The Roman and Byzantine Graves and Human Remains

The Roman and Byzantine Graves and Human Remains The Roman and Byzantine Graves and Human Remains


©2012 The American School of Classical Studies at Athens Personal use only. Do not distribute. xxvi brothwell, d. r. 1967a. “the evidence for neoplasms,” in Disease in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries, and Surgery of Early Populations, ed. d. r. brothwell and a. t. sandison, springfield, ill., pp. 320–345. ———. 1967b. “major Congenital anomalies of the skel- eton: evidence from earlier Populations,” in Disease in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries, and Surgery of Early Populations, ed. d. r. brothwell and a. t. sandison, springfield, ill., pp. 423–443. ———. 1981. Digging Up Bones, 3rd ed., ithaca. ———. 1986. “the human bones,” in Excavations at Saraçhane in Istanbul i: The Excavations, Structures, Architectural Decoration, Small Finds, Coins, Bones, and Molluscs, ed. r. m. harrison, Princeton, pp. 374–398. brothwell, d. r., and P. brothwell. 1998. Food in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diet of Early Peoples, exp. ed., baltimore. brown, e. a. r. 1985. “burying and unburying the Kings of France,” in Persons in Groups: Social Behavior as Identity Formation in Medieval and Renaissance Europe (medieval and renaissance text and studies 36), ed. r. C. trexler, binghamton, n.y., pp. 241–266. brown, J. a. 1981. “the search for rank in Prehistoric burials,” in Chapman, Kinnes, and randsborg 1981, pp. 25–37. ———. 1995. “on mortuary analysis—with special ref- erence to the saxe-binford research Program,” in beck 1995a, pp. 3–26. brown, m. a. 1983. “grave orientation: a Further view,” ArchJ 140, pp. 322–328. brown, P. 1981. The Cult of the Saints: Its Rise and Function in Latin Christianity, Chicago. bruce-Chwatt, l. J., and J. de zulueta. 1980. The Rise and Fall of Malaria in Europe: A Historico-Epidemiological Study, oxford. bruneau, P. 1970. “tombes d’argos,” BCH 94, pp. 437– 531. bryer, a. 2002. “the means of agricultural Production: muscle and tools,” in EHB 1, pp. 101–113. buchet, J.-l., and J.-P. sodini. 1984. “les tombes,” in Aliki ii: La basilique double (Études thasiennes 10), ed. J.-P. sodini and K. Kolokotsas, Paris, pp. 211–242. buikstra, J. e. 1997. “Paleodemography: Context and Promise,” in Integrating Archaeological Demography: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Prehistoric Population, ed. r. r. Paine, Carbondale, ill., pp. 367–380. buikstra, J. e., l. W. Konigsberg, and J. bullington. 1986. “Fertility and the development of agriculture in the Prehistoric midwest,” AmerAnt 31, pp. 528–546. buikstra, J. e., and J. h. mielke. 1985. “demography, diet and health,” in gilbert and mielke 1985, pp. 359– 422. buikstra, J. e., and d. h. ubelaker. 1994. Standards for Data Collection from Human Skeletal Remains (arkansas archaeological survey research series 44), Fayetteville, ark. burkert, W. 1983. homo necans: The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth, trans. P. bing, berkeley. burns, P. e. 1979. “log-linear analysis of dental Car- ies occurrence in Four skeletal series,” AJPA 51, pp. 637–648. ———. 1980. “a multivariate study of dental Caries in ancient greece,” AJPA 52, p. 209 (abstract). ———. 1982. “a study of sexual dimorphism in the dental Pathology of ancient Peoples” (diss. arizona state univ.). bursian, C. 1872. Geographie von Griechenland 2: Peloponnesos und Inseln, leipzig. bibliograPhy and abbreviations bynum, C. W. 1995. The Resurrection of the Body in Western Christianity, 200–1336, new york. Caglar, e., o. o. Kuscu, n. sandalli, and i. arib. 2007. “Prevalence of dental Caries and tooth Wear in a byzantine Population (13th c. a.d.) from northwest turkey,” ArchOB 52, pp. 1136–1145. Caillet, J.-P. 1996. “la transformation en église d’édifices publics et de temples à la fin de l’antiquité,” in La fin de la cité antique et le début de la cité médiévale: De la fin du iii e siècle à l’avènement de Charlemagne, ed. C. lepelley, bari, pp. 191–211. Calcagno, J. m., and K. r. gibson. 1988. “human dental reduction: natural selection or the Probable mutation effect,” AJPA 77, pp. 505–517. Callegher, b. 2005. “la circulation monétaire à Patras et dans les sites ruraux environnants (vi e –vii e siècle),” in lefort, morrisson, and sodini 2005, pp. 225–235. Cameron, a. 1993a. The Later Roman Empire a.d. 284–430, Cambridge, mass. ———. 1993b. The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity a.d. 395–600, london. ———. 1998. “the Perception of Crisis,” in Morfologie sociali e culturali in Europa fra tarda antichità e alto medioevo 1 (settimane di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo 45), spoleto, pp. 9–31. ———. 2001. “a response,” in lavan 2001b, pp. 238–239. Cameron, a., b. Ward-Perkins, and m. Whitby, eds. 2000. Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, a.d. 425–600 (CAH 2 14), Cambridge. Cannon, a. 2005. “gender and agency in mortuary Fashion,” in rakita et al. 2005, pp. 41–65. Cantarella, e. 1991. I supplizi capitali in Grecia e a Roma, milan. Cantino Wataghin, g. 1999. “the ideology of urban burials,” in The Idea and Ideal of the Town Between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, ed. g. P. brogiolo and b. Ward-Perkins, leiden, pp. 147–163. Capasso, l. 1985. L’origine delle malattie, Chieti. Capasso, l., K. a. r. Kennedy, and C. a. Wilczak. 1999. Atlas of Occupational Markers on Human Remains (JPaleopath monographic Publications 3), teramo. Caraher, W. r., l. J. hall, and r. s. moore, eds. 2008. Archaeology and History in Roman, Medieval and Post- Medieval Greece: Studies on Method and Meaning in Honor of Timothy E. Gregory, aldershot. Carington smith, J. 1982. “a roman Chamber tomb on the south-east slopes of monasteriaki Kephala, Knossos,” BSA 77, pp. 255–293. Carlson, d. s., g. J. armelagos, and d. P. van gerven. 1974. “Factors influencing the etiology of Cribra orbitalia in Prehistoric nubia,” Journal of Human Evolution 3, pp. 405–410. Carlson, s. J. 1990. “vertebrate dental structures,” in Skeletal Biomineralization: Patterns, Processes, and Evolutionary Trends, ed. J. g. Carter, new york, pp. 531–556. Carpenter, r. 1929. “researches in the topography of ancient Corinth–i,” AJA 33, pp. 345–360. Carr, C. 1995. “mortuary Practices: their social, Philo- sophical-religious, Circumstantial, and Physical deter- minants,” Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 2, pp. 105–200. Caseau, b. 2004. “the Fate of rural sanctuaries in late antiquity and the Christianization of the Country- side,” in bowden, lavan, and machado 2004, pp. 105– 144. Caster, m. [1937] 1987. 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©2012 The American School of Classical Studies at Athens Personal use only. Do not distribute. Catling, h. W. 1988. “archaeology in greece 1987–88: isthmia,” AR 34, pp. 21–22. Catling, h. W., and d. smyth. 1976. “an early Christian osteotheke at Knossos,” BSA 71, pp. 25–47. Chandler, r. 1817. Travels in Asia Minor and Greece; or, An Account of a Tour Made at the Expense of the Society of the Dilettanti 2, 3rd ed., london. Chaniotis, a. 2005. “ritual dynamics in the eastern mediterranean: Case studies in ancient greece and asia minor,” in Rethinking the Mediterranean, ed. W. v. harris, oxford, pp. 141–166. Chapman, r. 2005. “mortuary analysis: a matter of time?” in rakita et al. 2005, pp. 25–40. Chapman, r., i. Kinnes, and K. ransborg. 1981. The Archaeology of Death, london. Chapman, r., and K. randsborg. 1981. “approaches to the archaeology of death,” in Chapman, Kinnes, and randsborg 1981, pp. 1–24. 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Corinth = Corinth: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens i = h. n. Fowler and r. stillwell, Introduction, Topography, Architecture, Cambridge, mass., 1932. i.2 = r. stillwell, r. l. scranton, and s. e. Freeman, Architecture, Cambridge, mass., 1941. i.3 = r. l. scranton, Monuments in the Lower Agora and North of the Archaic Temple, Princeton 1951. i.4 = o. broneer, The South Stoa and its Successors, Princeton 1954. iii.1 = C. W. blegen, o. broneer, r. stillwell, and a. r. bellinger, Acrocorinth: Excavations in 1926, Cambridge, mass., 1930. iii.2 = r. Carpenter and a. bon, The Defenses of Acrocorinth and the Lower Town, Cambridge, mass., 1936. viii.1 = b. d. meritt, Greek Inscriptions, 1896–1926, Cambridge, mass., 1931. viii.3 = J. h. Kent, The Inscriptions, 1926–1950, Princeton 1966. xi = C. h. morgan, The Byzantine Pottery, Cambridge, mass., 1942. xii = g. r. davidson, The Minor Objects, Princeton 1952.

©2012 <strong>The</strong> American School of Classical Studies at Athens<br />

Personal use only. Do not distribute.<br />

xxvi<br />

brothwell, d. r. 1967a. “the evidence for neoplasms,” in<br />

Disease in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries, <strong>and</strong><br />

Surgery of Early Populations, ed. d. r. brothwell <strong>and</strong> a. t.<br />

s<strong>and</strong>ison, springfield, ill., pp. 320–345.<br />

———. 1967b. “major Congenital anomalies of the skel-<br />

eton: evidence from earlier Populations,” in Disease in<br />

Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries, <strong>and</strong> Surgery of<br />

Early Populations, ed. d. r. brothwell <strong>and</strong> a. t. s<strong>and</strong>ison,<br />

springfield, ill., pp. 423–443.<br />

———. 1981. Digging Up Bones, 3rd ed., ithaca.<br />

———. 1986. “the human bones,” in Excavations at Saraçhane<br />

in Istanbul i: <strong>The</strong> Excavations, Structures, Architectural<br />

Decoration, Small Finds, Coins, Bones, <strong>and</strong> Molluscs, ed.<br />

r. m. harrison, Princeton, pp. 374–398.<br />

brothwell, d. r., <strong>and</strong> P. brothwell. 1998. Food in Antiquity:<br />

A Survey of the Diet of Early Peoples, exp. ed., baltimore.<br />

brown, e. a. r. 1985. “burying <strong>and</strong> unburying the Kings<br />

of France,” in Persons in Groups: Social Behavior as Identity<br />

Formation in Medieval <strong>and</strong> Renaissance Europe (medieval<br />

<strong>and</strong> renaissance text <strong>and</strong> studies 36), ed. r. C. trexler,<br />

binghamton, n.y., pp. 241–266.<br />

brown, J. a. 1981. “the search for rank in Prehistoric<br />

burials,” in Chapman, Kinnes, <strong>and</strong> r<strong>and</strong>sborg 1981,<br />

pp. 25–37.<br />

———. 1995. “on mortuary analysis—with special ref-<br />

erence to the saxe-binford research Program,” in beck<br />

1995a, pp. 3–26.<br />

brown, m. a. 1983. “grave orientation: a Further view,”<br />

ArchJ 140, pp. 322–328.<br />

brown, P. 1981. <strong>The</strong> Cult of the Saints: Its Rise <strong>and</strong> Function in<br />

Latin Christianity, Chicago.<br />

bruce-Chwatt, l. J., <strong>and</strong> J. de zulueta. 1980. <strong>The</strong> Rise <strong>and</strong><br />

Fall of Malaria in Europe: A Historico-Epidemiological Study,<br />

oxford.<br />

bruneau, P. 1970. “tombes d’argos,” BCH 94, pp. 437–<br />

531.<br />

bryer, a. 2002. “the means of agricultural Production:<br />

muscle <strong>and</strong> tools,” in EHB 1, pp. 101–113.<br />

buchet, J.-l., <strong>and</strong> J.-P. sodini. 1984. “les tombes,” in Aliki ii:<br />

La basilique double (Études thasiennes 10), ed. J.-P. sodini<br />

<strong>and</strong> K. Kolokotsas, Paris, pp. 211–242.<br />

buikstra, J. e. 1997. “Paleodemography: Context <strong>and</strong><br />

Promise,” in Integrating Archaeological Demography:<br />

Multidisciplinary Approaches to Prehistoric Population, ed.<br />

r. r. Paine, Carbondale, ill., pp. 367–380.<br />

buikstra, J. e., l. W. Konigsberg, <strong>and</strong> J. bullington. 1986.<br />

“Fertility <strong>and</strong> the development of agriculture in the<br />

Prehistoric midwest,” AmerAnt 31, pp. 528–546.<br />

buikstra, J. e., <strong>and</strong> J. h. mielke. 1985. “demography, diet<br />

<strong>and</strong> health,” in gilbert <strong>and</strong> mielke 1985, pp. 359–<br />

422.<br />

buikstra, J. e., <strong>and</strong> d. h. ubelaker. 1994. St<strong>and</strong>ards for<br />

Data Collection from <strong>Human</strong> Skeletal <strong>Remains</strong> (arkansas<br />

archaeological survey research series 44), Fayetteville,<br />

ark.<br />

burkert, W. 1983. homo necans: <strong>The</strong> Anthropology of Ancient<br />

Greek Sacrificial Ritual <strong>and</strong> Myth, trans. P. bing, berkeley.<br />

burns, P. e. 1979. “log-linear analysis of dental Car-<br />

ies occurrence in Four skeletal series,” AJPA 51,<br />

pp. 637–648.<br />

———. 1980. “a multivariate study of dental Caries in<br />

ancient greece,” AJPA 52, p. 209 (abstract).<br />

———. 1982. “a study of sexual dimorphism in the dental<br />

Pathology of ancient Peoples” (diss. arizona state univ.).<br />

bursian, C. 1872. Geographie von Griechenl<strong>and</strong> 2: Peloponnesos<br />

und Inseln, leipzig.<br />

bibliograPhy <strong>and</strong> abbreviations<br />

bynum, C. W. 1995. <strong>The</strong> Resurrection of the Body in Western<br />

Christianity, 200–1336, new york.<br />

Caglar, e., o. o. Kuscu, n. s<strong>and</strong>alli, <strong>and</strong> i. arib. 2007.<br />

“Prevalence of dental Caries <strong>and</strong> tooth Wear in a<br />

byzantine Population (13th c. a.d.) from northwest<br />

turkey,” ArchOB 52, pp. 1136–1145.<br />

Caillet, J.-P. 1996. “la transformation en église d’édifices<br />

publics et de temples à la fin de l’antiquité,” in La fin de<br />

la cité antique et le début de la cité médiévale: De la fin du iii e<br />

siècle à l’avènement de Charlemagne, ed. C. lepelley, bari,<br />

pp. 191–211.<br />

Calcagno, J. m., <strong>and</strong> K. r. gibson. 1988. “human dental<br />

reduction: natural selection or the Probable mutation<br />

effect,” AJPA 77, pp. 505–517.<br />

Callegher, b. 2005. “la circulation monétaire à Patras et dans<br />

les sites ruraux environnants (vi e –vii e siècle),” in lefort,<br />

morrisson, <strong>and</strong> sodini 2005, pp. 225–235.<br />

Cameron, a. 1993a. <strong>The</strong> Later <strong>Roman</strong> Empire a.d. 284–430,<br />

Cambridge, mass.<br />

———. 1993b. <strong>The</strong> Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity a.d.<br />

395–600, london.<br />

———. 1998. “the Perception of Crisis,” in Morfologie sociali<br />

e culturali in Europa fra tarda antichità e alto medioevo 1<br />

(settimane di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull’alto<br />

medioevo 45), spoleto, pp. 9–31.<br />

———. 2001. “a response,” in lavan 2001b, pp. 238–239.<br />

Cameron, a., b. Ward-Perkins, <strong>and</strong> m. Whitby, eds. 2000.<br />

Late Antiquity: Empire <strong>and</strong> Successors, a.d. 425–600 (CAH 2<br />

14), Cambridge.<br />

Cannon, a. 2005. “gender <strong>and</strong> agency in mortuary Fashion,”<br />

in rakita et al. 2005, pp. 41–65.<br />

Cantarella, e. 1991. I supplizi capitali in Grecia e a Roma, milan.<br />

Cantino Wataghin, g. 1999. “the ideology of urban<br />

burials,” in <strong>The</strong> Idea <strong>and</strong> Ideal of the Town Between Late<br />

Antiquity <strong>and</strong> the Early Middle Ages, ed. g. P. brogiolo <strong>and</strong><br />

b. Ward-Perkins, leiden, pp. 147–163.<br />

Capasso, l. 1985. L’origine delle malattie, Chieti.<br />

Capasso, l., K. a. r. Kennedy, <strong>and</strong> C. a. Wilczak. 1999. Atlas<br />

of Occupational Markers on <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Remains</strong> (JPaleopath<br />

monographic Publications 3), teramo.<br />

Caraher, W. r., l. J. hall, <strong>and</strong> r. s. moore, eds. 2008.<br />

Archaeology <strong>and</strong> History in <strong>Roman</strong>, Medieval <strong>and</strong> Post-<br />

Medieval Greece: Studies on Method <strong>and</strong> Meaning in Honor<br />

of Timothy E. Gregory, aldershot.<br />

Carington smith, J. 1982. “a roman Chamber tomb on the<br />

south-east slopes of monasteriaki Kephala, Knossos,”<br />

BSA 77, pp. 255–293.<br />

Carlson, d. s., g. J. armelagos, <strong>and</strong> d. P. van gerven. 1974.<br />

“Factors influencing the etiology of Cribra orbitalia<br />

in Prehistoric nubia,” Journal of <strong>Human</strong> Evolution 3,<br />

pp. 405–410.<br />

Carlson, s. J. 1990. “vertebrate dental structures,” in Skeletal<br />

Biomineralization: Patterns, Processes, <strong>and</strong> Evolutionary<br />

Trends, ed. J. g. Carter, new york, pp. 531–556.<br />

Carpenter, r. 1929. “researches in the topography of<br />

ancient Corinth–i,” AJA 33, pp. 345–360.<br />

Carr, C. 1995. “mortuary Practices: their social, Philo-<br />

sophical-religious, Circumstantial, <strong>and</strong> Physical deter-<br />

minants,” Journal of Archaeological Method <strong>and</strong> <strong>The</strong>ory 2,<br />

pp. 105–200.<br />

Caseau, b. 2004. “the Fate of rural sanctuaries in late<br />

antiquity <strong>and</strong> the Christianization of the Country-<br />

side,” in bowden, lavan, <strong>and</strong> machado 2004, pp. 105–<br />

144.<br />

Caster, m. [1937] 1987. Lucien et la pensée religieuse de son<br />

temps, repr. new york.

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