1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net

1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net

1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net


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FRIENDS (one’s friends are ever indulgent) so constantly tell me how<br />

interesting the y think my Afghan experiences, and ask me why I have<br />

never turned any of m y piles of manuscript into a book, that I have<br />

tried to do so again and again, but always without success; I have<br />

found the task be yond me.<br />

To explain ever ything would be to tell too much, to get down to the<br />

dregs and stir up a sediment that is perhaps better left to settle. To half<br />

explain would lead to misconstruction, and for this reason: so many of<br />

my greatest difficulties in Kabul, and therefore the most interesting<br />

incidents in my life there, arose from sources not Afghan in origin. An<br />

autobiography of my sojourn in the capital of Afghanistan would<br />

therefore necessarily entail many explanations that for ver y obvious<br />

reasons it is better not to enter into. They are best forgotten.<br />

To get over this difficult y I have written A Vizier’s Daughter, ever y<br />

character in which is drawn from a model, and should, therefore, as far<br />

as it goes, give an accurate description of one phase, at any rate, of<br />

Afghan life. I lay no claim to originalit y, either as to plot or setting<br />

except as regards the last two or three chapters, and even in them there<br />

is more truth than meets the e ye. I write of what I saw and heard, and<br />

of person that I knew as intimately as one can ever know a people so<br />

far removed from us in thought and education. Gul begum told me<br />

much, the Hakim a good deal, but far more is what actually passed<br />

before my own eyes. I have, in fact, transposed some incidents, and<br />

have drawn pictures of events which took place years before I went to<br />

Kabul, from scenes that occurred while I was there.<br />

As far as I have touched on Abdur Rahman himself, I have tried to<br />

sketch him truly; but during a man’s lifetime it is almost impossible to<br />

do so fully enough to make an exact picture.<br />

I have been less cautious in dealing with his Chief Secretar y. Those<br />

who have known him since he left Kabul will doubtless think I have<br />

been unduly severe. I have certainly not flattered him. I have tried to<br />

draw him as he was then, not as he is now after a period of repose,<br />

surrounded with the luxury of the most refined and cultured intellects<br />

in the world. I have tried to picture him first as the self-satisfied Court<br />

favourite, flattered and sought after by every one; then as the<br />

overworked official, intrigued against, bunted and accused of ever y<br />

conceivable and inconceivable crime, b y enemies too unscrupulous and<br />

too numerous not to be formidable. Let those who have never been in<br />

such a country and in such circumstances be lenient. He is not always<br />

lenient to himself.<br />

On showing him the manuscript of this volume, which I would not have<br />

published without his permissio n, his only comment was: “I think it is<br />

very like what I was.” I do not exaggerate when I say he did, after a

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