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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Environmental Chemistry & Technology<br />





Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Purkyňova<br />

118, Brno, Czech Republic<br />

dolezalova@fch.vutbr.cz<br />

Introduction<br />

Ecotoxicity involves the identification of chemical<br />

hazards to the environment. The Globally Harmonized System<br />

of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS)<br />

describes testing for hazards to the aquatic environment in<br />

Part 3, Chapter 3.10 (UnECE, 2004a). Annex 8, Guidance<br />

on Hazards to the Aquatic Environment (UnECE, 2004).<br />

Ecotoxicity tests can be classified into two following categories:<br />

standard and alternative tests.<br />

The ecological testing according to US EPA and<br />

UnECE includes many tests; however, several methods of<br />

ecotoxicological testing are used in the Czech Republic. For<br />

the typical standard and alternative aquatic ecotoxicological<br />

tests crustacea (Daphnia magna, Thamnocephalus platyurus,<br />

and Artemia salina), aquatic plant (Lemna minor), algae<br />

(Desmodesmus subspicatus, Scenedesmus subcapitatus, Selenastrum<br />

capricornutum) are used. In accordance with OECD,<br />

UnECE and Czech legislation the standard tests include<br />

these organisms in following tests – Daphnia magna (OECD<br />

Test no. 202: Daphnia sp. Acute Immobilizations Test, En<br />

ISO 6341:1996), Desmodesmus subspicatus (OECD – Test<br />

no. 201: Alga, Growth Inhibition Test, ISO 8692:2004). The<br />

aquatic organism Lemna minor (OECD Test no. 221: Lemna<br />

sp. Growth Inhibition Test, ISO 20079:2005) is application<br />

in OECD and ISO standard methods for the testing of chemicals.<br />

Experimental<br />

The general principle of ecotoxicological tests is the<br />

determination of effective concentration (EC50), eventually<br />

lethal concentration (LC50) or inhibition concentration<br />

(IC50). The limit test corresponds to one dose level of<br />

100 g dm –3 . A stepwise procedure involves four steps: the<br />

limit test, confirmatory test, basic test and definitive test.<br />

These types of studies produce end points such as LC50,<br />

EC50 and nOEC. EC50, LC50 and IC50 are the effective<br />

concentrations (i.e., the concentration of material in water<br />

that is estimated to produce a specifically quantified effect<br />

to 50 % of the test organisms). The EC50 and its 95 % confidence<br />

interval are usually derived by statistical analysis of<br />

a quantal, “all or nothing”, response (such as death, fertilisation,<br />

germination, or development) in several test concentrations,<br />

after a fixed period of exposure. End point means the<br />

variables (i.e., time, reaction of the organisms) that indicate<br />

the termination of a test, and also means the measurement(s)<br />

or value(s) derived, that characterise the results of the test<br />

(EC50). LOEC (lowest observed effect concentration) is the<br />

s359<br />

lowest concentration tested causing a statistically measurable<br />

effect to the test system. nOEC (no observed effect concentration)<br />

is the highest concentration tested causing no statistically<br />

measurable effect to the test system. The parameters<br />

LOEC and nOEC may be statistically determined.<br />

The aim of statistical analysis of ecotoxicological data is<br />

to obtain a quantitative concentration-response relationship<br />

by regression analysis. For this purpose many models could<br />

be used such as: linear interpolation, polynomial regression,<br />

log–logistic regression, probit model, Weibull model, Dunnett<br />

test, William test, Jokheere-Terpstra test.<br />

E c o t o x i c o l o g i c a l T e s t s f o r<br />

D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f E c o t o x i c i t y o f<br />

S t a n d a r d K 2 C r O 4<br />

The standard chemical K 2 CrO 4 was used for the determination<br />

of ecotoxicity, for th estimation of sensitivity of<br />

testing organisms Dapnia magna Strauss, (Daphtoxkit F<br />

magna – standard test) Thamnocephalus platyurus (Thamnotoxkit<br />

F – alternative test) and Lemna minor (standard<br />

test OECD) and for validation and comparison of obtained<br />

results with the declared values. Table I performs the basic<br />

parameters of tests in coordinance with the directive.<br />

Table I<br />

The parameters of tests<br />

Parameters Daphtoxkit Thamnotoxkit Lemna<br />

F F minor<br />

c [mg dm −3 ] 0.32–3.20 0.032–0.320 10–160<br />

T [°C] 22 ± 2 20 ± 2 24 ± 2<br />

I [lx] 6,000 4,000 –<br />

Results<br />

On the base of analysis of obtained ecotoxicological<br />

results for studied tests the values of EC50, LC50 and IC50<br />

were determined for standard chemical K 2 CrO 4 . The experimental<br />

data with the basic statistic characteristics are summarized<br />

in Table II. The EU-Directive 93/67/EEC classifies<br />

substances according to their ecotoxicological value (EC50).<br />

On the base of obtained data from ecotoxicological tests<br />

(crustacea tests Daphtoxkit F and Thamnotoxkit F) the<br />

study chemical belongs to very toxic for aquatic organisms.<br />

The studied chemical K 2 CrO 4 is also toxic to aquatic organisms<br />

for macrophyta Lemna minor.<br />

The Thamnocephalus platyurus was found<br />

as the test organism of highest sensitivity with<br />

LC50 = 0.092 ± 0.002 mg dm –3 . The effective concentration<br />

(EC50/24 h) from Daphtoxkit F for exposure 24<br />

hours was 0.99 ± 0.022 mg dm –3 and the effective concentration<br />

(EC50/48 h) was confirmed 0.79 ± 0.031 mg dm –3<br />

The inhibition concentration for Lemna minor (IC50/168 h)<br />

was calculated from average specific growth rate and confirmed<br />

via percent reduction in yield, IC50/168 h was equal<br />

to 20.52 ± 0.399 mg dm –3 . For validation and confirmation of<br />

experimental data the probit model was used for determina-

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