High School Schedule Survey - Fayette County Schools

High School Schedule Survey - Fayette County Schools

High School Schedule Survey - Fayette County Schools


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Parent Results

<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Day <strong>Survey</strong> for Parents<br />

Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which<br />

schedule to recommend to the Board of Education.<br />

1 of 103<br />

Response<br />

Count<br />

924<br />

answered question 924<br />

skipped question 1,985<br />

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

1 Powerpoint not very informatiove. Did the research include viewing schools outside GA that are highly successful with the<br />

most credits offered? If not, do it!!! Benchmark these schools. Why would we implement a gap in math, english, and<br />

science? Does it work? Show us data where real analysis was performed and what did you find. Don't have confidence<br />

in the research. Why didn't <strong>Fayette</strong> Co do this 20 years ago. GA is not the most 0progressive in terms of educating out<br />

students. Get with the program and do some learning outside of GA. Research twice and make a change once. We can<br />

do better than this!!!!<br />

2 Consideration should be given to the fact that the GPA of many gifted and AP students, tend to drop b/c those curricula<br />

lay a great amount of pressure on the students to consistently perform on task. Time management for these studuents is<br />

more of a parental function (constant oversight and follow up with school officials) than a student function. For this<br />

reason, longer school days will be counter productive. Not just for the gifted and AP student, but all students. Also,<br />

longer school days will require parents to make adjustments that many will not be able to control due to work schedules,<br />

rush hour traffic and the inability to oversee the student's activities later in the day, particularly if they ride the bus.<br />

Finally, consider the impact this will have on students who participate in extra-curricular activities. Thanks for asking!<br />

Sep 15, 2011 11:18 PM<br />

Sep 15, 2011 10:18 PM<br />

3 consder the schedule that will allow students to comply to academic standards/hope scholarship. Sep 15, 2011 10:06 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

4 i strongly think that just having 6 classes a day is already tiring for the students, and extending the day would just make<br />

the student lose focus and not pay attention.<br />

5 there needs to be more AP classes available. We don't have enough teachers or class times available for all the students<br />

who would like to take these. The survey didn't even address AP class importance.<br />

6 If you go with the Trimester schedule, consider starting school earlier than 8:40 so they can get out earlier to have more<br />

time to fit in work schedules, extracurricular activities and homework.<br />

2 of 103<br />

Sep 15, 2011 9:59 PM<br />

Sep 15, 2011 9:50 PM<br />

Sep 15, 2011 9:35 PM<br />

7 trimester is in the best interest of the students Sep 15, 2011 8:56 PM<br />

8 The current 6 period course schedule already stresses students out with the amount of homework given, 7 courses is<br />

detrimental now matter how it "spread over the week"! Mandate no homework during "breaks" also!!!<br />

9 Q 18 is bogus--it assumes I think any of the options are valid--"none of the above"/"leave things as they are was not a<br />

choice. This survey is invalid on its face-- from what I understand it was designed by someone (a <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Administrator) who has an agenda--a desired outcome. Further, I think the BOE's timing is way off--posting this survey<br />

prior to determining what you're going to do about changing the school schedule/calendar in light of the tax/money issue<br />

is putting the proverbial cart before the horse. Who is in charge of this stuff?<br />

10 My first child attended Columbus <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> in Columbus, GA before finishing up at <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>. CHS<br />

was on a "block" system which is very simiiar to the 3x5 Trimester schedule that you've described. It was fantastic. You<br />

should have the committee visit CHS and see how their program works. In my opinion, CHS was the best school we ever<br />

attended.<br />

Sep 15, 2011 8:40 PM<br />

Sep 15, 2011 6:59 PM<br />

Sep 15, 2011 4:12 PM<br />

11 The high school day was already increased by 20 minutes. Any additional time would be unnecessary and redundant. Sep 15, 2011 3:30 PM<br />

12 I would be very sad to have my children lose the opportunity to stay in the fine arts program all 4 years. With that, I also<br />

want them to have the opportunity to take other varieties of classed as well.<br />

13 Allowing parents to keep the current school schedule must definitely be an option. There is no requirement that we must<br />

change the schedule. The PPT did not provide a compelling argument for changing the schedule but the fact that keeping<br />

the existing is not an option gives the appearance of a bias pushing for a change. Kids who already have extracurricular<br />

activities outside of school don't have time for a longer school day or for optional electives. Please respect that kids can<br />

opt for these additional activities and should those efforts should be supported with a reasonable school day and not an<br />

overloaded schedule.<br />

14 This survey was not well constructed. The choices are limited and the responses do not fully address the questions being<br />

asked. Also, the questions being asked are biased. The responses that are available are directed toward the interest of<br />

Sep 15, 2011 2:29 PM<br />

Sep 15, 2011 2:05 PM<br />

Sep 15, 2011 1:45 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

certain programs. Furthermore, seven classes each day is too much. Extending to a seven period day increases the<br />

opportunity for students to fail. The seven period day is lowering the expectations for the students. If a student knows<br />

there are more opportunities to compensate for failure, then the student will take those opportunities. Also, seven classes<br />

each day is too much for the teachers. I have taught on a 7 period day and it was hectic. As a result, there was very little<br />

time for planning and preparing to teach. Just as students cannot effectively learn when they are exhausted, teachers<br />

cannot effectively teach when they are exhausted. The six period day is the best option but of course it is not a choice on<br />

the survey.<br />

15 Please also consider how this will affect children with special needs, such as ADHD, etc. They get 'left in the dust'<br />

sometimes, which is why I favor most of the options with the 3X5 schedule. I have a child about to enter middle school<br />

next year. My husband and I are really concerned with how he will handle the 7 period day. Thank you for allowing us<br />

the opportunity to voice our opinions!<br />

16 I live in <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong>, however I work for Atlanta Public <strong>School</strong>s. I work in a high school which has transformed from<br />

traditional to smaller school communities. I have taught in APS for 22 years and the 7 period hybrid schedule does not<br />

work for our population of students. I am in support of the 7 day period because it is closer to what our fayette students<br />

are doing now and retention is better. The hybrid schedule resulted in a loss of retention for students/teachers and a lot<br />

of confusion through out the week. Also, the instructional time was 90minutes, which was too long for students and<br />

teachers. So, my vote is for the 7 day period. The other schedules have been a complete disaster in my experience.<br />

Please do not try them.<br />

17 Block scheduling is not good for many learners. Having a class that is long does not necessarily help the child learn<br />

more. There is a limit for attention span. The gaps in math practice and grammar/writing are of great concern, too.<br />

18 There was no discussion of the shortfall of funds, and how this would effect the high school schedule. If the day needs to<br />

be increased to meet the budgeting shortfall, then the 7 period day seems very unreasonable for the kids.<br />

19 The most important thing is all the required courses for college admission is taken care of, the rest are ELECTIVES! I've<br />

been looking at college admissions for out of state alot of them require 4 years of foreign language and social studies! We<br />

only require 2-3.<br />

3 of 103<br />

Sep 15, 2011 1:21 PM<br />

Sep 15, 2011 1:18 PM<br />

Sep 15, 2011 11:09 AM<br />

Sep 15, 2011 11:08 AM<br />

Sep 15, 2011 11:02 AM<br />

20 Some of these questions don't make sense to someone who has never had a high school student. Sep 15, 2011 10:04 AM<br />

21 I am not in favor of any type of schedule where my children would not be allowed to participate in the band program. Sep 15, 2011 8:54 AM<br />

22 More school day time less weekday time so mon-thurs Sep 15, 2011 1:18 AM<br />

23 If the students could keep their musical classes all year as well as AP courses then the 3X5 would be the best scenario.<br />

If they would end up missing out on one or more of these courses in one of the three trimesters due to scheduling<br />

Sep 15, 2011 12:07 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

conflicts then the 7 period option would be better suited. I'm not sure how often or likely it would be for the students to<br />

remain in the same musical class all year when only is offered. The same with the AP courses that are only scheduled<br />

for one period a day.<br />

24 As 45 & 47 yr old grads of GA public schools, the trimester is familiar to us as it was used during our HS years. We're<br />

both successful GT grads, so it served us effectively. It would have been nice to have a second choice which would have<br />

been the straight 7 period day and not the hybrid. The hybrid seems confusing.<br />

25 10 to 15 minutes/day longer is O.K...Hybrid is too complicated (Keep it Simple)...Keep summer-time for families (no<br />

school)...<br />

4 of 103<br />

Sep 14, 2011 10:54 PM<br />

Sep 14, 2011 10:18 PM<br />

26 The 7 period day is simple and easy to remember. This is a good, consistent model for young teens. Sep 14, 2011 10:09 PM<br />

27 I believe the 3x5 would be a much more manageable load and would lead to greater success for my child. I like that it<br />

offers a greater number of courses over the four years. I DO NOT want the length of the school day to be increased. I<br />

DO NOT want our summer vacation to be shortened.<br />

28 WOW!! What a biased survey! Where is the option for keeping the present system (6 periods a day). Methinks<br />

somebody is trying to manipulate the data!<br />

Sep 14, 2011 10:08 PM<br />

Sep 14, 2011 9:55 PM<br />

29 As a single parent it really helps to have my child have a set schedule every day during the school year. Sep 14, 2011 8:40 PM<br />

30 I think it is a mistake to do the 3x5 or hybrid. The problem with gap time will become a huge problem in the high schools.<br />

You will also find students having a hard getting certain courses such 10th English Part B because of the smaller number<br />

of seats available in the schedule. You only have 5 periods offered rather than 6. The scheduler for the school has much<br />

more work to do trying to schedule in the 3x5 schedule. The teachers in the 7th period day are still preparing for the<br />

same amount of class and get another period off. You will do great damage to the music programs by doing a 3x5 day.<br />

Other systems who have tried this have students in one band class the first trimester, a lower one the second one and<br />

even another one in the third trimester. Because of the lower amount of seats in AP classes, the demand will be high. If<br />

a AP student takes a class the first and second trimester, they have to wait to the end of the third trimester to take the AP<br />

exam. Not a good use of time. Students who finish English A and B the first and second trimester have to take the end<br />

of courses test right after Feb. or have to wait to the end of the year to take it. The 3x5 and hybrid are poor choices for<br />

our kids. I vote for the 7 period day.<br />

31 I currently teach in a school system with a 7 period hybrid schedule. All the teachers and administrators HATE IT!!!!! It is<br />

not in the best interest of students who are consisten=tly confused about what "day" or classes they attend. This option is<br />

not a quality education option. Please talk with educators (not district officials) about how this option does a great<br />

disbenefit to students. If <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> wants to continue to be a district of academic excellence, it will not follow the<br />

lead of districts like Clayton <strong>County</strong> that have instituted the 7-period hybrid schedule. If it happens, I will consider moving<br />

Sep 14, 2011 5:40 PM<br />

Sep 14, 2011 5:32 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

out of district.<br />

32 From talking to young adults who have experienced both a traditional high school schedule & the 3x5 schedule, they<br />

personally liked the 3x5 stating it made the transition from a high school schedule to college schedule easier, feeling it<br />

contributed to a more successful Freshman year in college. I personally like the 3x5 schedule because it allows our<br />

children the opportunity to achieve the 28-32 credits and I like the longer classroom time and fewer subjects per trimester<br />

to a allow the students to really focus on their subject matter.<br />

33 The 3 x 5 has class periods that are too long. Attention spans must be taken into consideration. When will teachers<br />

prepare during the day for those classes?<br />

34 I like either of the 7 Period days. The Trimester is a real problem for kids who may already struggle and then don't get<br />

exposure to Math or English for 12 weeks. I think that a Trimester would really be a backwards move especially if you<br />

also have to give up teacher consistency. I think that the Hybrid <strong>Schedule</strong> will be most like college, and can teach to<br />

organize time and responsibilities.<br />

35 Comming from NY, we had 8 periods as well as a 0 period each day. giving students all requirements, granted it was a<br />

specialized HS, but it trained me to be ready for teh increased demands in college. these students are not learning those<br />

skills that they will need for a demanding collge career.<br />

36 The trimester schedule provides the students the maximum amount of credits of the three choices. It provides a standard<br />

schedule. Also, it provides the students to focus on only 5 classes each trimester. Having the same teacher throughout<br />

the year is not that important. Yes, if you have a good one you would want to keep them for the whole year, but what<br />

about having an undesirable teacher. If that occurs, it is only 1 trimester they would have him/her.<br />

37 The only way the 3 x 5 would work well is if all core classes were offered in the first 2 (or all 3) trimesters and electives<br />

were offered in the 3rd trimester. breaking up the core classes WILL NOT WORK. I experienced this in college, on a<br />

quarter system, and for core classes, the retention of what you learned the first quarter was not not adequate! DO NOT<br />

DO THAT!<br />

38 IF should be offered as an elective ONLY, not a required class for students who do their HOMEwork a HOME. Thank<br />

you.<br />

39 Giving the kids an opportunity to have more flexibility in their schedule will be great. With all the college prep courses,<br />

having the opportunity to take some electives that will make their high school years more enjoyable and broader would<br />

benefit everyone. I believe in the end, everyone would be happier. Gives teachers and students a cushion to complete<br />

the requirements.<br />

5 of 103<br />

Sep 14, 2011 2:33 PM<br />

Sep 14, 2011 2:08 PM<br />

Sep 14, 2011 1:56 PM<br />

Sep 14, 2011 1:36 PM<br />

Sep 14, 2011 12:38 PM<br />

Sep 14, 2011 12:10 PM<br />

Sep 14, 2011 11:43 AM<br />

Sep 14, 2011 11:31 AM<br />

40 Consistency would be best. Having different schedules on different days of the week will be hard for my child. Slightly Sep 14, 2011 10:55 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

longer school day and trimester schedule is the best for my family. I do want the kids to have the option to take an<br />

elective. However, I assumed a foreign language is a requirement in middle school and high school. AP classes must be<br />

available and recovery classes must be available.<br />

41 My concern would be the lenght of time in one class in 3X5 trimester and also the lapse of taking courses like math and<br />

their is too much time between offerings of the classes. I think some of the electives such as foreign language and<br />

business cousres are critical to entering college.<br />

42 <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> needs to get creative for the benefit of gifted students in the county. The system will lose my son if more<br />

education options are not given. Other systems have high performance high schools giving more options. But FC does<br />

not.<br />

43 Stongly opposed to the 3x5 trimester largely due to the fact that continuity between classes (instructors, content) could be<br />

lost when/if a student has to skip a trimester between courses. i.e. If Calculus1(partA) is taught trimester 1 then student<br />

has to wait until Trimester 3 to take Calculus1(partB) - retention would be an issue. Instructors would have to spend time<br />

reviewing information taught in PartA.<br />

44 I believe the 6 period day would work the best. After so much time at school the children will not want to be there any<br />

more resulting in kids doing poorly in that final class if one was to make the day longer<br />

45 We like the 6 period day! Do not change a thing! If you are considering a change: change to NO <strong>School</strong> on Fridays and<br />

have it be online school!<br />

46 How will transfer students adjust to a 3x5 schedule? Also, will the school calendar change to have a natural flow from<br />

one 12 week course to the other?<br />

6 of 103<br />

Sep 14, 2011 10:33 AM<br />

Sep 14, 2011 8:40 AM<br />

Sep 14, 2011 8:34 AM<br />

Sep 13, 2011 11:25 PM<br />

Sep 13, 2011 11:09 PM<br />

Sep 13, 2011 10:14 PM<br />

47 The hybrid schedule is the least effective by disrupting the child's routine. Sep 13, 2011 9:14 PM<br />

48 Great PowerPoint. Thank you for giving us the chance to explore options on our own time schedule. Sep 13, 2011 9:09 PM<br />

49 Do we have less students being accepted to GA colleges and universities than other counties in GA? If not, why mess<br />

with what is working. If a student is motivated and wants to take 7 classes, zero period is already offered. Let's fix the<br />

math problem in <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> before we create another problem.<br />

50 A bigger deal has been made out of this than necessary. the 7 day schedule is simple, effective, and adds about 15 min<br />

to the day. It is the total number of days for Christmas holidays, MLK, and winter break that needs to be reduced in time<br />

off, with summer being longer at 3 months for students to work for college, take a break, have time with their families. No<br />

one needs almost three weeks off for Christmas, plus a 3 day weekend, plus the winter break. We already know from<br />

your information on this, that 3 full summer months off now will not cause loss of "retention"! <strong>School</strong> should NOT start till<br />

Sep 13, 2011 9:08 PM<br />

Sep 13, 2011 7:43 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

after Labor day weekend or at LEAST the LAST week of August to save us taxpayers money and let kids earn money!!<br />

Save us taxpayers money, and maybe with shorter holidays, the kids would not have sooo much homework every night<br />

that they could "feel" refreshed every day, and get some of this ridiculous pressure off of them! Grow up <strong>Fayette</strong> county<br />

Board of Education!!!<br />

51 Please don't ever take away the Fine Arts Dept.! My child was given a gift from God with his beautiful voice and I love that<br />

he is being given the opportunity to use it in such a wonderful program, Select Chorus at <strong>Fayette</strong> Co.<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, which<br />

is world famous in choral programs. Thank you, FCBOE, for allowing Select Chorus to be a tradition here in <strong>Fayette</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> for 34 yrs.<br />

52 Not a 4 day school week with 7 periods squeezed into 4 days-way too much expected of kids in regards to AP homework,<br />

tests, etc. Remove intsructional focus it is a waste of time! Kids don't get help in areas needed when they need it because<br />

of scheduling and a teacher doesn't always offer all courses to meet each students needs.<br />

53 Most children who are struggling seem to have outside tutoring anyway. None of these options is good. when there is<br />

such a push at some high schools to go for "ivy league" colleges, there is NO counselor that can help them - the parents<br />

do all the work. This survey seems to be geared towards students ONLY attending a Georgia college. colleges already<br />

take into consideration the amount of APs taught at a school - why have more AP classes when many of the AP teachers<br />

are NOT qualified to teach - they may have all the paperwork that gives the credentials to teach, but they cannot teach<br />

the subject. Most students who are failing don't even want to be in school anyway. This survey is far too one-sided.<br />

54 For those students that would like to do dual enrollment, I don't see how any schedule other than 7-period day would<br />

work. I am a former math teacher, and I think the 3x5 trimester would be detrimental. Many kids would go 6 months w/o<br />

math (counting summer)! Also, what about the impact on music (out of practice) and weight training for athletes? If you<br />

are going to do 7-periods, there needs to be plenty of low-stress, no homework electives that kids can choose from so<br />

they won't be overwhelmed. Thanks<br />

55 Allow more AP options in the high schools. All <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> HS should have the same options for attending AP. There<br />

is a disparity between the schools and this is a disservice to the students, prohibiting them from being competitive for<br />

college entry.<br />

56 The school board et al should do whatever it takes to make it easier for our students to meet the college application<br />

requirements without difficulty. The shool board should operate from the perspective that a larger percentage of students<br />

will attend college and the shool board is doing what it takes for students to meet the minimum requirements with<br />

opportunities for the students to exceed those requirments. A longer school day, with more instructional time and<br />

opportunities for students to participate in fine arts and take language electives as well as athletic extra curricular<br />

activities is the way to go! Congratulations to FCBOE for jumping into the 21st century when it comes to our children's<br />

education. This is just the beginning. We can not be complacent but must continue to push forward so that the stigma of<br />

poor educational systems can change and not negatively impact the future of our students.<br />

7 of 103<br />

Sep 13, 2011 7:39 PM<br />

Sep 13, 2011 4:23 PM<br />

Sep 13, 2011 2:14 PM<br />

Sep 13, 2011 12:14 PM<br />

Sep 13, 2011 10:21 AM<br />

Sep 13, 2011 10:06 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

57 Allowing more options creates a well rounded child and allows the student to grow and enjoy what's important to them<br />

during their high school years!<br />

58 I urge you to carefully consider the consequences of your decision about the schedule change. While I understand a<br />

change is needed, I feel ADAMANT that any gap between instruction and EOY or AP tests will be detrimental to the<br />

success of our students. Please do not choose the 3x5 trimester option.<br />

59 Where's the choice to keep it as is? Why are we going to spend money (it WILL cost money to make a change) on this<br />

when our school system is broke?! We had enough experiments with the math curriculum. No more experiments with my<br />

kids.<br />

60 addtional period meets all needs and 3x5 hybrid is dysfunctional in improving knowledge base for college bound students<br />

in that it is disruptive unless you plan on co-oping for part of your day.<br />

61 I am more concerned about the content of courses and the instructional activities than about the schedule per se. I feel<br />

that there can be more opportunity for active participation and project-oriented learning when class periods are longer. I<br />

believe that this can provide the opportunity for teachers to challenge students and encourage them to reflect on<br />

information, integrate concepts, and apply information in meaningful ways. This can allow students to remain more<br />

intellectually curious, more active and self-directed in their learning, and more skilled in critical/evaluative thinking. It can<br />

allow opportunities to connect academic learning to moral/ethical decision-making and meaningful community<br />

involvement. These qualities are crucial for success in college and beyond, as well as for retaining enjoyment of learning.<br />

IF the longer "block" classes of the proposed trimester system are used for this kind of active learning, then they would be<br />

superior to the shorter-period/ more-classes-per-day schedule. If longer classes were used for memorizing endless facts,<br />

completing worksheets, and learning how to select the right answer on tests, then the length of the class period and<br />

number of weeks in each class would be irrelevant.<br />

62 Multiple answers are required for some of the questions above. Children need the option to have many years of foreign<br />

language, AP classes as well as othere electives. One of my children has a passion for chorus and band. Why limit<br />

children. Some type of 7 period day schedule is needed. A 7 period day is what the middle school utilize and they still<br />

have time to get teacher help "warrior time" at JC Booth.<br />

63 I think the families should have been involved before the board made these decisions. I think that the fine arts (and I am<br />

an artist) should be an after school thing. OUr students are already low when it comes to Eng. Math Science History. By<br />

the way I did not see one history course offered. Once our kids are in college they can persue extra curricular activities.<br />

We need to quit trying to offer everything and offer the important basics. IF people need extra help, they get it after<br />

school. If they don't keep their grades they don't play sports. It is the students and parents responsibility to make the<br />

grades. Yes, there should be help but that is after school which would give them more incentive to study. I hope the high<br />

schools give more homework than the middle schools. This idea of no homework is teaching the students that they don't<br />

need to work outside of class. They are going to be in big trouble when they get to college. OUr students are being<br />

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Sep 13, 2011 9:47 AM<br />

Sep 13, 2011 8:42 AM<br />

Sep 12, 2011 11:55 PM<br />

Sep 12, 2011 9:10 PM<br />

Sep 12, 2011 8:23 PM<br />

Sep 12, 2011 8:00 PM<br />

Sep 12, 2011 3:23 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

coddled. I do not like any of these choices. If there are AP students, they could test out of the subjects and get their<br />

credits that way and still be able to take the AP courses. WE could cut out the Feb. week long vacation since they just<br />

had one a month or so ago. WHat about a schedule like this everyday: English Math Science History Foreign Language<br />

PE THere is your 6 period day. Band, sports etc. after school.<br />

64 on the 3x5 schedule, have Eng1Aand Eng1B the 1st 2 trimesters then in the 3rd trimester let them take the AP,<br />

Band,etc. class in the spring. But DO NOT break up classes with two parts.<br />

65 Students on college track who are high achievers can handle the extra courseload and would make better use of the<br />

extra period to advance their studies.<br />

66 <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> has a good reputation for superior education performance. I strongly believe we should provide the<br />

students to get more credits that will meet college requirements. I also strongly believe that AP/Band students should<br />

not have to make difficult decisions because of class schedule conflicts.<br />

67 Begin after Labor Day End Memorial Day Students that are college bound should have schedules linked to college<br />

schedule. For instance, my son attends Savannah College of Art and Designs. This private institution has classes<br />

Monday - Thursday. The instructors give them so much academic work that Friday is considered a class day but outside<br />

of the class. Class work is scheduled for Fridays as well. Have classes set up to linked/liason to college. Students make<br />

choices geared to vocation/career of choice. Classes should be focus toward major/minors in college. More classes on<br />

managing money.<br />

68 Where is the option for keeping the schedule as it is? It WILL cost money to change the schedule. Why are we<br />

considering this during a budget crisis? Plus, student achievement WILL drop initially if you move to a trimester or block.<br />

Many of us have seniors that suffered through the change of the math curriculum. Can we get a break for our younger<br />

kids? I don't want the lower scores that will come with a schedule change.<br />

69 I feel that in addition to providing more opportunities for the arts and for AP learning... the 3x5 offers a better daily<br />

schedule for our teachers with a better ability to spend more individual time with students as well as bring a larger wealth<br />

of understanding. I believe that this layout is more similar to collegiate layout as well. Adding more classes at once<br />

doesn't help, but allowing more classes and relieving the level of stress at the same time seems like a win, win. I do think<br />

you need to post a proposed yearly calendar for this however to make sure that people are clear about the way it would<br />

be laid out, even though it's the same amount of weeks.<br />

70 Concerned with teacher retraining for longer periords. Per my HS students, most teachers lecture and do not use<br />

interactive type teachig stratgies so I would be concerened with the 90 minute classes on well teachers would really<br />

adjust even with additional training. I have been told that the classes are boring and it is hard to stay awake.<br />

9 of 103<br />

Sep 12, 2011 3:12 PM<br />

Sep 12, 2011 2:59 PM<br />

Sep 12, 2011 2:52 PM<br />

Sep 12, 2011 2:30 PM<br />

Sep 12, 2011 2:30 PM<br />

Sep 12, 2011 1:36 PM<br />

Sep 12, 2011 10:45 AM<br />

71 I have older children who've been able to get fine arts scholarships to college, but my younger child is losing that Sep 12, 2011 10:08 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

opportunity because it's too difficult to fit fine arts electives into the schedule and still do AP classes, foreign language,<br />

etc. It is IMPERATIVE that we move to a 7-period day to give our kids the adequate time to get in all of the electives or<br />

other classes they desire during all 4 years of high school.<br />

72 I'm thankful that you have given me an opportunity to express my thoughts regarding this matter. I'm not enthused about<br />

either choice. Although I think it is great for the students to have more chances to explore the electives, I also feel the<br />

need for a more consistent schedule and teacher will benefit the kids better. Also, the longer day just doesn't sound like a<br />

good fix for those kids who are struggling. If the electives (ex. drawing, design) were changed to fit a semester option as<br />

opposed to year round maybe this would help. This would exclude electives under Fine Arts or Foreign Language.<br />

73 For those students who enjoy being in the fine arts program, the 3x5 trimester schedule would create a gap in their fine<br />

arts' competitive program, which is what most <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> schools' fine arts programs value.<br />

10 of 103<br />

Sep 11, 2011 10:13 PM<br />

Sep 11, 2011 9:17 PM<br />

74 My student is doing excellent academically and is a Jr. We want what is in her best interest. Sep 10, 2011 10:38 PM<br />

75 Don't think it is fair to penalize students who do well by making them attend instructional focus periods and have a longer<br />

school day. This is teaching to the bottom of the class, and although this may be politically correct, is unfair to the<br />

brightest students. I think it's OK to have those who need it take instructional focus and let the others take something<br />

else.<br />

76 We need more emphasis on dual enrollment with college courses. My 2008 and 2011 graduates senior year was nothing<br />

but a box checked. We need innovative solutions!<br />

77 If a foreign language is required to enter college (considering that a high % of students do attend college), these classes<br />

MUST become required. Some colleges require 4-years of a foreign language, putting our children in a disadvantage to<br />

explore electives. I don't think is fair that students have to give up their electives in order to fullfill a requirement.<br />

Electives help students learn about a field of interest, before making the tough decision on what career path they'll make<br />

BEFORE getting themselves into a particular college/field.<br />

78 Some of the answers above aren't relevant as my child is a freshman. But, I think it is very important for her to be able to<br />

be competitive in college by having 3-4 years of foreign language, but also explore and expand her experience in all the<br />

fine arts areas, or even vocational training. These are often just as important as core classes to some who are going into<br />

fine art and like health fields.<br />

79 Perhaps the 7th period could be optional. If a child is doing well fitting in the classes they need in a 6 period, then they do<br />

not have to be assigned the 7th. 7th is literally for those who either need the credit recovery or the elective that would not<br />

fit due to core.<br />

Sep 10, 2011 10:09 PM<br />

Sep 10, 2011 9:44 PM<br />

Sep 10, 2011 2:33 PM<br />

Sep 10, 2011 1:41 PM<br />

Sep 10, 2011 10:56 AM<br />

80 I would like to see the high schools promote the option for online studies thru Ga Cyber Academy. Most students and Sep 9, 2011 9:40 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

parents of not aware of it. I think it would save money and time and allow more independent learning for the student who<br />

is capable of handling independent studies.<br />

81 As an educator, I feel that the 3 x 5 trimester schedule best suits the students in several ways. First, this type of schedule<br />

allows students to focus on fewer subjects as opposed to having manage many more academic subjects with a 7 period<br />

day. The amount of homework that comes with 7 period classes is tremendous. Second, the fewer classes allows for<br />

longer periods which gives the students opportunities to learn the material in different modalities, such as more lab time.<br />

Finally, this schedule is a mini version of what students going to college will have. Yes, there are teachers who will need<br />

to learn some new teaching techniques and strategies but those only benefit the students and the teachers. I know<br />

people don't like change but I think the change to 3 x 5 trimester would be for the best.<br />

82 We asked our children to look at the material and give us their thoughts. One is in high school now. The next one<br />

graduated from high school in our county 2 yrs ago and is in college now.Our other one graduated from h.s. in our county<br />

6 yrs. ago and has graduated from college. Interestingly all 3 chose Trimester as first choice and Hybrid as 2nd choice.<br />

They prefer less classes at a time instead of more. 7 traditional periods is too much. And all said the 7 hybrid schedule<br />

would be confusing but preferred over the traditional 7. The trimester concentrates the material instead of dragging it out.<br />

They all have said longer lab times would be good..<br />

83 I would like the Board of Education to consider not having all the schools breaks. Everytime I turn around the children are<br />

out of school. Our children need to learn as much as they can to be fully equipped to meet the challenges they will faced<br />

in the years to come.<br />

84 The 7 Period Day Hybrid <strong>Schedule</strong> would provide my child with an experience similar to what she will be expected to deal<br />

with in college.<br />

11 of 103<br />

Sep 9, 2011 9:16 PM<br />

Sep 9, 2011 5:55 PM<br />

Sep 9, 2011 5:51 PM<br />

Sep 9, 2011 11:25 AM<br />

85 better help sessions for students in chemistry and physics Sep 9, 2011 10:20 AM<br />

86 I would be interested in earlier days for high school and later start times for elementary. Sep 9, 2011 9:46 AM<br />

87 It sounds like the problem is one of quality, not available hours in the day. Please don't take away the traditional summer<br />

break.<br />

88 Please consider that the trimester schedule would also allow students to take more advanced courses through high<br />

school WITHOUT "doubling up" in any semester or year. For example, a student could take math each trimester and<br />

complete math I, II, and III by the end of the soph year. This would provide more students with advanced opportunities<br />

over the 4 years of high school without taking 2-3 math classes during the same semester. All students would benefit<br />

from this, not just "gifted" students.<br />

Sep 9, 2011 7:49 AM<br />

Sep 9, 2011 4:30 AM<br />

89 Our biggest worry would be teachers unable to utilize extended time with students. Having been through graduate school, Sep 8, 2011 10:11 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

there is nothing more rewarding than a well-prepared lesson from a dedicated teacher and there is nothing more<br />

frustrating than sitting in a dull class where the teacher rambles on, gives busy-work, just to fill the time. Proper staff<br />

development is key. Students need to have adequate opportunity to take foreign languages, advanced placement<br />

classes, art classes etc. These changes will be good for the students.<br />

90 I asked my son who is a Senior what his choice would be and he liked the Trimester better. Sep 8, 2011 1:56 PM<br />

91 I also do like the 3x5 Trimester... as my additional option. Thank you. Sep 8, 2011 10:06 AM<br />

92 My family moved here from a school( Leo <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Leo Indiana) that had a Trimester. When my son first scheduled<br />

his classes, I thought what Starr's Mill offered was limited as far as the variety of classes offered, and I also thought that it<br />

would be kind of boring having the same classes all year long as opposed to switching during the trimester. My son went<br />

all four years to Starr's Mill and is now in college. I just now asked his opinion and he said that he liked the trimesters<br />

better because classes were shorter overall and he didn't have to take the same class all year long, only 2 out of the 3.<br />

Plus another thing that I like about this is that the students get 30 credits. If I understand correctly, students needing help<br />

with a class would be more able to get it. Right now I have a daughter who is struggling in math. By the time she goes to<br />

see her teacher for extra help she only has somewhere around 10 minutes because of the time getting there and having<br />

to share the teacher with the other students who also need help. I am looking into getting her a tutor, but I wish Starr's<br />

Mill did like the colleges and offered different labs for students who need extra help.<br />

12 of 103<br />

Sep 7, 2011 9:29 PM<br />

93 Hands off Fine Arts and Band. Sep 7, 2011 9:20 PM<br />

94 We do not like the trimester system and believe that it will cause more harm than good. Sep 7, 2011 8:54 PM<br />

95 I believe this change is absolutely necessary, and I would support whichever is chosen. But, I like the hybrid schedule<br />

the best...a lot can be done in those extended class periods...great time for labs, group project work. My highschool<br />

worked on a similar schedule, but we actually had different ending times on the days when we had fewer classes.<br />

Sep 7, 2011 7:53 PM<br />

96 I vote to keep the traditional 6 Period day but that is not an option. Sep 7, 2011 6:33 PM<br />

97 I LOVE the Trimester I HATE the Hybrid I think the 7 periods could be overwhelming Sep 7, 2011 5:04 PM<br />

98 ALL YEAR ROUND SCHOOL Sep 7, 2011 4:14 PM<br />

99 need more vocational studies for all students to be able to work through college Sep 7, 2011 3:04 PM<br />

100 I do NOT like the potential "gaps" that could be there with some of the schedules! It could be more than 12 weeks also, if<br />

it is between school years--you have to take into consideration the summer months.<br />

Sep 7, 2011 2:04 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />




13 of 103<br />

Sep 7, 2011 1:40 PM<br />

102 The school calendar must be altered as well AND presented to the public before the decision is finalized. Sep 7, 2011 12:27 PM<br />

103 I would like block scheduling like my child did in a Catholic school in North Carolina and also in Australia. This allows the<br />

student to have a 6 or 7 day revolving schedule. So they do not take all the classes everyday...<br />

Sep 7, 2011 9:22 AM<br />

104 Start school in late August Sep 7, 2011 8:58 AM<br />



SUCCESS,,,,,,,,,,,,,<br />

Sep 7, 2011 2:41 AM<br />

106 I cant imagine the kids sitting through a 70-75 min class, 5 classes a day, day after day. Sep 6, 2011 10:27 PM<br />

107 My son just graduated from FCHS, my daughter will start HS next year. He was in Orchestra all four years and it is so<br />

true that he was unable to take very many electives. I think having the option for more classes would be so much better. I<br />

also think that having five classes to concentrate on versus seven would be beneficial.<br />

108 Board should research how competitive <strong>Fayette</strong> students where in relation to other school districts offering more credit<br />

hours, i.e., scholarships, SAT/ACT scores etc.<br />

109 I think the options are well thought out. Thank you for your hard work on this. I like the consideration to raise the ability<br />

of the students to earn more valuable credits for college and beyond.<br />

110 I do not feel any of these three schedules meet my child's needs. This survey seems skewed for band, chorus and<br />

orchestra. My response to question #3 indicates that I am pleased with the 6-period day. The zero period option offers<br />

those interested the chance to have another elective for 4 years--but that is their choice...I do not feel it should be pushed<br />

on everyone!<br />

Sep 6, 2011 10:10 PM<br />

Sep 6, 2011 10:04 PM<br />

Sep 6, 2011 9:26 PM<br />

Sep 6, 2011 9:11 PM<br />

111 Keep things the way they are. Sep 6, 2011 4:18 PM<br />

112 Need to make sure that the core classes given in high school to perspective college student athlettes meet NCAA and<br />

NAIA eligibility.<br />

113 i would like to see the school open after Labor day and end before Memorial Day 2nd opyion: 4 days a week school<br />

schedule<br />

Sep 6, 2011 3:42 PM<br />

Sep 6, 2011 2:25 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

114 I do think it is vital that students can continue with the same teacher in a particular content area. Sep 6, 2011 2:10 PM<br />

115 Adding more time to the school day is not a good option. Students already have homework and extra-curricular activities<br />

that take time after school. Extending school hours would have a severe negative impact on students who currently<br />

have jobs.<br />

116 The needs of the students should be considered whether they are planning for college, vocational or technical school.<br />

Teacher needs are also as important as they are the ones working with our children on a daily basis and preparing them<br />

for their future.<br />

117 Some survey! You ask communitry to take it and then dont offer a category for taking the test. I answered as if my<br />

college boy were still in school. Also, Q5 does not allow multiple answers. He required annual "recovery" and used<br />

several of the options. As a former student myself, I consider over 50 minute periods useful for only labs, etc.<br />

14 of 103<br />

Sep 6, 2011 10:42 AM<br />

Sep 6, 2011 7:58 AM<br />

Sep 6, 2011 5:56 AM<br />

118 The hybrid schedule is the least effective, in my opinion. Sep 6, 2011 2:52 AM<br />

119 AP classes and band are 2 important aspects to my children's education. I don't want them to miss out on these<br />

opportunities by moving to a schedule other than the 7 period day. Having a child with special needs, in high school, I<br />

know that frequent changing of teachers throughout the school year would be a detriment to his education, as well as<br />

extending the length of each period.<br />

Sep 5, 2011 11:46 PM<br />

120 I am completely opposed to the trimester schedule and feel that it is not in the best interest of our school system's needs. Sep 5, 2011 11:31 PM<br />

121 Consider instructional focus after second period or during the lunch window. Sep 5, 2011 11:23 PM<br />

122 The longer class period will give students the opportunity to focus on the subject and allow for more practice, which will<br />

make homework easier.<br />

Sep 5, 2011 11:09 PM<br />

123 The 3x5 Trimester is most like a college experience and I believe the vast majority of the students at MHS attend college. Sep 5, 2011 7:56 PM<br />

124 Do not like the 3 x 5 trimester schedule at all. Sep 5, 2011 5:24 PM<br />

125 It might be to everyones interest to have Band/Chorus/Orchestra in the Zero period offering, which would allow those<br />

students the opportunity to take more electives. It looks like the survey is focused on those students. As much as their<br />

parents pay for those activities I'm sure they would be more than happy to get them there for Zero period, which would<br />

allow them an extra elective slot during the day. If it is that important they will be at school ready for zero period. I think<br />

the tri-mester will create schedule issues if say a class is only offered in one of the tri-mesters, leaving students off path to<br />

take those classes they might like to take.<br />

Sep 5, 2011 5:16 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

126 I am concerned with 7 period day, students that take more academic classes will have too much homework and outside<br />

work to complete and keep up with.<br />

127 I went to year around school and the retention seemed much higher than what I experience with my son. I am ok with the<br />

class day being longer as well as long as there is more teaching time to the core classes durign that time<br />

128 7 classes will either make my child do too much work, or the extra classes will even be a further waste of time. My son<br />

already talks about how he feels that he only needs half the day to learn what he is learning in a full day.<br />

129 Not all children were represented equally in this presentation. Children who fail, are advanced, or are discipline issues<br />

are mentioned throughout. What about the kids with learning disabilities ? Are the LD teachers (collaborative) going to<br />

be increased if the # of classes though out the day increase? This could cause a cost to the district, which I did not see<br />

under any option. One would also think that if this is not even addressed and they are not considered in this equation<br />

then there would be a discrimination issue for FCBOE, correct?.<br />

130 How can you consider lengthening the school day, when there has also been serious talk about going to a 4-day week<br />

due to budget cuts? <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> students need time outside of school to work and engage in extra curricular activities<br />

that add breadth to their experiences. They do not need a longer school day. A well rounded person is not one who<br />

spends their entire day inside a building, and colleges are looking for people who are involved in their community and<br />

hold jobs in addition to a strong academic record. I am the parent of two children who have either taken band or chorus<br />

all four years. They had to make choices about their other classes, but they both ended up with strong academic records.<br />

I am OPPOSED to making a change in the high school schedule.<br />

131 None of the proposed schedules is ideal. 7 periods is probably too many if the students don't schedule a "down time"<br />

class or have opportunity for study hall. The Trimester is almost as bad as block scheduling for true learning (moves too<br />

fast). The hybrid schedule is just too confusing. If you go to the trimester schedule, what will you do if there's a week of<br />

snow. What about pep-rallies and other assemblies. Missing a day becomes much more critical affecting students who<br />

check out, athletes who leave early, and any other disruption in the day. And there are plenty of disruptions (I'm thinking<br />

firedrills, tornado drills, EOCT testing, graduation testing, etc.) Before changing the schedule, make sure you know how to<br />

protect the instructional time that will be at a premium.<br />

132 To have the hybrid schedule would be very confusing and provide too much inconsistency for our students. They need<br />

order and routine to function properly. To have the same teacher for the whole class too. Also, to allow for another class<br />

period would give students opportunities to take other electives and see where some potential career interests may lead.<br />

Our children are no longer given the opportunities to figure out what they might be good at, in terms of careers, before<br />

they head off to college and spend huge amounts of money in trying to decide what they would like to be. 15 minutes<br />

added to the day is not that bad when considering the positive opportunities that are more beneficial. We as parents and<br />

you as educators are responsible for setting high standards and expectations; not letting the students think it is alright to<br />

do just enough to get by. In terms of the 12 week "gap" during the year, if you mean to do away with the summer vacation<br />

15 of 103<br />

Sep 5, 2011 3:30 PM<br />

Sep 5, 2011 3:00 PM<br />

Sep 5, 2011 2:16 PM<br />

Sep 5, 2011 2:11 PM<br />

Sep 5, 2011 11:31 AM<br />

Sep 5, 2011 11:18 AM<br />

Sep 5, 2011 10:09 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

then NO! Our children need to be kids and enjoy summer, family trips, and summer activities. If you are considering<br />

year-round school, I highly disagree. Please let our children be children a bit longer and allow us as families to have that<br />

time to be together. Statistics in Orange and Seminole Counties in Florida show that year-round schools did not improve<br />

test scores at all. (I was a teacher there)<br />

133 I like the idea of the trimester and 7 period day, w/o the hybrid. I think both would provide more courses for the students<br />

(which will individualize the education for all learners), align with the course requirements for entrance into colleges, as<br />

well as being more "teacher-friendly".<br />

134 This survey very hard to answer. It was answered with my current high schl child in mind. But there were several areas<br />

that I thought of my middle schl child. Could have been answered different! This survey seems to be in fav of the high end<br />

student.<br />

135 I think credit recovery is a joke. Students can get by with doing VERY little and still get credit. I"m less concerned with<br />

which schedule that is offered. Students do need to be able to take more classes without giving up other things. Also the<br />

AP classes should be weighted and given more towards GPA than other classes.<br />

136 My child is in K however, I feel that giving student every opportunity to accrue the proper amount of credits to be prepared<br />

for college is paramount.<br />

16 of 103<br />

Sep 5, 2011 10:03 AM<br />

Sep 5, 2011 8:25 AM<br />

Sep 5, 2011 7:19 AM<br />

Sep 4, 2011 11:28 PM<br />

137 I prefer the 3x5 trimester block, but am concerned it will not allow my child to continue with chorus. Sep 4, 2011 9:35 PM<br />

138 Please keep the HS day as it is currently. The <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>School</strong> System is very competitive when it comes to<br />

college applications. Please do not add more to our children's days. More classes, longer classes will just cause more<br />

stress on our children in the BEST school system in GA!!!! Not something I vote for. Keep <strong>Fayette</strong> HS schedules just as<br />

they are. Thank you!!!<br />

139 For students who struggle, determine if it is the students inability to learn or if the teachers aren't teaching.If it is the<br />

students, hold them back and have them repeat course(s). You can't save every student.<br />

Sep 4, 2011 8:35 PM<br />

Sep 4, 2011 6:20 PM<br />

140 Focus should be spent on re-doing the math program for middle and high school, but especially high school. Sep 4, 2011 6:05 PM<br />

141 The 7 Period Day <strong>Schedule</strong> is adequately challenging, not confusing, and an easy transition from middle school. Also, I<br />

like the sample schedule as it is shown on the Powerpoint presentation.<br />

Sep 4, 2011 5:59 PM<br />

142 Accel Program (dual-enrollment) would be difficult to schedule with the 3x5 trimester and 7 period hybrid schedules. Sep 4, 2011 5:48 PM<br />

143 My children have graduated but, as a parent of a graduated student, I felt that my feedback was also important. Sep 4, 2011 10:55 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

144 My kids are in Elementary school. I feel that these decisions are not relevant to me right now. I am sure they will<br />

change again before my kids get to high school.<br />

17 of 103<br />

Sep 4, 2011 10:51 AM<br />

145 An additional survey is needed for parents whose children are not in high school. Too much was n/a. Sep 3, 2011 10:44 PM<br />





DO YOU REMEMBER IN 1970 WHEN AS LONG AS YOU MADE AVERGAGE Grades, you got a diploma. WHAT A<br />

SHAME!! Special needs does not mean Stupid! It means different stengths, different dreams!<br />

147 I would like students in <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>School</strong>s to have same opportunity as other students. So lets do what is needed to bring<br />

our students inline with the others.<br />

148 Since the seven period day is the smallest change that could be made, it is the best because my child is unwilling to<br />

cooperate with the trimester sdchedule since she will end with an uncompleted credit. That is ridiculous that it is being<br />

consiedered. Also, please take into account that many children would like to have the same teacher all year and a twelve<br />

week gap between a class is not a good idea. The so called "studies" that kids retain information through a twelve week<br />

gap does not pertain to everyone. Trimester would be the worst decision to go with of the three, in my opinion. I prefer the<br />

seven period day.<br />

149 Human beings learn in different ways. I strongly agree with the longer instructional time for the teacher to instruct by<br />

demonstration and by lecture.<br />

Sep 3, 2011 6:37 PM<br />

Sep 3, 2011 6:10 PM<br />

Sep 3, 2011 5:57 PM<br />

Sep 3, 2011 5:55 PM<br />

150 Note that 7 Period Day Hybrid <strong>Schedule</strong> is very much like many European systems. Sep 3, 2011 12:43 PM<br />

151 Students do not need to take an additional classes! The advanced students would choose academic electives which<br />

would further increase the rediculous amount of homework they have now. How would they have the time to be able to<br />

participate in the extra-curricular activites that the colleges are looking for on the applications? The average and below<br />

average students struggle with 6 classes as is. Adding to their class load would likely increase the failure rates. The 3x5<br />

would be successful if stake-holders could view trimester courses as individual classes much like college. I certainly<br />

hope that the county will make the results of the survey public information and not manipulate the results to reflect the<br />

option they prefer.<br />

152 Our children and we see advantages of school hours being extended to 8:25am until 4pm. Even that extra time would be<br />

helpful.<br />

Sep 3, 2011 10:53 AM<br />

Sep 3, 2011 10:14 AM<br />

153 The 7-period day schedule will prepare and condition the high school students for college...and understand the college Sep 3, 2011 7:35 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

schedule that they will experience during their college days.<br />

154 Both of my children had to drop band, something they enjoyed, to be able to experience either a foreign language, drama<br />

or advanced placement. <strong>High</strong> school may be the only time that some teens will be able to experience an area that<br />

interests them that may possibly take their future in a different and more rewarding direction. ALL teens regardless of<br />

academic success need to be able to have an elective of their choice.<br />

155 We've got some highly qualified, experienced teachers. While some amount of staff development may be indicated, we<br />

can trust them to rise to the occassion. The bottom line is what offers the best educational practice for our students!<br />

Inconvenience should not be a concern.<br />

156 As a graduate of McIntosh HS and now as a parent of a child in the <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>School</strong> system, I think it is incredibly<br />

important to keep our kids on track to be prepared for college. I didn't get what I needed for college and I have never<br />

been able to catch up on my college math. Every kid learns differently, but I know it would be really difficult for me to pay<br />

attention to a 70 minute class. I know it is irrelevant to this discussion, but I know when I was in school there was talk of<br />

a year round school year. Even as a kid I supported this idea because I forgot everything over the summer and each new<br />

school year was a new struggle. Good luck with this new plan.<br />

18 of 103<br />

Sep 3, 2011 12:04 AM<br />

Sep 2, 2011 8:28 PM<br />

Sep 2, 2011 8:07 PM<br />

157 Cannot remember which one above is the 4 day a week schedule. That is the one my family votes to adopt. Thank you Sep 2, 2011 4:07 PM<br />

158 Please continue to support the fine arts. So many studies have been done to support the ability of these programs to<br />

enhance student performance in all academic areas. The arts program is a strong advantage that <strong>Fayette</strong> county schools<br />

have in attracting higher-performing students.<br />

Sep 2, 2011 3:39 PM<br />

159 No information was supplied on a possible negative impact to sports programs by implementing a longer school day. Sep 2, 2011 2:46 PM<br />

160 Adding an additional period means more homework. My child is already overwhelmed with extracurricular activities and<br />

trying to keep up with school work. Extending the school day takes away from homework time and adding an extra<br />

period adds to the amount of homework.<br />

161 I would like for my son to compete effectively for college placement. Therefore I support a longer school day to add an<br />

additional period to earn extra credit hours and have enhanced educational experiences.<br />

162 I think it is important to give kids time for electives. I took typing even though I was on the college track. Thank God<br />

because I use computers every day of my life and I can type quickly and efficiently. I want my son to be able to take as<br />

many AP classes as possible. I earned college credit back in 1984 thanks to AP.<br />

163 I would recommend 3x5 Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong> so that students do not feel 7 subjects too heavy on them. Instead, they<br />

could have the 3 x 5 Trimester in order to gain more credits. Thank you.<br />

Sep 2, 2011 2:04 PM<br />

Sep 2, 2011 12:58 PM<br />

Sep 2, 2011 11:32 AM<br />

Sep 2, 2011 11:13 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

164 Why was there no option to keep the school hours the same? Slanted survey and hard to answer without additional info. Sep 2, 2011 11:12 AM<br />

165 I believe the students have enough on their plate with the current schedule and I do not want to overwhelm my child with<br />

additional periods.<br />

166 Another option not presented in this discussion is to introduce AP classes as sophomores or freshman. Our students are<br />

at a disadvantage when compared to others when applying to college based on current practces. Many students take<br />

gifted classes which have difficult curriculum without a compensation in the grading scale for these more difficult studies.<br />

By introducing AP classes to sophomores such as an AP history or AP physics as a junior instead of gifted History as a<br />

sophomore or honors Physics as a Junior will enable students to compete with other states and schools in the amount of<br />

AP classes they are able to take and will improve our counties standings when applying to colleges.<br />

167 I have three children in <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> schools, Brooks Elementery & W.M.S. one will be going to W.H.S. next year. I<br />

believe the schedule should stay the same. The changes that need to be made should not be from education or the fine<br />

arts or team sports. There should be a way of cutting back (example: The <strong>School</strong> Board) the monies they earn could be<br />

decreased or a lay off of some jobs that are not so impacting on so many lives. The United States is in terrible economic<br />

times but there has to be a better way. Jamie Blalock<br />

168 what we have works, don't change something for the few that struggle and penalize others that are working hard and<br />

doing fine and need a part time job after school. Close every college of education in the country so we no longer have<br />

these foolish ideas!.<br />

169 I that by increasing the day would not harm a student but rather allow him/her an opportunity to take something that they<br />

want to choose. I think school is about being well rounded as a person, it is not completely academic. Colleges want to<br />

see well rounded students, we have been through that process once already with our son and if a student does not show<br />

that they are well rounded, it drops them down a notch in the application process. I believe that students need to have<br />

both academics, fine arts and PE along with foreign language. I don't think it would benefit my child to have a 3x5<br />

schedule and totally believe it would hinder her college process. She is only in 9th grade and I don't want anything like a<br />

schedule to hinder her from going to the college of her choice.<br />

170 If colleges require a foreign language, why isn't it mandatory? Even if a child isn't going directly to college after HS, they<br />

want to in the future.<br />

171 My Child is currently in Middle school and has an IEP. I think that the 7 class schedule that he is currently on works great<br />

and would prefer to continue with what we have adjusted to. This 7 class schedule will also benefit difficult learners such<br />

as my son.<br />

172 More consideration needs to made for student that work hard but are in extra help classes instead of being able to have<br />

at least one class of activity that requires no sitting at a desk. These schools seem to only recognize the importance of<br />

19 of 103<br />

Sep 2, 2011 11:00 AM<br />

Sep 2, 2011 9:54 AM<br />

Sep 2, 2011 9:49 AM<br />

Sep 2, 2011 9:40 AM<br />

Sep 2, 2011 8:20 AM<br />

Sep 2, 2011 8:06 AM<br />

Sep 2, 2011 6:18 AM<br />

Sep 2, 2011 12:25 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

children that exceed and forget the children that do struggle still need a break AT school.<br />

173 My key criteria are to keep the schools as competitive as possible against other schools in the nation, keep classroom<br />

time to 75 minutes or less (90 minutes would be too long, and 60 is very tight for labs, etc), keep the schedule the same<br />

every day.<br />

174 currently have a freshman. Daughter graduated in 2010. She took online econ and political science so that she could take<br />

an extra science. There were other academic and career electives she would have loved to have taken if she could have<br />

fit it into her schedule. <strong>High</strong> schoolers need to be able to fit in more classes whether for remedial purposes, to take more<br />

AP classes, or to explore other career-related electives.<br />

175 None of the above options appear to be acceptable answers to the many problems that the school system is having right<br />

now. We are unable to create a budget with out a short fall, but we are looking at adding the amount of hours teachers<br />

will teach. This should mean raises for the teachers and if it does not then they are not being acceptably compensated.<br />

Trimesters for children with learning disabilities sets them up to fail. Information is presented too fast. Students can only<br />

be expected to focus for so long. Extending the school day sets the children up for not learning as well. The reality is<br />

that a child who struggles with classes needs to focus on academics and to not acknowledge that does them a disservice.<br />

For children who are focused on college, that should be their focus and we should not be adjusting things to include<br />

classes that do not satisfy their needs to enter college. An acceptable way to handle adding in more fine arts to the day<br />

would be to have "clubs" such as glee club to allow the students to participate after school. If students want to participate<br />

there could be a fee for joining, which would help to defray the costs of having teachers present beyond the school day.<br />

Many kids choose to participate in theater by utilizing community play houses, which extends their social network and<br />

helps them to build self esteem in regard to networking with people outside of their normal school day. These types of<br />

options should be considered, since the three options above set several subsets of students up for failure.<br />

20 of 103<br />

Sep 1, 2011 11:11 PM<br />

Sep 1, 2011 10:52 PM<br />

Sep 1, 2011 5:23 PM<br />

176 I think the old model of starting on Memorial day and ending school at the end of May was best and should be reinstated. Sep 1, 2011 5:11 PM<br />

177 70 minutes in a classroom is too much time! as an adult, I lose interest and motivation after about 50 minutes. The five<br />

period day will end up being less productive because of this. The hybrid schedule is way too confusing for students.<br />

With three different class order days and two different class time lengths, it will be confusing from day to day. In the<br />

hybrid example, english follows biology on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. But on Wednesday, It follows health. This will<br />

be very confusing trying to remember where to go next in your schedule. Thus, the seven period day will be best for<br />

students.<br />

178 If I am reading this correctly, by choosing the 7-day hybrid schedule, this would allow more class time, especially for core<br />

subjects and would also allow all children to have the chance for electives...plus for struggling students, this option would<br />

allow for credit recovery and the most balance in the school day. If I am correct, this is my choice.<br />

Sep 1, 2011 4:17 PM<br />

Sep 1, 2011 3:47 PM<br />

179 Will there be a work program offered where students will be able to leave early to go to work and still receive vocational Sep 1, 2011 2:57 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

credit with a corresponding course?<br />

180 I think it's very important to avoid stretching the length of school days to much more than 15-20 minutes added on. Some<br />

students need to work for an income. Others are heavily involved in extracurricular activities that could result in<br />

scholarships upon graduation. Lengthening the school day could in some cases jeapordize those students.<br />

181 Do not increase length of the school day and please consider shortening the length of day back to original time schedule<br />

by removing IFP<br />

182 hybrid schedules are not a good idea for some children who function better with a routine. Kids with anxiety, Aspergers<br />

etc would do better with the same schedule daily.<br />

183 My children are in MS. They were emphatic that a longer class is rarely needed, would most likely not be utilized well, and<br />

that they are ready to change classes after 50 minutes. Personally, I would like a 4 day week and/or a longer summer<br />

break with less time given for Christmas.<br />

184 Young adults should be afforded the opportunity to choose elective classes after meeting core requirements. Our<br />

students should also be required to complete credit hours to compete with other schools for college recognition in<br />

addition to picking up extra credit hours if they choose. A 3x5 trimester schedule will transition them from middle school<br />

to a typical college schedule better than the two 7-period day schedules. This is an amazing option and opportunity for<br />

our children.<br />

185 need study hall for those students that cannot handle another course or if the student is taking very demanding course if<br />

the school goes to 7 period day<br />

186 My child transferred from East Coweta to McIntosh this year, and EC has 4 classes per day... longer class times & higher<br />

credit offered per class due to the longer class time. I attended <strong>Fayette</strong> Co schools all my life, so this was somewhere<br />

weird to me; however, having a child used to 4 longer classes now going to 6 shorter classes, the longer periods were<br />

much more successful (grade wise). She is now struggling to keep 6 grades opposed to 4 -- please don't allow 7 periods!<br />

The trimester would be IDEAL - 30 credits would be a wonderufl oppurtunity is all students!! If a student fails a class,<br />

there would be much less pressure on the parent to take child to summer school, etc. Plus, 4 years foreign language<br />

would be wonderful, considering I am very thankful I took just the 2 years Spanish in highschool that I did - because this<br />

country is changing FAST and jobs are getting more and more limited! Speaking a foreign language would be a very BIG<br />

asset is the job market!! Please consider my plea! Thank you!!<br />

21 of 103<br />

Sep 1, 2011 2:00 PM<br />

Sep 1, 2011 1:57 PM<br />

Sep 1, 2011 1:21 PM<br />

Sep 1, 2011 1:17 PM<br />

Sep 1, 2011 1:05 PM<br />

Sep 1, 2011 12:53 PM<br />

Sep 1, 2011 11:16 AM<br />

187 With the BoE short $10M where will the extra money come from Sep 1, 2011 11:12 AM<br />

188 7 Day give the consistency of repeat subjects, but the flexibility to go into more depth in a class when it has a longer<br />

period on some days.<br />

Sep 1, 2011 10:38 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

189 1. I would suggest Dr. Bearden & the Board focus on QUALITY vs. quantity. The claim other <strong>School</strong> Systems flaunt they<br />

provide 30 credits with foreign language for at least 2 years really means nothing if our <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> students are not truly<br />

learning the basic core courses. FCBOE needs to focus on "1st Things First". Get the basics right...remove anything that<br />

distracts from that focus. I recognize this "<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Day" revision process started before Dr. Bearden assumed the<br />

position of <strong>School</strong> Superintendent. However, he should have a significant say in the final decision. 2. It is disingenuous<br />

to say that there is no additional cost to implement the "3x5 Trimester" schedule. You state that teachers will need to be<br />

retrained in their teaching techniques. This will take time (which is money) and resources (which cost money) to make<br />

happen. So your objective internal assessment of the Advantages v. Disadvantages for each option is suspect to me. 3.<br />

Finally, help me understand why the "Committee" did not consist of any parents. Would it also have benefitted the<br />

process to have the "paying customers" (property tax paying parents) included in the development, evaluation and<br />

presentation of these options? This <strong>Survey</strong> does not qualify as Parental Input...it is a barometer, not a conduit to forge<br />

the program.<br />

22 of 103<br />

Sep 1, 2011 10:33 AM<br />

190 No year round school!!!!!! Sep 1, 2011 8:42 AM<br />

191 I do not agree with extending the school day. This year's extension was more than enough!! Sep 1, 2011 8:39 AM<br />

192 I feel that a trimester or hybrid schedule changes would be even more detrimental to students who are already struggling. Aug 31, 2011 10:11 PM<br />

193 i prefer a year round school schedule with a 6 week break from Thanksgiving to New years and a 6 week break for the<br />

summer<br />

194 #7 - Despite having a ~3.6 GPA and wanting to take AP courses, my child's application to take AP courses as a junior<br />

was denied. I hope the schedule change will allow more smart students to take AP courses if they want to do so. #9 -<br />

12 My child takes visual arts and would like to take it and a foreign language all four years. #17 From what I have heard<br />

from my kid and other parents and students, the instructional focus period has not worked well in practice, largely<br />

because students found it difficult to meet with some teachers because they needed to arrange in advance to meet with<br />

them.<br />

195 It is a well documented fact that most children learn better in a consistent environment. If a child wishes to take an<br />

additional elective, Zero period is already offered. If a child needs to take credit recovery, they can do so already on line<br />

or after school. AP classes for the most part are a waste of time and can be detrimental to their Hope GPA because<br />

Hope deducts points when considering grades due to weighted averages in AP Classes. Also, most colleges will not give<br />

credit for AP classes unless a student scores a 5 in the final AP test. Hope gives no consideration for the fact that AP<br />

students take much harder courses, so I do not consider AP<br />

Aug 31, 2011 10:03 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 9:57 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 9:57 PM<br />

196 Students need some classes that they can enjoy rather than 5 hours of academics with one interest class. Aug 31, 2011 9:37 PM<br />

197 I believe continuity with a class schedule and teacher is very important. The 3 x 5 schedule will cause gaps in student's Aug 31, 2011 9:31 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

schedules for the year. the hybrid just seems to scattered and confusing. It believe the best option is the 7 period<br />

schedule.<br />

198 The 3x5 seems most favorable to most students, they like having the options. And for the ones that do not like their<br />

current teachers it gives them a chance to change them. But aside from that it seems the most convenient for every child<br />

who is struggling or taking AP classes because they get more time to understand the concepts.<br />

199 Have you read the avg. entrance profiles for GaTech and UGA? Wake up! Its a different era! Fun classes like art, chorus,<br />

drama are a thing of the past. These kids are running with the big dogs to compete and get jobs! Time to toughen up!<br />

200 The same opportunities are available to ALL students. My child shouldn't be punished by a longer school day, etc. So that<br />

a child that doesn't work as hard or care as much can have the opportunity to take a fun class or make up credits in<br />

school. If they failed a class it was their fault, you can be tutored by peers or come in before/after school to seek extra<br />

help. Doing these things only makes students LESS responsible for their own actions to help themselves succeed.<br />

201 Why would MHS staff be concerned about whether a lower performing student gets to take a "fun" elective. These<br />

students should be pushed to the limit to improve their GPA and grades. Forget the electives and get them into<br />

academics!!!!<br />

202 I want my child to be competitive when it comes time to choosing a college and the trimester selection will give her that<br />

opportunity. I like the idea of longer class times so she can get additional feedback and guidance from the teacher if she<br />

needs clarification on a topic.<br />

203 Honestly, I don't like any of these options. It is very difficult for a child who has attention issues and is not on medication<br />

like the rest of the world to keep focused for 70 minutes of instructional time! When they are older and in college, they<br />

are better at handling those lengthy class times because they have matured and learned what works for them. In regard<br />

to the 7 period day, less time in class and more courses is not the answer, either. That means more homework for the<br />

kids. When you have a child who has to work hard to get good grades, they spend more time at home working on their<br />

work. Add more classes, now they are staying up later or having to give up a sport or music lesson or scouts because<br />

they can't fit it all in. And what about family time? Our society is already falling apart because of the breakdown of the<br />

family unit. It's getting harder and harder to have time to sit down together as a family for dinner--give the kids more<br />

classes, they will have more homework and that valuable time with the family will erode away to nothing. I think you<br />

should keep things the way they are with regard to the number of classes offered and shorten the high school day back to<br />

what it was last year. This extra 20 minute thing is NOT going to help the kids you are targeting. It's detrimental to all the<br />

students, in my opinion. Thank you for the opportunity to express our opinions and we appreciate you having our<br />

children's best interests in mind.<br />

204 All of the options do not meet the needs of my child. The schools need to offer more AP classes, different electives, and<br />

open up more foreign language classes. They also need to get rid of problem teachers instead of just shift them around<br />

23 of 103<br />

Aug 31, 2011 9:19 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 9:11 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 8:06 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 7:35 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 6:41 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 6:24 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 4:47 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

in the system.<br />

205 I like the idea of the Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong>. I just think the time in class may be too long for the students unless there was<br />

some sort of lab / simulation that would keep their attention. Let's face it, we are in the technology age and many of our<br />

students like interaction while learning. The possibility that my student may not have the same teacher has its pros and<br />

cons - my student usually likes their teachers or has good rapport with them. I do agree something does need to be done<br />

with the current way to earn credits for school. Way to go <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong>.<br />

206 I went to school/college on the Quarter system which seems to be the same thing as a "Trimester" system. I always liked<br />

3x10 week quarters/yr and never saw the need or advantave to move to 2x16 week semesters.<br />

207 Was the 4 class block schedule considered and rejected? My child was on this schedule for 9th grade in Catoosa <strong>County</strong><br />

and older child also in 12th grade in Cherokee <strong>County</strong>. This can allow up to 8 credits per year.<br />

208 My daughter is in the Healthcare Tech program at Whitewater which she loves. Unfortunately it will take 2 class periods<br />

next year and prevent her from taking additional year in a Foreign Language or additional AP courses. Our high schools<br />

are behind compared to others in terms of AP courses available. Students must be able to take a number and variety of<br />

courses outside of the core areas of Mathematics, English, Science and Social Studies. Many universities require a year<br />

of fine arts to apply.<br />

24 of 103<br />

Aug 31, 2011 3:40 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 3:19 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 3:08 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 2:45 PM<br />

209 My daughter is in sports and this would continue without interruption. Aug 31, 2011 2:09 PM<br />

210 Close two elementary schools and one middle school AND RE-DISTRICT! Then make all Board Members work on a<br />

volunteer/ unpaid basis (it is, or should be, an honor to serve).<br />

211 I think this will allow students tha ability to take other classes that they may not have initially tried and give them a broader<br />

look at other activities. Also, there may be conflicts between student/teacher and a shorter semester would help that<br />

issue. My child had a teacher they struggled with the first semester last year failing it and then switched teachers the 2nd<br />

semester and passed the class with a B. I grew up doing a 3x5 Trimester schedule in New York who also follows the<br />

Regents Program and I think it is an excellent option. I think semester are far too long and students can begin to lose<br />

interest.<br />

212 start school after Labor Day and end at Memorial Day and cut out all the week long breaks throughout the school year. It<br />

will save energy, jobs and give the students a chance to have time away from academic studies to pursue other extracurricular<br />

activites that are important to having a well rounded student.<br />

213 My children are in elementary school, however the 3 x 5 trimester schedule will allow more credits to be earned and more<br />

instructional time<br />

Aug 31, 2011 2:05 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 1:36 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 1:34 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 1:29 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

214 no year round schooling. Please. It failed in California. Aug 31, 2011 1:03 PM<br />

215 The 3x5 is the most flexible and will give the students an experience closer to college. If the right teachers are in place,<br />

students will embrace the idea of focusing on one subject with a them for 70 minutes. The pros of going to this layout<br />

simply outweigh all the other options.<br />

216 Intro to physics, chemistry also must be started as an option at 9th grade if needed by reducing the hrs for band, music,<br />

and languages. I think the board must conduct a in depth study of other educationally (science & math) advanced<br />

countries and examine the aspects that could be introduced in our school system.<br />

217 a schedule that allows kids who are in band and wil take a language the opportunity to also have another elective like<br />

drama<br />

218 <strong>High</strong> school students should end their day by 220pm. The day is entirely too long. My student feedback indicates that<br />

there is a lot of down time doing nothing in class. Complete and utter boredom. While I don't think that teachers, of<br />

course, are there to entertain, they need to lecture, engage their students - and stimulate their interest in the subject<br />

matter; to inspire.<br />

219 Listen, quit screwing things that have worked up. Go back to beginning school after Labor Day and ending the 1st week<br />

of June and we wouldn't have 3 deaths due to football in the state of GA. Quit doing useless stuff just to do stuff. Waste of<br />

money and time. Reward those students who work hard and allow them to succeed and FAIL those students who don't<br />

work hard. Quit putting our kids through the "spread the wealth" mentality!!!!<br />

220 When I was in high school, I attended a school that was on a trimester system and I had honors/AP classes. The longer<br />

class times gave me greater learning time to soak in the information. I love this option specifically for this reason. Thank<br />

you all for allowing the parents feedback about our children's school day.<br />

221 Less classes, more time per class should increase the learning and attention of the students. the only mayor problem is<br />

band, choir schedule to keep practice continusly year around.<br />

25 of 103<br />

Aug 31, 2011 12:49 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 12:29 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 12:08 PM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 11:43 AM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 10:59 AM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 10:02 AM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 9:38 AM<br />

222 None of these schedules are acceptable. Aug 31, 2011 9:36 AM<br />

223 Shorter periods leave little time for good instruction. After students settle, papers handed in or out, and students pack up,<br />

there is not enough time to really teach the lessons. Longer periods fix that. Though the courses may be more<br />

challenging due to shorter semesters, there are less classes to juggle. More like college.<br />

Aug 31, 2011 9:16 AM<br />

224 Please consider adding any extra time to the beginning of the school day. Aug 31, 2011 8:57 AM<br />

225 I moved here from another state that had a very good educational record; they used the 7 period day. <strong>Fayette</strong> has a great Aug 31, 2011 8:53 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

reputation for schooling, so it would be nice to keep that.<br />

226 1. The <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Day committee should include some parents. 2. <strong>School</strong> should run 0800-1500 every day and should<br />

begin the Tuesday after Labor Day and end the Friday before Memorial Day. This would reduce utilities & facilities costs<br />

as well as staff (teachers, bus drivers, maintenance folks, etc.). 3. Mental retention is better with shorter classes (50<br />

minutes). Students lose attention span with longer classes. 4. Reduce salaries of higher paid staff (BOE Office). 5. Sell<br />

schools that are not being utilized for education. 6. Sell additional properties purchased but not utilized. 7. Stop bussing<br />

students who live within a half-mile of their school unless the bus has to pass their way carrying those who may live more<br />

than half mile. They can walk, bicycle or golf cart (in Peachtree City) to school.<br />

227 70 plus minutes in one class makes it very difficult for any human to sit and pay attention that long. This would be a huge<br />

stumble block with many students.<br />

228 The 7th period schedule is something middle school is used to and it will not be as much of a burden on the teachers. I<br />

appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback.<br />

229 I think additional time to explore electives would make our students better prepared for knowing what they want to major<br />

in when they attend college. As the students are scheduled now, they have no time in their schedule for AP classes as<br />

well as career exploration. We are creating book knowledge students without allowing them to find themselves at this<br />

young age.<br />

230 my biggest concern is that we dont get caught up trying to let everyone have the same education when everyone is<br />

differant there are kids who wll excell and I dont want to see things dumbed down. I have learning disabilities and for me<br />

that means working twice as hard. I do did it. I would hate to see our scores go down because we move our focus to just<br />

passing everyone and not making sure that the education they have the oppertunity to get is the best avalible if a kid cant<br />

do the basics they really dont need to have extras. focus on the fundamentals and after that comes the rest.<br />

231 We need to meet needs of all, not just academic. Most of our kids are being left behind. One can be gifted in many area<br />

s, not just in academics.<br />

232 no time for choral and art..why should this opportunity be taken? However, I would recommend for students to duo enroll<br />

in college, rather than take ap classes! I feel this is the future! Why expand a high school, when we should teach our<br />

students to enroll in college, get credits on line or summer school. If a student goes to college with 18 credits, that says a<br />

lot!!<br />

233 It seems that <strong>Fayette</strong> students have always fared very well both in palcement and more importantly in completion of<br />

college. This seems to be more of a "fix what is not broken" approach. The class work is already pretty weak, in terms of<br />

general knowledge and consistancy. It might be better to have the day extended, but keep 6 periods giving the students<br />

and teachers more time. An additional class helps little in my view, but has the potential to further seprate the students<br />

26 of 103<br />

Aug 31, 2011 8:51 AM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 8:44 AM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 8:35 AM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 8:35 AM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 8:27 AM<br />

Aug 31, 2011 12:36 AM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 11:35 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 11:02 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

that do well from those that struggle. I like the longer summer though :-)<br />

234 I do not believe we need to change the way the schedule is at all. The 6 period schedule was fine the way it was. Now the<br />

extra 20 minutes is pushing it a little bit but we dont need fewer or extra classes.<br />

235 DONT CHANGE THE SCHEDULE. There is no reason to. It worked fine with 6 periods a day for the past years.<br />

Instructional focus is going to be a complete waste of time. 20 minutes at the end of the day is a lot for a useless class.<br />

Students just want to do their after-school activities at that time. Who NEEDS 20 minutes at the end of the day that bad?<br />

What about freshman and sophomore STRAIGHT A students? They have to sit in a class and be 'instructed' about things<br />

that they already know? These schedules are crazy. Leave it as it is and don't waste your time.<br />

236 Having more classes in a day is not going to help the students who are currently struggling with the current 6 class<br />

schedule. Adding another class, then adding more time to the school day will give the students more homework and then<br />

less time in which to complete it. In addition, students in extracurriculars like band and/or sports are going to find<br />

themselves with an even bigger problem with study time. Of the options presented, the 3 X 5 trimester schedule is the<br />

best for everyone involved, on both ends of the spectrum (gifted/AP and those needing remediation or credit recovery<br />

options).<br />

27 of 103<br />

Aug 30, 2011 10:47 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 9:52 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 9:43 PM<br />

237 why not do the block system like coweta county. I think the hybrid is THE WORST. Aug 30, 2011 9:08 PM<br />

238 A change in the school schedule primarily based on the needs of students who do not successfully master course work<br />

and need to re-earn credits or students who struggle with a subject is unfair to students who are not struggling.<br />

Successful students should not be expected to stay in school longer or take additional course so others can take<br />

electives. Students who struggle need the opportunity to take course during summer breaks so they do not have a 12<br />

week gap. Successful students often have many other extra-curricular activities and longer school days or additional<br />

courses would put added stress on these students.<br />

Aug 30, 2011 8:45 PM<br />

239 My children are homeschooled but I feel that the 3X5 would give the best opportunities for students. Aug 30, 2011 8:15 PM<br />

240 Please do not surrender our academic standards to those who claim "diversity is our strength". This particular kind of<br />

"diversity" has driven our productivity out of the USA and turned Marica's public schools into incubators of ignorance and<br />

hip-hop buffoonery.<br />

241 I would like for the school day to go back to the 6 period schedule. My child felt that was the best schedule. She is also in<br />

a sport, so getting out of school 20 minutes later than before takes a toll on her to get ready for practice and or games.<br />

Also, I know kids cannot be overbooked with work. I work, and I know that working for a certain amount of hours is tiring.<br />

Students work at school, and the school day is long for them. 8:40am to 3:20pm was suitable schedule for the school<br />

day. The presentation said that that schedule was used for years, and I believe it has worked just fine for all those years<br />

and would still work well if the Board of Education would go back to the 6 period day. To whomever it may concern, thank<br />

Aug 30, 2011 7:59 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 7:54 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

you for reading my survey.<br />

242 I believe the 7 period day would be best. The student is able be in the same class everyday and receive 28 credits at the<br />

of 4 years. Also take a look at Mesa Public <strong>School</strong> System in Arizona they have a great system!!!<br />

243 Collaborative planning is important for effective delivery of the GPS. Teacher knowledge of the learner is also important.<br />

Students need "think" time to absorb the curriculum. I am in favor of the 3x5 trimester but concerns for losing<br />

collaborative planning and losing the "leaner" due to change in teacher is too great of a risk. Therefore the compromise is<br />

the hybrid choice. The 7 class traditional schedule is too stressful for any learner. It is too much for middle school<br />

students too. Lets move to a 6 period day for middle school or a hybrid concept. Thanks for the opportunity to give input.<br />

244 Unless we go to a 4 day week school schedule, I do not want to lengthen the day. Our kids are in extra-curricular<br />

activities for the school. There is NO extra time for homework now.<br />

245 Our Child is at a disadvantage in taking AP courses due to the time constraint. Also, She already speaks a language,<br />

wanted to take 2 different ones, and cannot due to scheduling. Had to quit band to take AP classes or any in her chosen<br />

field. Great initiative. Hope we can get the trimester program in time for her!<br />

28 of 103<br />

Aug 30, 2011 7:43 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 7:22 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 7:06 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 6:48 PM<br />

246 Need to remain at five days per week to avoid too much time idle time for our youth. Aug 30, 2011 6:43 PM<br />

247 7 classes a day is too much for all kids. The 5 day schedule or the system most call "block" schedules has worked<br />

well.The only concern is who and how do you transitions. Example the seniors for the year implemented what is the<br />

benefit for those successful on their mapped path.<br />

248 my child is not yet in HS. I took the survey to give feedback as to what direction I would like to see the educational system<br />

go. I lean more towards the 3 x 5 schedule simply because it allows more of a "college" schedule which is what we are in<br />

fact "preparing" them for. Perhaps consider the 3 x 5 for 10-12th grade and keeping 7 period for 9th graders as they<br />

transition to a higher level of learning. "Gaps" should not be an issue at this age, I feel, and are really not a talking point<br />

for a "disadvantage" of the trimester schedule in my opinion. Thank you for allowing our input in this very important<br />

decision for our children.<br />

249 The HS day is already long enough, they don't need a whole other period added to the day, unless the Transportation<br />

Dept can do a better job of getting them to/from school in a timely manner. As it stands now, including bus times my high<br />

schooler is gone 8 hours a day, including nearly 2 hours in transport time, and we live 2 miles from the school. If you add<br />

time to their existing day, you have to do something about the transportation times.<br />

Aug 30, 2011 6:39 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 6:21 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 6:01 PM<br />

250 Need to offer the most amount of opportunity for credits to compete with other schools in college admissions. Aug 30, 2011 5:55 PM<br />

251 The 3x5 model gives the student the most opportunities to gain the maximum credits without increasing the length of Aug 30, 2011 5:48 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

school day. In addition he would only have to take 5 classes instead of 6 or 7.<br />

252 We need to meet the credit requirement. Having a consistent day schedule I believe is important, shorter and longer<br />

clasess seems to me would be confusing for students. A seven perios day is not an excessive amount of time.<br />

253 i don't feel it is in the best interest of the kids to add another class to study for . I would much rather my child have 5<br />

classes to focus on that spreading that focus over 7.<br />

254 This survery seems to only address the students interested in band, orchestra, or chorus. I simply can't believe that we<br />

are considering such serious changes to accommodate only that group of students.<br />

255 None of the options is either necessary or acceptable. Keep the schedule the same. Our children have mounds of<br />

summer work for gifted and AP classes. Wouldn't it make more sense for remedial students to have the same??? Adding<br />

time to the day would mean our kids would be forced out of piano and ballet to do homework because we also enjoy<br />

dinner together and go to bed at a reasonable time. I see this as another reward for slacking and punishment for those<br />

who do what is expected. Our kids would have to take a PE class because they already have plenty of homework and<br />

studying. Why isn't there an option here for no change??? Please don't continue jumping into the fire without thinking.<br />

We will have to consider pulling our kids out to focus on academics. It is time for some personal responsibility and to<br />

learn you don't get everything you want. Cutting electives would be more effective in producing educated students.<br />

Electives are extras.<br />

256 My daughter has a 3.5 gpa and barely keeps up with all the homework, adding a seventh class would be a back breaker,<br />

and probably keep her out of the few after school activities she's in. The hybrid schedule could be good for labs, art<br />

classes--but from what i saw, you haven't addressed how much extra homework anyone would have under the 7 period<br />

schedule vs. the current 6 period schedule. Third, you need an evaluation process to assess what ever option you pick<br />

and how its working. Need to know what "success" looks like up front, before you embark on any change or you won't<br />

know when or if you get there--which would be a very sad reflection on the district's planning.<br />

257 Why do we have to change everyone's' schedule to accomodate a fe. There are already options in place with other<br />

institutions and online courses as well as zero period if necessary. If a child does not apply himself in a particular subject<br />

and fails they need to find options for credit recovery not change the entire system.<br />

258 3x5 closest simulates a typical college set-up and better prepares students to adjust after high school. It also provides<br />

the greatest opportunities for coursework for both advanced and struggling students without giving up instructional time to<br />

"change" classes more frequently.<br />

259 I would like to know if any of these changes will affect graduation. I have a daughter who graduates in 2013 and one<br />

2015. I really don't want my daughter's credits to be hindered in any way that would make them ineligiable to graduate on<br />

time. It happened to me going from quaters to sememter transferring to a new county and going back to quaters...I wasn't<br />

29 of 103<br />

Aug 30, 2011 4:57 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 4:42 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 4:41 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 4:39 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 4:38 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 4:17 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 2:42 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 2:36 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

allowed to graduate on time. I'm 42 and it stills bothers me to this day. I truly hope this won't affect anyone's graduation<br />

credits.<br />

260 Lengthen the school day for H.S. and go to more of a year round schedule. Aug 30, 2011 1:05 PM<br />

261 Less classes with longer periods to concentrate would be more conducive to learning the subject in depth. Most students<br />

would struggle with seven subjects for short periods of time. There would be very little time to truly understand the<br />

information and learn the subjects.<br />

262 My son is a freshman. After the first week of school he tol me he really liked having just 6 periods. I worry that an<br />

additional period would greatly increase the homework load.<br />

263 My daughter was previously in high school for 2 years with a block schedule. She is very well rounded and has an<br />

excellent transcript/record, including AP courses. From a student and parent perspective we feel the block scheduling, 5<br />

courses per day, is much more efficient ... giving more time in each class for instruction and much better organization of<br />

classwork and homework AS WELL AS better time for extracurricular activities.<br />

264 NO to trimester... esp academically.. not having same teacher for math/english is problem, and break for esp. math is not<br />

good Also my kids all take AP... what about time for them to get work done in school??? If they have about 30min at<br />

least homework in each academic, then have longer school day and try to continue to work job, when do they possibly<br />

have time to get all the homework done, or JUST BE A KID... they have to have time to recover/relax/play... lengthening<br />

the class time is good if you have a good teacher, but a waste of time if the teacher is not good. We have had plenty of<br />

teachers that show movies for a whole class period... with no teaching involved... the hybrid would be ok if you can<br />

assure me my students will NOT be wasting their time w/ teacher who is not teaching or letting them get reading/work<br />

done in class period so they actually have time to live outside of school. Even in college they do not have 7 classes a<br />

day, although the homework load is heavier, they actually have time to do it because they are not in class from 8:25-3:40<br />

every day of the week. The new math cirriculum is awful. It moves way too fast and the kids are not comprehending it and<br />

retaining it... I had one in old math, he is doing fine in college, now have 2 in new math and oldest is struggling to retain<br />

what he has had past 2 years. The trimester schedule would destroy retention for him. As far as electives, my students<br />

are now wondering what in the world they will take to fill up another period.. they do not want to take something to just<br />

waste time. Maybe you should consider an AP study hall elective so those students (who are mostly self motivated or<br />

they wouldn't be in the class) can get work done in school and not have 3 or more hours of homework every night. Add to<br />

all this that to get into college, not only are academics important, but well-roundedness. In order to serve on organizations<br />

like student council, beta club, spanish honor society, ambassadors, executive board, pals, etc... you have to have TIME..<br />

Each organization requires service hours/ work hours/ etc. When do these kids possibly have the time? <strong>School</strong> all day,<br />

then athletics or work or practice for band/choir/etc.. and what about family dinner??? Please give them time to be kids in<br />

the midst of all the requirements.<br />

30 of 103<br />

Aug 30, 2011 1:05 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 1:02 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 12:52 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 12:42 PM<br />

265 The 3x 5 Trimester schedule is an absolute no in the opinions of most of the people I have spoken with, it would create Aug 30, 2011 12:40 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

too much change and gap time for the students. The hybrid, while it looks good in theory would take an greater amount<br />

of organization and cause undo confusion on the students in my opinion.<br />

266 In the previous school my older children attended there was a 7 period schedule but a study hall was offered every period<br />

for students who could not handle 7 academic periods and needed time during the day to do homework<br />

267 A schedule with 7 periods is too much work load for a student in terms of homework an final exam preparation. Most<br />

college students don't take more than 5 classes in a semester. I have two students who graduated from SMHS and had<br />

ample opportunity to participate in AP courses and were accepted into Georgia Tech - we didn't see any credit issues.<br />

268 Seems like the optional 0 period already accomodates the need for additional classes. I'm not sure why you are<br />

changing everything so a few kids can take some electives.<br />

31 of 103<br />

Aug 30, 2011 12:24 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 12:01 PM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 11:39 AM<br />

269 Thank you for my voice!! Aug 30, 2011 11:35 AM<br />

270 I would have liked to see a block schedule on the survey. 7 core/elective classes and the required PE. Four periods a<br />

day, for a large block of time, rotating all year long or 2 days of 4 periods each (total 8 classes in 4 days) and Friday being<br />

a full 7 period day-would allow for testing, reviews, etc. I think we can do without one day of PE. Another option for<br />

students-those that participate in sports-at the <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> level and rec level, could be able to opt out of PE for that<br />

semester-would allow another elective or course.<br />

271 Please do not add a 7th class period just to allow for credit recovery. My daughter is already overloaded with work from 6<br />

classes (more than a typical college schedule) and she would be overwhelmed with 7 classes.<br />

272 I believe the 7 Period Day <strong>Schedule</strong> is optimal and crucial for the learning ability of students, to meet all graduation<br />

requirements, and give the opportunity to the students to take classes they enjoy and can excel at.<br />

273 Why is there not an option for keeping the school day/schedule as it is? This useless IF time that is being used to allow<br />

football players to watch tapes is a waste of everyone's time. Seriously, why should my children have to go a longer day<br />

and make it nearly impossible to schedule orthodontist appointments so football players can watch their films? There is<br />

too much wasted time already. Making more electives available will cause more kids to struggle academically and make<br />

it harder on the kids taking AP and other courses seriously. Students who need credit recovery SHOULD have to make<br />

choices and limit electives and if needed, take it during the summer or zero period. The rest of us are doing our part<br />

already. This will result in a backlash of declining enrollment as parents of serious students seek alternatives for their<br />

children. The same thing will result from bringing in additional out of county students. It is time for more rational thought<br />

and less knee jerk reaction. Teachers have complained that while they requested 18 students for their remediation class,<br />

they have 28 students in the IF time, ten whom do not need remediation. Who is this helping? It is not helping my family.<br />

Close some schools and redistrict. Forget about four day weeks. When you redistrict, don't forget to send ALL special<br />

permission students back to their assigned schools first. Remember that the capacity at WHS should be without the<br />

Aug 30, 2011 11:33 AM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 11:05 AM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 9:55 AM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 8:37 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

trailers.<br />

274 This past year, my son could not take an AP class because he was not willing to drop band or Spanish. Needless to say,<br />

I feel both of these subjects enhance his learning. Kids shouldn't have to choose between these classes all of which will<br />

help them in college!<br />

275 My high school used the semester system and when I went off to college I went to the trimester system. I was an B+<br />

average student in HS and school but needed remedial writing in college. By using the trimester system I was able to<br />

catch up quickly and graduate with my class. The trimester system learning was easy to adapt to and learning was<br />

easier. Classes were longer so concepts could be covered in more detail. Also, the course schedule supported fewer<br />

classes to enable students to concentrate on fewer core courses and the flexibility of electives to make learning<br />

enjoyable. Changing up core courses three times a year provided new experiences once a quarter with an option to<br />

continue a full course load and even a May-mester over the summer if necessary. I strongly recommend the trimester<br />

system. You won't be disappointed.<br />

276 I'm personally not interested in changing the school schedule at all. Have 2 children that are currently in college and<br />

were able to take AP classes with current schedule. I don't feel we should make a change to satisfy a small number of<br />

the students.<br />

32 of 103<br />

Aug 30, 2011 8:29 AM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 7:48 AM<br />

Aug 30, 2011 6:36 AM<br />

277 Kids should stay with one teacher and one class for no longer than 55mins a day! Aug 29, 2011 11:36 PM<br />

278 The school day should be extended especially for extra help for students to complete work at school and reduce<br />

homework after school.<br />

Aug 29, 2011 10:10 PM<br />

279 Do not change the schedule. It is perfect the way it is. Seriously. 8:40-3:40 is looooooong enough. Aug 29, 2011 8:48 PM<br />

280 If the 3x5 Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong> is chosen, there should be no homework assigned over Christmas holidays. My first choice<br />

is to keep the current schedule.<br />

281 I really like the idea of 3X5 Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong> because it promotes variety which will in turn prevent most students from<br />

getting "burned out" or bored and may very well encourage an invigorating learning environment. I also like the idea<br />

because many times when teachers and students have personality conflicts a shorter period of time with each other can<br />

be beneficial to all parties involved. For students who are not sure about the career path they may be interested in, more<br />

class variety in high school may help the student make a decision before entering college, therefore, it also becomes a<br />

money saving benefit for the student/parent.<br />

282 6 period are enough for the majority of students. Taking a Zero Period or 7th Period on a voluntary basis would be the<br />

best option!!<br />

Aug 29, 2011 7:07 PM<br />

Aug 29, 2011 6:56 PM<br />

Aug 29, 2011 6:55 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

283 In order to implement a different schedule, it is important to properly train teachers to really teach for longer class periods<br />

and to make sure that there is a variety of elective options available for students, including vocational/technical classes at<br />

all high schools.<br />

284 Shame on you - Question 18 is biased - where's the option of status quo?? Do you just want people to vote for one of the<br />

3 new options so you can say, option X was the most popular so we adopted it?? Is this more of Mr. Beardon's messing<br />

with something that's going good? More bad decisions on the part of FCBOE due to his poor recommendations? The<br />

best solution is to leave things alone (6 period day). Students who want more electives can take them online. The<br />

advantages/disadvantages presented ("could" do this and "may" do that") reveal that you don't even know what your<br />

options will do. Advantages seem to be slanted to what work it will cause the teachers. Instead our focus should be on<br />

WHAT'S GOOD FOR THE STUDENTS!!!! The key here is to do whatever it takes to avoid even POTENTIALLY<br />

"overwhelming" students. Didn't we just add 20 min to the school day to add a help/study period?? Now we're going to<br />

do away with that and instead trying to pile on more work?? We've got the best school system in the state and you want<br />

to ruin it. More Bearden influence??? If any of these options pass, FCBOE members should be prepared to be voted off<br />

the island.<br />

285 Students who struggle often end up taking academic focused classes as their electives, such as math support, and do not<br />

have as many opportunities to take a class of their choice. While grades are important, students need to have at least<br />

one class that is not academic focused and is one that they get to choose.<br />

286 I realize that one of the issues with the 7 period day is the fact that some teachers will have to teach more classes as well<br />

as other teacher concerns. This schedule change is not for the teachers. We need to remember when making this choice<br />

that we should pick the best choice for the STUDENTS.<br />

287 I feel that students are not given a sufficient enough time between classes nor during lunch breaks. I personally felt that<br />

the school day was long enough last year however, I do feel that the option of staying at school during an extra study hall<br />

would be helpful for all students and not just atheletes.<br />

288 The Board should consider pushing the start time of the school year back to the last week of August or first week of<br />

September, and operate on the 3x5 schedule. We start too early! I think the 3x5 program would benefit students and<br />

teachers alike without extending the school day.<br />

289 My concern with longer days/more periods is in regards to homework. My child has a close friend from Northgate HS,<br />

who only has to balance/perform homework for 4 classes in a semester, while my child juggles 6 difficult academic<br />

classes, all with intensive homework assignments daily. I'm not sure this is to her advantage as she shops for colleges,<br />

because she is competing against students from other less-challenging districts, where an A is much easier to obtain than<br />

here at McIntosh.<br />

33 of 103<br />

Aug 29, 2011 5:51 PM<br />

Aug 29, 2011 5:32 PM<br />

Aug 29, 2011 5:17 PM<br />

Aug 29, 2011 4:55 PM<br />

Aug 29, 2011 4:35 PM<br />

Aug 29, 2011 4:17 PM<br />

Aug 29, 2011 3:56 PM<br />

290 I think the core classes such as math, reading, science, social studiest with the incorporation of written material is Aug 29, 2011 3:36 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

important for all students no matter the semester/school year/ etc. whether they be advanced placement or other.<br />

Electives should be focused on items those students who are seeking college prep classes wish to take such as foreign<br />

language etc. I understand that there are students that need help to complete all of their studies - but seriously, we<br />

receive information about "0" EVERY week, as a parent you need to work with your child to make graduation happen.<br />

Changing the schedule to account for failure does not do that - you are just providing a safety net for those who are failing<br />

and altering the statistics for children who do not graduate. Changing the way things are counted to not change what the<br />

impact of what is being counted. What happened to summer school? Parents need to suppor their child's success in<br />

school - schools should not make it easier to suceed in school.<br />

291 Lengthen the school day. It now starts too late and lets out too early. Starting at 8am would seem a slam-dunk. Aug 29, 2011 3:32 PM<br />

292 No matter the education level classes over 50 mins lose students focus Aug 29, 2011 3:28 PM<br />

293 I prefer more periods and a slightly longer day to allow the students the flexibility of choosing extra electives. This is esp.<br />

true for those students in band, who automatically forfeit an extra eletive while other students and student/athletes do not.<br />

As for labs, you can have dedicated lab days for science class that can borrow time from other electives, maybe once a<br />

week, since they may have more flexible requirements toward graduation. Labs are important in science and the more<br />

time you have the better. Scheduling will be the most challenge in the 7-day period esp. if you are considering extra time<br />

for labs and simulations. More periods to choose at least 3 extra electives, however, is key.<br />

294 Students who take extra curricular activities such as band practice until late most days. This would lengthen their day<br />

and classes if we go to the 7 period day and add on to their workload. How can we do it to students who already struggle<br />

with time management. Personally my child needs more time to focus on each class. A 5 period day would give her<br />

more time to absorb material with help of a teacher and also give her one less subject to focus on at study time. This<br />

schedule makes most sense for average students who have to work for their grades.<br />

295 I have both an AP student in high school now and a son in EIP in 7th grade. I am trying to find the program that would fit<br />

both their needs. I believe it is important for my daughter to be able to fit fine arts into her schedule along with Spanish. I<br />

believe my son will benefit to a focus of 5 classes vs 6 or 7. I think the 3x5 schedule fits both their needs.<br />

34 of 103<br />

Aug 29, 2011 10:48 AM<br />

Aug 29, 2011 9:59 AM<br />

Aug 29, 2011 9:00 AM<br />

296 I do NOT want to see a longer day for high school students. Aug 29, 2011 8:29 AM<br />

297 Why do we have to increase the work load on all students just so those that do not try are allowed to make up failed<br />

material during the school day? Will that not cause them to fail more classes when taking 7 instead of 6? Won't that<br />

encourage them to try less the first time? Is it really broken?<br />

Aug 29, 2011 8:27 AM<br />

298 4 day week...start after labor day end before memorial day...... Aug 29, 2011 8:21 AM<br />

299 How would a trimester class carry .5 credit, the same a a full 18-week semester class? Would colleges not look at Aug 28, 2011 11:23 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

trimester credits as weaker than semester credits?<br />

300 If the school day had to be longer I think it would help to start school the day after Labor Day. The money saved cooling<br />

the schools in August would be tremendous.<br />

35 of 103<br />

Aug 28, 2011 9:40 PM<br />

301 I feel the Trimester schedule would be a HUGE mistake. The GAP times MUST be avoided! Aug 28, 2011 9:16 PM<br />

302 when considering the hours/length of day for high school and middle school for the upcoming year, consideration should<br />

be given to changing times so that high schoolers can drop off/pick up middle school siblings. It is impossible for my high<br />

schooler to pick up my middle schooler now. It is a waste of time and gas to drive and pick him up when my son is<br />

already right there at WHS.<br />

Aug 28, 2011 7:48 PM<br />

303 Our students need to be on an even playing field with other high schools in the state Aug 28, 2011 7:13 PM<br />

304 Maybe consider year round school, it is the same as what they have except for the breaks are shorter. This way these<br />

kids can still retain what they have learned, not out on the streets, and teachers will still be employed.<br />

305 The most important thing to me is that students are able to keep the same teacher each semester, so that time and<br />

energy learning new procedures and methods is not wasted, and productive student-teacher relationships are allowed<br />

time to develop and grow with the students throughout the year.<br />

306 My children seem to be bogged down at times with the HW and testing of six classes. I feel they will be overwhelmed<br />

having to do work for an additional (7th) class especially since they both participate in varsity sports. Having only 5<br />

classes will allow for greater focus on each subject.<br />

307 The 7 period day schedule has many more advantages as far as we are concerned than the other two options. We all<br />

feel it is important not to have gaps in instruction and for the students to keep the same teachers throughout the year,<br />

except for electives which may only last for one semester. The 7 period hybrid and 3 x 5 trimester options offer confusing<br />

schedules and will raise the problem of information retention for students who have a trimester break in a subject. We<br />

strongly want to see the 7 period option be the recommendation and not either of the other two choices.<br />

308 I do not agree with the extended school day ; the 20 minute focus period is not working as it was presented. The<br />

pretence that this time was to be a study hall is not being offered to the children. addtionally the current school day has<br />

added to the trafffic problems at dissmissal. A study hall would benefit any student needing extra help from their teachers.<br />

The study hall would also aide working parents with assisting their students who are having difficulty. The three choices<br />

in this survey as presented , I would not approve. secondly the choices in this survey need to be revalutated by a broader<br />

sampling of residents of this county. Please allow this issue to be brought to a county wide vote.issues such as education<br />

should be representive as a whole. As for the school schedule, I believe that it is best to begin the school year after Labor<br />

Day and end the last week of May. This will cut the cost of transportation and the building maintenance cost overall. I<br />

Aug 28, 2011 5:55 PM<br />

Aug 28, 2011 5:08 PM<br />

Aug 28, 2011 4:31 PM<br />

Aug 28, 2011 3:01 PM<br />

Aug 28, 2011 1:37 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

have never seen the benefit of a Winter Break. The students starting time should be revaluated as well. It is too hot in the<br />

state of Georgia to begin school at the warmest time of the year. as a parent i disagree with the 12month plan, for our<br />

children the 12month year is to long and would be not beneficial to the education of our students.<br />

309 My child is in Elem school, as a parent its important to have choices. I came from a HS in MN in which we had electives,<br />

this helps HS students to experience and learn about career choices as well as what they would like to specialize in<br />

college. It gices thema a taste of the real world at same time still being about to be a teenager. Choice is good for all<br />

students no matter what the accademic levels thay are at, CHOICES HELP DEVELOPE CONFIDENCE.<br />

310 My primary reason for wanting the change is to give students a chance for more electives to broaden the learning<br />

experience.<br />

311 I think that high school students can handle flexibililty. They need to work with different variables to be able to be<br />

"problem solvers".<br />

312 3X5 schedule will help to eliminate the long Summer breaks. This will ease the burden on working parents; shorter breaks<br />

may help the student to better retain material from the semester before. The committee should take a look at the<br />

Caribbean system and other countries. Having multiple instructors is a plus, may help to better prepare student for<br />

college<br />

313 My daughter is only a high school freshman, so we do not have a great deal of experience with schedule difficulties. She<br />

is a gifted student taking two gifted courses and Spanish II. This is a difficult course load for her and she is receiving a<br />

wonderful education that we are very proud of. However, the time is going to come where she needs to decide on<br />

colleges and what her future direction will be. The more exposure she can have to various electives will greatly help her.<br />

My husband and I were both able to take various electives that exposed us to our career fields. We would like for our<br />

daughters to be able to continue their music and AP courses, as well as experience other electives. Thank you for taking<br />

the time to allow our <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> students the ability to see that there are more careers out there than they might be<br />

interested in. For those students that aren't interested in a four year school after graduation, there is nothing wrong with<br />

being able to see what lies ahead through vocational training. As our population in <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> grows, so much the<br />

way we educate our students.<br />

36 of 103<br />

Aug 28, 2011 1:04 PM<br />

Aug 28, 2011 9:49 AM<br />

Aug 28, 2011 12:29 AM<br />

Aug 27, 2011 10:10 PM<br />

Aug 27, 2011 6:41 PM<br />

314 Please keep 6 period day Aug 27, 2011 4:25 PM<br />

315 The 7 periods a day I think would be helpful and not confusing for the students. Aug 27, 2011 4:17 PM<br />

316 How about a 7 period rotating schedule with 6 classes per day so that each class gets the same amount of instructional<br />

time but does not always meet at the same time of day? Some other schools do this. It does not require an increase in<br />

the school day.<br />

Aug 27, 2011 3:37 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

317 I under stand the schedules were gone over in class with students. As a parent, I do NOT feel informed enough to make<br />

a qualified decision. I went with the recommendations of my 9th grader. It would be helpful to have a live question &<br />

answer session for parents. Thanks!<br />

318 The additional time provided for students with special needs to participate in extracurricular activities is needed. They are<br />

currently not able to choose classes that would enrich them personally because of the need to take only classes that<br />

enrich their much needed diploma. I also like the 3x5 Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong> because it allows for more flexibility, and<br />

provides special needs students more opportunities to pass difficult courses.<br />

37 of 103<br />

Aug 27, 2011 12:43 PM<br />

Aug 27, 2011 12:06 PM<br />

319 I feel more time of instruction gets the kids to retain it more and to be able to ask questions and actual learn the material. Aug 27, 2011 10:46 AM<br />

320 Based on my older Children's experience with advanced courses and demanding music and art classes, 7 periods is too<br />

many. It adds an extra course for homework. My older children routinely were up until 2 am for school actvities and<br />

homework. My 8th grader already has about five hours of homework a night after football which ends around 6. We have<br />

to draw the line.<br />

321 many students work after school or participate in sports...the trimester system would better fit these students allowing<br />

them time to focus on 5 courses at time without added pressure of additional course (as in 7 period option) Added 7th<br />

period course would force students to take "easy" courses in order to manage their time and course load. Additionally 7<br />

th period would make it extremely difficult for student athletes and working students. I appreciate that the board is looking<br />

into options for fayette county students as our students are behind their peers in graduation credits and course<br />

opportunities<br />

322 I am worried about the 7 period options. Sitting in a 50 minute class can be struggle for most, extending a class to 90<br />

mins may feel like cruel and unusual punishment. Most students will stop paying attention at the 60 min mark and the<br />

remaining 15 to 30 mins may be lost. Unless you are planning to radically change the mode of delivery and move away<br />

from lecturing, your students are use to switching task every few mins. So I am worried about the extra teaching time<br />

being wasted because of the difficulty of focusing so long. Thank you for soliciting input.<br />

Aug 27, 2011 8:09 AM<br />

Aug 26, 2011 8:21 PM<br />

Aug 26, 2011 6:43 PM<br />

323 same schedule as always pleaseeee Aug 26, 2011 6:25 PM<br />

324 would like to have 4 days to save fund and NO to out of county tuition!!! Aug 26, 2011 6:11 PM<br />

325 My son is only in Kindergarten right now but there is no way he could focus for 70-90 minutes on one subject. He is too<br />

active and I don't see that changing in the future.<br />

Aug 26, 2011 5:41 PM<br />

326 I like the schedule as it is. I do not think it needs to change for all to accomodate the needs of some. Aug 26, 2011 4:36 PM<br />

327 My son on the football team & decided to choose healthcare class instead of weight training & because of him being on Aug 26, 2011 4:36 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

the football team he has to weight train so now he is having to stay 30mins after practice to weight train or during IF he<br />

can weight train for 20 mins instead working on homework. A 7 period day would work well for him.<br />

328 The school day must end earlier. Parent conferences cannot be conducted in 20 minutes. There is no reason for these<br />

kids to be kept in school any more time for a study hall. If anything, the school day should start earlier so that students<br />

can have family time. school time, and extracurricular time.<br />

329 I do not see a need to change the school schedule. I am a proponent of the 6 period day. <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> students are<br />

highly competative at the college level and we have always been recognized as one of Georgia's best school systems.<br />

The additional period is not needed...show me facts that colleges and universities look negatively at our students coming<br />

from a 6-peirod day...there are none. This survey is completely unfair as it does not give the community the option of<br />

keeping what we have.<br />

330 They can't take ap classes (which they need for college) on the 7 period day because there isn't enough time to study for<br />

all 7seven subjects. 3X5 has problems, but its better than 7 periods.<br />

38 of 103<br />

Aug 26, 2011 3:04 PM<br />

Aug 26, 2011 2:07 PM<br />

Aug 26, 2011 1:42 PM<br />

331 4 day school week by adding on additional 30 minutes a day. Aug 26, 2011 12:21 PM<br />

332 if possible stay as same schedule 6th period as of 2011-2012 NO CHANGING. Aug 26, 2011 11:14 AM<br />

333 Start school after Labor Day. Aug 26, 2011 11:13 AM<br />

334 same scheadule please Aug 26, 2011 11:04 AM<br />

335 Majority of <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> students are headed toward college. Choose the schedule best for those kids. I also want<br />

college bound kids given the option of taking vocational classes. Those ARE important too.<br />

Aug 26, 2011 10:51 AM<br />

336 I picked this without looking at the schedules being offered. I could not pull them up but will keep trying. Aug 26, 2011 10:35 AM<br />

337 This was completed based on my 9th grade student. The senior that just left would have completely different answers. It<br />

did cause her to drop Orchestra to take AP classes her senior year.<br />

338 Why did the county send out this survey and then approve a survey on the 4 day work week? Why not put this all<br />

together and send out one survey? Seems the educational foundation of <strong>Fayette</strong> needs revamped,<br />

339 I not sure how the 3x5 Trimester will implement the Instruction Focus. The presentation didn't may this point clear. My<br />

hope is that the Instruction Focus will be one block of time inwhich the students can go to the subject were they need the<br />

most help in. Also, the students should be able to obtain passes which allow them to switch subject for the Instruction<br />

Focus on a weekly or daily bases. I'm not sure how much more it would cost and it wasn't included in the three schedules<br />

Aug 26, 2011 10:31 AM<br />

Aug 26, 2011 9:19 AM<br />

Aug 26, 2011 9:03 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

but I would support year round school.<br />

340 I had several opportunities in high school to attend a vocational school, or different vo-tech classes within my school. I<br />

am very disappointed that <strong>Fayette</strong> Co. schools do not offer these opportunities. Surrounding school districts do offer<br />

these programs and it severely hadicaps our children after school when seeking employment, or trying to decide where<br />

they want to go in life. Having the opportunity during high school to explore these trades would help them determine their<br />

future, and/or give them a jump start. I would like to see things like building trades, welding, automotive, etc. that the kids<br />

participate in these activities in a scheduled class each day. I have a child that has struggled each year in math. I feel<br />

that the 7 period day would be a great asset ofr kids like mine to continue to learn without giving up the very important<br />

electives. <strong>School</strong> has to be fun to, or they will find their own fun. Thank you<br />

341 I must be under a misconception. I thought that educational decisions were to be research based. In the presentation I<br />

viewed, none was presented to support any of the three options. Has there been absolutely no research done in this<br />

area? I did see one instance where research was mentioned but it was not identified. If you say that research indicates<br />

or supports an idea, are you not supposed to list the source of the research being referred to? I mean, this is supposed to<br />

a presentation prepared by "educated" individuals is it not? I swear that in the research course that I took in graduate<br />

school we were told to always cite our sources when making declarative statements and attributing ideas to research<br />

already done in support or opposition to ideas and concepts. Now I see why public education is under such attack now<br />

days by the media and conservatives. .<br />

342 I think the students of <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> need to be able to compete for college admission and scholarships based on the<br />

number of credits received from graduation. If they only receive 23 now, they need to be able to obtain more credits and<br />

be able to compete against other students in the state of Georgia and across the United States. Question for the<br />

committee: Is there any data from the other school systems that are using the above 3 schedules that the committee can<br />

analyze before they make a final decision?<br />

39 of 103<br />

Aug 26, 2011 8:23 AM<br />

Aug 26, 2011 7:41 AM<br />

Aug 26, 2011 7:17 AM<br />

343 My child took 7 classes in middle school. It was much better! Aug 26, 2011 12:32 AM<br />

344 I do not like any of the choices. I am not convinced that the current schedule should be abandoned. This survey is<br />

obviously very, very biased. You do not even provide the choice of continuing with the present system.<br />

345 I do not want my daughter to have to take 7 classes in a day. The extra classes would either cause too much homework<br />

on a daily basis or they would not challenge her and would waste her time during the day. If a change must be made, I<br />

would much rather have her only take 5 classes at a time or I would prefer that there be no change at all.<br />

Aug 25, 2011 10:09 PM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 10:01 PM<br />

346 4 day week Aug 25, 2011 9:19 PM<br />

347 I believe it is important that we allow our students the access to the types of courses that will allow them to explore<br />

different interests and academic areas that they are not allowed access to with the current semester schedule. I have<br />

Aug 25, 2011 8:29 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

always thought it was wrong to make a child choose between activities like band, chorus, art, drama and the like because<br />

we only allow time for one elective while they are working to achieve the credits that are required to be accepted to a<br />

four-year university.<br />

348 more time for fine arts electives for students Aug 25, 2011 7:55 PM<br />

349 I like the idea of starting after labor day and ending before memorial day. Aug 25, 2011 7:29 PM<br />

350 The ability to take more AP classses is very important. Aug 25, 2011 7:05 PM<br />

351 Very important to give a student that struggles extra time to get the help they need with a teacher or class he/she may<br />

need.<br />

352 My child has taken chorus and drama for the 2 years she has been at school. She is a sophmore and she doesn't want to<br />

give up her fine arts. No student really does unless they only joined to get a easy grade. The fine arts are going down hill<br />

at Sandy Creek and we need the 7th period day. Then everyone can have more electives, more dredits, and extra help if<br />

they need it. No student is going to say "yes we want to be in school longer" actually I am a student i just wanted to give<br />

my opinion. Because honestly the little survey we get is just leading us to say we don't want a 7th period day. Chorus is<br />

important to a lot of people in my school. And its not fair that people have to drop it for credit recovery. Fine arts is<br />

actually good for students. Drama helps when your having to speak infront of others. Band and chorus do math, history,<br />

and teaches responsibility. I don't thinks its a smart idea to have block schedule because students forget stuff and taking<br />

big breaks would be horrible for academics. Go to a 7th period day.<br />

353 I would not want to see this change occur in 2012 because it would negatively affect seniors for the 2012-2013 school<br />

year. It would be better to look at such a schedule for children who would be Freshmen or Sophomores in high school at<br />

some future date, if at all.<br />

354 Really, maybe it's not the schedule but standards. I have had two children graduate from Whitewater and both are in<br />

college. Both are in honors programs and both graduated at Whitewater with over a 4.0. My daughter and son took 4<br />

years of band/orchestra and 4 years of Spanish. My children both had 4 years of Science, Math, and did not sacrifice a<br />

thing. Why don't you focus on correcting the New Math program you created. Listen, lets keep the new time schedule<br />

and longer days you created this year. Perhaps you haven't heard a jack of all trades but a master of none. Seems to<br />

me that is what you are doing with the new system. Thank goodness my last child graduates Whitewater next you and<br />

you will have only ruined his senior year!<br />

355 I hope that the Board considers how much all students have on their plates. Colleges these days except a resume.<br />

Many of these students are juggling grades, clubs, and extra curric. to build these resumes for admission.<br />

40 of 103<br />

Aug 25, 2011 5:44 PM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 5:32 PM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 5:23 PM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 4:58 PM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 4:36 PM<br />

356 I think before a decision is made, a trial run of all three schedules should be done. This will help the teachers and Aug 25, 2011 4:17 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

students better able to make a decision on a change that will affect them.<br />

357 Please consider starting school later in August or preferably after labor day. Aug 25, 2011 2:51 PM<br />

358 As you look at making the school day longer, I would like to suggest that the high school students start school earlier than<br />

8:25 so that they can get out of school earlier. Most high school students have a job or participate in afternoon activites,<br />

so an earlier release time helps them to schedule these activities and have time to get their homework done.<br />

359 I am not opposed to having 7 periods a day but I feel the day does not need to be extended as much as you are looking<br />

at OR are you going to decrease the number of days throughout the year because there are more educational hours????<br />

Why do we have 7 minutes between periods? Can we decrease that to 5 minutes to adjust for the time added to the<br />


360 Even though my children have not had to drop out of fine arts course due to scheduling conflicts, I know of several<br />

students that have had to make that decision. I am concerned that if the 3x5 option is chosen, that it will have a negative<br />

impact on our fine arts programs, particularly band. At our school, and it may be the case at other schools, students are<br />

placed in particular ensembles based on their ability and level of interest. My older daughter, along with several of her<br />

friends, received scholarship money for college for music. With the 3x5 option, it looks like they may not be able to<br />

schedule the same band class each trimester and there is not enough continuity for the other classes either. To me, the 7<br />

period day makes the most sense. Even though it lengthens the school day, it seems it would provide the most continuity<br />

for students and teachers alike and would allow students more options in what classes they might like to take.<br />

361 The more classes the children can take, I feel like would enable them to find something that they are interested in. The<br />

more options that the student has, the better the chances are for them to find something they enjoy, and instead of going<br />

to college as an undecided major, they would have a better idea of what to major in so they can start taking their major<br />

classes earlier, instead of getting all the core classes out of the way sooner.<br />

362 Kill winter break!!! Don't go back to school until after Labor Day like the majority of the country! Why,is this not being<br />

considered? We have some of the lowest test scores in the country as a state. Seems to me this makes sense....could<br />

someone please tell me why we don't do this?<br />

363 I am concerned about the education level my children will receive and a lot of that depends on how stretched the<br />

teachers are. Please outline duty and instructional focus requirements for teachers for each of the options. Currently<br />

only mentions teacher duty on 7 period option and IF on 7 period hybrid. Additionally, on 7 period hybrid option, a<br />

teacher feasibly would have no break from students during the whole day, if they are teaching periods 2, 4, 6 and<br />

instructional focus. My child will be better taught by a teacher who receives a solid break from children during the day.<br />

Thank you.<br />

41 of 103<br />

Aug 25, 2011 2:45 PM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 2:29 PM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 2:27 PM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 1:38 PM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 1:38 PM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 1:30 PM<br />

364 When I started college in 1981, it was a 3x5 trimester sschedule. I think it would be a plus to have familiarity with that Aug 25, 2011 1:24 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

schedule. I like the idea of fewer periods because it would give better time for more thorough instruction. In a 50 minute<br />

class, I have found that at least 5-7 minutes could be wasted in getting kids to order. Maybe it's different now, but that's<br />

how it was in the 80's. Also, for one child, having fewer periods would be less stressful regarding transitions. My other<br />

child is into band and I think this would accomodate her desires as well.<br />

365 Summer school to be available to all students. This would give them the opportunity to excel , not just catch up . This was<br />

standard procedure where we came from originally . We are competing world wide with countries that send there kids to<br />

school 6 days a week sometimes until 10pm . we need longer school years also.<br />

366 7 periods seems to overcomplicate the education process for students. The 5 period trimester seems to be more<br />

manageable and less stressful for students.<br />

42 of 103<br />

Aug 25, 2011 1:14 PM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 12:47 PM<br />

367 I was not able to laod the power point, as it came up blank, making this survey difficult to complete Aug 25, 2011 11:42 AM<br />

368 The length of the school day should not be extended. The stakeholder group should have had parents participate. Aug 25, 2011 11:10 AM<br />

369 For question 18, the choice of maintaining a 6 period day is not listed as though it is not a consideration. This seems<br />

myopic and foolish. This new schedule is regressive at best from a successful academic schedule with time for serious<br />

coursework.<br />

370 Another disadvantage of the hybrid schedule is the lack of continuity for math and language classes. The 3 x 5 schedule<br />

reduces the already limited time for teachers to connect with children.<br />

371 2 lunch periods instead of 3 will help with the school schedule/timing. instead of 70 minutes of instruction make it 60<br />

minutes for the 7 period days.<br />

372 <strong>Schedule</strong> should be based on the average student. AP kids will excel and students who struggle will struggle. Struggling<br />

makes them stronger students. I was a struggling student and I still love learning at 47.<br />

373 The positive of the 7 Period Day Hybrid <strong>Schedule</strong> is the 90 min. once a week class time for students who need additional<br />

help in a class. However, it would be a challenge for those who struggle to stay focused for the normal 50 minutes and<br />

they would then become a disruption to others.<br />

374 I am a firm supporter of the fine arts and believe that they contribute strongly to the overall education of a child. My<br />

daughter dropped Spanish after two years so that she could continue in Chorus and also take AP classes. We hated that<br />

she had to make this choice.<br />

375 Why change when the current system is working? This "change" will cost the tax payers a lot of money. When is election<br />

time?<br />

Aug 25, 2011 11:07 AM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 9:54 AM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 9:52 AM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 9:32 AM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 9:08 AM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 8:54 AM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 8:53 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

376 This is part of the reason for our financial problems. <strong>School</strong> should focus on the basics and not punish students and<br />

parents who DO WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO ACADEMICALLY. The students who fail now will also fail with the<br />

proposed schedule changes. Guitar, orchestra, etc. are extras and should not be the responsiblity of the tax payer. Each<br />

of these schedules is desinged for those who want their cake and eat it too. Why is the option unavailable to keep it the<br />

same? Life is about choices and we don't need to change the schedule at all. Our focus has always been on academics<br />

at our house. Why shouldn't that also be the focus of the BOE? If these options are so important, let them take a 0<br />

period class, a night class, or take a class during the summer. The extra curriculars are taking away from academics<br />

already. Why should we take more away from academics by adding time to more extracurriculars?<br />

377 The 3x5 is an option both students and teachers benefit most from. It is also the least complicated for a student or new<br />

students to remember. It also alllows students more time in class to work on homework or a science lab and more time for<br />

a teacher to discuss the lesson with their students.<br />

378 My son had to give up Spanish to continue in chorus and take courses needed for college. # 14 in addition to AP<br />

classes, he would take Academic and Foreign Language classes.<br />

379 My older children who attended Starr's Mill were regularly at school from 7:30 (zero period) until 5pm for rehearsals /<br />

practices. My middle school son is the same way. A longer school day will only add more wonderful content to his day.<br />

Either way, he will be at the school enjoying himself and working with amazing teachers who stay after school. Please<br />

add another period to the high school day so that our kids don't have to choose between core classes and fine arts. My<br />

children love the core classes, languages, sports AND all the fine arts; they sing, play instruments, act and dance. So<br />

many students want to do it ALL. Please support the fine arts programs by allowing more students to get involved. Just<br />

like sports, being involved in your school's fine arts is a great motivator for being engaged with the school staff, teachers<br />

and fellow students.<br />

380 In order to extend the school day and high school students have the ability to fulfill after school committments, the board<br />

should consider swapping the times school begins with the elementary schools. The high schools should begin school<br />

earlier in order to get out in time for after school committments (band, sports, job, younger sibling care, etc.).<br />

43 of 103<br />

Aug 25, 2011 8:10 AM<br />

Aug 25, 2011 6:24 AM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 11:33 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 11:19 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 11:14 PM<br />

381 iwe stringly feel the 3x5 trimester schedule would give the kids something more to look forward to passing each quarter. Aug 24, 2011 10:51 PM<br />

382 1. An 8:40 A.M. start time for <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> is way too late in the day. 2. Six or seven classes per day is ridiculous. Too<br />

much inormation and not enough teaching. Promotes mediocrity and not excellence. 3. Allow sufficient time for activities<br />

in the afternoon, e.g. sports, jobs, homework, community service, etc. <strong>School</strong> should not be an all-day event.<br />

383 I am completely against the 3 x 5 trimester schedule because gaps in subjects such as English or math are unacceptable.<br />

This will be detrimental to both the students and teachers.<br />

Aug 24, 2011 10:26 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 9:36 PM<br />

384 I would like my child to stay in fine arts. Aug 24, 2011 9:09 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

385 Go back to normal times... 8:30am to 3:20pm Aug 24, 2011 9:07 PM<br />

386 We need to make <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> students as competive as possible, even if that means higher taxes. Our children's<br />

education should be everyone's priority.<br />

387 dont change the schedule. my child has all A's and is in all advanced classes. he does very well in the current schedule<br />

although he finds instructional focus a waste of time because he does not have any work to do in it. PLEASE DONT<br />


388 Credit recovery should be handled strictly by open campus. Ap students should be offered more after school or online<br />

options by utilizing the access/joint enrollment programs.<br />

389 7 period day schedule would best suit my child because of the limited amount of time in the school day. Also, the amount<br />

of required units restricts the school day even more. Another fact to consider is that the fine arts program is very<br />

important. It provides students with a great amount of stress relief and happiness during their school days.<br />

390 Both my children are in IEP and I believe that the 3 x 5 will give them more opportunities for other classes as well as<br />

make learning easier with more time and less subjects at a one time.<br />

391 The 3x5 schedule gives students and teachers flexibility. The 7th Period day has the potential to overhwhelm both<br />

students and teachers, as the notion that core teachers will only teach 5 out of 7 classes will ever be a reality with the<br />

budget issues looming for next year. When you give core teachers 6 classes, as you will indeed do as soon as the 7th<br />

period day is adopted, then I will have to wait even longer to see my kid's grade updated. Furthermore, I love that my<br />

child has teachers who get to know him, who care about him. If you give them more to do, they will have less time for my<br />

child. And if you give my child more to do in a day, when will he sleep?<br />

392 Extra time is not needed for labs because teachers teach for the EOCT. For instance, in chemistry my daughter's teacher<br />

claimed there was no time during the year for experiments till after the EOCT. The weeks after the EOCT were spent<br />

doing lab experiments for the whole year. Nevermind that most students learn by doing experiments. But this teacher<br />

had to cover the EOCT material.<br />

393 my daughter would really like to take the early childhood development all 4 years of high school, and 3 years of the health<br />

occupation class, along with the 2 years required foreign language in spanish and then an additional year in french or<br />

work study. so the extra period would be helpful. and the 3 x5 trimester would allow no summer, and the block classes<br />

will make her loose interest after a period of time.<br />

394 7 period day hybrid schedule is the best suitable for teachers and students. I am a teacher and this would be most<br />

beneficial.<br />

44 of 103<br />

Aug 24, 2011 9:05 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 8:58 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 8:51 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 8:44 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 7:50 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 7:25 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 7:19 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 7:18 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 6:50 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

395 We prefer to KEEP the 6 period day. If the BOE continues to make mandatory changes in the high school schedule and<br />

offerings, they will LOSE MORE state money as parents and student opt for dual enrollment with local colleges. This<br />

translates into less money for the local school system. Parents and students are proud of our local high schools as they<br />

are. If the board continues to push changes to schedule, then both high achieving as well as struggling students will opt<br />

for OTHER locations which will listen to them. Do not fix an amazing system with amazing teachers. Keep the 6<br />

period day. The board needs to focus on budget, not on making changes which will cause families to leave our system<br />

for all or part of the day taking their $4,000 in state funds with them.<br />

45 of 103<br />

Aug 24, 2011 6:46 PM<br />

396 Kids that are taking AP classes should not have to choose between these classes (Fine Arts or AP classes.) Aug 24, 2011 6:40 PM<br />

397 I don't think the entire schedule should be changed for a specific group of students. If the criteria for teaching results in<br />

test scores/crct results changing the schedue isn't going to matter. Teachers need to have some creativity and focus so<br />

much on testing and results. Not every child learns the same and not every child should have to be robotic in academia.<br />

398 I'm completely against the extra 20 minutes being added to the school day. It is completely unnecessary and we should<br />

keep the same 6 period schedule.<br />

399 The school systems need to just leave the high schools the way they are. Its very confusing and makes my daughters<br />

extremely frustrated with the time changes every year. Stick to a schedule and dont change it again!<br />

Aug 24, 2011 6:15 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 6:04 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 6:03 PM<br />

400 I believe that an extended day is completely unnecessary. Aug 24, 2011 4:29 PM<br />

401 Do not include block scheduling in new school day. Aug 24, 2011 4:27 PM<br />

402 Do not include block scheduling in new school day. Aug 24, 2011 4:27 PM<br />

403 As a parent, my priority is that my children are offered the best opportunities to attend the college of their choice.<br />

Therefore, I favor the trimester schedule as it offers the opportunity for the most credits.<br />

404 we need to maintain high academic standards to ensure our chldren are competitive at the college of their choice not only<br />

in Georgia.<br />

405 Only go with the 3x5 schedule/70 min periods if the HS teachers are willing to teach it right. Otherwise, stick with short<br />

classes.<br />

406 Keep current schedule. If you make the school day longer then sports or after school activities will be finished even later<br />

which is a big problem for these kids to get their school work and studying done.<br />

Aug 24, 2011 4:26 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 4:20 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 3:07 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 1:50 PM<br />

407 As a former student and Fine Arts member, I have found that the participation in the arts has lead me to major academic Aug 24, 2011 1:33 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

success. Without it in my life, I wouldn't be who I am today. I ask that you please keep fine arts activities in the schools of<br />

<strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> to better students and prepare them for the outside world. The arts teaches them respect, time<br />

management, and fun skills. A 7 period schedule would allow for arts to remain in the lives of the students and create a<br />

fun "break" in the academic threshold we call high school.<br />

408 Graduating with enough credits and a variety of electives is important to my students. My daughter had to choose<br />

between an AP class and and elective that she really wanted to take. We are considering letting her take that through<br />

other means. It would be nice for her to have been able to do in without being an extra cost to us.<br />

409 Please do not remove any Fine Arts classes as they are vital to a well rounded education. Also, vital to those individuals<br />

who will be the next designers of our world!<br />

410 One of the goals of the high school is to make the transition into college easier for the student. Changes need to be<br />

made in all areas of the curriculum to allow this transition to happen. Extending the school day by 15 minutes should<br />

allow for good things to happen for the students and the teachers.<br />

46 of 103<br />

Aug 24, 2011 1:28 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 1:20 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 1:10 PM<br />

411 Which model suits all students from the research that has been done? Aug 24, 2011 1:06 PM<br />

412 I feel it is important to allow our children the academic opportunity to compete for collegiate placement in schools outside<br />

of GA.<br />

413 I also like the 3 X 5 option, but am somewhat concerned with the possible gap of 12 weeks in core classes like math.<br />

Also not sure about switching teachers in core classes, although in some cases this would be a welcome change.<br />

(according to my child)<br />

414 make my child's "electives" longer, so he can get in more exercize, and also, to bring the time of school end back to 3:20,<br />

because of home chores<br />

Aug 24, 2011 12:42 PM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 11:55 AM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 11:28 AM<br />

415 Have no problem with the way it is run now. Aug 24, 2011 11:22 AM<br />

416 My student already does a 7 period schedule at middle school and is having no trouble! Easy to continue what they<br />

already know.<br />

Aug 24, 2011 11:04 AM<br />

417 Thank you for creating such a informative powerpoint to review. Aug 24, 2011 10:46 AM<br />

418 Need to keep subject courses back to back. <strong>Survey</strong> focused too much on band/chorus/fine arts questions- answers may<br />

look different if survey addressed the overall need that kids understand the competiveness of college and that HS<br />

provides opportunities to explore academic interests. Example, my oldest just graduated, took 7 classes for 2 years in a<br />

row- never stepped foot in a fine arts class but could not all of the classes she wanted to with an academic focus.<br />

Aug 24, 2011 10:43 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

419 I attended 5 high schools when I was young. One of them was a hybrid schedule. I hated it! The classes were way too<br />

long and the change in schedule from day to day was confusing.<br />

420 Kids need the comfort of a schedule and the same teacher. I don't think the Trimester or Hybrid will allow for that.<br />

Especially not the Trimester.<br />

47 of 103<br />

Aug 24, 2011 10:20 AM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 10:16 AM<br />

421 The Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong> provides more opportunity for a "well rounded" student. Aug 24, 2011 10:03 AM<br />

422 Allowing our children greater variety in course selection in high school is a great advantage of the 7 period day. Students<br />

too often need to sacrifice enriching oportunities, for college entrance requirements. The additional period is a good move<br />

for <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>School</strong>s<br />

423 We have had experience with the A-B day schedule and longer classtime at Our Lady of Mercy <strong>High</strong> and found the longer<br />

class times to not be productive. Students and teachers have reduced attention/interest in such long classes. Homework<br />

increased. I am opposed to the longer classtimes for this reason. Students will adjust to the college times in college. I<br />

have two master degrees and found the transition to college easy from high school schedules.<br />

424 If changing to the trimester system I would hope the county would also reconsider the breaks. We start in early August,<br />

then break in Nov. then from Christmas on have breaks every few weeks. My kids did attend a school with a week off in<br />

the fall that fell with a trimester system and not Feb. I believe Henry county has the Oct break.<br />

425 I strongly favor the trimester approach. Fewer classes at a time will allow the students to really focus and learn and also<br />

allow them to get a new start quicker when they have not done well. The changing schedule everyday would be chaotic<br />

imo.<br />

426 First, Thank you for all your hard work. I would just like to say that the best and brightest kids need every opportunity to<br />

go further. Unfortunately, some kids need to be left behind. If certain kids just aren't making the grade, give them their<br />

own schedule. The best kids ought to be taking 5 AP's each year starting in their Freshman year.<br />

Aug 24, 2011 9:52 AM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 9:41 AM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 9:34 AM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 9:30 AM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 9:28 AM<br />

427 revw other schools that have done the 3x5 to evaul pro & cons. i see the 3x5 as a GREAT benefit Aug 24, 2011 9:22 AM<br />

428 Time is a wasting. Let's get whatever it is to fix our kid's schedule implemented NOW! We are so far behind what other<br />

states offer their public school system. We need to do something now.<br />

429 my son is at open campus this year. He is finishing his sophmore year, and moving towards his junior year. My concern is<br />

by uping the graduation requirements and changing the scheduling it will put more stress on an already stressed child.<br />

This could make it impossible for him to graduate. How would he make up all these extra credits if he can barely make it<br />

through what is already expected of him. We have to be aware of kids like my son, who want their diploma and deserve<br />

it. But cannot compete with kids who are not struggling with health issues. If we do not provide them with a chance at a<br />

Aug 24, 2011 9:10 AM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 9:06 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

fair education what will happen to them? Changing things around is not fair to my son and those he is going to school<br />

with.<br />

430 Would not like to "close the gap" (as you call it) on summer break. I think the kids need this transition time in between<br />

school years. I can see my children getting "burned out" without such a break. Towards the end of their current school<br />

years, they look forward to the summer break and they're not even in high school yet. Since my son is currently in middle<br />

school, he is already used to the 7 period day. Now they have 9 wks to improve their grades before report cards. What<br />

would the grading period be like with a trimester schedule? Would the overall grades suffer or improve with this<br />

schedule? Even though you would have more credits for college, if their GPA is lower, it wouldn't quite matter. I don't<br />

even know if this would affect him, but the grading system for the trimester wasn't mentioned in the pdf presentation.<br />

Thank you.<br />

431 My high school in Illinois has had 8 fifty minute periods for at least 30 years now and ran from 0720 to 2:35 pm. Eight<br />

periods worked well because everyone had an opportunity to take extra electives or have a lab or shop class. Using my<br />

experience with an 8 period day and your powerpoint presentation as a reference I would choose either of the 7 period<br />

days, preferably the regular 7 period day.<br />

48 of 103<br />

Aug 24, 2011 8:28 AM<br />

Aug 24, 2011 8:17 AM<br />

432 3 x 5 is more like what students would have in college. It makes total sense Aug 23, 2011 10:56 PM<br />

433 7 Period Hybrid is not a practical option. Aug 23, 2011 10:18 PM<br />

434 Students who struggle are the forgotten ones in high school. They need the opportunity to be successful; they can get<br />

that by being allowed to take electives, rather than just the academic offerings. Not everyone is a scholar, nor does<br />

everyone want to or need to go to a tier one college. We need to teach to the strengths of all of our children, not just to<br />

those whose focus is strictly academic.<br />

435 Instructional Focus is useless in the morning. Your homework should already be done when you get to school. The<br />

proposed IF in the 7 day Hybrid is more efficient at the end of day and mid week. Love the idea of longer lab times. My<br />

child is currently in support and did feel cheated that she could not have the electives she wanted. Also credits to meet<br />

college requirements are important. Thank you for the changes, this will be very positive. The only request is to have the<br />

buses pick up as late as possible, teens need sleep :)<br />

436 Because of the current system my son will have to take a foriegn language outside of the school system to meet Ga<br />

Regent Requirements<br />

437 We need to keep it the same. Due to the amounts of parents that need their kids to be out at a certain time to see them<br />

before they leave for their flight scheduled at 5:00P.M. for a foreign country that the boy/girl possibly won't see for over a<br />

month. As an addition we have better test scores then any school in Georgia, that would make absolutely no sense at all<br />

to change the schedule more then it needs to be. Most of these things are bad for kids memory's and most of them will<br />

Aug 23, 2011 10:17 PM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 10:05 PM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 10:04 PM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 9:50 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

get confused. Making a longer school day and changing classes around is a very bad idea.<br />

438 It is not obvious to me what the options mean in terms of semester/trimester break dates and durations. That is a very<br />

important factor for us in planning work/family balance concerns. We would not want to have the Christmas break<br />

compressed, for example, as that is traditionally a time when we can spend a few weeks all together as a family without<br />

the pressures/distractions of school and work.<br />

439 Definitely don't like the idea of a 7 period day and the shorter class periods. The 3/5 meets most of the needs for most of<br />

the children and offers the most credit hours. Not concerned at all about the "gap" times.<br />

49 of 103<br />

Aug 23, 2011 9:45 PM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 9:28 PM<br />

440 Not to extend the school day. It was extended this year and I do now want to have it extended again next year. Aug 23, 2011 8:22 PM<br />

441 All I can say is I think it would be GREAT for them to switch to a trimester schedule---I think it would hopefully take some<br />

of the pressure off of my sophomore. And, speaking of AP classes, they need to be taken out of the schools altogether.<br />

Nothing ruins a kid more than those ridiculous courses. Dr. Beardon supports this, I believe. The school administrators<br />

are so brainwashed that they cannot see what a detrimental effect these classes have on the kids. They do not prepare<br />

them for anything but stress. Send out an AP survey and I will tell you the full story. HORRIBLE experience.<br />

442 I have two sons who have also graduated from Mcintosh in the top 5% of their class and have gone on to Georgia Tech.<br />

The regular six-period schedule has obviously worked for them. My daughter is going to be a senior next year and by the<br />

time she starts the new schedule, colleges will only be looking at her past three years. These new schedules are<br />

completely unnecessary for those who will graduate after one year of it.<br />

443 The schedule that will somewhat reflect a college schedule type (block schedule) would be good for our students to help<br />

prepare them for that type of schedule as well as offering technical courses in all fayette county highschools to provide<br />

instructions for those students who will not attend a four year college and/or university, but has other interest in a skill or<br />

trade.<br />

Aug 23, 2011 7:50 PM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 7:23 PM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 5:50 PM<br />

444 Please shorten the high school day from 3:40. Aug 23, 2011 4:57 PM<br />

445 Research shows that any class over the 50-55 minutes time provides little to no significant educational value to students.<br />

Making class time longer will not add "quality" learning time for students whose attention span will be burned out long<br />

before that.<br />

446 The survey doesn't acknowledge parents like me who have 4 students. Neither the survey nor the PowerPoint explain<br />

what the 12-week gap is.<br />

447 "intoduction to"electives for half the year instead of a full year would be beneficial and interesting for students of all grade<br />

and levels<br />

Aug 23, 2011 4:42 PM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 4:34 PM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 3:56 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

448 Within adult education (job training), there is a movement to provide instructional training in 1 hr "bites" or less. Moving all<br />

classes to 3x5 model of all classes being 70-75 minutes seems like a move in the opposite direction. I like the hybrid<br />

because it allows for activities that require more time (labs, simulations) but sticks to the current instructional trend.<br />

449 By eliminating the fine arts in the school, you are eliminating talent and creativity. Students who have the opportunity to<br />

take a fine arts course have the opportunity to showcase other talents not able to be showcased in regular classes. It<br />

helps shy kids, it helps with comeratery amungst the students. Please keep the arts in the schools!<br />

450 I think when you start adding additional time in class you might lose the interest of the child. 70 plus minutes for a class<br />

is a lot of time.<br />

451 First, the 7 period schedules are not adding 10-15mins per day. It was adding 35 mins to the day at McIntosh, which<br />

starts at 8:40 and ends at 3:20. I think 35mins is alot of time to add to an already long day, especially for students with<br />

after school activities. Second, Why not look at block schedules. Many of the school use those. I know Landmark has<br />

used them. Many of those have free study periods that allow students to get help from teachers. Third, I may be wrong,<br />

but I don't think the majority of students are looking for more classes to take. If you are going to lengthen the day, I would<br />

give more time to the core classes, so teachers have more time to cover the increase in material they have to cover for all<br />

these required test. Fourth, if you are going to change the schedule, maybe you can allow time for all these workshops<br />

and credits hour they have to have, which makes many of them miss class one to two weeks a year. Lastly, why cannot<br />

sports be consider a for an elective course credit. They allow team sports, band, chorus, drama, and wood shop. If they<br />

allowed kids on the school sport teams to get elective credit for their sport, they could schedule that class at the end of<br />

the day. This would keep kids from missing their last period, because they have to leave early for games. Kids could start<br />

practice earlier, so they have more time to study. I think kids learn just as much about discipline, time management,<br />

working together, and physical fitness as they do in team sports. Just a suggestion.<br />

50 of 103<br />

Aug 23, 2011 3:30 PM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 3:25 PM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 3:18 PM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 3:12 PM<br />

452 Why no parents (non-school employees) on the committee? Aug 23, 2011 2:55 PM<br />

453 Please do not forget sports. Aug 23, 2011 2:46 PM<br />

454 I really don't know. All of them seem a pretty drastic change. Aug 23, 2011 1:40 PM<br />

455 I would like the opportunity for tutoring to be available during the school day for my daughter who struggles with<br />

completing homework without guidance<br />

456 If students are having a hard time passing 6 classes how in the world are they going to pass 7 classes. Wouldn't it be<br />

better if they took less classes like 5 and actually passed them. They might even master them.<br />

457 I appreciate taking parent input, but I feel the teachers should have the most say on this matter. Making our schools<br />

more appealing to colleges is very important, but with the zero period option available, I am not sure that the best choice<br />

Aug 23, 2011 1:36 PM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 12:34 PM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 10:41 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

is stated above. Maybe you need to consider expanding the zero period classes available.<br />

458 Lose the winter break - It is a waste of time Aug 23, 2011 10:29 AM<br />

459 My son is a senior and has struggled for the entire 4 years. My daughter will be entering during the 12-13 school year<br />

with plans to study pre-med in college. I feel that she will need all of the opportunities to compete fairly and that the trisemester<br />

will give her a leg up.<br />

460 I'm pleased to see the Board addressing the need to conform our children's schedule with that of other school systems in<br />

the US, the consideration of multiple alternatives and the way stakeholder input has been solicited.<br />

461 Speaking as a parent who went through all grade levels in <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> schools, I would like to see grade-weighting<br />

done for those students who opt to take tougher schedules through AP and extra electives so they are fairly assessed<br />

against those students who do not take tougher scheduling. The failure to weight grades for AP students is almost<br />

punitive in that it fails to reward extra effort put forth by high-achievers.<br />

462 I truely like the Trimester idea, but feel that class times are too long, especially for kids with ADHD. Classes which do not<br />

require labs or hands on activities, will struggle with "filling time" usefully. The hybrid also sounded fun, and a good way<br />

of preping for a college schedule, however, if a sick day is taken on tues, or wed., by student/teacher it would be<br />

comparable to missing 2 days of class, and the other 3 days would not offer appropriate time for make up, and continued<br />

learning. I think 7 period works great, but I feel 8 periods would be more appropriate with keeping up with the rest of the<br />

countries credit opportunity. Thank you<br />

463 I have had a child graduate from SMHS. <strong>Schedule</strong> works great. I have a younger child. Keep schedule the same. <strong>Survey</strong><br />

is bias to certain agendas.Leaning for certain answers.<br />

464 Our child had to choose between 3 connections - she chose a foreign language and band, but was also very interested in<br />

JROTC. The 7 period day would allow her to participate in all three.<br />

465 Ideally having my child be able to choose a career path by taking some introductory courses in <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> rather than<br />

wait until he enters college. Would greatly help him to succeed in life.<br />

466 I strongly do not want to see our schools bring in outsiders for tuition. There is a reason we chose to live here and that<br />

was the quality of the education. Outsiders could bring down the quality of the school and the education. For extra<br />

funding I feel we should rent out school space in the evenings.<br />

467 My family and I moved out here from Phoenix Arizona a year ago, (sophmore year) and were disappointed in the <strong>High</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> curriculum offered at Starrs Mill. I HIGHLY recommend you research Desert Vista, in Phoenix AZ and learn from<br />

their success. It is an outstanding high school that benefits the student 100%. The students at Starrs Mill will not have<br />

51 of 103<br />

Aug 23, 2011 10:24 AM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 9:39 AM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 9:28 AM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 9:10 AM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 8:57 AM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 8:15 AM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 12:51 AM<br />

Aug 23, 2011 12:31 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 10:54 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

enough credits to compete with their classmates, nor are they benefiting from fine art electives. Also, you may want to<br />

consider starting school earlier for HS students as opposed to keeping them later in the day. It may help with the<br />

bottleneck of cars in the morning at all three schools. Due to the outstanding education my daughter received from her<br />

previous high school in Arizona, she will graduate with 6 math credits. That I am thankful for; she will be ahead of some of<br />

her classmates here in Georgia when she applies for college next year. Please, do some market research from other<br />

schools and think of the students moving forward. Thank you for your time.<br />

468 After reviewing the options I prefer the 7 Period Day schedule best. I feel like since the students are already on this<br />

format for middle school it will be the easiest to adjust to. Also I am not overly concerned with my child taking AP classes<br />

or numerous electives as I am interested in them considering dual enrollment. Based on what I have heard about the dual<br />

enrollment program it make more sense than the current AP program in that college credit is given based on passing the<br />

class rather than passing the class and the AP exam.<br />

469 My child wants to take ap classes and it seems that the other two schedules just do not mee the criteria necessary for<br />

this. It is not that I like this choice. It is the fact that it is the best for kids wanting to achieve excellence.<br />

470 It would be useful for the committee to look at studies on the effect of the length of instructional time on student retention<br />

and engagement, and also determine the success/failure of these schedule changes in other school districts<br />

471 The BoE need to strongly consider the survey results of parents, students, and teachers before making a decision that<br />

they think is politically correct. We chose <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> for a reason, other than another county when we moved 7<br />

years ago...please consider the opinions of those who took the time to answer the survey<br />

52 of 103<br />

Aug 22, 2011 10:17 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 10:00 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 9:41 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 9:34 PM<br />

472 We love the dual enrollment options and move on when ready with college course. Aug 22, 2011 9:28 PM<br />

473 It is a great opportunity for students to receive as many credits as possible to be more competitive when applying for<br />

colleges.<br />

474 The Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong> would keep students from getting bored with a class know the total amount of weeks for the<br />

class is shorte even though the class sessions are longer. This plan allows more choices and more opportunities to earn<br />

credits.<br />

475 I think the trimester would work the best because students who tend to perform poorly in class have a chance to graduate<br />

on time. This is because the trimester provides you with the chance to earn a surplus of credits instead of only a 1 credit<br />

lee-way with graduating on time.<br />

Aug 22, 2011 9:22 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 9:20 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 8:53 PM<br />

476 We need to have competive credits earned for college . Aug 22, 2011 8:51 PM<br />

477 Student feedback and personal experience indicates that instructional focus should be abandoned. Aug 22, 2011 8:29 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

478 I had a son that already graduated. He failed a semester in English and took an online course to get the credit. It was<br />

more cost effective, as summer school was too expensive. I have another son who dropped out, due to failing 2 classes,<br />

half semester each. He felt he would never get caught up and quit. I would love to see something offered in the school to<br />

help them do this should my last child need this. Also, she takes special help classes now and it eliminates her<br />

opportunity for fine art classes she's spoken of a desire for.<br />

479 In our changing world, year-long school with more focus on learning real-world skills is essential. More time for AP<br />

courses, electives and CTAE courses are very important. Losing summer vacation can easily be made up by having<br />

more "breaks" during the course of the school year.<br />

480 I feel that none of these choices best fit my child's needs. She is taking a fine arts and foreign language as her electives.<br />

She does not need another class, but she would like more time with her teachers. However, every students learns<br />

differently, and my child can most likely adjust to the schedule unlike some students who cannot.<br />

481 My child is in 11th grade. This year he is taking band,2 AP classes and Spanish 4. Because he had to take STEM<br />

Physics he was unable to take an AP science class. he would have had to taken a zero period class like he did last year.<br />

The day was too long for him. Having 7 periods during the regular day will be better for students like him. Also the hybrid<br />

will allow students to focus more on some classes on Weds and other classes on Thursday.<br />

53 of 103<br />

Aug 22, 2011 8:11 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 7:35 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 7:17 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 6:02 PM<br />

482 My second choice is the 7 periods a day, but it does make the day more packed and longer. Aug 22, 2011 5:56 PM<br />

483 I will have children in Whitewater <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> for th next 12+ years so going to the trimester schedule allows the greatest<br />

flexibility and provides the opportunity for <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> graduates to have the best preparation for the college<br />

admissions process. Thank you for asking the parents / communities opinion on this important subject.<br />

Aug 22, 2011 5:06 PM<br />

484 i definitely do not like the schedule that would allow gap times. jeff kendrick Aug 22, 2011 4:58 PM<br />

485 I have attended school on the trimester schedule and loved it. Once teachers and students experience this, it will be hard<br />

to imagine ever wanting to go back to semesters!<br />

Aug 22, 2011 4:36 PM<br />

486 I like the longer class periods being only twice a week to allow for more in-depth learning. Aug 22, 2011 4:27 PM<br />

487 My child is in the 10th grade and is in AP Statitics. She had to drop orchestra in an effort to keep foreign language. They<br />

need the opportunity to take music, language and AP to be competitive for colleges out of state.<br />

488 The 3x5 trimester schedule is NOT a good idea. Students need to have math, english, and science everyday throughout<br />

the school year. These subjects are very important and need to be taught and reinforced everyday. I would think not<br />

having math, english, or science for 1 trimester would drastically lower SAT and ACT scores.<br />

Aug 22, 2011 4:12 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 4:09 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

489 I hope the powers that be follow through on making some changes. A six period day no longer meets the needs of high<br />

achieving or low achieving students.<br />

490 My child is a junior. This year we had to make a decision for her not to take graphic design because she desperately<br />

wanted to take Chorus for all 4 years. I wanted her to take Chorus because she loves it, but she intends to go to college<br />

and I had to get her to take 2 years of Spanish due to the foreign language requirment of most colleges. There is<br />

definitely not enough room in the schedule for electives. I must also add that the questions asked in this survey are<br />

interesting and did not allow me to express my concern for a combination of foreign language, AP classes and fine arts.<br />

There is no room for the students to explore disciplines and yet still have college aspirations. It would be a tragedy for<br />

students to not have the experience of fine arts, or miss the opportunity to attend colleges because they are unaware or<br />

have to make difficult choices regarding foreign language. This is very serious for our students and I appreciate the<br />

opportunity to comment. Regarding the student survey.....I do feel asking students if they want to take more classes or<br />

extend their school day is misleading and will not represent a true assessment of their desire for fine arts, foreign<br />

language, or ROTC. Smaller schools have more of a challenge offering a variety of AP courses. The scheduling of those<br />

classes is extremely difficult. Please take that into consideration.<br />

491 I like the idea of giving students more opportunities to take classes, either "fun" ones or serious ones for those who excel<br />

academically and want to get into to a very competitive college. BUT I also feel that we are schooling some kids to death.<br />

I LOVE the idea of a work/study program, or making the last class of the day optional, where those who want to do some<br />

good things with that time can go off and do so.<br />

492 Consider the role of the "GUIDANCE COUNSELOR". If more choices are available, then each child should be instructed<br />

MUCH MORE personally. This job execution at Sandy Creek 2010-2011 was pitiful!!! So more choices is not always<br />

better if the "professionals" are not interested in giving aid with the students "PLAN" for what, when, how, and why to the<br />

details of their class schedules. PARENT of SANDY CREEK STUDENT<br />

493 If the school day is extended, how would that impact bus routes? When the HS start time was previously changed, all<br />

sorts of problems were created due to middle schools and high schools starting at the same time. There always seems to<br />

be a shortage of bus drivers even with the staggered start times. Also, as a parent of a gifted and active student, I would<br />

welcome the opportunity for her to only have to worry about homework for 5 classes per day. Some student athletes don't<br />

get home from games until around 10:00. It is difficult to begin the homework assignments that late at night for multiple<br />

subjects.<br />

494 My ninth grader is a bit overwhelmed. I do not know how to help.Less classes in a day may help. The Hybrid model was<br />

good too... with the two days of intensive focus.<br />

495 Change the schedule or not, the bottom line is that my child will still do well in school and be successful since she lives in<br />

an environment that values learning. She is also highly motivated, something that her father and I can take no credit for.<br />

The bottom line is that the school district will NEVER be all things to all children, and the more you try the more it gets<br />

54 of 103<br />

Aug 22, 2011 3:14 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 3:12 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 2:24 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 2:19 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 1:57 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 1:55 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 1:44 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

screwed up. Some kids do well, and some don't. The ones that don't have a tendency to take more from the learning<br />

community than they give. They screw around and waste everyone's time and become discipline problems for the<br />

classroom. I am so tired of dumbing down the curriculum and requirements and giving kids a FALSE sense of how well<br />

they are actually doing. No wonder the amount of children taking remedial coursework is ridiculously high in GA colleges<br />

and Universities! We've spent all this time and money trying to motivate and coddle kids who don't want to learn and<br />

have zero incentive to do so. Some kids aren't wired for university work. There should be zero shame or blame in that!!<br />

It doesn't mean they are not bright or cannot do prep work, but if their interest lies outside of the university then why are<br />

we forcing them to jump through the hoops? College isn't the only road for people, nor should it be. I feel terrible for<br />

these wonderful kids who get stuck taking foreign language and calculus when all they want to do is learn a trade!<br />

College will be there if they are so motivated but why shove them into a prep diploma and tell them how smart they are<br />

when the only reason they are doing better is because the standards are being lowered?? My kid is a great student but<br />

she is no Einstein. However, the coursework is so easy now that the gifted classes and AP classes are packed full of<br />

kids with an inflated sense of their own intelligence. This whole schedule thing is another gimmick to try and level a<br />

playing field that cannot be leveled. More hours in a day will not motivate a student to learn, and more exposure to<br />

subjects when some cannot read at the level necessary to understand the material is futile. It doesn't mean they aren't<br />

bright--ask the kids who are at the bottom of the class, and most will tell you that school is boring. Well most of the kids<br />

at the top disagree--but they want to go to college. The kids at the bottom who want to go to college will find a way and<br />

we should focus efforts towards them. But the ones who are simply following a pre-ordained path because everyone else<br />

assumes that all kids should go to college --what about them? And you now want to add more time to the school day<br />

when its already too long for their attention spans? You cannot manufacture motivation--great teachers can inspire it, but<br />

my children have had some of the finest teachers in <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> and even they cannot make a difference with an<br />

indifferent teen. Legislating more hours in a day feels like punishment--why not put it out there as an option for kids who<br />

WANT to do extra work? I guarantee you you will weed out the ones that aren't motivated and you will really be able to<br />

enhance learning for those kids that chose to take advantage of more opportunities. Shut your ears to parents whining<br />

that their darling isn't doing well and its the schools fault. I'm sick and tired of their voice being heard louder than those of<br />

us who's children actually work hard at school without being coerced or bribed. Look at the failure rate in GA high<br />

schools and freshman universities--the numbers don't lie! And you now want to change it up to see if maybe that will<br />

make a difference? Forgive my cynicism, however I've been in 10 different school systems around the country, both<br />

private and public, and the number one predictor of success hasn't anything to do with how long the school day is or how<br />

great the teachers are. The home environment is the overwhelming factor, and I'm sorry to say that government schools<br />

cannot and should not attempt to make up for that. Block scheduling would be great, but mark my words as soon as the<br />

scores drop yet again I will be opening up another survey about yet another change. And for the record, the instructional<br />

focus period is a total waste of time. Please get rid of it--and kindly ask that the teacher who actually sent me a<br />

SYLLABUS to sign for instructional focus please refrain from doing so. Its ridiculous and redundant.<br />

496 Need to keep up with college requirements! Aug 22, 2011 1:29 PM<br />

497 Eliminate week off in Feb; highly unnecessary so soon after long Christmas break. Start school mid or late Aug to reduce<br />

utility costs and sync with college schedules for families.<br />

55 of 103<br />

Aug 22, 2011 1:28 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

498 I know many parents/students are put off by the longer class times. If the instructor does not make the time engaging<br />

then the student will become disinterested (that could happen today). Though it will be a big transition our kids and<br />

teachers will adapt and should not use the longer class time as a detractor. Research has proven the benefits of this<br />

system. Society will only become more competitive in the future years. This schedule will allow the curriculum to grow<br />

with the requirements and not have to be altered as soon. Maybe this can be implemented at the lower levels and other<br />

things like "Spanish" can be introduced earlier. The world is changing WE should not be afraid to embrace it.<br />

499 Consider AP classes and the length of time alloted for instruction and the dates of the tests. It seems as if the trimester<br />

schedule would not work for students taking these classes.<br />

500 As educators, you should know that attention spans wanes after about 20 minutes. Making classes 75 to 90 minutes long<br />

will be counter productive. Your quality of teaching will drop even lower than it is now. If you want to help kids who are<br />

struggling, get rid of this absurd math program and hire better quality teachers, especially in the math departments.<br />

501 Although the classes would be longer, I believe that each student would do better with less classes during the day and<br />

more time in that classroom.<br />

56 of 103<br />

Aug 22, 2011 1:24 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 1:20 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 1:15 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 12:57 PM<br />

502 More flexbile and inclusive for all students. Aug 22, 2011 12:50 PM<br />

503 I am excited about the 7 period class schedule(s). But, I am concern for students who cannot handle a 7 class work<br />

load. For our student, I really want her to have the opportunity to take 7 courses. Currently, our student is in fine arts<br />

and Spanish all four years. A 7 period schedule allows her to take additional AP classes or take exploratory electives.<br />

So, for our student, a 7 period format is exciting and wanted. Is there a way to allow students to take 6 or 7 classes on<br />

the 7 period format ? Perhaps for students who only want to take 6 course, allow the option for one period to be a<br />

"study hall" period ?<br />

504 I want my children to stay competitive academically to other HS graduates outside Georgia and the ability for them to try<br />

different electives so they will be more aware of the interest for college education or potential career in the future.<br />

505 The 3 x 5 Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong> allow students to earn 30 credit hours, which is competitive with students in other systems.<br />

Allowing additional class time increased instructional time.<br />

Aug 22, 2011 12:45 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 12:18 PM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 12:14 PM<br />

506 I am very much opposed to increasing the school day. I would rather any down time be at home. Aug 22, 2011 12:09 PM<br />

507 My children do not attend HS yet but they already have an abundance of homework. I don't know how children who<br />

struggle are able to complete this - especially if they have no support or someone with the knowledge to help them at<br />

home. To add an additional class with additional homework would be even more difficult. I DO believe that those<br />

students who struggle really need the opportunity to take more electives that they would enjoy and excel in.<br />

Aug 22, 2011 11:58 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

508 If it is important to keep the same school hours, could you not shorten each period just a couple of minutes so that you<br />

would not need to increase the school day for 10 - 15 minutes? 7 periods shortened for 2 minutes each would be 14<br />

minutes off the day so that the school hours could remain the same as they are now...just a thought.<br />

57 of 103<br />

Aug 22, 2011 11:42 AM<br />

509 My second choice would be the 7 Period Day <strong>Schedule</strong>. Aug 22, 2011 11:42 AM<br />

510 7 day schedule would be minimal transition for my middle school child yet allow for more credits throughout hs. 50<br />

minute class time would not alter focus issue. I like the trimester proposal too but longer class times concern me as to<br />

student's interest and focus. I see this as closer to a college schedule with fewer classes but probably more homework<br />

each day. Hybrid is interesting as it changes things up. Each day wouldn't be the same but main concern is the 90<br />

minute class. Maybe cut that to 75-80 minutes with a 30-35 mini class offering something to students in something they<br />

may have some interest in or "need to learn/know" that they might not pursue in college but would like to gain some<br />

knowledge. The positive I see in<br />

511 Children should be given the opportunity to be able to compete with other schools systems throughout the country. If<br />

attending school longer, providing more classes, etc then that should be done in order to give our children an advantage.<br />

Aug 22, 2011 11:21 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 11:09 AM<br />

512 I do not support year round school and will withdraw my child if this liberal agenda succeeds. Aug 22, 2011 11:06 AM<br />

513 The 3 x 5 <strong>Schedule</strong> is the best option. Aug 22, 2011 11:04 AM<br />

514 I feel that the 3x5 trimester schedule is the best option considering the alternatives. Only 5 classes at a time gives the<br />

student more time to focus on those subjects, rather than trying to learn 7 different subjects at once. For my son, I feel<br />

that this would be the best choice.<br />

515 To us it's important to NOT lengthen the school day, even if only 15-20 minutes. These kids are at school long enough<br />

and absolutely consumed by the after school programs already. Changing up every 10 weeks or so would also be<br />

appealing I think.<br />

Aug 22, 2011 11:03 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 11:03 AM<br />

516 I think the current schedule should remain in place. Aug 22, 2011 11:01 AM<br />

517 It is critical that <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> be properly aligned with Georgia Board of Regents requirements. Fayetee <strong>County</strong> does<br />

its students a disservice by not doing so. There are clearly not enough opportunities in the current school day to allow<br />

the <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> high school students significant exposure to many vocational or fine arts programs available. <strong>Fayette</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> high school students can not take band, a foreign lanugage and engineering or design. Many of the students had<br />

to drop fine arts activities to ensure they meet the requirements for college.<br />

518 I would like to see the elementary school and high school times changed. The high school kids could have more time for<br />

their heavier work loads, sports and heaven forbid a job. The elementary school kids could have more sleep ( following<br />

Aug 22, 2011 10:56 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 10:54 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

the academy of pediatrics suggestions) less afternoon child care for those who need it, more morning prep for teachers.<br />

9-3:30 for elementary, 7:30-2:30 for high school. My kids shouldn't be sleep deprived some the high school girls have<br />

more time to straighten their hair!<br />

519 Counselors will be critical in the selection of course work even more so than they are now....and right now my child's<br />

counselor can barely handle her case load.....will need support in counseling offices in order to pull this off successfully or<br />

it will hurt those currently enrolled in HS who are there in the middle of the change!<br />

58 of 103<br />

Aug 22, 2011 10:53 AM<br />

520 I see the hybrid schedule as the best option for teachers who teach AP classes and science labs. Aug 22, 2011 10:49 AM<br />

521 Keeping the same schedule as Middle <strong>School</strong> woulld seem to fit the needs of all. It would continue keeping consistance<br />

through out their school years.<br />

522 If my son and other students are having trouble taking 6 class and passing, why would you want students to take 7<br />

periods and expect to pass. Wouldn,t it be better if they took only 5 and could focus on passing these. A 3x5 looks alot<br />

better than trying to pass 7 at once and then not doing very good in any. Its better to master 5 and pass than 7 without<br />

mastering any.<br />

523 I think the Trimester Scheduling seems to meet all the needs of the students and teachers. I think it is a very creative way<br />

to do the school year. My son would like to take more electives of his choosing. Thanks!<br />

524 All are so confusing not sure I understand. Parents should be talked to in person about this at a school meeting to be able<br />

to make an educated decisions like you all have in your meetings.<br />

Aug 22, 2011 10:45 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 10:39 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 10:27 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 10:24 AM<br />

525 Research has proven that longer time in a classroom has improve the student's retention and understanding of a subject. Aug 22, 2011 10:16 AM<br />

526 Experience in another county is that block scheduling seem more effective in reaching budget objectives and<br />

uptake/retention of concepts (more time to saturate material). Also, concerned how each option, particularly trimester,<br />

impacts accumulation of GPA. This option turns course completions over more frequently. Thank you.<br />

527 Please select a schedule that will allow the students the maximum amount of hours of learning. I am worried that those<br />

who are interested in AP classes will have to get alot of the information on their own as well as those students who may<br />

struggle with a subject.<br />

Aug 22, 2011 10:15 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 10:05 AM<br />

528 I do not like the 7 period day hybrid schedule at all. Aug 22, 2011 10:00 AM<br />

529 Which ever schedual that will provide my children the Education & Support they need and prepare them for College is<br />

what I am looking for.<br />

Aug 22, 2011 9:48 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

530 keep it the same as this year without instructional focus period Aug 22, 2011 9:38 AM<br />

531 Don't change anything! Aug 22, 2011 9:36 AM<br />

532 The school year does not need to be any longer. My child spends most of his day at school already instead of with his<br />

family or friends, or sports or activities unrelated to school. adding more work, time, etc. will only complicate things.<br />

59 of 103<br />

Aug 22, 2011 9:35 AM<br />

533 the new extended day does NOT work for our family! Aug 22, 2011 9:32 AM<br />

534 The college I attended operated on a Trimester Program and it was a great experience. Aug 22, 2011 9:30 AM<br />

535 My child is only in 10th grade. So far, he has been able to take orchestra and a language for these 2 years. Not sure if<br />

this continues to be possible for the next 2 years or not. I would like him to be able to take an "academic elective" of his<br />

choosing (ie: business course etc). 10-15 minutes added to the school day is nothing. I managed to graduate without<br />

having the same schedule every day. I think that the AP courses and sciences need that extra hybrid time to complete<br />

labs etc. I am also an advocate for the "year round" school schedule.<br />

536 I am very worried about keeping the attention of students for an extended amount of time. If the school system were to<br />

go to one of the schedules which basically has block scheduling, I believe it would be detrimental to our students.<br />

537 I think that the more time teachers have with their students the more the students can relate to their work. They have<br />

more time and not feel rushed. By the time class is over its time for another class. With the trimester they have more time<br />

for the hel they need. I love the idea of Trimester.<br />

538 My high school (it was private) operated with trimesters and still does 35 years later with huge success. We were able to<br />

take more of a variety of classes and the change in teachers was good college prep as well as the variety of studies.<br />

539 I have three children in the county (1 middle and 2 elementary) who will be impacted by these changes. Is it possible for<br />

students to choose up to 8 periods? I'm not clear why there cannot be a flexible option? Growing up in the northeast we<br />

had 0 period through 8th period. This was helpful for students who were college bound and allowed students to take both<br />

AP and Arts curriculum. By using a registration system similar to colleges, students could choose classes available in the<br />

non-traditional slots (0 and 8th period). Registration was based on seniority. If registration does not fill a class then<br />

cancel it. This also allows administration to stagger teacher schedules with some opening and some closing rather than<br />

extending their days. The guidance counselors are likely already creating individual plans for each child so it should be<br />

easy to identify the students who would benefit from additional periods. I would also think these additional periods would<br />

be helpful to struggling learners as you could offer skills classes in these periods. It may require increasing enrollments in<br />

some elective classes depending on the popularity. Class ratios would be an easy sacrifice (in electives) especially if it<br />

increases college admission. If we put the choice in the hands on the students than you would garner support from both<br />

ends of the parent spectrum. This would also enable students who only need 6 periods to have oustide jobs, interships<br />

Aug 22, 2011 9:29 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 9:25 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 9:23 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 9:22 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 9:18 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

etc. Flexibility would also better meet the needs of kids trying to compete with college prep programs and create a well<br />

balanced transcript. The biggest downside of the trimester proposal is that people relocating to the area will be more<br />

inclined to put their children in private schools or they would move to another county. The trimester idea is too complex<br />

and would create havoc on transfer students. If the intention in the trimester proposal is to keep out of country transfers<br />

down than this is a brilliant plan. I am certain that the committee has done its homework by benchmarking high schools<br />

outside of Georgia. I would imagine that the committee has also reviewed admissions criteria with local experts at<br />

Georgia Tech and Emory and sought their opinions. It would have been helpful to have some of this research presented<br />

in the powerpoints. I look forward to hearing the results.<br />

540 All three options are strong and will be a significant improvement on the current system. Aug 22, 2011 9:17 AM<br />

541 It makes sense to me that having fewer classes at a time allows for more "focus" by the student and teacher. The idea of<br />

extended time in the classroom that the 3x5 Trimester allows for I believe would be a tremendous benefit for the student<br />

and teacher as well..<br />

542 I like the idea of extended class periods because it give the teachers and students an opportunity to work on different<br />

types of activities, rather than just lecture style instruction (differentiated instruction). I also think it gives the students time<br />

to go back and work independently on what they learned (classwork, drop homework) with the teacher right then and<br />

there for support. We want our kids well rounded and so many of our kids have very busy lives outside of the school day.<br />

Giving the students the ability to reinforce what they have learned during the day rather than struggle with it at home after<br />

their extracurriculars, would be a positive. This gives the kids opportunities to build their lives outside of the academic<br />

arena as well, working to establish balance. I feel the general population would agree that leaving our "jobs" at the office<br />

is an important part of stress management, I would like our students to be able to know they can do that too. (Minus<br />

needs for projects, and general studing for test of course) I also like the idea of having only 5 class periods a day. This<br />

helps promote focus and less stress. Yes, we want them to be able to multi-task and juggle if you will, but we have to<br />

realize they are "learning" how to do this... I also think changing every trimester would also help spark interest because<br />

change would occur more often. I guess you can tell I like the 3X5.<br />

60 of 103<br />

Aug 22, 2011 9:13 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 9:09 AM<br />

543 I feel the 3X5 is the best but also the 7 period day is great. The hybrid is not a good idea in my opinion. Aug 22, 2011 9:00 AM<br />

544 In order to take Spanish 3, Chorus and Technology during my daughter's second year, she willingly took a history course<br />

over the summer to meet requirements. She is taking her first AP class and she very happy with her schedule, but what if<br />

she were not able to take that History class over the summer this would not have been possible. By the way, Ms Bonner<br />

is an amazing counselor.<br />

545 The 7 Period Day Hybrid seems like it may be confusing for students and teachers. I like the idea of the 3 X 5, but the 7<br />

Period Day seems like a fine option as well.<br />

Aug 22, 2011 8:41 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 8:28 AM<br />

546 If the school day ends up being longer what is this going to do to athletics in this county. There is already problems with Aug 22, 2011 8:15 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

the buses leaving on time to get to athletic events outside of county for region games and other games of counties that<br />

are not on these other type schedules. GHSA makes the rules for what time games have to start and end during the<br />

week so this is a big concern to all parents whose children are involved in athletics. There needs to be a solution to this<br />

before<br />

547 My persception is that your focusing on lengthening the day instead of the wasted days in the school year. Let's look at<br />

the quality of a day versus quantity of days.<br />

548 I think you already have three of the best reasons to mmove forward 1-no additional cost 2-teachers are already in place<br />

3- it will benefit our children giving them the credits they will need at the end of high school and entering college.<br />

549 I think making a student stay in class for a more extended amount of time is detramental to the child. It is hard enough<br />

with the lengh of time they spend now and the amount of homework my Middle <strong>School</strong>er has now is quite a lot. Staying<br />

longer in a classroom and with the amount of homework the student has is too much; in my opinion, for them. They need<br />

"down" time in order to handle the day to day and pier pressures of <strong>High</strong> school and also at the <strong>High</strong> school level, College<br />

acceptance.<br />

550 The 3x5 schedule make the most since to accommodate all students needs. It is also great to have longer classes so<br />

students can get learning and practice in at the same time. Teachers should have no problem extending class periods by<br />

20 minutes (if they are good and dedicated).<br />

551 For our country to be #1 in other areas, we are lacking in the area of education and it needs to be addressed and<br />

corrected. A 7 day period is a step in the right direction.<br />

552 The three by five model would give the most opportunities for different classes. It is important not to extend the school<br />

day because students also need to take part in extra-curricular activites and still need time for homework, church and<br />

family.<br />

61 of 103<br />

Aug 22, 2011 8:13 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 8:06 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 8:06 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 8:06 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 8:05 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 8:03 AM<br />

553 1st choice 3x5 Trimester; Second choice 7 Day period schedule; Very much dislike Hybrid schedule Aug 22, 2011 8:02 AM<br />

554 I think the additional time each period with the trimester option will actually give my child the opportunity to truly<br />

concentrate on the subject.<br />

555 The 3x5 trimester schedule seems the most capable of catering to both students who are struggling and students who<br />

are high achievers academically. This schedule is also similar to a college schedule which may make the transition to<br />

college a bit easier.<br />

556 I am not in favor of block scheduling. I have worked in a county where this was implemented and this county is switching<br />

back to regular classes after 5 years of it because it doesn't work. The teacher have a difficult time keeping the children<br />

Aug 22, 2011 7:57 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 7:34 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 7:29 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

involved after about an hour and 15 minutes. The children become restless and they often get confused of where they<br />

are suppose to be on what day. I am just not in favor of it I have seen it in practice and I did not see the benefits come<br />

from putting it into practice. I am in favor of a 7 period day. Thank you for the opportunity to give my input.<br />

557 My son will be a rising 9th grader in school year 2012-2013. He enjoys band and I want him to continue, however, I think<br />

it is important for our children to be mandanted to take a foreign language. I also think if it means increasing the school<br />

day, it should be done. I think a minimum of 50 minutes is necessary for each class and even longer if they are afforded<br />

a small break after 50 minutes. Our children face challenges in their future that most of the parents did not, as a working<br />

adult they will have jobs that entail them to work 8-10 hours a day, I think as young adults they can handle an increase in<br />

their school day.<br />

558 We lived in Florida for one year. The high school my son attended used a 4 block system. He loved it and exceled with<br />

only 4 classes to keep up with. The classes were 90 mins., which gave him much more time to understand and learn. I<br />

wished Georgia would do the same, for I noticed a huge improvement.<br />

559 I am very concerned about the size of our high schools and the number of singletons that are already in the master<br />

schedule and the conflicts that will increase with fewer slots per day with the 3X5. In my opinion, this will increase the<br />

number of conflicts and subsequently reduce access to AP classes, extended foreign language classes, specialty classes<br />

such as ROTC and the fine arts.<br />

62 of 103<br />

Aug 22, 2011 6:44 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 6:40 AM<br />

Aug 22, 2011 6:40 AM<br />

560 How about a fall break in October? We had this years ago. Aug 22, 2011 6:37 AM<br />

561 I like the fact that more classes can be taken under the 3x5 schedule. Aug 22, 2011 4:09 AM<br />

562 Why is there no IB program in <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong>? Could there not be a magnet IB program placed at one of the highschools<br />

to meet the needs of our highest achievers?<br />

Aug 21, 2011 11:50 PM<br />

563 I would love to see a 4 day week Aug 21, 2011 11:44 PM<br />

564 we need to have a vocational / technical path for students. I feel we are trying to shape all students to take a college prep<br />

line, when reality will show some will work in the technical / vocational sector. I know if I was forced to follow a traditional<br />

college prep road, I would not have made it. I had choosen a technical / vocational avenue and turned out fine. I enjoy<br />

working in the avaiation industry as a technician and this does not require a four year college. The classes such as metal<br />

occupations, technical drawing, mechanical drawing, electronics, etc. proved to be more rewarding and benificial than<br />

any college prep courses would have. I have been doing this for over 20 years and now manage the aircraft<br />

maintenance, at a major airline. I still took 3 years of math, 1 year foreign lanague, 4 years of english/lit, 2 years history,<br />

1 year of world geo. etc. a well rounded education. Each of our students have different intrests and need to explore<br />

these interests in high school. When they graduate high school then is the time to pursue further and specialized<br />

education. it seems like we are shaping the students to all be the same when in fact they are not. All avenues need to be<br />

Aug 21, 2011 11:21 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

available to our students to explore. Lets not change the school day, change the education system to suit where all of<br />

our students can excell in their areas of intrests. Most people will tell you they wish they could find a good mechanic,<br />

plumber, etc. Maybe that next good mechanic or plumber is in class right now, and may never realize his/her calling. I<br />

am telling you qualified people in the technical / vocational feilds are far and few. Lets give our kids a choice in life. We<br />

have taken this away from them. Change the system not the school day, longer is not the fix,<br />

565 Having longer classes will better prepare children for college where classes are longer. Being able to focus on few<br />

subjects at a time will allow for better retention and comprehension.<br />

63 of 103<br />

Aug 21, 2011 10:49 PM<br />

566 My child takes a zero period class. i think they should be let out early if they take this class. With their parents permisition. Aug 21, 2011 10:39 PM<br />

567 Because of AP classes and foreign language was not able to take any other electives. Each schedule is a grind trying to<br />

prepare for college, no chorus, drama, arts...<br />

568 The school day is long enough. Please do not increase the school day (even for 10-15 minutes.) The 3x5 schedule<br />

works and allows more instruction per day, which hopefully will lead to less time on homework. I will highly likely home<br />

school my child if the 7th period options are approved. I think it offers little to no benefit for the students. I am also fully<br />

okay with leaving the schedule the same as it is today. I dont think what you are trying to accomplish is such a dire need<br />

to change anything. Thanks for letting me give my opinion.<br />

569 A student will be overwhelmed by a long school day and 7 classes on a daily basis. It is very challenging to study 7<br />

subjects every day, especially when it is time for mid-term and final examination. A 3x5 Trimester schedule not only<br />

offers more courses, but also provides ample time for students to study every day. Therefore, they can focus on the 5<br />

subjects. Meanwhile, teachers have plenty of time to work with students, do lab activities, and prepare for their lessons<br />

during their longer planning time. Beside, teachers do not have too meet 5-6 classes daily. They can also focus on the<br />

students in the 4 classes they teach.<br />

570 As a student myself, teenagers my age are not going to sit through a class period that is and hour and fifteen minutes<br />

long. It is bad enough now being in a class for fifty minutes,with teachers that only believe in getting out of their desks just<br />

to lecture us, leaving the rest of the class period for classwork which is finished within fifteen minutes. I noticed that you<br />

did not have an option for the regular schedule that i believe is working quite efficiently. However, with the choosing of the<br />

3x5 Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong>, i still strongly agree with how the regular schedule is working. Would love to continue this<br />

further. Regards, Marisa Register Whitewater <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Junior Class of 2013. (770) 461-9404.<br />

Aug 21, 2011 10:32 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 10:22 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 10:22 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 10:14 PM<br />

571 We believe much is lost with a long summer vacation. A more balanced year long schedule is a better option. Aug 21, 2011 10:08 PM<br />

572 I think the 7 per. day would be the easiest adjustment for both the students and teachers. I like the idea of earning more<br />

credits to be more competitive with other school systems<br />

Aug 21, 2011 10:02 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

573 Two of my 3 children have been in fine arts all 4 years (the 3rd planning to, as well), taken at least 4 AP classes and 4<br />

years of foreign language during their 4 years of HS, and made all A's. But they graduate without taking some courses<br />

that should get them ready for life beyond high school. I believe they should be able to take courses to 'try out' some<br />

careers before they head into college. Accounting? Healthcare? There is no room in their high school schedule for them<br />

to even consider trying a subject to see if that is an area of interest for a future career. Substantial foreign language<br />

education is required to compete for entry to an upper level school (Ga Tech). Fine Arts is an area that benefits every<br />

student, regardless of their future career - and also generally does not have a lot of academic stress associated with it,<br />

which has been a benefit to my children. But it would benefit every student (headed to college) to be able to try out some<br />

career choices in high school before declaring their career choice for life within the next 2 years after h.s. graduation (by<br />

declaring a major). FCBOE has already lenghthened the day for high school this academic year. An additional 10-15<br />

minutes is not much for the trade-off. The middle school students already have 7 periods. There is no adjustment<br />

required there. True, instructional time would be reduced - but a good teacher is able to address that issue. (A topic for<br />

discussion for another day is why, at SMHS, are kids making 4.0's and never in the top 10% of their class? That is a<br />

more important issue than instructional time being reduced. These issues are related - could the classes not be<br />

challenging enough?) And lastly, the possibility of having more discipline issues should not be an issue, but unfortunately,<br />

it is a real one. I cannot argue with that. And, I also realize I'm addressing college-bound students, but I believe we<br />

should direct all students toward that end as our environment is changing. These days, even with a college degree, jobs<br />

are scarce. I believe having a consistent schedule for an entire academic year is a better option than having blocks of<br />

time/classes/instruction that change each trimester or week, as with the other 2 options. This is true for consistency<br />

(math classes are the first thing that come to mind), but also for transient students who move during the academic year.<br />

Thank you for the opportunity to be heard. <strong>Fayette</strong> Co. schools are great for Georgia standards, but could be better and I<br />

for one stand for looking for ways to improve them, and offering my children more education is never a bad thing.<br />

64 of 103<br />

Aug 21, 2011 10:00 PM<br />

574 There are a-lot of classes a student may want to take, but very little time to experience them. Aug 21, 2011 9:57 PM<br />

575 I feel 7 periods is enough and 7 periods Hybrid <strong>Schedule</strong> has to much going on. Aug 21, 2011 9:48 PM<br />

576 The current schedule is ineffective and impedes on student's after school activities/responsibilies given that they are now<br />

getting home from school after 4 p.m. Why not start school at 8:25 and have 50 minute classes, a 5 minute homeroom<br />

(after 2nd period) and 5 minutes in between classes. There are too many "breaks" built into the current schedule.<br />

577 I dislike the "instructional focus" becauses regardless of the intentions behind it, it is impossible for a teacher to provide<br />

additional help in 20 min<br />

578 I do not understand why it would not be possible for students to keep the same teachers in core classes from one<br />

trimester to the next. It seems important that in a class like English or Lab Science, that the students and teachers<br />

benefit from staying with who they know between two halves of a course. It seems like a scheduling issue, but not an<br />

impossibility as stated. Do students change teacher in the middle of year long courses in the 6-period day? Continuity<br />

would make the Hybrid <strong>Schedule</strong> more attractive, if it can not be worked out in the Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong>.<br />

Aug 21, 2011 9:39 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 9:38 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 9:36 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

579 I am very concerned about adding a 7th class period. My 10th grade daughter is already overloaded (2 AP classes) and<br />

there are very few electives (even the "easy" ones) that wouldn't require extra work. The current system worked for my<br />

recent grad - she entered a great private university with enough credits from a 6 period day. Please don't make changes<br />

just to help credit recovery students. They can take classes after school or on the weekend - don't change every<br />

student's schedule for one type of student.<br />

580 A full day of AP and gifted classes are very challenging when there does not always appear enough time to teach the<br />

content to the level it is needed. I often hear from my child the classes are too rushed.<br />

581 Opportunities to attend the college of my student's chosing is greatly affected by the amount of credits and type of<br />

courses he/she can receive in high school. The first of our 4 children is now in high school. We would like to remain in<br />

<strong>Fayette</strong> county, but may move if the crdetis received will ahmper their college opportunities.<br />

582 Why is the current high school schedule not offerred as a consideration? It seems you do not want parents input as for a<br />

6 period day.<br />

65 of 103<br />

Aug 21, 2011 9:26 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 9:15 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 9:10 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 8:18 PM<br />

583 I really ike the idea of not having every class every day. It gives the student an opprortunity to stagger homework! Aug 21, 2011 8:09 PM<br />

584 The 6 period day is the best fit for the majority of students. It allows for the maximum period of time in the core classes -<br />

those that are needed for success in college. Credit recovery should be offered in the summer or after school. The 20<br />

minute study period that has currently been added could be used for math support. It could also be used to offer other<br />

electives, perhaps combined with zero period.<br />

Aug 21, 2011 7:51 PM<br />

585 Start the school day earlier and also continue to go later. Aug 21, 2011 7:39 PM<br />

586 ~length of summer and other vacations ~work load (can be very stressful with the current schedule) ~length of school day<br />

(so there's time for homework, extracurricular activities after school, and a healthy bedtime)<br />

587 The 3 x 5 schedule would negatively impact band, chorus, and orchestra due to the possibility of not being in the same<br />

ensemble all 3 tri-mesters.<br />

588 This schedual 3x5 will help the kids adjust to college life too. This makes the most sense by far. They do not need more<br />

time in school, we need to maximize the time they already spend. I imagine the teachers don't want an extended day<br />

either.<br />

589 The HS students in <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> get out entirely too late. These students are involved in sports, jobs, and activities that<br />

make it impossible for them to get home before 9pm. Getting out at 3:40 in the afternoon is rediculous. They should start<br />

the earliest so that they can get out and be able to participate in extracurricular activities and still be able to study and<br />

have a family life. Squeezing in 7 periods would not be such a problem if they were out at 2:40, then they could<br />

Aug 21, 2011 7:33 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 7:31 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 6:52 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 6:50 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

participate in all kinds of activities, including work. The 20 minutes added to the END of the already long day was an<br />

outrage. I find it hard to believe that any committee or the <strong>County</strong> Office is truly in tune to what these students, parents,<br />

and teachers need/want. My child can't even get out of the parking lot by 4pm now. What planning went into that<br />

decision?<br />

590 Increasing class periods to more than 50 minutes loses the attention span of most people. Most college courses are not<br />

more than an hour long.<br />

591 We are transferring from a school that offered 8 periods every day. started at 8:15 ended at 3:50 had an hr lunchwhich<br />

aided in down time to help them relax and enjoy high school. the 8 peridod day also gave more freedom for classes,<br />

college reequirements and socialization. 7 period day is a breeze and would open up many opportunites for the students.<br />

There is a big world out there that they can tackle if given the opportunity.<br />

66 of 103<br />

Aug 21, 2011 6:41 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 6:16 PM<br />

592 I do not understand most of your power point presentation and therefore cannot complete this survey. Aug 21, 2011 5:41 PM<br />

593 I do not understand most of your power point presentation and therefore cannot complete this survey. Aug 21, 2011 5:41 PM<br />

594 I do not see the need to change from last years 6 periood schedule without any additional study period. Why penalize<br />

children who work hord and do well in their classes for other children who don't and should take summer school or some<br />

other way to ge remedial classes. You are penalizing the achievers so the underachievers don't have to make up time<br />

outside the normal school day. My children work hard because they want to and becasue I encourage it. Why should<br />

they have to take extra classes and change their schedule to accomodate children who don't spend the time necessary to<br />

pass a class. Tehy don't all have to get A's. Passing is a "C" an I firmly believe any child who really tries can achive a<br />

"C" in every class if they apply themselves. As far as additional electives my children have been able to take accelerated<br />

and AP classes without interfering with their full time band elective and have also been able to take additional electives<br />

without using the zero period. Don't fix what isn't broken.<br />

595 Is this change needed to accomodate the increase cultural diversity of our county. We have already lowered our<br />

academic standards, removed homework as a grade and tried to make everything "equal" to ensure success for our<br />

students who think education is second to athletics. Is this change really a need to help our students compete in college<br />

recruitment or just another way of lowering our standards to gaurantee success for the minority students who do not<br />

value education as a priority of a member of a productive society. Not everyone has a right to go to college, it is<br />

something that is earned not given.<br />

596 Offering students with disabilities the oppurtunity to choose their electives is important. With more elective periods in the<br />

day, there are more choices for them to work on pathways classes (auto, healthcare, etc) that they may otherwise be<br />

locked out of. 7 period day seems the best option for all students. Honestly, it gets students ready for a longer college<br />

day or career day.<br />

Aug 21, 2011 5:32 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 5:22 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 5:17 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

597 I would be open to all year school Aug 21, 2011 5:02 PM<br />

598 90 minutes for any elective class would be a waste of time. Aug 21, 2011 4:56 PM<br />

599 I think either the Trimester or 7-period schedule could work. I do worry a bit about keeping up with content in 7 classes,<br />

especially in taking advantage of AP offerings. We moved here from a district that used the trimeste approach and it<br />

seemed to work well.<br />

67 of 103<br />

Aug 21, 2011 4:52 PM<br />

600 Request current six-period schedule. Aug 21, 2011 4:41 PM<br />

601 I have had 3 graduate from Sandy Creek and one still to go. Some have had to give up fine arts or AP classes because of<br />

schedule conflicts (the higher level classes are offered but at specific time). I addition the need for foreign language for<br />

college eliminated the options for taking other classes the kids were interested in taking, esp fine arts and vocational<br />

courses. Basically you can't be a "top level" college prepared student and also do 4 years of art or music or take other<br />

vocational classes [or you do those and you can't be prepared or able to qualify for top level college and/or scholarships].<br />

I fear we are telling the kids indirectly not to be well-rounded or skilled in multiple areas or that certain disciplines are not<br />

compatible with certain college required careers. Both are errors and a great disservice to our kids.<br />

602 I feel 75 minute or 90 minute class times will be unproductive. Just keeping a childs attention for 50 minute seem like a<br />

challenge to me and 90 minutes seems unrealistic.<br />

603 Has the committee considered a schedule more like the typical college? Some classes Mon-Tue-Wed then others Tue-<br />

Thur (with longer classes on the ones that only meet twice a week.<br />

604 For a student entering into the <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> system from another system, the 3x5 trimester may allow him/her to not<br />

lose credits. Secondly, will it affect any rules with GHSA?<br />

Aug 21, 2011 4:41 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 4:24 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 4:05 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 3:37 PM<br />

605 believe that the 3X5 trimester schedule would be most disruptive to Arts programs at the HS level Aug 21, 2011 3:23 PM<br />

606 We went to school for 2 years in Florida where they had an alternate schedule during the week for different schedules<br />

during the week Some days only having 3 classes and others having 6 in a shorter time. The students did not get enough<br />

instructional time for each class and homework was dumped on them. The average student is not always cut out for<br />

strenous academics or AP and the typical teenage boy ( I have two boys and there are definite differences from girls)<br />

already struggle with sitting through six periods. I definitely think the 3X5 trimester would work well for the majority of<br />

students - either average or above average, male or female.<br />

607 The only down side I see to the 7 period day schedule is that there is not enough planning time for electives teachers.<br />

Some may not need more, but I know that at least the high school band directors at MHS need more time since they<br />

teach more band classes than at the other high schools and they also are expected to teach/assist with grade school and<br />

Aug 21, 2011 3:10 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 3:02 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

middle school band classes. They will need more help under the 7 period schedule - possibly a secretary would be<br />

sufficient.<br />

608 As a parent of four children in the county, I'm always open to ideas that help them be more competitive after high school.<br />

I like the 3x5 trimester schedule because of the potential to earn more credits. However, of the three recommendations,<br />

the 7-day schedule is a good fit for the students and teachers. The Hybrid is confusing and unnecessary since it has the<br />

same outcomes as the 7-day period and achieves the same credits. And although the 7-day period has less credits<br />

earned than the 3x5, it offers more credits over the current system. My children have not struggled academically thus far<br />

so I'm not familiar with credit recovery options.<br />

609 In choosing the 3x5 schedule the child would be offered more choices and opportunities to learn in all areas. The change<br />

of teachers could be a good thing during the year as a child can benifit from different teaching styles and experiences. I<br />

have a child who would be taking AP classes and one who sometimes needs some extra tutoring therefore I like the<br />

opportunity for them to have more credit choices.<br />

68 of 103<br />

Aug 21, 2011 2:49 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 2:33 PM<br />

610 While my kids are in elementary now, thank you for including everyone. Good Luck. Aug 21, 2011 2:20 PM<br />

611 I would expect the committee to have gathered data from school systems already on these various schedules. Because<br />

the board is considering this change to make our students more competitive and to provide in school credit recovery (to<br />

meet NCAA rules), I would expect to see supporting evidence that one of these changes will be beneficial. For example:<br />

where were students being accepted for college before and after the change in the schedule; did providing in school<br />

opportunities to retake classes increase graduation rates or did athlete scholarships increase? Before any schedule is<br />

recommended I would expect to see numbers.<br />

612 It would be interesting to know "ALL" the details involved in these changes and not just those shared in the power point.<br />

For example will there be a yearly schedule change, school closings, facility use, personnel use, future hirings, future<br />

building .... and so on? How will this affect SACS, AYP, and grad requirements? What about standardized testing and<br />

continuity isssues between classes? Will Language and Lit be seperate classes like the middle school?<br />

613 We feel 4 yrs of foreign language and AP courses are crucial to our students competitive edge for potential college<br />

acceptance/scholarships. If the 3x5 Trimester is adopted, he will have to drop an AP or his Advanced Fine Arts class in<br />

order to meet graduation requirements. This would not be an improvement to his current options.<br />

614 What is driving this recommendation? <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> schools consistently place in the top average SAT scores in the<br />

state! FCBOE makes our students seem like they are underperforming and unprepared for the competitive college<br />

environment! My daughter just graduated SMHS 84th in her class of 420 with a 3.85GPA and 4 years of band class. She<br />

was accepted into UGA with a Zell Scholarship her Freshman year! So again I ask, what is driving this proposal? The 5<br />

<strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> band booster presidents and directors say no to the 3x5 or hybrid options. We are directing our booster<br />

parents in all 5 schools to respond as such. You may use my name in conversation if you need to- Ken Black, President<br />

Aug 21, 2011 2:18 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 2:14 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 2:03 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 2:00 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

of the SMHS Band Boosters and concerned parent of this proposed change.<br />

615 Think of the future which is the most adaptable? I like both the 3 trimester and the hybrid Aug 21, 2011 1:53 PM<br />

616 3x5 most resembles the quarter system that was in place when I graduated from <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Fewer<br />

classes meant you could concentrate more on what you had to learn, and it was much less overwhelming. 7 classes for<br />

18 long weeks means all the testing falls in the same weeks usually, including science projects, term papers, and final<br />

exams. This leaves hardly any time for the students to consider anything outside of homework.<br />

617 My child will major in music in college and is taking honors classes then AP classes. It is imperative for him to be able to<br />

take music all 4 years and AP classes. The tri-mester schedule does not allow for continuity for the academics or<br />

electives.<br />

69 of 103<br />

Aug 21, 2011 1:28 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 12:52 PM<br />

618 I do not know. My kids are in lower grades and I do not know a high schooler. Sorry. Aug 21, 2011 12:38 PM<br />

619 I believe having more time in a class each day will make a huge difference for a student to learn. With a 50 min class the<br />

students are rushed in and rushed out. Longer classes give the teachers time to teach and students more time to absorb<br />

the info. After reviewing all info on this subject.....3x5 Trimester is clearly the best way to go. Donna O'Kelly Current<br />

parent of two students at McIntosh (9th &10th grade)<br />

620 Either the 7 period day schedule or the 7Period Day Hybrid <strong>Schedule</strong> would be better than the current sysytem and I<br />

think more flexible than the trisemester but all wpould be an improvement. All students, especially college prep, need<br />

four years of foreign language and time for more electives. Our school year as well as hours in school during the day<br />

should both be longer - look at the more successful European models.<br />

621 Consistency in schedule - my child does not like many changes so the schedule 7 period Day Hybrid <strong>Schedule</strong> would not<br />

work for him. A advantage of the 3X5 Trimester for students, from what I can see, is the fact that the students can focus<br />

on certain academic contents and receive less homework in a week. I can see more students turning in or doing work<br />

given. I can see those that do struggle academically being able to concentrate on fewer contents and possibly improving<br />

their understanding and ability to apply what they are learning.<br />

622 The 3x5 schedule seems to provide the "biggest bang for the buck" as it allows to increase the number of credits that can<br />

be achieved at no additional cost for the school system.<br />

623 Having more than one child I'm sure more than one elective type would be chosen, but unable to be represented on this<br />

survey<br />

624 As with the adoption of GPS in math, I have no confidence in the Board's ability to implement the 3x5 schedule. It is well<br />

known in the community that the Board wants the 3x5 schedule. To be certain, there is a large ground swell forming to<br />

Aug 21, 2011 12:34 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 12:16 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 12:15 PM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 11:58 AM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 11:21 AM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 11:13 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

oppose this schedule. "If it's not broken, don't fix it". Yes, there are some advantages to adopting a 7 period schedule. I<br />

understand the arguments. The current schedule has, overall, produced very good results for this district in terms of SAT<br />

scores, college admission, college scholarship offerings. In short, the current schedule is working when measured by any<br />

yardstick. If you absolutely can't sit on your hands and keep doing what's working, I certainly hope you'll do the most<br />

rational thing, which is to change the current schedule as little as possible. Remember the Japanese math roll out?<br />

Terrible. I expect more of the same here.<br />

625 The Hybrid schedule would cause more confusion than it would solve problems. Aug 21, 2011 11:00 AM<br />

626 Strongly recommend Trimester with increased academic class offerings during 2nd trimester to avoid 12 week gap for<br />

academic classes.<br />

627 I feel the 3 x 5 Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong> or the 7 Period Day <strong>Schedule</strong> are very beneficial. The 7 Period "Hybrid" <strong>Schedule</strong>, on<br />

the other hand is ridiculous, especially for younger kids just starting <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Adjusting to <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> is difficult<br />

enough without the need to assign confusing schedules where the courses vary from day-to-day.<br />

628 Well when I attended high school.We took seven classes and were able to take extra electives.Extending the classes<br />

children will begin to get bored in class and begin to lose focus.<br />

629 I don't think the county has to change HS schedules just to try and accommodate for those that need remediation. Why<br />

can’t those students get help on their own time before/after school or with tutoring?<br />

70 of 103<br />

Aug 21, 2011 10:59 AM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 10:32 AM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 10:31 AM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 10:26 AM<br />

630 Some of the questions should have allowed more than one answer. Like #5, 7, 9 Aug 21, 2011 9:31 AM<br />

631 Some colleges are on this same type of 3X5 schedule. The Hybrid and other propsed schedule may be too complex for<br />

some. I would have like to have seen some statistical research from other systems that are currently on this schedule.<br />

Analysis of their successes and failures and what mitigations were implemented to improve it. I do think the 3X5 schedule<br />

would probably be best for everyone as proposed.<br />

Aug 21, 2011 9:21 AM<br />

632 While the 3x5 Trimester schedule is our first choice, the 7 day hybrid schedule is also a good option. Aug 21, 2011 9:15 AM<br />

633 attention span of students during instructional period Aug 21, 2011 8:59 AM<br />

634 I was surprised that no parents were on the committe. I am very concerned about the potential for "gap-time" in the<br />

trimester schedule. My son would struggle in math in this type of schedule. My son had a hybrid schedule at his<br />

previous highschool in another state. He loved the variety, ie not always having math at end of day when he would be<br />

tired. Also, it allowed for extra labs for science and electives that were 2 credits per year (this was an advanced culinary<br />

program).<br />

Aug 21, 2011 8:41 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

635 75 minutes in class is difficult for children with ADHD! Aug 21, 2011 8:23 AM<br />

636 I actually like BOTH the 7 Day Hybrid and the 3x5 <strong>Schedule</strong>. However, I am also concerned not just about the time spent<br />

in each class. My experience with FCHS Teachers has been horrible. Changing the schedules is not enough, if you don't<br />

hire and contract with teachers the CARE and are passionate about teaching our children. Until I see THAT level of<br />

commitment to change and support for our children...I do not believe we will see the level of engagement and success<br />

our children need to compete academically (for college) and beyond.<br />

637 When we lived in Tx, we were on semester system. Meaning my daughter came to Ga with 8 hs credits. 2 middle school<br />

credit= 10 credits. Was very disappointed that <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> did not offer this kind of system. Also, loathe the way<br />

<strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> does the AP system. Once again, if you had the pre reqs for the class your child was in the class, and<br />

they offered a lot more ap classes. Once again feel <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> is behind the times in education. We have a great<br />

opportunity to jump to the fore front.<br />

638 I don't have the expertise to choose which option works best but I would urge the Board of Education to choose the option<br />

which gives <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> students the most competitive and challenging education. People will whine and complain<br />

about change, but they will get used to it, and our biggest priority should be providing an academically rigorous education<br />

for the children.<br />

639 My son is a freshman. He is involved in band, and is taking French. He wishes to apply to Georgia Tech. These are the<br />

only two electives he will have in order to stay committed to both, and will not have the opportunity, like I did when I was<br />

in high school (with a 7-period day) to explore other academic pursuits. It is important to have continuity when learning a<br />

foreign language, and frankly two years is really insufficient. A high school schedule should allow for variety in a student's<br />

pursuits, and 6 periods is simply not enough to allow for the required courses, fine arts, foreign language, and exploring<br />

or perhaps even advanced classes. We don't know yet because he is just starting, but we most certainly advocate a 7<br />

period day. We feel the trimester schedule would introduce too much discontinuity in foreign language and band in order<br />

to allow for fewer class periods per day. That option does not make much sense to us. You seem to be giving up one<br />

thing in order to gain another.<br />

640 the length of the school day should not increase if the quality of the day does not. the key to a quality education is<br />

satisfied teachers and properly engaged students.<br />

641 That the 7 Day <strong>Schedule</strong> or 7 Period Day Hybrid <strong>Schedule</strong> are both extraordinary options but the Hybrid seems to give<br />

the children the option to eliminate stress as well as allowing success during their educational years.<br />

642 My student is at the high end. Would have liked opportunity to begin taking AP classes sophomore year (other then AP<br />

Statitics). Know colleges look at rigor of classes, they want a student to take the most challenging courses offered.<br />

71 of 103<br />

Aug 21, 2011 8:01 AM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 7:47 AM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 7:15 AM<br />

Aug 21, 2011 12:48 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 10:38 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 10:20 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 10:16 PM<br />

643 We need to stop babying the students. If we expect the USA to stay in the forefront of the world, then we need to stop Aug 20, 2011 8:15 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

giving into the kids. Push them. Stop teaching to the lowest common denominator. The NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND has<br />

done nothing but bring down the brightest of all the students. Kids don't need trophies just because they participated.<br />

The sooner they are taught the realities of life, the better. I had 7 classes when I was growing up and I am still alive. I<br />

even work for a living. Give them all 7 class periods and provide great advisors. Well, enough rambling. I sincerely hope<br />

that we go to 7 classes. Why not start at 8 and make all the classes an hour long?<br />

644 The 7 Period Day <strong>Schedule</strong> would allow for students to transition from middle school with ease because they are already<br />

familiar with that type of schedule.<br />

645 Changing the schedule on kids who are already in highschool makes it more stressful on them. Imagine having a new<br />

schedule every single day with different teachers. It does not work well at all. It just creates more of a stressful day and<br />

my child already deals with that with just the 6 period day. I DO NOT want this for my child at all. For my child, who has<br />

no problems in school, it does not bennefit her. Adding instructional focus time really only benefits the kids who are<br />

struggling in academic ares. Just because those children are struggling, why does that mean the kids who are not need<br />

to be put in instructional focus too? My child has never had any scheduling problems and she chooses her classes based<br />

on her abilities and the classes she knows will benefit her the most. I strongly disagree with this change and I believe that<br />

the extra stress on the children is not needed. Making this change is not needed. Many kids work extremely hard in<br />

school and trying to change their schedule during the day will cause confusion.<br />

646 The high school day should end much earlier to avoid work conflicts and those in extracurriculars. We should adopt the<br />

Gwinnett Co. schedule.<br />

647 For high school, starting school at 8:25am and ending at 3:20pm is much perferrable to what we have now. Ending the<br />

day at 3:40pm does not work well for after school sports and activities.<br />

72 of 103<br />

Aug 20, 2011 8:06 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 7:59 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 7:38 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 7:28 PM<br />

648 It is very important to my family that the high school vacation / breaks days match the middle school and elementary days Aug 20, 2011 7:16 PM<br />

649 This survey needs the opportunity to select more than one on #14 for preferences of 'more than one child in household'<br />

preferences.<br />

650 My child likes to change up once in a while. i think he would enjoy having some long periods on some days and short on<br />

other days. I like the idea of teachers getting more planning time and students getting more credit opportunities and time<br />

to enjoy other courses besides all academic courses.<br />

651 Teachers should not need training to teach longer classes! If class periods are longer, teachers need to allow students<br />

time to work in class. This will give immediate feedback to the teachers on whether or not students are mastering the<br />

objectives. What is work study??? If it is a study hall, kids playing sports need to be able to take that class. If work study<br />

is instructional or off campus work, it's not important to us.<br />

Aug 20, 2011 6:53 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 6:11 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 5:57 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

652 I understand that this mostly affects high school students, but if changes are made to make the school year a trimester<br />

schedule then I would like to know how it will affect my children. What will happen with the elementary and middle school<br />

schedules. You have a plethora of information on what happens to the high school students but fail to recognize the<br />

schedules of middle school as well as elementary. Will their school year be the same as it is now, will start and end times<br />

be altered? It seems the Trimester schedule would be the best option for the high school students, but what would<br />

happen to the younger students? Thanks for your time.<br />

653 I mya be more difficlut for struggling students to have 7 periods. Lengthening the day would be detrimental to attention<br />

spans of young adults. It would also interfere with extracirricular activities and family time<br />

73 of 103<br />

Aug 20, 2011 5:00 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 4:52 PM<br />

654 Thank you for giving us the opportunity to give our opinions! Aug 20, 2011 4:49 PM<br />

655 75 or 90 minute class periods are entirely unacceptable, requiring students to focus beyond reasonable limits and<br />

teachers to adapt established lesson plans in an impossible fashion. Educational quality based on material previously<br />

deemed essential would decline due to a sudden change in time allotted to teach our students. The veiled allusion to 12<br />

week "gaps" in the schedule is an obvious attempt to begin consideration of a year round school calendar which would<br />

deprive students and families of traditional summer vacation and camp opportunities. The present school calendar is<br />

superior to any of the 3 options being considered, surely better choices can be formulated, and parents(taxpayers) should<br />

be given the opportunity to participate in this process!!<br />

656 My son is only in elementary school so I could not answer all the questions at this time. I do believe that all students are<br />

different and should have as much variety as possible to choose their own path.<br />

657 If you keep dummying down the school day then what next? Perhaps if the parents stop buying games and WII the child<br />

will pass and then take a art or band class. If you really wanted to be diverse why not make <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> schools<br />

Magnet schools. One have a program for arts like Tri CIties, one school be for math and computer science like Mays and<br />

one for health sciencet ect. Just a thought. When they made Mr. Evans principal at Sandy Creek htat was a looser<br />

move. His grammer is so poor, I can't belive he is Dr. anything he is a poor example for students. My daughter and her<br />

friends come home laughing all day hs cant even do the announcements. He can't say school he will say Sandy Creeek<br />

<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>s I mean REALLY is this the best we can do. it's not about color, I am black it's about education.<br />

658 I am wondering why block Sceduling has not been discussed. it would be 4 periods a day for a sememster and then a<br />

new class the next semester. it would allow studnets to get 32 credits during high school.<br />

659 I would like to see more variety of elective courses offered to students. I would also like to see more vocational/technical<br />

options for students.<br />

660 For a 3x5 trimester schedule will potentially push 36 weeks of homework/assignments into a 24 week period. Teachers<br />

will need to be more selective as to number and length of assignments to avoid overwhelming students.<br />

Aug 20, 2011 4:21 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 4:08 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 3:42 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 3:39 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 3:28 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 3:06 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

661 Have you considered how the alternative schedules would affect Dual Enrollment Students? I have a student that just<br />

graduated from McIntosh and he struggled with Math. We spent a large amount of money on tutoring because he<br />

couldn't take credit recovery and remain in one elective and still meet the graduation requirements. We feel very strongly<br />

that additional time is required for core classes and availability of shorter elective classes would be a great alternative to<br />

meet their need for core instruction as well as keep them engaged by allowing them to participate in electives.<br />

662 The current 6 classes per day can lead to overwhelming home work loads; 7 per day exacerbates this situation. Longer<br />

class times allow less rushed coverage of topics. Taking a variety of subjects enhances student's critical thinking.<br />

Trimesters work great - we had trimesters at Ga Tech in the 80's, and loved the schedule. Ideally, though, the BOE<br />

should adjust their requirements to allow flexibility within the existing 6 period format.<br />

663 I think the 3x5 schedule is the most flexible, effective choice for allowing students to reach graduation requiments and to<br />

be compettive for colleges and universities. It is also the best option for allowing credit recovery and elective options for<br />

students...and I think the structure of the 3x5 would be very beneficial for teachers as well.<br />

664 I am strongly in favor of high school graduating requirements that would better prepare my children for acceptance to<br />

college<br />

665 I am very concerned about the gap period of certain classes, and switching of teachers during the year. As the parent of<br />

sophomore twins who have never been in the same class together, I have seen tremendous differences in the teaching<br />

method and style of teachers. A constant switch of core class teachers, math, English, even foreign language, would be<br />

difficult on students.<br />

74 of 103<br />

Aug 20, 2011 3:04 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 2:49 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 2:16 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 2:16 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 1:40 PM<br />

666 Get rid of the February Winter Break!!! Aug 20, 2011 1:34 PM<br />

667 Block schedules are way to go. Prior school districts have changed to this. Kids have odd and even days. 4 Classes each<br />

day. 1 Class meets all days and coordinates with lunch. 3 on odd and 3 other on even hence 7 periods total. Kids excel<br />

not overworked ea day and retain info more. Why aren't hs on a 7ish to 2pm time schedule to allow sports, jobs, and help<br />

with younger siblings like most districts??<br />

668 No year round school. Continue instruction and coursework beyond end of course state mandated tests. Too much down<br />

time last month of school year.<br />

669 What about the college style MWF and TTH classes? Our high school in Texas worked very well on this schedule. This<br />

schedule gave more flexibility in homework time and a change from everyday routine.<br />

Aug 20, 2011 1:32 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 1:01 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 12:59 PM<br />

670 The easiest for students to adapt to-more like a college schedule of classes. Aug 20, 2011 12:58 PM<br />

671 The only reason my child did not continue to take guitar was the class was not offered. It had absolutely nothing to do Aug 20, 2011 12:57 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

with the classes he wanted/needed to take. My child has many opportunities to take the classes he needs/wants without<br />

adding to his schedule. They tried to start school earlier last year and the bus schedule conflicted with the elementary<br />

school and my child was late to school every day until they switched back to the normal schedule. You need a plan to fix<br />

that BEFORE you implement any earlier time starts and Lord know the elementary kids DO NOT need to start ANY<br />

earlier! If these new schedules are implemented, the IF period needs to be done away with. The IF period ONLY<br />

benefits the kids that struggle but PUNISHES the kids that exceed.<br />

672 I DO NOT want any schedule that meet ALL year! The kids need a longer Summer break as it is! The school could save<br />

major dollars in Air conditioning alone! Seriously! Just cut out all the classes that they watch movies in and all the<br />

electives with the fluff! Out country in is a crisis and we do not need to worry about anything but the basics! Reading,<br />

Science and Math and what they need and thats it. We do not need to be in school all year or all day! Most home<br />

schoolers get done in 3-4 hours. Can we propose a simpler schedule to get what we need and thats it! If you are going to<br />

cut something let it ne the classes that they sit around and get them out moving around doing some excercise!<br />

75 of 103<br />

Aug 20, 2011 12:49 PM<br />

673 want the teen to not shut down because of too much on them Aug 20, 2011 12:20 PM<br />

674 Prefer to keep 6 period day like it is now Aug 20, 2011 12:12 PM<br />

675 I believe the block schedule would work better for high school than middle. Aug 20, 2011 12:00 PM<br />

676 The Trimester schedule leaves open periods in the year where my child might not have any instruction in a certain<br />

subject, such as math. Five to six month of not staying current leaves open too much opportunity to fall backwards. Year<br />

Round school is better than that. I grew up with a 7 period day, and sometimes electives could be 'study hall'. They<br />

hybrid is too confusing.<br />

677 If the 7 period day is considered, how would this affect missing school for competition in athletics and fine arts. Travel<br />

could cost students to miss more than one class period. In the Trimester schedule, how would holidays and semester<br />

breaks be handled.<br />

678 My older children attended a seven period schedule in high school in another state and it worked very well - they also<br />

allowed high achieving students to schedule a class during a lunch period and eat their lunch in the classroom allowing<br />

for more flexibility in their schedule - they also had a study hall each period for those students who had difficulty with<br />

school (or if a good student needed to use his lunch because of scheduling conflicts they could also take a study hallthey<br />

were large study halls in the auditorium or the cafeteria when lunch was not being served overseen by teachers with<br />

free periods using those periods to do their own work and also be available for questions<br />

679 Trimester schedule will allow for more additonal academic and elective choices. This type of exposure will be beneficial<br />

to providing a well rounded educational experience.<br />

Aug 20, 2011 12:00 PM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 11:35 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 11:22 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 11:20 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

680 I have 3 children in <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, and all three of them are different learners, however, they all agree on a few things.<br />

1.The time spent in school can be very long and overwhelming, 2. More instruction and help needed for those who<br />

struggle and 3. More electives should be available (especially for ones that have to take "help" courses) thank you.<br />

76 of 103<br />

Aug 20, 2011 11:19 AM<br />

681 Leave the schedule alone! It's fine the way it is. Aug 20, 2011 11:16 AM<br />

682 My son is a home school student and he takes classes like in 3x5 Trimester schedule. It works Great forhim and I love it. I<br />

really hope for it next year<br />

683 Keep the schedule the way it is now and expand the zero period option. Quit pushing AP classes on the kids, it only helps<br />

about 10% of the kids. They have to score a 4 on the test to be considered at colleges.<br />

684 If a child and parents choose an academic path that includes college, then it should be their responsibility to pursue that<br />

academic curriculum and not burden the teachers or students with the course requirements that do not benefit all<br />

students. Most students that do not choose college, way down the system by being forced to take classes that are way<br />

beyond their scope therefore are stressing the system and are dropping the average grades because they are taking<br />

classes that they do not care about and they feel will not benefit them in the future.<br />

685 Colleges usually have longer classes so by having a 75-75 minute class or even longer would prepare them for those<br />

type classes.<br />

686 more choices for foreign languages more flexibility in scheduling more choices for electives all teachers should be<br />

available after school to assist students with questions and provide extra help<br />

687 We are all for the best public education possible but we really, really DO NOT want any more time added on to the high<br />

school day!!! We think that it is TOTALLY RIDICULOUS that juniors & seniors are now getting out of school @ 3:40<br />

p.m.!!! These kids have this very long school day, get out so late, then have to go to work, play varsity sports, attend<br />

clubs for school, etc. After they finally get home, they are loaded w/homework, b/c school gets harder during these last 2<br />

yrs. of high school, & that leaves absolutely NO family time or time just to rest!!! My kid is simply SO HUNGRY this yr.<br />

from the added 20 min. to each school day that he has a headache every single day b/c he cannot eat lunch til 1:05 p.m.<br />

We are big on family, but time together gets lost as kids grow up. Now, I cannot even pick up my high schooler & my<br />

middle schooler & have a few mins. in the car together w/both boys to grab dinner b/c both schools get out this yr. @ the<br />

same time. Change can be good but this change seems to benefit most those who do not achieve. My kids work hard all<br />

of the time & have earned the right to watch a few min of TV each day. They should not have to stay longer so other who<br />

may not work can take credit recovery in school. Kids who work hard & get good grades should not have to stay longer<br />

each day to take electives that they do not need to graduate or that do not count toward the Hope Scholarship when they<br />

apply to college. We are for whatever schedule DOES NOT add on more time.<br />

Aug 20, 2011 11:09 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 11:04 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 10:44 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 10:37 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 10:36 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 10:30 AM<br />

688 Our children need to be more competitive in the world out there. The Trimester schedule will get them ready for the way Aug 20, 2011 10:22 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

that many of the classes are structured in college. Studies show that a 90 minute class is not effective for this age group.<br />

I rather then to focus in 5 classes at the time and do a good job, that studying 7 and learn nothing. It is not necessary to<br />

increase the hours during school day. It is hard for the students to stay focus, specially for the last period class. Believe<br />

me, I know. I hope the Trimester schedule pass. Thank you for realizing the need of changing our school schedule to be<br />

able to prepare our children better for the future.<br />

689 I want my child to have as many options available to be competitive in college. the 3x5 plan offers the most credits and<br />

extends the learning time in order to prepare them for longer classes in college<br />

690 My sun will be a senior next year. He is considiring taking many AP's (AP Lit, AP Calc BC, AP Spanish). He would also<br />

like to continue being in the Adv Drama II class. With the 3X5, he would have to drop Drama or one of his year long AP's<br />

to meet his Social Study credit. That is why the 7 period day was my choice. Maybe a 3X6 trimester would be better.<br />

691 If <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> chooses to move to a 7 period day, hard working students may feel overwhelmed by adding another<br />

class to their day. With a longer school day and more homework given in an additional class, there will be less time to<br />

complete HW and participate in before/after school activities. It is frustrating for the majority of hard working students to<br />

be inconvenienced so that those that don't work hard have an opportunity for extra help or to make up classes during the<br />

school day that they did not put in the effort to pass the first time.<br />

692 Students should have the opportunity to choose classes based on their interests, rather than always having to meet basic<br />

graduation requirements. This will allow them to gain experiences that will help them in formulating their goals beyond<br />

high school. There needs to be more of a balance in high school.<br />

693 At my older child's UGA orientation, they said the average incoming freshman this year took 5 to 6 AP classes during high<br />

school. This is currently difficult at MHS if the student is a fine arts student or must take weight training for a sports team.<br />

This puts MHS students at a significant disadvantage in the acceptance process at top-level colleges. My junior must<br />

take zero-period this year to meet his academic requirements, which means he leaves for school at 7am and returns<br />

home at 8pm after sports practice, with 3 hours minimum of homework. Allowing him a 7 period day would let him get<br />

more sleep, which he needs as a growing teenager.<br />

77 of 103<br />

Aug 20, 2011 10:22 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 10:11 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 10:03 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 9:57 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 9:56 AM<br />

694 The students would have a lighter load of classes which would increase their ability to study and performed proficiently. Aug 20, 2011 9:37 AM<br />

695 do not lengthen the school day - teachers and students are already struggling with lack of time. by lengthening this year<br />

by 20 min., it has caused a great deal of stress at home - hard to fit in athletics, supper, church, etc..<br />

696 My daughter has always struggled in math and was able to take an additional math support class in 9th grade but had to<br />

give up an elective because of it. The class helped a great deal and I wished she had the opportunity to take them every<br />

year but because of the Language requirements, it is not offered abouve a 9th grade level because the students need<br />

both elective for college credits.<br />

Aug 20, 2011 9:27 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 9:22 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

697 We moved to <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> specifically for the best schools and our taxes reflect that, either make the school system<br />

better (more competetive) or lower taxes. I think either change for the 3x5 schedule or the 7 day hybrid would be a great<br />

change, I could only choose one. I deeply wish HS could start earlier alltogether, I understand it's due to bus routes. I just<br />

wish something could be figured out. However, any change to the HS schedule would be a positive one, making our<br />

students more enriched as seniors for college. It benefits all students on every level. Fight for this one, it's planned out<br />

wonderfully with the students futures in mind. Also, the comment on having a different teacher is ridiculous to me, I<br />

remember HS, vaguely, but I knew of "certain" teachers that weren't aggeressive academically and they were the ones<br />

everyone wanted, kudos to you for mixing it up with a different teacher to teach the same subject from a different<br />

"perspective". I think the fact they'll have a different teacher will only challenge them, and I can promise you they will<br />

respect those teachers in hindsight, I know I did. I LOVE the idea of taking an elective all four years that they love in any<br />

aspect from band to foreign language, I can remember thinking "if I only had one more year....." Thanks for the<br />

opportunity to vote.<br />

698 This is a very good implementation, the college/university requirements are rigid and very competative and students are<br />

not prepared. I think more AP courses should be available to every and ALL students that want to take advantage of the<br />

opportunities, and not to a SELECT few. I also think that the process should begin at the Eighth grade level. I think most<br />

parents would be in agreement with the new schedule.<br />

699 The academic curriculum needs to focus on core educational competencies (math, science, English, social studies, etc.)<br />

While extracurricular classes are important and enjoyable for the students, altering the school year to make these<br />

classes more available (or to reduce the budget by adding less important classes like gym or study hall) is not important.<br />

This only harms the students. Simply word-smithing this into some political spin does not make your recommendation<br />

any more valuable. The school board needs to focus only on the children's academics, and success, not oblige children<br />

who struggle with the ability to opt out of classes, nor should the primary focus be to focus study to masquerade as some<br />

benefit.<br />

78 of 103<br />

Aug 20, 2011 9:22 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 9:22 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 9:20 AM<br />

700 We would like stay with the 6 period schedule currently being used. Aug 20, 2011 9:10 AM<br />

701 The hybrid schedule also seems like a good option. However it is important to know which schedule the teachers will<br />

work best with. Personally I feel like my child would do better with fewer classes and the shorter trimester. That option<br />

seems to offer more opportunities during the year.<br />

702 It seems like the 3/5 day would best allow for a student to be competitive in applying for college, especially out of state. It<br />

seems appalling that a student would have to choose between AP, fine arts, and a foreign language. Especially<br />

considering these are things that colleges look for. Five classes at a time would offer more time per subject for.deeper<br />

understanding. It also reduces the number of courses to focus on.<br />

703 It is extremely important for our students to be competitive with students from other states when applying for college<br />

admission. Any increase in the opportunity to take electives, in either languages, advanced placement courses, or CTAE<br />

Aug 20, 2011 9:09 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 8:51 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 8:48 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

will have an important impact on many of the students when they apply to college. Whichever schedule is chosen, please<br />

be sure it is one that gives our students the best opportunity to take courses that will help them get into the college of<br />

their choice.<br />

704 My child is an ESE student planning on going to college. A lot of ESE students with mild disabilities are capable of going<br />

to college, but find it hard to get the classes in that they need. The trimester schedule would really help those ESE<br />

students like him who are never given a chance to pick any classes for themselves. Fewer transitions and more<br />

opportunities to take classes he chooses, including languages, would make a major difference to him. Also, a longer<br />

class period would allow him to focus more on the subject before switching his focus to something else. I think that<br />

added focus at the time would make up for the disadvantage of a "gap".<br />

705 I h ighly recommend this class schedule. It benefits the student the most, while maintaining a consistant plan,<br />

unconfusing and easily attainable whether a gifted student or a student who will struggle more. The extra class taken can<br />

even be a class in aid , say for math, or english. It allows the most flexibility with the given the student the best tools to<br />

learn and compete with other students. I think the goal is more readily obtained through a 7 period day. This is was most<br />

schools private and public do that acceive the goals. They need to do this for the kids to compete at all universities.<br />

706 I think they should look at other schools that have been going to school all year around. The students need to be on<br />

schedule prepare them for the future of jobs. Need to listen to the students and the staff. Be honest. I think they should<br />

start having foreign languauge in Elementary for the future. Need to work harder in school instead of sports have option in<br />

<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> for sports. To prepare them for the future and work harder. Good luck<br />

707 Curriculums are planned for semesters. If you go into a trimester setting you will cut the amount of time teachers have to<br />

teach the information. With this very horrible math curriculum it will be harder. I have taught in many states and witness<br />

the trimester system fail!<br />

708 I think giving a high school credit for courses taken in 8th grade such as a language should count. My daughter came<br />

from Texas where she had 1/2 credit each for health and speech, and 1 credit for Spanish. When she took Spanish II in<br />

9th grade she was actually further ahead than they were. She actually graduated with 26 credits.<br />

709 Why is band , orchestra etc considered a class - why not have that available after school just like sports. Not all students<br />

wish to participate in sports, band, orchestra, chorus - why create time for that during the school day and then add an<br />

extra class to all other students. This will affect students that are struggling with 6 classes, it will affect all students with<br />

their GPA scores and qualifying for a HOPE scholarship if one more class is added. HOPE scholarships are very<br />

important to majority of parents and students and by increasing a student's workload will affect their grades and their<br />

gualification for HOPE. For those students that are struggling and need extra help currently, help should be avalable<br />

after school. The student and parents should be held accountable for taking advantage of the extra help opportunities.<br />

Why penalize everybody else? And sports, band, orchestra, chorus should be EXTRACURRICULAR activities available<br />

AFTER SCHOOL!!!!!<br />

79 of 103<br />

Aug 20, 2011 8:44 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 8:42 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 8:38 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 8:34 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 8:31 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 8:16 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

710 Would like to see a trimester sample calendar. Aug 20, 2011 7:54 AM<br />

711 My daughter graduated from McIntosh last year. During her high school years she attended a school in South Carolina w<br />

a tri-mester program. Very successful program.<br />

712 Not really interested in seeing the school day extended but the hybrid option offers students and teachers the most<br />

flexibility. Real world and college schedules do not stay the same all week so that is something they will be introduced to<br />

early and will only strengthen their organizational skills.<br />

713 Strongly support the trimester plan. 5 courses per trimester will allow my 2 special needs children AND my academically<br />

bright child to focus on fewer subjects more attentively.<br />

714 Need to start school at 8:00am and get them out at 3:00 or earlier so they can go to after-school jobs, babysit siblings,<br />

and attend after-school activities!<br />

715 My opinion is as follows: The school day should NOT be 8 hours in length. It is way too long regardless if it's a 6 or 7<br />

period day. Kell and Pope have a 7 period day and get it done in 7 hours and 10 minutes. That's perfect. Either keep it<br />

at a 6 period day with hours like last year 8:40 - 3:20 and add an advisement period (or academic opportunity period) in<br />

there a few times a week or make it 7 period day with the hours of 8:40 - 3:20 and also add an advisement period in there<br />

a few times a week for those who need additional help. The trimester and hybrid schedules are just insane. Please look<br />

at Kell's and Pope's schedules. Do not lengthen class times. You lose the students' attention when they are too long.<br />

There are many complaints now about the long school day. As stated earlier, 8 hours is way too long regardless of how<br />

many periods.<br />

716 From the presentation, I'm gathering electives are becoming more of an importance than acedemic achievement. Shame<br />

on you.<br />

717 The Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong> would be a no go for me. Math and English need to be taught through the whole school year, in<br />

order to acquire the comprehension and computation skills needed for reading and math, which is extremely important to<br />

be college ready and to earn a scholarship. The 7 Period <strong>Schedule</strong> seems overwhelming. Why would a student need an<br />

extra elective? 6 classes is enough. A student needs to be taught well and taught long enough in order to succeed<br />

especially in Math and Reading. Spending more time with another elective would take away the precious time for<br />

comprehension and math skills, which need to be honed in order to get a scholarship and be college ready. (without<br />

having to take remedial courses in college) Just because a student has 28 as opposed to 24 credit hours, doesn't mean<br />

he or she is any better at reading and math.<br />

718 My child is still in middle school, but will be in high school next year. He is in the gifted program and the orchestra. I want<br />

him to have every possible opportunity. He should not every have to choose between is AP classes and orchestra, both<br />

are very important it him.<br />

80 of 103<br />

Aug 20, 2011 7:39 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 7:32 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 2:12 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 12:56 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 12:43 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 12:35 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 12:23 AM<br />

Aug 20, 2011 12:20 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

719 I think 7 periods is too large of a workload for the kids. I don't think teachers will give less work because there is an extra<br />

class period. I think 5 longer periods is a much better idea. Thank you!<br />

720 It's important for the students to earn more credits for college purposes, but its also important that those credits come<br />

through traditional courses. In order for our students to compete with students from other states they need more<br />

academic instruction and foreign language than fine arts. We had two children in AP classes graduate <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>High</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong>s, but found college extremely challenging. Seven classes per day and foreign language as mandatory would<br />

benefit our students. Fine arts classes are good for students who truly want to pursue careers in those fields, but some<br />

students use them as "skate" time.<br />

81 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 11:50 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 11:48 PM<br />

721 It seems that other HS in US can do the requirements in a 6.5 hour day. The days are already too long for the students. Aug 19, 2011 11:34 PM<br />

722 7 period day is the best solution to increasing course options for students without signifcantly increasing cost of<br />

operations or burden on teachers. A very signficant negative for trimester schedule is the potential for over a half a year<br />

between progressive study courses like languages and math. Two other negatives for 7 period hybrid is scheduling<br />

around holidays and it is too complex.<br />

723 I like the 3 x 5 trimester schedule because it does not lengthen the school day but allows students to obtain the greatest<br />

number of hours of the three options. As for teachers having to adjust their lesson plans to accommodate a longer period,<br />

change is something to which we should all be open to and most of the working world must do on a regular basis.<br />

724 you can't offer a HS curriculum that is not compliant with the State Regent requirements. Kids need to be able to be<br />

eligible for college without having to spend extra hours outside of typical school environment.<br />

725 Though my son is not in Sp Ed, those who are will face greater challenges with longer periods and esp. with changes in<br />

schedule (hybrid). I.F. benefits students with challenges. Should not be forced upon the majority to benefit the minority -<br />

use elective times.<br />

726 With the 3X5, even though there is a "gap" of learning, the students will feel more success with only having a few<br />

"academic" courses if they choose. A lot of courses(7, even 6) in a day does not help a child who has trouble learning<br />

multiple things at one time. The 3X5 will allow them to focus only on a few academics at a time.<br />

Aug 19, 2011 11:26 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 11:11 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 11:10 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 10:56 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 10:48 PM<br />

727 Parents should also be on this committee Aug 19, 2011 10:47 PM<br />

728 I do not think Advanced Placement should be an elective. I think if the student excells, and is meeting the grade they<br />

should be automatically be placed in AP. Thus, if a student excells, but no room for them in AP, they are stuck taking, Art<br />

or drawing, and wasting a period based upon they have no other choice? Thank You<br />

Aug 19, 2011 10:37 PM<br />

729 The 7 period schedule is most consistent with the middle school schedule and would seem to introduce the least change Aug 19, 2011 10:32 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

to the children. The hybrid schedule seems to be confusing. Perhaps if the hybrid schedule were more like a college<br />

schedule where the classes with different schedules are on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but are the same on both Tuesday<br />

and Thursday. The way your hybrid schedule is presented, the kids will have a difficult time remembering which classes<br />

to attend on the alternate days.<br />

730 i believe this schedule will keep the students from being overloaded. give more opportunity to have afterschool jobs to<br />

gain experience. school could look to offer online courses to keep kids involved during the breaks which could allow kids<br />

to expand on favorite subjects. these couses would be optional so kids could learn but these classes dont impact gpa<br />

which could get kids to explore subjects they might not explore if it impacts gpa.<br />

731 Students are preparing for college, where a "full load" is typically 4-5 classes that meet about twice per week, per<br />

semester. I believe that the 3 x 5 Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong> not only closely mimics a college experience, but also allows the<br />

time for earning enough credits to possibly apply towards the college experience, such as in AP classes.<br />

82 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 10:27 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 10:19 PM<br />

732 Why fix what isn't broken? Aug 19, 2011 10:19 PM<br />

733 The 7 period day allows for the greatest amount of academic/fine arts/foreign language time for my student. Aug 19, 2011 10:19 PM<br />

734 We need more calabrative Teachers and classes! Aug 19, 2011 10:16 PM<br />

735 A schedule that allows students the opportunity to be thoroughly prepared for college (their futures) is necessary. Aug 19, 2011 10:05 PM<br />

736 Why schedule only 4 minutes between classes. Why not 5 and have a more rememberable start and end times to the<br />

class periods. Students with lockers in busy hallways cannot get to their locker and then make it to the next class on<br />

time. Is there a huge difference between ending at 3:40 or 3:45?<br />

737 the question: allow student to keep same schedule/teacher all year can be a positive or negative depending how well the<br />

teacher gets the message across to the individual student. same schedule all year my be very important to some but<br />

having the same teacher all year may not be important. This such be separated out.<br />

738 I dislike the hybrid - primarily due to schedule variations from day to day. Structure and routines are important. Hybrid<br />

could be very confusing.<br />

739 All have pros and cons however option 1 or 2 I would prefer over the last. There are not enough options and college prep<br />

is essential<br />

740 they need to be more competitive in getting scholarships etc. Thats why some of us moved to fayette county to pay the<br />

high taxes to get the most benefit for the childrens school. However it seems coweta county schools are offering the<br />

children more at school than fayette. Also children with consistently high gpa's should be educated on applications into<br />

Aug 19, 2011 9:57 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 9:52 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 9:38 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 9:38 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 9:34 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

ivy leaque colleges. The last counsellor we had when my daughter graduated was a washoff. child went to community<br />

college with a 3.9 gpa. the counsellor said she didnt know which site to go for the application<br />

741 3x5 gives more in-depth lessons and he opportunity for my children to gain as many credits as students from other<br />

schools.<br />

742 None meet my child's need. Year round school takes so much away from other interest and travel. Why don't you just<br />

copy Coweta with block schedule. Inform parents of online course, dual enrollment, etc... Stop wasting money. We have<br />

done year round school. It is very difficult for families in different schools.<br />

83 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 9:31 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 9:23 PM<br />

743 Not a longer school day or year. Kids are already too much stressed Aug 19, 2011 9:22 PM<br />

744 I have children in pre-k and 3rd grade (and a 2 yr old) so most of these questions won't be relevant for many years. But<br />

the 3x5 schedule makes the most sense, followed by the 7 period.<br />

745 In my opinion the 3 X 5 option is head and shoulders above the rest as the best option for our students. It provides more<br />

course choices, fewer classes per day which equals less home work requirments per day, fewer exams, a makes for a<br />

more well rounded marketable student. It also provides an opportunity to expose the students to many areas of interest<br />

so they have the chance to learn about subjects that normally they would not be exposed to and possibly open up<br />

choices for their future that are not currently available to them.<br />

Aug 19, 2011 9:19 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 9:19 PM<br />

746 I do not want summer vacation days taken in order to implement a new schedule. Aug 19, 2011 9:15 PM<br />

747 Give students opportunities to take online courses through Georgia Virtual <strong>School</strong> and optimize the resources Aug 19, 2011 9:13 PM<br />

748 We have had 2 children graduate from SCHS and now have a 9th grader and a kindergartener at Burch. Our high school<br />

child will definitely be going to college and having the opportunity to earn a possible 30 credits in several areas would be<br />

a huge benefit to him. Fewer classes to focus on at one time, but more opportunity to explore many avenues of interest<br />

is a NO-Brainer to us!!!!<br />

749 We need to stay student focus and prepare our students for college. Even though we cannot please all parents, the<br />

students opportunity to complete their high school education in <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> and compete with other students WORLD<br />

wide is the UPMOST importance. Let us unite for the student sake and do the right thing go to a 7 period schedule,<br />

please!<br />

Aug 19, 2011 9:00 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 8:58 PM<br />

750 We used to live in South Carolina, where our high school implemented the "block" schedule and it worked well. Aug 19, 2011 8:55 PM<br />

751 Teachers in Oregon appreciated the extra time to teach. I do not reccomend the blended model because students need<br />

structure to be consistant and meet expectations. They have to go through a lot of changes during high school lets make<br />

Aug 19, 2011 8:54 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

it easier for them to find a passion and prepare for college. More choices will allow for more career exploration. PS.<br />

Bring back shop and mechanics:) Not everyone should go to college they should have another option.<br />

752 My child is currently attending <strong>Fayette</strong> Middle, which uses a 7 period day. I feel strongly that this similar schedule would<br />

work well for high school. There would be minimal transition between middle and high school.<br />

753 Why did you not consider the block schedule used in Coweta <strong>County</strong>? Four classes per semester which gives eight<br />

classes a year.<br />

754 We would like for our students to continue to have the opportunity to take band, AP classes and a foreign language ALL<br />

year as it stands now.<br />

755 Leave the school schedule the way it is with the exception of starting in Sept. after Labor Day instead of August. Keeping<br />

Band classes is a priority, music is a very important part of having a well rounded student and the growth and<br />

development of children in music programs. It is vital to us as a family and vital in our community<br />

756 I think the schedule should stay at a 6 period day like it is now. Instructional Focus should be offered before or after<br />

school for those students needing help. And any kids that fail a class should have to attend summer school like we did<br />

years ago. What lesson are you teaching them if it is build into the regular day.<br />

757 I prefer the number of classes a student takes to be an important variable. If a student does not intend on attending<br />

college, it doesn't apply. But for those who do, college students typically take 4-6 classes per semester/quarter. The<br />

trimester is a consistent model. It hopefully allows for more in-depth teachings and learning.<br />

758 How would the 3x5 Trimester schedule affect college admissions since they would be going to school taking final classes<br />

immediately prior to Fall college classes?<br />

84 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 8:51 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 8:45 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 8:40 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 8:36 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 8:24 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 8:14 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 8:11 PM<br />

759 My child is currently in 8th grade. Thank you for addressing these needed changes. Aug 19, 2011 8:08 PM<br />

760 We need to make sure our students are prepared to meet the demands of colleges and universities and also able to<br />

complete for scholarships, etc.<br />

761 I went to a college preparatory high school in which we had 7 classes (A - G) and rotated through the classes on a 6period<br />

day. I think this is definitely a better option than the 7-period hybrid and possibly better than the others as well. I<br />

know it may be to late to consider this but I'd like to offer it as a suggestion. There will be minimal impact to the teachers<br />

and would not negatively impact students already struggling with the 6-period schedule. As an example, the first day of<br />

school is an 'A' day. Students got to their classes A - F in that order. The next day is a 'B' day. Students go to classes B -<br />

G. The next day, C - A, and so on. if there's homework assigned for a class that doesn't meet that day, it's due 2 days<br />

later instead of the next day. If gives teachers a chance to teach students at different times of the day also as studies<br />

Aug 19, 2011 8:05 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 7:33 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

have shown that some students learn better at certain times of the day so this would allow them to learn optimally in all<br />

classes.<br />

762 "I have never let my schooling get in the way of my education" - Mark Twain Aug 19, 2011 7:32 PM<br />

763 You are focusing on the elective rather then the most important core classes that colleges look at. Aug 19, 2011 7:31 PM<br />

764 1. Please don't extend the school day 2. As a retired teacher, i found that 55 min. was too short and 90 min is to long. 3.<br />

Fewer classes reduces movement and improves descipline<br />

765 I think the instructional focus should be only focused on the subjects needing help. That could change on a daily bases.<br />

The longer school days really interfer with transportation with middle school siblings.<br />

766 The majority of the teachers do not appear to have the academic expertise to plan and provide valid instruction for<br />

periods of 90 minutes. There are far too many videos and little rigor in the current courses being taught within the shorter<br />

time period in the general curricula. This does not hold true for AP classes.<br />

767 7 Period Day <strong>Schedule</strong> - year round - 4x7 <strong>Schedule</strong> with 3 weeks off between quarters---lots of opportunity to take<br />

needed classes, electives and not too much down time in between to lose previous material taught. I realize this is not<br />

what's best for staff but it is good for the students academic success.<br />

768 I prefer the schedule we have now because what"s not broken does not need to be fixed. Our kids spend enough time in<br />

school as it is. The days do not need to be longer and the summer is already not long enough. Why is the county always<br />

trying to make changes when we don't need any. I have not heard any parents complaining about the current system<br />

except that summer is not long enough. You shouldn't try to change something that has worked since I was in school.<br />

Just leave everything the way it is now. PLEASE!<br />

769 The fine arts program must stay in school. It helps to keep the students well rounded and allows them to express their<br />

creativity!<br />

85 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 7:23 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 7:20 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 7:19 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 7:16 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 7:14 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 7:11 PM<br />

770 we should have a fine arts requirement for graduation Aug 19, 2011 7:11 PM<br />

771 no changes keep 6 periods. Aug 19, 2011 7:06 PM<br />

772 The hybrid schedule is really the best of both worlds. The one extended period per week allowing specialized instruction<br />

for each class/elective is genius - plus instructional focus. Sometimes you need a little more time for testing, lab work etc.<br />

and with this schedule you get it.<br />

Aug 19, 2011 7:05 PM<br />

773 I think it's easy for kids to get overwhelmed so offering only 5 classes gives them the opportunity to really focus on them Aug 19, 2011 7:02 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

and do well. Additionally, when you get to college, you're taking 3-5 classes that require a lot of focus. Easier transition<br />

into college possibly.<br />

774 When you are considering the options please look at top schools in the country (not just GA) and see what kind of<br />

schedules are working for them. I feel like our county does not investigate what works for top HS in the country. Don't we<br />

want to learn from other schools that have had success? Don't we want to model our schools after other successful<br />

school systems? Investigating means going to these top schools and visiting, asking questions and then coming up with<br />

a well thought out solution! Please listen to the people of <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> and not just the board members!!<br />

775 1) Foreign language instruction is much more effective when it is taught more frequently for shorter periods of time over<br />

an entire school year. The breaks in a trimester schedule would be horrible for foreign language education for those<br />

students seeking true fluency. 2) Todays students have a tendency to be more easily distracted and tend to have a<br />

shorter attention span. Shorter class times with information that is efficiently presented caters to trends in the information<br />

age that students are already comfortable with.<br />

776 Less subjects for student to keep up with in a 3 x 5 Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong> is better while still providing opportunity for a<br />

greater variety of classes over the entire school year. Both 7 period schedules increase the # of subjects a student is<br />

having to manage which would be more stressful.<br />

777 My main concern is with shorting instructional time and requiring teachers to teach more courses. Across Georgia many<br />

of our students tend to struggle with math/science courses and some even to graduate. I think students would benefit by<br />

having more time to learn and master a subject. If students are struggling with six classes adding seven courses seem<br />

counterproductive. Futhermore, reducing instructional time while at the same time adding more course seems like a<br />

receipe for disaster. Additionally, teachers will be required to learn/adapt new strategies in order to be proficient and<br />

effective at teaching one additional course. This means there is added cost, training costs, not to mention operating and<br />

facilties costs due to the longer school day. Lastly, there are potential indirect cost to our students while teachers and<br />

adminstrators become familiar with the new approach. My overall preference is to foster an environment which allow<br />

students more time to sharpen and master the talents they all of them possess. If students have time to master a course<br />

then our system will not have to plan for more time for recovery courses.<br />

778 We had 7 periods in HS. THis doesn't appear to be that hard of a transition. Also, when we were in HS (1985) we<br />

started school 30 minutes earlier and got out twenty minutes later. Not sure why the shortened schedule. The kids need<br />

to be competitive, so the ability to take more AP classes should be the focus, not the electives.<br />

779 Our family was happy with the school times and schedule which the high school had last year 2009-2010. We do NOT<br />

like the current longer day. <strong>High</strong> school students from Starr's Mill do not get home until 4:30 on the bus. If parents pick<br />

them up, then they get home at 4:15. This time has caused more traffic problems, more waste of gas, and LESS time for<br />

studying, homework, and extra outside activities and sports. My students has 45 minutes LESS time to participate in<br />

these activities. We prefer the traditional 6 period day. It has worked very well for 3 of our children. They have been<br />

86 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 7:00 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:47 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:46 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:44 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:38 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:38 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

able to graduate with 6 AP classes, fine arts each year, and 4 years of foreign language. This county has provide<br />

EXCELLENT opportunities for our students. Now, they just need more time at home to complete projects, homework,<br />

and have time to participate in extra activities. We request that the school day be changed to the time schedule which<br />

was last school year in which high school students were released before middle school students because they have jobs,<br />

harder classes, more homework, and volunteer service in the community. If the board would like to TRY a 7 period day,<br />

then we suggest that it is TESTED in ONE high school with ONLY the upcoming freshmen to see if it is workable before<br />

forcing this schdule on everyone in the county, especially on the juniors and seniors. A phased in program is more<br />

accepted that a sweeping change. These students have experienced tooo much change in scheduling, new math<br />

program, new science requirements. They need a simple routine to continue the excellence and quality of <strong>Fayette</strong><br />

county <strong>School</strong>s. We do not need opportunity, we need TIME.<br />

780 More addtional tutoring for those who are struggling in class Aug 19, 2011 6:35 PM<br />

781 Background coming from the northeast, 7 periods are the norm, allowing for electives Aug 19, 2011 6:31 PM<br />

782 Please do not increase the school day or add 7 periods. My child is at school long enough and she does not need more<br />

homework from 7 classes to take more time away at home.<br />

783 Students need classes longer than one hour, because as soon as they get to college, they will have longer classes, and<br />

they need to be prepared for that in high school<br />

784 Thank you for considering these options. The current antiquated approach to HS scheduling is not conducive for<br />

developing the 21st century learner. The most viable approach that is the best fit for developing the 21st century learner<br />

is the 7 period schedule. In addition, this option allows FCBOE the opportunity to offer more Advanced Placement<br />

courses. Currently, my son will have to wait until 11th grade to take his first AP course. This is a disadvantage. Several<br />

surrounding districts offer AP to students as early as 9th grade. The 7 period schedule can create this opportunity for<br />

<strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> students. Please strongly consider this option.<br />

785 Overall, there are not enough AP opportunities for students applying to schools out of state at more competitive<br />

universities. Our child was not able to participate in both vocal & instrumental music because of elective limitations. We<br />

also do not offer foreign language for students that come into high school with foreign language experience. By the time<br />

they reach their senior year, AP is the only option. For our child, that meant taking 5 AP classes her senior year or not<br />

taking a foreign language and taking a class that simply took up space in her schedule. <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong>'s academic<br />

requirements have not been a challenge for our children. We'd love to see the district hold our kids to a higher standard.<br />

786 Currently my Son is on the Executive Board, an Ambassador and taking AP courses with no issues. The 7 period day<br />

schedule seems to be the best option based on the information I viewed.<br />

87 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:27 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:25 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:25 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:16 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:15 PM<br />

787 My son is a sophomore and this is a very real issue for him. He currently takes Spanish III, AP World History, and Band Aug 19, 2011 6:12 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

but he is planning to become an engineer and cannot fit any of the engineering electives into his schedule without<br />

dropping his fine arts class or his foreign language, both of which he excels at. All of the options presented have merit...<br />

the only option that is a no-go for us is retaining the status quo.<br />

788 Committe should have included parents. Homework load is currently already almost too much for a child to fit into a<br />

reasonable day. Adding additional classes will undoubtedly add to homework load. That would be unacceptable.<br />

88 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:11 PM<br />

789 Extend the school days even longer so a longer summer could be possible. Aug 19, 2011 6:07 PM<br />

790 If a change in the length of the school year is also being considered due to budget shortfalls, could we potentially be<br />

looking at an increase of something more like 60 minutes for the school day if either the 7 period day or 7 period hybrid<br />

option is implemented?<br />

791 Considering all the options, the 7 Period Day <strong>Schedule</strong> provides the greatest gain for the least pain. It would meet our<br />

children's' needs just fine.<br />

792 I think more emphasis needs to be put on the core classes rather than electives, because from what I understand<br />

colleges don't really care much about electives. It seems like you are trying to increase the opportunity to take electives<br />

rather than focusing on the important core classes.<br />

793 The school system must be competitive or more competitive than other states for families to relocate and stay in PTC. It<br />

must have flexibility to increase the number of courses our kids can take as you do not want another big school change in<br />

the next few years. It must let accelerated kids perform at the top with the right options available so they can get get into<br />

and get scholarships to top national universities, not just GA/local ones.<br />

794 Question 18 leaves out the option for keeping the current 6 period schedule--which is the scheudule I would choose.<br />

Based on question 18 alone, this survey will not give an accurate result as to what the parents actually want for their<br />

children! Come on FCBOE, stop making surveys that allow you to do only what you want and forgetting about what the<br />

parents want. We have already been doing that for years with the early August start date.<br />

795 The Trimester option was my favorite but because my children attend different schools (one goes to private), a different<br />

schedule would impact our summer travel plans-including mission trips. I've seen how the hybrid works and don't like it.<br />

So the 7 period day was best option of the three for us. (Talked it over with both kids-more with the child it would impact)<br />

796 I feel that the school has my children enough time during the day and that adding additional time is just the government<br />

taking over more of our families lives. On a separate note, my children would have more time to take electives of their<br />

choice if the county would remove the current math curriculum. I've spent over $1000 on tutoring fees and my children<br />

have been in math support trying to pass math. They were previously in private schools using the "standard" math that<br />

we all were taught and they were making A's!<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:06 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:05 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:03 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:02 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:00 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 6:00 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:58 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

797 I think the HS day is long enough already, please do not lengthen. The trimester sched appears more relaxed and allows<br />

time in each subject for more in depth focus.<br />

798 We need to stop dancing around the real issue in our school system. Prime importance needs to be placed on the quality<br />

of teachers. This is completely ignored in preparing our children for college in the <strong>Fayette</strong> county school system. There<br />

are several teachers at McIntosh boarding on incompetent. I know because I have had to teach my daughter what should<br />

have been taught to her in class. It is time to get rid of some of these people and get teachers who want to teach and<br />

have the ability to teach in the classroom. My son will be starting high school soon and I am already dreading him getting<br />

certain teachers. I know many people who have to get tutors for their high school children. If these children were properly<br />

taught there would be no need for tutors.<br />

799 I think that we need to change the hours for our schools. <strong>High</strong> school should start earlier then middle school and finally<br />

elem. This was can participate in work or athletic events without being so late in day. Buses are also getting home later<br />

and causes problems for everybody! Lets take a look at that! I know when I was in school, H.S started @ 7:30 and out at<br />

2:30 and many schools in other states still utilize this and find it very strategic for many reasons. I would love for this to<br />

happen. Much easier on everyone. Also has the older sibling home to watch younger sibling when then get home. I<br />

would vote for time change!<br />

800 We are in NEED of more AP class options. With two children currently in college, and one a freshman in high school, we<br />

have realized that college acceptance is VERY competitive. <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> is not preparing students for college.<br />

801 The school day should not be any longer than it is. Kids need to get out at a decent time and have because they sports<br />

and other activities to be involved in. I think if students need extra help they should come to school earlier and it not have<br />

to involve everyone.<br />

89 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:54 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:53 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:51 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:48 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:46 PM<br />

802 Feel free to contact me if you want more info. dsweetqci@bellsouth.net Aug 19, 2011 5:43 PM<br />

803 I feel there is no need to change the current schedule. Students who are struggling should take advantage of peer<br />

tutoring programs, teacher help sessions, or independent tutoring outside of school.<br />

804 I prefer the Hybrid <strong>Schedule</strong>. My child will be able to take a drama class and chorus the same semester. She also needs<br />

to take AP classes. The Hybrid schedule will enhance a competitive student's transcript. I would also prefer if school<br />

started a little later than 8:25 so that parents, kids, and buses won't have to compete with the Middle school traffic<br />

schedule.<br />

805 The 7 course hybrid day would be horrible for my special need child, there is no way I would be able to remember what<br />

courses he would have that day, let alone him. I was on trimesters for my high school career and it worked out well.<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:41 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:41 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:40 PM<br />

806 The fine arts allow students to be creative and for most gives them the confidence to suceed! I have a student that was Aug 19, 2011 5:27 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

shy and average who completed 4 years of chorus at SCHS. He is now a college student at Florida State University on<br />

the deans list! He was senior class VP. Had several opportunities for travel, performance, etc. The choral program has<br />

allowed him to grow and thrive. I don't want this to be taken away from my current high school student. He looks forward<br />

to this class more than any other. For creative students this is a MUST!!! PLEASE DON'T TAKE AWAY THE ARTS IN<br />


807 Not enough emphasis on the students. Seems to be more about the teachers and FCBOE. Correcting the Math<br />

curriculum is more important. Current Math teachers do not know how to teach the current curriculum.<br />

90 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:24 PM<br />

808 Why change? Aug 19, 2011 5:24 PM<br />

809 More than 50 minutes in class require the teachers' ability to have very good teaching techniques so kids maintain their<br />

attention. If we have teachers who can't keep kids interested in what they are teaching for 50 minutes right now, they<br />

can't succeed in a class that lasts longer! If there are people complaining that summer break is too long and kids are<br />

forgetting what they had learned in previous year, what happens if we give them a semester without studying some<br />

material like Math? If we are already struggling with the Integrated Math and add this kind of schedule, we are asking for<br />

more trouble. How are successful schools in the country handling schedules? I really think we need to research and<br />

prepare before we jump into something new. We did this with Math program change here and look what is going on...<br />

810 I was a teacher at a large high school in South Carolina. We had 7 periods, so teachers had 2 planning periods. One<br />

was used for planning, the other reserved for substituting for other teachers who were sick, etc. The county could save<br />

money and have more effective substituting; and since teachers didn't have to substitute every day, most days we had 2<br />

planning periods. I was a science teacher and feel the longer class periods are difficult to manage with high-school-aged<br />

children...even for Biology labs.<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:24 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:21 PM<br />

811 The current 6-period schedule is perfectly fine. There is no reason to add anymore stress to any students. Aug 19, 2011 5:21 PM<br />

812 It's a shame FBOE took this long to figure out there was a problem. My son is about to be out of high school now and<br />

has struggled for four years and still can't catch up. He failed a math class and it all went down hill from there. I certainly<br />

hope our new superintendent knows what needs to be done. My opinion of our former superintendent isn't worth my time<br />

to write about.<br />

813 As a parent of an advanced 7th grader I am happy that this is under consideration. I would strongly recommend that<br />

once a decision is made that the county focus on providing students/parents in 8th grade with personal guidance on<br />

choices of HS courses to suit the student and put them in the best position for college acceptance.<br />

814 I think it is important to look at this issue, kudos for taking it on. My daughter took Zero Period last year in order to have a<br />

spot for Chorus and Art. This year she is not taking Spanish 4, thus she will only have two years of Foreign Language<br />

upon entering a College in Georgia. PS Clone Mr. Stockdale Sophomore History Zero Period, his class is one of the best<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:19 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:14 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:13 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

academic classes my daughter has experienced!<br />

815 Colab Class are very important. If the 7 period day schedule allow the student to get Math Support and reading, writting it<br />

woudl wonderful. College is important to my son and he works very hard and does not test well. My time with the teacher<br />

is important. Thank you.<br />

816 I believe the 3x5 Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong> is comparable to and better preparation for college. Georgia/<strong>Fayette</strong> schools must<br />

be more competitive.<br />

817 Please go back to real math. There is no happy medium, either bored to tears or flying to fast to actually learn it. It is<br />

embarrassing and impossible to explain this math if you want to go out of state for college. Struggling kids are falling<br />

further and further behind.<br />

818 There needs to be flexiblility for all types of students to be allowed to take different courses. Students may need support<br />

in one area but could do very well in an AP class in another subject area. There doesn't seem to be many options for<br />

those types of students.<br />

819 Due to the continuing changes in the State for graduating and succeeding in today's high schools, I think the 3x5<br />

schedule gives more emphasis on learning each subject with increased classroom time and a better chance to<br />

incorporate all the child's needs throughout the year both academically and socially.<br />

820 The school system has too many unidentified ADHD students, therefore, having long hours on each period will definitely<br />

disconnect these highly intelligent students that don't qualify as "special". Did the school consider shorter period time? If<br />

the student falls below "B" or "C", they need to stay in 7th period to revisit the subject. This will encourage students to do<br />

good at the first place and relieve those students who already got it and don't need to be bored to stay in, in the<br />

meantime, teachers can spend more time with the students that needs help.<br />

821 To be competitive for the college market - our children need the extra credit hours to be able to complete the foreign<br />

language, AP, engineering, etc classes<br />

822 My son just moved here from out of state. He was in a block school with 4 classes every day on a A/B <strong>Schedule</strong>. He<br />

loved it. It gave him time to take electives and increased time for homework. The hybrid schedule is the closest option to<br />

a block I would recommend that the longer period days be on Mon and Fri not Wed and Thurs. That way your class is<br />

schedule for Mon-Thurs or Tue-Friday. making it easier to keep up with your schedule. Also, If a student is having<br />

difficulty in 6 classes a day, I thould think he would take a study hall so that he is not overloaded.<br />

91 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:13 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:12 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:06 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:04 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 5:01 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:58 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:57 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:57 PM<br />

823 Please shorter days. Aug 19, 2011 4:57 PM<br />

824 A child that struggles with school NEEDS a class, an elective that he/she can relax and learn without the extreme Aug 19, 2011 4:57 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

pressures. Not be "punished" with a full day of strugging and work work work. That beats the self-esteem up. We need<br />

to spin a positive and let each child flourish in their own way. They need to be given the opportunity. Thank you for<br />

allowing our input.<br />

825 I would really like to see the process work for all students. Aug 19, 2011 4:56 PM<br />

826 The only plan I can support is 7-period (plan 2) option. I have 2 who have graduated and two more in middle school. The<br />

older two took 4 years of fine arts (the most recent took 2 fine arts her senior year AND French 4!) The 3rd plan is the<br />

craziest thing I have ever seen proposed and I've been in the classroom for 27 years!<br />

827 Could we consider block scheduling, where students take 3 classes M, W, F and 4 clases T, Th, similar to how college<br />

classes are scheduled? I think it is very important that ALL students who desire to do so have the ability to take AP and<br />

foreign language courses. Often these courses are limited to certain students, and this puts other students at a<br />

competitive disadvantage.<br />

828 The 7 Period Day Hybrid <strong>Schedule</strong> would prepare them for college, not just in obtaining enough credits. It would also<br />

allow them to prepare for an inconsistent schedule with different class time variation. College courses don't follow a<br />

traditional 6-7 perios day. Class lengths vary based on curriculum. This high school schedule will prepare them for this<br />

change. If our students cannot handle one more class period a day for 3 days a week, then where have we failed them<br />

before they enter high school? Just a thought.<br />

829 I don't have a child in <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> yet. The 7 day options seem OK considering the middle school schedule is similar.<br />

However, high school should begin to prepare the kids for college and the 3x5 is closer to that. More classes for shorter<br />

length of time during the day may actually reduce a students ability to focus and understand The 3x5 schedule may<br />

provide the student time to settle in, focus and even discuss (as long as math, science and english still get year round<br />

instruction). The 3x5 schedule would take some adjustment for the teacher, but the longer time for them to prepare<br />

should help. Even if there is an adjustment for ensuring the class curriculum meets the longer periods, there may be a<br />

benefit for more question and answer time between student and teacher. The disadvantage noted mentions that there<br />

would be a loss of collaborative time, but I gather with increased preparation time in the day there may be ways of<br />

working towards that. Finally, if the credit requirements have been increasing over the years, why not adjust now rather<br />

than have to make another change in 6-8 years after this one? Thanks,<br />

830 My children came from a school in NYS that had 9 periods a day, including lunch. This also include a gym class as they<br />

were required to take it throughout their 4 years of high school. This allowed for music classes to be taken without<br />

impacting other classes. It also allowed for students to take electives in various areas of concentration. Their middle<br />

school had a rolling block schedule. This meant that the student's schedule changed everyday. The teachers stated that<br />

they had a harder time adjusting to the schedule than the students did. The students liked the schedule because they<br />

had a subject only 4 days a week. While change will always come with some resistance, I believe it will be beneficial to<br />

the students to be able to take more electives.<br />

92 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:53 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:52 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:51 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:49 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:44 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

831 ...understand that there are many parents out there whose children have not attended high school yet and so it is very<br />

difficult to understand what actually is being presented...I am still a bit confused...maybe a public/parent meeting with<br />

children in middle school could help us to understand ...<br />

93 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:43 PM<br />

832 I think the schedule is fine the way it is. Aug 19, 2011 4:43 PM<br />

833 My child is Deaf/Hard of Hearing and I have a concern for the future that he will need to have less classes throughout the<br />

day and the opportunity to make-up classes if needed to stay on schedule to graduate.<br />

834 Since GA now mandates that everyone take driver's ed adding a 7th period, in addition to zero period, may make it<br />

possible for students to take driver's ed at school. Right now with schedules so tight even if it was offered most students<br />

don't have a free period to take it.<br />

835 Focus on the students before the teachers, teachers are definitely important but reading through the ppt the perception<br />

was that the options were more focused on minimizing teacher work effort vs student benefit, just an observation<br />

836 I feel the trimester schedule would be the best. My children are still in elementary school, but this will one day be an issue<br />

for them. The trimester schedule offers many advantages over the other two options in my opinion. - 5 classes instead of<br />

7 will ease the burden on students who are already struggling - It will give teachers more time for lessons, especially<br />

those involving labs, debates, and other such participation activities - It will reduce the homework load on students so<br />

they can put more attention into the five classes they have. I know several high school students who complain of so much<br />

homework that they can't seem to grasp any of it. - It will also allow students who struggle to have more instruction time,<br />

while students who excel will get classes of a shorter duration so they can move on to something else - It allows students<br />

a chance for 30 credits instead of 28 - it keeps the class schedule the same every day of the week; I think the hybrid<br />

option sounds awful and overwhelming for that reason! Please strongly consider the trimester schedule over the other<br />

two; I think it will benefit the children the most while still meeting the goals of offering my credit opportunities.<br />

837 I like the 3x5 trimester if we could insure that a student taking a full credit class (A/B) would be taken in back to back<br />

trimesters. Having a 12 week gap between the A and B part of the course is concerning.<br />

838 I hope my child has the opportunity to continue in band as well as take foreign language and AP courses. If not, maybe a<br />

summer course might be available through FBOE to meet his needs. thanks.<br />

839 I have two VERY different children at the high school. While one can handle a gap schedule or Hybrid schedule the other<br />

CANNOT. Already the long breaks we have seem to have been a struggle. Having mentioned the above, the seven<br />

period day schedule seems to be the most beneficial and fair to everyone involved.<br />

840 maintain same vacations for grade school, middle school and high school, to put all A and B classes together Math<br />

A/Math B/ then Health (for trimester schedule)<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:40 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:40 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:37 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:37 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:35 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:35 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:34 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:31 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

841 A 10 -15 min increase in our child's day is not a significant consideration when the primary goal is to ensure our children<br />

remain competitive in the future. The 7 day period is a great option for <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> which will allow for more flexibility<br />

and choice in our schools. I am excited about this option for my child and I hope others are as well.<br />

842 Many colleges offer the trimester system. Summer, Winter and Spring <strong>Schedule</strong>. Extended time offer students more time<br />

to interact with teacher and five classes as opposed to seven does not overwhelm the student.<br />

843 My daughter is currently enrolled in several AP classes. I like the idea of longer class periods. I am a teacher myself, and<br />

I realize that 50 minutes per class is not much. By the time the students arrive to class and get settled, that 50 minutes<br />

goes by extremely quick. A longer class period allows for more in-depth studying and more time to answer questions. In<br />

my opinion, extending to 7 class periods is going to be overwhelming for all students (gifted, struggles, etc.).<br />

844 Because my son had study skills AND Math support, he was not able to participate in Chorus or Drama for his first two<br />

years at SMHS. This year we took a chance and he will not have either of those support classes-He is enrolled in<br />

Spanish and Chorus. we are keeping our fingers crossed that he does well in Math 3 without the support class.<br />

845 The powerpoint showed bias in commenting about the "research" for just one of the options. The "research" was not<br />

even properly referenced or cited. If you are going to refer to research, you should have some sort of citation. There is<br />

research on both sides but the more traditional schedules seem to fit better into the attention span of the typical high<br />

school student. Remember Drucker's principle, the work extends to fill the time given to complete it. Productivity may<br />

actually decrease with longer class periods. On the other hand, nothing much can be done in a 20 minute class period.<br />

Those high schools that have the 20 minute period, it is basically a break and a waste of time for the majority of the<br />

students. I think the fixed time schedule is better with the same class schedule each day so the students have a chance<br />

to adjust to a typical working environment. Harder classes need more weeks, not fewer weeks. The brain needs time for<br />

processing, so a harder course needs more time. Shortening the time to trimesters is a poorly thought out idea.<br />

846 I think that the 90 minute periods are too long and noone mentioned the lack of focus for the students and the discipline<br />

problems for teachers with students in a class that long. I think it is a bad idea. Too much information to learn in too short<br />

of a time span. Also, the varied schedule with classes meeting on different days is bad also. What if a student misses a<br />

day for being sick? They really miss like two to three classes due to the 90 min. time frame.<br />

847 <strong>High</strong> school students are already overwhelmed with 6 classes. Seven classes just adds to this problem. The 3 x 5 seems<br />

best, with only 5 classes for teachers and students at any one time.<br />

848 I like the 3x5 because it's only 5 classes a day to prepare for instead of the now 6 and they would get more time with<br />

each teacher.<br />

849 I feel strongly that the 7 day schedule would be most beneficial to all students in <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong>. My son is graduating<br />

this year and we won't have to worry about that, but I do want what is best for <strong>Fayette</strong> students.<br />

94 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:29 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:28 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:22 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:14 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:13 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:12 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:10 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:02 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 4:00 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

850 I think that it is an insult to not give the option of staying with the current schedule in question #18. You are forcing<br />

parents to pick a "change." I have had one child graduate from this system and the biggest problem was the school<br />

scheduling several AP classeds during the same period, and also with the highest ban (Wind Ensemble) class. It should<br />

be apparent to those making the schedule that it is mostly the same group of kids that take these classes, so why<br />

schedule conflict to start with. It appears to me that any of your new schedules would hurt the fine arts programs. You<br />

have already forced them to support themselves, now you want to take away time from them also. In your slide<br />

presentation, you mentioned a conflict with technical electives and AP classes. This is not an issue with the majority of<br />

AP students that I have known. The AP students are not usually wanting the easy CTAE classes. One last statement, if<br />

you have that many students needing credit recovery and support classes, then maybe someone should look at why<br />

these students got to that point in the first place....elementary and middle school. This system definitely needs some<br />

changes, but the changing the daily schedule does not solve the problem of inadequate teaching skills and even just the<br />

availability of AP classes, when you don't even have teachers qualified to teach the subjects.<br />

851 I have an 8th-grader at RSMS now, and a 2011 graduate of SMHS. My graduate was very involved in fine arts and also<br />

took AP classes. If he had had more options, he likely would have taken additional AP classes, a weight class or perhaps<br />

a business class. He graduated with four AP classes to his credit, which we were told by the larger Georgia public<br />

universities was the minimum for consideration. It would have been nice to have a bigger cushion. I am just concerned<br />

that the competition will be that much greater when my 8th-grader is applying for college in four years. The more class<br />

options the better.<br />

852 Do not change to a 7 Period Day Hybrid schedule, we came from a school system that used it and it does not work well.<br />

A child after 1 hour loses focus. That is why all military training in the classroom take breaks after 50 minutes, it works.<br />

The current system works for us. Stop trying to fix what is not broken.<br />

853 I would like to stay with the 6 period day because in the example of the seven period day/hybrid the student is taking 3<br />

non-academic courses which is to many. Just because a class is non-academic doesn’t mean it is an easy class. This is<br />

making the student spend his time doing elective course work instead of using his time for his academic studies or<br />

studying for his college entrance exams which are most important in the college admission process. If a student is<br />

struggling in school the last thing he needs is another class to worry about. The gap time in the trimester schedule would<br />

not benefit the students and is an unacceptable alternative to the schedule we use today and the hybrid schedule is a big<br />

mess. The student would have to check his schedule several times a day just to know what class he has which will just<br />

add to his stress.<br />

854 Thank you for providing the power point presentation. We did not understand the options fully until we looked at the<br />

power point. One of the reasons that this is so important is that we were told by one out of state college that my older son<br />

did not have enough lab sciences to fulfull their requirement for college entrance. They made an exception but it was an<br />

issue. There has to be ways to earn more credit in high school to stay competitive for college entrance. This should be<br />

the highest priority. Changing the length of the school day or going to a tri-mester schedule is great solution.<br />

95 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 3:35 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 1:44 PM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 11:46 AM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 11:11 AM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 10:54 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

855 Two children attended <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> HS and both have been accepted to schools of their choice with academic<br />

scholarships. This is without the need for more than 24 credits. They preferred the six period day and so do I.<br />

856 My child had to perform scheduling acrobatics in order to have both the APs he wanted, and to have Drama in the Spring<br />

Semester so that he could also participate in the musical. As it is now, he has to miss the One Act Play because of<br />

scheduling problems. Also, he had to take an online class to meet his 4 science requirements, just to have room for<br />

everything else that has been jammed in the schedule.<br />

857 We have had children in the <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> school system for the past 18 years. Our two oldest daughters were<br />

extremely interested and talented in the Fine Arts area - particularly band and chorus. The experience they gained was<br />

the foundation they needed to continue on a path in the music area. My third daughter is a sophomore and I am very<br />

concerned that she will not have the same opportunities her sisters had. When my oldest daughters were at SCHS, they<br />

had the opportunity to represent SCHS and the State at Carnegie Hall in the Georgia combined chorus and bands. They<br />

also represented the state at the national level in choral competitions. SCHS has a long and honored tradition of fine arts<br />

excellence - it would be a shame to see this die.<br />

858 I grew up with a program similar to the proposed 3x5 Trimester and even my college was of the 3x5 model. It allowed me<br />

more flexiblility and options to experience MORE!<br />

859 If you add another course slot into the day, they will all sign up for team sports and other non-academic, non-study<br />

classes. This is NOT what the colleges are looking for. They are already overwhelmed with a 6 period day. PLEASE do<br />

not add another class because it will not be used wisely. Plus you've already extended the school day, don't do it any<br />

more. These kids are exhausted already and 7 classes is a larger load than what they would take in college.<br />

860 Why don't you offer summer school classes for kids who want the extra credits like they do in college. If kids had the<br />

option of taking government, health, PE, and other half or full credit classed during the summer, it would allow them to<br />

have other options during the shcool year. It would also allow them to have more credits by the time they graduate.<br />

861 The 7 period day schedule is the best option for my child, because fine arts is very important to him. He is wanting to<br />

choose his career based on the fine arts program. He will also need foreign language for him to enter college. With a 6<br />

period day he would have to drop chorus and drama to meet the requirements for college and high school. A 7 period<br />

day will be the only option for his future.<br />

862 Information was not provided on how the 3X5 trimester schedule who affect EOCT and AP tests. Information was not<br />

provided on how the instructional focus period would be used.<br />

863 This is a good school system. It works well. Not convinced there is a need for change. I hear from teachers that this<br />

county just jumps from one fad to another.<br />

96 of 103<br />

Aug 19, 2011 10:41 AM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 9:15 AM<br />

Aug 19, 2011 7:52 AM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 11:38 PM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 11:37 PM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 10:32 PM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 9:37 PM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 9:35 PM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 8:09 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

864 The 6 period day was fine why are are we changing every thing all the time? If my child chooses to stay in chorus and<br />

take multiple AP the 3X5 trimester will make him have less elective chooses. And the hybrid will confuse everyone with<br />

what is the schedule today. Over all the 7 period day is the best new plan, but will be bad if school day is extended,<br />

because more homework less time to do it. My child comes at an average 40 minutes later to home if he rides the bus<br />

than last year because it takes forever for the buses to get to his high school after taking the middle schoolers home.<br />

865 The Trimester schedule allows a student fewer classes with more focused intrucional time, increasing productivity and<br />

mastery in those fewer classes. Keeping the schedule the same every day would lessen stress on both students and<br />

teachers.<br />

866 The BOE changed the school times to stop the complaining about traffic- now you want to have the times realign again?<br />

Not having any issue with the current graduation time frame and requirements- if anything, foreign language is more<br />

important than chorus or band. Don't approve of adding even more classes to the schedule if you add even more time to<br />

the schedule. And gaps are not beneficial to any student in the retention of the material.<br />

867 My daughter struggles with 6 classes per day. 7 would not be good for her. The 3x5 trimester would be perfect. She<br />

would get to take more electives and the extended time in the core classes would really help her especially in Math and<br />

Science<br />

97 of 103<br />

Aug 18, 2011 7:35 PM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 4:59 PM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 3:11 PM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 2:27 PM<br />

868 contact other schools who have been in a similar situation for their experience and guidance Aug 18, 2011 2:19 PM<br />

869 I feel my child would be confused as to what classes they have which day. Especially when they are half asleep in the<br />

morning getting ready. I like the same classes every day. So its a toss up between the 7 period day or the 3 x 5<br />

Trimester.<br />

870 I think 7 day is the best option - hybrid is too confusing and would result in issues for many kids around late to class - not<br />

prepared - etc...<br />

871 My only reservation with the trimester schedule for my student would be a POSSIBLE gap time for math or science<br />

classes and desire for fine arts electives to be year round. If it could be assured that the core classes would remain<br />

together and fine arts would be year round then i would happily embrace the trimester schedule allowing the opportunity<br />

for 30 credits to be earned over 4 years. My reservation with hybrid scheduling is the transition of different days causing<br />

difficulty for students to adjust as well as teachers adjusting their teaching styles and plans to fill the longer timespan on<br />

only those 2 days per week.<br />

872 How are the teachers going to be affected in terms of planning and pay? Will they have time to offer assistance before<br />

and after school and still hvae time for thei own families?<br />

Aug 18, 2011 2:10 PM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 2:00 PM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 1:16 PM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 12:55 PM<br />

873 My child is a senior this year and will not be able to take advantage of the new scheduling opportunities. Because he Aug 18, 2011 12:46 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

took Math Support, he was not able to take technology or fine arts classes. Math Support was beneficial, but he would<br />

have benefited from other electives as well. The college that he is applying to requires a year of fine arts. He had to drop<br />

Math Support as a senior to pick up Chorus this year.<br />

874 Same schedule every day with two semesters is the best option. They have to be competitive to get into college,<br />

continuity is impt. 24 hours is not acceptable.<br />

875 Right now, my child is saying the IF period is a complete waste of time. This schedule has disrupted transportation,<br />

highschoolers can no longer pickup middle schoolers and buses are late to school. The Whitewater are needs addtional<br />

resource officers to help with traffic, and I dont mean the ones sitting out there to right tickets<br />

876 I have two kids, on opposite sides of the bell curve. They have very different learning styles, and different needs. On<br />

question 18, one would perform best on the hybrid, one better on the 3x5. Is it possible to offer all three schedules, at<br />

different high schools, for at least the first few years, and have "open" enrollment based on the students' needs (Parents<br />

responsible for transporting outside neighborhood school)? Please respond to chesschick@live.com<br />

877 Why weren't parents invited to be on this board? Has the district ever considered an alternate day (day1/day2...)<br />

schedule with 7 to 8 periods to foster AP, fine arts and other electives and to incorporate special needs...enrichment or<br />

extra help? The school day is way long enough...it is devoid time for electives for students in AP or foreign language or<br />

who need help. 7 to 8 shortened periods with alternating days for more than 1 elective...and perhaps AP's having more<br />

than 1 period on 1 of the days might work and should be cost effective. More electives could be accomplished without<br />

cost, or could open and provide jobs for the struggling economy...that would be a just expenditure even with our<br />

struggling school budget.<br />

878 I believe changing our children's schedule and making them stay in school even longer than now is totally unacceptable.<br />

They already attend school for over 6 hours a day and then come home with hours of homework.<br />

879 I think that the 7 Day <strong>Schedule</strong> works the best and being that my son is already on this schedule at <strong>Fayette</strong> Middle it<br />

would give me great comfort in knowing he can transition much easier next year<br />

880 Least favorite option is the Hybrid schedule. I believe this would create confusion for my student. They have enough to<br />

remember and coordinate without a confusing weekly schedule. This would be a very difficult schedule for a new 9th<br />

grader.<br />

881 It is very important for both teachers and students to have a break. The teachers have several breaks throughout the<br />

school year which should be revisited such as a week long break for Thanksgiving which should be shortened to three<br />

days. Also the school year begins too early; the board should look at beginning the school year towards the end of<br />

August. Eliminating some of the extended breaks during the school year would make a difference. Finally, I like the<br />

trimester schedule above the others for the simple fact that it does not lengthen the school day and it allowed for more<br />

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Aug 18, 2011 12:12 PM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 11:02 AM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 10:45 AM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 10:34 AM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 10:31 AM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 9:18 AM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 9:03 AM<br />

Aug 18, 2011 12:33 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

classroom time and an opportunity to change teachers.<br />

882 When I went to HS in the Northeast we had an 8 period schedule with lunch being one of them. Students need more<br />

elective options and the time in which to take them. Where are the business classes? Latin should be available in ALL<br />

the <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>s! Not just Mc.<br />

99 of 103<br />

Aug 17, 2011 11:15 PM<br />

883 Our students need more AP courses and the 7 period day would allow for a more rigorous schedule. Aug 17, 2011 11:02 PM<br />

884 My child does not need more classes at the same time so that she has more homework to do at the end of the day. 5<br />

classes at a time is plenty.<br />

885 what about students who can't take a Foreign language because of core courses. Not only fine arts and vocational<br />

classes get affected. Look at the number of upper level Foreign language students, they are dropping every year and the<br />

opportunities for our children to take upper level Foreign languages is diminishing. We need to protect upper level<br />

Foreign languages and develop and support French and German. I want my children to have the opportunity to take 5<br />

years of French in high school but they can't right now since NO middle school offer it. It is sad to see this situation and<br />

the survey does not reflect the fact that there is a need to support Foreign Languages.<br />

886 I wish you had considered this years ago so that all my children would benefit. As it is, by the time this goes into effect, it<br />

won't help my family. My daughter still talks about the missed opportunities in high school because of not enough periods<br />

to take the classes she wanted for college prep. :(<br />

887 Thank you for considering the impacts that changes to the high school schedule will have. My children do not need to be<br />

overburdened with additional classes (ie, 7 period day) when 5 classes keep them busy enough--that is why I prefer the<br />

3X5 schedule. Additionally, with the later start time of high school & now the later end time, I am extremely concerned<br />

that the new schedule 1) not create any extension to the school day since students already spend enough time in class<br />

as is it is; 2) that remediation take place as those students elective classes--in other words, please don't add 7 periods or<br />

a 3X5 & then keep an instructional focus period , which would seem to punish successful students by making their<br />

academic day even longer; & 3) that any new schedule put in place will take into consideration how later start/end times<br />

negatively affect after school jobs and extra-curricular activities. In addition to considering what the class schedule looks<br />

like, please, please consider earlier start & end times for the high school students!! Many top rated school districts (in<br />

Georgia & out of state) start high school first for these very reasons and enjoy considerable success for their students.<br />

888 Math instruction needs to be available throughout the year and consistent throughout the year (same teacher as<br />

possible). I love the idea of electives/ fine arts etc however as we prepare our children for future whether it be college,<br />

tech school or another vocation, they need 'the basics' such as good math and reading to support whatever endeavors<br />

they choose.<br />

Aug 17, 2011 10:30 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 10:28 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 10:21 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 9:35 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 8:32 PM<br />

889 My child has many afterschool activities, and she barely has enough time to do her homework especially with the Aug 17, 2011 8:16 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

extended 20 minutes on the school day.<br />

890 keep 6 periods. Aug 17, 2011 8:12 PM<br />

891 The 3x5 schedule seems to best the needs of all learners and with 5 courses per day, it appears that the students can<br />

better maintain focus. Moreover, with proper instruction students have the opportunity to "learn" more during the course of<br />

a school year. Thank you!<br />

892 In the 3x5 sample schedule the math A and math B took up 2/3 of the year. Does that mean that the material now taught<br />

in the full year is being condensed or "crammed" into 2/3 of the year??? If so, I don't think most students could keep up<br />

with the faster pace. However, if you actually made the math take a full 3 trimesters like Band, then we wouldn't be able<br />

to "get ahead" and fit in the additional credits, right??? I don't see how this "works" either way.Based on your adv and<br />

disadv. the 3x5 looks good, but which classes get condensed and can the students keep up???????!<br />

893 As mentioned universities outside of the state of Georgia require more than 2 years of a language (sometimes 4 years)<br />

but it is tough to get into a language class freshman year. Need to addres this.<br />

894 I don't think we need to add any additional time to the school day. I also believe it is very important to keep the teacher<br />

and courses consistent.<br />

895 I have taught the block class scheduling [90 minute classes] after having taught a traditional 6 period class day. My high<br />

school did the staff development as such and the transition was not as difficult as we anticipated. The students actually<br />

enjoyed the different teachers every day and the longer class periods and I loved teaching in that type of class period. I<br />

now teach in a 45 minute class period again and I wish I could go back to the block. Try the trimester!!!<br />

100 of 103<br />

Aug 17, 2011 7:46 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 7:43 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 7:38 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 7:22 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 7:02 PM<br />

896 adding more time on to the school day for my child would result in less time for homework and social interaction. Aug 17, 2011 6:20 PM<br />

897 The regular seventh period is more beneficial. Does not cost extra, the transition would be easier, there are more<br />

advantages than with the hybrid, less disadvantages than with the 3*5 trimester schedule and much less confusing than<br />

with either other schedule, and lastly the same schedule every single day.<br />

Aug 17, 2011 5:42 PM<br />

898 I do not like any of the choices. Aug 17, 2011 5:42 PM<br />

899 In reference to question #18, I am fine with keeping the 6 period day schedule. Aug 17, 2011 5:40 PM<br />

900 Maybe the school day should include the Trimester schedule, but instead of having the 75minute classes the classess<br />

could be shorter & have a study hall in the middle of the school day. This would allow students who need extra help to<br />

recieve that help, students in sports to have extra study time, & it would be better for those many students with short<br />

attention spans to be able to grasp all of the information during each instructional period.<br />

Aug 17, 2011 4:48 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

901 my child says that instructional focus and the extra 20 minutes built into the schedule is a bit excessive and would rather<br />

have the old schedule back that consisted of no instructional focus and 6 periods. i somewhat believe that the change to<br />

the school year is for the better but is completely unnecessary. i believe that if a student truly has the motivation to learn<br />

he/she will make the arrangements with their teachers to create a study session either in the morning or in the afternoon.<br />

902 We need to have our children be able to establish the most credits possible. Also I feel right now the kids are rushed<br />

through their day and if they don't understand something, to bad, you better figure it out and catch up. I think a 75 minute<br />

class time would aid in children having a better understanding of what is going on.<br />

903 Once you go past 60 minutes per subject, the learning aptitude decreases. Also, difficult for a teacher to fill 1.5 hours.<br />

That said, between fine arts and foreign language that took up every elective my child had. He could not experience<br />

additional classes in subjects he liked or interesting electives such as debate and current events to broaden his<br />

educational experience.<br />

904 With a 50 minute class period, teachers would need to make sure that tests are adjusted to be completed in this time<br />

period as opposed to a longer class period. We think a 75 minute class period is too long for both teacher and student<br />

alike. An additional period would be extremely beneficial to my child and allow her to continue in orchestra as well as take<br />

AP prerequisite and AP courses. We say a big "yes" to the 7 period day!!! The sooner the better.<br />

905 My student took the survey and we were severely disappointed at how biased it was towards the 3x5 hybrid. How can<br />

you expect to get honest feedback when you're pushing them towards one answer? Completely inappropriate.<br />

906 The school day is already too long so I don't agree with adding additional time to the day. They barely have time to get<br />

homework done as it is much less participate in extracurricular activities or work.<br />

907 I am happy with the current 6 period school day, and definitely do not want to see an increase in the length of the school<br />

day. My older daughter graduated last year, took chorus all 4 years of high school, and was able to take 2 years of a<br />

foreign language, in addition to other electives that interested her. My younger daughter, who is currently a junior in high<br />

school, has already taken 2 years of a foreign language, and is also able to take all of the electives that interest her in the<br />

current 6 period school day. I think that 7 classes per term is too many, unless a student particularly wants to take 7<br />

classes, in which case they can utilize the zero period option. In reading question 18 on this survey, it appears that the<br />

current 6 period school day is not even being considered, which I feel is a mistake for the majority of students.<br />

908 studies have also shown that children/teens who sit in very long classes get overload -tune out. Children/teens are not<br />

"small adults" with longer attention spans and better able to focus.Changes if necessary should come in small doses 7p<br />

offers closer to what we have in HS and MS already has 7 p. The entire school should not be put on a scd. bc of some<br />

students needing credit recov. / remidal Colleges are moving away from remd. classes- our HS do not need to start this.<br />

<strong>High</strong> Achv. will always find a way for advacement-mine did and now I have a freshman who will.Ufort. we cannot be<br />

everything to everybody. I have friends w/kids on block(also goes by other names) and it is a nightmare- most<br />

101 of 103<br />

Aug 17, 2011 4:39 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 4:30 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 3:50 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 3:40 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 3:17 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 2:25 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 2:22 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 1:57 PM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

schools/states tried and found it didn't work for kids to have math (for ex) then a gap then pick it up later. Students need<br />

to have the same teacher<br />

909 Both of my children have had to take Math Support so when entering 10th grade they only have one elective and then if<br />

they have to take a language they have none. This does not make a student well rounded. Also there are a lot of stastics<br />

showing that fine arts and sports enhances a persons ability to do better academically.<br />

910 In looking at the overall picture, we all have to make choices regarding classes for fun and classes to progress us on to<br />

college. What is fun for one child (arts) might be different for another (engineering/computers). We simply can not do it<br />

all. Regarding instructional focus - it should be at the end of the day if at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That allows students to get<br />

clarification of material learned that day. Also allows for make up quizes/work. It also allows a parent to schedule medical<br />

appointments which are difficult to get after school without pull out from classroom instruction. Putting it early in the day<br />

seems silly. In addition, my own son, had instructional focus in the band room and then in the gym. No desks available<br />

at either location. Really? So, in other words, he's just in a room to play. Perhaps the kids who do not need instructional<br />

focus could just go home?<br />

102 of 103<br />

Aug 17, 2011 1:49 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 1:46 PM<br />

911 Would students who fail classes be charged for retaking the class? Aug 17, 2011 1:07 PM<br />

912 I would like to see more electives offered such as computer PROGRAMMING and more pre-engineering type classes.<br />

Adding the 7th period is only beneficial to my child if the OFFERINGS are there for him to take. My eldest who just left for<br />

college would have benefitted from some of these classes.<br />

913 I attended a university with a trimester system, 75 minute classes were to long for college students & will be extremely<br />

long for high school students & teachers. Students will not stay focused. Keep classes below 60 mins. My student would<br />

have liked to participate in zero period, but was unable due to transportation. Add 7th period it can cover instructional<br />

focus, recovery, and AP classes.<br />

914 We need our students to be able to compete for places in top universities. The current schedule for <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> does<br />

not do this.<br />

915 Kids who struggle in school as my daughter dies, need extra time to get teachers help. some teachers have hard enough<br />

time making it to school on time or staying arter to work with kids<br />

916 My child struggles in school and I have to pay for a tutor because there is no time for her to seek additional help during<br />

school hours. She has also had a couple of teachers during high school that because of their teaching style/presentation<br />

caused her to struggle even more which is why having her stay in a class with that teacher any longer in the day will only<br />

make things worse. She has ADHD but does not want to be singled causing attention to be drawn to her being "different".<br />

I stopped having meetings with teachers/admin by 8th grade because the IEP's were rarely followed which only created<br />

more frustration for us because it seemed like the teachers had so many students they couldn't keep up with who had<br />

Aug 17, 2011 12:51 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 12:04 PM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 10:38 AM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 10:37 AM<br />

Aug 17, 2011 10:10 AM

Q1. Please provide any other information you would like for the committee to consider when making the decision as to which schedule to recommend to<br />

the Board of Education.<br />

what needs unless it was very obvious you needed lots of help or you were extrememly bright/advanced, something<br />

needs to be done to help the "average" students because they are falling through the cracks. In addition, for a student<br />

with ADHD lengthening the school day AND homework just does not work because they CANNOT concentrate that long.<br />

I am a single mom who works full-time so whatever you add to her schedule affects me as well. Also now she has a parttime<br />

job to help pay for her car, while it is not many hours extending the day (like this year) pushes the possible arrival<br />

time she could be at work later which often means she has to work later which again is not what is in her best interest for<br />

homework, sleep and down time. No Child Left Behind has left behind the "average" student and it seems like FCBOE is<br />

doing everything they can to do the same.<br />

917 I really like the idea of the Trimester <strong>Schedule</strong>. Other counties already use this system, and parents and students I have<br />

talked with like it.<br />

918 Thank you for taking on this initiative. We are new to <strong>Fayette</strong> <strong>County</strong> and it's clear that you have the best interests of<br />

students at the forefront of decision making. I have a Senior at McIntosh who had to choose Math support over German<br />

(which she loves.) I have a sophomore that had to choose foreign language over drama (which she loves.)<br />

919 I think it is important to offer our students the opportunity to earn the highest amount of credits possible in a variety of<br />

classes to be competitive the rest of the world.<br />

920 The students education should be the primary focus. What is best for the students may not be best for the staff. This is a<br />

community and we should all strive to excel the student.<br />

921 Let's give our kids the opportunity to take a wider variety of electives and not have to pick and choose between classes<br />

they are interested in.<br />

922 The fine arts programs which provide so much educational direction, brain stimulation, and a heathly outlet to so many<br />

students will be impossible with a 3x5 Trimester. PLEASE don't go to this schedule. PLEASE.<br />

923 Our family would prefer the current 6 period schedule. I know many students currently taking 4 and 5 AP classes under<br />

the existing schedule and they will remain competitive against other students at other high schools. To offer more<br />

classes and a long school day, adds undue stress to our already overscheduled students. They will end up taking 5 and<br />

6 AP Classes, plus a full load of extracurricular activities.<br />

924 Sadly, because of the current schedule, my child's high school transcript is not nearly as rigorous as other public high<br />

schools in other areas of our country. And, my child has to compete against those students for college scholarships and<br />

admission. Please change the schedule ASAP!<br />

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