1 - IAEA Nuclear Data Services

1 - IAEA Nuclear Data Services

1 - IAEA Nuclear Data Services


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standard for à'fferential energy cross section measurements !7j > in<br />

suoh a way thr;:, the resulting neutron spectra can "be predicted accurately<br />

by sophisticated transport calculations.<br />

In addition to their use for a standardization effort of ir.-pile neutron<br />

spectrometry techniques, these spectra make possible interesting contri­<br />

butions to the improvement of nuclear data for fast reactors.<br />

This is developed in a recent paper (_8j ; the abstract follows :<br />

"The possibility of generating intermediate standard neutron spectra<br />

through partial moderation of the uranium-235 thermal fission spectrum<br />

within a cavity in a conventional thermal column has been investigated.<br />

Multigroup transport calculations on simple spherical arrangements of<br />

source and moderator have shown that a family of veil predictable neutron<br />

spectra can be produced and that fast reactor spectra are sufficiently<br />

well simulated, in the useful energy range.<br />

A highly flexible mock-up of such a system has been realized in a spheri­<br />

cal cavity hollowed out of the protruding end of the graphite thermal<br />

column of the BR1 reaotor.<br />

Preliminary measurements by the activiation technique are compared with<br />

theory.<br />

It is shown that the device can be used as a tool for better assessment<br />

of neutron spectrometry techniques and for accurate integral testing<br />

of basic nuclear data. Attention is finally drawn upon a modified versior<br />

of the spherical shell transmission technique, which will tentatively be<br />

applied to improve multigroup inelastic and capture cross section sets<br />

for some important materials."

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