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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Environmental Chemistry & Technology<br />




Institute of Geotechnics, SAS, Watsonova 45, 043 53 Košice,<br />

Slovakia,<br />

znamenackova@saske.sk<br />

Introduction<br />

Microwave heating has been used in several studies of<br />

the coal desulfurization. Desulphurization by microwaves is<br />

closely related to the form of sulphur compound in the coal,<br />

the physical and chemical structure, as well as the chemical<br />

activity of the leachant. The ability of molten naOH to desulfurize<br />

the coal has been known for more than three decades.<br />

The process known as molten caustic leaching (MCL) was<br />

tested for the first time in the USA. The objective was the<br />

removing of the mineral components, pyritic and organic sulfur<br />

by the reaction of coal with a mixture of molten sodium<br />

and potassium hydroxides. The MCL process was effectively<br />

applied for the treatment of the Slovak brown coal 1 . Balaz<br />

et al. reported the use of simultaneous grinding and alkaline<br />

chemical leaching process (GACL) on brown coal and found<br />

that more than 41 % of total sulphur reduction was achieved.<br />

Magnetic methods of mineral removal from coal depend<br />

on the difference in the magnetic moment associated with<br />

mineral particles and coal. The microwave heating enhances<br />

the magnetic susceptibility of the iron mineral, thus rendering<br />

it more amenable to the magnetic separation. The effect of<br />

microwave heating on magnetic processing of the pyrite was<br />

investigated 2 , where different size fractions of the pyrite<br />

were heated in a microwave oven at <strong>2.</strong>45 GHz frequency<br />

and different power levels. Ability of coal desulfurization by<br />

magnetic separation following microwave heating was also<br />

investigated 3 . The microwaves were found as an effective<br />

method to selective heating of pyrite in the coal causing the<br />

formation of pyrrhotite. It was stated that pyrrhotite could be<br />

removed by low-intensity magnetic separation. 4–6<br />

Experimental<br />

C o a l S a m p l e C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n<br />

In this study, five different coal samples were used. They<br />

were ground to less than 3 mm and the representative samples<br />

were prepared. The results of analyses of the total sulphur<br />

content are listed in Table I.<br />

M i c r o w a v e a n d C l a s s i c a l H e a t i n g<br />

The microwave heating of investigated coal samples<br />

was realized in the microwave oven Whirlpool AVM 434<br />

and Panasonic nn 5251 B with maximum power of 900 W,<br />

adjusted for the laboratory purposes for continuos temperature<br />

measuring of heated material. The temperature was measured<br />

using the contactless thermometer Raynger MX4 in the<br />

range 30–900 °C. The classical heating of coal in the mufle<br />

oven was realized as well.<br />

s531<br />

Table I<br />

Total sulphur content in the coal samples<br />

Locality Grain size [mm] S tot [%]<br />

Handlová (SR) –3 1.5<br />

nováky (SR) –3 3.0<br />

Cígeľ (SR) –3 <strong>2.</strong>27<br />

1–3 5.35<br />

Sokolov (CR) 0.07–0.5 6.85<br />

–0.07 7.52<br />

1–3 0.5<br />

0.5–1 0.5<br />

Donbas (R) 0.2–0.5 0.49<br />

0.07–0.2 0.53<br />

–0.07 0.52<br />

M a g n e t i c S e p a r a t i o n<br />

The magnetic separation of the coal samples was carried<br />

out by means of a roll-type electromagnetic separator Mechanobr,<br />

type 138 T-SEM, intended for dry separation.<br />

M i c r o w a v e R a d i a t i o n a n d M o l t e n<br />

C a u s t i c L e a c h i n g – R M C L<br />

A mixture of 15 g coal + 15 g naOH + 10 ml H 2 O was<br />

used as an input to microwave oven operating in nitrogen<br />

atmosphere. Microwave desulphurizastion of coal was realised<br />

according to the Scheme 1.<br />

Scheme 1<br />

The RMCL (Radiation and Molten Caustic Leaching)<br />

desulphurization of coal<br />

Results<br />

M a g n e t i c S e p a r a t i o n o f C o a l<br />

Coal sample of the grain size 0.05–0.2 mm was heated<br />

before magnetic separation in the microwave oven for<br />

10 minutes at the power 900 W and frequency <strong>2.</strong>45 GHz. The<br />

results of the magnetic separation after microwave radiation<br />

are listed in Table II.<br />

The magnetic separation of the coal sample was ineffective<br />

for our conditions.<br />

T h e M o l t e n C a u s t i c L e a c h i n g o f<br />

C o a l<br />

Effect of ratio of NaOh and coal<br />

The effect of ratio of naOH and coal from the Cígeľ<br />

locality after the microwave radiation (<strong>2.</strong>5 minutes) on reduction<br />

of the total sulphur content is displayed in Fig. 1.

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