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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Environmental Chemistry & Technology<br />




BERánEK<br />

Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Department of<br />

Gas, Coke and Air Protection, Technická 5, 166 28 Prague,<br />

Daniel.Tenkrat@vscht.cz<br />

Introduction<br />

natural gas is one of the most important energy carriers<br />

in Europe (in the Czech Republic as well). Total consumption<br />

of natural gas (nG) in the Czech Republic in 2006 was<br />

9,269 × 10 6 m 3 . Within the distribution to end users and also<br />

during natural gas utilization the most important requirement<br />

is the safety of customers.<br />

natural gas odorisation means operations involving the<br />

addition of odorant to gas to ensure characteristic odour of<br />

nG so that a person can judge the odour to be distinctive and<br />

unpleasant so that the presence of gas in air (in concentrations<br />

below lower explosive limit – LEL) is readily detectable.<br />

By the odorant addition any physical or chemical property<br />

(except the smell) of nG cannot be changed. As odorants<br />

organic sulfur compounds are often use (mercaptans and sulfides).<br />

nowadays a new type of sulfur free odorant is being<br />

introduced to the nG market.<br />

The nG odorisation in fact does not have any technological<br />

purpose; its main sense consist in evoking psychological<br />

effect, because the odour of nG must be alarming and<br />

incommutable with any common smell.<br />

In the Czech Republic the odorisation process is specified<br />

by the technical regulation TPG 918 01. This regulation<br />

lists as odorants just organic sulfur compounds. However, it<br />

does not mean that sulfur-free odorants can not be used.<br />

Experimental<br />

The main task of natural gas odorisation is to ensure<br />

such operating condition when natural gas in every part of<br />

the distribution grid fulfils the requirement of a “warning<br />

odour level”. In case of a gas leakage the warning odour level<br />

(see Table I.) must be reached until the 20 % of lower explosive<br />

limit (LEL; Ld ) is reached. Odorisation level can be<br />

verified by:<br />

• The odorisation level control – which can be done by<br />

olfactometry in selected points on distribution grid or by<br />

means of questionnaires at selected representative sample<br />

of customers. In both cases indirect indicators are<br />

taken into account so that both forms are considered to<br />

be subjective methods.<br />

• Odorant concentration measurement – in natural gas can<br />

be estimated continuously or discontinuously in selected<br />

points on grid. In this case particular concentration of<br />

odorant in nG is measured. This is so called objective<br />

method.<br />

s487<br />

The aim of this work was a critical comparison of the<br />

subjective odorisation control (according to TPG 91801)<br />

with the objective odorisation control. It means direct measurement<br />

of an odorant concentration in nG using modern analytical<br />

techniques and comparison with results from olfactometry<br />

measurement.<br />

A n a l y t i c a l E q u i p m e n t<br />

The accurate odorant concentration in nG was estimated<br />

by gas chromatograph HP 6890 equipped with mass<br />

detector MSD 7393 (Hewlett-Packard). For the analysis Supelco<br />

24158 SPB-1 Sulfur (30 m × 320 μm × 4 μm) column<br />

was used. Starting temperature was 30 °C with heating rate<br />

15 °C min –1 . The analysis terminated at 110 °C.<br />

The odorisation level control was estimated by dynamic<br />

olfactometry using olfactometer Ecoma TO 8-8. The procedure<br />

is based on step-by-step evaluation of olfactory perception<br />

of at least four (max. eight) observers. A sample of odorised<br />

natural gas is diluted by synthetic air in ratios between<br />

1 : 131,072 and 1 : 8 (nG:air). As soon as the observer indicates<br />

olfactory perception to be odour treshold (or warning<br />

odour level) the actual dilution of the sample is recorded.<br />

T e r m i n o l o g y<br />

Minimal odorant concentration represents the odorant<br />

content in nG [mg m –3 ] which fulfill the requirement for creating<br />

warning odour level – grade 3 (see Table I).<br />

Estimation of the minimal odorant concentration is<br />

determined by:<br />

K value [mg m –3 •<br />

] which represents the minimal concentration<br />

of an odorant in natural gas-air mixture which<br />

reliably ensures the warning odour level,<br />

• lower explosive limit (Ld ) –expressed by % vol. of natural<br />

gas in air,<br />

•<br />

and from the requirement to evoke the warning odour<br />

level before one fifth (i.e. 20 %) of LEL of natural gas<br />

in air is reached.<br />

Minimal odorant concentration c n can estimated according<br />

to the following formula:<br />

c<br />

n<br />

100 ⋅ K<br />

= [mg m<br />

0.<br />

2 ⋅ L<br />

–3 ]. (1)<br />

d<br />

Typical K values of commonly used odorants are<br />

0.08 for tetrahydrothiophene, 0.03 for mercaptans and<br />

0.07 mg m –3 for the GASODOR S-free odorant.<br />

Odour intensity is the extent of odour perception which<br />

is by the odour evoked. Commonly the odour intensity is evaluated<br />

as an odorisation level. List of odorisation levels can<br />

be found in the Table I.<br />

Results<br />

Two samples of a real odorised “Russian” natural gas<br />

sampled directly from natural gas pipeline into tedlar sam-

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