A History of Research and a Review of Recent Developments

A History of Research and a Review of Recent Developments

A History of Research and a Review of Recent Developments


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Table 7.1<br />

Penetration <strong>and</strong> fragmentation<br />

the penetration path length <strong>and</strong> penetration normal to the face <strong>of</strong> the composite<br />

specimen. The tests were carried out with either Polyester Polyurethane or a<br />

blend <strong>of</strong> Polyether Polyurethane as the base material, <strong>and</strong> with aggregates <strong>of</strong><br />

crushed limestone, crushed basalt or river gravel. The percentage <strong>of</strong> polymer<br />

by weight was about 9% for gravel <strong>and</strong> 7% for limestone <strong>and</strong> basalt. The<br />

percentage <strong>of</strong> rock aggregate by weight was about 60%, <strong>and</strong> the rock size<br />

was in the range 26.5 to 37.5 mm.<br />

An indication <strong>of</strong> the results is given in Table 7.1, which gives the mean<br />

normal penetration, <strong>and</strong> the maximum percentage <strong>of</strong> voids in the cast specimens<br />

for the Polyether Polyurethane (the preferred material).<br />


Since most new military protective structures since the beginning <strong>of</strong> the present<br />

century have been constructed from reinforced concrete, <strong>and</strong> since military<br />

targets such as buildings, bridges <strong>and</strong> airfield runways are frequently constructed<br />

from this material, it is not surprising that the expenditure on research to<br />

study the response <strong>of</strong> concrete to penetration has been very high. Let us take<br />

as our starting point the scientific research <strong>of</strong> the Second World War, starting<br />

as always with the work <strong>of</strong> Christopherson [7.12].<br />

Much <strong>of</strong> the wartime research was concerned with the penetration <strong>of</strong> aerial<br />

bombs into reinforced concrete slab-type structures, so it became necessary to<br />

classify bombs in terms <strong>of</strong> their penetrative power. Four types <strong>of</strong> bombs were<br />

recognized in Britain, <strong>and</strong> the first <strong>of</strong> these was armour-piercing (AP) bombs,<br />

similar to naval shells, with low charge/weight ratio (10–15%) <strong>and</strong> relatively<br />

high-length diameter ratio. Weights <strong>of</strong> 1000 lb <strong>and</strong> above were registered.<br />

Although ‘armour piercing’ suggests metallic targets like battleships or tankers,<br />

they were also used against protective concrete. The second type was ‘semiarmour-piercing’<br />

(SAP) bombs, with a higher charge/weight ratio (20–30%),<br />

<strong>and</strong> lower weights, in the range 250 to 1000 lb. The third type was demolition<br />

bombs, also known as medium capacity or general purpose bombs. Charge/<br />

weight ratios were in the range 45–50%, <strong>and</strong> weights covered a long range<br />

from 250 lb upwards. Their damage effect was about double that <strong>of</strong> SAP<br />

bombs, which was not surprising since they carried about double the charge<br />

weight. The last category was the high capacity bombs, with a charge/weight

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