main text in Chinese.<br />

164 Shaanxi Archaeological Research Bureau et al. ed: <strong>TANG</strong> HUIZHUANG TAIZI LI HUI MU FAJUE BAOGAO.<br />

The Tomb of Prince Huizhuang of Tang Dynasty. 唐惠莊太子李撝墓發掘報告. Shaanxi Sheng Kaogu Yanjiusuo<br />

Tianye Kaogu Baogao Di 26 Hao. Beijing, 2004. vi, 137 pp. text plus 10 pp. colour and 26 pp. b/w plates. Numerous<br />

b/w text drawings. 1 foldout. 27x20 cm. Boards. £30.00<br />

Excavated in 1995-6, this is the detailed excavation report of the tomb of the Tang prince Huizhuang (d. 724 AD) fifth son of the Emperor<br />

Ruizong. The tomb yielded murals and numerous artefacts, including many fine colour-glazed tomb ceramics — horses and figurines.<br />

The tomb is also viewed of interest for the insight it gives into Tang history, rites and ceremonies. Two page English abstract.<br />

Main text in Chinese.<br />

165 Shaanxi Archaeological Research Bureau et al. ed: <strong>TANG</strong> JIEMIN TAIZI FAJUE MU. The Tomb of Prince<br />

Jiemin of Tang Dynasty. 唐節愍太子墓發掘報告. Shaanxi Sheng Kaogu Yanjiusuo Tianye Kaogu Baogao Di 28<br />

Hao. Beijing, 2004. xii, 214 pp. text plus 16 pp. colour and 36 pp. b/w plates. Numerous b/w text drawings. 2<br />

foldouts. 27x20 cm. Boards. £35.00<br />

Excavated in 1995, this is the detailed excavation report of the tomb of Tang crown prince Jiemin, who rebelled against the Empress<br />

Wei in 707 A.D., fled the court and was subsequently killed by his followers. Later exonerated, Jiemin was buried as a full prince. His<br />

tomb was decorated with fine murals and yielded numerous artefacts, including many fine colour-glazed tomb ceramics — horses and<br />

figurines. A good number of the murals and ceramics are illustrated. Two page English abstract. Main text in Chinese.<br />

166 Shaanxi Archaeological Research Bureau et al. ed: <strong>TANG</strong> XINCHENG CHANGGONGZHU MU. The Tomb of<br />

Princess Xincheng of Tang Dynasty. 唐新城長公主墓發掘報告. Shaanxi Sheng Kaogu Yanjiusuo Tianye Kaogu<br />

Baogao Di 27 Hao. Beijing, 2004. ix, 148 pp. text plus 18 pp. colour and 34 pp. b/w plates. Numerous b/w text<br />

drawings. 2 foldouts. 27x20 cm. Boards. £35.00<br />

Excavated in late 1994 to June 1995, this is the detailed excavation report of the tomb of the early Tang dynasty Princess Xincheng<br />

(daughter of Gaozong) who died in 663 A.D. The tomb yielded numerous artefacts and is notable for its fine murals and early Tang<br />

dynasty tomb figurines, a number of which are illustrated here. Useful four page English abstract. Main text in Chinese.<br />

167 SHAANXI FENGXIANG SUI <strong>TANG</strong> MU: 1983-1990 NIAN TIANYE KAOGU FAJUE BAOGAO. Tombs<br />

of the Sui and Tang Dynasties at Fengxiang of Shaanxi Province: The Excavation Report 1983-1990.<br />

陝西鳳翔隋唐墓:1983-1990年田野考古發掘報告. Field Archaeological Report No 57. Shaanxi Provincial<br />

Institute of Archaeology. Beijing, 2008. 4, 23, 335, 24, 112 pp. xxiv colour and cxii b/w plates. Numerous b/w<br />

drawings. 1 foldout. 29x27 cm. Boards. £70.00<br />

Excavation report on Sui and Tang dynasty tombs located around the historically important and wealthy town of Fengxiang in China’s<br />

Shaanxi province. The tombs yielded quantities of fine tomb figurines and extensive amounts of pottery including sancai, many of<br />

which are illustrated here. Five page English abstract. Detailed text in Chinese.<br />

168 Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology et al: FAMEN SI KAOGU FAJUE BAOGAO. Report of<br />

Archaeological Excavation at Famen Temple. 法門寺考古發掘報告. Beijing, 2007. 20, 393, 9 pp. text plus 256<br />

pp. colour plates. Numerous b/w text drawings. number of foldouts. 2 vols. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £95.00<br />

Long-awaited detailed and report on the excavation of the highly-important and famous Tang dynasty underground crypt at Famen<br />

temple and the treasures therein. The second volume entirely comprises colour plates showing the gold and silver plus other artefacts.<br />

Two page English abstract. Main text in Chinese.<br />

169 Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology: <strong>TANG</strong> CHANGAN LIQUANFANG SANCAI YAOZHI. The Kiln<br />

Site of Tricolor-Glazed Pottery at Liquanfang in Chang’an Capital City of Tang Dynasty. 唐長安醴泉坊三彩窯址.<br />

Shaanxi Sheng Kaogu Yanjiusuo Tianye Kaogu Baogao No 34. Beijing, 2008. 3, 14, 155 pp. text plus 127 pp colour<br />

plates. Numerous b/w text drawings. 29x22 cm. Boards. £70.00<br />

Excavation report on four Sui and Tang dynasty kiln sites located at Liquanfang near Xi’an in China. The kilns produced sancai wares<br />

and tomb figurines and a large selection of these finds are illustrated here. A good reference for the study of these ceramics. Two page<br />

English abstract. Main text in Chinese.<br />

170 Shaanxi Provincial Museum: <strong>TANG</strong> LI XIAN MU LI ZHONGRUN MU BIHUA. Murals in the Tomb of Li<br />

Hsien and Li Chung-Jun of the Tang Dynasty. Beijing, 1974. 10 pp. Chinese text, 22 pp. abstract in English and<br />

French. 90 colour plates. 53x40 cm. Silk. £150.00<br />

Excellent and large colour reproductions of the murals from the tombs of Li Xian and Li Zhongrun. The murals form an interesting introduction<br />

to the social, political and cultural history of the Tang period. With an 11 page abstract in English including list of plates.<br />

171 Shaanxi Provincial Museum ed: SHAANXI SHENG BOWUGUAN. (The Shaanxi Provincial Museum).<br />

Zhongguo Bowuguan. Beijing, 1983. 232 pp. 204 pieces illustrated on 139 colour plates & 69 b/w plates, 204 text<br />

figures. 37x27 cm. Cloth, box. £50.00<br />

High-quality and prolifically-illustrated account of the treasures of the Shaanxi Provincial Museum including bronzes, tomb figures<br />

of Han and Tang, Buddhist sculpture, tomb furnishings, and Tang gold and silver. In Chinese. Offered at a much reduced price to shift<br />

an accumulation of stock.

LIST 156 – 19 – <strong>TANG</strong> ARCHAEOLOGY<br />

172 Shaanxi Provincial Museum ed: SUI <strong>TANG</strong> WENHUA. (The Culture of Sui and Tang). Shanghai, 1997. 318 pp.<br />

Numerous plates and illustrations, all in colour. 31x23 cm. Boards. £85.00<br />

Profusely-illustrated account of the treasures of the Sui and Tang periods, including many of the amazing finds from recent archaeological<br />

excavations — pottery figurines, gold and silver, sculpture, architecture, painting and calligraphy, etc. Introduction and list of<br />

contents in English, main text in Chinese. Reprint of the original 1990 edition.<br />

173 SHANGHAI CHUTU <strong>TANG</strong> SONG YUAN MING QING YUQI. Jade Wares of the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming,<br />

Qing Unearthed from Shanghai. 上海出土唐宋元明清玉器. Shanghai, 2001. 244 pp. Colour plates throughout.<br />

31x24 cm. Boards. £80.00<br />

153 pieces of jade dating from the Tang through to the Qing and excavated from 11 sites in the Shanghai area. Includes Song, Jin and<br />

Yuan pieces from the Fahua Pagoda in Jiading, numerous Tang-Ming items from the Xilin Pagoda in Songjiang and artefacts from<br />

tombs in the area. Many small objects are illustrated, from figurines to animals, plaques, bi discs etc. Caption list in English. Main<br />

text in Chinese.<br />

174 Shanghai Museum & Shaanxi Museum ed: ZHOU QIN HAN <strong>TANG</strong> WENMING. The Civilization of Zhou,<br />

Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties. 周秦漢唐文明. Shanghai, 2004. 15, 305 pp. Colour plates throughout. 31x24 cm.<br />

Boards. £50.00<br />

Catalogue of an outstanding exhibition at the Shanghai Museum held at the end of 2004. The exhibition showed treasures dating from<br />

the Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang dynasties from the collection of the Shaanxi Provincial Museum and numerous other museums in Shaanxi<br />

province. The exhibition was in three sections: 1. Decorative Arts — including extraordinary Western Zhou bronzes and major new<br />

finds from the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huangdi. Further treasures in this section included objects from the Hejiacun gold hoard and<br />

four of the stone-carved steed of the Tang Emperor, Taizong. 2. Frescoes — 83 fine frescoes from tombs dating from the Qin to the Han.<br />

3. Famen Temple — 97 superb relics from the crypt at Famen Temple. List of exhibits, introductions to each major grouping of finds<br />

and captions in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

175 Shanxi Archaeological Institute ed: <strong>TANG</strong>DAI XUE JING MU FAJUE BAOGAO. (The Excavation Report of<br />

the Tang Dynasty Tomb of Xue Jing). 唐代薛儆墓發掘報告. Beijing, 2000. ix, 115 pp. text plus 100 pp. b/w plates.<br />

B/w text illustrations, 1 foldout. 27x20 cm. Boards. £40.00<br />

Excavation report of the thrice-looted Tang tomb of Xue Jing, who died in 720 AD and was married into, and closely related to, the<br />

Tang royal family. Located in southern Shanxi province, the tomb is of a large scale and the chief interest is the murals and stone carvings,<br />

rubbings of many of which are reproduced here. One page English abstract, otherwise Chinese only.<br />

176 SUI RENSHOU GONG — <strong>TANG</strong> JIUCHENG GONG: KAOGU FAJUE BAOGAO. (Excavation Reports on<br />

The Sui Dynasty Renshou Gong and the Tang Dynasty Jiucheng Gong). 隋仁壽宮。唐九成宮:考古發掘報告.<br />

Beijing, 2008. 4, x, 206 pp. 8 colour & 100 b/w plates. A few b/w drawings. 9 foldouts. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

The Renshou Gong (Palace of Compassion and Longevity) of the Sui dynasty and the Palace of Nine Accomplishments from the early<br />

Tang dynasty were two important imperial summer resorts situated in the hills 160 km from the ancient capital of Chang’an, nowadays<br />

Xi’an. This is a comprehensive archaeological report on excavations of these little-known imperial complexes. Mainly focusses<br />

on the architectural remains and associated finds. In Chinese.<br />

177 Taiyuan Shi Wenwu Kaogu Yanjiusuo ed: JINYANG GU CHENG. (The Ancient City of Jinyang). 晉陽古城.<br />

Beijing, 2005. 63 pp. Colour plates throughout. 28x21 cm. Paper. £18.00<br />

Jinyang is the former name for Taiyuan, the capital of China’s Shanxi province. This work shows a range of artefacts excavated from<br />

the city’s environs. The objects include ceramics, tomb figurines, bronzes, sculpture and murals which date from the Spring and Autumn<br />

Period through to the Tang. In Chinese.<br />

178 <strong>TANG</strong> DAMING GONG YIZHI KAOGU FAXIAN YU YANJIU. Archaeological Excavations and Researches<br />

on the Site of the Tang Daming Palace. 唐大明宮遺址考古發現輿研究. Beijing, 2007. 2, 2, 463 pp. text plus 24<br />

pp. colour and 124 pp. b/w plates. Numerous b/w text drawings and plans, a few foldouts. 29x22 cm. Boards.<br />

£60.00<br />

Detailed survey of excavations and finds over the last 50 years at the site of the Tang dynasty imperial palace, Daming Gong, located<br />

just outside Xi’an in China. A valuable contribution. In Chinese.<br />

179 <strong>TANG</strong> LI XIAN MU FAJUE BAOGAO. The Tomb of Li Xian of the Tang Dynasty. 唐李憲墓發掘報告. Shaanxi<br />

Sheng Kaogu Yanjiusuo Tianye Kaogu Baogao Di 29 Hao. Beijing, 2005. xv, 288 pp. text plus 16 pp. colour and<br />

40 pp. b/w plates. Numerous b/w text drawings, 4 foldouts. 27x19 cm. Boards. £35.00<br />

Detailed excavation of the tomb of the Tang prince Li Xian, important for its tomb murals and tomb figurines, a good number of which<br />

are illustrated. Two page English abstract, otherwise Chinese text.<br />

180 Tokyo National Museum: TREASURES OF ANCIENT CHINA. Tokyo, 2000. 326 pp. Numerous colour plates<br />

and b/w illustrations 30x23 cm. Paper. £50.00<br />

160 superb exhibits showing the cream of Chinese archaeological discoveries, both very recent and over the last few decades, ranging<br />

in date from the Neolithic to the Tang and Five Dynasties. Loaned from museums throughout China. Apart from the well-known<br />

objects — Terracotta Army Warriors, Longxing temple statuary etc., there are some little-known pieces — an incised gold sheath from<br />

Sanxingdui, a jade hairpin inlaid with turquoise, stunning northern Qi marble statuary, bronzes. The text also shows many of the objects<br />

in situ upon their discovery. An outstanding exhibition. Caption lists and brief introductions in English. Main text in Japanese.<br />

181 Wang Zili & Sun Fuxi ed: <strong>TANG</strong> JINXIANG XIANZHU MU. (The Tomb of the Tang Princess Jinxiang).<br />

唐金鄉縣主墓 。 王自力、 孫福熹 等 編著. Beijing, 2002. xiv, 127 pp. plus 130 colour and 4 b/w plates.<br />

Numerous text drawings. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £55.00<br />

Report on the excavation in 1991 of the tomb of the Tang princess Jinxiang, a granddaughter of Li Yuan, the first Tang emperor. Buried<br />

with her husband in 724 AD, the tomb is an interesting early Tang example. The artefacts of most note are the numerous tomb figurines<br />

of much variety, and jewellery. Two page English abstract, otherwise Chinese text.<br />

182 Watt, James C. Y. et al: CHINA: DAWN OF A GOLDEN AGE (200-750 AD). New Haven, 2004. xxiv, 392 pp.<br />

c. 300 colour illustrations. B/w illustrations. 31x23 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

Catalogue of an important exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the first comprehensive survey of Chinese art during<br />

this complex period. Lavishly illustrated and produced, the volume presents more than three hundred recent archaeological finds.

<strong>TANG</strong> ARCHAEOLOGY – 20 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

Includes gold artefacts made by the nomadic peoples from Mongolia, luxury articles of glass and precious metals from Western and<br />

Central Asia, early Chinese Buddhist sculptures and spectacular works in every medium from the Tang period. Essays by distinguished<br />

scholars provide a historical background, discuss the various media and trace the changes in art styles over a period that saw a radical<br />

modification of Chinese civilisation.<br />

183 As above. Paper. £37.00<br />


CHINA. Beijing, 1976. 54 pp. text. 128 plates, 28 in colour. 25x22 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

Catalogue of 100 pieces discovered in the People’s Republic of China, including Tang figurines, silk, pottery, jade, lacquer, murals,<br />

porcelain and bronzes. Text in Chinese and English.<br />

185 Whitfield, Susan ed: LA ROUTE DE LA SOIE: UN VOYAGE A TRAVERS LA VIE ET LA MORT. (The Silk<br />

Road: A Journey Crossing Life and Death). Brussels, 2009. 207 pp. Colour and b/w plates throughout. 28x24 cm.<br />

Wrappers. £45.00<br />

Catalogue of a major exhibition at the Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire exploring the culture and art of the Silk Road through the<br />

archaeological record and comprising important loans from Chinese museums including the National Museum of China, the Gansu<br />

Provincial Museum, the Shaanxi History Museum and numerous other museums located in the Silk Road area, some of whose collections<br />

are little-known and exhibited. The exhibition is wide-ranging in its scope and includes sections examining the Tangut empire,<br />

the various religions practised along the Silk Road, Steppe cultures, Buddhist temples in the Taklamakan Desert, bronze and gold<br />

found at various sites and much more. Illustrated throughout. Text in French.<br />

186 Wu Limin and Han Jinke: FAMENSI DIGONG <strong>TANG</strong> MI MANCHALUO ZHI YANJIU. Studies of Tang<br />

Dynasty Mandala in the Famen Monastery Crypt. Hong Kong, 1990 510 pp. Over 200 colour illustrations. 27X20<br />

cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

A thorough documentation of the highly-important find of Tang dynasty gold and silver Buddhist relics at Famen temple. Details the<br />

find, its excavation, a detailed examination and discussion of the objects, their inscriptions etc. An important contribution. In Chinese.<br />

187 WUDAI HUANGPU YAOZHI. (The Remains of the Five Dynasties Huangpu Kiln). Beijing, 1997. 17, 318 pp.<br />

and 104 pp. plates of which 8 in colour. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

Excavated between 1984 and 1992, the Huangpu Kiln site south of Xi’an yielded large amounts of Tang, Five Dynasties, Song, Jin and<br />

Yuan material, including tricolour, celadons and numerous other glazed wares. 8 page English abstract, otherwise Chinese only. Produced<br />

by the Institute of Archaeology, Shaanxi.<br />

188 WUZHONG BEIJIAO BEIWEI <strong>TANG</strong> MU. Northern Wei and Tang Tombs at the Northern Outskirts of<br />

Wuzhong City. 吳忠北郊北魏唐墓. Beijing, 2009. 13, 294 pp. text plus 40 pp. colour and 56 pp. b/w plates.<br />

Numerous b/w text drawings. 29x22 cm. Boards. £75.00<br />

Report on the excavation of a Northern Wei and Tang dynasty cemetery on the outskirts of the city of Wuzhong in the Ningxia region<br />

of north-west China. Main finds were small metal objects and, in the Tang tombs, extensive amounts of fine tomb figurines and pottery.<br />

Two page abstract in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

189 WUZHONG XIJIAO <strong>TANG</strong> MU. Tang Tombs at the West Outskirt of Wuzhong City. 吳忠西郊唐墓. Beijing,<br />

2006. 16, 365 pp. text plus 24 pp. colour and 100 pp. b/w plates. Numerous b/w text drawings. 29x22 cm.<br />

Boards. £45.00<br />

Excavation report dealing with 120 Tang dynasty tombs located on the outskirts of Wuzhong city in China’s Ningxia province. The tombs<br />

were not of particularly high status but are of interest for shedding life on the inhabitants and economy of the area during Tang times.<br />

A number of pieces of porcelain were found, numerous earthenwares, bronze and iron belt decoration and much coinage. Three page<br />

abstract in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />


BAOGAO. (Xigucheng: Report on Excavations 2000-2005 of the Site of the ‘Central Capital’ of the Bohai<br />

Kingdom at Xiandefu). 西古城;2000-2005年度渤海國中京顯德俯故址田野考古報告. Beijing, 2007. 4, 10,<br />

381 pp. text plus 68 pp. colour & b/w plates. B/w text illustrations and drawings throughout. 11 foldouts. 29x22<br />

cm. Boards. £70.00<br />

Extremely detailed report on the excavations of the site of the ancient city of Xigucheng, an important site of the Bohai Kingdom which<br />

existed in north-east China from the Tang to the Jin dynasties. Despite a number of excavations in the course of the 20th century, the<br />

chronology of the site remains somewhat unclear. The city is believed to have functioned for a short period as the ‘Central Capital’ of<br />

the Bohai Kingdom before the capital was moved further north. Four page abstract in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

191 Xihan Nanyue Wang Bowuguan ed: XIHAN NANYUE WANG BOWUGUAN ZHENPIN TULU. (A Catalogue<br />

of Treasures from the Museum of the King of the Western Han Nanyue Kingdom). 西漢南越王博物館珍品圖彔.<br />

Beijing, 2007. 158 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x21 cm. Wrappers. £40.00<br />

Shows the treasures of this museum built to house the well-preserved and very rich hoard of grave goods, especially jades and bronzes,<br />

which were excavated in 1983 from the tomb of a king of the Western Han Nanyue Kingdom at Xianggang Shan in Guangzhou. Many<br />

of the artefacts show the influence of the southern cultures of Chu and Yue. In addition to the archaeological finds, a number of ceramic<br />

pillows in the museum’s collection dating from the Tang to the Liao are also shown. Colour plates throughout. Text in Chinese.<br />

192 XIN ZHONGGUO CHUTU MUZHI: HENAN: (3) : QIAN<strong>TANG</strong>ZHI ZHAI (1). (Tomb Inscriptions Unearthed<br />

Since the Foundation of the PRC: Henan: 3: The Qiantangzhi Zhai Collection: Part One). 新中國出土墓誌 :<br />

河南 三 : 千唐誌齋(壹). Xin Zhongguo Chutu Muzhi. Beijing, 2008. 8,19, 14, 350; Chinese text. 2, 15, 270,<br />

30 pp. Chinese text. Numerous b/w illustrations. 2 vols. 38x28 cm. Cloth. £180.00<br />

Tomb inscriptions are both important historical documents and sometimes of great aesthetic value in their preservation of fine calligraphy.<br />

These two volumes continue the extensive coverage of such inscriptions and epitaphs found at archaeological and historical<br />

sites in China’s Henan province and here begins coverage of the renowned Qiantangzhi Zhai collection. There is extensive material<br />

from the Sui, Tang and Song dynasties. A total of 349 inscriptions are illustrated and described in Volume One with transcriptions in<br />

Volume Two. Text in Chinese.

LIST 156 – 21 – <strong>TANG</strong> ARCHAEOLOGY<br />

193 Yang Hong: ZHONGGUO GU BING YU MEISHU KAOGU LUNJI. (A Collection of Essays on the Ancient<br />

Chinese Military in Archaeology and Art). 中國古兵輿美術考古論集 。 楊泓 著. Beijing, 2007. 1, 1, 352 pp.<br />

Numerous b/w text illustrations and drawings. 26x18 cm. Wrappers. £25.00<br />

In two main sections: Archaeology of Arms and Archaeology and Art History. Focuses on the depiction of the military in ancient Chinese<br />

art — tomb figurines and tomb murals. Surveys finds and tomb art from the Qin through to the Tang dynasty. List of contents in<br />

English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

194 Yang Yubin and Yuan Guangkuo: 20 SHIJI HENAN KAOGU FAXIAN YU YANJIU. The Archaeological<br />

Discoveries and Studies of Henan in the 20th Century. 20 世紀河南考古發現與研究 。 楊育彬、 袁廣闊 主編.<br />

Zhengzhou, 1997. 8, 9, 4, 757 pp. text plus 32 pp. colour and 40 pp. b/w plates. B/w text illustrations. 27x19 cm.<br />

Cloth. £45.00<br />

A detailed review of the major archaeological finds in Henan province during the 20th century, ranging from the Anyang finds to<br />

Shang dynasty sites and bronzes through to Tang dynasty sancai wares and the remains of iron-smelting sites. One page English abstract,<br />

otherwise text in Chinese only.<br />

195 YANSHI XINGYUAN <strong>TANG</strong> MU. The Tang Tombs in Yanshi Xingyuan. 偃師杏園唐墓. Beijing, 2001. xxv,<br />

390 pp. text plus 16 pp. colour and 44 pp. b/w plates. Numerous b/w text drawings. 27x19 cm. Boards. £45.00<br />

Excavation report on 69 Tang tombs excavated in Henan province between 1984 and 1993 belonging to middle and lower ranking officials.<br />

67 of the tombs were intact. The burial articles included figurines, gold and silver items, mirrors, ceramics etc. An interesting<br />

and detailed documentation with two-page English abstract. Main text in Chinese. Produced by CASS, Institute of Archaeology.<br />

196 Ye Wansong ed: LUOYANG KAOGU SISHINIAN. Forty Years of Archaeology in Luoyang. 洛陽考古四十年<br />

。 葉萬松 主編. Beijing, 1996. xi, 397 pp. 2 pp. colour plates, b/w text drawings. 26x19 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Collected papers from the Academic Symposium of Archaeology held in Luoyang in 1992. A broad range of subject matter relating to<br />

Luoyang archaeology from Neolithic times through to the Tang dynasty. List of contents in English, otherwise Chinese text only.<br />

197 Yu Lianggen & Zhou Li ed: LUOYANG TAOYONG. (Tomb Figurines from Luoyang). 洛陽陶俑 。 俞涼亙、<br />

周立 等 主編. Beijing, 2005. 13 pp. text plus 347 pp. colour plates. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £65.00<br />

Arranged chronologically in sections from the Han dynasty through to the Tang showing approximately 350 tomb figurines excavated<br />

from tombs in the Luoyang area. Good sections on the two Han dynasties, a section on the intervening periods and then the majority<br />

of the book then covers Tang material. Illustrated throughout in colour. A good visual reference. Text in Chinese.<br />

198 YUANZHOU GUMU JICHENG. Collection of the Ancient Tombs in Yuanzhou. 原州古墓集成. Beijing, 1999.<br />

202 pp. 130 pp. colour plates. B/w text illustrations. 31x22 cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

Yuanzhou is modern-day Guyuan, located in the northern part of Ningxia, and was an important regional centre and strategic post for<br />

Silk Road traffic. The objects from various excavations in the area are shown in good colour plates, and date from the Northern Dynasties<br />

to the Tang Dynasty. Finds include a lacquered coffin from the Northern Wei, a fabulous gold and silver wine flask decorated<br />

with Caucasian figures, early glass, ceramics etc. Two-page English abstract, otherwise Chinese only.<br />

199 YUSHU LAOHESHEN. Excavation at Laoheshen in Yushu County. Beijing, 1987. 179 pp. text. 3 colour and 48<br />

b/w plates. 26x18 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Report of an excavation, where the site can be divided into three layers: the upper dating to Sui and Tang, the middle the Eastern Han,<br />

and the lower belonging to Warring States period. Bronzes, pottery and jewellery dominate the finds. Produced by the Jilin Institute<br />

of Archaeology. Four page resume in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

200 Zeng Zhaoyu et al ed: NAN<strong>TANG</strong> ER LING FAJUE BAOGAO. Report on the Excavation of two Southern<br />

T’ang Mausoleums. Peking, 1957. xxiii, 103 pp. 144 plates, 11 in colour; 2 folding maps. 27 pp. English summary.<br />

37x27 cm. Cloth. £175.00<br />

Detailed study of the Southern Tang mausoleums of Li Bian and his son Li Ying. 500 copies printed. RBS 3-456. In Chinese only. Rare.<br />

201 Zhang Hongxiu ed: <strong>TANG</strong>DAI MUZHI WENSHI XUANBIAN. Highlights of Decorative Designs on the<br />

Memorial Tablets of the Tang Dynasty. 唐代墓誌文飾選編 。 張鴻修 主編. Xi’an, 1992. c. 150 pp. c. 120 pp. b/w<br />

illustrations. 25x24 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

53 Tang dynasty memorial tablets from the collection of the Shaanxi History Museum are here shown with good descriptive text in both<br />

English and Chinese.<br />

202 Zhang Songlin & Liao Yongmin: HENAN <strong>TANG</strong>DAI BAIYOU CAICI. Tang Dynasty White Porcelains with<br />

Colorful Decor Made in Henan. 河南唐代白釉彩瓷 。 張松林 廖永民 編著. China Zhengzhou Archaeology 10.<br />

Beijing, 2008. 5, vii, 333 pp. Colour plates throughout. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

Detailed survey of white porcelains decorated with splashes of colour and small designs made in Henan province in China. The majority<br />

of the ceramics shown are Tang but there are also sections showing Five Dynasties, Song and Jin material. Illustrated throughout<br />

in colour showing hundreds of examples. Detailed four page preface in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

203 Zhao Liguang ed: XI’AN BEILIN BOWUGUAN XIN CANG MUZHI HUIBIAN. (Recent Accessions of Tomb<br />

Inscriptions and Epitaphs to the Collection of the Xi’an Forest of Steles Museum). 西安碑林博物館新藏墓誌彙編<br />

。趙力光 主編. Beijing, 2007. 12, 5, 999 pp. B/w illustrations of rubbings throughout. 3 vols. 38x27 cm. Cloth.<br />

£280.00<br />

A listing with illustration and complete reproduction of text of 123 engraved stone tomb epitaphs and inscriptions excavated mostly<br />

in the Xi’an area and dating from the Northern Wei to the Tang. The majority are Tang. Of high importance for the study of these periods.<br />

All the inscriptions have entered the unparalleled collection of the Xi’an Forest of Steles Museum over the past decade. In Chinese.<br />

204 Zhao Qinggang & Zhang Zhizhong ed: QIANNIAN XINGYAO. (A Thousand Years of the Xing Kiln). 千年邢窯<br />

。趙慶鋼 張志忠 主編. Beijing, 2007. 305 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards. £50.00<br />

A very good survey of the wares of the Xing kiln, active during the Sui and Tang dynasties. Primarily fine white-glazed wares but some<br />

sancai also. Illustrated throughout in colour. Brief captions in English. Main text in Chinese.

<strong>TANG</strong> ARCHAEOLOGY – 22 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

205 Zhaoling Museum ed: ZHAOLING <strong>TANG</strong> MU BIHUA. The Tang Mural Paintings at Zhaoling Mausoleum.<br />

昭陵唐墓壁畫. Beijing, 2006. 232 pp. Colour plates throughout. 26x19 cm. Wrappers. £35.00<br />

Zhaoling, in China’s Shaanxi province, is the mausoleum of the Tang Taizong emperor with numerous other royal tombs located nearby.<br />

This work examines the fine murals in many of these tombs. Illustrated throughout, primarily with colour plates. Brief introduction,<br />

list of plates and captions in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

206 ZHEJIANG KAOGU JINGHUA. (Treasures of Zhejiang Archaeology). 浙江考古精華. Beijing, 1999. 258 pp.<br />

Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

A selection of the best finds from excavations in Zhejiang province. Highlights include much Neolithic pottery and jades from various<br />

early cultures, a large amount of Warring States material including a wonderful gold bowl with jade handles, Three Kingdoms and<br />

Tang pottery etc. Good colour plates. In Chinese only.<br />

207 Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics ed: SILONGKOU YUEYAO ZHI. The Yuezhou Kiln Site at<br />

Silongkou. 寺龍口越窯址. Beijing, 2002. 24, 419 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. B/w illustrations and line<br />

drawings. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £85.00<br />

Detailed excavation report of the Yuezhou kiln site at Silongkou near Cixi city in Zhejiang province. The Silongkou kiln began production<br />

no later than the late Tang dynasty and flourished through the Five Dynasties and the Song. This report is illustrated throughout<br />

with numerous pieces of Yuezhou ware — nearly intact, fragments and shards, together with drawings of how the complete ware<br />

would have looked. An important contribution to the knowledge of this ware and porcelain production at the time. Five page English<br />

abstract. Main text in Chinese.<br />

208 Zhengzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology ed: GONGYI ZHITIAN JIN <strong>TANG</strong><br />

MUZANG. Tombs of the Jin and Tang Dynasties at Zhitian, Gongyi. 鞏義芝田晉唐墓葬. Beijing, 2003. xviii,<br />

308 pp. text plus 24 pp. colour and 60 pp. b/w plates. Numerous b/w text drawings. £50.00<br />

Excavation report on the finds at a number of Jin and Tang tombs at Zhitian in Gongyi county, Henan province. The tombs yielded over<br />

200 artefacts and the cream of the finds are detailed here — primarily tomb ceramics, figurines, guardians, ceramic animals etc. Fine<br />

sancai wares and monochrome glazed wares. Two page English abstract, otherwise Chinese text.<br />

209 Zhengzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology: ZHONGGUO GUDAI ZHENMU<br />

SHENWU. Tomb-Protecting Supernatural Objects in Ancient China. 中國古代鎮墓神物. Beijing, 2004. 13, 238<br />

pp. Colour plates throughout. B/w text illustrations and drawings. 29x22 cm. Boards. £60.00<br />

Very well-illustrated work on the mythical beasts and tomb guardians placed in, or in the vicinity of, Chinese tombs. Includes some<br />

Spirit Road statuary but the objects are primarily from tombs. Includes some early material in lacquer, bronze and wood but the majority<br />

of material is in ceramic and dates from the Tang. 229 objects are illustrated in colour. From sites throughout China. Three page<br />

preface in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

210 Zhou Li & Gao Hu: ZHONGGUO LUOYANG CHUTU <strong>TANG</strong> SANCAI QUANJI. Collected Work on Tang<br />

Tricolor Unearthed in Luoyang, China. 中國洛陽出土唐三彩全集。周立 高虎 編. Zhenzhou, 2007. 618 pp.<br />

Colour plates throughout with English Preface and introduction. 2 vols. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £125.00<br />

Shows hundreds of Tang dynasty tomb figurines and some pottery excavated in and around the city of Luoyang in China. All examples<br />

are illustrated in colour, many with multiple views or close-up detail. However, somewhat frustratingly, the site of excavation is not<br />

given. Nevertheless, an excellent visual reference for Tang tomb figurines. Near dual text in Chinese and English, including captions.<br />

211 Zhou Shirong & Wu Yuejian: <strong>TANG</strong>FENG MIAOCAI: CHANGSHAYAO JINGPIN JUAN CHANGSHAYAO<br />

YANJIU JUAN. Marvellous Colors and Tang Style: Exquisite Wares of Changsha Kiln & Research of Changsha<br />

Kiln. 唐風妙彩:長沙窯精品卷。長沙窯研究卷 。 周世榮 主編 吳躍堅 著. Changsha, 2008. 8, 146; 12, 304<br />

pp. Colour plates throughout volume two. Colour text illustrations. 2 vols. 33x23 cm. Boards. £160.00<br />

Large two-volume compilation on Changsha wares. The first volume discusses the wares. The second volume entirely comprises full<br />

page colour plates and shows hundreds of exceedingly fine examples demonstrating the full variety and designs of this Tang dynasty<br />

ceramic. In Chinese.<br />

212 Zhou Tianliu ed: <strong>TANG</strong> MU BIHUA YANJIU WENJI. (Essays on Research into Tang Tomb Murals).<br />

唐墓壁畫研究文集. Xi’an, 2001. 16, 465 pp. 16 pp. colour plates. B/w text ills. 26x18 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

29 essays containing research into various aspects of Tang dynasty tomb murals. In groupings of the history and culture, art, preservation<br />

and repair. In Chinese.<br />


AND YONGTAI. Xincheng, Fangling, Yongtai Gongzhu Mu Bihua. A Treasury of Mural Paintings in Mausoleums<br />

of the Tang Dynasty. Beijing, 2002. 84 pp. 55 colour plates. 29x22 cm. Paper. £18.00<br />

An accessible introduction and survey of the fine murals in the tomb of three Tang dynasty princesses. Numerous colour illustrations<br />

and a dual English and Chinese text.<br />

214 Zhou Tianyou ed: MURAL PAINTINGS IN THE MAUSOLEUM OF PRINCE YIDE. Yide Taizi Bihua Mu.<br />

懿德太子墓壁畫 。 周天游 主編. A Treasury of Mural Paintings in Mausoleums of the Tang Dynasty. Beijing,<br />

2002. 72 pp. 45 colour plates. 29x22 cm. Paper. £18.00<br />

An accessible introduction and survey of the fine murals in the tomb of the Tang dynasty prince Yide, also known as Li Chongrun, who<br />

was executed in 705 A.D. at the age of 19 by Empress Wu Zetian. Numerous colour illustrations and a dual English and Chinese text.<br />


Taizi Bihua Mu. 章懷太子墓壁畫 。 周天游 主編. A Treasury of Mural Paintings in Mausoleums of the Tang<br />

Dynasty. Beijing, 2002. 97 pp. 64 colour plates. 29x22 cm. Paper. £18.00<br />

An accessible introduction and survey of the fine murals in the tomb of the Tang dynasty prince Zhanghuai, also known as Li Xian.<br />

The murals are amongst the best yet discovered. Numerous colour illustrations and a dual English and Chinese text.<br />

216 Zhu Yuping: ZHONGGUO SANCAI. (Chinese Sancai Wares). 中國三彩 。 朱裕平 著. Zhonghua Taoci Daolan.<br />

Ji’nan, 2005. 235 pp. Colour plates throughout. 21x15 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

A good visual reference to Tang sancai (tricolour) wares. Shows numerous examples of tomb figurines, horses, dishes, ewers and flasks<br />

held in museums in China and elsewhere. Also includes a few sancai examples from later dynasties. Illustrated throughout in colour.

LIST 156 – 23 – <strong>TANG</strong> ARCHAEOLOGY<br />

217 Zhu Yuqi,: XIYU WEN SHI: DI YI JI. Literature & History of the Western Regions, Vol. I. 西域文史<br />

第一輯。朱玉麒 主編. Beijing, 2006. 6, 324 pp. 4 colour illustrations. Numerous b/w text illustrations and<br />

drawings. 26x19 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

Despite the title, there is much on archaeological discoveries and research on Silk Road sites and history — and little on literature. A<br />

total of 20 essays ranging from Wang: ‘The Beginning and End of the Towns and Fortresses of Gaochang’ to Qi: ‘Glassware and the<br />

Surveys on Their Spreading from the West and to the East in the Tang dynasty Time’. List of contents and brief abstracts to each essay<br />

in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />



the 2005 Chongqing International Symposium on the Dazu Caves). 2005年重慶大足石刻國際學術研討會論文集.<br />

Beijing, 2007. 4, 650 pp. B/w text illustrations. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £70.00<br />

Forty detailed papers on aspects of research into the Buddhist cave complex at Dazu in China’s Sichuan province. In Chinese.<br />

219 2009 ANTIQUES: CHINESE ARTS AUCTION RECORDS 2008.1.1-2008.12.31. 2009 Gudong Paimai<br />

Nianjian. 骨董拍賣年鑒 2009. Taibei, 2009. c.500 pp. Colour plates throughout. 23x17 cm. Wrappers. £95.00<br />

Detailed coverage of auction prices for Chinese ceramics, jade, bronzes, sculpture and numerous other fine works of art in various<br />

media sold at various houses in the US, Europe and the Far East in 2008. Colour illustrations throughout. Thousands of fine examples<br />

are shown with prices realised. Brief captions to plates in both Chinese and English. A prime reference.<br />

220 2009 GUDONG PAIMAI NIANJIAN: CIQI. (2009 Chinese Art Auction Records: Ceramics). 2009<br />

古董拍賣年鑒 : 瓷器. Changsha, 2009. 2, 243 pp. Colour plates throughout. 26x18 cm. Wrappers. £35.00<br />

Detailed coverage of auction prices for Chinese ceramics auctioned at various houses in 2008. Hundreds of objects shown. Colour illustrations<br />

throughout. Prices realized in RMB. Text in Chinese.<br />

221 2009 GUDONG PAIMAI NIANJIAN: YUQI. (2009 Chinese Art Auction Records: Jade). 2009 古董拍賣年鑒<br />

: 玉器. Changsha, 2009. 2, 164 pp. 140 pp. colour plates. 26x18 cm. Wrappers. £30.00<br />

Coverage of auction prices for hundreds of Chinese jades auctioned at various houses in 2008. Hundreds of objects shown. Colour illustrations<br />

throughout. Prices realized in RMB. Text in Chinese.<br />

222 2009 GUDONG PAIMAI NIANJIAN: ZAXIANG. (2009 Chinese Art Auction Records: Works of Art). 2009<br />

古董拍賣年鑒 : 雜項卷. Changsha, 2009. 2, 272 pp. 172 pp. colour plates. 26x19 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

Comprehensive coverage of auction prices for Chinese works of art auctioned at various houses in 2008. Colour illustrations throughout.<br />

Hundreds of objects are shown in various media from lacquer and furniture to yixing and cloisonné. Prices realized shown in RMB.<br />

Text in Chinese.<br />

223 Abramson, Marc: ETHNIC IDENTITY IN <strong>TANG</strong> CHINA. Philadelphia, 2007. 1, xxv, 258 pp. Cloth. £60.00<br />

Comprehensively explores the issue of ethnicity during the Tang dynasty in China. The Tang rulers had roots in Inner Asia and had<br />

complex relationships with a population that included Turks, Tibetans, Japanese, Koreans, Southeast Asians, Persians and Arabs.<br />

224 Ackerman, Phyllis: RITUAL BRONZES OF ANCIENT CHINA. New York, 1945. vi, 114 pp. 66 plates. 28x22<br />

cm. Cloth. £20.00<br />

One of the first studies which attempted to research the origins and meaning of these bronzes.<br />

225 Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum: CHINESE ARCHAIC JADES FROM THE NAKASHIMA<br />

COLLECTION. Chugoku Kogyokuki no Seika: Nakashima Korekushon. Aichi, 2000. 123 pp. 67 pp. colour and<br />

17 pp. b/w plates. 30x21 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

An exhibition showing 136 archaic and archaic-style jades from the Nakashima collection. Pieces date from the Neolithic era to the<br />

late Qing dynasty. Many fine pieces. Captions in English, otherwise Japanese text only.<br />

226 Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum ed: AICHI CERAMIC MUSEUM. Aichi, 1978. 178 pp. 168 colour plates.<br />

25x25 cm. Boards. £25.00<br />

A good overview of the collection of the Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum. 166 fine examples of Japanese ceramics from various kilns<br />

and various periods are illustrated in colour. Text in Japanese.<br />


Kunst des Alten Japan. Frankfurt, 1990. 167 pp. 126 prints illustrated in colour. 29x22 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Exhibition in the Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt of Japanese woodblock print from the collection of the National Museum in Krakow,<br />

Poland. In German.<br />

228 ALONG THE YELLOW RIVER. 大河上下. Peking, 1975. 138 pp. Colour photographs throughout. Map. 26x23<br />

cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

Period-piece photographic essay with propagandistic tendencies. In English.<br />

229 Alonso, Mary Ellen ed: CHINA’S INNER ASIAN FRONTIER. Photographs of the Wulsin Expedition to<br />

Northwest China in 1923. Cambridge, 1979. 108 pp. 100 illustrations. 23x23 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Peabody Museum showing interesting photographs taken by Frederick Roelker Wulsin during his travels<br />

in China and Tibet.<br />

230 Alphen, Jan Van and Aris, Anthony: ORIENTAL MEDICINE. An Illustrated Guide to the Asian Arts of Healing.<br />

London, 1995. 272 pp. 190 colour plates, 40 b/w illustrations. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

15 contributions on Indian, Tibetan and Chinese medicine, with a brief history of each system and a clear exposition of theory and methods<br />

of diagnosis and treatment, and chapters on how ancient techniques have been adapted and combined with Western medicine.<br />

231 ANCIENT TOWN OF HOI AN. Hanoi, 2006. 350 pp. A few b/w illustrations. 23x15 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

Proceeding of an International Symposium with papers covering the archaeology, history, and architecture. With a great deal of information<br />

on Hoi An’s maritime traditions and maritime trade and cultural exchange. In English.

FROM OUR STOCK – 24 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

232 Anderson, William: <strong>JAPANESE</strong> WOOD ENGRAVINGS. Their History, Technique and Characteristics. The<br />

Portfolio Artistic Monograph, No. 17. London, 1895. 80 pp. 37 b/w illustrations. 6 colour plates. 27x18 cm. Paper,<br />

back cover missing. £40.00<br />

A description of the technical processes and history behind the creation of a traditional woodcut print. Includes index, reproductions<br />

of signatures, and summary of periods and artists. Abrams A2.<br />

233 Anhui Museum: WENFANG ZHENPIN. (Treasures of the Scholar’s Studio). 文房珍品. Hong Kong, 1995. 330<br />

pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £85.00<br />

From the collections of Anhui Museum, the book is divided into sections on inkcakes and inksticks, the brush, inkstones and scholar’s<br />

articles — wrist rests, brushpots etc. Well-illustrated. In Chinese only. Out-of-print.<br />

234 Archer, Mildred: COMPANY DRAWINGS IN THE INDIA OFFICE LIBRARY. London, 1972. xiv, 298 pp. 2<br />

colour plates, 74 b/w illustrations. Indexes. 25x19 cm. Cloth. £20.00<br />

During the 18th and 19th centuries, Indian artists were commonly employed by the British East India Company and its servants to illustrate<br />

the manner and custom of India. Their work, known under the general term ‘Company Painting’ is represented in the IOL by<br />

almost 3000 examples.<br />

235 Argencé, René Yvon Lefebvre d’: CHINESE, KOREAN AND <strong>JAPANESE</strong> SCULPTURE IN THE AVERY<br />

BRUNDAGE COLLECTION. Tokyo, 1974. 459 pp. 228 objects illustrated, 28 on colour plates. 30x25 cm. Cloth,<br />

dustjacket. £250.00<br />

Excellent large catalogue of a very important collection of stone and bronze sculptures, now in the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco.<br />

Now very scarce.<br />

236 Art Museum, Chinese University: SPARKLING SPLENDOURS. The Art of Ancient Chinese Carvings on Rock<br />

Crystal and Agate: The Taoshi Zhai Collection. 絢麗品塋 : 淘石齋所藏中國古代水晶瑪瑙器 。 鄒紀年. Hong<br />

Kong, 1999. 285 pp. 281 colour plates, b/w illustrations and drawings. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £95.00<br />

A very interesting exhibition catalogue showing 281 pieces of carved rock crystal and agate, predominantly from the Taoshi Zhai collection<br />

plus a number of loans from other collections. The pieces date from the Neolithic to the Ming and shed light on a somewhat<br />

neglected area of Chinese art — the overwhelming focus in this field being, of course, on jade. These items have the same designs as<br />

we see on jade carving but using different materials. Well-illustrated and with dual text in English and Chinese.<br />

237 Asahi Shimbunsha: NIHON NO MEI TO — KODAI KARA GENDAI MADE. (Famous Japanese Ceramics —<br />

From Old to Present). Aichi, 1979. 229 pp. 163 colour plates and illustrations. 26x25 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

Exhibition held at the Aichi Prefectural Museum to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Asahi Shibunsha’s office in Nagoya. The exhibits<br />

have been borrowed from all over Japan, and rank among the best in their groups. In Japanese.<br />

238 Asia House Gallery,: MASTER BRONZES OF INDIA. New York, 1966. 44 pp. B/w illustrations throughout.<br />

25x20 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Catalogue of a US travelling exhibition. Superb Indian bronzes brought together from museums throughout the US.<br />

239 Asian Art Museum: BEAUTY, WEALTH, AND POWER. Jewels and Ornaments of Asia. San Francisco, 1992.<br />

64 pp. 11 b/w, 43 coloured illustrations. Map. 25x15 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco of jewellery and related objects for personal adornment from<br />

the major phases of Asia‘s diverse cultures, drawn mainly from the Museum’s permanent collection, with some loan pieces.<br />

240 ATLAS OF PRIMITIVE MAN IN CHINA. Beijing, 1980. 176 pp. 287 colour plates & illustrations. 56 maps.<br />

30x24 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

A detailed account of the human fossils and Palaeolithic stone artefacts discovered in China over the past fifty years — many of which<br />

have led to important new theories of man’s evolution.<br />

241 Baensch, Robert E. ed: THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY IN CHINA. New Brunswick, 2003. 166 pp. Tables,<br />

index. 23x16 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Covers all aspects of China’s book magazine and online publishing industry with discussion of the different market segments. The<br />

economics and distribution methods of the industry are also covered.<br />

242 Barme, Geremie: THE FORBIDDEN CITY. London, 2008. xxxi, 251 pp. B/w ills. 21x14 cm. Cloth. £15.99<br />

Most readable and containing much little-known information on the Forbidden City.<br />

243 Bary, William Theodore de et al: THE BUDDHIST TRADITION IN INDIA, CHINA & JAPAN. Readings in<br />

Oriental Thought. New York, 1969. xxii, 418 pp. Index. 19x12 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

244 Béguin, Gilles: PEINTURES DU BOUDDHISME TIBÉTAINES. (Tibetan Buddhist Painting). Paris, 1995. 528<br />

pp. 30 colour and 530 b/w illustrations. 5 maps. 27x21 cm. Paper. £65.00<br />

Catalogue of the 417 thangka held at the Musée des Arts Asiatiques-Guimet and in regional museums, with an explanatory text on the<br />

divinities and people represented in the paintings. Text in French.<br />

245 Beijing Capital Museum: FOJIAO CIBEI NUSHEN ZHONGGUO GUDAI GUANYIN PUSA. The Goddess<br />

of Mercy in Buddhism — Chinese Ancient Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. 佛教慈悲女神:中國古代觀音菩薩.<br />

Beijing, 200 329 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 29x21 cm. Wrappers. £95.00<br />

Beautifully-produced work with excellent full page colour plates showing superb examples of Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist statuary<br />

(and a few objects in other media) depicting the Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva — Guanyin — in the collection of the Capital Museum<br />

in Beijing. The work is in two parts: The Guanyin in Chinese Buddhism, followed by The Guanyin in Tibetan Buddhism. A total of 121<br />

examples are illustrated and discussed. Near dual texts in Chinese and English.<br />

246 BEIJING LONGQUANWU LIAO JIN MUZANG FAJUE BAOGAO. (Excavation Report on the Liao and Jin<br />

Dynasty Cemetery at Longquanwu in Beijing). 北京龍泉物務遼金發掘報告. Beijing, 2009. 9, 255 pp. Numerous<br />

colour plates. B/w text drawings. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £85.00<br />

Archaeological report on a Liao and Jin cemetery located in the western suburbs of Beijing. Main finds were large quantities of ceramics<br />

from the Liao and Jin, many illustrated here. Of importance for research into the tomb architecture of the time. In Chinese

LIST 156 – 25 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

247 Beijing Lu Xun Museum ed: LU XUN 1881-1936. 魯迅 1881-1936. Zhengzhou, 2008. 11, 2, 282, 29 pp. 282 pp.<br />

colour and b/w plates. 31x23 cm. Cloth. £85.00<br />

A fine and detailed photographic history of the life and work of this towering intellectual figure of the early 20th century in China. From<br />

his childhood through to a death mask, copiously-illustrated with photographs from Lu Xun’s life. Includes illustration of his work and<br />

a number of woodblock prints, an industry which he much helped to revive. Includes illustration of many of the seals used by Lu Xun<br />

throughout his career. In Chinese.<br />

248 BEIJING WENWU JINGCUI DAXI: JIAJU JUAN. Series of the Gem of Beijing Cultural Relics: Furniture.<br />

北京文物精粹大繫 : 家具卷. Beijing Wenwu Jingcui Daxi 15. Beijing, 2003. 259, 25 pp. Colour plates<br />

throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

Number 15 in a series of volumes on the various treasures to be found in the Beijing area, this well-illustrated volume covers the finest<br />

furniture in private and public collections and museums. Shows 203 examples, many in multiple views or close-up detail. Primarily<br />

Ming and Qing material. With many seldom-seen objects. Well-illustrated in colour. Introductions, list of plates and captions in English.<br />

Main text in Chinese.<br />

249 Beijingshi Wenwu Yanjiusuo: LIULIHE XIZHOU YANGUO MUDI: 1973-1977. Yan State Cemetery of the<br />

Western Zhou Period at Liulihe. Beijing, 1995. 25, 276 pp. 48 pp. of colour and 112 pp. of b/w plates. 147 text<br />

figures. Tables. 27x19 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

The glory of this important Western Zhou site is its bronzes which are finely illustrated in colour in this detailed archaeological report.<br />

Includes a five page abstract in English.<br />

250 BEITING GAOCHANG HUIGU FOSI YIZHI. Ruins of a Buddhist Temple of the Khoco Uighur Period at the<br />

Ancient City of Beiting. Kaoguxue Zhuankan, IV:39. Shenyang, 1991. 183 pp. text plus 16 pp. colour and 96 pp.<br />

b/w plates. 74 b/w text figures. Tables. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £80.00<br />

Detailed report of the excavations carried out 1979-80 at a Buddhist temple 700m west of the ancient city of Beiting in China’s Xinjiang<br />

province. Describes and illustrates the ruins of the temple with much spectacular mural painting, some sculpture and other remains<br />

dating from the 10th to the middle 13th century. Three page abstract in English. Main text in Chinese A scarce monograph on<br />

a little-known site.<br />

251 Bellec, F. and M.-F. Huyghues des Étages: A LA RENCONTRE DE SINDBAD. La Route Maritime de la Soie.<br />

Paris, 1994. 240 pp. 67 colour and 115 b/w illustrations. 27x21 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

Catalogue of a most interesting exhibition at the Musée de la Marine in Paris on the maritime Silk Route. Objects loaned primarily<br />

from museum collections. Text in French.<br />

252 Bischoff, Cordula & Hennings, Anne: GOLDENER DRACHE — WEISSER ADLER: KUNST IM DIENSTE<br />


(The Golden Dragon and the White Eagle: Art in the Service of Power at the Chinese Court and the Saxon-Polish<br />

Court (1644-1795)). Dresden, 2008. 612 pp. Numerous colour plates. 29x25 cm. Boards. £75.00<br />

Catalogue of an interesting exhibition held at the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden comparing<br />

the court art of the Qing dynasty Chinese emperors with that of the rulers of the Saxon-Polish Court<br />

during the period 1644-1795 which in China corresponded with the establishment of the Qing dynasty<br />

through to the death of the Qianlong Emperor. It thus examines and contrasts the art and achievements<br />

of the Saxon-Polish rulers with the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Emperors. Major loans<br />

from the Gugong Museum in Beijing are exhibited alongside fine items from the rich holdings of the<br />

Dresden collections. Extensive text in German.<br />

253 Bondy, Walter: KANG-HSI. Eine Blüte-Epoche der Chinesischen Porzellankunst.<br />

München, 1923. 215 pp. 16 text figs, 115 plates, 6 in colour. 28x20 cm. Half-cloth.<br />

£110.00<br />

The first monograph on Kangxi period (1662-1722) porcelains. In German.<br />

254 Bowie, Theodore et al: THE SCULPTURE OF THAILAND. New York, 1972. 137<br />

pp. 80 plates and 4 text-figures, 13 in colour. 28x21 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

Asia House Gallery exhibition catalogue. With loans from a number of Thai museums showing this<br />

beautiful sculptural tradition.<br />

255 Brandt, C., Schwartz, B., Fairbank, J. K: A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF CHINESE COMMUNISM.<br />

London, 1952. 552 pp. Notes, bibliographies, glossary. 25x17 cm. Cloth, with dustjacket. £30.00<br />

A study of the Chinese Communist Party line in its development from 1921 to 1950. A technical study of one major aspect of Chinese<br />

Communism. An important contribution.<br />

256 Brook, T. et al: DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS. Harvard, 2007. xi, 319 pp. A few b/w illustrations. 24x16 cm.<br />

Cloth. £25.00<br />

Aims to explain the general position of torture in the Chinese legal system and the specific role and history of the extreme punishment<br />

of lingchi — the death of a thousand cuts — which has long horrified the western mind. The practice was abolished in 1905. Also examines<br />

the view of Chinese torture in the western mind.<br />

257 Brown, Robert ed: ART FROM THAILAND. New Delhi, 2000. 112 pp. Colour and b/w plates throughout. Map,<br />

index. 34x25 cm. Cloth. £47.00<br />

An introduction to Thai art present as a selection of illustrated essays by various experts. Includes: Wicks on Coins & Medals; Nandana<br />

Chutiwongs on Buddhist Sculpture; Dofflemyer on Vishnu Images; Listopad on Thai Sculpture 13-16th century; Fickle on Khmer<br />

Architecture; a virtually unique article by Chirapravati on Buddhist votive tablets and amulets; and Roxanna M. Brown on ‘Last Shipments<br />

from the Thai Sawankhalok Kilns’.<br />

258 Bryner, Edna: THIRTEEN TIBETAN TANKAS. Indian Hills, 1956. xxv, 153 pp. 15 plates, 1 colour frontispiece,<br />

14 figures. 27x21 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

Thirteen thangkas from the City Art Museum of St Louis, depicting scenes from the Jataka Tales, or Buddhist Birth Stories.

FROM OUR STOCK – 26 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

259 Buck, Pearl S: IMPERIAL WOMAN. London, 1956. 432 pp. 21x15 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

A fictionalised account of the life of Yehonala — Cixi — the Empress Dowager. A juicy read with, of course, lots of palace intrigue.<br />

First US edition.<br />

260 Bull Collection: IMPORTANT CHINESE WORKS OF ART. The Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bull.<br />

New York, 1983. (96) pp. Illustrations of 286 exhibits. 24x23 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

Predominantly early bronzes and metalwork, archaic jades and Southeast Asian sculpture.<br />

261 Buttinger, Joseph: A DRAGON DEFIANT. A Short History of Vietnam. Newton Abbot, 1972. 147 pp. Map.<br />

Bibliography, index. 23x15 cm. Cloth. £20.00<br />

A good general history of Vietnam.<br />

262 Buyeo National Museum: SELECTED TREASURES OF THE BUYEO NATIONAL MUSEUM. Seoul, 1977.<br />

53 pp text in Korean, English and Japanese. 20 colour plates, 165 b/w illustrations. 26x19 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Relics from the prehistoric & Baekje periods. The catalogue illustrates sites, ceramics, bronzes etc.<br />

263 Cabaton, Antoine: NOUVELLES RECHERCHES SUR LES CHAMS. Publications de l’École Française<br />

d’Extrême-Orient, vol. II. Paris, 1901. 215 pp. 28x19 cm. Half cloth, marbled boards, gilt spine. £90.00<br />

264 Cahill, James: SCHOLAR PAINTERS OF JAPAN. The Nanga School. New York, 1972. 135 pp. 76 illustrations,<br />

1 in colour, bibliography. 31x22 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Asia House Gallery.<br />

265 Cai Hongru and Hu Zhongtai: ZHONGGUO MINGYAN JIANSHANG. (Connoisseurship of Renowned Chinese<br />

Inkstones). Ji’nan, 1992. 4, 324 pp. Colour plates throughout illustrating 200 stones. 36x28 cm. Cloth. £90.00<br />

A large-scale work on inkstones, illustrating and describing fine examples from collections throughout China, in full colour. In Chinese<br />

but the texts and detailed captions are also in Japanese.<br />

266 Cammann, Schuyler: SUBSTANCE AND SYMBOL IN CHINESE TOGGLES. Chinese Belt Toggles from the<br />

C. F. Bieber Collection. Philadelphia, 1962. 256 pp. 188 b/w illustrations, 3 colour plates. Glossary. 26x18 cm.<br />

Cloth, dustjacket. £100.00<br />

A fascinating account of the toggles used for securing various objects to belts. Cammann investigates the materials selected, the symbols<br />

of the toggles & contrasts the Chinese & Manchu examples with Mongolian & Tibetan. Much sought-after.<br />

267 Canby, Sheila: SHAH ‘ABBAS — THE REMAKING OF IRAN. London, 2009. iv, 274 pp. 225 colour<br />

illustrations. 29x23 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the British Museum exploring the reign of one of Iran’s most influential rulers, Shah ‘Abbas I. Explores<br />

the history of the Safavid dynasty and brings together an array of treasures including loans from Iran.<br />

268 Cayley, John, Xu Bing, and others; Katherine Spears ed: TIANSHU: PASSAGES IN THE MAKING OF A<br />

BOOK. 天書的過程. London, 2009. 188 pp. Numerous b/w figures and 39 colour plates. Appendixes, notes,<br />

bibliography. 30x21 cm. Distinctive clear flexible plastic cover elegantly exposing the binding. £45.00<br />

Published to accompany an exhibition at Bernard Quaritch, London, this is the most detailed and comprehensive critical and descriptive<br />

exposition of Xu Bing’s famous artwork — with many comments on his other works — published to date. Includes fine colour<br />

plates of sample pages from ‘Book from the Sky.’ John Cayley’s long essay on reading the unreadable book is accompanied by Xu Bing’s<br />

own account of the making of his book (in both Chinese and English translation), and essays by Lydia Liu, Haun Saussy and Wu Hung.<br />

Cayley also provides a much extended bibliographic description of the ‘Tianshu’ and Xu Bing’s studio supplies an exhaustive exhibition<br />

history. There is also a dialogue on Xu Bing between Cayley and the poet Yang Lian and a general bibliography. Recommended.<br />

Between 1987 and 1991, the Chinese graphic and fine artist, Xu Bing (born, Chongqing, 1955, and a 1999 MacArthur Fellow), designed<br />

a ‘vocabulary’ of four thousand characters which appear, in terms of their graphic form and structure, to be Chinese, but which<br />

are entirely unreadable in terms of natural linguistic signification. None of them appear in Chinese dictionaries, and they do not relate<br />

to any other language on earth. During the same period, Xu personally carved (in reverse) the pear-wood type from which he eventually<br />

had his ‘Tianshu’ or ‘Book from the Sky’ set and hand-printed in a small bookmaking factory in China. As a conceptual art work<br />

and printmaking tour de force, Xu Bing’s ‘Tianshu’ has been seen by some critics and scholars as one of the most important works of<br />

late 20th-century Chinese art.<br />

269 CHA-NO-YU. Art of Tea. Kyoto, 1962. 101 pp. Numerous b/w photographs. 26x18 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

A useful introduction and primer to cha-no-yu, the art of tea. Clearly written and illustrated with black-and-white photographs from<br />

the early 1960s.<br />

270 Chai Zejun: ZHONGGUO GUDAI JIANZHU: XIEZHOU GUANDI MIAO. China’s Ancient Constructions:<br />

Guanyu Temple in Xiezhou. 中國古代建筑 : 解州關帝廟 。 柴澤俊 著. Beijing, 2002. 434 pp. 176 pp. colour<br />

plates, 76 pp. b/w architectural drawings. 36x27 cm. Cloth. £85.00<br />

A most detailed survey of this temple, with primarily Qing architecture, located in the town of Xiezhou in Shanxi province. The temple<br />

is apparently the largest in the world dedicated to Guanyu. With copious colour plates showing architectural detail, interior decoration<br />

and views of the complex as a whole. Enhanced by numerous architectural drawings. Of much use for the study of the cult<br />

surrounding this deity. Brief summary in English on back inside flap of dustjacket, otherwise all text in Chinese.<br />

271 Chandra, Lokesh: CULTURAL HORIZONS OF INDIA 2. Studies in Tantra and Buddhism, Art and Archaeology,<br />

Language & Literature. Sata-Pitaka Series 366. New Delhi, 1992. 328 pp. B/w illustrations throughout, one folded.<br />

Bibliography, index. 28x23 cm. Cloth. £55.00<br />

272 Chandra, Lokesh: CULTURAL HORIZONS OF INDIA 3. Studies in Tantra and Buddhism, Art and Archaeology,<br />

Language & Literature. Sata-Pitaka Series 370. New Delhi, 1993. 453 pp. Numerous b/w illustrations throughout.<br />

Bibliography, index. 28x23 cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

273 Chandra, Lokesh: CULTURAL HORIZONS OF INDIA 4. Studies in Tantra and Buddhism, Art and Archaeology,<br />

Language & Literature. Sata-Pitaka Series 381. New Delhi, 1995. 464 pp. 33 colour plates, numerous b/w<br />

illustrations. Bibliography, index. 28x23 cm. Cloth. £80.00

LIST 156 – 27 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

274 Chapin, Helen B: YUNNANESE IMAGES OF AVALOKITESVARA. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Vol.<br />

8, No. 2. Cambridge, 1944. pp. 131-186 and 8 pp. b/w plates. £25.00<br />

Offprint from volume 8, No. 2 of the Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. An interesting contribution. Discusses bronzes and paintings.<br />

275 Chapman, Frederick Spencer: LHASA — THE HOLY CITY. London, 1940. xii, 332 pp. 4 colour plates; 32 b/w<br />

plates & illustrations; 2 maps, one folding. Index. 24x16 cm. Later cloth. £30.00<br />

Readers Union edition of the original 1938 publication. The author took part in a political mission, sent to Lhasa under B. J. Gould<br />

in 1936 and was a member of Marco Pallis’ expedition to the Zemu glacier. Yakushi C72.<br />

276 Chaves, Jonathan: SINGING OF THE SOURCE. Nature and God in the Poetry of the Chinese Painter Wu Li.<br />

SHAPS Library of Translations series. Honolulu, 1993. 226 pp. Illustrations. Cloth. £32.00<br />

Chaves has presented us with an unfamiliar but attractive aspect of Wu Li’s art.<br />

277 Chen Guoyuan: YAN LIN JISHENG. (A Forest of Inkstones). 硯林集勝 。 陳國源 編著. Beijing, 2004. 256 pp.<br />

Colour plates throughout. 28x21 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

Well-illustrated work showing numerous modern and contemporary fine quality Chinese inkstones held in a private Chinese collection.<br />

Amply illustrates the current state of this art of the scholar’s studio. Text in Chinese.<br />

278 Chen Minghua: FOJIAO MEISHU QUANJI 11: HANGUO FOJIAO MEISHU. (Buddhist Art 11: Korean<br />

Buddhist Art). 佛教美術全集 十一 : 韓國佛教美術 。 陳明華 著. Taipei, 1999. 207 pp. Colour illustrations<br />

throughout. 24x18 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

Volume 11 in this series shows Korean Buddhist art in various media — painting, sculpture, gilt-bronze. A useful contribution. Illustrated<br />

throughout in colour. In Chinese.<br />

279 Chen Ruifeng: XIN SHIJI ZHONGGUO QISHI. China’s Rare Stones in New Century. 新世紀中國奇石 。<br />

陳瑞楓. Shanghai, 2000. 213 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x22 cm. Boards. £50.00<br />

A large selection of desktop scholar’s studio stones in various fantastic shapes, forms and material. A total of 499 stones are shown<br />

grouped under various headings. Dual text in English and Chinese.<br />

280 Chen Xianxing et al. ed: ZHONGGUO GUJI GAO CHAO JIAO BEN TULU. (An Illustrated Catalogue of Old<br />

Chinese Manuscripts, Hand-copied Books and Annotated Texts). 中國古籍稿鈔校本圖錄 。 陳先行 等 編著.<br />

Shanghai, 2000. 21, 244; 245-624; 625-930, 54 pp. At least one and often more colour plates per item (see<br />

description for numbers of items). 3 vols. 29x22 cm. Cloth, in a cloth case. £275.00<br />

An excellent, well-illustrated three-volume catalogue of some of the most interesting rarities in Chinese bibliography. All the items discussed<br />

are types of manuscript editions; each volume of the catalogue is devoted to a particular category. The first and third categories<br />

correspond to similar Western examples: manuscripts ‘per se’ and hand-annotated editions of (chiefly) printed books — both categories<br />

may be valuable not only for any intrinsic interest or rarity of the text, but also for the association of the author of the manuscript or<br />

the manuscript notations. The second category is less familiar in the West. Due to the nature of the Chinese script, and the relative expense<br />

of reprinting texts for which the woodcut blocks are lost, the practice of making manuscript copies of entire books was much<br />

more common and persistent than in the West. Whereas we associate the ‘scriptoria’ of monasteries with the middle ages, in China individual<br />

scholars are, to this day, wont to copy out the entire text of rare books, often for their own use, from library or private collection<br />

copies. Again, over time, some of these ‘chaoben’ become treasured for the fame of their once-humble copyists. The earliest<br />

manuscripts ‘per se’ in this catalogue date from the Yuan period, but volume two has a Northern Wei period manuscript from Dunhuang,<br />

reminding us that China also has its special tradition of Buddhist ‘scriptoria’.<br />

The catalogue is based on the fine collections of the Shanghai Library (which, with the Beijing Library, is a sort of second National<br />

Library of China), augmented with a number held elsewhere. There are 109 items treated in the first volume, 153 in the second and<br />

113 in the third. All are illustrated in new, high-quality colour photography. Thorough and often highly detailed notes on each item<br />

follow the illustrations, including brief biographies of the authors. In Chinese only. Highly recommended, especially to any person or<br />

institution with a serious interest in Chinese bibliography and rare editions.<br />

281 Cheng Dayue: CHENGSHI MOYUAN. (Ink Garden of the Cheng Family). 程氏墨苑 。 程大約 編. Beijing,<br />

1990. Each volume c. 160 pp. Many illustrations of ink cakes. 12 vols. 32x21 cm. Stitched, 2 silk-cases. £400.00<br />

Facsimile reprint of the 1606 edition, together with later eulogies of Cheng’s mastery of ink-cake manufacturing. Throughout the book<br />

are designs of inkcakes by Ding Yunpeng. The ‘Chengshi Moyuan’ is also remarkable for the inclusion of three images from the Gospels,<br />

taken from the ‘Evangelicae historiae imagines’. A luxurious publication in close imitation of the Ming period edition.<br />

The original is one of the most important Ming period illustrated books, extremely rare and sought-after. A few copies — for example<br />

that in the Percival David Foundation collection in London — were printed in a number of colours, amongst the earliest examples<br />

of Chinese colour printing, although this was done by brushing coloured inked onto distinct regions of a single block for each pull of<br />

a leaf, rather than using sets of blocks as in later multicolour woodblock printing. In effect these copies have the characteristics of monoprints<br />

and are unique. This facsimile — representing an instance of the standard 1606 edition — is in black and white only. ‘Visible<br />

Traces’ pp. 39-44.<br />

282 Cheng Te-k’un and Shen Wei-chun: ZHONGGUO MINGQI. A Brief History of Chinese Mortuary Objects.<br />

Yenching Journal, Monograph Series I. Beijing, 1933. 124 pp. Chinese text. 28 plates. 26x19 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

A pioneering work on tomb figures.<br />

283 Chengde, Cultural Relic Bureau of ed: QING DI YU BISHUSHANZHUANG. The Qing Emperors and the<br />

Chengde Mountain Resort. 清帝與避暑山莊. Beijing, 2003. 235 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 36x27<br />

cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

Large colour production on the Qing imperial summer resort at Chengde — the Bishushanzhuang. In addition to fine photography of<br />

the gardens, scenery and surrounding temples, the work also looks at the life of the Emperors at Chengde, the palace interiors, audience<br />

halls and studies plus many artefacts and imperial objects. The work also interests as it shows a number of early photographs of<br />

buildings now destroyed. Whilst the descriptive texts are in both English and Chinese, captions to illustrations are in Chinese only.<br />

284 Chesneaux, Jean ed: POPULAR MOVEMENTS & SECRET SOCIETIES IN CHINA, 1840-1950. Stanford,<br />

1972. xii, 328 pp. Glossaries, bibliography, index. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

Concentrates on the impact of secret societies on the great rebellions of the 1850s & 1860s, the Revolution of 1911, the Communist-<br />

Kuomintang conflict & the Sino-Japanese War.

FROM OUR STOCK – 28 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

285 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ed: YIN ZHOU JINWEN JICHENG 1-18. (Inscriptions on Bronze Objects<br />

from the Yin and Zhou Dynasties). Beijing, 1984. c. 370 pp. per volume. Rubbings of inscriptions throughout. 18<br />

vols. 38x27 cm. Cloth. £2,000.00<br />

The result of over 20 years of effort, this monumental work reproduces inscriptions on bronze objects dating from the Yin, Zhou, Spring<br />

and Autumn and Warring States periods i.e. from about 1300 BC to 300 BC.<br />

The objects shown come from major and lesser museums, research institutions and exhibition halls at excavation sites in China, and<br />

from museums and private collections abroad. The inscriptions on each bronze are reproduced in full and in their original size. Each<br />

object is described and measured and details are given such as date and place of excavation, provenance, publications (from the Song<br />

dynasty onwards) in which the bronze has appeared and its current location. A bibliography is given in each volume. Objects and inscriptions<br />

illustrated are of amazing variety and include axes, swords, knives, the ding, jue, zun, chariot fittings, weights, ritual objects,<br />

bells, chimes and much more. Whilst some of the objects are famous (the Mao Gong Ding, the Fu Yi Ding) and others are on<br />

permanent display in museums, the majority have been seldom, if ever, published and rarely in such comprehensive detail. 12,113 inscriptions<br />

are illustrated. In Chinese.<br />

286 Chiu, Melissa and Zheng Shengtian ed: ART AND CHINA’S REVOLUTION. New York and New Haven, 2008.<br />

280 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 27x23 cm. Boards. £40.00<br />

Catalogue of a highly engaging exhibition at the Asia Society Galleries in New York. The exhibition covers Cultural Revolution memorabilia<br />

and significant ephemera and also material cultural objects from the period. It is especially strong in its display of painting<br />

(and woodblock printing, posters, some sculpture) from this time, devoted to the Cultural Revolution or associated with it in some way,<br />

including opposition and contrast. There was also a section of the exhibition documenting contemporary artistic response, specifically<br />

the ‘Long March’ project initiated by Lu Jie. Essays by Roderick MacFarquar, Ralph Croizier, Pan GongKai, Zhao Yannian, Yan<br />

Shanchun, Shen Jiawei, Wang Lin, Gao Minglu, Wang Mingxian and Lu Jie.<br />

287 CHONGZHENG NEIGE DAKU CANBEN SHUYING. (Reproductions from Fragmentary Editions in the<br />

Library of the Grand Secretariat). 重整內閣大庫殘本書影. Yangzhou, 1998. c. 57 folded leaves, Chinese-style.<br />

Reproductions of pages from rare books throughout. 34x23 cm. Stitched, cloth case. £40.00<br />

Facsimile edition of a work illustrating 57 openings from 38 fragmentary bibliographic rarities. The earliest of these date from the<br />

Song period and the latest from Qing-period manuscripts. Based on a 1933 Palace Museum publication of the same material.<br />

288 Chung Chong-wha ed: KOREAN CLASSICAL LITERATURE. An Anthology. Korean Culture Series. London,<br />

1989. 221 pp. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

The writings of Park Ji-won, Yi Injik and others, with essays on the development of Korean literature, the Sijo, legends in literature,<br />

and nineteenth-century books with stories in Korean.<br />

289 Chung, Young Yang: SILKEN THREADS. A History of Embroidery in China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. New<br />

York, 2005. 461 pp. 375 illustrations, 300 in colour. Notes, bibliography, index. 29x23 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

The most comprehensive historical reference and guide to the origins, aesthetics and cultural context of embroidered textiles in East<br />

Asia published to date, covering some areas of study that have never before been treated in western languages. The book is superbly<br />

illustrated, with good notes and bibliography.<br />

290 Clark, Walter Eugene ed: TWO LAMAISTIC PANTHEONS. From Materials Collected by the late Baron A. von<br />

Stael-Holstein. Harvard-Yenching Inst. Monograph Vol. 3. New York, 1965. xxiv, 170 pp. and 314 monochrome<br />

plates. 26x17 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

Complete reproduction of the 360 figures of the Zhu Fo Pusa Sheng Xiangzan manuscript and of the 766 preserved images of the<br />

Baoxiang Lou temple. Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese indexes. 2 vols. in one.<br />

291 Clifford, Miriam et al: CHINA: MUSEUMS. London, 2009. 384 pp. 535 colour illustrations. 21x12 cm. Paper.<br />

£16.95<br />

A comprehensive survey of museums throughout China. A useful reference and travel guide.<br />

292 Collins ed: COLLINS ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO JIANGSU. London, 1988. 160 pp. Numerous colour<br />

illustrations and plates. 21x14 cm. Paper. £15.00<br />

This lavishly illustrated guide touches on some of China’s loveliest cities — Suzhou, Wuxi, Nanjing, Yangzhou, Yixing, etc. — China’s<br />

‘Heaven on Earth’. An interesting read.<br />

293 Contag, Victoria: CHINESE MASTERS OF THE 17TH CENTURY. London, 1969. 148 pp. 96 b/w illustrations.<br />

Index of artists’ names. 29x24 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

Concise and well illustrated study of late Ming and early Qing painters.<br />

294 Corfield, Justin: BANGKOK. The Protestant Cemetery. London, 1997. 272 pp. Paper. £15.00<br />

The Protestant Cemetery in Bangkok contains the graves of several thousand European Protestants and Jews. This book contains details<br />

of the grave inscriptions and a transcription of the Burial Register from 1861 to 1972. Also covers 10 other cemeteries in the<br />

Bangkok area.<br />

295 Cormack, Robin & Vassilaki, Maria ed: BYZANTIUM 330-1453. London, 2008. 494 pp. Full page colour plates<br />

throughout. 31x25 cm. Cloth. £55.00<br />

Large and very fine catalogue of the wonderful and comprehensive exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts in London exploring the<br />

history, culture and religion of the Byzantine empire.<br />

296 Corrigan, Gina: IMAGES OF CHINA. Bognor Regis, 1996. 10 pp. text and 150 colour plates. 22x25 cm. Paper.<br />

£24.00<br />

Evocative colour pictures from various places in China visited by the photographer, including many border regions.<br />

297 Coupland, Reginald: RAFFLES OF SINGAPORE. London, 1946. 144 pp. 1 b/w plate. 20x13 cm. Cloth, torn<br />

dustjacket. £30.00<br />

The life of Stamford Raffles.

LIST 156 – 29 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />


GOA. Preceded by a Short Statistical Account of the Territory of Goa. Bombay, 1878. xi, 332 pp. 2 folding maps<br />

with tears. 20x13 cm. Later cloth. £175.00<br />

A detailed work on the history and archaeology of the city of Goa from its earliest days to the mid 19th century. Lacking the frontispiece<br />

and with some worming. Rebound in later cloth. Very rare.<br />


Springfield, 1965. 85 pp. 54 plates, 11 in colour. Chronological table. 29x22 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

Porcelain ranging from a Neolithic vase to the ‘Rice Design’ ware of the mid-nineteenth century A.D. and bronzes including a rare<br />

late Zhou dynasty kneeling figure of a boy holding a cylinder.<br />

300 David-Neel, Alexandra: MAGIC AND MYSTERY IN TIBET. New York, 1958. xiv, 320 pp. 32 b/w plates. 22x15<br />

cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

301 Deng Lin; Du Dinji ed: XINZENG SISHU. (The Four Books, Newly Augmented). 新增四書補註備旨 :<br />

大學一卷、 中庸一卷、 論語四卷、 孟子存卷三、四 (原四卷) 。 (明) 鄧林撰、 (清) 杜定基 增訂. N.p.,<br />

1880. 5 ce. 5 vols. 27x16 cm. Stitched. £75.00<br />

A very well-known and popular version of the Four Books, produced by Du Dingji in 1779, and much reprinted throughout the 19th<br />

century and even into the Republican period. This copy lacks the 4th fascicle, containing the first two chapters of the ‘Mencius’. The<br />

paper is yellow and brittle, and the outer leaves slightly damaged. There are two collector’s seals of the same collector.<br />

302 Deshpande, M. N: THE CAVES OF PANHALE-KAJI. (Ancient Pranalaka). Mem. Archaeological Survey India<br />

84. New Delhi, 1986. 172 pp. 79 plates, 4 figures. 28x23 cm. Boards. £25.00<br />

One of two monographs by the former Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India on a group of caves in Western India<br />

containing Buddhist carvings dating back to the third century A.D.<br />


ERMITAJA. Siamese Art of the 14th-19th Centuries in the Hermitage. St. Petersburg, 1997. 196 pp. Colour plates<br />

throughout. 26x21 cm. Wrappers. £50.00<br />

Catalogue describing the cream of the holdings of Siamese art in the Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. Very few items published previously.<br />

Good colour illustrations. Introduction, six page summary and short descriptive captions in English. Main text in Russian.<br />


1989. 61 pp. 16 colour plates. 25x18 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

16 wonderful bronzes illustrated with excellent colour photography and described in detail.<br />

305 Deydier, Christian: THE ART OF THE WARRING STATES AND HAN PERIODS. London, 1991. 125 pp. 40<br />

coloured illustrations including 6 folding. 29x21 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

An exhibition of high quality items in gold, bronze, inlaid bronze, gilt bronze, lacquer and earthenware representing the artistic development<br />

of this culturally important period.<br />

306 DINGLING. The Imperial Tomb of the Ming Dynasty — Ding Ling. Kaoguxue Zhuankan, IV:36. Beijing, 1990.<br />

400 pp. text volume with many text illustrations; 391 plates, 136 in colour. 2 vols. 36x27 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

Luxurious two-volume archaeological report produced by the Institute of Archaeology, CASS, of this most important tomb (that of the<br />

Ming Emperor Wanli) which yielded a number of high-quality textiles, gold and silver implements, jewellery, porcelain, etc. Includes<br />

9 pp. English abstract. Main text in Chinese.<br />

307 DIZHEN ZHISHI HUACE. (Knowledge Regarding Earthquakes). 地震知識畫冊. Beijing, 1977. 48 pp. Colour<br />

and b/w illustrations throughout. 26x18 cm. Paper. £90.00<br />

Produced in the aftermath of the devastating 1976 Tangshan earthquake in China, this work is an effort to educate the Chinese populace<br />

about earthquakes — their prediction, scale, precautions to be taken, dangers following earthquakes etc. The work seems primarily<br />

to be aimed at a rural population but goes into a fair amount of technical and scientific detail. Of most interest perhaps are the<br />

simple detection measures outlined and described — from animals not eating their food to horses being scared and fish jumping from<br />

the water. There are also simple descriptions of the severity of earthquakes based on pictures of increasing damage to buildings and<br />

the shuddering of movable objects. The work is also laced with a fair amount of Maoist propaganda. In Chinese. The first time we have<br />

seen this work.<br />

308 Dong Jianjin ed: WENFANG QINGWAN. (Objects from the Scholar’s Studio). 文房清玩 。 董建津 編著.<br />

Tianjin, 2006. 6 pp. text plus 141 pp. colour plates. 29x21 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

A selection of 140 or so objects from the scholar’s studio. In various media and dating mostly from the late Qing and Republic periods.<br />

In Chinese.<br />

309 Dong Peixin & Zhang Shufen ed: DAQING GUOBAO: SONGHUA SHIYAN. (National Treasures of the Great<br />

Qing Dynasty: Songhua Inkstones). 大清國寶:松花石硯。董佩信 張淑芬 編著. Beijing, 2004. 18, 270 pp.<br />

Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £90.00<br />

A study of these fine inkstones, coveted by the Qing emperors. Also examines their associated culture. The majority of the examples illustrated<br />

date from the Qing dynasty, plus a few fine modern examples. Some of the stones shown are in the collection of the National<br />

Palace Museum in Taibei, the rest, it is assumed, are in Chinese collections, including that of the Gugong Museum. In Chinese.<br />

310 Dramdul & Deji Droma: SAJIA SI. Sakya Monastery. 薩迦寺. Beijing, 2008. 2, 17, 239 pp. Colour plates<br />

throughout. 29x22 cm. Wrappers. £65.00<br />

Located 130 km south-west of Xigatze in Tibet, the Sakya Monastery is the centre of the Sakya sect of Tibetan Buddhism. The monastery<br />

was begun in 1074 AD and has grown into an extensive complex. This well-photographed work shows the monastery, its architecture,<br />

treasures and religious life. Good and useful detailed dual texts in Chinese and English.<br />

311 Du Zhengjian ed: HANGZHOU LAOHUDONG YAOZHI CIQI JINGXUAN. Selected Masterpieces from<br />

Laohudong Kiln Site, Hangzhou. 杭州老虎洞窯址瓷器精選. Beijing, 2003. 20 pp. text and 161 pp. colour plates.<br />

29x21 cm. Cloth. £43.00

FROM OUR STOCK – 30 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

Report on the recent excavations and finds at the Laohudong kiln site outside Hangzhou, active from the Northern Song to the Yuan<br />

and which was the site of the Southern Song Guan (official) kiln. Numerous illustrations of reconstructed pieces and sherds of a high<br />

sophistication and refinement with the most exquisite crackle and jade-like glazes. Many different shapes and styles. Important for research<br />

into, and connoisseurship of, Song ceramics. Two page English abstract. Main text in Chinese.<br />

312 Duan Yong: QIANLONG SI MEI YU SAN YOU. (Qianlong’s ‘Four Beauties’ and ‘Three Friends’).<br />

乾隆四美與三友 。 段甬 著. Beijing, 2008. 159 pp. Numerous colour and b/w illustrations. 25x17 cm. £30.00<br />

The Si Mei (Four Beauties) refer to four most-prized paintings in the Qianlong Emperor’s collection, whilst the San You (Three Friends)<br />

refer to another three highly-esteemed ancient paintings depicting plum, bamboo and pine, the Three Friends of Winter. All seven<br />

paintings are illustrated and discussed, together with a section on their appreciation and display within the Forbidden City.<br />

313 Edison, Victoria and James: CULTURAL REVOLUTION POSTERS AND MEMORABILIA. Atglen, 2005.<br />

176 pp. 495 colour plates throughout. 28x22 cm. Boards. £35.00<br />

Extensive reference work — the first of its kind — illustrating and giving price guides for a field of collecting that is growing in importance<br />

for artists, collectors, historians and students of Chinese culture.<br />

314 EDO NI ASOBU. (Edo Period Enjoyments). Rokusho No. 19. Kyoto, 1996. 120 pp. Numerous colour and b/w<br />

illustrations. Text in Japanese only. 30x23 cm. Paper. £38.00<br />

An illustrated exposé of a variety of objects used by the Edo period gentleman and gentle woman — pipecases, netsuke, combs and<br />

other hair ornaments, wallets, lacquer objects, sake ceramics, inro, etc.<br />

315 Eftimiades, Nicholas: CHINESE INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS. Maryland, 1994. xv, 169 pp. 24x16 cm.<br />

Cloth. £25.00<br />

An overview of the Chinese Intelligence establishment and its workings.<br />

316 Egami Namio, Sekino Takeshi, Sakurai K: TATE SHI — TOHOKU CHIHO NI OKERU SHURAKUSHI NO<br />

KENKYU. Tate Sites — A Study of Settlement Sites in North Eastern Japan. Tokyo, 1958. 169 pp. Japanese, 32<br />

pp. English text. 51 b/w & 4 colour plates, 2 folding. 47 text figs. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

Research report on the excavation of fortification sites in North Eastern Japan. Text in both English and Japanese.<br />

317 Engel, David H: <strong>JAPANESE</strong> GARDENS FOR TODAY. Tokyo, 1962. xvi, 270 pp. Bibliography, index. 17 colour<br />

plates, 279 plates, 70 text-figures. 28x23 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

A practical, down-to-earth explanation of the basic rules of Japanese garden design and care. Fourth printing of the 1959 edition.<br />

318 Erdberg, Eleanor von: CHINESE BRONZES. From The Collection of Chester Dale and Dolly Carter. Artibus<br />

Asiae. Supplementum XXXV. Ascona, 1978. x, 250 pp. 129 pieces illustrated, 19 plates of rubbings. Appendix.<br />

32x24 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

A catalogue raisonné of 129 bronzes from the Carter collection, most of which now belong to the Art Museum of Princeton University,<br />

comparing them with other bronzes found in excavations of the last decade.<br />


London, 1973. 103 pp. 19 colour plates, numerous b/w illustrations. 30x21 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

Exhibition of pieces selected from international collections. 63 pieces illustrated. Contains an essay by Stuart Fleming: ‘Thermoluminescence<br />

Studies of Art and Bronzes’.<br />

320 Eskenazi: A SELECTION OF EARLY CHINESE BRONZES. London, 2006. 39 pp. Colour plates throughout.<br />

Bibliography. 31x22 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

Eight superb early Chinese bronzes (some comprising groups of objects) are illustrated in colour and extensively documented for Eskenazi’s<br />

exhibition in New York in early 2006.<br />

321 Evans-Wentz, W. Y: TIBETAN YOGA AND SECRET DOCTRINES. Or Seven Books of Wisdom of the Great<br />

Path. Tibetan Series. Oxford, 1970. xliv, 389 pp. 9 plates. Index. 23x15 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Contains English translations of texts and oral teachings received from the Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup. There are seven chief texts and<br />

the treatise as a whole is based on the Yoga philosophy. Reprint of 1935 edition.<br />

322 Evarts, Curtis: LIANG YI COLLECTION. Liang Yi Cang. 兩依藏. Hong Kong, 2007. 40; 175; 125; 169 pp.<br />

Colour plates throughout each volume. 4 vols. 29x21 cm. Boards. £250.00<br />

A four volume work on the fine Liang Yi Collection of Chinese furniture and scholar’s studio objects dating from throughout the Qing<br />

dynasty. Contents of each volume as follows. Introductory paperback volume contains Introduction, Index and Bibliography; Volume<br />

One: Huanghuali; Volume Two: Zitan; Volume Three: Small Objects. This work is a revised edition of the 2000 work on the Liang Yi<br />

Collection and also includes much new material which has been collected since that date. Illustrated throughout in colour and with<br />

dual texts in Chinese and English.<br />

323 Fang Yulu: FANGSHI MOPU. (The Fang Family Compendium of Ink Cakes). 方氏墨譜 。 方于魯 撰. Beijing,<br />

1991. Each vol. c 60 pp. Many illustrations of ink cakes. 6 vols. 32x21 cm. Stitched, silk-case. £250.00<br />

A facsimile reprint of the 1588 original. One of the glories of Ming period book production and illustration, the ‘Fangshi Mopu’ is a<br />

high-quality catalogue reproducing a variety of designs on ink cakes. The patterns were widely copied in other handicraft media (jade,<br />

lacquer, wood) both in China and Japan. Fang Yulu (fl. 1570-1619) worked with well-known artists such as Wu Tingyu and Ding Yunpeng<br />

to produce designs along with the skilled woodblock carver, Huang Shouyan. In Chinese. Edgren, ‘Chinese Rare Books’ p. 29.<br />

324 Fang, Jessica: YINZI. Chinese Silvers. Taipei, 1996. 135 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x23 cm. Paper. £60.00<br />

Copiously-illustrated throughout in colour, this work is divided into sections on: necklaces, locks, Chilins, earrings, hair ornaments,<br />

bells, needle holders, bracelets, belt ornaments, rings, silver boxes, works of art. The works range from imperial quality to the folk art<br />

tradition and provides a good survey of Chinese silver jewellery and ornaments. List of contents and brief introductions to each section<br />

in English. Main texts in Chinese. The work has been exposed to moisture and the pages are crinkled with barely discernible watermarks<br />

to a few pages. Out-of-print.<br />

325 Farley, Malcolm F: SOME MIRRORS OF SUPPOSED PRE-HAN DATE. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies<br />

Vol. 5 No. 1. Harvard, 1940. pp. 72-94 plus 2 pp. b/w plates. 24x16 cm. Paper. £22.00

LIST 156 – 31 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

326 Father Sangermano, Tandy, W. trans: A DESCRIPTION OF THE BURMESE EMPIRE. Compiled chiefly from<br />

Burmese documents by Father Sangermano. New York, 1969. xl, 308 pp. Folding map. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

Originally published in Rome in 1833, this is a very interesting work on Burma at the end of the 18th and start of the 19th centuries.<br />

With sections covering Burmese Cosmography, Burmese History, Constitution of the Burmese Empire, Religion of the Burmese, Moral<br />

and Physical Constitution of the Burmese Empire, Burmese Code. Sangermano was a Catholic monk who arrived in Burma in 1783<br />

and returned to Rome in 1808 where he worked on this manuscript. A scarce account. Fifth printing.<br />



Vehicles Must Observe Traffic Rules // Respect Revolutionary Discipline. It Is Forbidden to Break the Rules Whilst<br />

Driving.). 非機動車要遵守交通規則-遵守革命紀律 嚴禁違章行車. Fuyang, n.d. (late 1960s). 2 posters with<br />

a number of colour illustrations. 2 vols. 76x52 cm. Paper. £200.00<br />

An interesting set of two posters produced in the late 1960s for use in the poor and undeveloped Ningxia region in north-west China.<br />

As a backward province, the issue of accidents caused by the encounter of motorized vehicles with unmotorized horse-drawn and people-drawn<br />

transport was problematic due to the lack of safety awareness from drivers of both forms of transport. These two posters<br />

sought to address and improve the issue through simple illustrations and text.<br />

Title of the two posters: 1. Feijidongche yao Zunshou Jiaotongguize — Unmotorized Vehicles Must Observe Traffic Rules. 2. Zunshou<br />

Geming Jilu. Yanjin Weizhang Xingche — Respect Revolutionary Discipline. It Is Forbidden to Break the Rules Whilst Driving.<br />

In fine condition. Text in Chinese. Rare.<br />

328 Feng Menglong comp.; Yang Shuhui and Yang Yunqiu trans: STORIES TO AWAKEN THE WORLD. A Ming<br />

Dynasty Collection: Volume 3. Seattle, 2009. 992 pp. 23x16 cm. Cloth. £70.00<br />

Third volume of a trilogy giving us the first complete translation of Feng Menglong’s ‘Xingshi Henyan’ — Stories to Awaken the<br />

World’. A varied collection of short stories, many dating back centuries.<br />

329 Fox, Robert: THE TABON CAVES. Archaeological Explorations and Excavations on Palawan Island, Philippines.<br />

Manila, 1970. xiii, 197 pp. text plus 17 pp. b/w plates. Numerous b/w text drawings. 23x15 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

Detailed and interesting survey of explorations and excavations undertaken.<br />

330 Franks, Augustus W: <strong>JAPANESE</strong> POTTERY. Being a Native Report with an Introduction and Catalogue. London,<br />

1880. xvi, 112 pp. 73 engravings of pots and potters’ marks. 20x14 cm. Original green cloth. £70.00<br />

South Kensington (Victoria & Albert) Museum of Art Handbook. First edition of a now rare catalogue.<br />


Acquired During the Administration of John Ellerton Lodge. Freer Gallery Oriental Studies, No. 3. Washington,<br />

1946. 108 pp. 50 b/w plates, text-figures, maps. 36x27 cm. Cloth. £20.00<br />

Superb plates and comprehensive catalogue. Now at a much reduced price to clear excess stock.<br />

332 Friday, Karl F: LEGACIES OF THE SWORD. The Kashima-Shinryo and Samurai Martial Culture. Honolulu,<br />

1997. 264 pp. Cloth. £30.00<br />

333 Fujikake Shizuya: KEICHO KANEI FUZOKU GASHU. (Genre Paintings During Keicho and Kanei Periods<br />

1596-1644). Tokyo, 1926. 12 pp. Japanese text, 45 plates. 38x27 cm. Japanese style binding. £150.00<br />

A collection of paintings, screens, sliding doors, and hanging scrolls from the period 1596-1644. Japanese text.<br />

334 Gamble, Sidney D: TING HSIEN. A North China Rural Community. Stanford, 1968. xxiii, 472 pp. Frontispiece,<br />

16 plates, charts. Index. 22x14 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Provides a wealth of data for social scientists and students of China: on population, agriculture, village industry, family budgets, finance<br />

and trade. Based on an important survey carried out between 1926 and 1933. Second edition. Hucker 2074.<br />

335 Gao Dalun et al: ZHONGGUO WENWU JIANSHANG CIDIAN. (A Dictionary of Chinese Connoisseurship).<br />

Guilin, 1991. ii, 16, 421 pp. 36 colour plates. Most articles with b/w plates. Index. 27x20 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

An extensive, classified dictionary, with character index, exemplifying, illustrating and describing in brief articles, most of the recognised<br />

forms of Chinese art. Text in Chinese only. Fourth printing, 1994.<br />

336 Gao Fenghan: GAO FENGHAN YAN SHI. (The ‘Inkstone Annals’ of Gao Fenghan). Shanghai, 1995. 273 pp.<br />

Reproductions of an album of b/w rubbings throughout. Chinese text only. 39x27 cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

Gao, the painter, calligrapher and seal artist (1683-1749), was also a collector of inkstones and his ‘Annals’ records 112 fine examples.<br />

It is also itself a work of calligraphic art which was carved in stone and reproduced as rubbings. This is a facsimile of one edition.<br />

Out-of-print.<br />

337 Gao Long: GAOLONG XING TA JINGCUI. (The Seals of Gao Long). Beijing, 1996. c. 55 folded leaves per<br />

volume. Seal impressions throughout. 4 vols. 30x14 cm. Stitched, silk brocade case. £150.00<br />

Seals carved by the contemporary craftsman Gao Long. Impressions are on traditional-style letter paper providing an interesting contrast<br />

with the modern seal impressions which are in the style of Fengchen San Xian (Three Travel Weary Loafers) — see item 166 in<br />

our List 118. In Chinese.<br />

338 Gao Yi et al: EERDUOSI SHIHAI GOUCHEN. (An In-depth Look at Ordos History). 鄂爾多斯史海鉤沉 。<br />

高毅 等 編著. Beijing, 2008. 279 pp. Colour plates throughout. 24x17 cm. Wrappers. £53.00<br />

A very well-illustrated survey of the history and culture of the Ordos region of Mongolia and north-west China. Shows many of the distinctive<br />

bronzes excavated in the area together with numerous other artefacts. In Chinese.<br />

339 Giskin, Howard: CHINESE FOLKTALES. Lincolnwood, 1997. xv, 271 pp. Map. 23 cm. Cloth. £23.00<br />

340 Goldman, Bernard: LATE SCYTHIAN ART IN THE WEST: THE DETROIT HELMET. Ipek Jahrgange<br />

1966/1969 22. Band. Berlin, 1969. pp. 67-76 plus 8 pp. b/w plates. 29x22 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

341 Goodrich, Chauncey: A POCKET DICTIONARY CHINESE-ENGLISH. And Pekingese Syllabary. Shanghai,<br />

1909. vii, 237, 70 pp. Arranged by romanization, with radical index. 15x12 cm. Half leather. £40.00

FROM OUR STOCK – 32 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

With its title page advertising the fact that this comes from the ‘seventh thousand’ this is an early reprint of the first edition of an extremely<br />

popular and useful pocket dictionary printed by the American Presbyterian Mission Press. Spine damaged, owner’s inscription<br />

on front endpaper, giving his Chinese name in his own brushed calligraphy.<br />

342 Gordon, Antoinette K: THE ICONOGRAPHY OF TIBETAN LAMAISM. Rutland, 1959. xxxi, 131 pp. 186<br />

illustrations and plates, 1 in colour. Index. 31x23 cm. Quarter-cloth, and silk-covered boards. £75.00<br />

A revised and enlarged edition of a scholarly study of one of the world’s most fascinating art forms. Second printing of the second edition.<br />

Scarce in this edition. Slight bump to top right edge of cover, otherwise fine.<br />

343 Gordon, Antoinette K: TIBETAN RELIGIOUS ART. New York, 1963. xvi, 104 pp. 93 illustrations and plates, 2<br />

in colour. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

Reprint of 1959 edition. A useful survey of the field.<br />

344 Goy, Bertrand & Itzikovitz, Max: WOOD SCULPTURE IN NEPAL. Jokers and Talismans. Milan, 2009. 165 pp.<br />

Full page colour plates throughout. 28x24 cm. Boards. £40.00<br />

A well-illustrated work that sets out to uncover the history of these little-studied objects and to determine their place in Nepalese culture.<br />

All the masks and sculptures emanate an impressive and slightly frightening sense of brooding power.<br />


COLLECTION. London, 2002. 63 pp. Colour plates. 30x22 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

Catalogue of a sale exhibition of scholar’s studio objects from the Jiansong Ge collection. Includes brushpots, inkstones, paintings<br />

and other items, all of a very high quality. Well-described and illustrated in colour. Dual text in English and Chinese.<br />

346 Graham, David Crockett: FOLK RELIGION IN SOUTHWEST CHINA. Smithsonian Misc. Coll. volume 142:2.<br />

Washington, 1967. viii, 246 pp. Over 50 b/w illustrations, 2 maps. 24x16 cm. Paper. £50.00<br />

Mr Graham spent many years in the area, between 1911 and 1944, as a scholar-missionary. The book describes South West China,<br />

the main religions of China and, of most interest, the folk religions and beliefs of the area. Interesting photographs. Second printing.<br />

347 Granet, Marcel: CHINESE CIVILIZATION. London, 1958. xxiii, 444 pp. 12 plates, 5 maps. Bibliography and<br />

index. 21x14 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

An original, theoretical analysis of Chinese institutions and society in Zhou times, but not generally considered authoritative. Translated<br />

by Kathleen E. Innes and Mabel R. Brailsford.<br />

348 Granoff, P. & Shimora, K. ed: MONKS AND MAGICIANS. Religious Biographies. 1996. Paper. £25.00<br />

A collection of 7 original essays about the lives of Jain and Buddhist figures in India and Buddhist kings & monks in Tibet and China.<br />

349 Gray, Basil: EARLY CHINESE POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. Faber Monographs on Pottery & Porcelain.<br />

London, 1953. xvi, 48 pp. 4 colour, 96 b/w plates. 26x17 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

A brief, authoritative history of Chinese ceramics from antiquity through to the Yuan period. Hucker 1435.<br />

350 Green, Gillian: PICTORIAL CAMBODIAN TEXTILES. Bangkok, 2009. 163 pp. 278 colour illustrations. 23x25<br />

cm. Paper. £19.95<br />

Illustrates a comprehensive selection of Cambodian silk hangings — pidan. From both public and private collections, this work shows<br />

many previously unpublished pieces and discusses their use and significance.<br />

351 Groslier, Bernard & Jacques Arthaud: ANGKOR — ART AND CIVILIZATION. Singapore, 1966. 236 pp. 6<br />

plates in colour, 115 b/w illustrations. 28x24 cm. Cloth. £85.00<br />

A now classic book on the ruins of Angkor. Revised edition of ‘The Arts and Civilization of Angkor’.<br />

352 Guan Xueling: QINGDAI GONGTING YIXUE YU YIXUE WENWU. (Medicine and Medical Artefacts in the<br />

Qing Court). 清代宮庭醫學與醫學文物 。 關雪玲 著. Beijing, 2008. 227 pp. Numerous colour and b/w<br />

illustrations. 25x17 cm. Wrappers. £30.00<br />

Detailed and welcome detailed study on this little-known aspect of life at the Qing court within the Forbidden City, that of the culture<br />

of imperial medicine and associated artefacts. Well-illustrated. Text in Chinese.<br />

353 Guan Xueling ed: GUGONG SHOUCANG: ZHONGBIAO. (The Gugong Collection: Timepieces).<br />

故宮收藏:鐘表。關雪玲 主編. Ni Yinggai Zhidao de 200 Jian. Beijing, 2007. 311 pp. Colour plates throughout.<br />

24x17 cm. Wrappers. £25.00<br />

Illustrates and describes 200 of the extraordinarily elaborate clocks and timepieces so loved by the Qing emperors of China. Many<br />

are imported from Europe, some made in Guangzhou (presumably in the foreign hongs) and some made in the Zaobanchu workshops<br />

in the Forbidden City. All examples from the imperial collection. Text in Chinese.<br />

354 Guérin, Jacques: LA CHINOISERIE EN EUROPE AU XVIIIE SIÉCLE. Tapisseries-Meubles-Bronze<br />

d’Ameublement-Céramiques-Peintures et Dessins. Paris, 1911. 8 pp. introductory pages and text, 8 pp. plate<br />

captions. 80 loose b/w collotype plates with many illustrations. 42x31 cm. Half cloth portfolio. £250.00<br />

Numbered edition of 250 copies. Excellent plates showing pieces imported from China, improved upon in Europe, or pieces manufactured<br />

in Europe after Chinese models. Loose plates in broken portfolio.<br />

355 Gugong Museum: SONGJIANG HUIHUA. (Paintings from the Songjiang School). 松江繪畫. Complete<br />

Collection of Treasures Gugong, 7. Shanghai, 2007. 254 pp. Colour illustrations. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

Shows 106 beautiful examples of painting by the Songjiang school of artists active in China during the late Ming dynasty. The Songjiang<br />

area comprises present-day Shanghai. Includes paintings, handscrolls and albums by numerous artists, well-known and less familiar,<br />

including Dong Qichang and Wu Zhen. The handscrolls and albums are reproduced in full. Illustrated throughout in colour. Captions<br />

in English, otherwise Chinese text.<br />

356 Gugong Museum: SI SENG HUIHUA. Paintings by Four Monks. 四僧繪畫. Complete Collection of Treasures<br />

Gugong, 11. Shanghai, 2000. 288 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards. £75.00<br />

Illustrates and fully describes the paintings in the collection by the Qing painters known as the Si Seng or Four Monks: Hong Ren,<br />

Kun Can, Ba Da Shan Ren and Shi Tao. Captions in English. Main text in Chinese.

LIST 156 – 33 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

357 Gugong Museum: YANGZHOU HUIHUA. Paintings by Artists of Yangzhou. 揚州繪畫. Complete Collection of<br />

Treasures Gugong, 13. Shanghai, 2007. 258 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards. £75.00<br />

Shows 192 extremely fine examples of Qing dynasty paintings by artists of the Yangzhou school held in the collection of the Gugong<br />

Museum in Beijing. Includes both paintings in the collection of the Qing court and later accessions. Illustrated throughout in colour.<br />

Captions in English, otherwise Chinese text.<br />

358 Gugong Museum: MINGBEI SHANBEN. (Rubbings of Famous Stone Inscriptions). 名碑善本. Complete<br />

Collection of Treasures Gugong, 23. Shanghai, 2009. 24 pp. text, 232 pp. col. plates. 29x22 cm. Boards. £75.00<br />

Shows 89 highly-regarded examples of rubbings of famous Chinese stone inscriptions with fine calligraphy. The rubbings are held in<br />

the collection of the Gugong Museum in Beijing. Many of the rubbings are held in albums and most of the 88 examples are illustrated<br />

in multiple views. The stones from which the rubbings are taken date from the Han dynasty onwards.<br />

359 Gugong Museum: MINGTIE SHANBEN. (Rubbings of Famous Examples of Calligraphy). 名帖善本. Complete<br />

Collection of Treasures Gugong, 24. Shanghai, 2009. 24, 284 pp. 274 pp. colour plates. 29x22 cm. Boards.<br />

£75.00<br />

Shows 137 examples of albums of rubbings of famous and highly-regarded examples of Chinese calligraphy held in the collection. The<br />

rubbings and albums date from the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties. The stones and calligraphic inscriptions from which the rubbings<br />

were taken are in many cases much older. Such calligraphic inscriptions were used as models for aspiring calligraphers to emulate.<br />

360 Gugong Museum: YUAN MING QIQI. (Yuan and Ming Dynasty Lacquer). 元明漆器. Complete Collection of<br />

Treasures Gugong, 45. Shanghai, 2006. 28, 263 pp. 207 items illustrated in full colour plates with some detail<br />

plates. Colour text illustrations. 29x22 cm. Boards. £75.00<br />

Magnificent exposition of 207 examples of Yuan and Ming lacquer from the Qing Court collection. Divided according to dynasty.<br />

Mostly comprises carved lacquer with some painted, polychrome and inlaid examples. Another excellent survey in this essential series<br />

containing much previously unpublished material. Captions in English, otherwise Chinese text.<br />

361 Gugong Museum: QINGDAI QIQI. Qing Dynasty Lacquer. 清代漆器. Complete Collection of Treasures Gugong,<br />

46. Hong Kong/China 2006. 30, 262 pp. 196 items illustrated in full colour plates with some detail plates. Colour<br />

text illustrations. 29x22 cm. Boards. £75.00<br />

Magnificent exposition of 196 examples of Qing lacquer. Slightly less than half the items shown are carved lacquer with further sections<br />

for ‘carved filled-in’, gold-painted, polychrome-painted, ‘guangsu’, and inlaid lacquer. An excellent survey in this essential series<br />

containing much previously unpublished material. Captions in English, otherwise Chinese text.<br />

362 Gugong Museum: BIYANHU. (Snuff Bottles). 鼻煙壺. Complete Collection of Treasures Gugong, 47. Shanghai,<br />

2002. 32 pp. text and 272 pp. colour plates showing 410 bottles. 29x22 cm. Boards. £75.00<br />

Shows 410 wonderful snuff bottles from various holdings within the Forbidden City, Beijing. Includes many items produced in the imperial<br />

workshops. The bottles are in many media — ivory, porcelain, lacquer, glass, enamelware, stone, horn etc. An excellent survey.<br />

Each bottle illustrated in multiple views, including marks. Captions in English, otherwise Chinese text.<br />

363 Gugong Museum: QING GONG WUBEI. Armaments and Military Provisions. 清宮武備. Complete Collection<br />

of Treasures Gugong, 56. Shanghai, 2008. 28, 264 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards. £75.00<br />

Shows 286 superb examples of swords, saddles, arrows, paintings with military scenes, guns, cannon, armour, spears and other military-related<br />

artefacts held in the collection of the Gugong Museum in Beijing. Many of the objects come from the Qing Court Collection<br />

and of particular note are the swords, many with stunning inlaid or gilt decoration and a good number with mughal-style inlaid<br />

jade hilts. Captions in English, otherwise Chinese text.<br />

364 Gugong Museum: YUQI. Jadeware I & II. 玉器. Complete Collection of Treasures Gugong. Shanghai, 2007. 30,<br />

314; 32, 315 pp. A total of 629 pp. colour plates illustrate 601 jade objects. 2 vols. 29x22 cm. Boards. £150.00<br />

A further two (supplementary?) volumes in the series The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum illustrate in fine<br />

colour plates and describe a total of 601 superb jade objects in the Gugong collection in Beijing. The first volume shows 332 jades<br />

dating from the Neolithic through to the Ming dynasty. The second volume illustrates 269 jades from the Qing dynasty. Many of the<br />

jades are from the Qing court collection, the remainder presumably from recent archaeological excavations and donation. Close examination<br />

of this work with the three previously-published volumes in this series on jade shows that the majority of the material in these<br />

two volumes is new. There is some duplication but these duplicated pieces have been rephotographed and benefit from English captions<br />

which the earlier volumes do not have. Titles to each section and captions in English. In Chinese. Only available as a set.<br />

365 Gugong Museum: MINGBEI SHI PIN. Ten Famous Stone Inscriptions. 名碑十品. Complete Collection of<br />

Treasures Gugong, 63. Shanghai, 2009. 16, 311 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards. £75.00<br />

A supplementary volume in the series. Presents 10 of the most famous albums of rubbings of calligraphic inscriptions carved on stone<br />

held in the collection of the Gugong Museum in Beijing. The albums are: 1. ‘Inscriptions on Drum-Shaped Stone Blocks’. Inscribed<br />

during the Warring States period. Ming rubbings. 2. ‘Inscriptions on ‘Curse Chu’ Stele’. Inscribed during the Warring States period.<br />

Yuan dynasty rubbings. 3. ‘Inscribed Stone on Mount Tai’. Inscribed in the Qin dynasty. Ming dynasty rubbings. 4. ‘Stele of Ritual Vessels’.<br />

Inscribed during the Eastern Han dynasty. Ming dynasty rubbings. 5. ‘Stele of Zhang Menghong’. Inscribed Northern Wei dynasty.<br />

Ming rubbings. 6. ‘Inscription on Cliff Face Stone of Yi He’. Inscribed during the Liang Kingdom. Song dynasty rubbings. 7.<br />

‘Stele of Li Quan in Jiu Cheng Palace’. Inscribed during the Tang dynasty. Song dynasty rubbings. 8. ‘Stele of Yu Gonggong’. Inscribed<br />

during the Tang dynasty. Song dynasty rubbings. 9. ‘Stele of Li Sixun’. Inscribed during the Tang dynasty. Song dynasty rubbings. 10.<br />

‘Stele of Li Xuanjing’. Inscribed during the Tang dynasty. Song dynasty rubbings.<br />

The albums are all reproduced in their entirety. Captions in English, otherwise Chinese text.<br />

366 Gugong Museum: ZAYOUCAI SUSANCAI. Miscellaneous Enamelled Porcelains and Plain Tricoloured<br />

Porcelains. 雜釉彩 素三彩. Complete Collection of Treasures Gugong, 64. Shanghai, 2009. 35 pp. text and 324 pp.<br />

colour plates. 29x22 cm. Boards. £75.00<br />

A supplementary volume in the series. Illustrates 273 wonderful examples of Ming and (the vast majority) Qing dynasty ceramics decorated<br />

with various coloured enamels and the type of colouring known as susancai. It seems that this volume has been produced to include<br />

ceramics that don’t fall easily in to any of the categories of the other ceramic volumes in the series. This is not said to denigrate<br />

the quality of the ceramics which are excellent, if not superb. Many of the pieces were in the Qing Court collection. Nearly all the examples<br />

are illustrated in multiple views and basemarks are shown. Captions in English, otherwise Chinese text.

FROM OUR STOCK – 34 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

367 Gugong Museum: GU XI HUIBIAN. (Collection of Ancient Seals). 古璽彙編. Beijing, 1994. 6 pp. text. 520 pp.<br />

(5708) seals. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

An important reference work in which the seals are set out clearly to aid identification. Text in Chinese. New edition of 1981 original.<br />

368 Gugong Museum: JUANXIAN DAJIA YE YI. (Dr. Ip Yee’s Donation of Rhinoceros Horn Carvings to the Gugong<br />

Museum). 捐獻大家:葉義. Beijing, 2007. 170 pp. 114 pp. colour plates. 33x26 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

A fine catalogue of the donation by the collector Ye Yi (Dr. Ip Yee) to the Gugong Museum in Beijing of 81 superb examples of Chinese<br />

rhinoceros horn carving dating from the Ming and Qing dynasties. All pieces well-illustrated in large colour plates and in multiple<br />

views. All text in Chinese.<br />


PALACE. Qing Gong Zangchuan Fojiao Wenwu. 清宮藏傳佛教文物. Beijing, 1998. 279 pp. 151 colour plates.<br />

Chinese & English text. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

Focusing on a select but representative part of the collection of Buddhist cultural relics, this book introduces the Gugong collection,<br />

drawing attention to the close relations between the Imperial Court and Tibetan Buddhism. Dual English and Chinese text.<br />

370 GUGONG SHUHUA LU ZENGDINGBEN 1-4. Taibei, 1966. 428, 310, 586, 472 pp. 4 vols. 23x15 cm. Paper.<br />

£75.00<br />

Revised version of this detailed descriptive work on paintings in the National Palace Museum collection in Taibei. Revised edition. Some<br />

wear to covers and spines. In Chinese.<br />

371 Guo Chuanhuo: SHANMIAN SHOUCANG YU JIANSHANG. (The Appreciation and Collecting of Fans).<br />

扇面收藏輿鑒賞 。 郭傳火 著. Shanghai, 2007. 149 pp. Colour illustrations. 21x14 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

A small but well-illustrated work on the collection and connoisseurship of Chinese fans. In Chinese.<br />

372 Guo Qinghua: THE STRUCTURE OF CHINESE TIMBER ARCHITECTURE. Twelfth Century Design<br />

Standards and Construction Principles. Göteborg, 1995. xii, 268 pp. 110 b/w illustrations. Map. 19 tables,<br />

bibliography, index. 30x21 cm. Paper. £85.00<br />

Doctoral dissertation offering a detailed examination of the state building structures of the Song period and extracts and translations<br />

from the manual Yingzao Fashi (1103). Includes translations of 171 fundamental Chinese architectural terms. A solid and informative<br />

thesis. Very hard to find.<br />

373 Hai Bo ed: ZHU MU YA JIAOQI ZHENSHANG. (The Appreciation of Bamboo, Wood, Ivory and Rhinoceros<br />

Horn Objects). 竹木牙角器珍賞 。 海波 編著. Tainan, 1995. 7, 205 pp. 191 colour plates, 191 b/w illustrations<br />

29x22 cm. Cloth. £90.00<br />

A choice selection of objects in bamboo, wood, ivory and horn taken from various museum collections in China and Taiwan and some<br />

private holdings. A total of 191 objects are displayed and described. Text in Chinese only.<br />

374 Hall, D. G. E. ed: MICHAEL SYMES. Journal of his Second Embassy to the Court of Ava in 1802. London, 1955.<br />

lxxxix, 270 pp. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

Description of a British Embassy to the Burmese court at the start of the 19th century. Includes an extensive introduction giving the<br />

background to the Embassy and British diplomatic involvement with Burma, Symes’s diary and appendices.<br />

375 Harada Jiro: THE LESSON OF <strong>JAPANESE</strong> ARCHITECTURE. London, 1936. 192 pp. Profusely illustrated.<br />

Glossary. 29x23 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

Plates depict interiors and exteriors, modern and historic. The emphasis of this volume by a noted authority is on the traditional style<br />

of Japanese architecture seen primarily through private housing. Includes a short history of the development of the major premodern<br />

styles. Silberman 804. First edition.<br />

376 Harada Minoru: MEIJI WESTERN PAINTING. Arts of Japan 6. Tokyo, 1974. 144 pp. 131 illustrations, 28 in<br />

colour. Glossary, bibliography, index. 23x19 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

Discusses the western-influenced movements in Japanese art at the end of the 19th century following the opening of Japan. Translated<br />

from the Japanese.<br />

377 Harrer, Heinrich: SEVEN YEARS IN TIBET. London, 1953. xiii, 288 pp. 26 photographic plates, map. 22x15 cm.<br />

Cloth. £20.00<br />

The now classic account of Harrer’s escape from Dehra-Dun in 1943 and his subsequent seven years in Tibet where he became the<br />

tutor and confidant of the young Dalai Lama.<br />

378 Hasuda Shugoro: SHUGORU HASUDA — METALL PLASTIK. Kyoto, 1981. 282 pp. 127 colour plates. 37x26<br />

cm. Cloth, slipcase. £155.00<br />

Beautifully illustrated monograph on the modern metal artist. Text in Japanese and German.<br />

379 He Dalong: CHANGCHI WUDAI JIANZHU XIN KAO. New Research on the Architecture of Five Dynasties<br />

in Changchi. 長治五代建築新考 。 賀大龍 著. Beijing, 2008. vii, 202 pp. 23 colour plates. Numerous b/w<br />

architectural drawings. 27x19 cm. Boards. £50.00<br />

Detailed research into two extant Five dynasties temple buildings located near Changchi (Changzhi) in China’s Shanxi province. Wellillustrated,<br />

particularly with architectural drawings. In Chinese.<br />

380 He Zhengguang et al. ed: MINGDAI TAOCI DAQUAN. Chinese Ceramics, Ming Dynasty. 明代陶瓷大全.<br />

Zhongguo Taoci Dashi 1. Taibei, 2002. 591 pp. Over 550 colour plates, text figs. 21x15 cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

Profusely illustrated encyclopaedia of Ming porcelain, a useful reference for any serious collector. Plate captions in English, otherwise<br />

Chinese text. Seventh edition, newly reissued.<br />

381 Hedin, Sven Anders: TRANS-HIMALAYA 1-2. Discoveries and Adventures in Tibet. London, 1909. xxiii, 436;<br />

xvii, 441 pp. 388 illustrations. 10 maps, 3 folding. 2 vols. 23x16 cm. Cloth. £350.00<br />

A fascinating record of travel in a land which was previously almost unknown by a European. In very good condition. A third volume<br />

was published in 1913. Yakushi H103, Marshall 2098.

LIST 156 – 35 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

382 Heekeren, H. R. van: SAI-YOK. Stone-Age Settlements in the Kanchanaburi Province. Archaeological Excavations<br />

in Thailand 1. Copenhagen, 1967. 129 pp. text. 23 plates. 30x22 cm. Half-cloth. £45.00<br />

An account of the Thai-Danish Prehistoric Expedition 1960-62, whose objective was to make a study of the almost unknown prehistory<br />

of Thailand.<br />

383 Hegel, Robert comp: TRUE CRIMES IN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY CHINA. Twenty Case Histories. Seattle,<br />

2009. 312 pp. 22x15 cm. Paper. £22.00<br />

The little-examined genre of legal case narrative is explored in this most interesting volume, the first collection in English of criminal<br />

cases — most involving homicide — from late imperial China. Includes crimes of passion, family conflict, neighbourhood feuds, gang<br />

violence and sedition.<br />

384 Henan Cultural Group: GONGXIAN SHIKU SI. (Cave-Temples of Gongxian). Beijing, 1963. 26, 28, 64 pp. text<br />

and illustrations and diagrams, 179 pp. b/w plates. 29x24 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

Printed in 800 copies. Detailed survey of this important Buddhist ‘cave-temple’ in Henan Province. Text includes descriptions, inscriptions,<br />

reproductions of rubbings, etc. 179 pages of good clear black-and-white plates. RBS 9:431. In Chinese. Price much reduced<br />

due to an accumulation of stock.<br />

385 Henderson, Gregory: KOREA. The Politics of the Vortex. Cambridge, 1968. xvi, 479 pp. 5 illustrations, notes,<br />

index. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

An analysis of Korea’s modern history and political developments by an American diplomat who served 7 years in Korea from 1947,<br />

in the light of the post-Korean War split, the Vietnam War and the American fear of Communism in the region.<br />

386 HEQING XIANGMIANSHAN MUDI. Cemetery at Xiangmian Mountain. 鶴慶象眠山墓地. Beijing, 2009. 14,<br />

515 pp. text plus 64 pp. colour and 40 pp. b/w plates. Numerous detailed b/w text drawings. One foldout. 29x22<br />

cm. Cloth. £90.00<br />

Most detailed report on the excavations of the cemetery at Xiangmian Mountain, located in Dali prefecture in China’s Yunnan province.<br />

The cemetery was used for hundreds of years and contains Dali Kingdom remains onwards through to the early Qing dynasty. Of most<br />

note is the extensive amounts of illustrated green-glazed pottery impressed or incised with various designs ranging from rope patterns<br />

to small face masks. A wide range of other small artefacts were also found, many also illustrated. One page English abstract. Main<br />

text in Chinese.<br />


1952. xi, 193 pp. 55 plates, 1 in colour, text-figures, map. Bibliography. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

An illustrated catalogue of the van Heusden Collection. Numbered edition of 1,000 copies, signed and sealed by the author.<br />


RECORDS. 荷蘭時代臺灣告令集婚姻與洗禮登錄簿 。 韓家寶、 鄭維中 譯著. Taibei, 2005. lxiii, 428 pp. 27<br />

pp. colour plates. 23x16 cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

Reproduces, translates and annotates two manuscripts that shed new light on the social and institutional history of Taiwan. The Dutch<br />

Formosan Placard-book is a compilation of all placards issued by the Dutch Governors of Taiwan between 1629 and 1643. These contain<br />

ordinances and laws that regulated life in the colony. The marriage and baptism records list the names of about 350 citizens who<br />

married and whose children were baptised. Gives insights into the running of the colony and the foreign life style in 17th century Taiwan.<br />

Dual text in English and Chinese.<br />

389 Heywood, Denise: CAMBODIAN DANCE. Bangkok, 2009. 144 pp. 200 colour ills. 25x23 cm. Cloth. £19.95<br />

Discusses the traditions and long history of Cambodian dance, an art form religious in origin.<br />

390 Hibbert, Howard et al: DRAMA AND DESIRE. Japanese Painting from the Floating World, 1690-1850. Boston,<br />

2007. 243 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x25 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

65 masterpieces of ukiyo-e painting by renowned artists, with many images perviously unpublished and never in such a way as to<br />

place them in the broader cultural context of Edo-period Japan.<br />

391 Hoare, J. E: EMBASSIES IN THE EAST. The Story of the British and their Embassies in China, Japan and Korea<br />

from 1859 to the Present. British Embassy Series, 1. London, 1999. 272 pp. Illustrations. Cloth. £40.00<br />

Traces the history of three Far Eastern embassies through war and revolution against the background of the apparent steady decline<br />

of Western influence in Asia.<br />

392 Holloway, Owen E: GRAPHIC ART OF JAPAN. The Classical School. Chapters in Art Series, No. 28. London,<br />

1957. v, 135 pp. 5 colour plates, 121 b/w plates and illustrations. 19x13 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £45.00<br />

A monumental work in small format. Of great interest for the collector of Japanese illustrated books as well as anyone interested in<br />

Japanese prints. Abrams A60.<br />


CH’IEN LUNG. Victoria and Albert Museum Department of Ceramics. London, 1927. xxi, 123 pp. 120 plates with<br />

numerous illustrations. 25x16 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

Illustrated with 120 monochrome plates, plus many pages of reign marks, hall marks, date marks, etc. An analysis of the styles and<br />

decorations of Qing porcelains, illustrated by examples from the Salting collection.<br />

394 Hong Kong Museum of Art ed: ENGRAVED CALLIGRAPHY. Selected Seals donated by the K. S. Lo<br />

Foundation. 金石掇英 : 羅桂祥基金捐贈印章精選. Hong Kong, 1996. 144 pp. Colour illustrations and<br />

reproductions of seals throughout. 28x21 cm. Paper. £29.00<br />

Catalogue of the K. S. Lo donation of seals held in the Flagstaff Museum. Text in English and Chinese.<br />

395 Hong Kong Museum of Art ed: SCULPTURES FROM THAILAND. Taiguo Diaosu Yishu. 泰國雕塑藝術. Hong<br />

Kong, 1982. 196 pp. 6 colour text plates. 52 items illustrated with plates, chiefly in colour. 2 maps, chronology,<br />

bibliography. 26x22 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

Exhibition at the Hong Kong Museum of Art. Texts by Piriya Krairìksh, with a general introduction to Thai sculpture and detailed captions.<br />

In English and Chinese.

FROM OUR STOCK – 36 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

396 Hong Kong Museum of Art: TREASURES OF ASIAN ART. Selections from The Mr and Mrs John D. Rockefeller<br />

3rd Collection. Hong Kong, 1993. 192 pp. 69 colour plates. 29x22 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

A selection of fine pieces from an exhibition spanning 12 countries over 3500 years including Buddhist sculptures from India, Thailand<br />

and Cambodia, Chinese porcelain and Japanese woodblock prints. Text in English and Chinese.<br />

397 Hong Kong Oriental Ceramic Society: ORIENTAL CERAMIC SOCIETY OF HONG KONG, BULLETIN<br />

NUMBER 5. 1980-1982. Hong Kong OCS Bulletin No. 5. Hong Kong, 1983. 61 pp. Many illustrations, several in<br />

colour. 30x21 cm. Paper. £15.00<br />

Contains an article on Kraak porcelains by Barbara Harrison.<br />

398 Hong Kong University Museum and Art Gallery: ANTHOLOGY OF INK. Ancient Chinese Painting and<br />

Calligraphy from the Dr. S. Y. Yip Collection. 聚墨留香 : 攻玉山房藏中國古代書畫. Hong Kong, 2004. 256 pp.<br />

Colour illustrations throughout. 31x23 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

Over 80 examples of painting and calligraphy from the Ming and Qing periods by masters including Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming, Zhu<br />

Yunming, Wang Hui, Liu Yong, and Ren Xiong. Text in English and Chinese.<br />

399 Hong Kong University Museum and Art Gallery: PICTURING CATHAY. Maritime and Cultural Images of the<br />

China Trade. Hong Kong, 2003. 172 pp. Over 100 colour plates. 31x23 cm. Paper. £50.00<br />

Catalogue accompanying an exhibition held at the Hong Kong University Museum and Art Gallery. Lenders include: The Hong Kong<br />

Museum of Art, HSBC, The Peabody Essex Museum, Sze Yuan Tang Collection, Wallem Group and private collectors. 103 exhibits are<br />

illustrated and described, primarily paintings and watercolours but also a few pieces of export porcelain. Sections on: Early Cultural<br />

Contact; People of the China Trade; Vessels of the China Trade; Chinese Treaty Ports and Other Trade Harbours; Views of the Interior;<br />

The Art of Export. Dual text in English and Chinese.<br />

400 Hong Kong University Museum of Art: NANBANG WENWU: GUANGDONG CHUANTONG GONGYI.<br />

Gems from the South: Traditional Crafts of Guangdong Province. 南邦文物 : 廣東傳統工藝. Hong Kong, 2002.<br />

151 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x23 cm. Wrappers. £40.00<br />

Catalogue accompanying an exhibition held at the Hong Kong University Museum and Art Gallery in conjunction with the Guangdong<br />

Provincial Museum. Shows the traditional crafts of the region through objects dating from the Ming and Qing dynasties in various<br />

media. Illustrated throughout in colour. Dual English and Chinese text.<br />

401 Horiguchi Sutemi: KATSURA RIKYU. The Katsura Imperial Villa. Tokyo, 1952. 83 pp. Japanese text. 14 pp.<br />

English text. 116 plates. 30x23 cm. Cloth, slipcase. £45.00<br />

The history, architecture and landscape design of the Katsura Imperial Villa in Kyoto. English resume and plate captions.<br />

402 Horstmann & Godfrey Limited: OLD PHOTOGRAPHS OF CHINESE CITIES II. Hong Kong, Canton,<br />

Shanghai and Peking 1865-1920. Hong Kong, 1995. 44 pp. 56 b/w photographs, bibliography. 24x27 cm. Paper.<br />

£20.00<br />

Highlights from a collection of early photographs of Chinese cities and their inhabitants, Chinese and foreign, presented by Horstmann<br />

& Godfrey at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Hong Kong in December 1995 .<br />

403 Hoster, Barbara et al: DAVID LUDWIG BLOCH. Holzschnitte, Woodcuts Shanghai 1940-1949. Nettetal, 1997.<br />

xlix, 199 pp. B/w illustrations throughout. 23x16 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

A delightful work featuring the small black-and-white woodblock illustrations done by the little-known artist, David Ludwig Bloch, in<br />

Shanghai between 1940 and 1949. The vignettes capture numerous and varied aspects of life in the city, from beggars and rickshaws<br />

to river views, street scenes and children. Texts in English, German and Chinese. Recommended.<br />

404 Hu Binbin ed: ZHONGGUO MINJIAN CANG YAN ZHENSHANG. (The Appreciation of Chinese Inkstones).<br />

中國民間藏硯珍賞 。 胡彬彬 編著. Shanghai, 2002. 110 pp. Colour plates throughout. 23x22 cm. Cloth.£25.00<br />

134 inkstones dating from the Han dynasty to the Qing dynasties, illustrated in good colour. A pleasing and varied selection. Text in<br />

Chinese.<br />

405 Hu Wenyan & Yu Shuyan: ZHONGGUO JIAJU WENHUA. (The Culture of Chinese Furniture). 中國家具文化<br />

。 胡文彥、 于淑岩 著. Shijiazhuang, 2002. 32, 4, 280 pp. 32 pp. colour plates and b/w text illustrations<br />

throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

A chronological history of the development on furniture in China. Draws on illustrations of furniture in tomb murals and rubbings,<br />

prints and paintings plus, of course, furniture itself. In Chinese.<br />

406 Hu, Philip ed: LATER CHINESE BRONZES. The Saint Louis Art Museum and Robert E. Kresko Collections.<br />

Saint Louis, 2008. 208 pp. Numerous colour plates. 28x22 cm. Cloth. £65.00<br />

Shows 38 bronzes from the Southern Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, the majority Ming and Qing. Most are in the Saint Louis<br />

Art Museum or the collection of Robert Kresko. All are illustrated and discussed in much scholarly detail. A very welcome contribution<br />

to the sparse literature on the subject.<br />

407 Huang Yafeng ed: NANYANG QILIN’GANG HAN HUAXIANGSHI MU. (Han Dynasty Tomb Reliefs at<br />

Qilingang near Nanyang). 南陽麒麟崗漢畫像石墓 。 黃雅峰 主編. Xi’an, 2008. 16, 6, 382 pp. B/w illustrations<br />

and reproductions of rubbings throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards. £50.00<br />

A survey of the extensive and fine Han dynasty tomb reliefs found in tombs in the Qilin’gang area near Nanyang in China’s Henan<br />

province. Copiously-illustrated with numerous examples with varied designs and scenes. In Chinese.<br />

408 Hulton, Paul and Smith, Lawrence: FLOWERS IN ART FROM EAST AND WEST. London, 1979. x, 150 pp.<br />

Bibliography, index. 187 illustrations, 54 in colour. 27x22 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

The development of floral art from the early manuscripts of the Byzantine Empire through the paintings of the Song Dynasty court, Persian<br />

miniatures, and Chinese and Japanese woodblocks.<br />

409 Humfrey, R. N. P: THROUGH CHINA AND JAPAN. London, 1932. vi, 70 pp. 17 b/w photographs, e/p maps.<br />

19x13 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Chronicle of the Mission Film Committee’s expedition in 1932. Interesting black-and-white photographs.

LIST 156 – 37 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

410 Humphreys, Christmas: THE SUTRA OF WEI LANG (OR HUI NENG). Translated from the Chinese by Wong<br />

Mou-Lam. London, 1944. 128 pp. 16x12 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

English translation of the ‘Sutra Spoken by the Sixth Patriarch on the High Seat of the Vehicle of the Law’ which records the sermons<br />

and sayings of Wei Lang (638-713), the most famous Dhyana Master of the Tang Dynasty.<br />


Noble Tombs at Mawangdui: Art and Life of the Changsha Kingdom Third Century BCE to First Century CE.<br />

馬王堆漢墓:古長沙國的藝術和生活. Changsha, 2008. xix, 194 pp. Numerous colour plates. 28x21 cm.<br />

Wrappers. £80.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Hunan Provincial Museum in Changsha, China, showing treasures from the famous Mawangdui excavations.<br />

The exhibition was also held at the China Institute of America in New York. Superb Han dynasty lacquers, painted figurines,<br />

textiles and silks and bamboo slips were shown. Illustrated throughout in colour and with dual texts in Chinese and English.<br />

412 Idemitsu Museum of Art: YAMATO-E. In The Idemitsu Collection. Tokyo, 1986. 249 pp. Numerous colour plates.<br />

34x27 cm. Half-leather, slipcase. £125.00<br />

A splendid catalogue of 35 paintings of the Yamato school in the collection of the Idemitsu Museum. Each painting, either scroll,<br />

screen or fan, is illustrated in full and in detail, in full colour. In Japanese.<br />

413 Imao Keinen: KEINEN SHUGAJO. (A Study Collection of Woodblock Prints by Keinen). 景年習畫帖<br />

。今尾景年. Kyoto, 1906. Each volume with a page of introduction, list of contents and 12 double page colour and<br />

b/w woodblock prints. A total of 84 woodblock prints. 7 vols. 24x16 cm. Orihon. Modern chitsu case. £2,500.00<br />

<strong>Demon</strong>strates the full range of this highly-talented artist, an exquisite compilation of 84 woodblock prints. Published by Unsodo. Each<br />

opening is a double page woodblock print measuring 24x32 cm. Subjects range from birds and flowers through to Mount Fuji and a<br />

dancing monk. The use of colour is restrained, indeed, the whole work is wonderfully restrained. Each print bears an artist’s seal. The<br />

work is elusive in the standard western references. The only (very brief) mentions located are in Brown: p.201. and Mitchell: p.355.<br />

From the information contained within each volume, this is the second edition, produced the year after the first printing of 1905. Both<br />

editions were produced in very limited numbers. In Japanese. Fine condition with just the occasional tear & mark. Very rare.<br />

414 Isaacs, R. and Blurton, T: VISIONS FROM THE GOLDEN LAND. Burma and the Art of Lacquer. London,<br />

2000. 240 pp. 150 colour and 50 b/w illustrations. 28x22 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Paperback edition.<br />

415 Ito Chuta: SHINA PEKIN JO KENCHIKU. (The Architecture of the City of Peking). 支那北京城建築 。<br />

伊東忠太 編著. Tokyo, 1926. 9 loose sheets of introductory text and 102 collotype plates of which two are b/w<br />

maps, one b/w foldout photographic panorama, 84 b/w photographic plates and 15 plates showing decorative detail<br />

(2 hand-coloured). A final loose sheet gives publishing details. 29x38 cm. Loose in cloth case. £4,500.00<br />

Little-known and very rare study of the architecture of Peking produced in the mid 1920s by Ito Chuta, a well-known architectural historian<br />

who accompanied the photographer Ogawa Kazumasa to Peking in 1900 when, following the Relief of the Legations by the Allied<br />

Armies and the fleeing of the imperial court, Ogawa photographed the imperial palaces for his monumental and famous study<br />

published in 1906 — Photographs of Palace Buildings of Peking. The photographs are of importance as the prime visual legacy of the<br />

imperial complex whilst the Qing dynasty was still in power. The palace buildings and courtyards show much disrepair and disarray,<br />

reflecting the decline of the empire. This set appears to be a reworking of the Ogawa publication using the original glass negatives<br />

held in the Tokyo Imperial Museum. It also contains illustrations of the architectural and painted decoration and designs on the palace<br />

buildings plus a map of the Forbidden City, and the Western Garden area (Beihai, Zhonghai and Nanhai) and thus incorporates material<br />

from the second work produced in conjunction with the Ogawa photographs, namely ‘Decoration of Palace Buildings of Peking’.<br />

The work contains nine loose sheets of text comprising a title page, introduction, list of contents and descriptions of the photographic<br />

plates. Followed by<br />

Plates 1 and 2 are maps of the Forbidden City and adjoining Beihai and Zhongnanhai lake and garden complexes. Plate 3 is a three<br />

panel foldout panorama of the Hall of Supreme Harmony and the surrounding palace buildings and courtyard complex. Plates 4 to<br />

87 comprise photographs of the Forbidden City, Western Gardens, Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven and other sites. Plates 88 to 102<br />

show decoration on the palace buildings and temples architecture. Two of these are hand-coloured.<br />

There is a small and unobtrusive red seal in the blank margin of each text sheet and collotype plate. Whether this was done by the<br />

publisher or a previous collector is unclear as we have never handled this work before. All text in Japanese. However, to assist with<br />

identification, we have done an English translation of the list of contents and numbered the back of the plates in pencil to correspond.<br />

In fine condition, the loose plates being contained in the original blue cloth case with a design of a dragon(above and a phoenix below<br />

the title in Japanese characters. Some slight waterstaining to the case. One toggle missing.<br />

416 Itoh, Teiji: SPACE & ILLUSION IN THE <strong>JAPANESE</strong> GARDEN. New York, 1973. 229 pp. 103 plates, 8 in<br />

colour. Appendix. 26x19 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £45.00<br />

‘Borrowed Scenery’ and ‘The Great Within the Small’ are two fundamental concepts of Japanese garden design. Their theory, aesthetics<br />

and application are here described in detail and with numerous illustrations. A valuable contribution. Photographs by Sosei Kuzunishi.<br />

417 Izumishi Kuboso Kinen Bijutsukan: SOSOKI. (Containers). Izumi, 1986. 116 pp. 212 b/w illustrations. 26x18 cm.<br />

Paper. £25.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Kubosai Memorial Museum. The theme of the exhibition was containers of various kinds and date<br />

— ewers, kendi, tea and wine pots, including fine Tang and Song wares. Annotations on cover, insides clean. Text in Japanese.<br />

418 Jackson, David P: PATRON AND PAINTER. Situ Panchen and the Revival of the Encampment Style. New York,<br />

2009. 304 pp. 190 colour illustrations. 29x21 cm. Cloth. £58.00<br />

Focuses on the work of this important Tibetan artist who flourished in the first half of the 18th century. His great stylistic tradition is<br />

considered by some to be a veritable rebirth of Tibetan painting.<br />


Stockholm, 1930. pp. 66-134 and 21 pp. b/w plates. In French. 26x19 cm. Paper. Wear to spine. £25.00

FROM OUR STOCK – 38 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

420 Jenyns, Soame: CHINESE ARCHAIC JADES IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. London, 1951. 38 pp. 40 b/w<br />

plates. 25x19 cm. Half-cloth. £55.00<br />

A record of this excellent collection with good clear black-and-white plates which illustrate 145 pieces. Born 181, Yang 1555.<br />

421 Jenyns, Soame R: LATER CHINESE PORCELAIN — THE CH’ING DYNASTY (1644-1912). New York,<br />

1951. xi, 104 pp. 4 colour plates, 120 b/w plates with many illustrations. 26x17 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

A history of pottery production at the imperial kilns of Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province from the 17th to the 20th century. First American<br />

edition. Hucker 1434.<br />

422 Jenyns, Soame R: MING POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. Faber Monographs on Pottery & Porcelain. London,<br />

1953. 171 pp. 124 plates (4 in colour) with illustrations. Appendix, bibliography. 26x16 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

A comprehensive, authoritative history of ceramic arts in Ming China. At a much reduced price to clear excess stock. Hucker 1433.<br />

423 Jiang Gaochen: YUNNAN MINZU ZHUWU WENHUA. (Domestic Housing of Yunnan Nationalities). Kunming,<br />

1997. 22 colour plates and 448 pp. text. B/w illustrations and photographs throughout. 26x27 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

Shows various types of housing in photographs, drawings and plans as built and used by the various nationalities of Yunnan province.<br />

In Chinese only.<br />

424 JIANGSU SHENG CHUTU WENWU XUANJI. (Cultural Artefacts Excavated in Jiangsu Province). Beijing,<br />

1963. 10, 51 pp. 226 plates, some in colour; 12 pp. text figures. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

Good plates of many unusual and rare objects, from early implements, pottery and bronzes to later metalwork, sculpture and ceramics.<br />

RBS 9:401. Produced by Nanjing & Jiangsu Provincial Museums.<br />

425 Jin Genyuan & Zhang Zhengwang ed: ZHONGGUO MINJIAN SHOULU JIANSHANG. (The Appreciation of<br />

Folk Chinese Hand Warmers). 中國民間手爐鑒賞 。 金根源 張正望 編著. Beijing, 2008. 6, 2 pp. text plus 180<br />

pp. colour plates. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £35.00<br />

A total of 180 fine examples of Chinese bronze hand warmers are illustrated in colour and described. Arranged chronologically, there<br />

are 31 Ming dynasty, 131 Qing dynasty, 17 Republican period and 1 modern examples shown. Base marks are shown and the large<br />

majority of the plates also show an additional view, either of the intricate design on the top of the warmer or a side view showing design<br />

on the body of the warmer. Text in Chinese. A welcome contribution to the subject.<br />


DANBO XUAN ZHENCANG. (Ancient Buddhist Images from Two Collections: The Taihua Zhai Collection of<br />

Buddhist Images and Treasures from the Danbo Xuan Collection). 兩家藏古代佛象:苔華齋藏佛象澹泊軒珍藏<br />

。 金申 彭永華 著. Tianjin, 2009. 1, 1, 3, 1, 177; 1, 3, 1, 177 pp. Colour plates throughout both volumes. 2 vols.<br />

30x22 cm. Boards. £170.00<br />

Two-volume work cataloguing the finest works held in two private Chinese collections. The Taihua Zhai collection focusses on early<br />

gilt-bronze Chinese Buddhist sculpture along with a number of other works. The Danbo Xuan holdings are strong in early Chinese stone<br />

Buddhist sculpture plus some later Buddhist bronzes. Both volumes illustrated throughout in colour. Text in Chinese.<br />

427 JIZHONG YOUJILIN NONGYAO ANQUAN SHIYONG GUATU. (Posters Concerning the Safe Use of<br />

Organic Phosphate Pesticides). 几種有機磷農藥安全使用掛圖. Tianjin, 1965. 10 posters each with a number of<br />

colour illustrations. 10 vols. 76x52 cm. Paper. £400.00<br />

A very rare set of folded Chinese posters dating from the early/mid 1960s on a subject of much importance at the time in the Chinese<br />

countryside — the safe use of organic phosphate pesticides which had been recently introduced into Chinese agriculture. Following<br />

their introduction, there was a plethora of incidents of peasants being poisoned by these dangerous substances and this was the Chinese<br />

government’s attempt to solve the problem. The posters being folded indicate that they were meant to be used in a classroom or<br />

village meeting setting by an official to educate the populace of villages. Titles of posters as follows: 1. Jizhong Changyong de Youjilin<br />

Shachongji — Several Frequently-Used Organic Phosphate Pesticides. 2. Youjilin Shachongji de Zuoyong Fangshi — The Use<br />

of Organic Phosphate Pesticides. 3. Youjilin Nongyao Zenyang Yinqi Renchu Zhongdu — How Can People and Animals be Poisoned<br />

by Organic Phosphate Pesticides? 4. Anquan Shiyong Youjilin Nongyao — The Safe Use of Organic Phosphate Pesticides. 5. Youjilin<br />

Nongyao Zhongdu de Zhenduan he Zhiliao — The Diagnosis and Treatment of Organic Phosphate Pesticide Poisoning. 6. 1605 Ruji<br />

Shachong de Duixiang he Shiyong Fangfa — The Target Pests and the Use of Organic Phosphate Pesticide No. 1605. 7. Leguo he 1059<br />

de Fangzhi Duixiang he Shiyong Fangfa — The Use of Organic Phosphate Pesticides Leguo and 1059. 8. 3911 Ruji de Shiyong Fangfa<br />

— The Use of Organic Phosphate Pesticide No. 3911. 9. Dibaichong de Shiyong Fangfa — The Use of Organic Phosphate Pesticide<br />

‘Dibaichong’. 10. Didiwei Ruji de Shiyong Fanwei he Shiyong Fangfa — The Scope and Use of DDT.<br />

The posters in fine condition. All text in Chinese. A rare survival and the first time we have ever seen such material.<br />

428 [Jouve, Joseph-Bapiste]: LA CONQUETE DE LA CHINE PAR LES TARTARES MANCHEOUX. Evenement<br />

des plus considérables de l’Histoire Moderne, Beaucoup mieux detaillé qu’il ne l’a été jusqu’a présent, et enrichi<br />

de l’Accord des Annales de la Chine avec la Chronologie de l’Histoire Universelle. Francfort & la Haye, 1757. [18],<br />

345; 318, [4] pp. 2 vols. 16x10 cm. Full contemporary calf, spine richly gilt, five raised bands, red morocco<br />

label. £300.00<br />

Jouve (1701-1758), used the anagrammatic pseudonym Vojeu de Bunem for this history of the Manchu conquest based on the work of<br />

the French Jesuit, Joseph De Mailla’s ‘Annales de la Chine’. This is the second edition, Chez les Van Duuren. Titles printed in red and<br />

black.<br />

De Mailla’s manuscript arrived in France in 1737, and Jouve was charged with arranging its publication, although he chose to write<br />

his own book under this curious nom de plume. The chronological section at the end commences with a confident date of 3638 B.C.<br />

for the Déluge Universel, and is based on a manuscript prepared by J. B. Régis, better known as cartographer to the Kangxi Emperor.<br />

Binding worn and rubbed, including edges, with hinges splitting in places but still tight and easily refurbishable. Generally clean inside<br />

and a good impression.<br />

Cf. Cordier 629-630; Lust 436; Morrison II:32.<br />

429 Jumsai, Manich M. L: KING MONGKUT OF THAILAND AND THE BRITISH. The Model of a Great<br />

Friendship. Bangkok, 1991. 6, 253 pp. 18x13 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

A study of the Thai monarch who opened Thailand to the West and his relationship with the British during the Victorian era.

LIST 156 – 39 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

430 Kagawa Prefecture Museum of History ed: SPECIAL EXHIBITION: THE TAIRA-MINAMOTO WAR IN<br />

THE 12TH CENTURY. Kagawa, 2003. 96 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x21 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition that examines the depiction of the Genpei Wars of the 12th century in Japanese art. Includes paintings,<br />

screens and woodblock illustrated books obviously showing much of a military theme. In Japanese.<br />

431 Kamakura Treasure Hall: KAMAKURA PORTRAIT SCULPTURE. Volume One: Statues of Seated Priests,<br />

Volume Two: Warriors and High Priests. Kamakura, 1996 & 2001. 4, 2, 31, 27; 4, 2, 34, 29 pp. A total of 4 colour<br />

and 65 b/w plates to the two volumes. 2 vols. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £80.00<br />

The first volume shows 20 examples of Japanese portrait statues of seated Zen priests (chinzo), the second continues with a further 20<br />

examples of priests and warriors. All examples date from the Kamakura period and are very rare. All illustrated in full page plates<br />

and described. Text in Japanese.<br />


Tokyo, 2004. 64 pp. Numerous colour and b/w illustrations. 30x21 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Kanazawa Bunko showing a total of 70 exhibits featuring Buddhist Guardian spirits in painting and<br />

sculpture. Includes a group of Hei’an period Guardian images. Some very fine pieces. In Japanese.<br />

433 Karlgren, Bernhard: BRONZES IN THE HELLSTRÖM COLLECTION. BMFEA 20. Stockholm, 1948. 38 pp.<br />

58 b/w plates. 27x19 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

A detailed catalogue of some of the best bronzes in the Hellstrom Collection, later left to the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities.<br />


COLLECTION. Minneapolis, 1952. (13), 228 pp. 114 plates. 32x24 cm. Cloth. £250.00<br />

On one of the world’s great collections of Shang and Zhou bronzes. A detailed, authoritative description of the 106 pieces, with a long<br />

introduction on the chronology of ancient Chinese bronze developments. Hucker 1418.<br />

435 Karlgren, Bernhard: MARGINALIA ON SOME BRONZE ALBUMS I. BMFEA 30. Stockholm, n.d. pp. 289-<br />

331 plus 74 pp. b/w plates. 27x19 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />


A KIN-TS’UN ALBUM. BMFEA 33 & 10. Stockholm, 1961 & 1938. pp. 91-101 plus 19 pp. b/w plates; pp. 65-<br />

81 plus 6 pp. b/w plates. 27x19 cm. Paper. £24.00<br />

437 Karlgren, Bernhard: NOTES ON THE GRAMMAR OF EARLY BRONZE DECOR. BMFEA No. 23.<br />

Stockholm, 1951. pp. 1-37 plus 43 pp. drawings and 26 pp. b/w plates. 26x19 cm. Paper. Wear to spine. £27.00<br />

438 Karlgren, Bernhard & Wirgin, J: CHINESE BRONZES. The Natanael Wessén Collection. MFEA Monograph<br />

Series Vol. I. Stockholm, 1969. 175 pp. 79 plates, 8 in colour; text-figures. 24x18 cm. Quarter-cloth. £20.00<br />

85 outstanding pieces ranging from ritual vessels to mirrors and decorative bronze objects.<br />

439 Karlgren, Bernhard et al: EXHIBITIONS SEPTEMBER 1933. Stockholm, 1935. 113 pp. text and 83 pp. b/w<br />

plates & illustrations. 27x19 cm. Paper. Coming loose. £20.00<br />

Articles on Chinese bronzes selected from the Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities Nos. 5 & 6, published in conjunction<br />

with two exhibitions arranged for the International Congress on Art History. Useful pencil annotations informing of current locations<br />

of bronzes illustrated.<br />

440 Katzumie Masaru et al: JAPAN STYLE. Tokyo, 1980. 151 pp. Profusely illustrated with colour plates. 25x26 cm.<br />

Paper. £20.00<br />

Produced in conjunction with an exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum, giving a taste of the complexity of Japanese life and<br />

revealing the variety of its material culture.<br />

441 Kawahara Masahiko: THE CERAMIC ART OF OGATA KENZAN. Japanese Arts Library 13. Tokyo, 1985. 151<br />

pp. 31 colour plates, 109 illustrations, map. Glossary, bibliography & index. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

The life and work of Kenzan (1663-1743) and the tradition of Kyoto ceramics.<br />

442 Kawai Masatomo et al: SANSO COLLECTION — SUIBOKU GA MEISAKU TEN. Japanese Paintings<br />

Collected by Prof. and Mrs. P. F. Drucker. Tokyo, 1986. 164 pp. 121 ills, 32 in col. 26x21 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

The catalogue of a touring exhibition of Suiboku-ga masterpieces from the Muromachi and Momoyama periods, Edo period Zen-ga<br />

works, and literati paintings from the 18th and 19th centuries.<br />

443 Ke Changji: WEIHUAGE JIGULU BAWEI. (Notes on Bronze Inscriptions). Yüyüan Congkan 1. (Beiping),<br />

(1935). 418 pp. 4 vols. 27x14 cm. Stitched, cloth case. £48.00<br />

The notes were originally written to accompany rubbings. Since several collections of facsimile reproductions had been published by<br />

then, it was considered sufficient to print the notes by themselves. In Chinese.<br />

444 Kessler, Adam T: EMPIRES BEYOND THE GREAT WALL. The Heritage of Genghis Khan. Seattle, 1994. 176<br />

pp. 152 illustrations, 101 in colour. Maps, table, bibliography, index. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

Based on astounding archaeological finds of the last few years, now housed in Chinese museums, this book traces the history of the<br />

pastoral, nomadic steppe civilisations which flourished before the rise of the Mongols. With a corner torn off contents page (no loss<br />

of text, slight loss of decorative frontispiece opposite).<br />

445 Khandalavala, Karl J. ed: INDIAN BRONZE MASTERPIECES. The Great Tradition. New Delhi, 1988. 180<br />

pp. 174 plates and illustrations, mostly in colour. 31x27 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

Specially published for the Festival of India. A lavishly illustrated book with contributions by various scholars.<br />


1956. 110 pp. 35 plates, 1 in colour. Map. Bibliography. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

The Museum has a large and wide-ranging collection of ancient Chinese bronzes, including the Lionberger Davis donation. Hucker<br />


FROM OUR STOCK – 40 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

447 Kidder, J. Edward: THE JOMON POTTERY OF JAPAN. Artibus Asiae Supplement 17. Ascona, 1957. xvi, 200<br />

pp. 7 plates, 45 figures. 32x24 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

The major study on the subject.<br />

448 Kierman, Frank A. Jr. ed: CHINESE WAYS IN WARFARE. Harvard East Asian Series 74. Taipei, 1975. xii, 401<br />

pp. Map. 24x15 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

Eight essays on various aspects of Chinese military style and tradition from the seventh to the sixteenth centuries A.D. This volume<br />

was conceived at a conference on military history at Harvard University in 1969, and provides a detailed insight into this side of Chinese<br />

life. Taiwan reprint.<br />

449 Kilburn, Richard: TRANSITIONAL WARES AND THEIR FORERUNNERS. Hong Kong, 1981. 224 pp. 217<br />

exhibits, all illustrated, 70 in colour. Bibliography. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition organised by the Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong dealing with transitional wares (1619-1683) before<br />

the return of imperial patronage to Jingdezhen. The best book on this subject.<br />

450 Kim, Dr Won-yong: KOREAN ARTS 3. Architecture. Seoul, 1963. 242 pp. 105 plates, 8 in colour. 30x22 cm.<br />

Paper. £30.00<br />

The other 2 volumes in the series cover ceramics and painting & sculpture. Each plate has an explanatory text opposite. Published by<br />

the Ministry of Public Information.<br />

451 Kim, H. Edward: KOREA. Beyond the Hills. Tokyo, 1980. 183 pp. Many colour photographs. Map. 27x23 cm.<br />

Cloth. £25.00<br />

A photographic tour of Korea’s landscape and people.<br />


‘P’ansori’. Armonk, 1996. 256 pp. index Cloth. £45.00<br />

An introduction to some of the most important and representative genres of classical Korean literature.<br />

453 Kimimori Hitoshi; Du Xiaofan trans: SANQING SHUWU YAN MO. (Inkstones and Inksticks from the Sanqing<br />

Shuwu). 三清書屋硯墨 。 公森仁 著; 杜曉帆 譯. Beijing, 2009. ix, 4 pp. text plus 212 pp. colour plates. 27x18<br />

cm. Boards. £95.00<br />

Catalogue of an elegant Japanese collection of Chinese inkstones and inksticks. The inkstones date from the Han through to the Qing<br />

dynasty, the inksticks are late Ming and, mostly, Qing dynasty. A total of 212 examples are illustrated in fine colour plates. Text in Japanese<br />

and Chinese.<br />


Tokyo, 1998. 79 pp. 33 colour and 15 b/w plates. 29x21 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Near the famous cherry blossom viewing spot of Asukayama, this exhibition commemorates and highlights this most loved of Japanese<br />

flowers. With paintings, crafts and ceramics featuring the cherry blossom. In Japanese only.<br />

455 Knight, Luther: THE VANISHED HEAVENLY COUNTRY. 消失的天府 (1910-1913). Guilin, 2009. 176 pp.<br />

Full page b/w photographs throughout. 21x21 cm. Wrappers. £30.00<br />

Shows black-and-white photographs taken by an American teacher, Luther Knight, who taught in Chengdu in China’s Sichuan province<br />

from 1910-1913, dying in Chengdu in 1913. Knight travelled extensively throughout the province, reaching many remote parts and this<br />

is a fascinating archive of his travels showing scenery, buildings and people at a time when Sichuan was little-visited by westerners.<br />

Includes a number of photographs of the Yangtze Gorges. In Chinese.<br />

456 Kobayashi Tadashi ed: RIMPA PAINTING VOLUME 2. Seasonal Flowering Plants and Birds. Kyoto, 1990. 366<br />

pp. Over 377 illustrations and plates in colour, and 377 b/w text-figures. 30x30 cm. Silk, slipcase. £275.00<br />

Second volume in a planned series of 5, illustrating paintings in the style of the Rimpa school. The illustrated objects have been selected<br />

from museum and private collections all over the world. Mainly Japanese text. English captions and resumés.<br />

457 Komai Kazuchika: CHUGOKU KO KYO NO KENKYU. A Study on the Chinese Bronze Mirrors of the Pre-Six<br />

Dynasty. Tokyo, 1953. 236 pp. Japanese text; 4 pp. English. 26 b/w plates, 1 colour. 22x16 cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

Contents include sections on mirrors in ancient literature, inscriptions on mirrors, materials used, and designs on the mirrors. Japanese<br />

text with a list of contents and an introduction in English.<br />

458 Kondo Ichitaro: <strong>JAPANESE</strong> GENRE PAINTING. The Lively Art of Renaissance Japan. Tokyo, 1961. 148 pp.<br />

119 plates, 10 in colour. 8 text figures. 35x26 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

Describes and depicts art in Japan from the middle of the 15th to the early part of the 16th centuries.<br />

459 Koop, Albert J: EARLY CHINESE BRONZES. London, 1924. viii, 85 pp. 110 plates, 6 in colour. 33x23 cm. Tan<br />

pigskin, wear at edges and borders. £250.00<br />

Classic survey of the subject, written shortly before the epoch-making finds at Anyang, largely drawing on examples in the Eumorfopoulos<br />

collection. No. 19 of a limited edition of 40 copies signed by Koop, Assistant-Keeper of the Dept of Metalwork at the V & A.<br />

460 KOREA: ITS PEOPLE AND CULTURE. Seoul, 1970. 471 pp. Colour and b/w photographs throughout<br />

(including initial section of 8 pp. colour & 16 pp. b/w plates). Folding colour map. 27x20 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

A thematically arranged veritable encyclopaedia of information about Korea — geography, history, people, politics, industry, religion,<br />

literature, arts, music, drama, customs, games, tourism etc. Scarce, good copy.<br />

461 Koyama Fujio: SANSAI. (Three Coloured Ware). Nihon no Bijutsu No. 76. Tokyo, 1972. 104 pp. 184 plates, 19 in<br />

colour. 23x19 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

Japanese three coloured ware of the Nara period and the Sansai ware in the Shoso-in repository. The original Chinese sancai ware of<br />

the Tang period as well as of the periods Tang to Qing, and Persian three coloured ware are also examined. Japanese text only.<br />

462 Krishnan, M. V: CIRE PERDUE CASTING IN INDIA. New Delhi, 1976. 8, 100 pp. A few b/w drawings. 24x18<br />

cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

Examines the history of lost-wax casting in India and the techniques used in production. Also examines lost-wax techniques used in<br />

olden times in China, Japan and elsewhere.

LIST 156 – 41 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

463 Kume Yasuo: TESUKI WASHI SHUHO. (Fine Handmade Papers of Japan). Tokyo, 1979. 303 pp. 33 illustrations.<br />

207 actual samples. English text to samples, 12 colour plates. 4 vols. 30x21 cm. Japanese style binding, case.<br />

English text loose. £400.00<br />

Limited edition of 350 copies. A splendid assemblage of samples of a craft actively pursued in Japan. English text gives names of<br />

paper, paper maker, and province, characteristics and usage. This is the Japanese edition.<br />

464 Kumja Paik Kim: HOPES AND ASPIRATIONS. Decorative Painting of Korea. San Francisco, 1998. 64 pp.<br />

Colour illustrations throughout. 28x22 cm. Paper. £15.00<br />

Featuring 16 paintings from the late 16th to the 20th century, this special exhibition reflects important aspects of Korean culture and<br />

is indicative of the customs and folklore of premodern Korea. Unique works from the Museum’s and private collections.<br />

465 Kümmel, Otto: CHINESISCHE BRONZEN. Aus der Abteilung fur Ostasiatische Kunst an den Staatlichen<br />

Museen Berlin. Berlin, 1928. 16 pp. text, 35 collotype plates. 38x29 cm. Paper. £65.00<br />

Illustrates 26 archaic bronzes on 32 plates, plus 3 extra plates with rubbings of decoration and inscriptions.<br />

466 Kuwayama, George ed: THE GREAT BRONZE AGE OF CHINA. A Symposium. Los Angeles, 1983. 136 pp.<br />

Numerous photographs & illustrations. 28x22 cm. Paper. £22.00<br />

Ten of America’s leading scholars in Chinese art, archaeology, philology, history, and technology joined to share their insights into<br />

China’s Bronze Age civilization in May 1981. Their papers are published in this volume.<br />

467 Kwangju National Museum ed: THE KWANGJU NATIONAL MUSEUM. Kwangju, 1978. 150 pp. Colour and<br />

(predominantly) b/w plates. 26x19 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

A guide to the collections of the Kwangju National Museum in Korea — the objects illustrated are mainly archaeological items and<br />

numerous ceramics from various periods. Captions and list of plates in English, otherwise Korean text.<br />

468 Kyongju National Museum: KYONGJU PANGMULGWAN PU SILLA YUJOK. (Artefacts from the Silla Period<br />

in the Kyongju National Museum). Kyongju, 1975. 24 pp. text plus 6 pp. colour and 90 pp. b/w plates. 26x19 cm.<br />

Paper. £50.00<br />

Comprehensive illustrations of numerous artefacts from the Silla period held in the Kyongju National Museum and in the Kyongju area.<br />

Includes the famous gold crown and other gold pieces plus sculpture, bronzes, ceramics etc. With an appended illustrated section on<br />

‘new archaeological sites’. Captions in English, otherwise Korean text.<br />

469 Kyoto Museum of Culture ed: KOREAN MISSIONS TO EARLY-MODERN JAPAN. An Appeal from the Edo<br />

Period for Japanese-Korean Friendship in the Twenty-first Century. Kyoto, 2001. 270 pp. 206 colour plates. 30x21<br />

cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

A major exhibition studying the early Korean diplomatic and trade missions to Japan during the Edo period. Hundreds of objects are<br />

illustrated in good colour — prints, paintings, seals, maps, screens, scrolls and metalwork. All captions plus one page of brief introductions<br />

in English. Main text in Japanese.<br />

470 Kyoto National Museum: <strong>JAPANESE</strong> PAINTING OF THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD. Achievements of<br />

the Kyoto School. Kyoto, 1984. 144 pp. including 6 pp. in English. 82 plates & illustrations, 6 in colour. 26x18 cm.<br />

Paper. £30.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Kyoto National Museum.<br />


MEISAKU. An Exhibition of Japanese Screen Paintings: Masterpieces from Kyoto and Shiga. Kyoto, 1979. c.<br />

200 pp. including 8 pp. English captions. 26 colour plates, c. 100 illustrations. 28x25 cm. Paper. £40.00<br />

Exhibition catalogue illustrating most of the 101 exhibits.<br />


1998. 202 pp. 329 colour plates. 24x25 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition devoted to an in-depth examination of the unique Kina, Chibana, Wakuta and Tsuboya wares. Copiouslyillustrated.<br />

In Japanese only.<br />

473 Lally, J. J. & Co: CHINESE PORCELAIN AND SILVER IN THE SONG DYNASTY. New York, 2002. 70 pp.<br />

28x21 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Catalogue of Lally’s spring exhibition in New York. 35 superb examples of Song dynasty porcelain and silver, all well-illustrated in<br />

colour and with detailed, erudite descriptions. Apart from the quality of the objects, this exhibition is of particular interest in showing<br />

the artistic links between the porcelain and silver of this period.<br />

474 Lally, J. J. & Co: ANCIENT CHINESE TOMB SCULPTURE. New York, 2004. c. 60 pp. 28x21 cm. Paper.<br />

£20.00<br />

Catalogue of Lally’s spring 2004 exhibition in New York. 20 extremely fine examples of Chinese tomb sculptures in ceramic, wood and<br />

marble are discussed in detail. All objects illustrated in full page colour plates. Includes a truly exceptional Western Han ensemble of<br />

a large painted pottery orchestral group of three musicians playing their (pottery) bells, chimes and drum.<br />

475 Lancaster, Clay: THE <strong>JAPANESE</strong> INFLUENCE IN AMERICA. New York, 1963. xix, 292 pp. 216 illustrations,<br />

8 in colour. 32x24 cm. Cloth. £85.00<br />

‘The first major book to explore the historic background and define the impact of Japanese ideas, aesthetic ideals and art forms upon<br />

the United States.’ Especially interesting in relation to Architecture and Gardens. Introduction by Alan Priest.<br />

476 Larre, Claude & E. Rochat de la Vallée: THE HEART. In Ling Shu Chapter 8. Chinese Medicine From the Classics.<br />

London, 1991. 93 pp. Illustrations. 21x21 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

Another book in the continuing series of edited and illustrated translations of and commentaries on key Chinese medical texts. This<br />

book deals with the treatment of the heart, central to traditional medicine, in the ‘Ling Shu’.<br />


TRADITIONS. Proceedings of the International Symposium Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of The Arthur M.

FROM OUR STOCK – 42 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology at Peking University. Tokyo, 2008. 732 pp. Colour and b/w illustrations.<br />

28x22 cm. Cloth. £150.00<br />

Proceeds of the Symposium held at Beijing University in 2004 to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Arthur M. Sackler<br />

Museum located at the university. A total of 42 papers were given, divided into three main groupings: Archaeology, Study and Conservation<br />

of Cultural Relics, Museology and Museum Management. The papers given in Chinese have useful English summaries, those<br />

given in English are reproduced in full.<br />

478 Lee Pic Shan & Hui, Rosanne: ZIFANG GUAN CANG YAN. Inkstone Collection of Zi Fang Guan. 紫方館藏硯<br />

。 李碧珊、 許樂心 編纂. Hong Kong, 2006. 19 pp. text plus c.252 pp. colour plates. 29x21 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

Catalogue of a private (Hong Kong held?) collection of inkstones dating from the Han dynasty to the near present day. There is an extensive<br />

amount of Song, Ming and Qing material. A total of 230 inkstones are illustrated in full colour and described. Near dual texts<br />

in Chinese and English.<br />

479 Lee, Peter ed: ANTHOLOGY OF KOREAN LITERATURE. From Early Times to the Nineteenth Century.<br />

Hawaii, 1990. xxv, 313 pp. 23x15 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

The cultural history of an ancient people is beautifully revealed through myths, short lyrics, adventure tales, fables, romance, portraits,<br />

satire and semi-fictional biographies. Revised edition.<br />

480 Lee, Sherman E: ANCIENT CAMBODIAN SCULPTURE. New York, 1969. 115 pp. 61 plates, 2 in colour.<br />

28x21 cm. Cloth. £65.00<br />

481 Lequin, Frank: THE PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE OF ISAAC TITSINGH. Volume I: 1785-1811. Japonica<br />

Neerlandica, 4. Amsterdam, 1990. l, 534 pp. 8 plates. 23x16 cm. Cloth. £34.00<br />

Titsingh (1745-1812) was the first serious European Japanologist. Frank Lequin has reconstructed the best part of Titsingh’s correspondence,<br />

all never published before. This volume contains 215 letters to his Japanese and European friends. Many of the letters are<br />

in Dutch.<br />

482 Levy, Howard S. trans: WARM-SOFT VILLAGE. Chinese Stories, Sketches and Essays. Tokyo, 1964. viii, 142<br />

pp. 22x16 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

First edition, signed by the author. Translations from Chinese and Japanese sources about love, concubinage and matrimony in pre-<br />

Revolutionary China.<br />

483 Li Chi: STUDIES OF THE BRONZE TING-CAULDRON. Excavated from Hsiao T’un & Hou Chia Chuang.<br />

Archaeologia Sinica, New Series No. 4. Nankang, 1970. xii, 123 pp. including 30 pp. English summary. 32 plates<br />

with many illustrations. 38x27 cm. Paper. Some wear and tear to spine. £40.00<br />

A study of archaic bronzes excavated from Xiaotun and Houjiazhuang, with descriptions of their casting process and decorative patterns.<br />

484 Li Chi & Wang Chia-pao: STUDIES OF THE BRONZE CHUEH-CUP. Archaeologia Sinica, New Series No. 2.<br />

Nankang, 1966. xii, 140 pp. including 20 pp. English summary. 50 plates with many illustrations. 38x27 cm.<br />

Paper. £60.00<br />

A study of archaic bronzes from Xiaotun and Houjiazhuang, with descriptions of their casting process and decorative patterns.<br />

485 Li Chi & Wang Chia-pao: STUDIES OF THE BRONZE KU-BEAKER. Archaeologia Sinica, New Series No.<br />

1. Nankang, 1964. xxii, 130 pp. including 14 pp. English summary. 48 plates with many illustrations. 38x27 cm.<br />

Paper. £60.00<br />

486 Li Jingjie: SHI FO XUANCUI. Essence of Buddhistic Statues. 石佛選萃. Beijing, 1995. 257 pp. 181 b/w plates.<br />

26x19 cm. Paper. £40.00<br />

This detailed survey of early Chinese stone sculptures of Buddhist figures illustrates works dating from the third century to the Tang<br />

dynasty. Plate captions and contents are also in English and Chinese.<br />


MATERIALS FOUND IN VARIOUS MUSEUMS. Institute of ethnology Academia sinica Monograph No. 9.<br />

Taibei, 1967. 74 pp. text plus 45 pp. b/w plates. 26x19 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

The objects illustrated are a few pieces of sculpture and numerous paintings and scrolls and come from museum collections in Asia<br />

and America. 10 page English summary. Main text in Chinese.<br />

488 Li Shi: MING QING GUI GE HUIHUA YANJIU. (Research into Ming and Qing Dynasty Painting from the Gui<br />

Pavilion). 明清閨閣繪畫研究 。 李湜 著. Beijing, 2008. 283 pp. Numerous colour and b/w text illustrations.<br />

25x17 cm. Wrappers. £30.00<br />

A detailed study into a complex subject on which little is published. Gui Pavilion painters appears to be a general term referring to<br />

Ming and Qing dynasty female painters both inside (i.e. courtesans and female members of the imperial family) and outside the imperial<br />

court. Well-illustrated. In Chinese.<br />

489 Li Xiaoping: NANSONG JINYIN TING SHOUCANG YU JIANSHANG. (Collecting and Appreciating<br />

Southern Song Gold and Silver Ingots). 南宋金銀鋌收藏與鑒賞 。 李曉萍 著. Hangzhou, 2008. 136 pp. Colour<br />

illustrations throughout. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £25.00<br />

A well-illustrated survey of these little-known and little-studied objects. In Chinese.<br />

490 Li Yinseng: LI YINSENG YINCUN. (Collection of Li Yinseng’s Seals). Macao, 1981. 14 pp. text. 344 pp. seals.<br />

21x14 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Reproductions of the seals carved by this artist (1882-1943). In Chinese.<br />

491 Li Zanshou = Patrick Lee: ERSHI SHIJI TAIWAN ZHUMIN SHENGHUO ZHUQI. 20th Century Taiwanese<br />

Bamboo Crafts. 二十世紀台灣住民生活竹器 。 李贊壽 著. Taibei, 2000. 191 pp. 232 colour plates. Bibliography.<br />

37x12 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Virtually dual-language illustrated work with a wealth of material on bamboo crafts of all forms, organized by function: plates, furniture,<br />

agricultural tools, fishing implements, baskets, ritual objects, cradles, culinary implements, etc.

LIST 156 – 43 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

492 Lieban, Richard W: CEBUANO SORCERY. Malign Magic in the Philippines. Berkeley, 1967. x, 163 pp. 5 b/w<br />

illustrations. Map. 21x14 cm. Cloth. £55.00<br />

The results of two periods of field research in the Philippines, 1958-9 and 1962-3. Includes chapters on Sorcerers, Methods of Sorcery,<br />

Witches, Medical background of Sorcery, Attribution of Illness to Sorcery, Sorcery and Cebuano Society.<br />


Volume 1: Integration on the Mainland. Cambridge, 2003. xix, 463 pp. 23x15 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

494 Lienert, Ursula: TYPOLOGY OF THE TING IN THE SHANG DYNASTY. A Tentative Chronology of the<br />

Yin-hsü Period. Kunsthistor. Inst. Univers. Köln 3.1-2. Wiesbaden, 1979. iv, 390 pp. 95 text-figures, 25 tables of<br />

drawings, 193 illustrations. Index. 2 vols. 24x17 cm. Paper. £75.00<br />

A study of the the three-legged (or sometime 4) bronze vessel.<br />

495 Lin Tien-wai: SONGDAI XIANGYAO MAOYI SHIGAO. A History of the Perfume Trade of the Song Dynasty.<br />

Hong Kong, 1960. 437 pp. Folding map. 8 pp. b/w plates. 23x16 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

A detailed examination of this trade in China during one of its most sophisticated and discerning periods. In Chinese. Very scarce.<br />

496 Lin Wenju: BOYI YISHU. (The Art of Miniature Stone Carving). Shanghai, 1994. 10, 197 pp. Colour plates<br />

throughout. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

‘Boyi’ refers to the often very fine ‘extra’ relief carving found on the sides of Chinese seal (or seal-like) stones (a subject in themselves).<br />

This book reveals the world of this miniature art, in colour plates and rubbings from splendid, highly-crafted designs. In Chinese.<br />

497 Lin Zanting ed: TAIWAN DIANYING SHEYING JISHU FAZHAN GAISHU 1945-1970. Cinematography in<br />

Taiwan 1945-1970: History and Technical Development. 台灣電影攝影技術發展概述 1945-1970 。 林贊庭<br />

編著. Taipei, 2003. 318 pp. Numerous b/w illustrations. 30x21 cm. Half cloth. £32.00<br />

Detailed study on the development and productions of this little-known cinema tradition. Numerous black-and-white illustrations of<br />

stills from films, the production process and the actors. In Chinese only.<br />

498 Lin, James: THE IMMORTAL STONE. Chinese Jades from the Neolithic Period to the Twentieth Century.<br />

London, 2009. 160 pp. c.200 colour illustrations. 25x21 cm. Cloth. £29.95<br />

A study of jade and its value and significance in Chinese society. Draws on the rich collection of Chinese jade in the Fitzwilliam Museum,<br />

Cambridge. Well-illustrated.<br />

499 Linrothe, Rob and Jeff Watt: DEMONIC DIVINE. Himalayan Art and Beyond. Chicago, 2004. 344 pp. Over 200<br />

colour plates. 30x22 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

Catalogue of the first exhibition to focus on the ‘wrathful’ image in Himalayan art, marking the Rubin Museum’s opening season. 66<br />

works of art, chiefly from the RMA’s collection, are treated in detail, but non-Asian art has also been loaned, tracing the ‘demonic divine’<br />

as far as 20th-century Mexico. With an essay by Marylin Rhie and a foreword by Matthieu Ricard.<br />

500 Lipman, Jonathan Neaman: FAMILIAR STRANGERS. A History of Muslims in Northwest China. Studies on<br />

Ethnic Groups in China. Seattle, 1998. 266 pp. 24 b/w plates. Bibliography, index. 23x16 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

A comprehensive and informed study.<br />

501 Lippe, Aschwin: THE ART OF INDIA. Stone Sculpture. New York, 1962. 64 pp. Fully illustrated. Map. 25x22<br />

cm. Boards. £25.00<br />

An exhibition designed to ‘further understanding and mutual appreciation between the United States and the peoples of Asia.’ With a<br />

scholarly introduction, quoting from the writings of Stella Kramrisch, the great authority on Indian art. Asia House catalogue.<br />

502 Lippe, Aschwin: THE FREER INDIAN SCULPTURES. Freer Gallery of Art, Oriental Studies 8. Washington,<br />

1970. xv, 54 pp. 55 plates. 31x24 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

503 Little, Stephen: CHINESE CERAMICS OF THE TRANSITIONAL PERIOD: 1620-1683. New York, 1984. 135<br />

pp. 7 colour plates, 55 illustrations. Map. Bibliography. 28x21 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

This exhibition organised by the China Institute in New York, concentrates on ceramics from Jingdezhen.<br />


Province in the Sixteenth Century. Oslo, 1981. 224 pp. 22x16 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

505 Littrup, Leif ed: ANALECTA HAFNIENSIA. 25 Years of East Asian Studies in Copenhagen. Scandinavian<br />

Institute of Asian Studies Occasional Papers No. 3. Copenhagen, 1988. vi, 194 pp. 30x21 cm. Boards. £40.00<br />

With 22 articles on numerous topics, including Petersen: Dunhuang Manuscripts in the Royal Library in Copenhagen; Huy: Korean<br />

Ginseng: Belief and Tradition; Heilesen: Three Album Leaves of the Qing Period.<br />

506 Liu Yajun ed: TUSHUO FANGSHAN WENWU. (Illustrations of the Cultural Relics of Fanshan). 圖說房山文物<br />

。 劉亞軍 主編. Beijing, 2005. 4, 151 pp. Colour plates throughout. 28x21 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

A survey of the historical sites and relics located in Fangshan to the west of Beijing and most famous for the site of Peking Man. The<br />

Zhoukoudian site is shown here along with numerous architectural sites, sculptures, steles and tombs in the area. In Chinese.<br />

507 Liu, J. J. Y: THE ART OF CHINESE POETRY. London, 1962. xvi, 166 pp. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

Discussion of the Chinese language as a poetic medium from the grammatical, visual etc. view. The author furthermore offers interpretations<br />

of various schools of traditional Chinese criticism of poetry.<br />


1958. 6, 156 pp. text and 30 pp. b/w plates. Folding map. 22x15 cm. Paper. £65.00<br />

A scarce study of the Tang dynasty Buddhist rock sculpture of the Tang dynasty located in the Guilin area of Jiangxi province. Useful<br />

large foldout map identifying the locations of sites. Chinese only.<br />

509 Loehr, Max: ANCIENT CHINESE JADES. From the Grenville L. Winthrop Collection in the Fogg Art Museum,<br />

Harvard. Cambridge, 1975. 439 pp. 630 objects illustrated, 15 in col. 15 text-figures. 28x25 cm. Cloth. £250.00

FROM OUR STOCK – 44 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

An important contribution to the study of early jades. One whole chapter is devoted to the emergence and decline of the Eastern Zhou<br />

decor of plastic curls. Born 218, Yang 1651. A good clean copy. With author’s dedication to John Rosenfield.<br />

510 Loehr, Max: CHINESE LANDSCAPE WOODCUTS. From an Imperial Commentary to the 10th Century<br />

Buddhist Canon. Cambridge, 1968. xiv, 114 pp. 40 plates. Notes, Chinese characters, bibliography, index. 27x20<br />

cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

A survey of East Asian printing, especially Buddhist by an erudite scholar.<br />

511 Loehr, Max: CHINESISCHE PICKELAXTE. Monumenta Serica Vol. IV, Fasc. 2. Peiping, 1940. pp. 594-604 plus<br />

2 pp. b/w plates. 28x20 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

512 Loehr, Max: RITUAL VESSELS OF BRONZE AGE CHINA. New York, 1968. 183 pp. 80 plates, 5 in colour<br />

29x22 cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

A scholarly study by a distinguished authority on bronzes of the Shang and Zhou (16th-3rd century BC).<br />

513 Lowe Art Museum: THE ART OF THE ORIENTAL BRONZE METALLURGIST. China, Korea, Japan 1500<br />

B.C.-A. D. 1911. Coral Gables, 1978. 96 pp. Numerous b/w illustrations. 25x22 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Exhibition of the art of bronze casting in East Asia held at the Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami in 1978. Illustrated with a selection<br />

of exhibits.<br />

514 Lu Deming: JING DIAN SHI WEN. (The Classics Annotated). 經典釋文 。 陸德明 撰. Shanghai, 1980. Various<br />

paginations of folded leaves Chinese-style. 8 vols. 29x19 cm. Stitched. £100.00<br />

In the Tang dynasty, Lu Deming produced his annotated edition of the Classics as he then understood them (including a Zhuangzi and<br />

Laozi, but excluding Mengzi). This is a good facsimile of a Song edition of his work which is in the collection of the National Library.<br />

515 LUOYANG ZHONGZHOU LU. (The Luoyang Zhongzhou Road). Kaoguxue Zhuankan, IV:4. Beijing, 1959.<br />

viii, 169 pp. text. 88 b/w plates, 105 text figures, 5 folding plans, 13 tables. 27x19 cm. Half-cloth. £85.00<br />

A detailed report on 310 tombs and other cultural remains ranging from Yangshao to Han in date which were uncovered during excavations<br />

made in 1954 and 1955 near Luoyang. RBS 5:369. In Chinese only. Produced by Zhongguo Kexueyuan Kaogu Yanjiusuo.<br />

516 Lutz, Albert: DIAN. Ein Versunkenes Königreich in China. Zürich, 1986. 48 pp. 70 b/w & 44 colour illustrations,<br />

7 maps & plans, 19 line drawings. 22x21 cm. Boards. £25.00<br />

A travelling exhibition of a collection of bronzes from the Yunnan Provincial Museum in Kunming. In German.<br />

517 LUYI TAIQINGGONG CHANGZIKOU MU. Taiqinggong Changzikou Tomb in Luyi. 鹿邑太清宮長子口墓<br />

。 河南省文物考古研究所、 周口市文化局 編. Zhengzhou, 2000. 2, 14, 248 pp. text plus 96 pp. colour and 64<br />

pp. b/w plates. B/w text illustrations and drawings. One foldout. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

Excavation report of an intact and highly-important early Western Zhou tomb excavated in Luyi county, Henan province. The tomb<br />

occupant was obviously of high status as the tomb yielded a great wealth of material including superb bronzes — food and ritual vessels<br />

— ding, lei, zun, jue tripods and more. In addition, fine ceramics and jades were discovered. A detailed report with table of contents<br />

and three page abstract in English. Main text in Chinese. Recommended.<br />

518 McGovern, W. M: TO LHASA IN DISGUISE. A Secret Expedition through Mysterious Tibet. New York, 1924.<br />

xiv, 462 pp. 23 illustrations and 4 maps. 22x15 cm. New half leather. £70.00<br />

First edition. An attempt to ‘weave through the record a general but accurate description of manners and customs and beliefs, including<br />

some of the extraordinary institutions which exist in the government of Lhasa’. Yakushi M133 a. Rebound.<br />

519 Majumdar, A. B: BRITAIN AND THE HIMALAYAN KINGDOM OF BHOTAN. Patna, 1984. 220 pp. 2<br />

maps. £50.00<br />

A study of British-Bhutanese relations from earliest contacts until the First World War.<br />

520 Marshall, Sir John: A GUIDE TO TAXILA. Cambridge, 1960. x, 196 pp. text and 23 pp. b/w plates. 9 foldout<br />

maps. 22x14 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £35.00<br />

A scholarly and detailed guide to one of the most important historical and archaeological sites in Pakistan. By an expert scholar on<br />

the city. Includes information on finds made since the publication of Sir John’s three volume magnum opus Taxila in 1953.<br />

521 Martin, Peter: THE CHRYSANTHEMUM THRONE. A History of the Emperors of Japan. Honolulu, 1997. xi,<br />

175 pp. Colour and b/w illustrations. 24x16 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £30.00<br />

An informative study of the Japanese imperial institution throughout its history and the ebb and flow of its fortunes.<br />

522 Martyn Gregory Gallery: DR. THOMAS BOSWALL WATSON (1815-1860). Physician and Amateur Artist in<br />

China. Martyn Gregory Catalogue 40. London, 1985. 78 pp. 6 colour plates, 78 illustrations, 5 text-figures.<br />

Bibliography. 21x21 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition of watercolours and sketches of Canton, Macau and Hong Kong by Chinnery’s physician and pupil.<br />

523 MARVELS OF MEDIEVAL CHINA. Those Lustrous Song and Yuan Lacquers. San Francisco, 1986. 18 pp. 26<br />

colour and 8 b/w illustrations. 22x15 cm. Paper. £15.00<br />

A brief description of the lacquer holdings of the Asian Art Museum.<br />

524 Matsushita Takatoshi: SUIBOKUGA. (Ink Painting). Nihon no Bijutsu No. 13. Tokyo, 1967. 120 pp. 175<br />

illustrations, 15 colour. 23x19 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

A study of Japanese ink painting from its introduction from China with a focus on the Muromachi and Edo periods. Well illustrated.<br />

Japanese text only.<br />

525 Meiji Shrine Cultural Hall ed: EMPEROR NINKO AND THE AFTER-FRAGRANCE OF PEACE. The Bakufu<br />

and Court in the Bakumatsu Era. Tokyo, 2003. 112 pp. 92 exhibits shown in colour. 27x21 cm. Paper. £40.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition that focuses on the reign of the Emperor in the mid 19th century, a time period corresponding to the final<br />

years of the Bakufu. The exhibits include paintings, textiles, calligraphies and handicrafts. Text in Japanese.

LIST 156 – 45 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

526 MEIKUANG JINGXIA ANQUAN JIAOYU GUATU. (Posters Concerning the Education of Underground Safety<br />

in Coal Mines). 煤礦井下安全教育掛圖. Guiyang, n.d. (late 1960s) 11 posters. Introductory propaganda poster<br />

plus 10 posters each with a number of colour illustrations. 11 vols. 76x52 cm. Paper. £500.00<br />

An important set of ten Chinese posters produced in the late 1960s as part of a safety campaign to try to reduce the rate of accidents<br />

in coal mines. Sadly this remains a topical concern in the China of today. This set of posters is of particular interest in that it was produced<br />

in the then remote and underdeveloped south-western province of Guizhou which has an extensive coalmining industry. Presumably<br />

the posters were used in a classroom setting for the education of miners. As ever, given the low level of education at the time<br />

outside cities, the posters are comprised of brightly-coloured images taken from paintings and accompanied by simple messages. Their<br />

time of production being during the Cultural Revolution, there is much propaganda content in addition to the safety issues, this exemplified<br />

by the fact that the first poster bears an images of miners gazing adoringly at Chairman Mao with a quotation from the<br />

Works of Chairman Mao below.<br />

Titles of posters as below: Preliminary Introductory Poster showing image of Chairman Mao plus quotation from the Works of Chairman<br />

Mao. 1. Fangzhi Jidian Shigu — Prevent Electrical Accidents. 2. Fangzhi Toushui, Ziran Fahuo Shigu — Prevent Floods and Accidents<br />

Through Spontaneous Combustion. 3. Xuexi Meikuang Anquan Shengchan Guicheng — Study Mine Safety and Production<br />

Rules. 4. Fangzhi Wasi, Meichen Shigu 1. — Prevent Accidents Caused By Gas and Coal Dust (1). 5. Fangzhi Wasi, Meichen Shigu 2.<br />

— Prevent Accidents Caused By Gas and Coal Dust (2). 6. Fangzhi Fangpao Shigu 1. — Prevent Accidents Caused by Explosions (1).<br />

7. Fangzhi Fangpao Shigu 2. — Prevent Accidents Caused by Explosions (2). 8. Fangzhi Maoding Shigu 1. — Prevent Accidents<br />

Caused by Mine Tunnel Roof Collapse (1). 9. Fangzhi Maoding Shigu 2. — Prevent Accidents Caused by Mine Tunnel Roof Collapse<br />

(2). 10. Fangzhi Yunshu Shigu. — Prevent Transport Accidents in Mines.<br />

There is a possibility that the set is incomplete as two posters (numbers 1 and 2) seem to have an initial ‘1’ erased. However, 10 posters<br />

to a set is common in China so it is equally possible this is just an attempt to correct a production mistake. Sellotape repair to horizontal<br />

tear across the introductory poster and poster 3. Marks, small tears, repairs and some creases to a number of other posters.<br />

Text in Chinese. Rare.<br />


OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. New York, 1986. 1124 pp. 2 vols. 26x20 cm. Cloth. £800.00<br />

Represents a lifetime of study and collecting. Over 5,000 entries with detailed information on individual netsuke, including accurate<br />

drawings of netsuke and the artists’ signatures by Meinertzhagen. A comprehensive reference for all serious collectors and a soughtafter<br />

work. Mint unopened copy sealed in plastic.<br />

528 Menzies, James M: AN EXHIBITION OF ANCIENT CHINESE RITUAL BRONZES. Loaned by C. T. Loo<br />

& Co.. Detroit, 1940. 35 pp. text. 41 b/w plates. Text-figures. Chronology. 28x22 cm. Printed boards. £50.00<br />

With a brief account of the Bronze Age in China dividing it into six ‘culture periods’.<br />

529 Micheli, Silvio: MONGOLIA. In Search of Marco Polo and other Adventures. London, 1967. 366 pp. 38<br />

illustrations. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

Slightly abridged version of the original Italian edition. Equipped with a jeep, a driver and a guide-interpreter supplied to him by the<br />

Mongolian authorities, the author sets out in midwinter to follow Polo. Tells of his adventures, and his love for the guide’s sister.<br />

530 Min, Anchee; Duo Duo and Stefan Landsberger: CHINESE PROPAGANDA POSTERS. From the Collection of<br />

Michael Wolf. Köln, 2003. 320 pp. Colour plates throughout. 37x25 cm. Paper. £19.99<br />

The most extensive illustrated work on Chinese propaganda posters published to date, arranged by theme. Captions are quite detailed<br />

and accompanied by short contextual essays. Text in English, German and French.<br />

531 Mindich, Jeffrey: THE FOUR TREASURES OF THE STUDIO. Explorations in Chinese Culture (I. Taipei,<br />

1990. 92 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 27x20 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

A well-written survey of the subject that gives much detail. Numerous colour illustrations.<br />

532 MINGLANG DE TIAN: 1937-1949 JIEFANGQU MUKE BANHUA JI. (The Clear Sky: 1937-1949 Woodblock<br />

Prints from Liberated Areas). 明朗的天 : 1937-1949 解放區木刻版畫集. Changsha, 1998. 38 pp. text and 328<br />

pp. colour and b/w plates. 38x27 cm. Cloth. £90.00<br />

A finely produced book providing an excellent survey of its subject — woodblock prints produced between 1937-1949 in areas liberated<br />

by the Chinese Communists. Over 300 woodblock prints are shown by a large number of artists depicting varied subjects from<br />

the criticism of landowners to the Peoples Liberation Army in action and scenes of life. Recommended. In Chinese only.<br />

533 Mizuno Seiichi: BRONZES AND JADES OF ANCIENT CHINA. Tokyo, 1959. 35 pp. English, 101 pp. Japanese<br />

text. 176 plates, 16 in colour, 86 text-figures. 32x26 cm. Cloth. Back inner hinge split. £300.00<br />

Important work on Chinese bronzes and jades.<br />

534 Mo Youzhi: SONG YUAN JIUBENSHU JINGYANLU. (Bibliographical Notes on Song and Yuan Editions which<br />

have Passed beneath my Gaze). 宋元舊本書經眼錄 。 莫友芝 著. Beijing, 2000. 3 juan plus 2 supplementary<br />

juan in 2 ce. 2 vols. 27x18 cm. Stitched, cloth case. £30.00<br />

Mo Youzhi (1811-71) was a scholar and bibliophile associated with the printing establishment set up by Zeng Guofan. This is a facsimile<br />

reprint of a 1873 publication, Mo’s highly-regarded bibliographical notes on 310 Song and Yuan editions which he saw between<br />

1865 and 1869, with a two-juan supplement of notes on bronze and stone inscriptions. The original was printed in an attractive imitation<br />

Song period style. Hummel 582-3. In Chinese only.<br />


SIECLES. Paris, 2004. 255 pp. Colour plates throughout. Bibliography, index. 31X24 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

Catalogue of a wide-ranging exhibition based on the Chinese collections of the Bibliothèque Nationale, including some supporting material<br />

from other collections, with pieces dating from the 5th to the 19th centuries. Taking calligraphy as its initial focus — as the first<br />

or highest art of China — the catalogue goes on to embrace sections on calligraphy and painting, religious/iconic and literary diversions,<br />

and finally, printed illustration. Basically, this work documents the visually important aspects of the library’s collections, updating<br />

and significantly augmenting the now scarce and sought-after ‘Impressions de Chine’. In French.

FROM OUR STOCK – 46 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

536 Moore, Elizabeth et al: SHWEDAGON. Golden Pagoda of Burma. London, 1999. 178 pp. 140 colour and 60 b/w<br />

illustrations. 25x22 cm. Cloth. £24.95<br />

The Shwedagon, the golden stupa enshrining sacred hairs of the Buddha, has dominated the landscape of Rangoon for centuries and<br />

has become a spiritual symbol. A multifaceted view of this magnificent Buddhist shrine, captured by good photography and text.<br />

537 Morris, Ivan trans: THE PILLOW BOOK OF SEI SHONAGON. London, 1967. xxiii, 268 pp. Frontispiece, 7<br />

plates, 31 illustrations. 24x15 cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

The first complete English translation of this work describing life in 10th-century Japan. First UK edition with the introduction and<br />

complete translation. (A companion volume exists with scholarly apparatus: explanatory notes and a glossary but this is the translation<br />

only.) Very good copy with dustjacket.<br />

538 Mullikin, Mary Augusta: BUDDHIST SCULPTURES AT THE YUN KANG CAVES. Peking, 1935. 66 pp. 7<br />

tipped-in colour plates, 36 b/w illustrations. 27x20 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £75.00<br />

Text & illustrations by Mary Mullikin with additional illustrations by Anna Hotchkis. Both ladies made lengthy visits to the Yungang<br />

caves in 1931 & 1932. Lawrence Sickman & Dagny Carter gave advice & help. The illustrations are from watercolours and drawings<br />

by Hotchkis. An early travelogue to these ten little-known and visited grottoes.<br />

539 Münsterberg, Hugo: CHINESE BUDDHIST BRONZES. Tokyo, 1967. 192 pp. 130 illustrations, colour<br />

frontispiece. 31x24 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

The listing of major dated Chinese bronzes in collections throughout the world contained in the appendix is of especial interest.<br />

540 Munsterberg, Hugo: CHINESE BUDDHIST BRONZES OF THE T’ANG PERIOD. Artibus Asiae Vol. XI, 1/2.<br />

N.p., 1958. pp. 27-44. 13 b/w plates. 28x21 cm. Paper. Wear to covers. £20.00<br />

541 Murase Miyeko: BYOBU. Japanese Screens From New York Collections. New York, 1971. 134 pp. 62 plates, 5 in<br />

colour. Chronology. Bibliography. 21x26 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

A beautifully illustrated catalogue of an exhibition of 26 screens.<br />

542 Musée Carnavalet: SHANGHAI: PHOTOGRAPHIES 1911-1949. (Photographs of<br />

Shanghai from 1911-1949). Paris, 2003. 125 pp. B/w photographs throughout. 27x22<br />

cm. Paper. £50.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition of photographs of Shanghai at the Musée Carnavalet from the collection<br />

of the Shanghai History Museum. Illustrated throughout with many varied and fascinating images of<br />

this metropolis and its people during a period that saw huge change and much turmoil. In French.<br />


DU MUSÉE DE SHANGHAI. (Ceremonies and Feasts of Ancient China: Bronzes<br />

from the Shanghai Museum). Paris, 1998. 189 pp. c. 50 colour and 50 b/w illustrations.<br />

Text drawings. 27x21 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at Musée Cernuschi in Paris of bronzes from the Shanghai Museum focusing<br />

on the place of bronze in ancient Chinese culture primarily in religious rituals and ceremonies.<br />

Good illustrations. In French.<br />

544 Musée Guimet: ART ÉSOTÉRIQUE DE L’HIMALAYA. Catalogue de la donation Lionel Fournier. Paris, 1990.<br />

198 pp. Numerous b/w and coloured illustrations. 27x21 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

Lionel Fournier’s exceptional collection of pieces illustrating the principal phases of development of the art of Nepal and Tibet, donated<br />

to the Musée Guimet, is here presented in a scholarly and interesting catalogue. French text.<br />


NIAN: QINGGONG FANGGU WENWU JINGPIN TEJI. Views of Antiquity in the Qing Imperial Palace:<br />

Special Exhibition to Celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Palace Museum. 邃古來今 :<br />

慶祝故宮博物院建院八十周年 : 清宮仿古文物精品特展. Macau, 2005. 446; 115 pp. Colour plates throughout<br />

volume one. B/w text illustrations throughout volume two. 2 vols. 36x27 cm. Cloth and paper. £195.00<br />

Massive and heavy commemorative two-volume catalogue of an exhibition at the Museum of Art in Macau of a loan exhibition of<br />

Qing dynasty imperial art from the superb collection of the Gugong Museum in Beijing. Examines the trend for the reproduction of<br />

antiquities by the Qing emperors that reached its zenith of expression under the Qianlong emperor. 147 superb objects in various<br />

media — jade, ceramic, lacquer, inkstones, carving, calligraphy and painting — are illustrated in excellent colour plates and fully described.<br />

Accompanying essays. Dual texts in Chinese, English and Portuguese. See the review in Asian Art Newspaper February 2006.<br />

546 Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities: YIN AND CHOU RESEARCHES. Stockholm, 1935. 223 pp. 90 b/w plates,<br />

text-figures. 26x19 cm. Three-quarters cloth, spine worn. £75.00<br />

Contains four essays: B. Karlgren: Yin and Chou in Chinese Bronzes; J. G. Andersson: The Goldsmith in Ancient China; O. Karlbeck:<br />

Anyang Moulds; and Anyang Marble Sculptures, previously published in BMFEA vols. 7 and 8.<br />


KUNSTGESCHICHTE. Kyoto, 1943. 13, 191 pp. Japanese text, 9 pp. German text. 63 plates, 2 in colour. 26x18<br />

cm. Cloth. £150.00<br />

Limited edition of 500 copies. A detailed study in Japanese of Chinese belt hooks with a summary in German.<br />

548 Nakamura Tanio: MEIJI NO NIHONGA. (Japanese Style Painting of the Meiji Period). Nihon no Bijutsu No. 17.<br />

Tokyo, 1967. 114 pp. 122 illustrations, 22 colour. 23x19 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

No. 17 in the Nihon no Bijutsu series, on Japanese-style painting of the Meiji period. Well illustrated. Japanese text only.<br />

549 Nanjing Museum et al. ed: DA YUE YIZHEN: HONGSHAN YUEMU WENWU JINGHUA. (Treasure of the<br />

Great Yue: Masterpieces Excavated from the Yue Kingdom Tombs at Hongshan). 大越遺珍 : 鴻山越墓文物菁華.<br />

Beijing, 2008 . 341 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards. £95.00<br />

Catalogues the extraordinary artefacts recently excavated from the royal tombs of the Spring and Autumn period Yue Kingdom located<br />

at Hongshan near Wuxi in China’s Jiangsu province and now in the Nanjing Museum. These include the amazing sets of bells and

LIST 156 – 47 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

chimes made from an early celadon-type white-glazed ceramic. The forms of the bells and chimes closely imitate the shapes and styles<br />

of archaic bronze bells and metal and stone chimes. There are in addition many other types of ceramic objects that imitate bronze forms,<br />

together with ceramics imitating jade bi discs and ceramic rhinoceros horns! There are also a number of jade articles from the period<br />

plus some small glass objects. Text in Chinese. Recommended.<br />


ZUO<strong>TANG</strong> KAOGU BAOGAO. Ming Dynasty Baochuanchang Shipyard in Nanjing. 寶船廠遺址 :<br />

南京明寶船廠六作塘考古報告. Beijing, 2006. 15, 265 pp. text plus 32 pp. colour and 56 pp. b/w plates. Numerous<br />

b/w text drawings. 1 foldout. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

Large-scale excavation of Boatyard No. 6 at the Baochuanchang Ming dynasty shipyard site, located north-west of Nanjing in China.<br />

The site is of great importance for the study of ship manufacture during the Ming and is also the site where Admiral Zheng He’s treasure<br />

ships (baochuan) were made for his great voyages abroad. A detailed report. Two page English abstract. Main text in Chinese.<br />

551 NANYUE GONGYUAN YIZHI: 1995, 1997 NIAN KAOGU FAJUE BAOGAO. The Archaeological Site of the<br />

Garden of Nanyue Kingdom: Report on Archaeological Excavations in 1995 and 1997. 南越宮苑遺址:1995,<br />

1997 年考古發掘報告. Beijing, 2008. 18, 328 pp. text plus 24 pp. colour and 126 pp. b/w plates; 27, 574 pp. text<br />

plus 24 pp. colour and 191 pp. b/w plates. Numerous detailed b/w text drawings and plans to both volumes. A<br />

number of foldouts. 2 vols. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £170.00<br />

Hugely-detailed two volume report on the excavations in 1995 and 1997 in the old city district of Guangzhou of the site of the Royal<br />

Garden of the Palace of the Han dynasty Nanyue Kingdom. The excavations shed much light on the extent of the palace and its gardens<br />

and also on ancient gardens and gardening in China. The site yielded numerous artefacts, many illustrated here, together with<br />

much illustration on the site and the foundations and remains of buildings and garden structures. Two page English abstract. Main<br />

text in Chinese.<br />

552 Nara National Museum: BUDDHIST IMAGES OF EAST ASIA — SPECIAL EXHIBITION. To Ajia no<br />

Butsutachi. Nara, 1996. 306 pp. 219 colour illustrations. English plate captions. 30x21 cm. Paper. £32.00<br />

The exhibition consists of 2 parts: 1. is titled East Asian Buddhist Images Introduced to Japan, and 2. Various Images of Buddha Seen<br />

in the Imported Buddhist Items. 219 objects illustrated, including paintings, bronzes, illustrated sutras, etc.<br />

553 Nara National Museum: EXHIBITION OF SHOSO-IN TREASURES. Nara, 1984. 135 pp. Japanese text, English<br />

plate list and intro. 75 illustrations, many in colour. 26x18 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

36th annual exhibition of selected treasures from the Todai-ji Shoso-in. Included were works of applied arts, interior furnishings, arms<br />

and armour, musical instruments, textiles as well as paintings and sutras.<br />

554 Narazaki Muneshige ed: UKIYO-E MASTERPIECES IN EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS 13. Chester Beatty<br />

Library; Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst, Köln; Index. Tokyo, 1991. 343 pp. 270 colour plates, 219 b/w plates, text<br />

photographs. Notes. 61 pp. 26x37 cm. Cloth, cloth case. £250.00<br />

Part 13 of 13 volumes. Concentrates on the great ukiyo-e collections at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin, Museum für Ostasiatische<br />

Kunst in Köln, and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.<br />


(Catalogue of a Special Exhibition of Treasures of Chinese Printing). 中華典籍聚珍:國家珍貴特展圖彔. Beijing,<br />

2009. 255 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 25x25 cm. Wrappers. £67.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition held at the National Library of China in Beijing showing a large and very fine selection of rare and rarelyseen<br />

examples of Chinese woodblock printing (plus some manuscripts) dating from the Western Jin dynasty through to the Qing. Captions<br />

in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />


WENWU JICUI. (The Shang Dynasty in Southern China: Excavated Artefacts from Dayangzhou near Xingan in<br />

Jiangxi Province). 商代江南 : 江西新干大洋洲出土文物輯粹. Beijing, 2006. 375 pp. Colour plates throughout.<br />

Colour text illustrations 29x22 cm. Wrappers. £80.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition held at the National Museum of China in Beijing showing the wonderful finds from the Dayangzhou site at<br />

Xingan in Jiangxi province. This Shang period tomb was excavated in 1989 and yielded 1374 artefacts, including 475 bronzes and 754<br />

jade objects. The tomb occupant may have been a local ruler or a member of the ruling family of the Wucheng culture. Whilst many<br />

of the artefacts are typically Shang in style, a number exhibit distinctive characteristics that combine the Shang with the regional<br />

Wucheng culture. The bronzes are particularly stunning and include numerous ritual vessels. The jades are of very high quality and<br />

demonstrate a continuity onwards from the Liangzhu and Longshan cultures. An extremely fine assemblage of objects. Illustrated<br />

throughout in colour with many plates showing close-up detail. Eight page list of exhibits with brief descriptions in English, otherwise<br />

the main text with good descriptions and essays is in Chinese. Out-of-print.<br />

557 National Museum of China: TREASURES UNEARTHED FROM HUBEI. 湖北出土文物精粹. Beijing, 2008.<br />

239 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Wrappers. £70.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition held at the National Museum of China in Beijing showing archaeological treasures from Hubei province.<br />

Arranged chronologically in sections from the Stone Age through to the Ming dynasty. The focus is on earlier material from the Shang<br />

to the Han dynasties and includes both famous finds and lesser-known objects. Of note is the major showing of material from the Warring<br />

States Zeng Hou Yi Mu tombs, including the incredibly intricate and elaborate bronzes. There are other superb bronzes from the<br />

Shang onwards, including a wonderful Western Zhou elephant zun. The exhibition also shows early lacquer, ceramics, bamboo slips<br />

and some later gold and jewellery. Illustrated throughout in colour. English edition of this catalogue. Hard to obtain.<br />

558 National Museum of History ed: MEILI ZHI DAO: TAIWAN GU DITU YU SHENGHUO FENGMAO ZHAN.<br />

Beautiful Island — An Exhibition of Old Taiwanese Maps and Life. 美麗之島 : 臺灣古地圖與生活風貌展.<br />

Taibei, 2003. 159 pp. Colour plates throughout. 2 colour foldouts. 30x21 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition of Taiwanese maps mostly from the 16th to the mid 20th centuries. In addition to the numerous maps of the<br />

island, parts of the island and its cities, there are also illustrations from books, photographs and cigarette cards showing the history,<br />

life, trade and scenery of the island. Introductions to each section in English, otherwise Chinese text.

FROM OUR STOCK – 48 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

559 National Museum of Japanese History: KALEIDOSCOPE OF OTHER WORLDS. The Afterlife, <strong>Demon</strong>s and<br />

Divination. Tokyo, 2001. 207 pp. 299 colour plates. 30x21 cm. Paper. £50.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition that examines concepts of the afterlife and divination both historically and in modern Japan through the<br />

bringing together of a vast array of art. Includes demon handscrolls, ukiyo-e and illustrated books through to folk art. Supplemented<br />

by scenes of modern practices in fortune telling. Copiously-illustrated. All text in Japanese.<br />


PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. Diaosu Bie Cang. 雕塑別藏:宗教編特展圖錄. Taibei, 1997. 276 pp. Over 100<br />

colour plates, 5 colour and 101 b/w text illustrations. 30x22 cm. Paper. £60.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition of Chinese religious sculpture mostly in stone from private collections. Exhibits date from the Northern Wei<br />

to the Ming. Appreciation is aided by fine colour plates. Paperback edition. Out of print. In English and Chinese.<br />

561 National Palace Museum: COLLECTION OF TREASURED PAINTING. Minghua Huizhen. 名畫薈珍. Taibei,<br />

1992. 335 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

An inexpensive presentation-style or gift book with highlights of paintings from the National Palace Museum collection and basic captioning<br />

in English and Chinese — Ma Yuan, Ye Xiaoyan, Song Yuan and Ming album leaves, Sun Long, Tang Yin, Dong Qichang, Yun<br />

Shouping, Castiglione, etc.<br />

562 National Palace Museum: GUGONG LIDAI XIANGJU TULU. Special Exhibition of Incense Burners and<br />

Perfumers Throughout the Dynasties. 故宮歷代香具圖屋錄. Taibei, 1994. 310 pp. 56 text-illustrations, 122 colour<br />

plates. 26x25 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the National Palace Museum in Taibei. 122 objects of various materials — ceramic, bronze, jade etc. —<br />

and from various periods described and illustrated. The exhibits come from the Museum’s superb holdings. Long essay on the history<br />

of incense burners by Chen Jingguang in Chinese. Résumé and plate captions in English. Out-of-print.<br />

563 National Palace Museum: GUSE: 16-18 SHIJI YISHU DE FANGGU FENG. Through the Prism of the Past:<br />

Antiquarian Trends in Chinese Art of the 16th-18th Centuries. 古色 : 十六至十八世紀藝術的仿古風. Taibei,<br />

2003. 320 pp. 182 colour plates. 29x21 cm. Paper. £70.00<br />

Catalogue of a quite superb and highly sophisticated exhibition at the National Palace Museum that explores antiquarian trends in<br />

Chinese art from the middle Ming dynasty into the early part of the Qing dynasty. The material collected examines the use of archaic<br />

and earlier art forms, their copying and interpretation during this period — for example archaic bronzes and jades, Song painting,<br />

Song ceramics etc. It also questions our understanding of ‘antiquarian’ during the 16th to 18th centuries. With a large number of<br />

scholar’s studio objects from the period, giving insights into the life and collecting habits of the literati. Colour plates throughout<br />

showing 182 superb objects. Introductions to each section, captions, list of plates and some essays in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

An important contribution. Recommended.<br />


TUXIANG ZHI BU. (The Tibetan Dragon Sutra: Tibetan-language edition, hand-copied in gold ink K’ang-hsi<br />

reign (1661-1722), Ch’ing dynasty: Illuminations). 龍藏經:清康熙朝內府泥金藏文寫本圖像之部. Taibei, 2007.<br />

285; 347 pp. Over 440 pp. colour plates. 2 vols. 37x26 cm. Boards. £250.00<br />

A fine two-volume work reproducing and discussing a magnificent illustrated palace edition of the Dragon Sutra in Tibetan in the collection<br />

of the National Palace Museum in Taibei. The sutra was completed over 300 years ago in the 8th year of the reign of the Kangxi<br />

emperor (1669 A.D.). The sutra was copied onto celadon blue paper, each page measuring 87x33cm and is written in gilt standard Tibetan<br />

script. The sutra contains the Kangyur, the Tibetan translation of the teachings of Sakyamuni. The unique aspect of the sutra are<br />

the coloured Buddha images contained within. A total of 756 images are found in the manuscript. The sutra combines both Tibetan<br />

and Chinese artistic styles and comprises one of the finest examples of Tibetan Buddhist painting together with providing much opportunity<br />

for the study of palace painting in the early Qing dynasty. Two page preface in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

565 National Palace Museum: QIANLONG HUANGDI DE WENHUA DAYE. Emperor Ch’ien-lung’s Grand<br />

Cultural Enterprise. 乾隆皇帝的文化大業. Taibei, 2002. 303 pp. c. 200 pp. colour plates. B/w illustrations. 31x22<br />

cm. Cloth. £80.00<br />

Catalogue of a major and most sophisticated exhibition at the National Palace Museum in Taiwan examining the collecting, connoisseurship<br />

and artistic patronage of the Qianlong emperor who, more than any other Qing emperor, shaped the art collection of the Qing<br />

court that today forms the core of the Museum’s holdings. The exhibition is divided into five sections: The August Emperor, Cultural<br />

Advisors to the Emperor, Classical Learning, Cultural Nexus, Renewing Tradition. The 197 exhibits cover the entire range of media<br />

of Chinese art from ceramics and paintings to jades, works of art and printing. They fall into two main categories; earlier works that<br />

entered the imperial collection and, predominantly, works and objects produced during the Emperor’s reign. Preface, list of plates and<br />

captions in English. Detailed descriptive texts and essays in Chinese. Out-of-print.<br />

566 National Palace Museum: SHANGDAI JINWEN TULU. A Catalogue of Shang Dynasty Bronze Inscriptions:<br />

Ancient Chinese Script from the 1st Millennium B.C.. Taibei, 1995. 211 pp. Colour plates and b/w reproductions<br />

of rubbings throughout. 31x22 cm. Cloth. £80.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition of 47 superb Shang dynasty bronze vessels in the collection of the National Palace Museum that bear inscriptions.<br />

The objects are illustrated in colour with rubbings of the inscriptions or characters they bear. Introductory essay and captions<br />

in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />


MUSEUM. Gugong Biyanhu. Taibei, 1991. 380 pp. 415 colour illustrations. 27x26 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

With an introductory article by Chang Lin-sheng. All bottles are illustrated in colour, showing the marks where relevant. From the collection<br />

of the National Palace Museum in Taiwan. Dual texts in Chinese and English.<br />

568 National Palace Museum: XIN SHIJIE: LANG SHINING YU QING GONG XIYANG FENG. New Visions at<br />

the Ch’ing Court: Giuseppe Castiglione and Western-Style Trends. 新視界:郎世寧輿清宮西羊風. Taibei, 2007.<br />

163 pp. Numerous fullpage colour plates (one foldout). B/w text illustrations. 31x24 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the National Palace Museum in Taibei showing the work of Castiglione and related works showing western<br />

influence in Qing dynasty court painting. Thirty six exhibits are shown, the majority being paintings by Castiglione formerly in the<br />

Chinese imperial collection. Also includes work by other western missionaries Near dual text in Chinese and English including preface,<br />

essays, captions and descriptions of plates.

LIST 156 – 49 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

569 National Palace Museum: YUDINGNING GUAN JUANZENG YA GU ZHU MU DIAOQI MULU. A Catalog<br />

of the Tusk, Bone, Bamboo and Wood Carvings Donated to the National Palace Museum from the Yu-ting-ning<br />

Studio. Taibei, 1997. 365 pp. 237 colour plates and numerous b/w illustrations. 31x22 cm. Cloth. £97.00<br />

237 examples of Chinese tusk, bamboo and wood carvings dating from the Neolithic to the late Qing dynasty are all illustrated in colour<br />

and described. Many ivory objects and a large amount of fascinating early material. An important collection. List of contents, captions<br />

and decent plate descriptions in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

570 National Palace Museum: ZHUISUO ZHEPAI. Tracing the Che School in Chinese Painting. 追索浙派. Taibei,<br />

2008. 306 pp. Numerous fullpage colour plates. Colour text illustrations. 29x21 cm. Wrappers. £45.00<br />

Catalogue of a major exhibition at the National Palace Museum in Taibei examining the Che/Zhe (Zhejiang) school of Chinese painting<br />

that flourished during the Ming dynasty. Zhe school painters followed the style of Song dynasty painters, reinterpreting their work.<br />

Indeed, many works previously thought to be Song dynasty have now been found to be the work of Ming dynasty Zhe school painters.<br />

The exhibition is in four sections: Traditions in Art; The Che School and Court Painting; Peking and Nanking; Wild and Heterodox.<br />

84 masterpieces by leading masters of the school were exhibited, the majority from the Museum’s collection (and, therefore, the former<br />

Chinese imperial collection) augmented by loans from mainland China, Japan and the USA. Prefaces, introductions to each section<br />

and list of plates in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />


ARTIST HADA TERUO. From Decadence to Brilliance.... Nerima, 2003. 234 pp. 152 colour plates, b/w text<br />

illustrations. 31x21 cm. Paper. £50.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition that shows the very interesting work of the Japanese artist Hasa Teruo who flourished in the early part of<br />

the 20th century. Very varied and unusual work ranging from the sombre to Buddhist themes, the female form etc. Copiously-illustrated<br />

with work by Hasa Teruo and a few by other artists with whom he associated. In Japanese only.<br />

572 Newland, Amy Reigle: TIME PRESENT AND TIME PAST. Images of a Forgotten Master: Toyohara Kunichika.<br />

Leiden, 1999. c. 160 pp. 140 colour and 20 b/w illustrations. 29x29 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

Draws on Japanese and western sources to present an overview of Kunichika’s life and his prints. With colour illustrations of over 135<br />

prints of beautiful women and actors, plus seals, signatures and an extensive bibliography. An important contribution to understanding<br />

this little-known Meiji artist.<br />

573 Newland, Amy Reigle ed: THE HOTEI ENCYCLOPEDIA OF <strong>JAPANESE</strong> WOODBLOCK PRINTS. Leiden,<br />

2006. 1-416; 417-600 pp. Over 300 chiefly colour plates. Maps, chronological tables, appendixes, index. 2 vols.<br />

28x25 cm. Cloth. £190.00<br />

Both a source of quick reference and an in-depth study of all aspects of Japanese prints from the Edo (1600-1868) to Taishô (1912-<br />

26) periods. The first book in English to offer an extensive, up-to-date reference which is also an introduction to the world of Japanese<br />

prints. The first section of the book is divided in to four main parts: historical background, art history, print production, history of<br />

collecting. There is a shorter fifth introductory part on conservation. The second part is an extensive alphabetical cross-referenced listing<br />

of over 2000 designers, schools, publishers, carvers, painters and more. Appendixes include seals, carvers, signatures, maps, and<br />

chronological tables.<br />

574 Nezu Institute of Fine Arts: TREASURES OF THE TOKIWAYAMA BUNKO FOUNDATION. Calligraphy,<br />

Ink, Tenjin-sama in Painting, Ukiyo-e Prints. Tokyo, 2003. 232 pp. text 105 pp. colour plates, b/w text illustrations;<br />

97 pp. 47 pp. colour plates, b/w text illustrations. 2 vols. 30x22 cm. Paper. £50.00<br />

Two volume catalogue of an exhibition of treasures in the Tokiwayama Bunko Foundation. The first volume shows fine paintings and<br />

calligraphy, the second 73 works depicting Tenjin-sama. Both volumes have plate lists in English. Main texts in Japanese.<br />

575 Nie Chongzheng: QING GONG HUIHUA YU XIHUA DONGJIAN. (Painting of the Qing Court and the<br />

Influence of Western Painting). 清宮繪畫與西畫東漸 。 聶崇正 著. Beijing, 2008. 299 pp. Numerous colour and<br />

b/w illustrations. 25x16 cm. Wrappers. £30.00<br />

A study of this fascinating subject which includes much in the influence of the Jesuit missionaries at the Qing court. By a leading expert.<br />

Well-illustrated. Text in Chinese.<br />

576 Nien Cheng: LIFE AND DEATH IN SHANGHAI. London, 1986. 496 pp. 24x15 cm. Cloth. £15.00<br />

The account of one woman’s confinement during the Chinese Cultural Revolution.<br />

577 Nihon Tozi Kyokai ed: MINDAI NO SOMETSU TO AKAE. Ming Blue-and-White and Enamelled Porcelain.<br />

Tokyo, 1952. 216 pp. 6 colour plates, 54 illustrations, 9 text-figures. 26x18 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

A major publication with contributions by Okuda Seiichi, Naito Tadashi, Koyama Fujio, Kusi Takushi and Ozaki Nobumori on various<br />

aspects of Ming period porcelains. Japanese text with English captions to the plates.<br />

578 NINGSHOU JIANGU. (Bronzes of the Ningshou Palace). Nanjing, 1992. 413 pp. of reproductions of the original<br />

pages with b/w drawings throughout. 29x21 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

Facsimile reprint of a supplement to the Xiqing Gujian or Catalogue of Imperial Bronzes, with illustrations and details of 101 pieces<br />

in the Ningshou palace. In Chinese.<br />

579 Noma Seiroku: ANCIENT <strong>JAPANESE</strong> GILT BRONZE BUDDHAS. Kyoto, 1952. 32, 46 pp. text. 6 pp. linedrawings,<br />

130 b/w plates. 35x26 cm. Cloth, dustjacket with a few tears. £250.00<br />

The Buddhas dealt with in this volume, formerly in the imperial collection, were originally preserved from ancient times in Horyu-ji<br />

in Nara. Good black-and-white plates. A scarce work.<br />

580 NONGCUN ANQUAN YONG DIAN GUATU. (The Safe Use of Electricity in the Countryside).<br />

農村安全用電掛圖. Beijing, 1964. 10 posters each with a number of colour illustrations. 10 vols. 76x52 cm.<br />

Paper. £400.00<br />

A set of 10 folded Chinese posters produced in 1964 as part of a safety campaign apparently as a response to the high level of accidents<br />

and fatalities from electric shocks following the introduction of electricity into many rural areas in China. The ten posters are<br />

entitled as follows: 1. Dian Zai Nongyeshang de Yingyong — The Use of Electricity in Agriculture. 2. Dian de Shengchan yu Yunsong<br />

— The Production and Transmission of Electricity. 3 .Changyong de Dianqi Cailiao — Frequently Used Electrical Equipment. 4. Ren<br />

Weishenme Hui Chudian? — How Do People Get an Electric Shock? 5. Zhengque Anzhuang Dengxian — The Correct Installation of<br />

Electricity for Lighting. 6. Dianlixian he Tongxunxian de Jiashe — The Erection of Electricity Power Cables. 7. Diandongji he Bianyaqi

FROM OUR STOCK – 50 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

de Anzhuang. — The Installation of Electrical Machinery and Transformers. 8. Zheyang Zuo Zui Weixian ! (1) — Doing This is Dangerous!<br />

(1). 9. Zheyang Zuo Zui Weixian ! (2) — Doing This is Dangerous! (2). 10. Chudian Jijiu — First Aid for Electric Shocks.<br />

As with all these posters aimed at a rural and largely uneducated audience, the emphasis is on simple and colourful imagery to attract<br />

attention. Each poster comprises a number of images reproduced from original paintings and drawings illustrating and explaining<br />

various aspects of the installation, use and dangers of electricity. Such posters were either pasted on walls or used during a<br />

village meeting as an education tool by a travelling official. Due to such use, this set is a rare survival. Text in Chinese. The posters<br />

in fine condition, just the occasional mark and tear along the folds.<br />

581 NONGYE JIJIE ANQUAN SHENGCHAI GUATU. (Posters Showing the Safe Use of Agricultural Machinery).<br />

農業機械安全生產掛圖. Beijing, n.d. 6 posters each with a number of colour illustrations. 6 vols. 76x52 cm.<br />

Paper. £300.00<br />

A set of six Chinese posters dating from the late 1960s or early 1970s produced as part of a safety campaign to reduce the high level<br />

of accidents in the Chinese countryside involving the use of agricultural machinery ranging from the driving of tractors to threshing<br />

machines and various other machines. Given that this was the period of the Cultural Revolution, there is also much propaganda concerning<br />

peasants and agriculture and the Chinese communist party. Aimed at a rural population with little education, the posters each<br />

contain a number of brightly-coloured images taken from paintings.<br />

The titles of the posters are as follows: 1.Nongye de Genben Chulu Zaiyu Jijiehua — The Basic Path to Mechanization in Agriculture.<br />

2.Zhixing Jiwu Guizhang. Gaohao Anquan Zuoye — Implement the Rules of Maintentance. Participate in Safe Work. 3.Zhengque<br />

Caozuo Shiyong. Fangzhi Jidian Shigu — Undertake the Correct Operation of Machinery. Prevent Accidents in Electrical Machinery.<br />

4.Baozheng Chengxiang Jiaotong Anquan. Genghao de Wei Nongye Fuwu — Ensure Traffic Safety in Both Towns and the Countryside.<br />

Serve Agriculture Better! 5.Zunshou Jiaotong Guize. Baozheng Anquan Xingche — Respect Traffic Rules. Ensure the Safe Passage<br />

of Traffic. 6.Anquan Shengchan Renren You Ze — Everyone is Responsible for Safe Production.<br />

Given that these posters were presumably either stuck up on walls or used in a classroom setting, they are a rare survival. In generally<br />

fine condition with occasional mark and tear. Text in Chinese.<br />

582 O’Connor Jr, Stanley J: HINDU GODS OF PENINSULAR SIAM. Ascona, 1972. 76 pp. 34 illustrations,<br />

bibliography and index. 32x24 cm. Cloth. £65.00<br />

583 Obata Shigeyoshi: THE WORKS OF LI-PO. The Chinese Poet. New York, 1922. xviii, 236 pp. 1 plate. 21x14<br />

cm. Cloth. Front cover a little loose and grubby. £35.00<br />

124 poems selected and translated from Li Bo’s complete works edited by Wang Qi. Includes translations of biographies of Li Bo and<br />

prefaces to early editions of his collected works. Hucker 1598. Scarce.<br />

584 Onishi, Hiroshi: ON A RIVERBOAT JOURNEY. A Handscroll by Ito Jakuchu, With Poems by Daiten. New<br />

York, 1990. 140 pp. Bibliography. 80 b/w illustrations. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

The 18th century scroll ‘Jokyoshu’ reproduced in its entirety, with Jakauchu and Daiten vying to see who could best capture the riverside<br />

scenery.<br />

585 Oriental Art Gallery Ltd, The: ORIENTAL JEWELLERY AND WORKS OF ART. London, 1993. (84) pp.<br />

Chronology, bibliography. 219 objects illustrated in colour. 23x21 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

Catalogue of the third exhibition of the Oriental Art Gallery Ltd, which included Chinese jewellery, jades and Chinese and Japanese<br />

objets d’art.<br />

586 Osgood, Cornelius: THE KOREANS AND THEIR CULTURE. New York, 1951. xvi, 387 pp. 48 plates. Glossary,<br />

bibliography, index. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

This was the best anthropological work on Korea, but contains errors due to failure to utilise Oriental-language materials.<br />

587 Pacific Asia Museum: THEODORE WORES. An American Artist in Meiji Japan. American Artists in Japan.<br />

Pasadena, 1993. 131 pp. 50 colour plates, 15 photos of lost paintings and 11 ills. 25x23 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Edited by Chris Pearce. The first part is a biography on Wores, concentrating on his life in Japan. The second part consists of the catalogue<br />

that was produced in conjunction with the exhibition ‘Theodore Wores : An American Artist in Meiji Japan’ held at the Pacific<br />

Asia Museum.<br />

588 Pan Chengwen & Yao Binmo ed: ZHONGGUO SI DA YINSHI TUDIAN: CHANGHUA SHI. (An Illustrated<br />

Survey of the Four Great Sealstones of China: The Changhua Stone). 中國四大印石圖典 : 昌化石 。 潘承文<br />

姚賓謨 編著. Hangzhou, 2008. 5, 350 pp. Colour plates throughout. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £45.00<br />

Illustrates many fine examples of this stone much used in Chins for the carving of fine seals. Text in Chinese.<br />

589 Pang, Tatiana A: A CATALOGUE OF MANCHU MATERIALS IN PARIS. Manuscripts, Blockprints, Scrolls,<br />

Rubbings, Weapons. Wiesbaden, 1998. xvii, 143 pp. 10 plates. Indexes, concordance. 25x17 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

Important contribution to the bibliographic documentation of Manchu materials in Europe, including a useful introduction ‘On the<br />

history of Manchu collections in Paris’ by the author.<br />

590 Parmer, Lynette: COLLECTING OCCUPIED JAPAN. Atglen, 1996. 112 pp. Numerous illustrations in colour.<br />

28x22 cm. Paperback. £16.95<br />

Features the decorative arts of Allied occupied Japan, 1945-1952.<br />

591 Pei, Fang Jing et al: TREASURES OF THE CHINESE SCHOLAR. Form, Function and Symbolism. New York,<br />

1997. 165 pp. 165 colour illustrations. Glossary, index. 26x26 cm. Paper. £40.00<br />

This important new work presents the most detailed and illuminating commentary yet available in English, on the craftsmanship and<br />

motifs of the Chinese Scholars’ Studio. Out-of-print and hard to find.<br />

592 Pham Quoc Quan and Nguyen Dinh Chien: VIETNAMESE BROWN PATTERNED CERAMICS. Gom Hoa<br />

Nau Viet Nam. Hanoi, 2005. 224 pp. including 149 pp. with 200 colour and 3 b/w plates and 217 line drawings.<br />

Bibliography. 29x21 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

Detailed and extensively illustrated exposition of the characteristic Vietnamese ceramics decorated with brown washed patterns, important<br />

to the Vietnamese ceramics tradition especially from the 11th through the 15th centuries. Dual English and Vietnamese text<br />

and captions.

LIST 156 – 51 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

593 Piggott, Juliet: <strong>JAPANESE</strong> MYTHOLOGY. Library of the World’s Myths and Legends. Feltham, 1982. 144 pp.<br />

Over 100 b/w illustrations & 26 colour plates. 29x21 cm. Cloth. £20.00<br />

Myths taken from Buddhism, Shinto and folklore. Second impression.<br />

594 Powers, Martin J: ART AND POLITICAL EXPRESSION IN EARLY CHINA. New Haven, 1992. 416 pp. 198<br />

illustrations, some in colour. 25x18 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

The author examines the art and politics of the Han period (206 B.C.- A.D. 220) and shows that both were shaped by the rise of an<br />

educated, non-aristocratic public that questioned the authority of the rich and royal at all levels.<br />

595 Prakash, Om: PRECIOUS METALS AND COMMERCE. The Dutch East India Company in the Indian Ocean<br />

Trade. Collected Studies Series CS443. Northampton, 1994. 320 pp. 23x15 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

16 studies in English on this fascinating subject.<br />


Exhibition Lent by American Collectors and Museums. New York, 1938. xxxii, 30 pp. 46 b/w plates. Figures.<br />

Chronology. 22x14 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum, based largely on Karlgren’s analysis of Chinese bronzes.<br />


Reminiscences: The Glorious Glimmer of Ceramic Censers. 日照香爐:中華古瓷香爐文化記憶 。 錢漢東 著.<br />

Shanghai, 2009. 6, 10, 239 pp. Numerous colour text plates. 29x22 cm. Boards. £45.00<br />

A discussion and history of the ceramic incense burner in China. Illustrated with numerous examples from many periods. In Chinese.<br />

598 Qian Juntao: JUNTAO YISHUYUAN CANG YIN JI. (Seals in the Collection of the Juntao Art Gallery).<br />

Hangzhou, 1992. [14], 79 pp. Including 69 pp. of colour plates with seals themselves & impressions. 29x22 cm.<br />

Boards. £30.00<br />

Well-chosen seals with accompanying documentation by named carvers such as Zhao Zhiqian, Wu Changshuo and others. In Chinese.<br />


MEISHU ZUOPIN ZHANLAN ZUOPIN XUANJI. (In Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of<br />

the Peoples Republic of China: A Selection from the National Exhibition of Works of Art).<br />

慶祝中華人民共和國成立二十五周年全國美術作品展覽 : 作品選集. Beijing, 1975. 3 pp. text booklet plus<br />

109 loose colour plates. English insert. 32x38 cm. Loose in cardboard folder. £800.00<br />

An excellent Chinese communist propaganda compilation produced towards the end of the Cultural Revolution period under the auspices<br />

of the State Council. The 109 plates include traditional Chinese paintings, oil paintings, woodblock prints, New Year prints,<br />

propaganda posters and a few sculptures. There is a (complete) total of 109 loose plates in a cardboard folder. The subjects and themes<br />

of the paintings reflect the political campaigns and other issues of the day from military vigilance to agricultural production, the glory<br />

of Chairman Mao and Mao Zedong thought, the achievements and virtues of other political leaders, selfless Communist heroes, industrialisation<br />

and much more. Provides a survey of the offically-approved art of the day and officially-sanctioned artists. A fascinating<br />

study tool for the link of art and politics in the Cultural Revolution period.<br />

To assist with the identification of the plates (and to keep them in order!) we have numbered the list of contents from 1-109 and numbered<br />

each plate on the back.<br />

We also include an English translation of the titles of the plates, type of work and the artists. Main text in Chinese.<br />

It is very rare to find complete sets of these propaganda collections as plates were often removed to be individually displayed or removed<br />

due to ‘incorrect political content’ brought about by changing political winds and propaganda campaigns. Also, following the<br />

end of the Cultural Revolution and China moving into a new political phase, many were thrown away or destroyed.<br />

600 QIXIANG ZHISHI. (Predicting the Weather). 氣象知識. Tianjin, 1965. 5 posters each with a number of colour<br />

illustrations. 5 vols. 75x52 cm. Folded posters in envelope. £500.00<br />

Very interesting set of five posters produced in the mid-1960s aimed at instructing a rural audience in simple but useful methods of<br />

predicting the weather. The posters are entitled as follows: 1. Kan Yun Zhi Tianqi (Predict the Weather Through Observing Clouds).<br />

Six colour illustrations. 2. Tianqi Yanyu (Weather Proverbs). Six colour illustrations. Examines the truth in traditional weather proverbs.<br />

3. Wuxiang (The Weather and the World Around You). Six colour illustrations. This involves illustrations showing how, for example,<br />

observing the behaviour of animals and insects, household fires and condensation can help determine the weather. 4. Yuqing he<br />

Shangqing (Rainfall and Soil Moisture). Six colour illustrations. 5. Fengxiang yu Fengsu (Wind Direction and Wind Speed). Fourteen<br />

small colour illustrations.<br />

The colour illustrations to each poster are reproduced from paintings and all demonstrate the theme being discussed. The posters<br />

come folded in their original worn brown paper envelope and were presumably used by a travelling official to be hung up in village<br />

meeting halls. As a result, one can assume that few sets have survived, let alone one in such fine condition as here. In Chinese. Rare.<br />


143 pp. Numerous colour illustrations. 20x15 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University of contemporary Indonesian art.<br />

602 Ratti, Oscar & Westbrook, Adele: SECRETS OF THE SAMURAI. A Survey of the Martial Arts of Feudal Japan.<br />

Tokyo, 1973. 483 pp. Bibliography, index. Numerous illustrations. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

The definitive work. Includes an account of the political power struggle accompanying the ascendancy of the Samurai. First edition.<br />

603 Ray, Amita: ART OF NEPAL. 78 pp. 103 illustrations, 20. New Delhi, 1973. in colour. 25x22 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

A general study of the plastic arts of Nepal in the context of the life of her people, their history and religious culture.<br />

604 Reid, Daniel P: CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE. Wellingborough, 1987. 174 pp. Bibliography, index. Numerous<br />

colour illustrations. 28x20 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

An account of the art of Chinese herbal medicine with an emphasis on its practical use in the modern world.<br />

605 Reynolds, Valrae: TIBET, A LOST WORLD. The Newark Collection of Tibetan Art and Ethnography. New York,<br />

1979. 128 pp. 101 b/w & 11 colour illustrations, map. 26x21 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

A concise introduction to Tibet as it existed until 1959. The objects depicted document the entire culture rather than one aspect of it.<br />

Also featured are rare photographs dating from the turn of the century.

FROM OUR STOCK – 52 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

606 Rhie, Marilyn M. & Thurman, Robert A. F: THE SACRED ART OF TIBET. Wisdom and Compassion. London,<br />

1995. 488 pp. 353 illustrations (338 in colour). 2 Maps. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £48.00<br />

Photographs by John Bigelow Taylor. Catalogue of the exhibition originally shown in San Francisco and London, being the revised<br />

and expanded edition. An outstanding collection more than half of which had never been published before.<br />

607 Riboud, Marc: THE THREE BANNERS OF CHINA. New York, 1966. 216 pp. mostly photographs, many in<br />

colour. 27x22 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

Riboud’s excellent photographic documentation of the period just previous to the eruption of the Cultural Revolution. Foreword by Han<br />

Suyin.<br />

608 Rong Geng & Zhang Weichi ed: YIN ZHOU QINGTONG QI TONGLUN. (General Dissertation on Bronze<br />

Wares of the Yin and Zhou Periods). Kaoguxue Zhuankan, III:2. Beijing, 1984. 151 pp. Chinese text, 304<br />

illustrations, text illustrations. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

This book is an abbreviated and revised version of Rong’s Shang Zhou Yiqi Tongkao of 1941, but with considerable additions. In Chinese.<br />

Scarce. RBS 4:462.<br />

609 Rosenblum, Richard; Valerie Doran ed. and intro: ART OF THE NATURAL WORLD. Resonances of Wild<br />

Nature in Chinese Sculptural Art. Boston, 2001. 157 pp. 70 colour and 200 b/w illustrations. 26x20 cm. Cloth.<br />

£35.00<br />

Through this well-illlustrated study of scholar’s rocks, Rosenblum discusses the history and use of nature in Chinese art.<br />

610 Rosenfield, John: <strong>JAPANESE</strong> ARTS OF THE HEIAN PERIOD: 794-1185. New York, 1967. 135 pp. 57 plates,<br />

6 in colour, 7 text-figures. Map, glossary, bibliography. 27x21 cm. Boards. £20.00<br />

Asia House Gallery and Fogg Art Museum exhibition catalogue. First time treasures of the period were shown in the West.<br />

611 Rosenfield, John M. & Shimada, Shujiro: TRADITIONS OF <strong>JAPANESE</strong> ART. Selections from the Kimiko and<br />

John Powers Collection. Cambridge, 1970. 393 pp. 153 objects all illustrated, 17 in colour. Chronology. Glossaryindex.<br />

29x23 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

A comprehensive and abundantly illustrated catalogue of an exhibition of selections from this fine collection. Limited secondhand<br />

stock offered at this special price as part of the Rosenfield tribute; some copies without dustjacket.<br />

612 Rosenstone, Robert A: MIRROR IN THE SHRINE. American Encounters with Meiji Japan. Cambridge, 1988.<br />

315 pp. 22x14 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Evokes the immediacy of daily experience in Meiji Japan, a nation still feudal yet captivating to Westerners. Draws on the experiences<br />

of three Americans in Japan — Morse, Griffis and Hearn.<br />

613 Roveda, V. & Yem Sothorn: BUDDHIST PAINTING IN CAMBODIA. Bangkok, 2009. 328 pp. Colour<br />

illustrations throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

Documents the most important Buddhist paintings extant in Cambodia accompanied by discussion of their role and function.<br />

614 Royal Academy of Arts: ANCIENT ART FROM AFGHANISTAN. London, 1967. 38 pp. text plus 16 pp. b/w<br />

plates. 21x14 cm. Paper. £18.00<br />

Catalogue of the exhibition of Afghanistan art held at the Royal Academy of Arts at the end of 1967. The loans included major pieces<br />

from the Kabul Museum, British Museum.<br />

615 Samolin, William and Drew, Isabella: EURASIAN ANIMAL STYLE PLAQUES I. Monumenta Serica Vol. XXIV.<br />

N.p., 1965. pp. 1-14 plus 17 pp. b/w plates. 26x18 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

616 Sansom, George B: THE WESTERN WORLD AND JAPAN. A Study in the Interaction of European and Asiatic<br />

Cultures. London, 1965. xvi, 504, xi pp. 27 plates, many illustrations, 2 maps. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

In some respects a continuation of Sansom’s Japan : A Short Cultural History. First part is a broad view of European intercourse with<br />

East Asia, and with Japan in particular, followed by a study of Western influences upon Japan. Reprint of 1950 original.<br />

617 Sato Kanzan: THE <strong>JAPANESE</strong> SWORD. Japanese Arts Library, Vol. 12. Tokyo, 1983. 210 pp. 154 plates &<br />

illustrations, 27 in colour, 22 sketches. Glossary, bibliography & index. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £31.00<br />

Excellent treatment of the subject covering sword development throughout history. Fine explanations of forging and tempering methods<br />

along with a detailed description of the fittings and methods and materials used in their manufacture.<br />

618 Sawa Takaaki ed: BUTSUZO ZUTEN. (Iconography of Buddhist Images). Tokyo, 1963. 301 pp. Text illustrations<br />

throughout. 22x16 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

Useful in study and appreciation of Buddhist art, assembling illustrations of images in Japan, classified under Buddha, Goddess of<br />

Mercy, saints, messengers, other divinities and high priests, each with explanation of its name and symbolism. In Japanese. 5th edition.<br />

Fukuda C70.<br />

619 Sawara Makoto: YAYOI DOKI. (Earthenware from the Yayoi period). Nihon no Bijutsu No. 125. Tokyo, 1976. 153<br />

pp. 153 illustrations, 26 in colour. 23x19 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Well-illustrated study of earthenware from the Yayoi period, its forms, manufacture techniques, designs, painting. Japanese text only.<br />

620 Schafer, Edward H: PACING THE VOID. Warren, 2005. 368 pp. 25x18 cm. Paper. £37.50<br />

Schafer’s characteristically marvellous essay conveys what medieval Chinese people thought, felt and experienced when they looked<br />

up into the night sky. Vital for an engaged understanding of Tang culture. New paperback reprint.<br />

621 Schafer, Edward H: TU WAN’S STONE CATALOGUE OF CLOUDY FOREST. A Commentary and Synopsis.<br />

Berkeley, 2005. 116 pp. 4 illustrations. Index. 24x16 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

In his introduction to Tu Wan’s Catalogue, Schafer discusses the Chinese taste in stones, what is known of Tu Wan, the history etc. of<br />

the catalogue, and technology and petrology in the 12th century. New paperback reprint. Hucker 1506.<br />

622 Schloss, E: ART OF THE HAN. New York, 1979. 110 pp. 88 illustrations. Map. 28x22 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

An exhibition catalogue from the China House Gallery.

LIST 156 – 53 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

623 Schneeberger, Pierre-F: THE BAUR COLLECTION — <strong>JAPANESE</strong> LACQUER. Geneva, 1984. 193 pp. 100<br />

plates, many in colour. 29x23 cm. Cloth. £100.00<br />

An excellent catalogue of a superb collection of inro and other lacquer wares.<br />


East Asian Maritime History 1. Wiesbaden, 2005. xvii, 343 pp. 26 b/w illustrations. 24x17 cm. Cloth. £65.00<br />

A collection of studies discussing trade and relations across the East China Sea between 1400 and 1840. Includes China, Japan,<br />

Korea, the Ryukyu Islands and Tsushima. Focus on sea and land routes, archaeology, trade and commodity exchange, knowledge<br />

transfer and European images in parts of east Asia. Introduction and 10 contributions by various scholars, of which seven in English<br />

and three in German.<br />

625 Scott, A. C: THE CLASSICAL THEATRE OF CHINA. London, 1957. 250, (6) pp. 5 plates, 1 in colour. Many<br />

illustrations by the author. Glossary, index. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

The most detailed book on ‘jingxi,’ or Peking drama.<br />

626 Seikado Bunko: THE PLEASURE OF WRITING MATERIALS. Tokyo, 2007. 173 pp. Colour plates throughout.<br />

B/w text illustrations. 20x22 cm. Wrappers. £45.00<br />

Catalogue of a delightful exhibition at the Seikado Bunko in Tokyo showing 125 of the finest examples of scholar’s studio objects in<br />

their collection. The large majority of items are Chinese, dating from the Qing dynasty, together with a few late Ming examples. Includes<br />

inkstones, brushes, waterdroppers and illustrated Chinese and Japanese printed books related to scholar’s studio themes. Seven<br />

page list of plates in English. Main text in Japanese.<br />

627 Setagaya Ward Museum: JAPAN AND BRITAIN. An Aesthetic Dialogue 1850-1930. Tokyo, 1992. 233 pp. 111<br />

colour and 281 b/w plates & illustrations. 29x23 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

The Japanese catalogue of the Barbican Art Gallery exhibition of the same title, which is now out of print. The Japanese version illustrates<br />

each and every exhibit with English captions having the essential information. Otherwise text in Japanese.<br />

628 Setterwall, Åke et al: THE CHINESE PAVILION AT DROTTNINGHOLM. Stockholm, 1974. 327 pp. 305<br />

reproductions & plans and 55 plates in colour, some folding. 30x23 cm. Cloth. £200.00<br />

Built in 1763 the pavilion is one of the best examples of chinoiserie. This luxurious and scholarly publication details its building history,<br />

the 1777 inventory which is still intact, and the vogue for chinoiserie in Europe. A beautiful book, now scarce.<br />

629 Sha Yuanzhang: LIAO JIN TONG JING. Liao Jin Bronze Mirror. 遼金銅鏡 。 沙元章 著. Harbin, 2007. 249, 4<br />

pp. Full page b/w plates throughout. 28x21 cm. Paper. £70.00<br />

Shows over 100 Chinese bronze mirrors dating from the Liao and Jin dynasties, presumably found at sites in Northeast China and Inner<br />

Mongolia. each mirror is illustrated in a full page plate and accompanied by an adjacent illustration of a rubbing of the mirror’s design.<br />

In Chinese.<br />

630 Shangguan Zhou: WANXIAO<strong>TANG</strong> ZHUZHUANG HUAZHUAN. (Zhu Zhuang’s Album of Paintings from<br />

the Hall of Endless Laughter). 晚笑堂竹裝畫傳 。 上官周. N.p., 1930. 128 folded leaves, Chinese style. 3 juan<br />

in 1 ce. B/w reproductions of ink portraits throughout. 33x22 cm. Stitched, new cloth case. £950.00<br />

As well as being the author of this album of fine portraits of China’s ‘paragons of culture’ produced in 1743, Shangguan Zhou (1665c.1750)<br />

was known as a landscape painter and calligrapher. This is a fine Republican lithographic reprint, done by the famous Sheyuan<br />

studio, of the original work published in the Qian Long reign. New covers and stitching. The good-sized full page images of famous<br />

scholars, poets and other cultural figures exhibit fine detail and are most pleasing. The first 25 folded leaves have a waterstain to the<br />

top of the page that does not affect the printed text and images, and which decreases in intensity as one proceeds. Priced accordingly.<br />

In Chinese. Rarely-seen.<br />

631 Shanghai Museum & Liaoning Provincial Museum: SHOUYANG JIJIN: HU YINGYING FAN JIRONG<br />

CANG ZHONGGUO GUDAI QINGTONGQI. Ancient Chinese Bronzes from the Shouyang Studio: The<br />

Katherine and George Fan Collection. 首陽吉金 : 胡盈瑩范季融藏中國古代青銅器. Shanghai, 2008. 201 pp.<br />

Colour plates throughout. B/w reproductions of rubbings of designs and inscriptions. 37x27 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Shanghai Museum of ancient Chinese bronzes from the collection of George and Katherine<br />

Fan. Displays 70 pieces and sets of bronze wares from their collection, the Shouyang Studio, a good number of which bear inscriptions,<br />

thus making the collection an important source for academic study in addition to its aesthetic value. Dual texts in Chinese and<br />

English.<br />

632 Sharf, Fred et al: ‘A PLEASING NOVELTY’. Bunkio Matsuki and The Japan Craze in Victorian Salem. Salem,<br />

1993. 112 pp. 31 illustrations. 23x15 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Published in connection with an exhibition at the Peabody & Essex Museum, this book tells the story of Matsuki, a Japanese arts and<br />

crafts dealer in late 19th century Salem and Boston, and the general craving for things Japanese in the States at this period.<br />

633 Shen Huilan ed: YANGZHOU BA KE. (Eight Types of Carving from Yangzhou). 揚州八刻 。 沈惠蘭 編著.<br />

Yangzhou, 2006. 234 pp. Colour plates throughout. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £40.00<br />

Lacquer, jade, bamboo, ivory, wood (including woodblocks), ceramic, stone and bricks. These are the eight media discussed and illustrated<br />

in this work on the various types of fine carving practised in the Chinese city of Yangzhou, a traditional centre of excellence<br />

for Chinese arts and crafts. The objects old and new shown are held in collections ranging from the Gugong Museum and Yangzhou<br />

Museum through to various factory collections in Yangzhou. In Chinese.<br />


(Annotated Bibliography of the Fine and Rare Chinese Editions in the Harvard-Yenching Institute Library).<br />

美國哈佛大學燕京圖書館中文善本書志 。 沈津. Hafu Yanjing Tushuguan Shumu Congkan (Harvard-Yenching<br />

Bibliographical Series) 7. Shanghai, 1999. 17, 927 pp. 10 pp. of colour plates. Bibliography, Indexes (author and<br />

title, four-corner). 27x20 cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

An exemplary, highly detailed bibliography of rare Chinese books in an important western collection. This is, in fact, a first volume<br />

covering Song, Yuan and Ming period editions. A continuation, on fine Qing-period and manuscript (gaoben and chaoben) editions is<br />

in preparation and to follow. In Chinese only.

FROM OUR STOCK – 54 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

635 Shi Jinbo et al ed: XIXIA WENWU. (Tangut Artefacts). Beijing, 1988. 357 pp. 413 illustrations, many in colour.<br />

27x21 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

The ancient feudal kingdom of the Xixia or Tangut (1038-1227) was founded by a scion of the Tangut people. The large number of artefacts<br />

illustrated here include painting, calligraphy, sculpture, seals and ceramics. Text in Chinese.<br />

636 Shiga Prefecture Biwako Museum of Art: THE FINE ART OF SAKYAMUNI. Shiga, 2003. 125 pp. 31 colour<br />

and 85 b/w plates. B/w text illustrations. 30x21 cm. Paper. £35.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition showing the image of Sakyamuni in various media — painting, sculpture and metalwork. With loans from<br />

temples and collections throughout Shiga prefecture. In Japanese.<br />

637 SHIQI SHIJI HELANREN HUIZHI DE LAO TAIWAN DITU. (Seventeenth Century Maps of Taiwan<br />

Produced in Holland). 十七世紀荷蘭人繪制的臺灣地圖. Taipei, 1997. 168; 100 pp. Illustrated throughout in<br />

colour and (primarily) b/w illustrations. 2 vols. 30x24 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

Volume One of this work consists of reproductions of 17th century maps of Holland, a good number double page and with many additional<br />

illustrations showing close-up detail. Volume Two is the text volume, again containing numerous images. Each map or illustrations<br />

has the name of the mapmaker in English, otherwise the work is entirely in Chinese.<br />

638 Shogun Age Exhibition Exec. Committee: THE SHOGUN AGE EXHIBITION. From the Tokugawa Art<br />

Museum. Tokyo, 1983. 280 pp. 273 colour illustrations, map, charts, glossary. 28x21 cm. Paper. £40.00<br />

Included here are exquisite treasures of the Tokugawa Art Museum in Nagoya, a repository of the family treasures of 20 generations<br />

of the Tokugawa family.<br />

639 Shoudu Bowuguan ed: SHOUDU BOWUGUAN GUANCANG MINGYAN. (Inkstones from the Capital<br />

Museum, Beijing). 首都博物館館藏名硯. Beijing, 1997. 105 pp. Colour illustrations and b/w reproductions of<br />

rubbings throughout. 27x19 cm. Boards. £35.00<br />

A fine selection of inkstones from the holdings of the Capital Museum, Beijing. Objects date from the Tang to the 20th century and are<br />

shown in decent colour plates with rubbings of inscriptions alongside. In Chinese only.<br />

640 Sickman, Laurence and Soper, Alexander C: THE ART AND ARCHITECTURE OF CHINA. The Pelican<br />

History of Art. New Haven, 1978. 528 pp. 329 illustrations. Map. Notes. Index. 21x15 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

The authors concentrate on painting, sculpture and architecture from the Shang to the end of the Qing period. A useful reference.<br />

641 Sierra de la Calle, Blas: YOSHITOSHI Y SU ESCUELA GRABADOS ‘UKIYO-E’. (Ukiyo-e Prints by<br />

Yoshitoshi and his School). Museo Oriental. Valladolid: Catalog VIII. Valladolid, 2009. 473 pp. Full page colour<br />

plates throughout. 24x17 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

Catalogues the collection of ukiyo-e prints held in the Museo Oriental in Valladolid in Spain. The majority of the material previously<br />

unpublished. Text in Spanish.<br />

642 Silberman, Bernard S: JAPAN AND KOREA. A Critical Bibliography. Tucson, 1962. xiv, 120 pp. Index. 28x21<br />

cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

A very useful, annotated bibliography of books on Japan and Korea.<br />

643 Singer, Paul: EARLY CHINESE MINIATURES. New York, 1977. 96 pp. 227 b/w ills. 24x20 cm. Paper.£20.00<br />

China House Gallery exhibition catalogue of miniature representations of larger objects in the daily use of the ancient Chinese, covering<br />

bronzes, jades, ceramics and clay, architecture, etc.<br />

644 Singh, Madanjeet: HIMALAYAN ART. Wall-Painting and Sculpture in Ladakh, Lahaul and Spiti. UNESCO Art<br />

Books. London, 1971. 287 pp. Bibliography. 63 colour plates, 105 illustrations, 1 map. 21x15 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Also includes Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan. Highly praised by reviewers.<br />

645 Sitwell, Sacheverell: BRIDGE OF THE BROCADE SASH. Travels and Observations in Japan. London, 1959.<br />

314 pp. 51 b/w and 4 colour plates. Index. 25x17 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £30.00<br />

A well-written account of Sacheverell Sitwell’s journey to, and fascination with Japan. Fine copy of the first edition, with dustjacket.<br />

646 Soontaek Choi-Bae: SELADON-KERAMIK DER KORYO-DYNASTIE, 918-1392. Celadon Wares of the<br />

Koryo Period. Koln, 1984. 247 pp. 125 b/w illustrations, 16 colour plates, 4 maps, 38 line drawings. 27x22 cm.<br />

Paper. £30.00<br />

Catalogue of the fine collection of Korean ceramics from the Koryo period in the Museum of East Asian Art, Cologne. Text in English<br />

and German.<br />

647 Soper, Alexander C: CHINESE, KOREAN AND <strong>JAPANESE</strong> BRONZES. A Catalogue of the Auriti Collection<br />

... in Rome. Serie Orientale Roma XXXV. Rome, 1966. 56 pp. 78 illustrations. 24x17 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

This collection, kept in the Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale in Rome, is very strong on Buddhist figures of the Sui and Tang periods.<br />

648 Spuler, Bertold: THE MUSLIM WORLD. A Historical Survey. Part II: The Mongol Period. Leiden, 1969. 125<br />

pp. Map, tables, bibliography, index. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

649 Starr, Kenneth: BLACK TIGERS: A GRAMMAR OF CHINESE RUBBINGS. Washington, 2008. 280 pp. 101<br />

illustrations, 8 in colour. 25x18 cm. Cloth. £69.00<br />

A history of rubbings, a guide to connoisseurship and a technical handbook on the materials and techniques used to make rubbings.<br />

A useful contribution to the subject.<br />

650 Statler, Oliver: <strong>JAPANESE</strong> INN. London, 1961. xii, 365 pp. Illustrations. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

In the picturesque village of Okitsu, the Minaguchi-ya has been an Inn since its first owner was humbled by the first Shogun. In the<br />

story of the Inn much of the history of Japan is brought to life.<br />

651 Sugimoto Works of Art: <strong>JAPANESE</strong> ART FROM THE TAJIMA COLLECTION. New York, 1987. c. 80 pp.<br />

35 pp. fullpage colour plates. 24x24 cm. Cloth. £18.00<br />

Dealer’s catalogue of 40 very fine pieces of Japanese art from the Heian period onwards and with the majority early pieces. Well-illustrated<br />

in colour. The occasional annotation. Price list included.

LIST 156 – 55 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

652 Suizhou Provincial Museum ed: SUIZHOU LEIGUDUN ERHAO MU. The Tomb No. 2 at Leigudun in Suizhou.<br />

隨州擂鼓墩二號墓. Beijing, 2008. 14, 238 pp. text plus 56 pp. colour plates and 24 pp. b/w plates. Numerous b/w<br />

text drawings. 1 foldout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £85.00<br />

Located at Suizhou in China’s Hubei province, the important No. 2 tomb at Leigudun is the second largest known tomb in the area after<br />

the famous tomb of the Marquis of Zeng. This is the detailed report on its excavation and the rich tomb goods within, including numerous<br />

large and very fine bronzes. The tomb is dated to the Warring States period. Three page English abstract. In Chinese.<br />


Temple: An Outstanding Example of Qing Dynasty Buddhist Architecture). 承德普寧寺:清代佛教建築之杰作.<br />

Beijing, 2008. 304 pp. 71 pp. colour plates. B/w text illustrations and architectural drawings. 28x21 cm.<br />

Wrappers. £35.00<br />

At last! A detailed survey of the architecture and decoration of one of Chengde’s famous Eight Outer Temples, Puning Temple, most<br />

famous for its enormous thousand-armed Buddha. A welcome contribution. In Chinese.<br />

654 Sun Fuxi ed: XI’AN WENWU JINGHUA: CIQI. (Masterpieces of Xi’an’s Cultural Relics: Porcelain).<br />

西安文物精華 : 瓷器 。 孫福喜 主編. Beijing, 2008. 334 pp. Colour plates throughout. Numerous text<br />

illustrations. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £80.00<br />

Comprehensive and copiously-illustrated work on fine Chinese ceramics from sites in and around the ancient Chinese capital of Xi’an.<br />

Unsurprisingly, most of the material is early and from from archaeological excavations although there is a good showing of Qing material.<br />

Sites of excavation are given where known. Arranged chronologically. Near dual texts in Chinese and English.<br />

655 Sun Fuxi ed: XI’AN WENWU JINGHUA: TONG JING. (Masterpieces of Xi’an’s Cultural Relics: Bronze<br />

Mirrors). 西安文物精華 : 銅鏡 。 孫福喜 主編. Beijing, 2008. 210 pp. Colour plates throughout. B/w text<br />

illustrations. B/w illustrations of rubbings of designs on mirrors. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £70.00<br />

Well-illustrated work on fine Chinese bronze mirrors from sites in and around the ancient Chinese capital of Xi’an. Most of the material<br />

is early and from from archaeological excavations but there is some later material through to , and including, the Ming dynasty.<br />

Sites of excavation are given where known. Arranged chronologically. Near dual texts in Chinese and English.<br />

656 Sutton, Donald S: PROVINCIAL MILITARISM AND THE CHINESE REPUBLIC. The Yunnan Army 1905-<br />

25. Ann Arbor, 1980. ix, 404 pp. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

A study that presents, in microcosm, early 20th century China’s descent into warlordism. The Yunnan army led the successful campaign<br />

against the monarchical restoration of 1915-16 and became a leading force in South China for a decade.<br />

657 Suzhou Museum & Shanghai Museum: XUANLI HUAGUI ZHIZUN. Colorful, Elegant and Exquisite: A Special<br />

Exhibition of Imperial Enamel Ware from Mr. Robert Chang’s Collection. 絢麗 華貴 至尊. Shanghai, 2007. 18 pp.<br />

text plus 129 pp. colour plates. 29x20 cm. Wrappers. £50.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Suzhou Museum in China showing around 60 superb examples of Chinese imperial cloisonné ware<br />

from the collection of the Hong Kong art dealer, Robert Chang. A couple of examples date from the late Ming, the large majority are<br />

Qing dynasty. All exhibits illustrated in full page colour, the majority in multiple views, many showing close-up detail. Dual texts in<br />

Chinese and English.<br />

658 Swanson, Bruce: EIGHTH VOYAGE OF THE DRAGON. A History of China’s Quest for Seapower. Annapolis,<br />

1982. xiv, 348 pp. c. 20 b/w illustrations. 26x18 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

An analysis of China’s navy, primarily focusing on developments since 1949 but set in context of China’s naval history and quest for<br />

sea power from the Ming dynasty onwards.<br />

659 Takashimaya Department Store: CHUGOKU NAIMOKO — HOPPO KIBA MINZOKU BUNBUTSU TEN.<br />

(Chinese Inner Mongolia — Art of the Horsemen of the North). Tokyo, 1983. c. 200 pp. 125 colour illustrations,<br />

many text-figures & maps. 25x22 cm. Paper. £60.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition on ancient art from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region featuring bronzes, ceramics, silver and gold, etc.,<br />

the majority excavated during the last 30 years. Objects date primarily from the Warring States to the Liao. English list of exhibits,<br />

otherwise Japanese only.<br />

660 Tamura Tsuyoshi: ART OF THE LANDSCAPE GARDEN IN JAPAN. Tokyo, 1938. xx, 245 pp. 11 plates and<br />

193 b/w illustrations. 29x22 cm. Boards. £90.00<br />

Photographs of representative gardens since the 14th century, with comprehensive text and numerous black-and-white photographs.<br />

661 Tao Xiang comp: SHEYUAN MOCUI. (A Collectanea of Works on Ink and Inkstones). Beijing, 1991. Various<br />

pagings. 14 ce in 2 han, editions of 12 works. 14 vols. 29x19 cm. Stitch-bound in two brocade cases. £350.00<br />

Modern facsimile reprint of a collectanea originally published in 1929 with twelve titles on ink and inkstones. Compiled by the scholar<br />

Fu Zengxiang, the entire collection is filled with splendid black-and-white reproductions of rubbings and line drawings. Mopu Fashi<br />

(3 juan); Mojing (1 juan); Moshi (3 juan); Mofa Jiyao (1 juan); Zhongshan Langtu (1 juan); Li Madou Ti Baoxiangtu (1 juan); Mohai<br />

(1 juan); Mobiao (4 juan); Jian Guzhai Mosou (4 juan) Fulu (1 juan); Zhongzhou Molu (3 juan); Neiwufu Mozuo Zeli (1 juan); Nanxuezhi<br />

Mozha Ji (1 juan). [Zhongguo Congshu Zonglu 1.744a]. In Chinese.<br />

662 Taylour, Mrs. Basil: <strong>JAPANESE</strong> GARDENS. London, 1928. xiv, 204 pp. 28 tipped-in colour plates. 26x20 cm.<br />

Decorative cloth. Spine slightly faded. £60.00<br />

Second edition. With a history of Japanese gardening, and a detailed study of its various aspects. Illustrations after paintings by Walter<br />

Tyndale. Good copy with minimal foxing.<br />

663 Tazawa Yutaka et al: BRONZE BUDDHIST STATUETTES IN THE HORYUJI. Horyuji Research Materials<br />

Sculpture 2. Tokyo, 1954. xxiii, 100 pp. 76 b/w plates. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £125.00<br />

Discussion of some 54 bronze statuettes in the Horyuji temple. 25 pages of English text. Main text in Japanese.<br />

664 Thomas, F. W: ANCIENT FOLK-LITERATURE FROM NORTH-EASTERN TIBET. Introductions, Texts,<br />

Translation and Notes. Abhandlungen der D. Akademie der Wissen. Berlin, 1952. ix, 203 pp. 7 plates. 29x21 cm.<br />

Paper. £45.00<br />

The texts edited and discussed in the work are all contained in manuscripts procured from the famous walled-up library in one of the<br />

shrines constituting the settlement at Qianfotong, near Dunhuang.

FROM OUR STOCK – 56 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />


DYNASTY. From 1743 to 1496 B.C. London, 1851. Two-colour woodcut title page (black with red decorative<br />

border), 63 pp., 1 f. 42 text woodcuts. 25x16 cm. Contemporary cloth, g.e., (spine damaged). £125.00<br />

The first account of Chinese bronzes in the West. Peter Thoms based his pioneering essay on the celebrated catalogue of the Sung imperial<br />

collection of bronzes, the ‘Bogu Tulu,’ a sixteen-volume illustrated work on the arts of the Shang, Zhou and Han dynasties.<br />

Nowhere in his text does Thoms mention that the ‘vases’ were made of bronze. In fact, he was under the mistaken impression that the<br />

mirrors were made of polished steel, and most of the vases of gold. He also falls into the familiar trap of interpreting Chinese seal script<br />

as proof of a hieroglyphic origin for the language.<br />

However, Thoms’ book is valued today as the first attempt to study these arcane objects from the first great cycle of Chinese art, in<br />

honour of which the Oriental Ceramic Society in London organized an exhibition of bronzes to mark the centenary of this publication.<br />

The book is also an elegant example of Thoms’ printing skills, originally practised in the service of the East India Company for whom<br />

he produced Robert Morrison’s great Dictionary. The illustrations of the bronzes were done by A-Lae, a native of Canton, ‘after the<br />

manner that blocks are cut for printing Chinese books.’ A-Lae’s work was so admired that the blocks themselves were exhibited as examples<br />

of Chinese wood engraving in the Great Exhibition of 1851.<br />

666 Tian Zibing & Hua Jueming: LIDAI GONGYI MING JIA. (Famous Chinese Craftsmen). 歷代工藝名家 。<br />

田自秉 華覺明 主編. Zhongguo Chuantong Gongyi Quanji. Zhengzhou, 2008. 10, 23, 408 pp. Colour and b/w<br />

plates throughout. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £80.00<br />

A chronological listing of famous Chinese craftsmen throughout the ages with descriptions of their crafts and expertise. Listed by dynasty<br />

and with a final ‘modern’ section covering the 20th century. Ranges from famous lacquer artists and ceramics painters to bamboo<br />

carvers and enamellers. In Chinese.<br />

667 Tianjin Museum ed: TIANJIN SHI YISHU BOWUGUAN CANG GU XIYIN XUAN. (A Selection of Seals in<br />

the Collection of Tianjin Museum). Beijing, 1997. 157 pp. Illustrations of throughout. 26x18 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Hundreds of seals from the Tianjin Museum collection are here illustrated — both the seal impression and the body of the seal stone.<br />

Text in Chinese only. Good clear illustrations.<br />


DEM NATIONALEN PALASTMUSEUM, TAIPEH. (Treasures of the Sons of Heaven — Imperial Treasures<br />

from the National Palace Museum, Taipei). Ostfildern, 2003. 471 pp. 501 colour plates. 25x28 cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Altes Museum in Berlin and, later, at the Art and Exhibition Hall in Bonn. The first showing in Germany<br />

of 364 selected masterpieces of Chinese art in various media from the National Palace Museum in Taipei. The selection of masterpieces<br />

differs at the two locations due to the fragility of the exhibits. This is the only catalogue. Superb objects, all illustrated in<br />

colour. Text in German.<br />

669 Tokyo National Museum: EXHIBITION OF <strong>JAPANESE</strong> LITERATI PAINTING. Tokyo, 1965. 106 pp.<br />

Japanese text. 383 b/w illustrations. 23x18 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

A fine exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum. 383 exhibits, the majority illustrated. Japanese text only.<br />


E STYLE PAINTINGS. Illustrated Catalogues of TNM. Tokyo, 1993. v, 209 pp. 80 paintings illustrated in full.<br />

11 pp. English captions. 27x19 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

80 pieces from the Museum’s collection of Japanese painting are illustrated and described. Covering periods from Kamakura to Muromachi<br />

periods and including the latest research. A most valuable source for studies.<br />

671 Tokyo National Museum: <strong>JAPANESE</strong> ARMS & ARMOR — SPECIAL EXHIBITION. Tokyo, 1976. ca. 200<br />

pp. including 32 in English. 16 pp. colour illustrations, 587 b/w illustrations. 26x18 cm. Paper. £55.00<br />

An exhibition organised to review the history of Japanese arms and armour of the prehistoric through late Edo periods, tracing their<br />

development and enquiring into their beauty. Caption lists in English, otherwise Japanese text.<br />

672 Tokyo National Museum: MIN SHIN NO KAIGA. Paintings of Ming & Ch’ing Dynasties. Tokyo, 1964. x, 57 pp.<br />

text. 141 exhibits all illustrated, 4 in colour. 125 b/w figures. 35x27 cm. Cloth. £150.00<br />

A beautifully illustrated commemorative catalogue of a Tokyo National Museum exhibition of Chinese paintings of the Ming and Qing<br />

periods. In Japanese.<br />

673 Tong Zhenyi ed: ZHONGGUO YINSHI TUPU. (Illustrations of Chinese Seal Stones). Shanghai, 1996. vi, 492<br />

pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

A well-produced publication with good illustrations of the enormous variety of stones used for seals in China. Illustrations depict the<br />

stones in their final polished and carved forms. Text describes the history of the use of various types of stone, collections etc.<br />

674 Tong, Dian: CHINA! <strong>NEW</strong> ART AND ARTISTS. Atglen, 2005. 232 pp. 274 colour plates, plus small colour<br />

portraits of the artists. Bibliography, index. 31x24 cm. Cloth. £55.00<br />

Wide-ranging, well-illustrated new introduction to contemporary Chinese art. With a chronological, four-chapter introduction to recent<br />

Chinese art including artist biographies for the 80 artists included.<br />

675 TREASURES OF <strong>JAPANESE</strong> ARCHITECTURE: CASTLES. Tokyo, 1962. 240 pp. Chiefly large b/w and<br />

some colour plates. 16 pp. of plans and diagrams. 37x31 cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

Impressive visual expositions of castle architecture in Japan, with descriptions of the castles illustrated in English and Japanese. Prepared<br />

under the supervision of the National Commission for Protection of Cultural Properties. Photography by Fumio Murasawa.<br />

676 Trübner, Jörg: YÜ UND KUANG. Zur Typologie der Chinesischen Bronzen. Leipzig, 1929. 32 pp. text in German<br />

and 69 b/w plates. 31x25 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

Limited edition of 400 copies. A discussion of the shapes of the ancient Chinese bronze vessels of ‘yu’ and ‘guang’. The author was an<br />

early dealer instrumental in getting many vessels to Europe. In German.<br />

677 Ueda Makoto: LITERARY AND ART THEORIES IN JAPAN. Michigan Classics in Japanese Studies 6. Ann<br />

Arbor, 1991. xiv, 274 pp. 24x16 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Dr. Ueda chooses thirteen luminaries in the history of Japanese aesthetics and examines their views on the nature of literature and<br />

art, revealing the underlying philosophies and contributing to an appreciation of the work. Reprint of 1967 original.

LIST 156 – 57 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

678 Umehara Sueji: CHIKUZEN-KUNI KAHO-GUN OTSUKA SOSHOKU KOFUN. Ornamented Tomb Otsuka<br />

at Jumyo in Chikuzen Province. Kyoto Teikoku Daigaku Bungakubu Koko 15. Kyoto, 1940. 75 pp. Japanese text.<br />

15 pp. English. 29 text figures, 44 plates, 12 in colour. 27x20 cm. Half-cloth. £75.00<br />

Report upon Archaeological Research in the Department of Literature, Kyoto Imperial University, Volume XV. Study of the ornamented<br />

tomb ‘Otsuka’ in the Kaho district of Chikuzen province. Both Japanese and English text.<br />

679 Umehara Sueji: KANKARO KIKKIN-ZU. Kyoto, 1947. 16 pp. 169 plates & figures, 2 colour plates. 4 vols.<br />

34x25 cm. Stitched. £450.00<br />

Collotype plates of bronzes, and rubbings of their inscriptions, in this superb collection of early Chinese bronze vessels, mirrors and<br />

weapons. In Japanese. Good set & very scarce.<br />

680 Umehara Sueji: SEN-OKU SEI-SHO. Or the Collection of Old Bronzes of K. Sumitomo: New Acquisitions.<br />

Kyoto, 1961. 64 pp. Japanese, 6 pp. English text. 37 pp. plates, 1 in colour. 26x19 cm. Wrappers. £45.00<br />

Bronze vessels, mirrors, Buddhist statuettes, coins. Main text in Japanese with short summary in English.<br />

681 University Museum and Art Gallery, University of Hong Kong: ENLIGHTENING PURSUITS: SCHOLAR’S<br />

OBJECTS FROM THE MENGDIEXUAN COLLECTION. Yingchuan Gaozhi: Mengdiexuan Cang Zhongguo<br />

Wenfang Yongpin. 螢窗高致 : 夢蝶軒藏中國文房用品. Hong Kong, 2006. 383 pp. Numerous colour plates<br />

throughout. 31x24 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the University Museum and Art Gallery, University of Hong Kong, showing 156 examples of scholar’s<br />

objects from the Hong Kong-held Mengdiexuan collection. Includes inkstones, water droppers, desk objects, stones, brushwashers,<br />

brush holders and more. Most of the objects are Ming and Qing, some of the inkstones are earlier. Each object is illustrated in a full<br />

page colour plate, often accompanied by smaller plates showing different views of the object or related objects.<br />

682 University Museum and Art Gallery, University of Hong Kong: GUARDIANS TO TRADITION: THE<br />

GUANGDONG PAINTING SOCIETY 1923-1937. Shouwang Chuantong: Guangdong Guohua Yanjiuhui 1923-<br />

1937. 守望傳通 : 廣東國畫研究會. Hong Kong, 2006. 178 pp. Colour plates throughout. Text illustrations.<br />

29x22 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

Catalogue accompanying an exhibition at the Hong Kong University Museum and Art Gallery which explores the membership, activity<br />

and output of the Guangdong Painting Society active during the 1920s and 1930s. Its influence is still noticeable amongst artists<br />

today. Well-illustrated in colour with numerous examples of work by its many famous and well-known members. Dual text.<br />

683 Unschuld, Paul: MEDICINE IN CHINA. Historical Artefacts and Images. Munich, 1999. 220 pp. 141 colour and<br />

161 b/w illustrations. 30x25 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

Presents an in-depth view of the artworks and literature associated with more than 2000 years of the Chinese healing arts. Shows manuscripts,<br />

text and art objects such as beautifully decorated ceramic and porcelain medicine flasks, snuff bottles, cabinets etc. We advertised<br />

this recently, but it has only just appeared (price increased by the publishers we’re afraid) and is worth noting since it is very<br />

well illustrated and will appeal to adventurous collectors as well as students of Chinese medical culture.<br />

684 Vaissière, Étienne de la and Éric Trombert ed: LES SOGDIENS EN CHINE. Etudes Thématiques, 17. Paris, 2005.<br />

444 pp. 20 pp. colour plates, numerous b/w text illustrations. Bibliographies, indexes. 28x19 cm. Paper. £90.00<br />

A collection of studies, mostly in English, some in French, divided into sections on: Sogdian funerary beds; iconographic studies;<br />

merchants, soldiers and winemakers; the Tarim basin; and relations between Sogdians, Chinese and Turks.<br />

685 Wachlin, Steven: WOODBURY & PAGE. Photographers Java. Leiden, 1994. 219 pp. 170 photographs. 26x30 cm.<br />

Cloth. £45.00<br />

This volume describes the activity of the prolific photographic firm of Woodbury & Page in old Java.<br />

686 Wagner, Donald B: IRON AND STEEL IN ANCIENT CHINA. Handbuch der Orientalistik 4: China, 9. Leiden,<br />

1993. xvi, 574 pp. Many illustrations. 25x16 cm. Cloth. £45.00<br />

Presents a wealth of new material together with a penetrating discussion.<br />

687 Wagner, Edward W. and Chongsoon Kim: ELEMENTARY WRITTEN KOREAN. Cambridge, 1963. 130; 130<br />

pp. 2 vols. 26x19 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Two parts in two volumes: part I is Sino-Korean text and part II is Han’gul text.<br />

688 Waley, Arthur: YUAN MEI. Eighteenth Century Chinese Poet. London, 1956. First edition. 227 pp. Frontispiece,<br />

map. 22x15 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £45.00<br />

689 Wang Jing: THE STORY OF STONE. Intertextuality, Ancient Chinese Stone Lore, and the Stone Symbolism in<br />

Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margin. Durham, 1992. x, 347 pp. Bibliography. 24x16 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Scholarly study of stone lore and connoisseurship as manifested in three of the classics of Chinese popular literature — Scholar’s Studio<br />

in a wider intellectual context.<br />

690 Wang Nianxiang & Zhang Shan: ZHONGGUO GU YANPU. Book of Ancient Chinese Inkstones. 中國古硯譜<br />

。 王念祥、 張善 著. Beijing, 2005. 30, 327 pp. 301 pp. colour plates. 30x21 cm. Cloth. £95.00<br />

246 inkstones, dating from the Han to modern times, are illustrated in fullpage colour plates. The vast majority of the material is old.<br />

A very fine selection, very well illustrated. Captions and list of plates in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

691 Wang Pei-Yueh: THE ART OF SEAL CARVING. Taipei, 1989. 95 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 26x19 cm.<br />

Paper. £25.00<br />

A well-written introduction to, and survey of, the subject. Numerous colour illustrations.<br />

692 Wang Qinglu: GU YAN PINLU: BAIJIYAN ZHAI CANG YAN. (A Record of Old Inkstones in the Collection<br />

of Baijiyan Studio). 古硯品錄 : 百几硯齋藏硯 。 王青路 著. Beijing, 2006. 248 pp. Fullpage colour plates<br />

throughout. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £30.00<br />

One of the best recent Chinese publications on inkstones. Shows 166 very fine examples of inkstones from a private Chinese collection<br />

dating from the Shang to the Qing illustrated in fullpage colour plates. This contribution is welcome due to the quality of the<br />

colour plates and the fact that over half the material is pre Qing. Illustrated throughout. Text in Chinese.

FROM OUR STOCK – 58 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

693 Wang Rongguo et al. ed: MINGDAI MIN LING KE TAOYIN BEN TULU. (Illustrated Catalogue of Ming Period<br />

Multiblock Woodcut Editions Produced by the Min and Ling Families). 明代閔凌刻套印本圖錄 。 王榮國 等<br />

主編. Yangzhou, 2006. 21, 1, 4, 292 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x22 cm. Boards. £80.00<br />

The key pages and illustrations (excellently reproduced) derive, chiefly, from one of the China’s most remarkable recent collections,<br />

that made by Tao Xiang (1870-1940), who specialised in the superb multiblock woodcut editions of two great families of carvers and<br />

book makers, active in the latter part of the Ming period. This publication, the text of which follows Tao’s bibliography of such material,<br />

‘Min Ban Shumu’, illustrates 130 titles, including such glories as the ‘Xi Xiang Ji Tu’. The majority of the books are now in the<br />

Liaoning Provincial Library, but material — also from Tao’s original collection — is included from the National Library, Shanghai<br />

Library, Academia Sinica, the Gugong and other collections. In Chinese.<br />

694 Wang Shanshui & Zhang Yuexian ed: SHAANXI MINJU MUDIAO JI. Collection of Folk Residences and Wood<br />

Carving in Shaanxi, China. 陝西民居木雕集 。 王山水 張月賢 編著. Xi’an, 2008. 248 pp. Colour plates<br />

throughout. 26x27 cm. Cloth. £85.00<br />

Detailed photographic study of the intricate wood carvings found on vernacular architecture in the province of Shaanxi in Northwest<br />

China. Illustrated throughout in colour. Text in Chinese.<br />

695 Wang Shilun ed: ZHEJIANG CHUTU TONGJING. (Mirrors Unearthed in Zhejiang). Beijing, 1987. 71 pp. text.<br />

20 colour and 185 b/w photographs. 26x19 cm. Paper. £22.00<br />

Features bronze mirrors from the Han, Three Kingdoms, Jin, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing. A reprint of the 1958 original.<br />


600 ZHOU NIAN LUNWEN JI. (The Voyages of Zheng He and World Civilization: Essays to Commemorate the<br />

600th Anniversary of Zhenghe’s Voyage to the Western Oceans). 鄭和元航與世界文明 : 紀念鄭和<br />

下西洋600周年論文集 。 王天有 等 編. Beijing, 2005. 3, iv, 664 pp. 23x15 cm. Wrappers. £25.00<br />

Fifty-one papers issued in conjunction with a symposium held at Peking University. In Chinese.<br />

697 Wang Wanghuai: RIBEN PENGLAI WEN TONGJING YANJIU. (Research into Japanese Mirrors Bearing<br />

Designs of Penglai). 日本蓬萊紋銅鏡研究 。 王網懷 著. Shanghai, 2008. 11, 4, 163 pp. Numerous colour plates.<br />

29x21 cm. Boards. £50.00<br />

A detailed study of Japanese mirrors bearing designs associated with the Chinese mythical island of Penglai, where the immortals live.<br />

The mirror designs mostly bear symbols of pines and cranes, symbols of longevity. Illustrated with numerous examples. In Chinese.<br />

698 Wang Yao ed: YAN CANG. (A Collection of Inkstones). 硯藏 。 王耀 編著. Shanghai, 2007. 3, 4, 270; 7, 136 pp.<br />

Colour plates throughout both volumes. 3 foldouts. 2 vols. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £95.00<br />

A fine work in two volumes. The first volumes shows 150 varied inkstone from the author’s collection dating from the Tang to the Qing<br />

dynasties. A good aspect of this collection is that many of the inkstones are early. Eight date from the Tang, 17 from the Five Dynasties,<br />

71 from the Song, 1 Yuan dynasty example, 41 Ming and 12 Qing dynasty. All are illustrated in full colour plates. The second volume<br />

shows 68 very fine modern inkstones made by the author, again all illustrated in full colour plates. A very pleasing work combining<br />

traditional collecting and connoisseurship with the modern practice of an ancient craft. In Chinese.<br />

699 Wang Youlin: SUYUAN SHIPU. (Stones from Su Garden). Beijing, 1997. 2 fascicles, each c. 100 leaves. Numerous<br />

woodcut illustrations and foldouts. 2 vols. 25x15 cm. Chinese style binding. Silk case. £80.00<br />

A fine facsimile of a Republic edition of a Ming dynasty work held as part of the Siku in the Gugong Museum. Profusely illustrated<br />

with weird and wonderful scholar’s rocks, stones and pebbles. An appealing work assisting the connoisseurship of this esoteric pursuit.<br />

Chinese only. Now out-of-print.<br />

700 Wang Ziyun: ZHONGGUO DIAOSU YISHU SHI. (A History of Chinese Sculptural Art). Beijing, 1988. Vol. 1:<br />

5, 5, 3, 457, 12 pp. text. Vol. 2: 760 b/w plates. 2 vols. 27x20 cm. Paper. £60.00<br />

A comprehensive history of the subject, with hundreds of well-chosen black-and-white illustrations. A good visual reference.<br />

701 Wang, Helen comp: SIR AUREL STEIN IN THE TIMES. London, 2002. 164 pp. B/w illustrations. 28x18 cm.<br />

Paper. £19.50<br />

Sir Aurel Stein is renowned for his pioneering archaeological work and breathtaking finds on the early civilisations on the Silk Road,<br />

most famously, the sealed library at the Dunhuang Caves. This work brings together over 100 articles and news items relating to Stein<br />

and his expeditions, as reported in the Times of London between 1901-1943, allowing us to follow his exploits and achievements as<br />

they were first reported. Presented in chronological order and providing a fascinating narrative of Stein’s career and achievements.<br />

702 Watson, William: ANCIENT CHINESE BRONZES. Rutland, 1962. 117 pp. 107 plates, 3 in colour; 13 textfigures.<br />

Notes, brief bibliography. 25x16 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £35.00<br />

An account of the bronzes from the earliest times to the Han period, and especially of the ritual bronze vessels from the earliest phases.<br />

A very good introduction to the subject.<br />


Ascona, 1968. 237 pp. 80 figures. 32x24 cm. Cloth. £55.00<br />

Offprints from Artibus Asiae volumes 28 and 29. An erudite compilation.<br />


Brunswick, 1973. xxi, 644 pp. 76 b/w plates, 1 in colour; text-figures. Bibliography. 28x22 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

A classification of the decoration on 97 bronzes into families of ornament which may be used to suggest dating for related objects.<br />

705 Wei Wei ed: ZHONGGUO XIQI TULU. (Illustrations of Chinese Tin Objects). 中國錫器圖錄 。 維微 編著.<br />

Urumqi, 2003. 203 pp. Colour plates throughout. 21x14 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

A useful contribution on a little-studied aspect of Chinese metalwork — objects made from tin. The objects are mostly mid and late<br />

Qing and include ewers, candleholders, various containers and decorative objects. Illustrated throughout in colour. Text in Chinese.<br />

706 Wei Zhankui: LIAO YAN. (Liao Inkstones). 遼硯 。 魏占魁 著. Shenyang, 2002. 76 pp. Colour plates throughout.<br />

20x14 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

A small work, illustrated in colour throughout, of inkstones of various shape and form dating from the Liao dynasty. Includes sancai<br />

examples, the traditional type of Chinese inkstone and a few examples in gold. In Chinese.

LIST 156 – 59 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

707 Weisberg, Yvonne M. L. and Gabriel P: JAPONISME. An Annotated Bibliography. Reference Library of the<br />

Humanities 695. New York, 1990. xxviii, 445 pp. 4 plates. Author and subject indexes. 22x14 cm. Cloth. £42.00<br />

The first bibliography that details contemporary articles on Japonisme, organized by type of publication and chronologically, with approximately<br />

729 primary sources. Preface, foreword, author and name/subject indexes.<br />

708 Weizinger, F. X: KATALOG DER SAMMLUNG PROFESSOR ALBERT GRUBAUER. Stuttgart, 1929. 40 pp.<br />

25 plates. 39x30 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

Large size auction catalogue from Württemberger Kunstgewerbehaus of a collection of Asiatic art including Tang horses and camels,<br />

some sculpture, Siamese Buddhist sculpture, etc. In German.<br />

709 Wenwu Publishing House: ZHONGGUO GU QINGTONGQI XUAN. (Selection of Ancient Chinese Bronze<br />

Vessels). Beijing, 1976. 38 pp. text. 96 b/w photographs, 12 colour plates. 26x23 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

Beautiful reproductions of bronzes from the early Shang period to the Eastern Han. In Chinese.<br />

710 Westermeyer, Joseph: POPPIES, PIPES AND PEOPLE. Opium and Its Use in Laos. Berkeley, 1982. xxii, 336<br />

pp. 11 b/w plates. 23x16 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £50.00<br />

Scarce and very detailed study on opium in Laos from addiction to the agroeconomics of the drug.<br />

711 Wheelwright, Carolyn: WORD IN FLOWER. The Visualization of Classical Literature in Seventeenth-Century<br />

Japan. New Haven, 1989. 123 pp. 62 illustrations, 5 in colour. 27x20 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

An exhibition of paintings at Yale University Art Gallery, ‘drawing attention to the interaction between text and image’.<br />

712 White, Julia M. and Bunker, Emma C: ADORNMENT FOR ETERNITY. Status and Rank in Chinese Ornament.<br />

Denver, 1994. 214 pp. 113 colour plates and ills., 25 text-figures. Glossary, bibliog. 31x23 cm. Paper. £70.00<br />

Well-researched catalogue to a travelling exhibition of ancient Chinese jewellery, mirrors and belthooks, which started at the Denver<br />

Art Museum in 1994. Two introductory essays on the development of objects of personal adornment and on the metallurgy of the objects<br />

by prominent scholars.<br />

713 White, William Charles: CHINESE JEWS. A Compilation of Matters Relating to the Jews of K’ai-feng Fu. New<br />

York, 1966. 685 pp. 101 illustrations, 1 colour plate, 5 maps. Appendixes. 26x18 cm. Cloth, dustjacket. £95.00<br />

A reprint of the standard book on the subject, including all three parts, with an essay on the Scroll of Esther by Cecil Roth.<br />

714 Willetts, William: FOUNDATIONS OF CHINESE ART. From Neolithic Pottery to Modern Architecture. London,<br />

1965. 456 pp. 40 colour plates, 264 b/w illustrations. Notes, bibliography, tables, index. 28x23 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

An expert and readable analysis of the arts of China, originally published as The Arts of China.<br />

715 Williamson, L. & Young, S. ed: BODY AND SPIRIT. Tibetan Medical Paintings. Seattle, 2009. 264 pp. 88 colour<br />

illustrations. 29x21 cm. Paper. £29.00<br />

Beautiful paintings that illustrate Tibetan medical knowledge that drew on the learning of numerous cultures. whilst remaining firmly<br />

rooted in Buddhism. This work focuses on a set of contemporary paintings produced using traditional techniques by the Nepalese<br />

artist, Romio Shrestha.<br />

716 Winstedt, Richard O: THE MALAYS. A Cultural History. London, 1958. 198 pp. 8 b/w photographs. 22x15 cm.<br />

Cloth, dustjacket. £25.00<br />

Deals with the origin of the Malays, their social, political, legal and economic systems, their beliefs and religions and arts and crafts.<br />

A useful account of this many-sided civilization.<br />

717 Wirgin, Jan: SUNG CERAMIC DESIGNS. London, 1979. 274 pp. text, 43 pp. drawings and outlines of designs.<br />

104 plates with 570 illustrations 28x20 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

Originally published in BMFEA No. 42, this is a reprint in a limited edition. An indispensable reference book for anyone interested in<br />

Chinese porcelain in general and Song wares in particular.<br />


THROUGH THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY. Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 3: South-East Asia, Vol.<br />

14. Leiden, 2002. xix, 277 pp. Additional pages with 6 maps and 88 b/w plates. Bibliography, index. 25x16 cm.<br />

Boards. £95.00<br />

A comprehensive survey of the art and architecture of Thailand from earliest times until the establishment of the Thai speaking kingdoms.<br />

A useful and authoritative reference.<br />

719 WU LI JINGPIN JI. (The Masterworks of Wu Li). 吳力精品集. Beijing, 2002. 16, 15 pp. text plus 200 pp. colour<br />

plates. 38x27 cm. Cloth. £75.00<br />

The finest works of the little-known landscape painter Wu Li (1598-1677) who was active during the transition from the Ming to the<br />

Qing dynasties. Illustrated throughout with high quality colour plates. Text in Chinese.<br />

720 Wu Qichang: JINWEN SHIZU PU. (Guide to Bronze Inscriptions). Lishi Yuyan Yanjiusuo Monograph 12.<br />

Shanghai, 1936. 145; 98 pp. text. 2 vols. 27x15 cm. Stitched, cloth case. £35.00<br />

Genealogical tables compiled from bronze inscriptions. Includes clan names, personal names, and offices held. Supplements the various<br />

tables of Qing scholars. In Chinese. QBCS 3:114.<br />

721 Wynn, Antony: PERSIA IN THE GREAT GAME. Sir Percy Sykes: Explorer, Consul, Soldier, Spy. London,<br />

2003. 320 pp. 16 pp. illustrations. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £25.00<br />

A well-researched and engaging biography of a fascinating life and personality. Sykes was sent to Persia in the 1890s, first as an explore<br />

and spy and later to open consulates along Persia’s eastern borders. His job was to deter Russian expansion towards India.<br />

722 XI’AN YOUJIAZHUANG QIN MU. (Qin Dynasty Tombs at Youjiazhuang, Xi’an). 西安尤家庄秦墓. Xi’an,<br />

2008. 18, 344 pp. text plus 12 pp. colour and 56 pp. b/w plates. Numerous detailed b/w text drawings. 26x19 cm.<br />

Boards. £50.00<br />

Detailed archaeological report on the excavation of a cemetery of 197 Qin dynasty tombs found at Youjiazhuang in the northern suburbs<br />

of the city of Xi’an in China. Notable finds included bronzes of various sizes, including many inlaid belthooks. Three page English<br />

abstract. Main text in Chinese.

FROM OUR STOCK – 60 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

723 Xia Meifeng: CHONGJU SHOUCANG JIANSHANG. (Collecting and Appreciating Cricket Gourds and<br />

Containers). 蟲具收藏鑒賞 。 夏美峰. Geren Licai Shoucang Jianshang Xilie. Shijiazhuang, 2000. 105 pp. text<br />

and 37 pp. colour plates. 30x22 cm. Boards. £25.00<br />

The history and connoisseurship of this popular pastime. With 82 colour illustrations showing cricket gourds, porcelain containers and<br />

cricket cages. Text in Chinese.<br />


Illustrated History of Taiwan Art II: Holland and the West, the Ming and Qing Periods). 圖說台灣美術史 :<br />

渡台讚歌 II : 荷西、 明清篇 。 蕭瓊瑞 著. Taibei, 2005. 159 pp. Colour illustrations throughout. 26x19 cm.<br />

Wrappers. £30.00<br />

Covers images and a few maps of Taiwan produced during the period of Dutch and other influence, together with Chinese images of<br />

Taiwan dating from the Ming and Qing dynasties. Well-illustrated in colour with an interesting selection of images. Text in Chinese.<br />

725 Xie Minglian: MAOYI TAOCI YU WENHUA SHI. (Trade Ceramics and Cultural History). 貿易陶瓷與文化史<br />

。 謝明良 著. Taibei, 2005. 8, 399 pp. 8 pp. colour plates. Numerous b/w ills. 27x20 cm. Boards. £95.00<br />

An interesting work on the subject split into four main sections each with a good number of essays. The sections are: Early Chinese<br />

Trade Ceramics; Japanese and Southeast Asian Ceramics in the Qing Court Collection; Trade Ceramics Excavated in Taiwan; Investigations<br />

into the Cultural History of Ceramics. Text in Chinese.<br />


GALLERY. Hong Kong, 1986. 320 pp. Chinese and English text. Over 223 illustrations, 23 in colour. 28x22 cm.<br />

Cloth. £40.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition at the Art Gallery, Chinese University of Hong Kong, featuring 99 paintings by artists dating from the 15th<br />

to the 20th centuries. With biographies of the artists.<br />

727 Xie Xiaosi ed: SUZHOU YUANLIN PINSHANG LU. (Savouring Suzhou’s Gardens). 蘇州園林品賞 綠 。<br />

謝孝思 主編. Shanghai, 1998. 284 pp. 161 colour illustrations, numerous b/w ills. 26x25 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

A scholarly work on the gardens of Suzhou, their history and development, with some quite beautiful colour photography of the gardens<br />

in various seasons and lights. In Chinese only.<br />

728 Xie Zhifeng: CIYAN SHANGXI. (The Appreciation of Porcelain Inkstones). Nanning, 1994. 134 pp. 8 colour<br />

plates and 110 colour illustrations. 27x19 cm. Boards. £35.00<br />

One hundred and ten examples of ceramic ink stones are illustrated in colour and described, in Chinese only. Starting from the Han<br />

period, most of the ink stones date from the Ming and Qing periods. The only monograph so far on the subject.<br />


for Thirty Years: A Tour of the Achievements of Archaeology in Shandong). 輝煌三十年:山東考古成就巡禮 。<br />

謝治秀 主編. Beijing, 2008. 308 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £85.00<br />

Details major discoveries made at archaeological sites in the Chinese province of Shandong over the last 30 years or so. Whilst many<br />

of the sites were discovered in the early 20th century, this work details finds made during investigations from 1980 onwards. Also includes<br />

major new finds, not least the fabulous Qingzhou Buddhist sculptures. <strong>Demon</strong>strates the historical and cultural wealth of the<br />

area. Well-illustrated with many major artefacts. In Chinese.<br />

730 Xin Guanji: BAI HULU ZHAI MINGCHONG HULU. (Cricket Gourd Containers from the White Gourd Studio).<br />

白葫蘆齋鳴蟲葫蘆 。 辛冠洁 著. Beijing, 2008. 201 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. Colour text<br />

illustrations. 26x21 cm. Wrappers. £35.00<br />

Catalogue of a fine private Chinese collection of cricket gourds dating from the Qing dynasty through to the present day but with the<br />

emphasis on earlier material. Around 100 gourds are shown. Many of the gourds have finely-carved stoppers in ivory, bone and wood,<br />

a good number have very fine carving or detail to the body of the gourd. Illustrated throughout with full page colour plates. A good<br />

contribution to the subject. Text in Chinese.<br />

731 Xiong Zhongfu: ZHUSHAN BA YOU. (The Eight Friends of Zhushan). 珠山八友 。 熊中富 著. Shanghai, 2008.<br />

184 pp. Colour plates throughout. 25x16 cm. Wrappers. £30.00<br />

A welcome contribution focussing on the Eight Friends of Zhushan, a circle of 10 ceramic artists active in Jingdezhen in the first half<br />

of the 20th century. Introductory essays are followed by a section of each of the 10 artists, giving biographical and career details plus<br />

illustrations of their fine signed works. In Chinese.<br />

732 XIZANG ALI DONGGA BIHUA KU. Donggar Murals Cave in Ngari Prefecture, Tibet. 西藏阿里東嘎壁畫窟.<br />

Beijing, 2008. 1, 13, 182 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Wrappers. £60.00<br />

Photographic survey of the Donggar Mural Caves located in Ngari prefecture in western Tibet. Discovered in 1992, the fine Tibetan<br />

Buddhist murals appear to date from the 14th and 15th centuries. They are comprehensively photographed here and discussed in detail.<br />

Text in Chinese,<br />

733 Xu Huping ed: ZHONGGUO LIDAI 9: QINGTONGQI JINGPIN 100 JIAN SHANGXI. (The Ages of China<br />

9: The Appreciation of 100 Selected Bronzes). Ji’nan, 1996. 205 pp. Over 200 col. ills. 28x21 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

100 bronzes from the Erlitou culture to Eastern Han dynasty are here depicted and discussed. Text in Chinese only.<br />

734 Le Xuan Diem & Vu Kim Loc: ARTEFACTS OF CHAMPA. Hanoi, 1996. 155 pp. Approximately 60 colour<br />

plates. 20x27 cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

A survey of archaeological artefacts of Champa from various sites in Vietnam. Dual text in Vietnamese and English. Out-of-print.<br />

735 Yamashita Sakuro: KO IMARI SOMETSUKE SARA. (Old Imari Blue-and-White Dishes). Tokyo, 1970. 222<br />

pp. 41 colour plates, 151 b/w illustrations, 14 text-figures. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £95.00<br />

A detailed study in Japanese of blue-and-white Imari plates. With numerous illustrations. In Japanese.<br />


Airashike hotoke tachi — Chugoku, Kankoku, Nippon. Yamato, 1999. 160 pp. Colour plates throughout. 30x21 cm.<br />

Paper. £45.00

LIST 156 – 61 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

An exhibition that provides a survey of the early history of gilt bronze statuary in East Asia. The exhibits comprise 107 examples from<br />

China, 57 from Japan and 23 from Korea. Caption list in English, otherwise Japanese text only.<br />

737 Yan Hong-sen: GUZAO ZHONGGUO SUOJU ZHI MEI. The Beauty of Ancient Chinese Locks.<br />

古早中國鎖具之美 。 顏鴻森 著. Tainan, 2003. 123 pp. Colour plates throughout. 26x20 cm. Half cloth. £45.00<br />

A fun book that is also a first contribution to an interesting and collectable subject — old Chinese locks! The book is illustrated throughout<br />

in colour and shows a huge variety of bronze locks used to secure furniture, chests and small boxes. Discusses the history, materials,<br />

lock mechanisms etc. The locks appear to date mainly from the late 19th and 20th century. Dual English and Chinese text.<br />

738 Yang Liuhai: YANG LIUHAI YINNIU YANDIAO YISHU. (Seal Carvings and Carved Inkstones by Yang Liuhai).<br />

楊留海印鈕硯雕藝術 。 楊留海 著. Shanghai, 2005. 6, 280 pp. Colour plates. 29x22 cm. Boards. £55.00<br />

Yang Liuhai is one of the most accomplished carvers active in China. Here are illustrated a wide selection of carved sealstones together<br />

with a fine selection of carved inkstones. Proof that the scholar’s studio tradition in China is flourishing once again. Illustrated throughout<br />

in colour. Text in Chinese.<br />

739 Yang Zhenghong & Xiao Menglong ed: ZHENJIANG CHUTU WUGUO QINGTONGQI. (Wu Kingdom<br />

Bronzes Excavated at Zhenjiang). 鎮江出土吳國青銅器 。 楊正宏 肖夢龍 主編. Beijing, 2008. 6, 198 pp. Colour<br />

plates throughout (one folding). B/w illustrations of rubbings from bronzes. 29x22 cm. Boards. £60.00<br />

The Wu Kingdom flourished in central China from the Western Zhou through the Spring and Autumn period. This is a record of exceptional<br />

bronzes dating from the Wu Kingdom held in the collection of the Zhenjiang Museum. All illustrated in colour, many accompanied<br />

by black-and-white illustrations of rubbings of designs and character inscriptions on the vessels. In Chinese. Some quite<br />

extraordinary pieces shown. Recommended.<br />

740 Ye Peilan ed: CI HU CANGZHEN. (Treasures of Ceramic Teapots). 瓷壺藏珍 。 葉佩蘭 主編. Shanghai, 2008.<br />

233 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 31x24 cm. Boards. £50.00<br />

A chronologically-arranged visual survey of Chinese teapots. The large majority are Qing dynasty and include some export wares. All<br />

shown in full page colour plates and described in Chinese.<br />

741 Ye, Peilan ed: APPRAISING ANCIENT CHINESE CERAMICS. Wenwu Zhenbao Congshu 5. Taibei, 1994. 207<br />

pp. 164 colour plates. 31x22 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

Written by members of the Ceramics Section of the Beijing Palace Museum, this book compares 82 Ming and Qing pieces at the museum<br />

with later copies as a lesson in appraisal and appreciation. With colour photos of all the examples discussed. Text in Chinese.<br />

742 YINXU FAJUE BAOGAO 1958-1961. Excavation of Yinxu 1958-1961. Kaoguxue Zhuankan, IV:31. Beijing,<br />

1987. 16, 367 pp. 2 colour & 80 b/w plates. Tables; text figures throughout. 26x19 cm. Cloth. £35.00<br />

The official CASS, Institute of Archaeology, report on the excavations at the ‘wastes of Yin’ during the years in question. Includes a 4<br />

page abstract in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

743 Yonezawa Yoshiho and Chu Yoshizawa: <strong>JAPANESE</strong> PAINTING IN THE LITERATI STYLE. Heibonsha<br />

Survey of Japanese Art Vol. 23. Tokyo, 1974. 190 pp. 186 items all illustrated, 28 in colour. 24x19 cm. Cloth.<br />

Damage to bottom right corner. £35.00<br />

The 18th and 19th century artists who created the literati painting of Japan took their inspiration from the scholar-painters of China<br />

but in typical Japanese fashion transmuted it into a distinctive Japanese art form.<br />

744 Yoshida Testuro: THE <strong>JAPANESE</strong> HOUSE AND GARDEN. London, 1963. 204 pp. 249 illustrations. Appendix,<br />

index, bibliography. 28x23 cm. Cloth. £65.00<br />

The profound simplicity and charm of Japanese domestic architecture are shown by one of Japan’s great contemporary architects. Illustrated<br />

by beautiful photographs. Also contains descriptions of techniques & material. Second impression.<br />

745 Yoshimuro, Zentaro: GLOSSARY OF LIBRARY TERMS IN <strong>JAPANESE</strong>-CHINESE-ENGLISH. Tokyo, 1998.<br />

329 pp. 21x15 cm. Paper. £45.00<br />

An essential reference work with 2000 library and book terms available in English, Chinese and Japanese. Will benefit not only librarians<br />

but also book collectors, scholars, publishers and dealers.<br />

746 Yu Bao ed: WENFANG SHANGWAN. (An Appreciation of the Scholar’s Studio). Shanghai, 1997. 8, 99 pp. 96<br />

pp. colour illustrations and 2 b/w illustrations. 29x21 cm. Boards. £25.00<br />

A selection of scholar’s studio objects; water droppers, seals, brushes, brushpots, armrests etc. are shown in this pleasing work.<br />

747 Yu Minzhong et al: XIQING YANPU. (Inkstones from the Imperial Collections). Shanghai, 1991. iv, 455 pp. B/w<br />

reproductions of original watercolours throughout. 39x27 cm. Cloth. £60.00<br />

Reprint of the manuscript copy of this work preserved in the Wenyuange. The original, dating from the Qianlong period, contained watercolour<br />

illustrations of the inkstones from the imperial collection, shown here in black and white plates. In Chinese.<br />


on Remains Found in the Palace Gate Area of the Garden of Everlasting Spring at Yuanmingyuan).<br />

圓明園長春園宮門區遺址發掘報告. Beijing, 2009. vii, 118 pp. text plus 72 pp. colour plates. B/w text drawings.<br />

One foldout. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

Detailed report on the archaeological investigations and excavations from the area of the main entrance to the Changchunyuan complex<br />

of the Yuanmingyuan outside Beijing. In addition to illustration and discussion of the remains of foundations of the buildings of<br />

the palace gate complex, there is illustration of sculpted and carved pieces of masonry and a good number of ceramic sherds, many<br />

of a delicacy indicating the refined imperial nature of the site. Three page abstract in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

749 Yue Hongbin ed: YINXU XIN CHUTU QINGTONGQI. Ritual Bronzes Recently Excavated in Yinxu.<br />

殷墟新出土青銅器 。 岳洪彬 主編. Kunming, 2008. 2, 2, 451 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. B/w<br />

reproductions of rubbings of bronze designs and inscriptions. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £150.00<br />

Finely-produced work on the ongoing finds of wonderful and extraordinary Shang dynasty bronzes excavated at the Yinxu archaeological<br />

complex from 1980 to 2006. Testament to the sheer wealth of this most important archaeological site of the Shang dynasty capital.<br />

234 bronzes or groups of bronzes are illustrated in fine full page colour plates along with rubbings of designs and inscriptions.<br />

Brief list of contents and brief captions in English. Main text in Chinese.

FROM OUR STOCK – 62 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

750 Yumoto, John M: THE SAMURAI SWORD. A Handbook. Tokyo, 1958. 2nd printing. 191 pp. 49 b/w plates, 31<br />

figures. 22x16 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

A complete handbook of the samurai sword, covering its origins, historical background, the various types of sword, the famous schools,<br />

the problem of identification and evaluation, and the care and maintenance of the sword. Useful for the novice collector. 2nd printing.<br />


THE FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM, CAMBRIDGE. A Complete Catalogue. Cambridge, 2006. xvii, 390 pp. 32<br />

colour and 458 b/w plates. 8 tables, 3 maps. 28x22 cm. Cloth. £144.00<br />

The collection of Korean art in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, is one of the finest outside the Far East, containing rich holdings<br />

of early unglazed ceramics, Koryo celadon stonewares, Punch’ong wares and porcelains of the Choson dynasty plus glass, jade,<br />

bronze lacquer and wood. This catalogue provides detailed information and illustrations on the collections, together with essays on<br />

Korean culture and the technology of Korean ceramics. The vast majority of objects illustrated are Korean ceramics with just a couple<br />

of objects in bronze and lacquer. Finally available.<br />

752 Yung, Bell et al. ed: GEMS OF ANCIENT CHINESE ZITHERS. Shum’s Collection of Ancient Qin from the Last<br />

Millennium. 古琴薈珍 : 硯琴齋宋元明清古琴展. Hong Kong, 1998. 136 pp. 50 exhibits illustrated in colour.<br />

33x26 cm. Paper. £40.00<br />

Catalogue of an exhibition of the Chinese musical instrument the Qin or zither showing 50 exhibits on loan from a local private collection.<br />

Eight essays in Chinese with English summaries and captions.<br />


of Yunnan Provincial Museum: National Treasures. 雲南省博物館館藏精品全集:國寶集萃. Kunming, 2008.<br />

385 pp. Full page colour plates throughout. 29x22 cm. Boards. £130.00<br />

Finely-produced work showing 200 of the finest items held in the Yunnan Provincial Museum in Kunming. All the items are First Grade<br />

National Relics and thus can be considered national treasures. Includes many of the famous and extraordinary bronzes and drums of<br />

the Dian Kingdom, paintings, ceramics, excavated objects and fine items from Yunnan’s minority peoples. Introductions and captions<br />

(some detailed) in English. Main text in Chinese.<br />

754 Zhai Ping et al: DATONG HUAYANSI (SHANG SI). Huayan Temple in Datong. 大同華嚴寺 (上寺) 。 齊平<br />

等. Beijing, 2008. 8, 372 pp. 142 pp. colour plates. 21 pp. b/w architectural drawings. B/w text illustrations. 29x22<br />

cm. Cloth. £90.00<br />

An excellent survey of this famous temple in Datong in China that is famous for its Liao dynasty architecture. Fine colour photography<br />

illustrates all the buildings and interiors. Aided and assisted by detailed architectural drawings and an equally detailed text in Chinese.<br />

A welcome work.<br />

755 Zhang Xishun et al: SHANXI WENWUGUAN CANG ZHENPIN: QINGTONGQI. Selected Cultural Relics<br />

from Local Museums in Shanxi: Bronzes. Taiyuan, (1995). 134 pp. 191 colour plates, 22 b/w reproductions of<br />

inscriptions. 34x26 cm. Cloth. £30.00<br />

Quality illustrations of fine, little-known bronzes from the province’s local museums in this well-produced volume. Detailed captions,<br />

but texts in Chinese only.<br />

756 Zhang Ying: JILIN CHUTU TONGJING. (Bronze Mirrors Excavated in Jilin). Beijing, 1990. 186 pp. 1 colour<br />

plate, 148 b/w illustrations. 26x19 cm. Paper. £30.00<br />

Covering the periods from Warring States to Ming, but with emphasis on the Jin period. Most of the mirrors are reproduced by rubbings.<br />

757 Zhang Zhaoxiang: BAIHUASHI JIANPU. (The One Hundred Flower Poems Letter Papers). 百華詩箋譜 。<br />

張兆祥 繪. Beijing, 1992. 53; 51 folded leaves, Chinese-style. Colour woodcuts throughout. 2 vols. 30x19 cm.<br />

Stitched, in a brocade case. £35.00<br />

Excellent facsimile, printed by Fuyang Guji in Hangzhou, of an edition of decorative ‘letter papers’ first issued in 1911. The designs<br />

are by Zhang Zhaoxiang.<br />

758 Zhao Yanguang: ZHONGGUO XINAN SICHOU ZHI LU. The Silk Road in Southwest China. Yunnan, 1992.<br />

236 pp. 419 colour illustrations. 31x26 cm. Cloth. £55.00<br />

Fine photography showing the peoples and sites along the Southwest Silk Road in China as it snaked through Sichuan, Guizhou and<br />

Yunnan. Interesting as much for the record of life it depicts in this wonderful part of the world as for the historical sites and remains<br />

it shows.<br />

759 Zhao Zhengfan ed: QING MO JIANSHANG TUPU. (An Illustrated Work on the Verification of Qing Dynasty<br />

Ink Sticks). 清墨鑒賞圖譜 。 趙正范 編著. Shanghai, 2006. 8, 220 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x21 cm.<br />

Boards. £35.00<br />

Illustrates and discusses numerous fine quality Qing dynasty inksticks. Serves as a good visual survey of the subject. In Chinese.<br />

760 Zhao Zhenxing: XIANGXI MINJU. (Local Architecture of Western Hunan). Changsha, 1995. 234 pp. 269 plates<br />

and 7 text illustrations. 25x26 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

A photographic survey of the architecture, scenery and village life of Western Hunan. As with all such books, a record of a way of life<br />

that is vanishing fast. Text in Chinese only.<br />

761 Zhejiang Light Industrial Workshop: LONGQUAN QINGCI YANJIU. (Studies in Longquan Ware).<br />

龍泉青瓷研究 。 浙江省輕工業廳 編. Beijing, 1989. 234 pp. Chinese text, 64 plates with c. 300 illustrations.<br />

26x18 cm. Paper. £25.00<br />

A very thorough study of the Longquan celadons of the Song and Ming period. Includes a lot of technical information. The illustrations<br />

are numerous but not of the highest quality. Second printing, 1998.<br />

762 Zhen Dexiu: CHONGKE ZHEN XISHAN XIANSHENG DUSHU JI. (The Collected Notebooks of Zhen<br />

Dexiu). 重刻真西山先生讀書記 。 真德秀 撰 。 本寺藏板, 乾隆四年重鐫 。 半頁十行二十一字,<br />

四周雙邊, 白口, 單魚尾, 框 21x15 cm. Beijing, 1743. 4, 2, 3, 8, 49 (juan 1); 63, 44 (juan 2-3); 62 (juan 6);<br />

50 (juan 7); 44 (juan 8); 34, 39 (juan 9-10); 63 (juan 11); 39 (juan 12); 41 (juan 14); 59 (juan 15); 52 (juan 16); 53,

LIST 156 – 63 – FROM OUR STOCK<br />

38 (juan 17-18); 35, 55 (juan 19-20) folded leaves, Chinese-style. 17 juan of 40, in 13 fascicles (ce). 13 vols. 29x18<br />

cm. Stitched, cloth case. £600.00<br />

Seventeen of forty chapters from a Qianlong edition of Zhen Dexiu’s ‘Notes’, chiefly on philosophy and ethics in the context of their<br />

associated literary philology. Zhen Dexiu (1178-1235, hao: Xishan) was an important statesman of the Southern Song period, also<br />

known as a literary scholar and anthologist.<br />

Even the most complete surviving editions of Zhen’s ‘Notes’ contain only a small proportion of what is known to have existed (one<br />

collection and part of another from a total of four collections, according to the ‘Siku Quanshu Zongmu’). Later editions collect these<br />

in 39 or 40 juan, so a complete copy of the work in this edition would have been typical. Although the work is incomplete, it is a wellprinted<br />

example of an 18th-century Chinese book with highly interesting contents. Each juan of the ‘Notes’ is more or less self-contained<br />

and focused on a particular topic. For example, juan 1 deals with ‘The Nature of Heaven’s Mandate’; juan 6 and 7 are both on<br />

‘Benevolence’ (ren), containing Zhen’s readings in the classics and philological notes on the usage and significance of this central Confucian<br />

concept.<br />

The title page and ‘benmohou’ (notes after publication) are dated Qianlong 4 or 1739, but the first preface in this edition has the later<br />

date of Qianlong 8 or 1743. The design, condition and printing of the book are in line with these dates.<br />

The book is clearly printed on darkish bamboo paper. Some repairs have been made and the fascicles have been protected with modern<br />

paper covers at some point and given a new cloth case. There is expected wear to some of the outer leaves and the title page has<br />

suffered some worming, but condition is generally good. Rare.<br />

763 Zheng Zhenduo; National Library of China ed: XIDI SHUMU. (Catalogue of Books in the Library of Zheng<br />

Zhenduo). 西諦書目 。 鄭振鐸; 北京圖書管 編. Xiandai Banben Wenxian yu Shoucang Congkan. Beijing, 2004.<br />

Various pagings (c. 150 pages per vol.), 5 juan and 1 juan of colophons. 2 vols. 24x16 cm. Boards. £25.00<br />

New edition of the traditionally-ordered catalogue of the library of China’s best-known bibliophile, Zheng Zhenduo (1898-1958). This<br />

catalogue concentrates on the thread-bound books in Zheng’s collection, i.e. the relatively rare and relatively early editions. Foreign,<br />

run-of-the-mill and new publications were excluded. A chapter containing his own colophons for books which are listed is also appended.<br />

An important catalogue for serious Chinese book-lovers. The books themselves are in the collection of the National Library,<br />

Beijing. In Chinese.<br />

764 Mou Yonghang: ZHONGGUO YUQI QUANJI 1 — YUANSHI SHEHUI. (Collection of Chinese Jade 1 —<br />

Early Society). Zhongguo Meishu Fenlei Quanji. Shijiazhuang, 1992. 8, 36, 312 pp. 301 colour plates and<br />

illustrations, 301 b/w text illustrations. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £85.00<br />

First volume in a series on Chinese jades, being a volume in the larger series ‘Zhongguo Meishu Fenlei Quanji’. Very good illustrations<br />

throughout of early excavated jades, including many Liangzhu culture jades. Text in Chinese.<br />

765 Lu Zhaoyin: ZHONGGUO YUQI QUANJI 4 — QIN HAN NANBEICHAO. (Collection of Chinese Jade 4 —<br />

Qin, Han, Southern & Northern Dynasties). Zhongguo Meishu Fenlei Quanji. Shijiazhuang, 1993. 8, 23, 328 pp.<br />

308 colour plates, 308 b/w illustrations. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £85.00<br />

Good colour illustrations of various kinds of jades, together with descriptions in Chinese.<br />

766 Li Jiufang: ZHONGGUO YUQI QUANJI 6 — QING. (Collection of Chinese Jade 6 — Qing Period).<br />

中國玉器全集 六 : 清. Zhongguo Meishu Fenlei Quanji. Shijiazhuang, 1991. 8, 15, 358 pp. 367 colour plates and<br />

illustrations, 367 b/w text illustrations. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £85.00<br />

Sixth volume in the series on Chinese jades, being a volume in the larger series ‘Zhongguo Meishu Fenlei Quanji’. Very good illustrations<br />

of jades from the Qing dynasty, including many from the Gugong Museum. In Chinese.<br />

767 Zhou Nanquan: GU YU DONGWU YU SHENYI SHOU XUAN. Ancient Jades in Zoomorphism and Miraculous<br />

Animal. Zhongguo Gu yu Duandai yu Bianhui 2. Tainan, 1994. 392 pp. 650 illustrations, mostly in colour. 31x23<br />

cm. Cloth, slipcase. £90.00<br />

A study of animal (real or fabulous) representations in Chinese jades. The authors shows the development of a design from Neolithic<br />

period through to Qing, starting with cicadas and through elephants to mythical beasts such as dragons and unicorns. In Chinese.<br />

768 Zhou Nanquan & Hou Yancheng: ZHONGGUO MINJIAN CANG YU: JIPU XUAN CANG YU XUAN.<br />

(Chinese Jade Collections: A Selection from the Jipu Xuan Collection). 中國民間藏玉 : 集璞軒藏玉選 。<br />

周南泉、 侯彥成 著. Beijing, 2004. 242 pp. 189 pp. colour plates. 29x22 cm. Cloth. £50.00<br />

186 jades from the Jipu Xuan collection dating from the Neolithic to the Qing (with the focus on earlier material up to the Han) are<br />

illustrated in colour and described. The privately-held collection has been formed over two generations and is strong in early pieces<br />

from the Neolithic through to the Han dynasty. In Chinese.<br />

769 Zhou Qingming: ZHONGGUO SHENGZHI DAGUAN. (A Conspectus of Imperial Edicts). 中國聖旨大觀 。<br />

周慶明 主編. Shanghai, 2006. 8, 206 pp. Numerous colour plates throughout. 38x27 cm. Boards. £60.00<br />

Useful and well-illustrated study of a rare, but important and valued, category of material that is of both historical and antiquarian<br />

book interest — Imperial Edicts. They were most often issued and preserved as finely mounted calligraphic scrolls written, sometimes<br />

with special inks and on special materials having imperial associations. The book consists of a detailed general introduction; a main<br />

section detailing, transcribing and illustrating over a hundred edicts dating from the Ming and Qing periods, with two Republican examples;<br />

one from Manchukuo; one from Japan and seven from Vietnam. There is also a section on the carved inscriptions on boxes<br />

containing the edicts, and an essay with a guide to the study and authentication of these materials. In Chinese only.<br />

770 Zhu Lizhu ed: MING QING GU WAN ZHENSHANG. (The Authentication and Appreciation of Ming and Qing<br />

Objects). 明清古玩真賞 。 朱力 主編. Shanghai, 2003. 247 pp. Colour plates. 29x21 cm. Boards. £45.00<br />

Surveys a wide selection of Ming and Qing objects in various media — bamboo, wood, rhinoceros horn, ivory, bronzes, lacquer, cloisonné<br />

etc. Many objects related to the scholar’s studio. Provides insights and guidance for their authentication and connoisseurship.<br />

Well-illustrated throughout with colour plates. In Chinese.<br />

771 Zhu Xie: JINLING GUJI MINGSHENG YINGJI. Photo Album of Historic Sights in Nanking. 金陵古蹟圖考<br />

。 朱偰 著. Beijing, 2006. 1, 2, 6, 271 pp. 317 b/w photographic illustrations. 24x18 cm. Wrappers. £30.00<br />

Reproduction of an album first published in 1936 with 317 black-and-white photographs of historical sights in and around the city of<br />

Nanjing. Each photograph accompanied by English caption and many with brief descriptions in English. Main text in Chinese.

FROM OUR STOCK – 64 – HANSHAN <strong>TANG</strong> BOOKS<br />

772 ZHUYI FANGZHI HUOZAI. (Pay Attention to Fire Prevention). 注意防止火災. Shenyang, 1958. 1 posters with<br />

a number of b/w illustrations. 76x52 cm. Paper. £100.00<br />

An early fire prevention poster dating from the late 1950s and aptly produced in Shenyang in north-east China by the China Peoples<br />

Insurance Company. The lessons in fire prevention are done in black-and-white cartoon form. A couple of marks to margins of the poster.<br />

In Chinese. Rare.<br />

773 Zo Za-zong: TRADITIONAL KOREAN PAINTING. A Lost Art Rediscovered. Tokyo, 1990. 176 pp. 156 colour<br />

plates, 62 b/w text-figures. 37x27 cm. Cloth. £49.00<br />

The paintings in this volume constitute one aspect of Korean paintings which has been long neglected in favour of the official school<br />

of painting, and only recently have they been accorded the recognition they deserve.<br />

774 Zou Donglian: GUDAI FOXIANG TUJIAN. Pictorial Handbook of Images of Buddha in Ancient Times.<br />

古代佛像圖鑒 。 鄒東聯 著. Changsha, 2004. 3 pp. text plus 216 pp. colour plates. 21x14 cm. Paper. £20.00<br />

A large number and variety of Buddhist sculpture in various media — stone, gilt-bronze, jade, ceramic — primarily Ming and Qing<br />

material with a few earlier pieces — are illustrated in colour and briefly described. Auction estimates in RMB are given. Text in Chinese.<br />

775 Zuo Hanzhong: MINJIAN DIAOKE. (Popular Carving). Hunan Minjian Meishu Quanji. Changsha, 1994. 47,<br />

184 pp. 211 colour plates. 85 b/w text plates. 30x22 cm. Cloth. £40.00<br />

This finely produced volume in an excellent series documents carvings in architecture, on furniture, of religious offerings, in stone and<br />

bamboo, as part of a usefully reference work on Hunanese popular art. In Chinese only.<br />

S U B J E C T I N D E X<br />

Archaeology 2, 9, 20-1, 32, 35, 115-217,<br />

240, 246, 249-50, 262, 302, 306, 316,<br />

329, 347, 382, 386, 407, 411, 419, 424,<br />

444, 467-8, 477, 505-6, 515, 520, 549-<br />

51, 556-7, 635, 652, 654, 678, 722,<br />

729, 734, 742, 749<br />

Architecture 49, 75, 103, 115, 144, 178,<br />

263, 270, 283, 310, 372, 375, 379, 401,<br />

415, 423, 450, 506, 536, 650, 653, 675,<br />

694, 718, 744, 754, 760<br />

Armour and Weapons 332, 363, 602, 617,<br />

656, 671, 750<br />

Bamboo 491<br />

Beijing 242, 415<br />

Bibliography 534-5, 589, 634, 642, 693,<br />

763, 769<br />

Biography 247, 348, 576, 688, 701<br />

Bronzes 34, 140, 224, 238, 285, 299, 304-<br />

5, 318-20, 325, 331, 338, 340, 378,<br />

387, 406, 419, 425-6, 433-9, 443, 445-<br />

6, 457, 459, 465-6, 483-5, 494, 511-3,<br />

516-7, 528, 533, 539-40, 543, 546-7,<br />

556, 566, 578-9, 596, 608, 615, 629,<br />

631, 647, 652, 655, 663, 665, 676, 679-<br />

80, 695, 697, 702-4, 709, 720, 722,<br />

733, 736, 739, 749, 753, 755-6<br />

Buddhism 127, 243, 271-4, 321, 410<br />

Buddhist Art 12, 25, 125, 186, 218, 245,<br />

271-3, 278, 290, 310, 342, 432, 538,<br />

552, 564, 613, 618, 636, 732, 774<br />

Calligraphy 8, 31, 358-9, 365, 535<br />

Carvings 4, 16, 23, 236, 266, 344, 368,<br />

569, 633, 738, 775<br />

Ceramics 13-4, 16, 22, 24, 29, 128-30,<br />

133, 137, 139, 141, 143, 151, 156-7,<br />

162, 169, 187, 191, 202, 204, 207-11,<br />

216, 220, 226, 237, 253, 282, 311, 330,<br />

349, 366, 380, 393, 397, 417, 421-2,<br />

441, 447, 449, 461, 467, 472-4, 503,<br />

549, 577, 592, 597, 619, 646, 654, 717,<br />

723, 725, 728, 731, 735, 740-1, 748,<br />

751, 761<br />

Chinoiserie 354, 628<br />

Cities 50-1, 177, 196, 231<br />

Classics 301, 514<br />

Cloisonné and Enamels 657<br />

Court Life 252, 283, 352, 429, 521, 545,<br />

769<br />

Export Art 14, 22, 354, 399<br />

Folk Art 6-7, 324, 389, 400, 454, 491, 694<br />

Foreigners in Asia 39, 54, 72-4, 234, 297-<br />

8, 326, 388, 391, 469, 481, 519, 575-6,<br />

595, 612, 616, 637, 645, 721, 724<br />

Furniture 17, 248, 322, 405, 737<br />

Gardens 152, 317, 416, 551, 660, 662,<br />

727, 744, 748<br />

History 11, 15, 134, 223, 256, 259, 261,<br />

284, 338, 388, 429, 493, 519, 521, 716<br />

Jade 142, 150, 153, 173, 221, 225, 364,<br />

420, 498, 509, 764-8<br />

Japonisme 475, 627, 632, 707<br />

Jewelry and Silver 239, 712<br />

Lacquer 360-1, 411, 414, 523, 623<br />

Literature 288, 328, 452, 479, 537, 583,<br />

620-1, 664, 677<br />

Maps and Atlases 558, 637<br />

Maritime 251, 550, 658, 696<br />

Medicine 230, 352, 476, 604, 683, 715<br />

Metalwork 425, 462, 686, 705, 737, 774<br />

Mirrors 34, 325, 457, 457, 629, 655, 695,<br />

695, 697, 756, 756<br />

Missionaries 39, 65, 84, 568<br />

Murals 117, 138, 147, 164-6, 170, 179,<br />

193, 205, 212-5, 407, 538, 732<br />

Netsuke 527<br />

Painting 8, 18, 27-8, 170, 234, 258, 264,<br />

286, 293, 312, 333, 355-7, 370-1, 376,<br />

390, 398-9, 412, 418, 442, 454, 456,<br />

458, 464, 470-1, 488, 522, 524, 541,<br />

548, 561, 568, 570-1, 575, 584, 587,<br />

599, 613, 669-70, 672, 682, 711, 715,<br />

719, 726, 743, 773<br />

Photography 36-114, 229, 296, 402, 409,<br />

455, 542, 607, 685, 771<br />

Poetry 276, 507, 688<br />

Posters 313, 327, 427, 526, 530, 580-1,<br />

600, 772<br />

Rare Books 79, 268, 280-1, 287, 301,<br />

428, 514, 534, 555, 564, 599, 630, 634,<br />

745, 762-3<br />

Religion 11, 146, 243, 270-3, 321, 342,<br />

346, 410, 536, 559<br />

Rubbings 120, 158, 203, 358, 365, 649<br />

Scholar’s Studio 233, 265, 277, 279, 281,<br />

308-9, 322-3, 336-7, 345, 359, 367,<br />

373, 394, 404, 453, 478, 490, 496, 531,<br />

562-3, 588, 591, 598, 609, 620-1, 626,<br />

639, 661, 667, 673, 681, 689-92, 698-9,<br />

706, 728, 730, 738, 746-7, 759, 770<br />

Science 307, 448, 462, 600<br />

Sculpture 5, 26, 120, 218, 235, 245, 278,<br />

344, 384, 395, 426, 431-2, 468, 486,<br />

501, 508, 538, 560, 700<br />

Seals 30, 337, 367, 490, 588, 598, 667,<br />

673, 691<br />

Shanghai 403, 542<br />

Silk Road 124, 135, 185, 251, 684, 701,<br />

758<br />

Silver 324, 473, 489<br />

Snuff Bottles 19, 362, 567<br />

Tea 269, 740<br />

Textiles 3, 160, 289, 350<br />

Tomb Art 167, 474, 712<br />

Transitional Wares 449, 503<br />

Travel 78, 88-90, 95, 101, 108, 275, 300,<br />

326, 374, 377, 381, 518, 612, 696, 721<br />

Ukiyo-e 227, 232, 390, 392, 554, 572-3,<br />

641<br />

Woodcuts 1, 6-7, 403, 510, 532, 661, 693,<br />


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