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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Environmental Chemistry & Technology<br />

The report states that the life expectancy will rapidly<br />

decline around the year 2030. Level of education and world<br />

economy will irrefutably collapse.<br />

Unrenewable resources are being fatigued and wasted,<br />

species of fauna and flora perish, water and air are being<br />

polluted, and number of natural as well as human-caused<br />

disasters is growing. Environment knows no frontiers. In the<br />

past years at international conferences attention was paid to<br />

greenhouse gases emissions, yet no success was reached. For<br />

example – the USA produce <strong>2.</strong>5 multiple of carbonic oxide<br />

emissions per person than Europe. In the USA the emissions<br />

production growth is eighteen per cent; the world average is<br />

nine per cent.<br />

A hectare of tropical forests disappears every two<br />

seconds. The species disappear from hundred to thousand<br />

times faster then they would when living in a harmonic<br />

environment.<br />

Water problems are increasingly urgent. What may happen<br />

is that this century will even become a century of a war<br />

over water, food and raw materials. Water means life. Lack<br />

of water is more and more apparent. Rivers, streams, swamps<br />

and moor land dry up.<br />

Unrenewable resources are being fatigued, wasted,<br />

species of fauna and flora perish, water and air are being<br />

polluted, and number of natural as well as human-caused<br />

disasters is growing. Environment knows no frontiers. In the<br />

past years attention was paid to greenhouse gases emissions<br />

at international conferences, yet no success was reached. For<br />

example – the USA produce <strong>2.</strong>5 multiple of carbonic oxide<br />

emissions per person than Europe. Water problems are increasingly<br />

urgent. Maybe this century will even become a war<br />

over water, food and raw materials.<br />

F a c t o r 4 – G l o b a l i z a t i o n<br />

Consequently to almost complex globalization the world<br />

is really or relatively diminishing, with no regard to continents,<br />

countries, districts. Mutual dependency of population<br />

is growing incredibly; consequences of individual’s mistakes<br />

significantly affect others.<br />

Here an essential question is to be asked: What is the connection<br />

between often absurdly defended freedom of individuals<br />

and at the same time the growing mutual dependence of<br />

people? Apart from freedom there is also justice and stability,<br />

balance and equality. So far we have been witnessing more of<br />

globalization of power, profit and exploitation. It is necessary<br />

to globalize responsibility for nature and people in it.<br />

Great attention is being paid to globalization in various<br />

discussions. It has its positive features as well as big negatives.<br />

We must find a way to tame it to avoid a great disaster.<br />

If we manage to run the globalization processes there is<br />

a chance for a positive development. It is good that Movements<br />

against wild globalization start to appear.<br />

s421<br />

F a c t o r 5 – I n t e g r a t i o n a n d<br />

D i s i n t e g r a t i o n<br />

Various groups come into being and on the contrary,<br />

states decay, therefore the there is bigger and undesirable<br />

atomization. People, regions and countries have their own<br />

interests, often of vital importance, which can be and are in<br />

contradiction with interests and aims of other countries. It<br />

is difficult do make compromise solutions. Politics and economics<br />

deal more often with the consequences than causes.<br />

Almost 20 new countries have arisen within the past 10 years,<br />

which have different political systems and aims, which are,<br />

apart from other, based on nationalistic principles.<br />

The role of international organisations changes – Un,<br />

EU, International monetary fond, World Bank, WTO, nATO<br />

and others. We can not say that the changes are always positive,<br />

transformation is essential.<br />

F a c t o r 6 – n C B W e a p o n s<br />

There are a growing number of countries which have or<br />

will have nuclear weapons. That increases the world insecurity<br />

as well as opportunities to destroy. Here is important to<br />

note the proliferation of military equipment and technologies<br />

of ambiguous use, like nBC weapons. Gun trade volume is<br />

not low. For example, in the last three years, American companies<br />

sold weapons for nearly 19 milliard dollars; French<br />

companies for 4 milliards dollars, and German ones for 1<br />

milliard dollars.<br />

Besides official, by governments approved gun trades<br />

there is a trade that is being tolerated and concluded by<br />

governments. There is also illegal gun trade.<br />

A big threat of today is a black market dealing with<br />

nuclear material and nuclear equipment. Gaining theoretical<br />

knowledge in the way of overpaying the specialists or<br />

documents is a current problem, too. non-proliferation of all<br />

kinds of weapons, especially nBC weapons has another side,<br />

too. It is that they are kept by countries that have already<br />

had them. The logic is simple – why do some countries have<br />

them, and why the others do not? Why can you have them<br />

but we cannot? Once these weapons exist, it is a question of<br />

time and money for the others to get them. The “others” can<br />

potentially mean terrorists. Why have these weapons actually<br />

been developed and why do they exist? If the development<br />

does not change, the world will take a risk of self-destruction.<br />

The danger can be bigger than it was during the cold war<br />

time. During the cold war time, these weapons “helped” keep<br />

peace, though the peace was unstable and faulted.<br />

There is a growing number of countries which have<br />

or will have nuclear weapons. That increases the world<br />

insecurity as well as a chance to destroy. Here is important<br />

to note the spread of military equipment and technologies of<br />

ambiguous use, like nBC weapons.<br />

F a c t o r 7 – V i o l e n c e G r o w t h<br />

It is easily provable that there is a quantitative as well<br />

as qualitative growth of violence. Here it is appropriate to<br />

remember Erich Fromm who defines violence as an urgent

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