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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Environmental Chemistry & Technology<br />


by bACTERIA ACiDiTHiObACillus<br />

ferrOOxiDANs AND DesulfOvibriO<br />

DesulfuriCANs<br />


UBALDInI b and JAnA JEnČáROVá a<br />

Institute of Geotechnics of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Watsonova<br />

45, 043 53 Kosice, Slovak Republic,<br />

luptakal@saske.sk<br />

Introduction<br />

In several gold ores, gold is trapped in the matrix in of<br />

metallic sulphides (FeS 2 , Sb 2 S 3 etc.). In such cases recovery<br />

of gold from refractory ores requires a pre-treatment to liberate<br />

the gold particles from the host mineral. For the pre-treatment<br />

of gold ores exist several hydro- and biohydrometallurgical<br />

processes 1 . The fundamental of biohydrometallurgical<br />

processing for sulphide minerals is the application of microorganisms,<br />

which on the basis of their metabolic processes<br />

can increase or decrease mobility of metals 2,3,4 .<br />

In the area of biohydrometallurgical processing of goldbearing<br />

antimony sulphide minerals and concentrates the<br />

iron- and sulphur-oxidising bacteria have the very important<br />

function as well as on the ground the new knowledge also<br />

the sulphate-reducing bacteria 5,6,7 . Using involved bacteria<br />

to catalyse the breakdown of sulphides that host the gold<br />

is an important biological method for the pre-treatment of<br />

refractory gold ores. Following this biological treatment<br />

a combination of chemical and physical methods are used for<br />

leaching (e.g. the cyanide process) and concentration (e.g.<br />

the electrowinning) of gold. Although these methods are well<br />

accepted by industry, they harbour limitations in the processing<br />

of low-grade refractory ores, and regulatory agency/public<br />

acceptance of cyanide use. The objectives of this work<br />

were to evaluate the use of iron- and sulphur-oxidising bacteria<br />

Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (At. ferrooxidans) and<br />

sulphate-reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (Dsv.<br />

desulfuricans) in the biohydrometallurgical processing of<br />

gold-bearing antimony sulphide minerals. Experiments were<br />

conducted at laboratory scale on a refractory gold-bearing<br />

stibnite coming from Santa Rosa de Capacirca Mine, Bolivia.<br />

Involved bacteria were used separately at different conditions<br />

for the pre-treatment of the aforementioned sample in order<br />

to increase the subsequent gold recovery during cyanidation<br />

processes. The At. ferrooxidans application is based on the<br />

their ability to oxidize and dissolve pyrite and stibnite, thus<br />

releasing the entrapped gold particles. The using of the bacteria<br />

Dsv. desulfuricans is based on their ability of the bacterially<br />

H 2 S production for the alkaline leaching of stibnite.<br />

Experimental<br />

M i c r o o r g a n i s m s<br />

In the experiment were used bacteria At. ferrooxidans<br />

isolated from the acid mine water 8 (deposit Smolník, Slovakia)<br />

and Dsv. desulfuricans isolated from the potable mineral<br />

s409<br />

water 9 (Gajdovka spring, Kosice, Slovakia). The isolation<br />

was performed by the modified dilution method 10 .<br />

S a m p l e s o f O r e<br />

The sample of gold-bearing antimony sulfide minerals<br />

used was obtained from Bolivia 6 (Santa Rosa de Capacirca<br />

Mine). Mineralogical characterisation by X-ray Diffraction<br />

(XRD) showed the presence of quartz (SiO 2 ), stibnite (Sb 2 S 3 )<br />

and pyrite (FeS 2 ). Their chemical composition includes<br />

21.93 % Si, 4.94 % Sb, 4.28 % Fe and 3.77 % (S). Quantitative<br />

chemical analysis was performed by Inductively Coupled<br />

Plasma Spectrometry (ICP).<br />

B i o l e a c h i n g T e s t b y B a c t e r i a<br />

Bacteria At. ferrooxidans and Dsv. desulfuricans were<br />

used separately. The experimental tests were conducted in a<br />

fed batch reactor at 30 °C under aerobic and dynamic conditions<br />

(with At. ferrooxidans) and anaerobic and static conditions<br />

(with Dsv. desulfuricans). The weight of the sample<br />

of gold-bearing antimony sulfide minerals was of 10 g. The<br />

total volume of feed solution consisted of 100 ml selective<br />

nutrient medium 1 9K(A) for At.f. with pH <strong>2.</strong>5; and DSM-63<br />

medium 10 for Dsv. desulfuricans with pH 7.5. The abiotic<br />

control was carried out without the bacteria application at<br />

the same conditions. Dissolved metals in liquid phase during<br />

the experiments were determined using an atomic absorption<br />

spectrophotometer. After 120 days the solid phases were<br />

recovered by filtration and were saved for the consequently<br />

test of cyanidation.<br />

Results<br />

The results of the bioleaching i.e. the pre-treatment of<br />

gold-bearing antimony sulphide minerals are demonstrated<br />

by Figs. 1.–4.<br />

Fig. 1. Dissolution of Fe by bacteria Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans<br />

from the sample of gold-bearing antimony sulfide minerals.<br />

c – concentration of Fe, t – time of bioleaching,<br />

– Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, – abiotic control<br />

Fig. 1. presents the dissolution of the Fe by bacteria<br />

At. ferrooxidans and in the cases from the start until the end<br />

of experiments the concentration of Fe in liquid phase increase.<br />

From beginning, probably due to interaction between

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