The Roman and Byzantine Graves and Human Remains

The Roman and Byzantine Graves and Human Remains

The Roman and Byzantine Graves and Human Remains


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©2012 <strong>The</strong> American School of Classical Studies at Athens<br />

Personal use only. Do not distribute.<br />

xii<br />

Contents<br />

4. Funerary ritual, mortuary variability, <strong>and</strong> soCiety 153<br />

greeK Funerary ritual during the roman <strong>and</strong> byzantine eras 159<br />

mortuary Form <strong>and</strong> variability 163<br />

rituals beFore burial 164<br />

seleCtion, aCquisition, <strong>and</strong> PreParation oF a site For burial 167<br />

multiPle burial 169<br />

grave design <strong>and</strong> tyPology 172<br />

burial orientation 181<br />

CorPoreal Position 183<br />

Funerary assemblage 187<br />

seCondary burial 199<br />

human disturbanCe oF graves 202<br />

soCial struCture <strong>and</strong> ideology 206<br />

age 207<br />

sex <strong>and</strong> gender 210<br />

vertiCal Position 213<br />

horizontal Position 218<br />

Christian ideology 222<br />

soCial <strong>and</strong> ideologiCal devianCy 230<br />

Part ii: the osteologiCal <strong>and</strong> bioarChaeologiCal Context oF the<br />

human remains<br />

5. the Condition <strong>and</strong> ComPosition oF the human remains 235<br />

the Condition oF the sKeletal assemblage 238<br />

osteologiCal methodology 247<br />

determination oF sex 248<br />

estimation oF age at death 249<br />

measurement oF bones 253<br />

observation oF nonmetriC traits 254<br />

the ComPosition oF the sKeletal samPle 258<br />

PaleodemograPhy 259<br />

PhysiCal aPPearanCe <strong>and</strong> diversity 265<br />

groWth <strong>and</strong> stature 282<br />

nonmetriC variability 286<br />

6. teeth <strong>and</strong> oral health 293<br />

diet <strong>and</strong> oral hygiene 293<br />

Conditions oF the teeth <strong>and</strong> alveolar struCtures 296<br />

variation in dental Form, loCation, <strong>and</strong> number 298<br />

enamel hyPoPlasia 306<br />

dental Wear 313<br />

dental trauma 319<br />

Plaque <strong>and</strong> CalCulus 324<br />

dental Caries 326<br />

alveolar deFeCts <strong>and</strong> amtl 334<br />

summary oF loCal dental Conditions 349<br />

oral health in the greeK World during roman <strong>and</strong> byzantine times 351

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