Inline-Alpine World Championships 2012 Cham - Germany 15th ...

Inline-Alpine World Championships 2012 Cham - Germany 15th ...

Inline-Alpine World Championships 2012 Cham - Germany 15th ...


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<strong>Inline</strong>-<strong>Alpine</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong><strong>Cham</strong>pionships</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

<strong>Cham</strong> - <strong>Germany</strong><br />

<strong>15th</strong>-19th Aug <strong>2012</strong><br />

Disciplines: <strong>Inline</strong>-<strong>Alpine</strong> Parallel Slalom<br />

<strong>Inline</strong>-<strong>Alpine</strong> Slalom Team Event<br />

<strong>Inline</strong>-<strong>Alpine</strong> Giant Slalom<br />

<strong>Inline</strong>-<strong>Alpine</strong> Slalom

Organizer: WIAC & FIRS<br />

Host Federation: DRIV & DSV<br />

Host Club: FC <strong>Cham</strong>münster – Ski & <strong>Inline</strong><br />

Timing: ALGE-TIMING <strong>Germany</strong><br />

Location: <strong>Cham</strong>, „Vom Schulberg über die Schanze nach<br />

Brunnendorf“, Incline between 13,5 % and 5 %<br />

Patron: Federal German Secretary of the Interior:<br />

Dr. Hans-Peter Friedrich<br />

Honorary Patron: BLSV Chairman Günther Lommer<br />

Former Mayor Leo Hackenspiel<br />

According to §19 CIC International Rules Travel & Accomodation expenses are to be beared by<br />

the respective Teams.<br />

Jury<br />

TD, WIAC<br />

TD-Assistant, WIAC<br />

Babl, Andy (Chief of Race)<br />

Gütlhuber, Josef (Chief of Timing)*<br />

Weigl, Wolfgang (Chief of Course)*<br />

Münch, Helmut (Chief of Gate Judges)*<br />

Hastreiter, Johannes (Referee of Start)*<br />

Wittmann, Erich (Referee of Finish)*<br />

*no voting right

Organisation Committee (OC)<br />

Zistler, Sigi (Head of OC)<br />

Kregiel, Alexander (Vice Head of OC)<br />

Entry Fee<br />

15 EUR per Athlete and Discipline<br />

Reglementation<br />

FIRS (Fédération Internationale de Roller Sports) and CIC (FIRS`s Comité International de Course)<br />

regulations apply in general. In cases general FIRS rules are absent the specific regulation of<br />

WIAC applies e.g. for all <strong>Inline</strong>-<strong>Alpine</strong> specific topics and all technical topics of the competition as<br />

such. The WIAC regulation is available for download at www.cham<strong>2012</strong>.com and www.inline-<br />

alpin.org. The FIRS and CIC regulation is available at www.rollersports.org.<br />

Timetable<br />

<strong>15th</strong> Aug <strong>2012</strong> Finals International <strong>Inline</strong> Cup (Slalom)<br />

<strong>World</strong> <strong><strong>Cham</strong>pionships</strong> Opening Ceremony<br />

16th Aug <strong>2012</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong><strong>Cham</strong>pionships</strong> Parallel Slalom (Single Event)<br />

17th Aug <strong>2012</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong><strong>Cham</strong>pionships</strong> Slalom (Team Event)<br />

18th Aug <strong>2012</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong><strong>Cham</strong>pionships</strong> Giant Slalom<br />

19th Aug <strong>2012</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong><strong>Cham</strong>pionships</strong> Slalom<br />

Closing Ceremony

Course Map

Applications<br />

Via the National Federations to Wolf-Dieter Plass per email: inlinealpin@yahoo.de .<br />

Download Application Form at: http://www.inline-alpin.org/races/Meldeformular.xls<br />

Application Deadline: 8th Aug <strong>2012</strong>, 8pm CET.<br />

Eligibilty for Applications<br />

To be eligible Athletes have to be born in the year 2000 or before and have to be listed with a<br />

National Federation that is a member of FIRS. There are exemptions for Nations without a<br />

respective Federation. The quota rule according to §17 WIAC regulation applies. All participants<br />

are required to having paid the WIAC License Fee of EUR15 to the following recipient:<br />

Gabriele Brenner / WIAC-Komitee<br />

Bank: Kreissparkasse Nagold<br />

BIC: PZHSDE66<br />

IBAN: DE37666500850007270070<br />

The document „Athletenerklärung“ must have been signed by every Athlete in advance.<br />

Download: http://www.inline-alpin.org/formulare/athletenerklaerung_ias_ec_engl.pdf<br />

Awards<br />

Rank 1 – 3: Medals<br />

Rank 4 – 10 Souvenirs<br />

Prize Money


Show Program<br />

Every Event day is filled with a diverse Show Program (Livemusik, Fireworks, Motor Show, …)<br />

Catering is provided. No admission fees!<br />

Accomodation<br />

Hotel Randsberger Hof, <strong>Cham</strong> http://www.randsberger-hof.de/<br />

Parkhotel, <strong>Cham</strong> http://www.parkhotel-cham.de/<br />

Hotel am Regenbogen, <strong>Cham</strong> http://www.hotel-am-regenbogen.de/<br />

Gasthof Käsbauer, <strong>Cham</strong> http://www.pension-kaesbauer.de/<br />

Berggasthaus Ödenturm, <strong>Cham</strong>münster http://www.oedenturm.de/<br />

Landgasthof Pusl, Stamsried http://www.hotel-pusl.de/<br />

Brunner Hof, Arnschwang http://www.brunner-hof.de/<br />

Hotel Sonnenhof, Schlondorf http://www.sonnenhof-schlondorf.de/<br />

Camping Kanuclub <strong>Cham</strong> (4 Euro) oder<br />

Mehrzweckhalle Stadt <strong>Cham</strong>(Dormitory) (4 Euro) Please reserve via: info@cham<strong>2012</strong>.com<br />

Payment with Entry Fees,<br />

Camping is located 500m from the course.

Doping Test<br />

During the <strong>World</strong> <strong><strong>Cham</strong>pionships</strong> Doping Tests will be carried out. The Anti Doping Regulations<br />

of FIRS, NADA Codes as well as WADA Codes apply. Every participant has to sign the Anti Doping<br />

Declaration of WIAC which is available for download at www.cham<strong>2012</strong>.com .<br />

Disclaimer<br />

The Organization Team does not take any responsibility for injuries and/or damages of Athletes, Officers<br />

or Spectators. All participants are hereby informed of their mandatory insurance. In case of any<br />

inconsistencies the original German version of this document is legally binding.<br />

Information<br />

Sigi Zistler +49-160-92321175 (mobile)<br />

<strong>Cham</strong>, <strong>15th</strong> Feb <strong>2012</strong><br />

Roberto Marotta<br />

FIRS General Secretary<br />

CIC President<br />

Markus Blättler<br />

WIAC President<br />

sigi@cham<strong>2012</strong>.com (eMail)<br />

Harro Strucksberg<br />

DRIV President<br />

Jürgen Wolf<br />

DSV-Director<br />

Breitensport<br />

Sigi Zistler<br />

Head of<br />

FC <strong>Cham</strong>münster<br />

Ski & <strong>Inline</strong>

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