Front Matter (PDF) - BJA

Front Matter (PDF) - BJA Front Matter (PDF) - BJA
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BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA EAST AFRICAN SOCIETY OF ANAESTHESIOLOGISTS ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING and REFRESHER COURSE Arusha, Tanzania September 7-9, 1989 The Annual Scientific Meeting will be preceded by a Refresher Course sponsored jointly by the W.F.S.A., the University of Dar-es-Salaam and the Society. Further information from: Dr H. Luveno, P.O. Box 7097, Dar-es-Salaam. Dr E. Egan, P.O. Box 3010, Moshi, Tanzania. 15th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ISRAEL SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS Tel Aviv, Israel September 19-22, 1989 First announcement and call for papers. Secretariat: Anesthesiologists 1989 Congress, P.O. Box 50006, Tel Aviv 61500, Israel.

ANAESTHESIA"* HAS COME A LONG WAY... J ...SO HAS REVERSAL In recent years, many advances have been made in the field of anaesthesia, including reversal of residual neuromuscular blockade. A. H. Robins has been a major contributor to this area with Robinul. As an anticholinergic agent Robinul provides significant advantages over atropine: less initial tachycardia', better protection against the peripheral muscarinic effects of neostigmine 1 , and a better quality of recovery 2 . At reversal, when administered simultaneously with neostigmine, Robinul is associated with greater cardiostability than separate injections 3 . ROBINUL- NEOSTIGMINE injection contains standard doses of Robinul and neostigmine in a 1ml ampoule, provides dependable and convenient reversal of residual neuromuscular blockade, and contributes further towards improvements in anaesthesia. I GLYCOPYRROLATE NEOSTIGMINE NKOSTK.MINK MKTHYLSl LPHATK Each lml contains Gtycopyrroltte USP 500 micrograms (OSmg) Neostigmine Methyfsulphate BP 2500 micrograms I2.5mg! Mication: Reversa 3t residual non-d«potarittng(comp«1itive) neuromuscular block Oau$»m4AJmmittTWt\on: Intravenous injection Adults and Older Patients 1 2ml 12500 microgfams neostigmine methylsulphaWSOO rncrogrtfttf gtycopyrroiale to 5000 nucrograms neosugmme iMthylsulphate/1000 micrograms glycapyrrolaiel over a penod of 10-30 seconds Alternatively 0 02rnl/kg 150 microgram - * • • - - - rrogrems gtycopyrrolate per kg body weight) over a psnod of 10 30 seconds Children 002ml/kg (50 micrograms neostigmine methylsulphate/10 micro pam gfycopyrrobM ptr kg tMdy wwgfati owtr a period of 10-30 seconds These doses may be repealed if adequate reversal is not achieved Total doses m excess of 2ml are nc recouwModed. CMtot-MfeaiMr HytmteuithniY to ingredients. Mechanical obstruction of gastrointestinal or urinary tracts Concomitant administration of suKamethomum Sid* ffftcts Meostigmine induced (muscarinic) side effects - bradycardia, increased oropharyngeat secretions, cardiac dysrhythmias. bronchospasm. increased gasuointesuna< activiiy etc Glycopyrrolate induced side effects dry mouth, difficult-/ m micturition, cardiac dysrhythmias. disturbances of visual accommodation, inhibition of sweating Prtcjti—t: Use with caution n aatients with bronchospasm. severe bradycardia. fever, glaucoma, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, cardiac dysrhyitimias. hypertension, thyrotowcosis, epilepsy or Paritm wmsm Use with caution m patients wtth mtestmaf anastomoses. Safety m pregnancyJlactatton has not been established B**tc NHS price CIO 37110 * lml ampoules! Ufal Cm»§»Pf P0^ Padtaft Q»aaMt*s Packs of 10 ampoules fwrtk$t WansatiMi Robtnol Neostigmine Infection can be used when atropine has been used as a pre-operatrve arm-cholmergic Prefac 01OOVOO99 Pi—'m Alfcoriirtoii Wimfcii 86^77/1 fMtnaces 1 Mirakhur RK et al Anaesth Analg 19 81. 60. 557-562 2 Sheref SE Br J Anaesth 1985. 57 IBS 191 3 Mostafa SM itocevic M Anaesthesia 1984; 39 1207 1213 full Data Sheet available on request from A H.Robins Company Ltd.Sussex Manor Business Park. Gatwick Road, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 ?NH




and<br />


Arusha, Tanzania September 7-9, 1989<br />

The Annual Scientific Meeting will be preceded by a Refresher Course sponsored<br />

jointly by the W.F.S.A., the University of Dar-es-Salaam and the Society.<br />

Further information from: Dr H. Luveno,<br />

P.O. Box 7097,<br />

Dar-es-Salaam.<br />

Dr E. Egan,<br />

P.O. Box 3010,<br />

Moshi,<br />

Tanzania.<br />



Tel Aviv, Israel September 19-22, 1989<br />

First announcement and call for papers.<br />

Secretariat: Anesthesiologists 1989 Congress,<br />

P.O. Box 50006,<br />

Tel Aviv 61500,<br />


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