1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net

1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net 1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net


22 A VIZIER’S DAUGHTER – A TALE OF THE HAZARA WAR appeal to that sense of injustice and right for which you have already so great a name among the followers of the one true God and of his Prophet. We are your sincere friends, well-wishers, and allies, etc., etc.’ “Has any one any objections to make to that ?” “Yes, we are neither his friends nor his well-wishers, nor his allies, cursed be his father, and his father’s father,” said one little man, in no wise distinguished from the rest of the group, unless by an even greater ugliness, and more specially nodulated head. “Let him first make us restitution for all that his people have taken from ours since he came to the thro ne,” cried another. “Let him rather pay us taxes,” suggested a third. “Cursed be the father of his taxes, who talks of taxing a free people?” The Sayad had been sitting still, playing with some little lumps of dry clay, which he had broken off and was still arranging in a sort of pattern, but he looked up and said authoritatively: “Let that letter stand. It is just and reasonable, and choose out three men who shall take it to Kabul, carrying with them sheep , and goats, and cloth, presents to the Ameer. I nominate Ghulam Hossain as one who shall go; who do you choose?” “You, Sayad, you,” called out several voices all at once. “No, I will not go; there is nothing to say to the Ameer that is not in the letter. – Yet, stay! Yes, I will go, I may find something to say, yes, I will go, it will suit me well.” There was much discussion about the third member, but he was at last appointed, and the little group broke up. It was not often that a Hazara council ended in so satisfactor y a manner. The business they had come to discuss had actually been got through – a course of action been decided upon, and each member was waddling about smiling and giggling, congratulating himself on the important part he had taken in the new plan of action. Only the two men who had guided them, or rather, over-ruled them, did not congratulate themselves, but retired into the Vizier’s house, and there remained deep in conversation, far into the night. “With money all could be managed ,” the Vizier said; “we could bribe the men of this own household.” “By firing them with religious zeal all shall be managed. I will prove that the ally of Christians is no Mohamedan, and that his own subjects, therefore, owe him no allegiance, his own bodyguard shall turn against him.” “He knows the Koran, he will defeat you. I have myself heard him justify this alliance from ‘The Book,’ which says, ‘There are of those

23 A VIZIER’S DAUGHTER – A TALE OF THE HAZARA WAR who have received the Scriptures, upright people – they mediate on the signs of God in the night-season, and worship. The y believe in God and the Last Day, and command that which is just, and forbid that which is unjust, and zealously strive to excel in good works; these are the righteous.’” “The Prophet wrote that of the people of this day; that remnant is long since dead. He rooted out these hateful Feringhee, these Kafirs who have rejected the one true God and despised his Prophet. What have we to do with such as these? If you think otherwise you are out of Islam.” The old man grew excited and his eyes seemed to flash fire, but the Vizier was quite unmoved. “Your scheme is an excellent one,” he said quietly. “I am only considering whether there is any chance of its succeeding. The Ameer has strange answers to such st yles of reasoning; he fears no man. I have sometimes doubted whether he fears the Higher Po wers still.” “I know him better; he does fear – he fear man more than God, and he will soon have cause to fear him,” the Sa yad said, rising to prepare his bed for the night.

23<br />


who have received the Scriptures, upright people – they mediate on the<br />

signs of God in the night-season, and worship. The y believe in God and<br />

the Last Day, and command that which is just, and forbid that which is<br />

unjust, and zealously strive to excel in good works; these are the<br />

righteous.’”<br />

“The Prophet wrote that of the people of this day; that remnant is long<br />

since dead. He rooted out these hateful Feringhee, these Kafirs who<br />

have rejected the one true God and despised his Prophet. What have we<br />

to do with such as these? If you think otherwise you are out of Islam.”<br />

The old man grew excited and his eyes seemed to flash fire, but the<br />

Vizier was quite unmoved.<br />

“Your scheme is an excellent one,” he said quietly. “I am only<br />

considering whether there is any chance of its succeeding. The Ameer<br />

has strange answers to such st yles of reasoning; he fears no man. I<br />

have sometimes doubted whether he fears the Higher Po wers still.”<br />

“I know him better; he does fear – he fear man more than God, and he<br />

will soon have cause to fear him,” the Sa yad said, rising to prepare his<br />

bed for the night.

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