The Roman and Byzantine Graves and Human Remains

The Roman and Byzantine Graves and Human Remains The Roman and Byzantine Graves and Human Remains


©2012 The American School of Classical Studies at Athens Personal use only. Do not distribute. xlii saradi, h. 1996–1997. “the use of ancient spolia in byzantine monuments: the archaeological and literary evidence,” IJCT 3, pp. 395–423. saradi-mendelovici, h. 1990. “Christian attitudes toward Pagan monuments in late antiquity and their legacy in later byzantine Centuries,” DOP 44, pp. 47–91. Sardis i = g. e. bates, Byzantine Coins (archaeological exploration of sardis i), Cambridge, mass., 1971. sarpaki, a. 2005. “the archaeobotanical material from the site of Pyrgouthi in the berbati valley: the seeds,” in Pyrgouthi, pp. 313–341. Šašel-Kos, m. 1978. “the latin inscriptions from isthmia,” ArhVest 29, pp. 346–353. sattenspiel, l., and h. harpending. 1983. “stable Populations and skeletal age,” AmerAnt 48, pp. 489–498. sauer, n. J. 1998. “the timing of injuries and manner of death: distinguishing among antermortem, Perimortem and Postmortem trauma,” in Forensic Osteology: Advances in the Identification of Human Remains, 2nd ed., ed. K. J. reichs, springfield, ill., pp. 321–332. saunders, s. r. 1978. The Development and Distribution of Discontinuous Morphological Variation of the Human Infracranial Skeleton (archaeological survey of Canada Papers 81), ottawa. ———. 1989. “nonmetric skeletal variation,” in İşcan and Kennedy 1989, pp. 95–108. ———. 2000. “subadult skeletons and growth related studies,” in Katzenberg and saunders 2000, pp. 135– 161. savvides, a. g. C. 1990. “morea and islam, 8th–15th Cen- turies: a survey,” Journal of Oriental and African Studies 2, pp. 47–71. ———. 1998. “Prosopographical notes on the 9th-Century byzantine admiral nicetas ooryphas,” Mésogeios 1, pp. 84–96. saxe, a. a. 1970. “social dimensions of mortuary Practice” (diss. univ. of michigan). schell, d. 1989. Griechische Totenbräuche: Ein quellenkritischer Beitrag zur Brauchforschung im modernen Griechenland (mundus reihe volkskunde 4), bonn. scheuer, l., and s. black. 2000. Developmental Juvenile Osteology, san diego. schiffer, m. b. 1987. Formation Processes of the Archaeological Record, albuquerque. schmidt, b. 1926. “totengebräuche under gräberkult im heutigen griechenland,” ArchRW 24, pp. 281–318. schmorl, g., and h. Junghanns. 1971. The Human Spine in Health and Disease, 2nd ed., new york. schowalter, d. n., and s. J. Friesen, eds. 2005. Urban Religion in Roman Corinth: Interdisciplinary Approaches (harvard theological studies 53), Cambridge, mass. schreiner, P. 1970. “notes sur la fondation de monemvasie,” TravMém 4, pp. 471–475. ———. 1976–1978. “die byzantinische lokalchronistik in der Peloponnes,” in ΠΔΣΠΣ 1.2, pp. 98–102. ———. 1977. Die byzantinischen Kleinchroniken 2: Historischer Kommentar (CFHB 12.2), vienna. schultz, m. 1997. “microscopic structure of bone,” in haglund and sorg 1997a, pp. 187–199. sciulli, P. W. 1978. “developmental abnormalities of the Permanent dentition in Prehistoric ohio valley amerindians,” AJPA 48, pp. 193–198. scott, e. 1999. The Archaeology of Infancy and Infant Death (BAR-IS 819), oxford. sease, C. 1994. A Conservation Manual for the Field Archaeologist (archaeological research tools 4), 3rd ed., los angeles. selwitz, C. 1988. Cellulose Nitrate in Conservation, marina del rey, Cal. bibliograPhy and abbreviations seremetakis, C. n. 1991. The Last Word: Women, Death, and Divination in Inner Mani, Chicago. setton, K. m. 1950. “the bulgars in the balkans and the occupation of Corinth in the seventh Century,” Speculum 25, pp. 502–543. ———. 1952. “the emperor Constans ii and the Capture of Corinth by the onogur bulgars,” Speculum 27, pp. 351–362. shay, t. 1985. “differentiated treatment of deviancy in death as revealed in anthropological and archaeological material,” JAnthArch 4, pp. 221–241. shear, t. l. 1928. “excavations in the theater district and tombs of Corinth in 1928,” AJA 32, pp. 474–495. ———. 1929. “excavations in the theater district and tombs of Corinth in 1929,” AJA 33, pp. 515–546. ———. 1930. “excavations in the north Cemetery at Corinth in 1930,” AJA 34, pp. 403–431. ———. 1931. “the excavation of roman Chamber tombs at Corinth in 1931,” AJA 35, pp. 424–441. shelley, J. m. 1943. “the Christian basilica near the Cenchrean gate at Corinth,” Hesperia 12, pp. 166– 189. silverman, h., and d. b. small, eds. 2002. The Space and Place of Death (archaeological Papers of the american anthropological association 11), arlington, va. singowitz, b. 1956. Studien zum Strafrecht der Ekloge, athens. sironen, e. 1997. The Late Roman and Early Byzantine Inscriptions of Athens and Attica: An Edition with Appendices on Scripts, Sepulchral Formulae, and Occupations, helsinki. sjøvold, t. 1984. “a report on the heritability of some Cranial measurements and non-metric traits,” in Multivariate Statistical Methods in Physical Anthropology: A Review of Recent Advancements and Current Developments, ed. g. n. van vark and W. W. howells, dordrecht, pp. 223–246. skarmoutsou, K. 1997. “6η Εφορεία Βυζαντινών Αρχαιοτήτων. Ανασκαφικές εργασίες. Νομός Κορίνθου,“ ArchDelt 47, b΄1 (1992), pp. 164–168. skarmoutsou-dimitropoulou, K. 1995. “6η Εφορεία Βυζαντι- νών Αρχαιοτήτων. Ανασκαφικές εργασίες. 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©2012 <strong>The</strong> American School of Classical Studies at Athens<br />

Personal use only. Do not distribute.<br />

xlii<br />

saradi, h. 1996–1997. “the use of ancient spolia in<br />

byzantine monuments: the archaeological <strong>and</strong> literary<br />

evidence,” IJCT 3, pp. 395–423.<br />

saradi-mendelovici, h. 1990. “Christian attitudes toward<br />

Pagan monuments in late antiquity <strong>and</strong> their legacy<br />

in later byzantine Centuries,” DOP 44, pp. 47–91.<br />

Sardis i = g. e. bates, <strong>Byzantine</strong> Coins (archaeological<br />

exploration of sardis i), Cambridge, mass., 1971.<br />

sarpaki, a. 2005. “the archaeobotanical material from the<br />

site of Pyrgouthi in the berbati valley: the seeds,” in<br />

Pyrgouthi, pp. 313–341.<br />

Šašel-Kos, m. 1978. “the latin inscriptions from isthmia,”<br />

ArhVest 29, pp. 346–353.<br />

sattenspiel, l., <strong>and</strong> h. harpending. 1983. “stable<br />

Populations <strong>and</strong> skeletal age,” AmerAnt 48, pp. 489–498.<br />

sauer, n. J. 1998. “the timing of injuries <strong>and</strong> manner of<br />

death: distinguishing among antermortem, Perimortem<br />

<strong>and</strong> Postmortem trauma,” in Forensic Osteology: Advances<br />

in the Identification of <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Remains</strong>, 2nd ed., ed. K. J.<br />

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Kennedy 1989, pp. 95–108.<br />

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studies,” in Katzenberg <strong>and</strong> saunders 2000, pp. 135–<br />

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savvides, a. g. C. 1990. “morea <strong>and</strong> islam, 8th–15th Cen-<br />

turies: a survey,” Journal of Oriental <strong>and</strong> African Studies 2,<br />

pp. 47–71.<br />

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(mundus reihe volkskunde 4), bonn.<br />

scheuer, l., <strong>and</strong> s. black. 2000. Developmental Juvenile<br />

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schiffer, m. b. 1987. Formation Processes of the Archaeological<br />

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schmidt, b. 1926. “totengebräuche under gräberkult im<br />

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schmorl, g., <strong>and</strong> h. Junghanns. 1971. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Human</strong> Spine in<br />

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schowalter, d. n., <strong>and</strong> s. J. Friesen, eds. 2005. Urban Religion<br />

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selwitz, C. 1988. Cellulose Nitrate in Conservation, marina del<br />

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shelley, J. m. 1943. “the Christian basilica near the<br />

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sjøvold, t. 1984. “a report on the heritability of some<br />

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ed. g. n. van vark <strong>and</strong> W. W. howells, dordrecht,<br />

pp. 223–246.<br />

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Ανασκαφικές εργασίες. Νομός Κορίνθου,“ ArchDelt 47, b΄1<br />

(1992), pp. 164–168.<br />

skarmoutsou-dimitropoulou, K. 1995. “6η Εφορεία Βυζαντι-<br />

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uses of developmental defects of enamel,” in Skeletal<br />

Biology of Past Peoples: Research Methods, ed. s. r. saunders<br />

<strong>and</strong> m. a. Katzenberg, new york, pp. 153–175.<br />

slane, K. W., <strong>and</strong> g. d. r. s<strong>and</strong>ers. 2005. “Corinth: late<br />

roman horizons,” Hesperia 74, pp. 243–297.<br />

Šlaus, m. 2002. <strong>The</strong> Bioarchaeology of Continental Croatia: An<br />

Analysis of <strong>Human</strong> Skeletal <strong>Remains</strong> from the Prehistoric to<br />

Post-Medieval Periods (BAR-IS 1021), oxford.<br />

smith, b. h. 1984. “Patterns of molar Wear in huntergatherers<br />

<strong>and</strong> agriculturalists,” AJPA 63, pp. 39–56.<br />

———. 1991. “st<strong>and</strong>ards of human tooth Formation <strong>and</strong><br />

dental age assessment,” in Kelley <strong>and</strong> larsen 1991,<br />

pp. 143–168.<br />

smith, J. z. 1987. To Take Place: Toward <strong>The</strong>ory in Ritual,<br />

Chicago.<br />

smith, m. o. 1996. “‘Parry’ Fractures <strong>and</strong> Female-directed<br />

interpersonal violence: implications for the late archaic<br />

Period of West tennessee,” IJO 6, pp. 84–91.<br />

smith, P., o. bar-yosef, <strong>and</strong> a. sillen. 1984. “archaeological<br />

<strong>and</strong> skeletal evidence for dietary Change during the late<br />

Pleistocene/early holocene in the levant,” in Cohen<br />

<strong>and</strong> armelagos 1984, pp. 101–136.<br />

snively, C. s. 1984. “Cemetery Churches of the early<br />

byzantine Period in eastern illyricum: location <strong>and</strong><br />

martyrs,” GOTR 29, pp. 117–124.

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