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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Environmental Chemistry & Technology<br />

Table II<br />

Sequential extraction procedure<br />

Step Metal phase Reagent<br />

1 Exchangeable 1 M naOAc (pH = 8.2)<br />

2 Carbonate 1 M naOAc (pH = 5)<br />

3 Mn-Fe oxides 0.04 M nH 2 OH . HCl<br />

in 25 % HOAc<br />

4 Organic 0.02 M HnO 3 , 30% H 2 O 2 (pH = 2),<br />

3.2 M nH 4 OAc in 20% HnO 3<br />

5 Residual conc. HF, HClO 4 , HCl<br />

S o l - G e l T e c h n i q u e<br />

Sol-gel is an amorphous solid prepared via sol-gel processing,<br />

in which a colloidal suspension (sol) is first formed<br />

by mixing a silicon (e.g. tetraethoxysilane-TEOS) alkoxide<br />

precursor, water, a co-solvent and an acid or base catalyst.<br />

Alkoxyl groups are removed by acid- or base-catalysed hydrolysis<br />

reactions (Eq. (1)), and networks of O – Si – O linkages<br />

(gel) are formed in subsequent condensation reactions, which<br />

can produce either water or alcohol as shown in equations<br />

(2) and (3), involving hydroxyl groups 11 . Internal standard is<br />

integrated with the sample during gelation process.<br />

Hydrolysis:<br />

Si(OR) 4 + H 2 O → Si(OR) 3 OH + ROH (1)<br />

Condensation:<br />

X 3 SiOH + HOSiX’ 3 → X 3 Si – O – SiX’ 3 + H 2 O (2)<br />

X 3 SiOR + HOSiX’ 3 → X 3 Si – O – SiX’ 3 + ROH (3)<br />

An archive soil sample with the lowest content of Cr, ni,<br />

Cu, Zn and Pb spiked with solutions of elements of interest<br />

was used for the preparation of calibration samples. Twentytwo<br />

soil samples and three certified reference material of soils<br />

(GBW07405 – 07) were analyzed by developed LA-ICP-MS<br />

method and the obtained contents were compared with results<br />

of independent methods (XRF, ICP-OES).<br />

The real soil samples were treated by the following<br />

procedure: 1.2 g of soil was weighed into a 50 ml beaker<br />

and 3 ml of TEOS, 6 ml of ethanol, 1.5 ml of water, 20 µl<br />

of the Sc standard solution (100 mg ml –1 ) and two drops of<br />

0.01 mol dm –3 HnO 3 were added. The beakers were put into<br />

a thermostated water bath maintained at ~ 75 °C under ultrasonic<br />

stirring for ~ 1.5 h to reach the complete gelation. After<br />

20 min., 5 ml of water was added. The gelled materials were<br />

dried overnight in an oven at 110 °C. The sol-gel samples<br />

were manually ground and pressed into pellets with 12 mm<br />

in diameter and 1 mm thickness 10 .<br />

I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n<br />

A Jobin Yvon 170 Ultrace with laterally viewed ICP<br />

was used for solution analysis. The ICP system combines a<br />

s314<br />

monochromator and a polychromator. The monochromator<br />

was set on the Pb II 220.353 nm line and other four studied<br />

analytes were measured with the polychromator of a Paschen<br />

Runge montage using analytical lines Cr II 267.720 nm,<br />

ni II 231.608 nm, Cu II 324.759 nm and Zn I 213.860 nm.<br />

The XRF analysis was performed on an energy-dispersive<br />

XRF spectrometer (SPECTRO XEPOS) by polarized<br />

radiation, equipped with a Pd X-ray tube and a Si-detector.<br />

The real unknown samples were analyzed by the TUR-<br />

BOQUAnT method, which is able to analyze the elements<br />

na-U.<br />

The LA-ICP-MS was performed with a laser ablation<br />

system UP 213 (new Wave, USA) and an ICP-MS spectrometer<br />

Agilent 7500 CE (Agilent, Japan). A commercial Qswitched<br />

nd:YAG laser, operated at the wavelength of 213<br />

nm with the 5 th harmonic frequency, was used for ablation.<br />

The ablation device is equipped with programmable XYZstages<br />

that allowed sample movements during the ablation<br />

process. The samples were placed into the SuperCell (new<br />

Wave, USA) and were ablated by the laser beam, which was<br />

focused onto the sample surface through a quartz window.<br />

The ablated material was transported by flowing He to the<br />

ICP.<br />

Results<br />

The total contents of trace elements were determined<br />

using ICP-OES after total decomposition. XRF spectrometry<br />

was chosen for result comparison. Relative standard deviation<br />

of the total decomposition method and concentration range<br />

of tested soils can be found in Table I. Higher RSD value<br />

might be due to sample inhomogeneity and uncertainty of<br />

the measurement at low element concentration. Satisfactory<br />

agreement was found for ICP-OES solution analysis and<br />

XRF spectrometry. Correlation coefficient r values exceeded<br />

0.994. Comparison of Pn-ICP-OES and XRF determination<br />

of zinc as an easily leachable element is presented in Fig. 1.<br />

A five-stage sequential extraction procedure was used<br />

for the determination of the speciation of extractable heavy<br />

Fig. 1. Comparison of results obtained by xRF analysis and<br />

PN-ICP-OES of soil extracts for Zn I 213.860 nm

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