Definitions /Dictionary/Glossary - nptel

Definitions /Dictionary/Glossary - nptel

Definitions /Dictionary/Glossary - nptel


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Fracture: When a surface ruptures without the laminate completely separating, or where there is<br />

complete separation of a body because of external or internal forces.<br />

Fracture Stress: The true, normal stress on the minimum cross-sectional area at the beginning<br />

of fracture.<br />

Fracture Toughness: The damage tolerance of a material containing initial flaws or cracks.<br />

Used in aircraft structural design and analysis.<br />

FRP: Acronym for fiber glass-reinforced or fiber-reinforced plastic, polymer or polyester.<br />

Fuzz: Creel Fuzz - In glass fiber manufacturing, the broken filaments found around and on a<br />

roving creel. Chopper Fuzz - In Composite Fabrication, the broken filaments found around the<br />

glasscutter or chopper. See Fines. In the field, the broken filaments found around a roving pallet.<br />

Fuzz Plug: Small, broken, compacted filaments of glass that collect inside the guide eye tubes<br />

feeding the chopper, preventing glass from running through.<br />

Gate: Point at which molten thermoplastic enters the injection molding tool cavity.<br />

Gel: A partial cure of plastic resins; a semisolid, jelly-like state similar to gelatin in consistency.<br />

Gel: The initial jelly-like solid phase that develops during a resin’s formation from a liquid state.<br />

It is a semisolid network of solid aggregates in which liquid is held.<br />

Gelation: The point during resin cure when viscosity has increased so much that resin barely<br />

moves when probed with a sharp instrument.<br />

Gel Coat: Surface coat of a specialized, quick-setting polyester resin, either colored or clear,<br />

providing cosmetic enhancement and weather ability to a fiberglass laminate. Gel coat is an<br />

integral part of the finished laminate.<br />

Gel Point: When a liquid begins to exhibit pseudo-elastic properties. This stage may be<br />

conveniently observed from the inflection point on a viscosity time plot.<br />

Gel Time: Time required to change a flowable liquid resin into a non-flowing gel.<br />

GFRP: Glass fiber-reinforced plastic, polymer or polyester.<br />

Glass Blends: When several different fiber types, i.e. different lengths and diameters, are<br />

blended in the fiber slurry.<br />

Glass Content: Percentage of glass in the compound.<br />

Glass Fiber Wet-Process: Process of forming a glass mat on modified papermaking equipment.

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