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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Environmental Chemistry & Technology<br />




ZBOřIL b and IVAn MAŠEK a<br />

Brno University of Technology,<br />

a Faculty of Chemistry,<br />

b Faculty of Information Technology,<br />

kapoun@fch.vutbr.cz<br />

Introduction<br />

Air pollution modeling is an attempt to describe the<br />

functional relation between emissions and occurring concentrations<br />

and deposition. Air pollution measurements present<br />

these occurring concentrations and deposition, but they can<br />

only give a snapshot at specific locations and times. In principle,<br />

the air pollution modeling can give a more complete and<br />

consistent description, including an analysis of the causesthe<br />

emissions sources-which have led to these concentrations/deposition.<br />

Air pollution models play an important role in science,<br />

because of their capability to investigate the importance of the<br />

relevant processes, and they play a major role in application<br />

(e.g. fire brigade intervention during chemical accidents) 1 .<br />

The atmospheric dispersion modeling, where the air pollution<br />

modeling belongs to, has a long history and it dates<br />

back to the end of 19th century, when Reynolds in 1895(ref. 2 )<br />

formulated criterion for the change from laminar to turbulent<br />

flow, in other words the diffusion, in pipes. During the next<br />

few decades, the huge progress was done in the describing of<br />

mathematical formulas and their correspondences to observations.<br />

These formulas were evaluated in analytical way<br />

and they were restricted to simple cases where the solution<br />

could be found. nowadays, the trend of atmospheric dispersion<br />

evolution is based on the numerical solution of diffusion<br />

equation.<br />

The diffusion equation is expressed in a form of partial<br />

differential equation (PDE). The solution of the equation can<br />

be derived by analytical process that is often very difficult<br />

to find. There exist many cases of PDE where the analytical<br />

solution to the PDE does not even exist. Thus, many kinds of<br />

numerical methods have been developed and they have been<br />

used next to the analytical ones. However, the problem exists<br />

in this kind of evaluation and it is the arising of numerical error.<br />

The only ways to check the accuracy is either to compare<br />

the results with the exact analytical solution or to compare it<br />

with the observation.<br />

In our work we have used the first case thus the form<br />

of diffusion equation had to be simplified so as its analytical<br />

solution can be calculated. The reason originates from the<br />

fact that it is not possible to find the exact analytical solutions<br />

in the majority of cases where the solutions are looked for 2 .<br />

s386<br />

Mathematical Models<br />

The general form of the diffusion equation describing<br />

atmospheric dispersion can be expressed as follows 1 :<br />

∂ C <br />

+ ∇ Cu = ∇( D∇<br />

C)<br />

+<br />

∂t<br />

+ chemistry + emmisions +<br />

+ dry _ deposition +<br />

+ wet _ deposition<br />

where C is a pollution concentration, u is a wind velocity,<br />

D are diffusion coefficients (their coordinate axes are D x ,<br />

D y and D z , respectively).<br />

The chemistry term presents atmospheric chemistry<br />

term that is used for the determination of a chemical substance<br />

influence to the atmosphere and to the dispersion process<br />

itself. The emissions term expresses the rate of the emissions<br />

in the atmosphere and its relation to the atmospheric<br />

dispersion of the specific pollutant. The last two terms, dry<br />

and wet depositions, are the major sink terms in the model<br />

and besides they determine the pollutant behavior above the<br />

terrain surface.<br />

In our case, we have used the advection-diffusion equation<br />

(A-DE) which is a part of equation (1) and where the<br />

terms chemistry, emissions and wet deposition are neglected.<br />

The reasons for this choice were that the chemistry and emissions<br />

terms are complex to find the analytical solution for<br />

them. The wet deposition plays an important role for watersoluble<br />

species only and it is not our primary concerns at this<br />

moment.<br />

Full form of A-DE can be expressed as follows:<br />

∂C <br />

∂C<br />

= −∇ Cu + ∇( D∇<br />

C) + W<br />

∂t ∂z<br />

where C, u and D symbols have the same meanings as<br />

in equation (1). W is a pollutant gravitational settling velocity.<br />

Equation (2) can be furthermore simplified if we apply<br />

following assumptions. When the wind speed value is sufficiently<br />

large, a diffusive transport is negligible in wind<br />

direction with respect to advection (Ermak 3 ). Moreover, the<br />

coefficients D y , and D z , depend on the downwind distance<br />

x only and they are therefore independent on the crosswind<br />

distance y and height distance z. From these facts, the diffusive<br />

terms can be simplified - the brackets are not needed<br />

anymore and the second derivatives appear. Last assumption<br />

is the stationary source with constant strength during time.<br />

Thus, the result of our simplification is a steady state form of<br />

equation (2):<br />

(1)<br />


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