Williamson,Arthur H - California State University, Sacramento

Williamson,Arthur H - California State University, Sacramento

Williamson,Arthur H - California State University, Sacramento


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CSUS<br />

Department of History<br />

Hist. 105.01/SP- 13 A.H. <strong>Williamson</strong><br />


This course will provide an introduction to the development of Western Civilization from about<br />

1650 to the present. As such it does not focus on the narrative of events, but instead examines<br />

the basic ideas, assumptions, and commonplaces shared by modern people. Virtually all such<br />

ideas--whether liberal-democratic values, the attitudes toward nature in modern science, our<br />

notions of privacy, self, emotions, love, and even what it means to work--differ vastly from those<br />

universally held during most of the history of the West. How did they arise, how did they<br />

become persuasive, and subsequently central to Western people? Why are we convinced that<br />

modern science asks the right questions and that earlier approaches to nature are either irrelevant<br />

or ridiculous? What convinces us that something called "love"--and admittedly irrational-should<br />

be the basis for forming enduring personal relationships? How, in a word, did we become<br />

who we are?<br />

This course has two additional objectives. It stresses the careful reading and analysis of original<br />

texts and thereby, hopefully, will develop the student's capacity to read critically and historically.<br />

Although the readings in this course are significant statements of Western culture--and important<br />

for history majors--part of the purpose is simply to teach students to read any writing more<br />

insightfully, whether the <strong>Sacramento</strong> Bee or even the speeches of George W. Bush.<br />

The course is further intended to strengthen the student's expository prose and seeks to achieve<br />

this objective through three analytical papers, a mid-term and a final examination. Finally the<br />

course also strongly encourages the student to analyze and engage the material through class<br />

discussion.<br />

Course requirements: Mid-term Examination (20%)<br />

Analytical Papers (30%)<br />

Final Examination (30%)<br />

Class Participation (20%)<br />

***Students are expected to bring the scheduled reading material to class each session***

Required Books:<br />

Marvin Perry et al., Western Civilization, 1660-Present, 9th edition (Houghton)<br />

Keith Baker, ed., The Old Regime and the French Revolution (Chicago)<br />

John Boyer and Jan Goldstein, eds., 20th Century Europe (Chicago)<br />

Voltaire, Philosophical Letters (Bobbs/Hornet)<br />

Blaise Pascal, Pensées (Penguin)<br />

Jean Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract (Hafner/Hornet)<br />

John Stuart Mill, Autobiography (Pengiun)<br />

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Marx-Engels Reader (Norton)<br />

Friedrich Nietzsche, Use and Abuse of History (Bobbs)<br />

A.H. <strong>Williamson</strong>, Great Ages and Issues (Hornet)<br />

A.H. <strong>Williamson</strong>, Images of Blood (Hornet)<br />

All required texts are available in the bookstore and are on reserve in the library (hopefully).<br />

Course requirements: There will be a midterm and a final examination, as well as three brief<br />

papers (brief = three double-spaced typed pages, about 1000 words).<br />

Paper #1: Write a summary of Turgot's argument in his article about "Foundations" (in Baker).<br />

Due in class 28 February.<br />

Paper #2: Summarize Lord Byron's argument in his poem "Prometheus." Due in class 21<br />

March.<br />

Paper #3: Compare Nietzsche's argument in The Use and Abuse of History with the ideas about<br />

people and society developed by Jeremy Bentham in An Introduction to the Principles of Morals<br />

and Constitutional Code ("Selected Readings"). Due in class 25 April.<br />

***Late papers will not be accepted***<br />

Office Hours: Tuesdays 12:00-3:00 and by appointment in 3061 Tahoe Hall (278-6914).<br />

1st Week: 29/31 January<br />

Man and Nature in the Pre-Modern World<br />

Alexander Pope, Essay on Man, 1733 (Selected Readings,<br />

hereafter indicated as SR)<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 17, pp. 400-18.<br />


(Note excerpt from Descartes’ Discourse on Method, 1637, p. 417)<br />

2nd Week: 5/7 February<br />

The Rise of Modern Science: Descartes, Newton, and the Concept of Cause<br />

Voltaire, Philosophical Letters,1733, 52-74<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 18, pp. 419-51.<br />

(Note Three Impostors, date and author uncertain, p. 449)<br />

3rd Week: 12/14 February<br />

The Enlightenment: Science and Society under the Ancien Regime<br />

4th Week: 19/21 February<br />

Charles Loyseau, Traité des Ordres, 1610(Baker)<br />

Denis Diderot, "Definition of an<br />

Encyclopedia," 1757 (Baker)<br />

Voltaire, Philosophical Letters, pp. 3-29, 39-40<br />

Absolutism Can Be Fun<br />

Anne-Robert-Marie Turgot, "On Foundations" 1757 (Baker)<br />

Anne-Robert-Marie Turgot, "Memorandum on Local Government<br />

and National Education" 1775 (Baker)<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 18, pp. 442-43 (review).<br />

Continuity and Contiguity: Blaise Pascal<br />

Blaise Pascal, Pensées, (1650) #23, 24, 25, 26, 33, 44, 45,60, 66,<br />

83, 86, 114, 125, 131, 188, 200, 228, 242, 520, 533, 750,<br />

781<br />

Further Reading (= optional, i.e. you don't gotta):<br />

5th Week: 26/28 February<br />

Voltaire, Philosophical Letters, pp. 114-150<br />



(First Paper due in class, 28 February)<br />

a. The "Moderate" Revolution<br />

J.J. Rousseau, The Social Contract,1762, Bk. I, chs. 1-7 (pp. 5-<br />

18), Bk. II, chs. 3, 4,7 (pp. 25-30, 35-39), Bk. IV, ch. 8 (pp.<br />

115-125)<br />

Abbe Sieyès, What is the Third Estate? (Baker) 1789, pp. 154-165;<br />

remainder optional.<br />

"Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen," 1789 (Baker)<br />

"La Liberté des Colons," 1791 (SR)<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 19, pp. 451-67.<br />

b. The Republic of Virtue<br />

Documents of the Sans Culottes (Baker)<br />

Maximilien Robespierre, "Letter to his Constituents," 1793 (SR)<br />

"Draft Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen," 1793 (SR)<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 19, pp. 467-80, 486-7<br />

(Profile).<br />

(Note excerpt from Robespierre’s “Report on Public Morality,” 1794)<br />

6th Week: 5/7 March<br />

(Baker)<br />

Popular Culture: the Advent of Kitsch<br />

No readings (!!!)<br />

Reaction: Edmund Burke and the Marquis de Sade--the Problem of Nature and Self<br />

Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France, 1790<br />

Marquis de Sade, Philosophy in the Bedroom, 1795 (on reserve)<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 22, pp. 531-36, 548-51.<br />

The Romantic Impulse<br />

George Gordon, Lord Byron, "Prometheus" (SR)<br />

Byron, "On this Day I complete my Thirty-Sixth Year" (SR)<br />

John Keats, "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" (SR)<br />


Further Reading:<br />

7th Week: 12/15 March<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 22, pp. 520-31, 541-46.<br />

Mary Shelley, Frankenstein<br />


a. Auguste Comte and the Science of Reaction:<br />

"Sociology"<br />

Auguste Comte, Early Essays, (on reserve)<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 22, pp. 534-41, Chapter 24, p.<br />

578 (Comte); (Note Joseph de Maistre, pp. 544-45)<br />

b. The Individual and Society<br />

Jeremy Bentham, An<br />

Introduction to the Principles of Morals, 1780 (SR)<br />

Bentham, Constitutional Code for the Use of all Nations, 1827<br />

(SR)<br />

John Stuart Mill, Autobiography, 25-71, 84-86, 93-96, 111-118.<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 21, pp. 500-18; Chapter 22,<br />

pp. 534-41; Chapter 24, pp. 589-90.<br />

8th Week: 19/21 March<br />

(Second Paper due in class, 21 March)<br />

Socialism and the Rise of Social Theory<br />

Marx-Engels Reader, pp. 70-81, 473-500.<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 24, pp. 573-89.<br />

<br />

9th Week: 2 April: Review<br />


10th Week: 9/11 April<br />


Imperialism: the European Order at Its Zenith<br />

Rudyard Kipling, "The White Man's Burden"(SR)<br />

Marquis de Condorcet, Sketch” (SR)<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 25, pp. 609-19.<br />

The Critique of Time and Reason<br />

11th Week: 16/18 April<br />

12th Week: 23/25 April<br />

Friedrich Nietzsche, Use and Abuse of History (entire)<br />

Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, 1886 (SR)<br />

Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist, 1889 (SR)<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 26, pp. 622-32, Chapter 27,<br />

pp. 650-71, 674-76; Chapter 28, pp. 678-82 (Note excerpt from<br />

Nietzsche’s Will to Power, 1883-88, p. 703).<br />

Modernism: the End of the Victorian World View?<br />

"Futurist Manifestos," 1909 (Boyer)<br />

Sigmund Freud, “Thoughts for the Times of War and Death,” 1915<br />

(Boyer)<br />

René Magritte, "Ceci n'est pas une pipe," 1928-9 (SR)<br />

René Magritte, "Personnage marchant vers l'horizon," 1928-9 (SR)<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 28, pp. 678-702.<br />

(Third Paper due in Class, 25 April)<br />

and Wilson – the Enlightenment Moves East<br />

6<br />

The Russian Revolution: Lenin<br />

V.I. Lenin, <strong>State</strong> and Revolution, 1917 (on reserve)

13th Week: 30 April / 2 May<br />

14th Week: 7/9 May<br />

Joseph Stalin, The Foundations of Leninism, 1924 (Boyer)<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 29, pp. 708-43. Chapter 30,<br />

750-579. (Check out picture on p. 708)<br />

Fascism and the Right: Modernist and Anti-Modernist<br />

T.S. Eliot, "The Hollow Men," 1925 (SR)<br />

Eliot, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," 1917 (SR)<br />

Eliot, "The Boston Evening Transcript," 1917 (SR)<br />

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, 1925 (Boyer)<br />

Benito Mussolini, The Doctrine of Fascism, 1932 (Boyer)<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 30, pp. 759-83 (Review<br />

Chapter 25, pp. 609-19). Note Profile of Charles Maurras,<br />

pp. 780-81 (hugely influential on T.S. Eliot.<br />


a. Existentialism<br />

15th Week: 14/16 May<br />

Jean-Paul Sartre, "Existentialism is a Humanism," 1945 (Boyer)<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 31, pp. 806-08.<br />

b. The Cultures of the Cold War: McCarthy and Zhdanov<br />

Perry, Western Civilization, Chapter 33, pp. 851-69.<br />


16th Week: ***FINAL EXAMINATION***<br />

Michel Foucault, "The Subject and Power", 1982 (Boyer)<br />

A.H. <strong>Williamson</strong>, “Images of Blood: Ethnic Identity and the<br />

Destruction of the Left in Europe and America, 1972-1992.”<br />


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